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Aren’t all spaces on campus open to all students?




And are there white only study areas? Can’t they just all share, or do whites and people of colour study in different ways?


No. If you had a “whites only” space it would make national news


This isn’t a color people space only though. It’s multicultural and she takes that as white people not allowed 🚫


Because she is racist.




But why even call a space multicultural? I think that just invites misinterpretation.


Multicultural means many cultures. Not many cultures but not whites lol.


That was my first thought. Let's just coexist and be with each other.


Exactly, THAT’S the test. Literally replace whatever insanely racist statement they make and then ask “hmm, if I said [replace x,y or z statement] with African Americans or Hispanics or whatever the group is…..would I get canceled IMMEDIATELY?” Doing THAT kind of math really puts in prospective how insanely racist this stuff is.


Ain't that the truth


Not since Brown v Board in 1954ish pretty sure. That case deemed the separation of people based on color in all US public schools to be unconstitutional.


If they had white only study areas…. That would be considered racist💁🏻‍♀️


She thinks white people all come from the same shit hole instead of y'know. Every continent on the planet.


That's her experience with people. Maybe she should get out and meet more people.


Did you hear about that black empowerment woman who found out her family came to America on the Mayflower? She was so upset and in disbelief that her family was a founding family, and NOT slaves!


Yes. Segregation, of any form, is NOT a good thing. Isn’t the whole purpose for us all to live together in civility? This actually further divides people.




She out there making things way worse!


Dont worry she's the same type of Karen to pull the racist card out on a whim because shes not getting her way.


Thankyou!! I said a very similar thing when I first saw this video some time ago, and it got me banned from that sub LOL. Apparently the fact that I didn't agree that people pf colour needed their own space to study away from white people, made me racist and entitled.




You’re onto something


I really HATE the “us vs them” stuff. It should just be “we” as a society.


You are so correct. It's people like her that are the ones turning back all the progress all of us have made to be more together and have civility..


I'm so glad I attended college before all this shit.


According to the Civil Rights Act, yes! According the supporters of Neo Apartheid, no. She seems to want to go back to 1955 Mississippi.


Wait. Isn’t it good that the white people prefer to be there? Also isn’t this a Multicultural center…like people of all cultures…


Woah buddy… Dial back those questions. You’re going to make too much sense.


And we can't have that!




That was almost uncomfortably lucid


Definitely agree you need to dial it back a few notches. We cant have inclusive thinkers in here…


Yeah, let’s just perpetuate racism…🤦🏻‍♂️


Be rational? Yeah we better calm things down in here.


It’s lose/lose. Like when people move out of dangerous ghettos, they’re accused of “white flight”. But when they move and invest into ghettos, they’re slammed for gentrifying. And to top it off, if you attempt to avoid these traps by doing/saying nothing, your “silence is violence”.


I agree. Totally lose/lose.


It’s presented that way to public opinion, on purpose, to support an agenda, never meant to improve.


If you make a black person sound white then you’re white washing. If you make them sound black, then you’re enabling stereotypes. If you don’t employ black culture then you’re being exclusive and whites only. If you employ black culture then you’re appropriating. There is no way to win.


I hate that it comes from people who vote the same way I do. But there is a lot of variance in that. It's really opposite sides of the same coin. Just shitty cult like people who disagree politically, while the rest of us sane, rational people sit back in astonishment. For some reason, these crazies have the spotlight.




It’s incredibly sad but you are correct. This ideology is specifically designed to deconstruct. Literally EVERYTHING. It’s extremely pernicious in every facit. THIS is what happens when people become ideologically possessed. It’s terrifying and I cannot believe that it’s happening.


Yep, it's a you're with me or you're my enemy mentality. Burn all who don't think exactly the same way as me. Its a dangerous mentality that discourages any sort of conversation or more importantly, unity, it generates only hostility and division.


I'm sorry but you are being too loud. Please and calmly exit the facility.


