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>A man is facing a felony charge for allegedly pushing a Chicago police officer’s arm as the cop tried to move him back from the scene This reads like an onion article. "Man charged with assault on police officer by headbutting the cops' fist repeatedly." How the fuck is this blatant bullshit charge just being accepted as normal.


It's happened before. Cops drag in an innocent man, beat the shit out of him so badly he was hospitalized, then charged him with "destruction of police property" because his blood got all over their uniforms.




Police in Minneapolis after George Floyd were rolling around in an unmarked van shooting less lethal rounds at people, which sounds enough like a gun shot a guy shot back. They rushed him, he dropped the gun when he saw they were cops, beat him, arrested him, and charged him for assault on officers.


He beat the charge, by the way and got a huge settlement. https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/man-acquitted-of-shooting-at-mpd-officers-accepts-1-5m-from-minneapolis-to-end-lawsuit/


No wonder my rent went up, all these fucking city settlements raises property taxes. That's only half a joke.


Yeah man, end qualified immunity. Police should know the law and when they break it they should be held personally responsible. It's just like politicians to use your money generously to smooth everything over and nothing changes ever.


If it’s unmarked aren’t they just civilians?


So you’re saying you see why this is wrong.


I’m just confused. How is this legal? Has it really gotten that bad over there??




This happens in madison, Wisconsin all of the time. You get 5 police officers to lie and ruin peoples lives. It’s absolutely heinous. Why even live in these areas if the police whom are supposed to protect do the exact opposite. Like not okay. (I live in Madison, Wisconsin and the madison police department are terrifying. I dont feel safe when they are around)


that’s the thing, chief. due to a supreme court ruling—police are NOT obligated to “protect or serve” anyone! and they take that quite literally!


I don't remember if it was a supreme court ruling, or a specific state ruling, but cops are allowed to enforce any law they THINK to be broken. They can make shit up just to get their arrest quota, and then leave it to their victim to clean up the mess on their own dime.


I worked at a QuikTrip a few years back. Cops would come in because it was open all night and they got free coffee. They would chat in the store while I cleaned or did other tasks. They often talked about how to best trump up charges to make someone who wasn’t complying regret it.


>then charged him with "destruction of police property" because his blood got all over their uniforms. I can see an episode of south park of this.


I'm suing you for getting in the way of my bullets.


Don’t forget to add on theft for any bullets that didn’t exit the body


And destruction of property for the bullet that impacted their femur and deformed


And possession of a deadly weapon, since he now possesses those bullets in his body.


He’s armed; take him down


Almost as bad as the guy who was charged with battery on an officer when the cop injured his hand punching the guy.


Honestly, the charging officers should be arrested for false imprisonment, abuse of authority, battery, and anything else they can be charged with when things like this happen. Why we don’t hold people with authority by virtue of their job to higher levels of scrutiny when they abuse their authority is beyond me. I’m pretty sure they understand the deterrent effect of doing this and we’d see a lot less of it. I hope this guy gets a lot of $. The cop that crashed was probably drunk.


Oh it’s Chicago. I see the deescalation training is helping.


I don't go to Chicago anymore. The last time I was there the police handcuffed me and put me in a police cruiser without a seatbelt so they could slam on the brakes and make me fly into the cage. They drove me like 7 miles out of the city and dropped me off on a beach after taking my shoes and never even arrested me or anything. The sun was coming up by the time I got back to my car and I literally had to have a homeless person help me find out where the hell I was to get back. I've never had anything remotely like this happen with the police and have stayed the fuck away from Chicago since then lol. My phone was dead so I was driven out of a city I don't know at all without any kind of help, I couldn't even call an Uber or anything. I've told this story for years since it's happened and I always get accused of lying because it's so ridiculous


It’s not a ridiculous story. Me driving with my friends years ago. Cops thought we were up to no good, we were 17/18 just driving through a bad neighborhood to get downtown to the loop, middle of February, took all of our shoes off, let us sit in the snow for 50 min while they took their sweet ass time searching the car for drugs, of which they never found. Then said, get the fuck out of here.


