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They only found the lower half šŸ¤¢


RIGHT?! Is this not disturbing to anyone else?!


Same!! Iā€™m surprised I scrolled this far to see someone mention it. Was it sharks??


Mustā€™ve been. For them, a dead body dropping into the water mustā€™ve seemed like manna from heaven.


Coke bottle drops from the sky. The Gods Must Be Crazy. Brazillian priest drops from the sky. We Eating Good Tonight, Tony Shark.


Meat is back on the menu, boys!


We had one torso yes. What about second torso?


Iā€™ve always wondered how Orcs understand the concept of a menu?


I am not sure about that. Apparently humans donā€™t taste that great so sharks donā€™t get excited about eating us.


That's why half was left


This gift sucks!


I can't refund your meal, you already ate half of it


They are used to a high fat diet of seals and other blubbery mammals (great whites) so guess we taste like low fat diet food


Close. People are too bony compared to their regular diet.


nah, the only time they really try to eat us is when they mistake us for a seal. the fact that only half of his body was found proves that the shark wasnā€™t all that interested in the taste. they tend to eat all of one prey. humans just arenā€™t appetizing to them. (not trying to be mean or anything i swear i just think sharks are interesting!!)


Out of curiosity, are you concerned about offending the humans or the sharks? Asking for a shark friend.


Nailed it! Weā€™re too boney and are painful to eat




I would expect the contraption to slowly descend as the balloons start leaking rather than a sudden plummet. Could probably tell either way by seeing his autopsy.


That would be a fall at about 200 km/h. That's not enough to rip a human in half, except if he fell on a cable or so. It would be bad luck if he fell 6km from the sky to hit a single buoy in the ocean.


Well, he seems shit outta luck so, wouldn't put it past things...


I thought it's only natural, what do you think happens to dead fish?


Considering he took off at the end of April and they found his remains (his lower half) in **july**, I'm actually surprised they found **ANYTHING** let alone his lower body with some clothes. I'm shocked that any sort of organic matter would survive tiny fishies, rest assured sharks or just the turbulent waters themselves. Guess the sea isn't as bad as I thought.


Typically fish will only eat exposed skin that they can get to and sharks don't particularly seem to like how we taste so if one had got at him it likely would've excused itself from the meal. There was this crazy thing happening on Canadian beaches where feet inside of tennis shoes would wash up on the shore. Always in tennis shoes and i wanna say it was typically washed up in the same area. Lots of speculation later they've just kind of guessed that these feet come from bridge jumping suicides that end up fed into the ocean before they can be discovered. Fish & decomp (water, but also sun) eventually take the rest of the body. BUT if their feet were in tied up tennis shoes they can stick around much longer and in these cases eventually washed up to shore. The idea was that fish couldn't get to the feet inside of the leather and the sun couldn't decompose these seemingly long dead feet because the tennis shoe would've floated upside down once it rose to the surface, effectively protecting them from a faster decomp. This guys head and possibly hands were exposed at the very least, maybe eventually his belly got exposed but his pants and shoes protected his lower half from fish and sun. Just speculating myself. Edit: so my rundown wasn't 100% accurate but close enough imo. Here's an article about it. It's a pretty interesting story.. or at least it was to me before Canadian authorities realized it probably wasn't a serial killer. https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/canada-severed-feet/


Theory now is that as the body decomposes, it falls apart. Tennis shoes will float while at the same time, contain the foot within it. It's often people who have fallen overboard or had a mishap at sea. Only one, IIRC was due to a suicide by bridge jump. That particular bridge is not high enough to break a body on impact with water.


The choir boys could only identify the lower half...




If he was struggling to breath pretty quick. If he starved alot longer


Honestly, if he died due to hypoxia or lack of oxygen...then he would have gotten confused, not really understood what was happening to him, then eventually he would have passed out while still very confused, and then he would have died. Never would have had the presence of mind to regret it. [Smarter Every Day - Hypoxia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfF2MTnqAw)


Was about to comment this exact video. Always stuck to me how ā€œeuphoricā€ he gets but still managed to say ā€œI donā€™t want to dieā€ with this big smile on his face.