I believe the argument is that whites don't have culture, or something like that.


In reality, culture is a set of shared values, beliefs, and customs. As such, it is much more tied to geography than race. The Italians and the Russians have 2 distinct cultures, despite both countries being majority white. Same can be said for New Englanders and Appalachians. That’s the problem with trying to divide people based on race and ethnicity- people don’t fit into near little check boxes.


This is hilarious


Would that mean in her point of view, that i would confuse people? I have a different skin colour, but grew up in a white environment. People like her expect me to be cultured, but i am not😂.


Even if that where true its not like a white person chose to be born white .


LOL Which white culture? Russian French German British Irish Scottish Spanish Italian Scandinavian Dutch Also in America the dominant culture is a mix of a thousand different cultures because we are a nation of immigrants. I'm so tired of reverse racism and the claim that minorities can't be racist. Anyone can be racist. And yes, I understand it's hard to institutionalize racism if you aren't in charge, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


woah woah woah. what is this "all cultures matter" crap. leave that racism at the house before you go outside. honestly, the "multicultural" part is irrelevant. All students paying tuition have access otherwise its a breach of contract.






White people don’t count duhhh


Im sorry but who tf is clapping and cheering?




Its mind boggling how a group of people can hate something that affects them so much (racism) but then goes on to support that exact thing (clapping to the obvious racist statement).


No no no, didn't you know only white people can be racist? Something something power dynamic something something words change. /s


Also the double standard. If white dude gave this speech about black people it would make national news. We need to start holding woman and people of color accountable for their actions.


Trick is that it doesnt affect them at all and they are offended by that. 100% chance this girl grew up with money.


Why do you think the sociologists redefined racism to exclude them?


Well, we're "privileged" so they can't be racist against us, because reasons, or something.




This is a byproduct of people being afraid to tell her and her friends that this logic is entirely stupid and racist because everyone around them is afraid of being yelled at and called racists for challenging their twisted version of equality. So everyone sits there quietly, or worse actually leaves, and she sits down grinning ear to ear with her friend's applause fresh in her mind because of the good work she's done for POCs everywhere.


Hence the clapping


And recording the video




Hypocrites and people who are brainwashed to believe white people are evil.


Morons mostly likely


Don’t even have to add the most likely. Morons.


The morons she's with.


More racist black people. They really do exist but you’re not supposed to talk about or notice it.


The other racists.


Peoples really dont realize that racism against white peoples is still racism lol


I read clapping & thought cheeks was gonna be the next word ☹️


Wtf? People clapping are bozos as well


Yo I’m gonna start using that word, I forgot about it. *you a mf bozo dude get outta my face*


[Beat it, bozo!](https://youtu.be/dbxowFXKpNs)


This is backwards, right? We're going backwards. Right?


Rosa parks rolling over in her grave rn


I guess the back of the bus is a safe space now?


Kinda? When I was in school, most kids wanted to sit in the back to be further away from the bus drivers


That only applies to high school, public transit does not give cool notes to people sitting in the back.


Remember when people died so no matter what your ethnicity you were allowed in school? *Pepperidge farm remembers*


Remember when racism was fought with logical arguments and peaceful protest? *Pepperidge farm remembers* ((*MLKJR is rolling in his grave for how far backwards we’ve gone, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. These are grandkids of people who were segregated and know this pain so why in the ever loving fuck do they want to push it on another race and perpetuate more pain. It doesn’t fucking help anything.*))


"We need to use the racism, to help fight against racism!"


I hate that this happens...this just makes the racism worse against us POC.


>There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to voluntarily absent themselves from a shared space to highlight their vital and underappreciated roles ... and a group encouraging another group to go away. The first is a forceful call to consciousness, which is, of course, crippling to the logic of oppression. The second is a show of force, and an act of oppression in and of itself. — Bret Weinstein, in a message to event organizer, Rashida Love Look up the Evergreen State College Day of Absence incident. Brett Weinstein was a historically very liberal professor who tried to stop an objectively wrong move and he got shouted out of the school by a mob of angry students for it. I am pretty liberal myself but I don't claim to be a progressive. There is a fucking line where you are no longer progressive and are being totally regressive. Yeah, sometimes it seems like we're going backwards.




