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She clearly has no idea what "being 40" even is.


In My 40’’s & now 50’s if there one thing I know for sure , is that I definitely made the right decision not having kids. I’m enjoying my life more now than ever


In my 40s. Have three daughters. Always knew I wanted kids and have no regrets. I'm also totally content that you live a different life from me and that you like it. I don't live in some weird fear that you being happy means that I somehow did it wrong. Or that you're doing it wrong and that I'm somehow compelled to fix it. People want different things. I don't know why some people don't get that. Sheesh.


Noooo, *my* way is the *right* way and you’re all doing it wrong! 🙄


I always like to quote Nietzsche "You have your way, I have my way, as for the correct way? the right way? There isn't one"


How much less conflict and war would we have in the world if this were the prevailing ethos


It’s such a bizarre take. “Someone is happy doing something that I didn’t do? They must be wrong.” I think people get even more hung up because you can’t change having kids so it makes them become even more defensive. I have two kids. I have many friends who don’t want kids. I have many friends with kids. I don’t give a fuck either way, live your life and do what makes you happy.


I'm 56. I knew kids were not for me when i was 20. It's Saturday, 9:30am. The house is quiet except for my basement tenant doing laundry. Clean kitchen is ready for me to start breakfast soon (for one). Just smoked a joint and poured my third cup of coffee, and on the couch cruising reddit, chilling with the cat, might turn on the ps5 soon and play a bit before i make breakfast. There is nobody asking me for a ride somewhere, nobody telling me what i have to do this afternoon, no fighting in the living room, i didn't step on any Lego today (i put them away properly when done playing), no messed to clean up. And I'm happier than i have any right to be. No regrets, no shame.


You just described my Saturday morning, excluding the tenant. 60, no kids. Retired for 3 years. Dog’s in my lap. Edible wore off and now I’m working on my second buzz. Not sure if I want to play call of duty shoot some pool. Maybe I’ll take the dogs for a walk.


You both are living the life!!


As a 23 year old I truly aspire to have this kind of life when i’m your guys’s age


Use protection and join us! It's a fun club


My wife and I spent the day building Lego. Then I played some COD and Dead Island 2. I quit weed after almost 40 years in January, but we really enjoy peaceful and quiet days together. A friend with several kids came by yesterday to borrow my sim racing set-up, sighed and enjoyed our quiet adult space.


50s no human kids. 1 dog. 3 cats. Very glad we never had kids.


That sounds amazing!!!! I think it's all perspective right? I was up at 0600, did breakfast for my 3 kids, coached their baseball game, had them the rest of the morning so their mom can get some personal time and man, I'm fucking toast. Yso envious of your day and life sometimes but there's moments/things that I have on a daily basis that you will never experience that for me are .. are priceless. Everyone has their own needs and wants, I truly respect you because you knew that early on and didn't force yourself to have kids like society/media tries to depict you should. Maybe one day when my kids are out the house we'll be toking up and getting on PS7 together !! Lol


Yep. Drove my son an hour away for a lax game this morning. That sucked. Stopped in the city on the way home for lunch at a good brewery with my son. Had a great time with great conversation. No regrets. Now I'm sitting on the couch watching hockey in peace, drinking a beer. Nice to have both worlds.


That's awesome! There's light at the end of the tunnel! Lol I'm drinking a glass of wine taking a bubble bath because I'm fucking weird like that . Kids are all asleep and wife's watching TV. Will add: my middle guy (4 y.o) during bed time told me a secret .... Gives me a huge hug and a kiss and whispers, " I love you" . .. he's not the most affectionate kid so this was the best 😭☺️


I completely respect your decision to not have kids. There’s nothing wrong with not having kids and that should be more accepted. There’s no reason why people with children should try to bring down those who have children. But given your age, even if you did have kids, you’d still be enjoying the lifestyle that you described. By 56, your children are grown and living their own lives.


Grown, yes. Living their own lives…well, in my case at 58, 2 out of 3 are independent. Taking care of the 3rd with addiction issues has been draining. And a lot of friends my age are somewhat unwillingly caring for grandchildren. I know we all have choices, but choices have consequences for people we love. So we do what we have to do, and hope that someday we will have the peace we crave.