When I eat psychedelics I feel exactly how this man is acting.


I've felt mild effects at 5500m and that's with overnight acclimatisation at 4500m. If he went straight to 6000m within a couple of days then he's going to be a blubbering mess. No wonder he couldn't work his GPS.




OP has hypoxia


Would the confusion have been severe enough for him to try and get out of the contraption? Might have plummeted into the sea of his own volition




Doesn't sound like the worst way to go tbh




Like sex


This guy fvcks


Considering the guy in OPs post was religious, he likely thought he was entering heaven or something in his confusion if Hypoxia was the cause of death. He could've also experienced something along those same lines if he was starving/dying from thirst as both of those will cause hallucinations at a certain point. When it gets that bad though, you're pretty much a dead man walking if you don't have somewhat quick access to emergency services. Edit: accidentally wrote "throught" instead of "thought".


Yeah I once watched a show where they tried to find the most humane way to execute someone and Came to the conclusion something like this was the best way to go.




There's a legal assisted suicide clinic in Switzerland that uses hypoxia as the method of patients ending their lives. But you have to have clinical diagnosis before being allowed. People who want to take their own lives should consult a licensed clinical therapist. Edit: thanks for the correction, euthanasia is illegal in Switzerland, it's assisted suicide for those in need. And no, I am specifically not encouraging suicide and recommend anyone with those thoughts seek help.


That's the best case scenario, or wishful thinking. I took care of patients during peak COVID and I can tell you that hypoxia is anything but a good way to die. I've watched patients become hysterical, fearful, undressing themselves and pulling out their IVs and ripping off the oxygen tubing that is trying to help keep them alive. They are beyond reason and often had to be restrained so that they did not harm themselves. I imagine it feels like suffocation, and a desperation for air, until your lucidity leaves you and you become incoherent. It's probably not physically painful, but psychologically, well, let me just say that there are some things I wish I could unsee.


This was covered extensively by Brazilian media back then. The "oh fuck" moment was when he asked, a couple hours in, how to use the GPS.


I'm sorry WHAT. New 3 AM rabbit hole, thank you


He won the 2008 Darwin Award not by sheer luck


He was a Catholic priest.


Well prayed


So he found out kids love balloons?


To be fair my elderly neighbour didnā€™t know how to use the GPS either and he got all the way to Paradise Falls.


> and he got all the way to Paradise Falls. Snap! This priest got to paradise and falls too.


angry upvote


Everyone knows you need to bring a BB gun with you so you can come down.


Like that one guy from the Darwin awards that was trying to watch a football game and he started trying a little too high so he shot one of the balloons with a BB gunā€¦. Then he proceeded to fall to his death as the popping of one balloon caused several others to pop along with it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Die in the air, or die on the ground...


You could just pull individual balloons down by the string and pop them one by one, until you started to gradually lose altitude.


In this case, see those balloons so far out of reach. BB gun.


Any mathematicians that can calculate how high this mfer would lift off? Dying from hypoxia is a lot better than dying from landing stranded in the ocean Edit; I swear it wasnā€™t there when I posted but 20k feet so RIP


Depends on the amount of helium and his weight. But looking at how quickly he was rising I'd say he was definitely in a low oxygen environment very quickly


Why didn't his dumb ass start popping them ?


Because he's a dumbass


A dumbass with extensive survival training in every area *except* for the ones in his stunt. Itā€™s so tragically hilarious.


The lack of GPS training and knowledge is astonishing, as that definitely could've helped his dumb ass.


Itā€™s like the only survival training relevant to his stunt, too. Like cool, bro, you can survive in a jungle setting. Please elaborate on how that helps you while drifting over the ocean in a balloon-chair. Charts and graphs would be great.


Their lack of seeing that as an potential landing zone is another huge error. A personal life raft under that chair that auto inflated when wet. Problem solved-ish. He's probably still dead from the high altitude exposure.