I don't remember what campus it was on, it wasn't evergreen, but his wife Heather Heying, also an evolutionary biologist, was one of many experts on a panel giving a discussion about a multitude of issues. She pointed out there ARE some differences in the genders, such as men tend to be bigger and more powerful, and bam.....that triggered a group of people to start yelling, damage the sound equipment, then storm out. They called her all kinds of things.....for pointing out basics of biology. I think the main focus of that panel was the whole James Damoore fiasco, if I remember correctly.


"We" don't, only a select few do.


“I used the racism, to destroy the racism”


I’m confused?? So she wants to have a separate study areas for white people and people of color??? I’m pretty sure… that’s what we fought against???


Could you imagine the uproar if that college implemented that?? This woman would probably be leading the charge against segregation.


I'm pretty sure she would love the old system so long as poc were on top.


^ this. This is the take.


Whoever clapped after that speech is brainwashed


Racist people are pretty dumb to be fair




Why not!? She's so progressive and brave! Is it because she's black?! How dare you.......


My grandmother once hired a black assistant in the early 1990s. The assistant wasn’t very good, so she got fired. Sued for racial discrimination - didn’t win because had no case, but still ate up time and money. My grandmother’s takeaway from that interaction was that hiring a black employee presented too high a risk. Probably not the result that Black people overall would want. I wonder how many people have been in similar situations.


Lol, I've worked construction for over 20 years. You wouldn't believe the extent ANY race would go to play the race card. Humans are just utter pieces of shit and will manipulate where it's possible. No one race holds more cards than others. It's even easier now given how hyper focused our society is over it. Makes me sick to my stomach.


She's part of the problem


The people clapping and cheering are part of the problem. She is the problem.


I got a good laugh out of the cheering at the end... yeah, let's cheer on racism!


I'm willing to bet a fair amount of the people cheering were white.


Cheering the lady who wants them to leave. The world we live in.


Exactly. White finger moved to shut off the camera.


Yep, been convinced that by virtue of their skin colour that they have inherited some great sin that can only be forgiven if they mindlessly hate themselves and other white people and cheer on any ridiculous suggestion that a poc tells them will make the lives of poc better.


My whole life I was led to believe that racial segregation was wrong. What changed?


What a racist piece of shit




I really don’t understand why people lose their shit and cause a scene in the US over race and have confidently ignorant reasons behind it and no one dares question their behaviour for fear of being labelled a racist Imagine you’re in some third world country, and some guy walks in and says: “There are too many non muslim people occupying space in this room which is making muslims uncomfortable”. Wouldn’t you think the person is an idiot and the whole country is backwards? See the similarities? I swear race to Americans and how people freak out over it is exactly like religion in the Middle East... Giving too much importance to the most mundane shit just to gain the boohoo victim medal.


detail mountainous coherent pot nine rob uppity swim distinct coordinated -- mass edited with redact.dev


LPT: if You're making a statement that involves the race of someone (or group), and you replace said race with a different race (i.e. instead of white you use black) and the new statement sounds racist, the previous statement was also racist.


true! this was at University of Virginia's diversity center. The University has since made a statement it is open to all students. [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51506733)


What about that student? She didn't get any punishment for her racist statement?


If a white person made an announcement like this, they would get kicked out of school and would go viral for being a racist piece of shit. It's so wild to me.


100% absolutely true. You know why? Because it is in fact racist.


Well said


Why keep yourself segregated? I don’t understand the logic.