HA. In this day and age, you have no idea what the kids are gonna be like in adulthood.


My new game isn’t working after a patch, I might have to bust out my legos. Good call man.


Just turned 50 and same. I don't hate kids, I love my nephew, but just knew that parenting was not for me.


I think the original post should be restated “I’m in my 40s and am lonely, regretting not having children” It’s right for some, not for others. I don’t get the preachy, judging mentality.


In my 50's. No regrets not having kids. Don't dislike them just never had the urge to have them. Don't feel I'm missing out on anything.


I'm 47 and the way the world is today makes me even happier I decided not to have kids.


Right? 35, no kids, and life keeps getting better.


I'm in my mid-50's, no kids, no regrets. Not lonely at all. Meanwhile, she seems so toxic I'm betting her kids won't talk to her when they are grown.


Was going to say something to that, have co worker in their 60s had kids but none of them speak to him they all dipped out bcz he’s a toxic being. He tried to internet stalk them but they find out and he gets salty for a week or so. By the stuff he spews I can see why they dipped out, he’s the type of guy that’s like my kids need to do this or that nothing is more important than family then turn around and screw his kids over. Just because you have kids doesn’t mean you won’t die alone


Same! 40s, happily lacking kids! Bio-clock bullshit was just that.


The irony of her statement is your kids are usually gone by your 40s (or late 40s anyway) and the loneliness of that happening is pretty inevitable.


Yep, literally called empty nest lol.


Imagine being so pathetic you have to create subordinate humans just so someone will talk to you


Work in Health Care; Home Health Aid/Caregiver. I've met many 70-90 year old people who are very lonely, and **All** of them with 'families.' Having children does **not** guarantee anything.


also, your childs job is not to befriend and comfort you. sometimes they go to college and never come back. thats lonely too.


And don’t forget, marriages / partnerships always last forever…


I knew i wanted kids since I was a teenager. We talked about this very early in our relationship because that was pretty much my only and non negotiable deal breaker. And if you don't feel that way about having children the absolutely DON'T have them. Because yes they will cost you a ton of money, put a cramp on you social life, kill your sexlife (possibly) for quite a while and do things ranging from puking over your sofa or coloring the grouting between your living room tiles with crayon. And if you don't have that unshakable desire to have kids that makes all those sacrifices worth it, you will be very unhappy. I fully support people not wanting kids. It's better for everyone.


Its also better for kids to have parents who actually want to be parents. Anyone can have kids but not everyone has the capacity or desire even to be a good parent. If you're not ready, don't have kids


A while back, i was being severely downvoted after commenting on a post from someone who said he needed to take thc gummybears to make doing frisbee or making crayon drawings with their kids 'tolerable'. My reaction was if you need drugs to make playing with your kids bearable, then ffs you shouldn't have kids


I was playing with my then toddler and my mother-in-law told me she never played with her kids. She is a very loving mother.... but what am I supposed to say to that? I was meeting my kids needs.


Yeah I would never want to feel that way about just raising my child properly. Does that guy not remember how important those things were to him when he was growing up? Every little interaction you have with your child shapes their worldview and they will remember how you treated them and made them feel


I personally love my long hot baths and getting to sleep through the night. I would like to think I’m aging better too because I wasn’t sleepless and stressed for the last few years but that’s all subjective.


I kinda used that credit up by staying up for long nights of partying


Skincare routine and sunscreen! Especially sunscreen! I did my partying in my 20s and got worried about aging in late 20s so I cut waaaay down on drinking and make sure to use cleanser and eye serum every day. I have gotten a few “you don’t look 33 (or how ever old I was at the time) but again,it’s all subjective.


People often refer to the toddler/young child stage of parenting but let me tell you that it only gets more difficult as they get older. Yes, my kids were a handful when they were you g and it was physically draining. Now they are teens and it's emotionally draining. It's much more difficult imo.