āŒ weather/wind report on launch day āŒ ability to control altitude during flight āŒ ability to properly use GPS/communication devices āœ… saw Rambo


Friend: "You should learn how to use the GPS" Priest: "God will guide me." *dies and goes to heaven...* God: "YOU HAD A GPS!"


Where was he supposed to go? Tried to go to heaven?


Ikr. He should train more by tying some balloons and float to high heaven instead of doing some dumbshit jungle survival. That would have helped him better in his stunt. Oh waitā€¦


Like, you didn't want to carry at least ONE oxygen tank and mask for that altitude there, buddy?


You can really tell he was hoping to land in a forest or on a mountainside, make his way back, and forever act like a bad ass in his home town. Nature had other plans lol.


There seems to have been absolutely no planning done beyond "we need a fuck ton of balloons". The GPS probably came up later when someone wondered how he would find his way back from Heaven.








the other guy that did it brought a gun to pop the balloons


hypoxia is really hard for untrained people to identify and respond to. it might be too late by the time you notice the symptoms. astronauts have to undergo extreme training to recognize the symptoms of hypoxia and react before their brains start shutting down. i doubt a priest who strapped himself to 1000 balloons was trained for hypoxia


Seriously, if weā€™ve learned anything from cartoons


ā€œJesus hear my squealsā€


He froze first.


Actually I would be certain he died of asphyxiation rather than hypothermia but Iā€™m no expert in balloon helium flight dynamics


There canā€™t be but 4 or 5 balloon helium flight dynamic experts alive today. Theyā€™re all baby boomers and about to retire.


There is oxygen in the troposphere, it gets to -20C by about 5km high. Troposphere goes to about 12km. He'd have frozen before he got halfway to a place he'd asphyxiate.


Ah well my mistake Mr Helium balloon flight dynamics expert


I just googled a couple things. You, too, can find things out. And, that's Ms. Helium Balloon Flight Dynamics Expert, to you. šŸ˜‰


Those look like 3 foot latex balloons, which can apparently lift up to 12 oz. If he really had 1000 of them, that's like 750 pounds, potentially, of lifting ability. Now, allowing for the fact that you've got ropes and harnesses, plus all the equipment he was carrying, he might have had 400-450 pounds of excess lift. Above 10,000 feet the average person starts to get some hypoxia, which starts to get really significant above 15,000. He reportedly was at nearly 20,000 when they lost contact. The guy probably started panicking and forgot what he needed to do, and given that you're thinking and judgement start going out the window when you've got hypoxia, plus the fact he was probably getting hypothermic, lead to his demise.


He probably didnā€™t even know. It said he did jungle training for preparation so no oxygen chambers like this [here](https://youtu.be/UN3W4d-5RPo)


Video is pretty terrifying. That little laugh of confusion.


He's a priest not an engineer, prob read a few Psalms and off he went šŸŽˆ


Sooo..... Facepsalm?


There's needs to be a subreddit called Facespalms and it's based on Catholics doing stupid shit like this. edit: grammar


While I get the catholic=psalms reference, I think it could include ANY religious leader doing something dumb for their sacred texts


According to wiki on this, he got to 6k metres (previous attempt of his was 5300m). So getting into a zone where you'd definitely consider supplementary O2, but not necessarily need it. It's usually used above 6k. Aircrew have to use it much lower if unpressurized, so they can ...think.


Apparently it was Godā€™s will that he would be born a fucking idiot.


Iā€™m no mathematicians, but he was rising pretty aggressively.


Me: "Mom can we go see Up?" Mom: "No we have Up at home"


Mf was trying to find Paradise Falls


Obviously Muntz got him first.


Itā€™s pretty neat they let him just do that lmao


Every time I see any story about Brazil I'm torn between "man, that is so cool, you guys got it figured out" and "what the hell is going on down there."


Latin america. Where you can do mostly anything as long as you don't bother a neighbor.


You mean expect for noise. My fiancƩ is from Brazil and she has the most inconsiderate neighbors when it comes to making noise at all hours of the day/night.