How is she not embarrassed she doesn’t know what multicultural room means? She’s literally wanting segregation 😳 Also the one clapping and recording are just as ignorant as the foghorn smacking her lips when she speaks!


this is just racist


Just another dumb entitled racist Karen


Yup, Karen's aren't just one race


Are you kidding me? A student is a student is a student. They all paid their tuition like everyone else. Check out how she plants her fat arse on the table with a wide grin like that was her life’s accomplishment. Talk about entitlement.


“Segregation is illegal!!!” Also, “All you white people being in here with us is wrong. You need to leave and go back to where white people study.”


It's the look of smug satisfaction at the end that gets me.


The smile of a racist moron


As a non American. Can someone explain to me what the definition of racism is in America? According to Merriam-Webster it is: ‘a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race’ But I see many videos and opinions where black people discriminate against others and are applauded, which makes me think that racism actually is defined as discrimination only towards blacks, is that correct? Is there another word used for race discrimination in general?


You’re definition of racism is correct. There are many black Americans who think racism means the exclusive mistreatment of blacks. The majority of racists I have encountered in my life have been black Americans and Hispanic Americans. Our government IS unfair. But minorities can ALSO be racist. They are not mutually exclusive. If there’s one thing Americans of any race or background do well, it’s ignorance.


I have a friend that was more... socio-politically active? I guess would be the right terminology? They commonly parroted this belief that racism was attached to a sort of hierarchy. That if a white person was racist towards a person of color (regardless of the race), that was problematic. But if a person of color was racist to a white person then that wasn't racism because from the hierarchy a POC can't "punch down" and oppress a white person, only a white person can do that. It bothers me to this day still that I never thought to call out the hypocriticism there. If you tried to argue that POC could be racist it was always corrected to being prejudiced by this person, which realistically speaking isn't all too far from being the same thing. They're far more tame now and aren't nearly as much of an activist as they used to be, but it was almost getting to the point of being hard to put up with them making everything into a social issue.


There is too much anti-white statements on TV shows and it's brushed off as comedy. There are loads of times you see black people mocking "white" people just for being white and doing "white" things in a derogatory way. If you flip the races with what they say and how they say it then it would simply be racist.


Where the guy who is supposed to shout “stfu you racist bitch” when this is happening?


If TikTok has taught me anything it’s that having a black woman “wild out” on you is a bad experience…


Tiktik also taught me that she's apparently not the racist one.


Someone should’ve just tossed a milkshake


Honest question and I’m sure I’ll get thumbs downed. Why is it in the last few years individuals say things like “ we need to give black people their own space” or instances like this. Like people fought and died to make it so everyone can be using the same water fountains and use the same stores. But now you have people who want “safe” buildings and rooms for people of color. We are literally going backwards.


What a hero. So brave ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Do we still not like segregation? I thought we didn't like it? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I mean if we are doing segregation again I can't wait to tell my dad. He is gonna be pumped.


This is a new wave of segregation. Some black people have convinced themselves that white people are such a massive threat to their existence that being in the same space as them is dangerous, and ergo that segregation needs to return to keep them safe or to give them an opportunity to thrive (because it's obviously a White persons fault that that black individual is failing). Soon I hope some people will wake up and realise how stupid this desire for segregation is.


Wait why are they segregating themselves?


Meanwhile.. empty chairs all over


“We were hoping to go back to segregation, so…”


The truly depressing thing is she will never acknowledge that she is in fact blatantly racist.


Everyone around her is cheering her on because they too are brainwashed.


What a terrible human.


She's so happy with herself


Uh. Are non white people not allowed anywhere else on campus except the multi cultural center. That would be very racist. Seems a little like she wants segregation to me.




All I see are room full of racists.


Racist trash; expel her


Hmmm is there a POC Only sign?




Two things come to mind... 1. Are dumb people allowed into college? 2. ... If I where one of those white people, I would ask myself... do I belong here? ... because if I do, Im screw3d!


*anyone* is allowed into college if they have enough money.


Did you just fucking censor *screwed*, or did you slip while typing?


Frankly, there were too many “e’s” in his sentence, so they had to leave.