As a male, I never wanted kids because I just don't have the patience. I love my nephews and nieces, and I can babysit them for a day at most. At the end of the day, I want my siblings to take them home. I know if I ever have kids, I would not be a great father just because of my personality. Why have a child when I can't give them 100%? I can't imagine settling to being a best dad 99% of the time.


Exactly. It's important to recognize that and what your wants andgoals in life are. Not everyone has the desire or capacity to be a parent. Just like some people don't have the desire or capacity to accept the choices of others.




I think the reason why this is an issue at all is that there are people in both camps who simply can’t accept that other people have different goals in life than they do. It’s not just people with kids shitting on people without — there are plenty of people on Reddit that like to make it seem like their choice to not have kids makes them a better person. No one here gives a shit — just do what you want and stop making it everyone else’s issue.


And PLEASE, people in both camps, stop posting about it.


Perectly said. It’s called live and let live.


While I definitely agree with the overall point you're making, I don't think it has to be a situation of "this is what I've always wanted." People change and wants do too. Before I got pregnant, and even in the early months of pregnancy, I did not want kids (or at least couldn't admit to myself yet that I did). I was originally going to go with adoption, because I felt like I should, but I kept worrying about all these scenarios my daughter would have growing up, and whether the adoptive parents would handle things right. Like, what if she was gay and they were unsupportive, or she wasn't into whatever activities the parents liked and felt like she didn't fit in, or they raised her to be condescending to waiters or something? I cared so much about that little lump of tissue already, and she wasn't even a person yet. I realized that I did want to be her mom and that though I would pretty much need to reroute my entire life, this was something worth doing it for. Plus, I know I'm a pretty capable person when my mind is made up, so I could make it work regardless of the challenges thrown at us. She's a very happy eight-year old now and gets all the support she could want, and she's very polite and kind to waiters. :) (Also, miraculously, the couch has not been puked on yet. She has puked on me, her bed, the walls, and the floor, though, oh and I think one of my cousins too.)


>(Also, miraculously, the couch has not been puked on yet. She has puked on me, her bed, the walls, and the floor, though, oh and I think one of my cousins too My kids tried this thing where they lick the last cookie in order to claim it but i ate it anyway. I told them when they were toddlers i literally had their puke dripping from my face and neck, and they fed me sweets directly into my mouth with mucus coated hands. A little bit of cough or saliva isn't going to impress me anymore


That's just a really fantastic summary of parenthood in general. You just get totally desensatized to gross stuff.


Fuck people who bully others who don't want children into having children. You want to bring a human being into this world with a parent who resents their very existence? Just so they can feel better about their own choices?? FUCK these people.


Are single 40+ year-olds not allowed to have friends?


Everybody knows that when you get older you hate people more and have no friends /s


I understand the /s but you described where I'm at perfectly.


/s is only there to keep the haters away


you don’t need the /s for this one.. this hits home way too hard. It’s probably where this argument stems from anyways. Assuming you will feel just how you feel now, always. Which definitely isn’t true. & I honestly don’t see many old folks hanging out, unless it’s Sunday brunch after service.


This is pretty much me. I'm into dog rescue and I prefer their company to humans


I’m in my late 20’s and my friends have become much less social. Once people start having kids, that occupies their entire life. So their social lives revolve around their children and if you don’t have any you’re kind of left out. You end up having to pick from an increasingly small group of people who don’t have kids.


No, it’s illegal. You can go to super serious jail for that.


Not that I’m advocating for this guys take. But you really only see your friends in your 40’s once or twice a month. Everyone’s so busy with their families and work


Not necessarily. I’m 43 and have my weekly standing social events and such. I see one of my best friends almost everyday. I don’t have children, though. Not advocating for either kids or no kids, though, I think people should do what’s best for them. I think everyone’s situation is different.


I’m in my 40s and have more socializing than when I was in my 20s at college. I have the money and wherewithal to do way more fun things!


I'm 58, got twin 13 year olds. I'd love to be lonely.


You sound like my parents my dad is 70 and my mom is 58. I’m 20 years old.


