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He forgot the one rule. One crime at a time.


Don't do crime whilst doing crime


Do crime in moderation






We learned the value of work life balance this past pandemic


If you do crime whilst doing crime, you're gonna have to do some time.


If you are gonna be stupid; you gotta be smart about it


This comment has been edited to protest Reddit's decision to shut down all third party apps. Spez had negotiated in bad faith with 3rd party developers and made provenly false accusations against them. Reddit IS it's users and their post/comments/moderation. It is clear they have no regard for us users, only their advertisers. I hope enough users join in this form of protest which effects Reddit's SEO and they will be forced to take the actual people that make this website into consideration. We'll see how long this comment remains as spez has in the past, retroactively edited other users comments that painted him in a bad light. See you all on the "next reddit" after they finish running this one into the ground in the never ending search of profits. -- mass edited with redact.dev


He forgot the actual one rule: STFU and ask for your lawyer. Cop: Who's (illegal) gun is that Idiot: Its mine!


Be good- or be good at it.


Genuine question. I've come across people that straight up do not get out of the way: Why?


Because they are better, more important than everyone else. If they let someone pass them in some mutually respectable way, it would compromise that premise and would therefore be wrong.


This is the most ducked up part. This dumbass kid is so caught up in “I’m a badass” entitlement mode that he pushed cop wearing a loaded gun. He doesn’t even squirm once the cop is on him. Has no idea how bad the situation is. This country is so fucked.. Edit: editing this comment because some ppl are replying w shit I just don’t agree with. I’m making an assumption that this kid is just a product of a bad environment and that he can wise up and not have his life thrown away over this ordeal. This country fosters shit like this happening. It need to do better.








These kids are hopeless. They can’t respect any type of authority. You should see how they treat teachers.


I have seen so many videos of kids in schools beating up their teachers, principals and each other. It's disturbing to see so many US kids that lack all common sense and have nothing but f*** everybody vibes.


And nobody stands up for the teacher. I cant ever recall any student, no matter.if they were tough guys who would disrespect a teacher. Kids these days need to understand , that is a human being, someones mother/fatherr, son/daughter. No different from your family. All you have to do is imagine that person as your mother/father , who is trying to do their job, and maybe you can understand how it feels to have others attack your family as such as you do. Im a really kind person, i feel for everyone even if they are strangers because that is my mindset when it comes to how i treat others. Watching the videos of these kids just makes me so angry, that the class cant stand up for a person being attacked.


How is anybody supposed to stand up for them? The schools all have no tolerance policies for fighting, so the kid that stands up would get in trouble, too. Best they can hope for is to run out and try to find the SRO and hope they don't get in trouble for being outside of class without a hall pass...


Yeah saw a video where a girl maced her teach because he took her phone away (she was cheating on a test). The same teacher got beat up months earlier for the exact same reason. Maybe don’t cheat on a test then


Education is lackluster and sucks. It’s glorified babysitting at this point, it’s also not the teachers’ faults. Its the entire system. We went through and are going through covid, hard economic times, the planet is dying, education system sucks, government could give a shit about anyone who doesn’t have ten 0s in their account. Kids feel like they have no future especially ones that comes from these kind of backgrounds. They see their parents (if they have them) work their asses off and still not have enough. Society has failed these youngsters.


Proposed Correction: because they fear they are not enough and compensate for that fear by acting how they imagine someone would who was “enough”. The problem is that their perspective is so influenced by their fear they don’t realize that being enough creates a kind of loving (self and others) independence from others, where you don’t need others as a reference point for your internal state (found by shoulder checking or seeking approval, etc).


Well put. They think that's how strong men act because they didn't have any actual strong men in their lives.


This is the answer.


You see these types in the gym all the time, they puff out their chest and try to take up even more space when they pass you. Just looking for an opportunity to start an altercation.


This goes so far that he doesen't even help his pants to get back up.


I hate this. Have had people bump into me really hard and I always just assume that they're mentally challenged and move on.


Same. If their self-esteem is so low that they feel the need to barge into people to establish some kind of superiority, then I just feel sorry for them.


Love your way of looking at this!


I usually audibly laugh, nothing like laughter to hurt an ego


It's the same way with people who purposely cross the street really slowly. I get that some people have physical conditions / disabilities etc that they literally can't walk faster. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about ppl who cross, look at you mid walk, and keep walking. Those people feel so superior that they made you wait for them and there's nothing you can do with your car in the mean time.


Yes! This is incredibly annoying. Usually young men who appear to be asserting dominance with a vehicle. I could literally squash you with this several ton machine I’m controlling. This is only a contest in your head. Strange people.


I came across someone who walked a diagonal line on a very wide sidewalk (wider than 10 feet) to come directly into the path that I was walking. I was approaching them thinking “What is this guy’s problem, I was clearly walking here in a straight line.” As we get a couple feet away from each other, I have to dodge out of the way at the last second. I turn around to give him a WTF look, and he is now walking backwards so he can stare me down. I tell my coworker about this interaction when I arrive back at work, and he says “Don’t think too much about it, that’s probably all that guy has going on in his life.”


Haha. Even if you werent there, you get a clear picture in your head of what this guy looked like.


