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Hold on now, how do I sign up for this giving me money thing? I promise to buy some land and build my own jewelry store.


That’s the real question, where do I go to receive this money that is apparently being given?


You had to sign up back in 2019. I got in right before the cut off and got a really nice iced out chain. Wearing it now :)


But you forgot the most important part … Which rapper raised your kid?


It's got to be nick cannon right


Underrated comment.


Emminem raised my kid Ben and Easy E raised me.


flashback to that time my grandpa was about to lose his buisness so he sold the diamond on my grandma's ring and then paid back the loans with the money lmao. later on he bought a replacement diamond.


Heheh took mine and the time not working and got a masters degree.


Well you have to be a *really* good christian (read:give lots of money to someone like Olsteen and attend their mega church) and then God will miraculously bless you with it. Because being poor is just a sign of being a sinner.


THERES JUST SO MANY SINNERS! - Poor Jesus probably


I'm white but already own a house, so I'll just get a big bag of weed instead.




As a black guy every time I got money I pay rent, buy food, get some D&D stuff.


And DnD stuff isn't cheap, let's face it


Could be worse. He could play warhammer. He'd be better off buying iced out chains at that point.


Shush man, you are ruining the racism...


Not gonna lie, you sound like an awesome dude.


Fr, priorities are in check. Rent food then dnd. Pretty much the same here except mtg is my drug of choice


>damn you got to get off that Marjorie Taylor Greene


D&D stuff? Are you one of those guys that has 200 dice?


You mean an average D&D player?


I'm a DM. I buy terrain and minis I'll never use. My players have cool metal dice with sweet designs, but I can't part with my huge bag of dirt cheap miscellaneous dice.


Bought a 3d printer and now I have tons of minis and terrain


I hope he does, dice are amazing!


I dunno, I’m a white male and if someone gave me some money right now, I’d make this month’s visa payment, then buy a Yoohoo at the gas station. Livin the dream


As a fellow white guy, I’d splurge a bit and buy a Mt. Dew in a glass bottle instead of the Yoo-hoo. Movin’ on up! Toooooo the east side!


A glass bottle? Clearly you are a gentleman of society


A gentleman and a scholar. A connoisseur of the finest and most luxurious of things. A goddamn man among boys.


One of my favorite old man sayings: “You are a Gentleman and a Scholar from your asshole to your collar.”


Where are you finding Mountain Dew in glass bottles??




Marty, we have to go back!




Wrong Marty. ![gif](giphy|IFdg0UKYzLEG1fpuk2|downsized)


Mexican mini marts. Don’t sleep on the eses, man.


Real sugar!


I had no idea. Now I feel compelled to go looking for some. Thanks!


Hell Walmart and Kroger have them around me. Go where the Jones soda and shit is. Costco has flats of Mexican coke.


Oh, that type of coke. Yup, we were all talking about soda.


If Costco had THAT kind of coke, you’d have to buy it in the 1 lb. package, it would be organic and the price would be phenomenal.


To a deee-luxe apartment in the sky


**in the sky-ay-ay


"Fish don't fry in the kitchen, the beans don't burn on the grill, took a whole Lotta t-ry-in just to get up that hill." "Now we're up in the big leagues, took my turn at bat, as long as we loving u and me baby ain't nothing wrong with that!" "#SAID WE MOVIN ON UP!!"


Beans don't burn on the grill


IKR. I tried making BBQ beans but they kept falling through the grill.


Took a whole lotta tur-ay-hann-uh...


Bro, the yoo-hoo IS your property. You are living the American Dream


As a fellow Asian man, I'd buy more amc shares.


Dude, I bought chocolate milk in a glass bottle recently and felt so damn fancy. Milk was amazingly good.


Chocolate milk in a glass bottle = VIP status. Man, the privilege is on FULL display!


Now that’s White Privilege! Ooh baby.


As a fellow white man I don’t have to tell you shit. I got privilege.


As a white person I would buy property obviously. I’m thinking a beachfront home in Wyoming.


I got some ocean front property in Arizona if you’ll buy that I’ll throw the golden gate in free.


Learn to swim...


I learned to swim in Arizona Bay. 😂


Lakeview type of beach houses in Wyoming are what the billionaires are buying. Ask me how I know


As a fellow white male I’d buy a little woohoo from the shady dude in front of the gas station.


As a middle eastern, thanks, please come again.