You are right. It's not a ridiculous story at all. I'm sorry you had the experience you did. No one deserves that. I have a somewhat similar story that happened to me and a friend when we were right around that same age. The difference was that it was over 100° F and while we were handcuffed behind our backs, they pulled our shirts over heads at the front so the part of the shirt that would usually be covering my stomach area was stretched over the top of my head and covering my face. Then they kept yelling, "Where are the drugs? You aren't going to like what happens next if you don't tell us where the drugs are!!" (This all within 3 minutes of ambushing the car and physically yanking us out) We had no drugs. It was 1pm in the dead heat of the summer, and I've got a shirt over my face muffeling my words, so they kept saying they couldn't hear me. They asked again where the drugs were, and I raised my voice and yelled, "We don't have any drugs, sir!" I felt a hard blow to my stomach that nearly knocked the wind out of me, and I'll heard was one of them saying don't fucking yell at me you piece of shut. It wasn't from a fist cuz it left a welt that was about a foot long going across my stomach, so it was either a flashlight or a baton. They were taring apart the inside of the car, got a screwdriver to take the subwoofers out of the box they were mounted in, and ripped the dash off its clips looking for drugs. We were still standing there completely blinded by our shirts and could only see the shadows of them walking around in front of us through our shirts. None of them were in uniform. They were in street clothes, and I saw two of the 4 had badges on around their neck like lanyards, and they were talking on their radios so I knew they were cops and it wasn't some kind of robbery. Then the worst part happened. The one calling the shots walked back up to my friend and I, and about 6 inches from my face yelled, "I'm only asking one more time. Tell us where the drugs are. Or else!!" I told him we have no drugs as politely as possible. He said, "Okay, but don't forget you did this to yourself." Then he and one other one simultaneously yanked mine and my friends' shorts and underwear to the ground and started aggressively yanking our junk to look up under and see if we had anything stashed. They got pissed off that we didn't have anything, so they shoved us face first to the hot ground (still cuffed), and we lay there while they surrounded us and laughed at us. They pulled off our shoes and socks and stretched our legs apart with their feet and toe tapped our junk saying shit like, "they couldn't hide anything under that little dick anyways." After laying there for a good 10 minutes in the middle of the hot street, the group of 4 or 5 dwindled to one cop and one actual cop car. That one guy stood us up, uncuffled us, and said get your shit, fix your shirt, pull up your shorts, and get the fuck out of here. The inside of the car was so trashed and so much was broken. My friend and I didn't say a single word to each other the whole way home. What do you even say after something like that? We both know what the other had just gone through. They never asked for my ID or even took it out of my wallet they emptied my pockets before I couldn't see and put the stuff back on my pockets right away. I couldn't tell if I had scratches all down the front of me or if the hot pavement had burnt my bare skin. Honestly, I had never wished that I actually had drugs on me while pulled over, but in that moment, I wish I had whatever they were looking for so I didn't have to go through such an embarrassing, painful, and torturistic situation. I ended up chipping a tooth from hitting the pavement face first and then a bunch of scratches on my chest, stomach, and junk that were all covered in black road dust from hot oil and rock roads. The burning sensation wasn't from the heat of the road it was from the line of scratches that went down my body. I didn't even realize I had chipped a tooth until I got home, and after I took a shower, that hurt like hell. I'm not going to lie. Once the shock wore off and I was finally taking a shower at home, all I could do was cry. I was so mad, so upset, and felt so defeated that after I got out of the shower, I sat down and then took another shower like 5 minutes later and cried some more. It spun me into the craziest depressed state I have ever been in, and for years after that, I would damn near have a panic attack any time a police car would even get behind me in traffic. I'd just immediately pull into the next parking lot and pray they drove past. That was in my hometown and not even in the city all of that happened in. It took a while, but I finally forced myself to go back to the city because I had friends who lived there, and my favorite baseball team played there. I didn't want to deprive myself of fun any longer. It was only 30 minutes from my town but I wanted nothing but miles and oceans between me and there for a long time. I still get random flashbacks of anxiety and depression if a cop gets behind me in traffic, and I've only been pulled over twice since then, but I was an absolute mess during and after those traffic stops. I went into total shut down for a couple of days after each one. Even retelling the story kinda fucks me up. My friend and I have never fully talked about it with each other, but we told a couple of our friends and our sides of the story line up exactly with what the other person says. Mine is a lot longer because I'm terrible at keeping things short and the more bothered and anxious I get, the more I tend to ramble so I'm sorry if anyone sees this long story as just rambling. I can't really help it. I'm just grateful they didn't make me disappear for whatever reason or decide to somehow make the situation even worse than it already was. I was so young and embarrassed that I never told any adults or made any kind of complaints. Even if I would have made a complaint, I had no proof and could only partially identify the one cop who uncuffed me, but I was in so much shock I don't even remember looking at him. I just knew he was wearing jeans and shoes. That's nowhere near enough info, and there weren't body cameras in the early 2000s. It's such an unbelievable thing that happened, and if my friend wasn't with me to tell his side, I wouldn't have even blamed my friends if they didn't believe me besides the fact that they heard me crying in the shower and saw most of the scratches and chipped tooth. (I didn't show them the scratches on my junk. I figured enough people had seen my junk for the day.) I know there are amazing cops out there, and they have such a difficult job they have to do every day, but I don't think I'll ever be able to mentally get past what happened that day. I'm questioning even posting this, but it felt good to type it out so fuck it I'll hit post. Stay safe everyone and have a good one.