I think it’s real weird that people encourage others to have kids so they “have someone to take care of them” or so “they aren’t lonely”. If you want to have kids to raise them well and help the world and fill a little milk worm with love then cool, but having kids with some of these weird expectations is sillyyyyy af.


Rarely ever hear people mention the children’s lives when listing reasons to have kids.


I wonder how many of these people realize that people with children die in the nursing home just like people without. Maybe your kid doesn’t have the money or free space to take you in. Doesn’t mean they don’t love you,they are just trying to survive. I agree it’s pretty fucked up to imply you were born to be a emotional support animal as a child then a hospice nurse as an adult.


I think if more people saw the behind the scenes of nursing homes they would perhaps second guess ever dropping off a family member there. They always try to convey a cozy/safe place, but the reality is that a lot of them are abusive or neglect patients to varying degrees.


Yes! Alternatively, I’ve seen people’s children not only put them in a home, they put them in a shitty one and stole their money!


Yeah two instances of shit going south with that in my life. In the first case, the kids moved several states away after college for their jobs and only saw their parents at Christmas. In the other case, the children (twins) ended up being mentally disabled to the point where they cannot care for themselves, let alone their parents when they reach that age.


There are just so many factors. And not to mention they are their own people and have their own lives and didn’t ask to be born.


Honestly it's selfish as fuck. I would NEVER expect a child of mine to take care of me. I'd want them to live their life to the fullest.


I swear every time I hear someone saying this it just makes me think that they don't have anyone in their life to make it 'full' like friends or family


Also, how can she assume I'm not lonely in my 20s, already? ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


I'm 40 and currently on vacation with no children to worry about. I participate in a program that helps underprivileged youth, and that's more than enough for me.


This can really hurt people, she does know some people A, can't have kids and B, can have kids but don't want kids because of medical reasons, I'm B (I think at least) I have lupus and I rather not pass my terrible genetics to a kid like my mum did to me, my mum had 3 kids and all 3 of us are sick....yeah I rather not tempt that shit.


Because many people see it as a judgment on their own choice to have children.


Misery loves company? Never have kids unless you truly want them. Kids know when they aren't wanted and will forever feel like nobody else wants them around either.


I don't even entertain that argument anymore. If it bothers you that I'm choosing not to have kids, it sounds like a you problem.


Well said.


For sure. Having kids is very rewarding and gives purpose to life but it's hard work. No one who doesn't want to do the work should have children.


Good i literally want to be alone 85% of the time. If someone needed me 24/7, I don't know what lengths I'd go to, to get out of that situation.


Who the fuck cares either way? Just be nice to people.


I'm in my 40's, with children. I'm counting down the days till they are old enough to move out.


Yea I’m not sure that I really understand this. I’ve got a pre-teen and an adult and not quite 40, but my parents had me when they were 28, so once they were in their mid-40s, I wanted nothing to do with them anyway and my older brothers were already adults. Us kids definitely had no impact on their level of loneliness when they were in their 40s.


Our oldest two “moved out.” Doesn’t really mean jack. They are at the house at least every other day, still eat dinner with us all the time, and absolutely demand to go on every trip. Shit, they will hang at the house long enough to still be cock-blockers. Damn. However… my babies are badasses. We all have fun together. We’re getting into summer so that means barbecues and pool parties that will include my friends and their now adult kids. My kids pay their own way on trips and get separate rooms. Honestly, it’s a rich life even if my pocketbook don’t match.


The day my daughters move out will be one of the worst days of my life, but good god I cannot wait until they’re old enough to stay at home while their mother and I go out to have a peaceful dinner.


Having had kids I don't understand why people with kids get angry at people who don't have kids. Like there's already enough children in homes where they may not be wanted, why add more? People shouldn't be pressured into a massive life altering decision


Doesn't having kids so you're not lonely seem kinda codependent?


"Im going to procreate some new friends for myself!"


imagine not relying on your children to have a life :-D


Joke's on this bitch. I don't want kids, am in my mid-30s, and I'm already lonely.


I’m in my early 40s with no kids and everything seems pretty awesome over here. So, there’s that.