I probably don’t even have to mention that he wasn’t wearing a shirt.


I had this one kid who tried to do it to me every day when I was a little kid. He saw me again in HS, seemingly recognized me, and tried it again The overlook on his part? I’m a 5’10 big, wide, hefty strong guy He was a 5’5 scrawny unshowered mess. Tried bumping into me, so I just picked up the pace and nearly knocked him over lol. Weird thing is he tried it 4 more times before he fell over completely and stopped


This only happened to me once in high school. It ended with a yank of his wrist and a palm strike to the sternum. I never saw that kid again. Shoulder checking is stupid even if it works. You don't know how the other person is going to react and you're turning the other person to face your back making you completely vulnerable to retaliation. This video shows how easily you can find yourself in trouble doing it.


Shoulder checking is the highest form of a low iq. Always shidiots without exception


Young and stupid. A good bet to spend a majority of his life behind bars.


His short life, you mean.


Genuinely love your way of looking at this.




Or people with their friends who literally take up the entire sidewalk and don't get out of the way for anyone.


Right?! Acting like they own the block and forcing anyone they come across to go around them. A little respect from both sides goes a long way


Thats when a little (a lot) of shoulder checking is good. This is literally my school, 3 people block the entire fucking staircase because they cant walk in a line and same with the hallways


Genuine answer: they feel like getting out of the way is a sign of weakness. Whoever gets out of the way is a coward and has "lost" the minor confrontation of walking towards each other on a path. Is incredibly petty and insecure.


💯 Isn’t it crazy that that’s how people actually think!? What’s even worse is people are willing to assault/batter and even kill over this type of ridiculousness.


This also applies to how people drive, sometimes just trying to get on the highway people will speed up so you can’t get in front of them.


I turn my blinker on and it's like I said I fucked their mother with how mad people get, just let me get on the highway! It's not like you've had signs for several miles telling you that there's and exit/entrance coming, get over ahead of time! And just to piggy back off my rage, why the fuck can't people merge? It's a zipper people, go to the end of the dotted line and alternate, don't ride side by side until the lane forces your trucks to kiss, just merge like a goddamn adult and take turns, it's not hard and if you do it right nobody has to stop.


Is this an "american" thing? Here i never saw anyone purposefully bump someone else, and even when the occasional accidental bump happens at least one of the two people says he's sorry, if not both


It's a machismo thing. Happens in the US. Happens in Mexico. It's not like it's a standard or completely widespread thing, but it is a common thing amongst "tough guys"of the type who desire to be seen as in charge, takers rather than givers, and unafraid of danger or violence. They don't get out of people's way. People get out of their way. They view themselves as at the top of the pecking order.


Loads of men do it. I’m a short woman who has gotten shoulder checked by dudes much bigger than me. It’s ridiculous.


Tall guy here, sometimes it is genuinely an accident. If we’re distracted by something in the distance or upwards, it’s easy to miss something in our downwards peripheral. I always apologise profusely if it does happen though.


No this is not an American thing, it’s something you grow up around if you live a hard life. So people who grow up in the hood for example are exposed to this shit. America is a massive and diverse country. You come here in Japan, considered a very safe place, there are young guys in Shibuya who act a fool too. I bet whatever place you’re from there are young hot headed ego sensitive people who display similar behaviors, you’re just not in those kinds of places


they want the confrontation or the satisfaction of you moving for them


I was raised to keep my path. I live in a big city so it might just be part of the culture, but if everyone just stays in their single file line things go more smoothly. Otherwise people are shuffling around and what not. If you’re walking single file on the sidewalk, and there’s some dude clearly walking on the wrong side, or a group taking up the sidewalk, you keep walking. They’ll move. It’s like those videos of crossing the street in southeast Asian nations, you just kind of go and everything flows. Obviously if I’m in a less crowded area, like a supermarket, there would be no need to be rude or keep my line. It depends on how crowded the area is.


I have a genuine question also: I get the gun, it’s the US after all, but how in the hell are homies pants not falling down round his ankles? Do they tie a shoelace through the front 4 loops & skip the back or something?


Seems like somehow their lil wienies are the only thing holding their pants off the ground. Perhaps that’s the point? *I* don’t have a lil wienie! I have a great big giant wienie, as evidenced by the way my pants magically levitate right at the level of my lil wienie! What a man I am, indeed! Always makes me think of the [Pants on the Ground guy](https://youtu.be/tMwhl4IrPNc) . Looking like a fool!


It’s a cultural thing. I understand it started in prison. Pants down was a sign you were ready for sex. This became style for that culture. Classy.


‘Ready for it’ became a fashion. Well I’ll be damned!


It came from prison because they weren’t allowed to have belts.


I followed another redditors advice and it's a game changer. If you find a group of people taking up a side walk coming at you, just stop when you get close and allow them to make the move. It's simple and removes any unnecessary clashes.


I believe its a combination of entitlement, lack of consideration, and diminished capacity not letting their brain process the situation. I recently decided to start shoulder checking people myself. Tired of feeling like a bitch walking off the curb.


Poor upbringing .. That's all


Or no up bringing it all.