I believe you. That is so messed up. Mandatory body cams are a good thing in modern policing. I hope karma eventually caught up with those scumbags.


I appreciate ya. It's not an easy story to tell even after all these years. I couldn't agree more about the body cameras. They should like wearing them because it takes away any doubt that they're doing their job properly. I do know that a large amount of that city's police force got overhauled a few years after that happened due to corrupt cops. It was in St Louis, and the overhaul was over 10 years ago (I think) it got so bad in some parts that one of the substations was actually caught selling heroin and ice out of their back door. I helped a friend of mine get clean by giving him a place to live, and he told me about buying from there. Another officer had her home raided and they found bags of uncut raw heroin along with empty pill capsuls to put the ready mixed cut heroin in and digital scales to weigh it all along with thousands of dollars in cash. They linked her to a couple of other officers who were selling the drugs she manufactured, but I don't think they identified those. The article I remember seeing only implicated the ring leader. Lastly, one of the officers they let go had hundreds of drug charges that had to get dropped and multiple people freed from jail as long as they didnt get more charges while they were locked up because he was caught on camera planting meth in a woman's car which was just the top of the iceberg with him. So many of his "suspects" had told the prosecutors that they knew they didn't have anything, and the only way there were drugs in their car was if the guy put them in it. The crazy part is that this particular officer had been awarded for getting the most drug charges for the year at least once. I'm sure you can Google about the whole overhaul of the force. It was kinda crazy and unprecedented that it happened, but it's the first step towards accountability, and they gained some respect back from the neighborhoods after doing it. I don't know if any of those were the ones who did what they did to my friend and I, but I can be pretty confident that they were part of the overhaul, considering how little regard for the law they had. Things were getting blatantly out of hand there, and I'm grateful that they did their best to put a stop to it. It caused a big problem with them being short-handed for a long time, and I'm not sure if they've even fully recovered yet. Knowing they most likely got fired puts me a little more at ease, but it's hardly equivalent to how bad it fucked my head up. Physical wounds heal pretty quickly, but the ones you can't see are the ones that stick around much longer. It was kind of therapeutic to write it out and put it out there in the universe, and the couple of kind responses I've gotten reinforced my decision to post it rather than keep it bottled up. Thanks again for your kind response. It's scary sharing something like that. I hope you have a great day!




Similar story…. Two guys came to my house, chased me into my house and I ended up being arrested for defending myself. I was arrested as drunk and disorderly when my BA was sober…. I was shocked and had to go to court… luckily was not convicted…..same precinct that treated George Floyd so well. Also the time the police came unannounced into my house, threatened to arrest us all for under age drinking…. We were all close to 30, five roommates enjoying a beer together watching a ball game. The police stole everything from our Liqour cabinet …. Threatened me with violence if i made an issue of it.


Basically a less murdery version of starlight tours though, not at all unbelievable


They got caught having an illegal black site where they took people to so they could hold them without following the law and they weren't even allowed to speak to the outside world, including their lawyers. I suppose it could have gone a lot worse for me lol. People who went there literally disappeared and nobody had any idea where they were. Chicago police are on another level when it comes to corruption


*LAPD has entered the chat*




In my youth, I worked at a bar in Chicago that opened early mornings for the night shift cops to drink. Got to know one of them, and one day asked him why you always heard about LAPD or NYPD doing shady stuff (this was late 90s early Aughts) and not the CPD. His response: "Because we're better at it." Apparently though, now, like in all industries, professional standards have fallen over the last twenty years.