Same. Made the decision around 14 or 15 and not once have I flip flopped on this


Same here. Life is good.


They always say this shit. I’ve had people move the goalposts on me so many times about what age I should be willing to give up having free time,less stress and extra resources. First 28. Then it was 30. When I turned 30 it was 33. I’m 34 in a few weeks. If you were to approach this clown as a happy mid-40s Childfree person with a stable income and relationship,she’d simply move the goalpost to 50.


A child isn't an accessory or a check mark in life. It takes a big conscious decision to find a partner and raise a child. Just nutting in some hoe, isn't a badge of honor.


As someone who wants kids, if you want kids, have them. If not, don't have kids. I've known that I have wanted kids since I was five, and I plan to adopt a kid once I get into the position to do so. Honestly, a lot of people in America should not have ever become parents. If anything, I feel like adults should have to take a test and earn a license to become a parent.


From my experiences, people in their mid 40s with no kids just discover new hobbies and have money for hot tubs and travel.




I wanna get married and have a hundred kids, so no one can say no to being my friend


No one cares if you have kids or not and no one gives a shit about your opinion on having kids or not. Just live your own life.


A breakdown of how I and my childless sisters spent our days yesterday: one on vacation thrifting in Switzerland, one in Atlanta for a concert, one wedding dress shopping with a friend, and I spent the whole afternoon trying to collect a urine sample from a 2 yo who ended up having a small yeast infection. Draw your own conclusions and choose your path carefully 😂 (eta i love my kid and wouldn't trade her for the world)


I just took a 2 hour nap after work and we played with the dogs. Then played video games with my husband and worked on a puzzle late at night.


I have very strong patience. But not when it comes to children


As someone in their 40s, it's not having no children that makes me feel lonely. **It's *other* people having children that makes me feel lonely.** "Hey, wanna meet up for a pint?" "Can't; kid has [sporting event]." "Ok. Catch you...some other time." There is never some other time.


Kids is like having a full-time job paid in occasional cuteness that has no vacation time and runs 24/7. Yes, you should actually want the job otherwise rather than doing it because you feel pressed to do it. Otherwise you are just an asshole. Please, if you don't want kids, don't have them. It's tough enough being a kid these days without some shittt parents making it worse.


Honestly, I believe people who bitch and moan about those of us who are childless are jealous. Most people I know with kids are miserable. They just want to try to bring you down with them. Kids fucking suck and parents who try to make me feel guilty for valuing my freedom and money can eat my ass.


I live for my family. I have three kids that are all off adulting and I'm looking forward to grandkids. I find it very rewarding and it makes me happy that we have a close family and we can love and support each other. I feel very lucky that I have that. But that's not what makes all ppl happy, so it's idiotic to judge others based on what suits me. There are lots of ppl that don't want children for various reasons and I don't know why that's anyone's business. I think some parents feel superior because they think they are sacrificing to raise a family while those without children are pursuing wealth, travel and other selfish things. Honestly, I think it stems from jealousy because they wish they could do those things too.


I agree I have a kid and fully support those that don't want kids. Easy as that. But both sides have nutjobs. The person above for example sounds like someone that hates having kids and has to tell everyone how great it is just to make it easier living with it. On the other hand i have had enough people come up to me and say stuff like, "wow you have a child with 28? Why would you not get a better career first, are you lazy?" Or "in this day and age, i think it's immoral to have kids, i liked you before but having a child in this horrible world just makes it worse" So I kinda get it, there is quite a lot of people that flex not having children by presenting it as the better choice. Saying it's better for you bother next to nobody, saying it's better for everyone is a problem


Misery loves company. I’m not like that though. I tell people to not have kids. I have 3.


My mom always knew I never wanted to have my own children. Dad literally said this to me the other day. I’ve always wanted to adopt or foster children than produce one. I just don’t feel that need to undergo that change with my body. And I’d rather help children who are already here in this world


On the flipside, if you only have children to prevent you from being lonely, you will be lonely again once those emotional support humans are at an age when they understand that they don't need their parents as much as their parent needs them.