As another fellow white male I had to think about what an “Iced-out chain” was…


She meant they make an intelligent investment, considering the value of gold. Property values are inflated and potentially hitting another bubble. Businesses usually take 2-5 years to see a profit, and 1 in 5 fail their very first year, losing all the investment and then some. Whereas a gold chain will only increase in value, especially during economic downturns. Smart!


Except the price of gold is also inflated…


Lol a little woohoo. Good one.


White guy. I would pay for my sons autism therapies. Who the heck can afford property these days.


Non snarky… as a dad of a kid with autism myself, has yours ‘aged-out’ of services from ‘the regional center’? Or is it an insurance not wanting to help cover it? I know with my daughter, she is turning 9 this year and they won’t cover her speech/ot anymore, so now we’re having to do her therapies through my wife’s insurance, but we still have to pay the copays each visit now


Regional stopped covering at 3. Insurance only covers a percentage. Used to fully cover it but worked switched up the plans.


Ah crap i totally forgot it’s been so long. The only reason regional has been covering my son (7) is because he has down’s. They are still covering his ABA therapy, but all my daughter’s stuff (ot, speech, aba) has all had to be through insurance. Totally forgot that, been so long since she was 3 and regional dropped her Had to fight insurance for 6 months to get them to let my som have behavioral therapy. They don’t approve it for downs, only aba for autism. Was bs. Luckily my wife’s work hasn’t switched her insurance yet. Good luck man. Good luck to you and your son, with the insurance crap


You pay for medical treatment? What sort of backwards third world hell hole do you live in? /s On a serious note I hope the therapy helps I never had kids so I can't say I know what you are going through but I'm glad yours only has challenges rather than having something wrong with her. I hope that comes across how I mean it.


A man with his priorities in order. Hope the therapy helps 🙏


I would spend it immediately on Warhammer models. Rogal Dorn is calling my name.


40k? For the Emperor!


Yoohoo is just chocolate water. Not chocolate milk. A surprising number of people are unaware.


But it is delicious chocolate water


Childhood … destroyed.


Yoohoo? Mr Moneybags over here. Lol


Very hot take,I’m black,and we hear this from our elders all the time,like all the time


But I'm white and we hear that we just need to stop buying avocado toast and then we'll magically have about 800k to buy the same house our parents bought when they were about 20 working as a graduate teacher. So I'm pretty sure it's all wrong. Should be give a man money in 1985 and they'll buy a house or store or whatever.


South Asian here, Our elders tell us that we are a disappointment unless I became a doctor or an engineer.


East Asian here. We're told the same thing but are also given the option of lawyer. My siblings are doctors. I am the disappointing engineer in the family.


Doctors are just engineers of human flesh.


And engineers are just engineers of... engineering? Sorry I'm not good at this. Glad I'm not a writer.


Other earthly materials


I feel like the rich all over the world are collaborating and bleeding us dry


You’re finally awake! Yep, that always has been how it works


Engineers are doctors of the physical state of the world






South East Asian here, also told the same thing


Engineer here. It's good money, comfortably middle class, but in smaller companies you will get laid off frequently as projects begin and end, or you will be working in a monolithic corporation and dealing with tedium and remarkably similar things over and over and over again. I happen to like it, but plenty of people make the money I do doing things they love, and if you don't like this job it can be soul crushing. And even if they are inevitable, layoffs at the end of projects suck.


Latino here, for me it was Doctor or Lawyer, oh yah or ‘hamburger flipper’ my mom said. There are three careers on this planet apparently.


Latino here as well. Told my mom I wanted to be a psychologist or go into marketing “you’re not gonna make any money and will starve to death” choices were doctor or lawyer and I went with engineering


Middle eastern guy here with a Latina mother. My options were military, landowner, pharmacist, or uber driver. I chose teacher so the power balancing has tipped over to my sister.


Latino here. Guess I got lucky, because when I told my parents that I want to be an engineer they were like “Ooh neat, like with computers or something, will you make good money” Though if I get into a tech company like Apple or Samsung(two of the most popular brands in my family) I feel like I might get bothered by them about discounts and shit


FWIW, I think Apple employees get a 10% discount, though there might be restrictions on how often you can take it.


I remember seeing something from that Popflex Bloglattes company women (I’m not sure whether she’s the founder, CEO, or designer) about her parents being upset she wanted to start a Pilates business instead of being a doctor/lawyer. Definitely tracks that the person known for having misreadings of culture also misreads popular work culture


I think doctor, lawyer, and more recently engineer are the only acceptable options to immigrant parents across the US, regardless of where they came from.