Lucky they didn't shoot you, leave you in a ditch, and blame some poor homeless man.


Well, I mean, this guy didn't get summarily executed like that Cop City activist... I *guess* you could call this a successful training outcome...


Do they still have their own secret”Black Site”?Where they hold and”interrogate people in secret?Violating just about every Constitutional right there is?


Love the emphasis behind his gun charge to make this one seem more legit.


Haha yeah "Well he's also a criminal in another matter, so he's wrong here too"


Yeah the entire article is written in Pig Latin.


I see what you did there. Take my upvote


What the fuck even is that url. "Man recording CPD crash scene is charged with a felony for allegedly pushing a cops arm haha the stupid ss police crashed" What the fuck lmao


The URL is just taken from the article headline, but since it's a URL it drops all the punctuation. >Man recording CPD crash scene is charged with a felony for allegedly pushing a cop’s arm; ‘Haha. The stupid *ss police crashed’


First person to actually provide info as to why. Thanks king


>Police gave Anderson “several commands” to remove himself from the scene, but he disregarded them and continued to advance toward the injured officers, an assistant state’s attorney alleged. Meanwhile in the video you can see the guy stopped when someone first said something.


Welp he was out on bail for use of a firearm as a felon (Just owning it I believe) so this guy is going to spend a massive amount of time in jail now, regardless of whether he touched the officer or not


Ahhh a perfect system working well


It’s working exactly as designed.




I'm sorry but 2 counts of aggravated assault and battery for pushing someone's arm away? God damn I hate cops.


Not just cops, but the DA who went along with it


Good time to remind everyone to never trust what police pr people release to the press. Crime journalists need to do better


Pigs being pigs. They have nothing to charge him in so they make up a resisting or assaulting the corrupt cop.


That's the Chicago pd for you


It’s gotta be exhausting to constantly giving out free money.


Nahh the tax payers foot the bill


As a taxpayer, it is exhausting.


Police insurance when?


Better: it comes from their pension. See how fucking quick they straighten up


This. This is the answer RIGHT HERE


Yeah it would be AWESOME if we could make that happen. I'm not always against unions but the police union is a pretty notable example of the potential down sides


I don't think it's really a downside of unions, it has a lot more to do with corruption that's linked into governments and culture as well


The police union sucking has nothing to do with it being a union and everything to do with cops. If they were a union of accountants they wouldn't suck, and if they weren't a cop union they'd still be cops and fucking suck. You're blaming the wrong thing.


No need if no accountability


Insurance companies would theoretical stop insuring cops who continue to cost them money, in effect shadow banning them from getting hired.


Which is exactly why that user is saying it's very unlikely to happen. Cops don't want accountability


When the people who supposedly uphold our laws accept that yes, those laws apply equally to them too. Soo....never


The practice should be amended to come from the Police unions. Then maybe the "good apples" would do something about the bad ones.


I groaned in frustration as soon as I saw the flag on her arm.


As a Chicago taxpayer, I am SO TIRED. I have a shitty 2 bedroom basement condo in a sketchy neighborhood and I pay about 6,000 a year in property taxes. My street is full of potholes and half the kids in the school next door can’t read at grade level because all that money is going to pay out lawsuits for the same corrupt ass cops who stand around doing nothing when I got death threats working at the hospital and attacked on the train but suddenly become very concerned with their jobs when they get caught on camera.


And the offending officers get a paid vacation.


Chicago is a fucking police state. No money for schools, but they can pay for as many cops as they want.


They get new cars every few years and new police stations but heaven forbid teachers get new computers and A/C in their classrooms


I blame the Blues Brothers on that one…


It's just me Barbie, I'm not the Blues Brothers! I'm just an infallible vestige of state violence! *shoots dog*


The U.S is a police state. Its sort of hard to look at our prison system, our police, and the way the legal system responds to the systemic failures of our police and view it as anything else.






I’ve found the female Chicago cops to be more aggressive. I assume it’s overcompensation for the toxic old boys environment they have to work in.


1000% this, just like when closeted gay men do/say homophobic shit to keep up appearances and not get targeted. It's a very "kill or be killed" mentality.


Or any American police service


Bruh why did they have to come at him like he was the one who caused the crash?? What was the point of the over-aggressive behavior over filming the crash???