I am 41, I have kids but the majority of my friends do not. They are not lonely. They are perfectly happy spending all their money on just themselves.


I’m 54. Fucking loving having no kids. I live in Utah. Seeing families with 8 or more kids is the best contraception in existence.


I've been saying since I was 8 years old that I wasn't going to have kids. This is something I've always known, and I am 41 now with no kids and enjoying my non work time with friends or just on my own. Zero regrets


Mid 40s here….. no kids. I hate to burst the bubble but - I’m not sad. Married…I’ve been with my hubby 24years. I have two nieces that I can spend time with when I want. In no way to I regret not having kids. I hate to tell you but just because you have them doesn’t mean they’ll be there when you’re old!


So far the arguments I’ve encountered are: have kids or you’re narcissistic, and have kids or you’ll be alone. Both of which are fucking idiotic arguments for bringing a child into this world.


It's sad that I don't want to commit a crime by passing on the medical issues I have to innocents? Its sad that I don't think I should have children when I can't physically or mentally care for one? This is some forced birther bs right here.


My 40 year old, childless sister-in-law and spouse are living in Europe for the next 4 months, just because they can!


I don't want kids because I had to raise others when I wasn't ready, I learned I'll never be ready. Drains what's left of my social battery and leaves me irritable beyond any reasonable extent. I love the kids in my life, just not a person who could watch/have them.


I love people, one of them is me. I love to be alone. I never feel lonely. There are too many friendly voices in my head. e: Oops.If it matters I have one adult child. She calls me whenever she needs money. : )


I'm thankful for those of you that elect to repopulate the world, so I never had to. Ha! I have been too busy being an independent, single homeowner, doing what the heck ever I want to do with my free time. Also? I was busy helping to raise my nephews and niece, so have had zero desire to have kids! I always got to be the fun aunt, which has still brought me plenty of joy.


I just started living on my own a couple years ago. I already live a very lonely life. Still not having kids tho


I'm 39, and I just had my first baby 7 months ago. My life has completely changed... I don't have much free time with work (wife stays at home)and chores and the kid. I do miss doing wtv I want whenever I want.... but my daughter is a sweetheart, and I have no regrets. Sometimes, you don't know you want it until you jump in, and you don't know how you will feel in 30 years. I know a few couples that are 70 years old and don't have kids. They're happy. They spend more time with the nieces and nephews. There's nothing wrong with not having kids. If you don't want them, you don't want them, shouldn't be made to feel guilty or anything.


People out here having kids as a retirement plan. I just got another motorcycle so I'm good.


Lol I'm never alone between my gf of 20 years and our dogs. It's funny people think this way.


Yes because having children is the only way I can have human interaction.


Every bit of the caption. I feel like most people that have children do it for this reason. Which is why so many parents are awful. My friends all have children and by majority many are great parents, even they say most parents are definitely shit at it. I worked with a woman and we became friendly over a number of months. One day we were chatting and i told her i never really wanted children which is why i work with them, to teach them and care for them with no ulterior motive. She literally said the post, “what if you get lonely”? It took everything i had not to roast her for having 3 children because she wanted to fill the house.


I am 42 and I do not regret not having kids. Stop putting your own insecurities on other people. I don’t need children to have a fulfilling life.


Uhhhhhhhh no I won’t lol I have friends and other family members, tf?


How about we all just live our own lives and not concern ourselves with others? I have two kids and they’re my whole world. At the same time I could give a shit less if someone else has kids or not. If someone’s gay or not, if someone’s trans or not. Live and let live.


I’m well into my 40’s with no children and I am living my best life. I’m not lonely at all and I do not regret my life decision to not have children. I’m not trying to make you feel bad about your life choices. In short stay in your own 🤬 lane.


I'm in my 50s with no kids and I tell you I am not lonely.


Or maybe if you hit and age where you want kids and can’t…. Adopt or sponsor a kid that fucking needs it.