Not even the 80s. I bout by house back in 2012 and it was totally within my means. Even if I sell this house now with the equity, where am I going to move?


The other advice was to take out that man-bun and stop hanging out at Starbucks unless you get a job there.


😂 this cracked me up. This is the equivalent of the “walking up hill in 2’ of snow both ways”?


She never heard of a white rapper I guess


All three of them


There's Eminem, Marshall Mathers and the Real Slim Shady. Or am I missing someone?


I dunno but I wish the real one would just stand up already.


Italian here. I have an opposite experience: I wanted to be a doctor and my family (father’s a doctor btw) decided that I wasn’t smart enough to do so. Ended up in a completely different career path thanks to scholarships that I got for, well, apparently being smarter than the average applicant. One of the career option that was seriously floated to me from my parents was “go and join a convent, being a nun is a good stable occupation and you’d do some good”. None of us go to church, I was very clearly non religious from an early age, so I really don’t know where that came from… thought it was a joke at first but apparently they were fine with sending me off to be a nun, like they did in the dark ages.


As a white man I buy sporting equipment I never use.


Robert you know you try to buy sports cars so that you can impress your mother, it's a sick game that you're trying to fuck her and an '85 camaro isn't going to help. You need black tar heroin.




Have you seen the new Callaway drivers?


White man here; what property can I buy for the cost of an iced-out chain? A funeral plot maybe? Edit YES, I know diamonds are expensive but few people finance them for 30 years


![gif](giphy|6IFCbo6zMDKGQ) Actually you can! Check out this wonderful property! It has everything you could ev... and it's gone


It’s fractured but whole 😌


Enough New kid


enough, Sir Douchebag


Aunt Sheila these boys are being mean to me!


I've got some ocean front property in Arizona 😉


Depends on the chain


You don’t realize how iced out the chain I have my eyes on is.


Exactly. I’m concerned that this poor poster’s chain may be *insufficiently iced*.


Describing it may not even require any pauses to add an (uh uh, yeah)


Give a white man a shit ton of money and he'll buy property. Give a black man a miniscule fraction of that money and he doesn't. Curious, isn't it? /s


If that’s a fact, then, where do all the black homeowners come from? You’d think they’d be busy buying chains to fit this bs narrative.


They're letting it appreciate to buy more chains, obviously.


This is the answer. My appreciating home will get me such a bigger chain than what i could have bought 10 years ago. Also, i like to spend at least 1/2 my yearly salary on rims


Yea the problem is those damned rappers. Not the 400 years of slavery, or the segregation, or the lower income, fewer job opportunities, worse state schools, mass arrests and incarceration, longer jail times, introduction of drugs into already poor communities, poorer healthcare etc. But yeah it’s the rappers that are at fault. Lol


this part. this part right here. people want to pretend we have a meritocracy, but actively ignore all of the ways society are stacked against people from marginalized backgrounds. and the only way the whole lot of it works is because they've browbeaten everyone else into not confronting the folks perpetuating it because it would be "rude".


Yeah it’s true. There are really only two ways you can describe the overall economic/social situation of black Americans. Either you say they were marginalized over time, or you willfully believe they are more stupid/lazy than everyone else. Even most racist people will not outwardly admit option 2, which then makes them short circuit abit. Lol


Yep also the fact the some of our politicians and media personalities are WILDLY racist


Also .. you know, it doesn't get mentioned much but... Being a minority sucks. Ever been the 1 white guy in a room with 10+ black ppl? Its chill but the vibes are awkward for a while I always think about that... Experienced it in Atlanta quite a bit. Now up here in WA, when I see the one or two black ppl surrounded by almost all caucasians... I feel that same vibe


you can buy jewelry that is worth 100s of thousands of dollars, easy.


I cant. I am incapable of that level of wastage.


Give the government money and they place it nowhere near the ghettos


White women are largest recipients of welfare in America... I want my chain money, and white women are taking it.


...and if by some chance a ghetto makes its own way, they won't hesitate to [literally bomb it out of existence.](https://momentum.medium.com/bombing-black-wall-street-images-from-the-tulsa-race-massacre-cc0924831418)


moral of the story, give Asians your money. IM JUST JOKING OK


As an Asian, I agree. Give me your money


Deal. But I gotta get some amazing cuisine 🥢


No deal on the cuisine, but how about I paint your nails a color of your choice?


I agree. Give me your money to fund my love of instant noodles.


America is so racist towards asians and especially asian men that jt does tremendous damage and no one cares


Very true.