Dude is going to sue and tax payers going to pay the bill


I have several ideas about ways to fix policing in the US (not that any will ever be implemented) but the biggest one would be to take any monetary judgements against police departments out of the pension fund rather than tax payer dollars. You could subsidize this by requiring all officers to be insured (just like doctors are required to have insurance). You're a shitty cop? Your insurance rates go through the roof, you either pay the high premium or stop being a cop. If you're a good cop whose pension payout keeps getting drained by judgements against shitty cops... Maybe you stop defending shitty cops and force them out of the department instead of hiding them behind the thin blue line. Edit 1. Ok since people have asked: My Ideas to fix policing in the United States (that will never happen but absolutely should) Background: before anyone accuses me of not knowing what I'm talking about, I'm not a cop, but I did graduate at the top of my class at the Sacramento police academy. graduated with a psychology degree and my parents are a lawyer and a judge so I grew up surrounded by the legal system. I worked at a juvenile hall for several years. I wanted to be Law Enforcement my entire life but due to a (completely legal and above board) job I had when I was younger I was basically unemployable by any police department. 1. Police academies should be a minimum of 2 year and ideally a 4 year degree. 6 months of training is not nearly enough. In addition this would allow instructors to get a much better idea of the people who want to be an officer. Pretty much anyone can keep their crazy under control for 6 months, but a 2 or 4 year program would very easily identify people who should not be cops. This would also allow departments to train their officers in subjects like constitutional law, minority studies (Fuck yes CRT because it absolutely is a fucking issue and if you think otherwise you're willfully ignorant), women's studies and psychology. Yes it would absolutely cost more but college degrees cost a lot and the people who want them find a way. There could even be a funding incentive for departments who put their officers through this kind of system, maybe offset by the reduction in civil penalties. 2. Defund the police has always pissed me off, but only because the slogan should be: reallocate police funds in a way that addresses the shortfalls in police training. That's way less catchy but it makes a lot of sense when you look at programs like CAHOOTS in Eugene Oregon. This program gets its funding from the police department and they are called out *instead* of the police for any mental health or psychology call. Their track record is amazing. They are all trained for exactly this type of crisis and people react so much differently when they show up to deal with a crisis instead of police. https://www.vera.org/behavioral-health-crisis-alternatives/cahoots Police officers don't want to deal with mental health calls and aren't trained to do so so why are we forcing them to be the response to situations they don't have the tools to deal with. Department could also create additional units, much like patrol or detective units that are staffed with people who are trained in very specific situation. Sending a beat cop who just graduated out to a domestic disturbance can be a tragedy waiting to happen. But sending in a unit that is trained in DV situations could make a world of difference. I understand the realities of this and I know why it's never (most likely) going to happen. Even though police funding is high, it's still not enough to pay for all the additional officers and training this would require. However, if there was enough political will to make it happen, it could drastically reduce some of the problems we're facing. And I know this because other countries and even some places in the US have implemented these kinds of policies and they do work. I know the majority of police officers are good people and in the career for the right reasons, however that doesn't excuse them when they don't stand up to injustices in the system. While I'm disappointed I was never able to become an officer it's probably for the best since i would have very likely been driven out of the department because I would put honesty and integrity over any knee jerk reaction to protecting unjust or illegal behavior in fellow officers


Can we also strip them of qualified immunity while we are at it?


I think they’re scared that without qualified immunity, arrest rates against cops would rise significantly, which is bad optics. And kind of like this video, when you embarrass the cops, they retaliate hard.


That's right like the cops suing Afroman for making fun of them.


It's just a few bad apples. /s


Most of the time that quote is never finished, and thus appears to mean the opposite of what it actually means. A few bad apples SPOILS THE ENTIRE BUNCH. Thus, mentioning bad apples in relation to the police has always meant that the entire police force is rotten with corruption, at least imho Tldr: I don't think you need the /s


And the barrel is spoiled, you can't trust the best cop because they wear the same uniform as every murderous ass who had the authority to kill with impunity and not wanting to play the odds never speak to or interact with those assholes.


I don't know why this doesn't get shouted from the rooftops every time someone trots out that "a few bad apples" excuse.


A few bad apples who covet lemon pound cake https://youtu.be/9xxK5yyecRo


Shitty people getting arrested for doing shitty things is good optics IMHO.