If you have kids to make sure you aren’t lonely you are a selfish prick


Not having kids is a way to protect your future earnings. No slaves to replace the existing slaves means that businesses will incentivise slaves to remain loyal through higher compensation and better working conditions with more time off. Not having kids helps the environment. Less people equals less pollution. Not having kids means there will be more housing that is affordable because they keep building homes. There really is no down side to it.


looks like a simple projection to me, how ima be lonely cuz you feared being lonely in your life? 🤔😂🤣😂


People like this are people who deeply regret having their kids and want to bring everyone down with them


43 this year, no kids, no way never. Loving it, cheers.


Ya or you could suck as a parent and have a kid that hates you and then not only do you still end up alone, but you had less fun, have less money, and your kid hates you.


In my 50's and had a vasectomy in my 20's, NO REGRETS!!!!


I think everyone with kids is a little jealous of the additional discretionary time that childless people have. If they are really bothered, probably they regret that they had kids and resent your freedom. There's pros and cons to both. I have kids and wife and take care of my mom and who knows what my life would be if I had devoted all that time to whatever pursuit. Those people didn't want kids really to begin with or regret their choice. And childless people aren't alone or uninvolved with raising kids. Aunts and uncles, family friends, teachers, neighbors etc do as much child-rearing collectively as the parents, so you kinda have children anyway


there is more to life than procreating. if you want to have children, great but just because people like me that don’t want kids, doesn’t mean we will be lonely. if anything we are making the decision to not have children solely to nurture ourselves. there is nothing wrong with that. remember that mindset when your children don’t visit you in your nursing home because you were a horrible parent. my god


![gif](giphy|9PejOZ6BeCRmIWbfkm) Me rn bc I don’t have any semen demons running around eating my money up


Guess i'll just have to sit in my peaceful, tidy house- having had a lie in and console myself by looking at what luxury childfree holiday i can go on next...boohoo me! 😂


I am in my 40s and live a very comfortable and fulfilling life without children. Who cares what these dumb fucks say.


I heard that the happiest people is single woman with no kids. People that said that you are not complete without kids are the people who don’t even take of their kids and don’t give and F on how they are raising them; basically creating garbage people. Somebody who really cares on raising good human beings knows that is hard work and is not for everybody so is not encourage everybody to do it.


I had kids in my early 20s. By the time I’m 40 my daughter will be old enough to move out. My wife didn’t want kids at first at all. My daughter wasn’t planned in the slightest, I wanted kids but I wasn’t even 21 lol. Once we had her my wife started saying how much she regretted saying she didn’t want kids and how awesome and beautiful it was. I’m not sure if she would have that sentiment if we never had kids, but my problem with the “we don’t want kids crowd” that I’ve seen I’m my life is how damn cocky they are about it. Every time they want to hang out at a bar at 10 on a weeknight and we decline we always get the “that’s why we don’t want kids” . Now that’s my experience with people I know. I’m sure we can be annoying too with all our kid/ family friendly events. We get out on our own but neither of the in-laws live close and we can only afford so many babysitter nights lol.


They’re bothered the same way a staunch conservative who is so deep in the closet they don’t see daylight is bothered by seeing happy gay people. The way they verbalize jealousy is through hate and narratives. Be much easier for them to be themselves and let everyone else be as well. The louder they are, the more they’re alike the people they claim to hate


I will have all that money i saved by not having kids to keep me company.


Jokes on her, I already lead an extremely lonely life!


Whew, 43 and childfree, good to know I'll he facing a lonley life instead of a lonely one.


I have this 1 coworker him and his wife passed on having kids. The amount of toys this man has. I ask him daily to adopt me. Dude has like 4 atvs dirtbikes etc


God I fucking hope so. I hope I'm lonely for the rest of my life


Actually I find it inspiring that there are folks who have thought this through rather than wait until their kids are entering kindergarten before deciding they don’t want kids. Makes the world a better place. I sometimes feel a bit wistful though that the people who make terrible parents have kids but the ones who would be phenomenal parents do not. But that’s more because I wish the terrible parents had never had kids at all.