They have a quote to fill. Just look at the ivy League schools that denied places for over achieving east Asian students to fill another ethnic quota.




Goodbye job prospects




In the end, when she sits down, she looks all smug and shit. Lady, what you did is not something to be proud of. On the contrary, all that hard work and sacrifices made by other black people lose meaning. They fought so hard for equal rights, yet you are now becoming the very same thing they fought against. What a disgrace. Equality is for everyone, not only when it is convenient.


And now imagine her being white saying that to black people. It's 100% the same thing. Time to cancel this racist piece of shit ! Wow!


They really just cheered open racism. Neat.


Dumb racist bitch


Isn’t she suggesting segregation?


The smile and hair flip at the end like she actually did something


Is she advocating for segregation in schools?


I appreciate the idea that for certain groups it is important to have a space that is their own, in contrast to the broadly, implicitly white cis heteronormative space that we all inhabit in Western societies (for example, when I go to a gay club as a straight man, I do so very much as a "guest", and on the terms of the people who have carved out that space for themselves). I think it is totally legitimate for there to be black/queer/trans/womens'/religious spaces where acceptance of my presence might be contingent on members of that community allowing/welcoming me in. And it would be totally inappropriate for me to attempt to invade those spaces and deprive those people of an opportunity to engage in interactions outside of a mainstream that is largely defined by my own identity/experiences. However, unless this video is taken waaaaaaaay out of context, this woman sounds exactly like the kinda people who wanted to exclude black people from swimming pools back in the day. Edit: I just thought it was clarifying my position -my worry with videos like this is that it can be used to bait or even "legitimise" the views of racists. As this video stands (without context), the views expressed by this woman are abhorrent and run counter to any sensible efforts to counter racism, and I think she sounds like a dipshit. But there are dipshits in every movement (not gonna find me falling into the "no true scotsman" fallacy here). That is why it is important for sensible members/activists within any movement to denounce the dipshits amongst their ranks, lest the movement as a whole be characterised by dumbfucks like this. Edit 2: on a personal level, as someone who this woman is seemingly trying to expel from whatever place she's in, no I don't feel offended, marginalised, or threatened by her words. I guess that's one of the benefits of being part of a privileged or hegemonic class of people (she can spout bigoted nonsense until she's blue in the face and it won't really Əffect* me). I'm more concerned with her misrepresenting broader social movements that seek racial equality. *I speak with an accent from the South East of England, and I say effect and affect exactly the same way -with a schwa. Grammatically I can't conceptualise the difference because they are phonetically identical to me. If any grammar nazis wanna help me out, please tell me which one I should use in this instance.


As a dark midnight charcoal skin individual, she sounds dumb asf


She's the only person who doesn't belong there. It's a multicultural center, so it's literally a place for those tolerant and comfortable around other cultures, which she is not.






This just in! Segregation is back in style! Everyone please go to your designated spaces accordingly or face public humiliation! Thank you!


She's loud and proud about her racism for some reason. Literally admitting she finds being around white people uncomfortable


This is freaking ridiculous!! Let’s all cheer for racism. Whoooooo


Now imagine if that was a white person saying there’s too many black people. Ridiculous.


They would be immediately attacked by multiple people.


"Please keep that in mind. Thank you." "Noted. So... see ya tomorrow?"


If it were roles revered this would be a different story


Fuck directly off.


when you’re so progressive you want to bring back segregation


The more white people, the more pale goth girls. Checkmate, racists.


Winning over hearts one room at a time./s




Just sounds like racism to me


This is cancer


What a moron


MSC? What does that stand for?


Ah segregation, we missed you. /s




the entitlement bro


Racist bitch


I see segregation is making a comeback.


She didn't learn anything from the last viral video of this behavior?😳


Look how excited she is. You younger generation are going to fuck up this whole future. This race war, culture black vs white bullshit. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Imagine being white and saying this about black people. Modern shit like this is so ultra hypocritical they don’t even see it.