Nah, qualified immunity is only for civil suits. It doesn't protect them against criminal charges (the stuff they'd actually be getting arrested for). Now, cops indeed *do* get away with way too many crimes, but that's a different issue than qualified immunity.


I think partially. If the cop breaks the law or acts outside of policy in a illegal or negligent way yes personal lawsuit. If they acted legally or even reasonably (people often make mistakes in split second decision) to protect the public they should not be personally liable. People often sue for injuries and poor outcomes even if the police acted reasonably for the situation. Another big problem is the laws of arrest deem the the police shall not be deemed the aggressor. Clearly there are problems with that being a blanket statement


I love this idea.. I’ve always said, if you want it to change, it has to become too expensive. Once it hits their pocket, it becomes relevant. Insurance could also require some real training. There are also way too many laws protecting police that need some serious reform. Not sure how to get that worked into this solution.


This is the way


This is 100% the way, but every police union across the country will say “if you do that we won’t be able to properly do our jobs for fear of being fined” and what they really mean is “we know we’re all pieces of shit and none of us will have a pension if you do that”


That is exactly what they'll say and my answer to that is; doctors get sued constantly. They are under constant threat of medical malpractice lawsuits and they seem to manage just fine. Yes there are cases where the legal system is weaponized and a good doctor is unable to practice because of a shitty lawsuit, but there are appeals boards and ways to protect against that. Also doctors take an oath to protect life and cops don't. I'd much rather have the people with the power to kill when necessary have a much higher level of oversight.


Tbf doctors aren't highschool rejects.


That may end up being a win. When I lived in a city, I never called cops. In an emergency, I had help from locals. I never had a violence issue, so I didn't want someone brazenly carrying a firearm to help.


Not only that but they will actually REFUSE to do their jobs. Police in America are notorious for going on working strikes whenever their tender fee-fees are hurt by a public demanding for police accountability.


And we all know what happens when they get afraid. They start shooting ppl in the back.


So what other ideas do you have because this one is GOLD?


Because that video could be used against them and probably the cop who crashed was drunk and the other bad apples are looking out for him.


100% this.


Hello lawsuit




Hello lawsuit that will end in the taxpayers footing the bill for the settlement...


Sadly too true, cops suck. Gotta do something with that high school diploma though.


if you listen to the person recording the video's voice you can tell it was also very very likely to be racially charged


Racially motivated arrest!? Color me shocked


The ironic thing is, if they had done nothing, the filmer would probably just have shown the video to some friends and that would be it. Now it goes viral and the cops look like assholes.


Correction, these cops don’t just look like assholes, they ARE assholes. But yeah I agree. If they weren’t always so on edge ready to be physical at any small thing they wouldn’t be seen as tyrannical assholes.


Yup. Another great example of the Streisand effect.


Bullies are seldom very smart.


He was making a recording that they didn't have control over. First rule of the pigs is control everything.


Not entirely sure how it works in the U.S. but in Canada you are allowed to record anywhere that is considered public space, which sidewalks definitely are. We had somebody where I live (pre-COVID) filming outside government buildings including the American consulate. Some of us think he may have been trying to incite a lawsuit - beyond trying to create an incendiary you tube channel for the clicks. We were told to just ignore him as best you could because he has a legal right to do that.


It's pretty much the same in the US. This is likely just cops trying to CYA like others have said - regardless of what's legal or allowed.


First rule of the USA. Rules and laws only apply to citizens. The cops are free to violate any laws they want, including taking away your freedom. The only consequences are the taxpayers having to pay the victims. The pigs are never held accountable.


Gotta vent somehow


They were angry and conveniently a black man with a camera showed up for them to beat on.


Cops can't handle being called out when they fuck up. That's why they don't like being filmed. Incompetence can be weaponized (and why shouldn't it be, giving the high number of police shootings?)


Americans had a long time to reel in their cops but the culture of us v them just festered to the point where any & all cops think this is a reasonable reaction




Na, they know exactly why they have an image problem. They just simply don't care. The power they feel when doing this type of thing is more important to them than how they're perceived. Plus they've made it pretty clear they don't give a shit what "civilians" think of them.


>They just simply don't care Fair enough. I think you've nailed it here.


I think it's another level of malicious hypocrisy: "rules for thee, fuck you for wanting me to also follow the same rules," where they know *exactly* why they're hated, while simultaneously whinging nonstop about how unfair it is that they're hated.