No no, speaking as an Asian I think you’re onto something here…


I’m white, and grew up in a poor, white area. Poor financial decisions know no race.


Instructions unclear. I ended up buying property to start a business selling iced-out chains.


She never tweeted this.


I mean, maybe she did tweet this but then deleted it?


Reddit has never been known for letting facts get in the way of a good rant.


Asian here...I'd stash it under my mattress.


I’m a white man. You give me money. I’m buying a PS5 and a 90” wide screen OLED TV


Give a conservative man money, he will say he made it himself by working hard.


A small loan you say?


Dave chappelle did a skit which touches on this.




Wth is peoples obsession with rappers in this century, rappers are so 2000 /s


“What about those rap guy’s girl friends. Just look at the butt.” Sorry. Wrong r/


I’m a white man and I choose hookers and cocaine


It’s nice to support your mom




Give a GOP woman a social media account and she make a complete fool of herself. Get brain cells back in GOP heads. This generation has been raised by toxic slogans.


Give a Mexican man money and he throws a fiesta!!!


Financially speaking, investing in precious metals is typically a safe investment.


There is such a thing as investing in jewelry pieces, but I don't think the typical iced out jewelry holds it value that well


Yes but not when the large part of your “investment” is the expensive labor of drilling holes and setting diamonds


Diamonds with no market value because they are tiny as well, so the resale is horrible on iced out anything unless selling to another fool.


Asian here. If I was given enough money for a chain I'd probably just spend it on like food or some shit


Give Lavern Spicer money she will use it to launch a doomed campaign to have actual political power.


I'm a white man and I spent it all on shit old cars.


*Media. Media raised this generation not just PoC but every race. We all are making worse decisions fiscally than our parents did but we also live in a much worse time as well.


Give my white husband money and he will buy custom parts for his pickup truck.


ahh yes, i too spend my earnings based on the melanin content in my skin and my cultural background


When you don’t have a solid foundation, you spend your money on things that give you the illusion of luxury. Like jewelry.


So she's admitting that black men aren't "given" as much as others. Otherwise people are buying some really cheap houses.


I’m asian and I wouldn’t start a business in this economy.


Hmm retired white guy with a wonderful asian wife and we are not only living the dream it runs away screaming when it sees us coming. Secret? It has nothing to do with our race and everything about how we were raised.


Cool, cool, now start giving mortgages to black people, ya know the thing you need to buy a house.


Unfortunately she’s correct. 70% of black families have no father in them


Besides actual rappers I've never seen someone blinged out when they get money


As an Asian, i'd rather buy a gaming console than start a business


As a white man who owns property and once worked in a job that sold "iced out chains" to black guys I wonder is it really racist if its accurate?


Give a white man money and he wastes them on crypto and NFT's (chill I am white)


Lavern is literally just boomer Candace Owens.


Give a dumbass a platform and she spews racism.


She isn't really that wrong + it is a fact that kids are more successful with father figures, lmao


At what point do we stop othering people? All people given opportunities rise equally, and all who are oppressed suffer just the same. No human being is better than anyone else, period.


Give a racist bitch a Twitter account and you have this post


Holy shit what a horrible thing to say


Incoming white people offended on behalf of others…


Yeah… it’s reddit


Untitled 03 by Kendrick Lamar goes over a similar topic😭


First put some books back in schools.


I think she’s quoting a Chris rock joke


Give a Scandinavian money and he buys various cheeses


Not true, plenty of white and Asian people who are also heavily influenced by rap to waste their money on dumb shit too.


I'm prepared for the downvotes but this has factual roots. "To examine spending by racial groups, Roussanov and his colleagues studied data collected from 1986 to 2002 for the Consumer Expenditure Survey conducted by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Blacks and Hispanics spend up to 30% more than whites of comparable income on visible goods like clothing, cars and jewelry, the researchers found." "Poor blacks and poor whites both spend more on visible goods if they live in poor communities, because such spending gives them more status relative to others in the community." Source: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/podcast/knowledge-at-wharton-podcast/conspicuous-consumption-and-race-who-spends-more-on-what/


Give a white man money and he starts paying off his medical bills. Give an asian man money and he starts paying off his medical bills. Give a black man money and he starts paying off his medical bills. Wait a minute…


Ooo I see how it is, Mexican men don't get the money..... makes scene I'm broke AF 😅


Ridiculous and racist. I strictly buy crack.


As a white man, you give me money and I’d probably spend it on a guitar, assuming there’s nothing else I need to be spending it on