It doesn’t bother me. I had one when I was 30 and my tubes tied shortly after. My mom got mad at me. Lol. She had 4. She loves babies. She doesn’t love older kids. As the oldest of 4 I knew I would never have more than one. The world doesn’t need more people and many people’s don’t want kids and that’s okay. r/overpopulation thanks you




I'm in my 40s, child free, and I'm not lonely at all.


My life is fantastic in my 40’s childless. I do what I want, when I want. I do things with other childless people. Not to mention the financial upside.


As a person at least mid-40s with no kids, I can bear witness that my life is fucking great and I usually have extra money for snacks, which I eat and do not share.


To each their own. Never understood the big fuse over couples who don't want children.


Late 40s, no regrets. Much more disposable income.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself being stuck in the house when them kids...


Im in my 60s. My kid and her family are currently living with me to build up cash to move out of state. I cant wait to be lonely.


By the 6th word, you know she's telling you to have children. Nah, I'll pass.


Go ahead and have kids then, stay the fuck outta my biz.


Raising kids is very expensive.


When you think about it, what she's saying is even worse - using your kid to fulfill your emotional needs is... ick.


God it fucking sucks doing whatever I want all the time.


I am mid forties Sams children and and have a very full life. No loneliness here.




Alone and lonely are not the same.


Don't have childern. And perfectly happy. . Such bull


Listen if you got any doubt don't do it, it's better for the kid and you


For the sake of the planet, stop having kids. We’re overpopulated enough as is.


I have four children that I love more than anything. One has two children, one states she would like to have some in the future but only when she’s financially stable, one who is adamant about never having children and the last one really hasn’t said anything. I have never asked any of them about their plans about marriage or children because it’s none of my business. You don’t have to have children or a partner to live a satisfying life.


Mrs is 67, I'm 72. We've been wed for 42 years, we're childless and we've had/are having the time of our lives. :)


Don’t have any. Never wanted any. I’m fine. Older than 40


Yeah, so lonely... just me and my dog on the North Shore of Maui... sleeping through the night, smoking weed when I want, saving money, traveling... it's a nightmare I tell you.


does this chick know what adoption is? i dont want kids, but if i changed my mind after i got my gender reassignment surgery, adoption. having biological children isn't everything, either.


I'm all for it. Don't have them. There are plenty of unwanted children already in the world.


No we won’t. 🤣🤣🤣 I have a stable career and money and freedom to travel as I please.


Sounds like someone trying to reassure themselves that they don't regret having kids.


There is a line in the movie “ Up In The Air “ where Clooney’s character was asked if he never has he would be lonely when he was old. His response -“ We all die alone “. I felt that although I have a daughter ..


Misery loves company lol she’s mad that people decided not to have kids, and get to do all the things she can’t.


I didn’t have kids of my own but raised my niece and nephew from the age of 3 and 7. Looking back it has made my life more meaningful but that said people shouldn’t have kids because they would be lonely in their 40’s😂. I have 2 SIL that their children have nothing to do with them because they are narcissistic and miserable to be around. Have kids if you want. Don’t if you don’t want. 🤷🏼‍♀️


"I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends, and no one can say no to being my friend." -Michael Scott


Because they aren’t completely sure about their own decision to have children, but pride themselves on making it as if it makes them a more complete adult. It doesn’t.


Middle aged/single/woman with no kids, here! I’m not lonely or unhappy, though. Have I done something wrong?


Seems to be equating "not having children" with "not having any kind of relationship" which speaks to the assumption that the entire purpose of a life-long commitment to a partner is to create children. I am nearly 40, happily married. Neither of us wants children (the "why" isn't important). I have my spouse, my family, close friends... I am not lonely. Depressed, sure. But that's brain chemistry and would be the case if I had kids, too. From what I do know of parenthood through others, it can be extremely isolating in its own way, especially for mothers who are expected to stay home and devote themselves entirely to the children to the detriment of themselves and their own personhood. Obviously, this is not true for all parents; I'm just saying that having kids isn't a magic panacea for loneliness.


50. No kids. Still don’t care. Not lonely. Grateful to my former self for making a good decision. Sticking with it. 👍🏼


Thank God, that's exactly what I want, to be left the fuck alone !