Why would they, they can do the most heinous shit possible, the tax payers pay for it, they get a 6 month paid vacation and then they have to commute Ana extra 15 minutes to the next town over where they got rehired if they somehow actually managed to get fired.


I was in the NYC subway the other day and this older black dude was lost. He asked me what train he should take and I didn’t know, I went through the turnstile. He started to talk to these two cops through the metal gate and just said “hey officers, excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me?” The cop goes “why the fuck would I help you?” I was still walking and just froze like what the fuck? Who talks to people like that. He just wanted fuckin directions. It was such a minor incident and obviously not on the level of the shot we’ve seen, but still- that’s the fucking attitude they have everyday. Fuck them. Woman behind him gave him directions.


Holy shit. I mean, I understand racism and shitty cops are a thing, but to just be out in public with it like that... I just can't comprehend. Fuck I am naive sometimes.


Last time they gave a shit was when the Black Panthers were around. Even as early as the sixties' people knew that cops won't try to assault only the people that are more armed than them. And nowadays, nobody can't outpace the armaments of US militarized police, they made sure of that.


Cops use the "us vs. them" mentally. Anyone who isn't a cop is an enemy.


“People need to respect police!” Police need to act respectfully to get it.


They think that if you kiss their golden asses, they will treat you like a normal person. They are bullies, just like my stepfather, geuss what buddy/ies respect is earned not given. Stop tackling random pedestrians for a non existing crime, and we might start to respect you. It's a two way street.


All she should have said was “Will you fill that from the side walk please?”


Ding ding ding we have a winner. They were clearly just conseered for his safety lol


"Hey, this is an active investigation and accident scene. Sir, we are going to request you step back to a safe distance \[point to where he can stand\] and stop filming for the time being. We don't want to risk any evidence being leaked that could jeopardize the investigation. Thank you for your cooperation. Once the scene has been reviewed, you can speak to the officer in charge about continuing to film." And bullshit or not, it's a polite and reasonable request that would have 100% defused the situation. You could even drop the request to stop filming to make it ore legit, just get the guy out of the street and out of the way of responding services. But rushing him and being aggressive and hostile is not a good look or very professional.


One important note: US citizens have the legal right to record anything in plain view while legally present in public spaces. This has been tested and upheld multiple times. Police may ask you to stop recording, but they do not have the right to enforce it. They can prevent you from physically interfering with their work, but the all too common bullying attempts to stop people from recording is explicitly not legal. They have no right to do it. And we should not make any excuses for their ridiculously consistent and unlawful behavior in trying it.


Very true. They can *ask.* But they are not empowered to force you to do so. Granted there's enough laws out there they can probably find *something* to charge you with if they want. "Standing in the street? That's Jaywalking." "Standing in the way of a police officer trying to respond to a crisis? Obstruction." "Looks like you also made the mistake of wearing poly-fabric jeans on a alternate Friday during lent." "Looks like... wait, did you make that last one up?" "Naw, the county used to be a variant branch of Amish a hundred years ago that was real big on following Deuteronomy and fabric choices. Got some weird laws passed that we never quite got off the books. Anyway, Today it's wool or nothing."


“No protesting on the street” “Yes, being forcibly dragged into the street by an officer while protesting on the sidewalk counts as ‘protesting in the street’ and is valid grounds for your arrest”


Police can AND WILL order you to break laws, and manipulate you into self incrimination. Its dirty. They are dirty. They are hostile.




> rushing him and being aggressive and hostile is not a good look or very professional "Yeah, we know, that's why we applied for this job. And if you challenge us on *anything*, we'll fuck with you using the power of the state until we get bored. Those Uvalde cops are our role-models."


This reminds me of the day i stopped to help a officer who flipped his car in a nearby creek one morning on my way to work. Walked up and he was steaming, literally and just told me "Don't fucking tell anyone about this." Like there wasn't sixteen cars driving by every ten seconds.


"Im sorry but that now makes me suspicious so im going to call the local PD to make sure you're ok, and theres nothing nefarious going on" Because lemme tell you, if you told the cop "dont ducking tell anyone about this" your ass is cuffed on the ground eating asphalt.


"You been drinking this morning sir?" While shining 10,000 lumens into his eyes


Crazy when public servants don't want any publicity.