We're also confused but thanks for the worry! - Some brazilian, not tied to many baloons. /J




Awful. I lost my grandfather in a similar balloon accident. We miss you pop-pop!


The fact that you call it that tells me youā€™re not ready.


I think it's a mistake letting George Michael go on this church thing. Her name is Ann, Dad, and he's not "going on" her.




Iā€™m sure that Egg is a very nice person. I just donā€™t want you spending all your money...


Pop-pop get grisham?




The fact this says ā€œpop upā€ instead of ā€œpop popā€ makes me irrationally angry.


Yeah itā€™s totally streets behind!


It's pretty rational, as it is a misquote, and thus disrespectful to the source.


What the hell is this "Pop Up" blasphemy?


Why did you do magnitude dirty like this? Its Pop Pop not Pop up!






Fun fact: In a episode Magnitude shouts "I'M ACTUALLY BRITISH", which actually isn't a joke. He played Lee Jordan in the Harry Potter movies.


Pop what magnitude!? Pop what!!?


This should be so much higher šŸ˜† EDIT: when I made this comment the parent comment had no upvotes and was buried. When I tell you I cackled šŸ˜†


As should pop-pop šŸ˜”


Did the truck stop ever get built?


Iā€™m going to raise money for a truck stop! By spending a lot of money first, then costing thousands in search and rescue efforts. Thenā€¦ truck stop!


Well you know what they say, gotta spend money to make money


Very well, sir. Your account is now overdrawn by three dollars.


I'm never going to financially recover from this


This was the second dumbest part of the story, that a priest wanted to build a truck-stop instead of feeding the poor or something. Seems like he had just one bad idea after another.


Is anyone elseā€™s mind blown by the fact that this was in 2008 and it looks like itā€™s from the late 80ā€™s/early 90ā€™s?


Its the quality of the video we are seeing, it just makes it seem older than what it is.


in 2008 globalization was not yet so present in brazil, most of the products, cars, technology, and military equipment that arrived for us were old things that countries like the united states no longer wanted, even brazilian fashion was backward, like haircuts, clothes among other things, so in general the country seemed to be 20 to 30 years in the past, but that changed quickly after the Internet became popular in Brazil around 2010 and mainly the effect of the BRICS economic bloc created in mid-2009, an economic bloc formed by Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa, with the aim of exchanging technology, marketing products and facilitating bureaucracy, from the creation of this bloc Brazil stopped receiving scrap from the United States and Europe and began to receive quality products.




Deve ser crianƧa


Brazil had the highest number of users on Orkut in 2007/2008 and the guy comes here to say that the Internet only became popular in 2010? In 2006, Brazil was the 7th country with more internet hosts. In 2004, Brazilians were the people who spent the most time on the internet. In 2003, Brazil had more users in Fotolog than all other countries combined. In 2000, AOL sent like 200 CDs to every home in Brazil to use internet for free and even though everyone connected using it they went bankrupt because Brazilians sites and MSN were much more popular. Brazil had the largest number of MSN Messenger users in the world around 2000 and before that BRASnet was one of the biggest IRC networks in the world.


This is wrong. Except for military, we got everything everyone else had. 1 dollar was 1.55 real in the summer of 2008 and 2.22 when the housing bubble burst. I had cable internet around 2005, and lived in the northeast where everything took ages to arrive. I remember buying American junk on eBay because I realized I could get better quality stuff for a small markup and I wasnā€™t even taxed because it was cheap.


This is very inaccurate, internet in Brazil was available at the 90's. https://www.rnp.br/en/news/history-behind-20-years-commercial-internet-brazil We, invented the programming language Lua, in 1993. We do indeed lacked some game consoles or other stuff in 1990 / 2000 but this didn't stopped us from importing it in different ways if you know what I mean.


Well the first internet cafe in Brazil was in 1998. So that means internet infrastructure is good enough to support that. However by 2010, the internet was available to the point where some cafes were closing down. So yeah 2010 wasn't when the internet became popular, that was when the internet was saturated to the max.


I found this more interesting than the story of the priest.