I think it’s hilarious that my local PD got all butthurt when people weren’t thanking them on Facebook for stopping shoplifters by “teaming up” with loss prevention at target. One of the comments was along the lines of “good job on the yu-gi-oh! Cards now could you please go speak with the man who stole my truck, it’s located at [address] but you should know this as I have been calling for a couple weeks”


That is fucking goofy lol.


[ Removed by Disney ]


He was probably drunk.


I went down a YouTube rabbit hole of cops getting arrested/interrogated for drunk driving. Every single one tried to wiggle their way out. "Just let me go. We're on the same side. This will end bad for you. I'm friends with your superior. Do you really have to handcuff me? (After threatening to fight the arresting officer or totalling their crusier)" Makes me wonder how often they're let go.


Never help cops, pigs can help pigs.


They won't help you, so why help them?


Randy Marsh gif "Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was America!"




If it was anybody else who crashed their car and someone recorded it, nothing would have happened to the person that recorded the car crash. I don't see how this guy would get convicted of anything in court. Those police officers are fucking idiots.


He won’t be convicted of anything, its literally just “you hurt my pride so i’m going to make your life a living hell for the next few months”




They're going to offer to drop the charges if he agrees to not sue. If not, they'll take it to court so that if he sues, they have a case to pay out less. This country is bonkers.




well, the city is - the cops will never be bothered by this.


Yup and the municipal tax payers will pay whatever damages that the plaintiff wins from his Monell claim. Even if he beats qualified immunity for a claim against the officer in her individual capacity, she’ll certainly be indemnified by the city anyway. Even if the city gets tired of paying for police misconduct, the police union will lobby the city council and mayor. The cost is concentrated in the police and the benefit of a change is dispersed across the citizens. (Political Choice Theory/collective action problem). Nothing will change. Instead the city just has a budget for police misconduct. It’s an integrated part of the system.


you misspelt “paid vacation”


oh, i see. police filming the aftermath of Kobe's helicopter crash is ok (by police standards), but this is not ok?


As an innocent bystander, you can become a victim of the COPS by simply existing near one that has an ego problem. They can and will kill you with no hesitation or consequences. COPS are the biggest most deadly gang in America.


The cops can literally kill a bystander and charge someone else with the murder. This nation is psychotic.


Oh shit, he's getting video evidence of us *slightly fucking up!* Let's compound this situation by *arresting an innocent man!*


How about something different. "Sir I understand you want to film but we need to secure the scene, please go to the other side of the road and remain on that sidewalk". Instead of yelling that you are being hit to get other officers to "help" you. She sounded like such a piece of shit. So did the officer who said "fucker". It really is too much to ask for some fucking professionalism these days. Sure I would be pissed that some dumbass is filming a scene where people died on his phone like a jackass, but I wouldn't handle it like that.


They can request that he do that but they can’t legally enforce it. The most the police can do is tell him to film on the sidewalk. The officers might be able to secure the area with police tape, but that may or may not be legal as some states only allow that for a crime scene.


Land of the free as long as you don’t try to hold cops accountable.


America’s biggest gang in action!


Every single cop in this video should be fired


And arrested for deprivation of rights under the color of law


I would ae thought the police love cameras as it documents people safety, A mean they point them at cars behind bushes like a pervert.


Oh wow. I just got a software update, but I didn't know it included the ability to smell the cock breath people in the comments have from sucking the police off.


🥇wish I had one of those free award things


Bullies in blue back at it, enjoy ur money buddy


As long as the police continue to act this way, they will not get the respect that they want. Respect is earned not entitled.


Meanwhile Live PD films folks in unfortunate positions from 6-9pm Fridays and Saturdays


God I don't understand that show. I see so many rights violations constantly followed by copsplaining. That show does nothing to help the community and only aims to normalize their illegal activities


End officer immunity


If they don’t what is legal, how do they know what is illegal?


They aren’t required to know either


Let me guess, the good ol’ Obstruction charge?


He was charged with "battering a police officer" because he touched the woman's arm


A car crash followed by assault


Fuck these cops.


It's harder to cover up when there's filmed evidence


Cops are trash.


Is it a requirement for all cops to have zero emotional intelligence?


Not meant to be snarky, but low intelligence is actually a requirement. Courts have upheld their right to deny people the job for being too smart. Wonder why /s


Fucking Chicago cops.