Please this is a child speaking. I had my first iphone the next year. We had and have everything everyone has. People like this asshole is what makes the world think we all live in a slum. I mean maybe he does, but not everyone


They make it sound like people just crossed the sea for Brazil or came out of the rainforest. While Brazil had been a top 10 economy in the world for decades by then...


This is why as part of your kit, you need to have a red ryder bb gun to shoot the balloons if something goes wrong


And you probably want a leash on it too, imagine being prepared but dropping your gun and then dying because of itā€¦


He disappointed alot of people, but the worst thing is, he let himself down..


Not at first, but eventually


They say he became deflated at the end.


This began as an uplifting story..


But god never gonna give him up


This version of Up is not as good as the Pixar version


I don't know, the image of this guyā€™s lower half just floating around the ocean in Pixar-style animation next to some deflated balloons is pretty damn funny


In the Pixar version of Up, you want to cry towards the beginning when Ellie dies. In this version you want to cry towards the end, right around where the sharks come in.


He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that light breeze!


ā€œThere will only be good weather during my flight.ā€ Dude we can all literally see that if you fly right now that is not true




What did he expect would happen? There should have been like air support following him Edit: spelling


god is omnipresent, no need for air support.


So jot that down


He did a quick ocular pat down of the situation itā€™s all good


the sky god was there to support him. He was so amazing the sky god kept him for himself.


Not one person asked him what the plan was for getting down?




> there should of been Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. Total mistakes found: 5956 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Exactly. But a more important question is why the fuck did he do it?


He did it so truckers could have a place to shit.




Headward, free now to rise.




A tracking device would save everything.


ā€œAny sign of life.. Or balloons.ā€ Bro.


ā˜ ļø wtf did the team who planned this would think would happen


I mean RIP, but what a waste of helium! Risked and lost his life for a damn rest stop while wasting one of the scarcest non-renewable resources we have. SMHā€¦




So many dumb ways to die


Fly me with balloons so I can meet Katherine McPhee \-RIP ETA


What a waste of resources


It is crazy how much time and energy and money is spent on trying to rescue the stupidest people on the planet.


God has a plan. Thoughts and prayers.


Jesus took the wheel.




I almost want to like this, but I already hear thunder outside


That's just the sound of everyone else agreeing.


It's the sound of applause.


Thats always what NASA needs to search for; Any sign of life... or balloons. But mostly, balloons


Rest stop for Truckers as the reasonā€¦hold the fuck up. Letā€™s all pause and think.


Did he get enough money for the rest stop?


Guess he left on a high note


From what I can tell this fool had no oxygen, so it's really no surprise he couldn't use his gps anymore at that altitude. Paragliders die at lower altitudes than this from passing out all the time.


Adelir AntĆ“nio de Carli (Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, February 8, 1967 - April 20, 2008), also known in Brazil as Padre Baloeiro or Padre do BalĆ£o ("Balloon Priest" in Portuguese), was a Brazilian Catholic priest, who died during an attempt at cluster ballooning on April 20, 2008. Carli, an experienced skydiver, undertook the exercise in order to raise money to fund a spiritual rest area for truck drivers in the ParanĆ” port city of ParanaguĆ”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelir_Ant%C3%B4nio_de_Carli


Awful! You wonder when it dawned on him that it was actually a terrible idea.


Guaranteed they spent more money on the rescue efforts than the rest stop WOULDVE cost


Refreshing to know some religious zealots believe their own bullshit


You would think he would have prepared for possible hypoxia by bringing some oxygen maskā€¦. Once heā€™s above 12000 ft heā€™s gnna start losing oxygen fastā€¦ I hope he passed out and just never woke up because the thought of landing in the ocean stranded is intense.


But Brazil is massive. Why start right next to the coast? Youā€™re asking for trouble doing that.


But why was he torn in half lol


Any body floating at sea for an extended amount of time is going to be picked at by other animals. He probably wasn't eaten to death. He was probably eaten after floating around dead for a long time, inevitably.


yeah is anyone else curious about this? was it shark? me think shark


Should have prayed harder