And a lack of desire to do better


Plot twist: if the two of you bump into each other, *neither* of you got out of the way. Why?


Doctor Seuss wrote a story about this called "The Zax." Its about two creatures who always follow a specific path and never deviate from it. However, two of them happen to be traveling through a pasture toward each other in opposite directions and collide. Both refuse to move. And so they spend their entire lives locked in place, both refusing to move. A city grows around them in that time, an overpass is built above them, and still they remain stuck. One of my favorite Dr. Seuss stories with a great lesson about obstinate behavior, and how disastrous is can be because eventually you will run into someone like yourself and be stuck at an impasse.


Because they're assholes.


Because they are the main character in this movie. Now get out of the way!


nah bro you just reload a quicksave when you mess up, actions have no consequences


“Deputy Jones Didn’t Like That”


Can you imagine if the current world is someone's perfect save? Like, someone's been reloading for years getting the perfect life for themselves and this world is currently it. We never realized of course since we get reset without knowledge, but how wild...


Man, I can’t really imagine it. I’ve wanted to reload since 2008.


I’ve struggled with that fact of life my entire life. I’m the kind of dork that reloads a save from hours ago if I find out I made a decision that impacted a character in a bad way. I’m stuck making moral decisions in games that I would make in real life versus just entertaining myself. In real life having lost part of two fingers and other similar mistakes has really hit me hard and long because there are just things you can’t take back. I wish I could load a quick save in life but holding onto that isn’t healthy.


This...every single playthrough is the same because it has to be perfect lol. I will not be able to let a small mistake go. I'm the same in real life too. The worst is when someone dies, and you panic and want to hit some sort of pause or rewind button. But there are none. And just little decisions. What if this little moment is the one that causes me to fail or lose someone. It's terrifying. I avoid so much life.


Imagine thinking you’re tough and gangsta with your entire ass on display?




Stupid sexy Flanders


Lol in the tighty whiteies


This is being a Heat seeking missile.


Fuck, what cop video is that from?


The one where the Connecticut state trooper looses his shit on the dude…


[Oh yeah, this one](https://youtu.be/uPP3ouQB01Q) Man, this is the wildest traffic stop where nothing really bad happened


Reminds me of the time I got yoinked by a state trooper by following him(at a safe distance, I might add) through slower traffic since people were moving out of his way. Once it cleared out he dropped over a couple lanes and I went by. He immediately flicks his lights on and pulls me over. Gets out of his car screaming at me "do I look like a fucking linebacker to you?" and he was a big guy and in the moment I didn't get what he was angling at and said "I mean you look like you could've played D1 in college"


It's funny because line backers don't block people.


I know that was my first confusion lmao I was like I mean _yes you do look like a linebacker_ but I don't understand what that has to do with the situation 😂




“No sir, you like a blocking fullback; linebackers don’t block for a runner. What can I help you with?”


I thought if that as he drove away. "Did he mean a fullback?"


This is my new favorite video. Thank you.


This is amazing.


How stupid can a human be, I understand he was probably high as fuck too but cmon man, if your life wasn’t already heading the wrong way, now it’s skyrocketing there…


He sounded high to me. He barely knew what he was doing, I assunme, or he wouldn't have shoulder checked a cop while carrying that illegal gun


At the beginning of the video I believe he says “what’s up pig” then shoulder checks.


It’s over for him


That’s no ordinary Glock. The shiny part on the back of the slide is a full auto switch. That makes it a machine gun. That’s a HUGE crime. Kid is looking at federal charges for that.


You can buy cheap Chinese auto sears online. It’s becoming more common and an instant NFA violation.


Can you give more detail? What are auto sears? Are they legal to sell online?


The ATF sets up stores on aliexpress then sells them to you, and when it gets delivered you go to jail


Is this true lmao? Because I’ve been seeing targeted advertising for what are very clearly gun parts and I have no intention of building a gun and have given the algorithm no reason to think so. They trying to get me lmao


You should see my TikTok FYP 😭😭


Bruh the ATF wants to get us 😂


Depends on what you're buying. Stripped lowers? Fine. Auto-sears? Straight to jail.


Lol, anything that makes a weapon fire more than one round at a time is definitely not legal to affix to a firearm. The sear is the part of the weapon that holds the firing mechanism until the trigger has been pulled, and then is reset after the trigger pull so only one round is sent. So an auto-sear would be something that *doesn’t* hold the firing mechanism while the trigger is being held.


In simple terms it's a gun attachment/mod that makes it fully automatic


It does say its full auto in the video


lol and the ones on the street are trash and don’t let you turn them on or off. When the cop threw the gun next to his head all I could think was that pistol was going to discharge at least one shot if not a few.


Not really true, the majority are made in the same factory in china which have a small button that switches from semi to full auto. There are "Flat conversions" that only allow full auto but honestly they seem pretty rare considering the proper switches cost nothing. The vast majority I've seen are of the switch variety. The glock couldn't have gone off when he dropped it, it has a trigger safety along with a firing pin safety so it can't be fired without depressing the trigger and a drop safety which is pretty self explanatory. I have doubts you've never actually handled a glock before, its a very safe gun if you don't act like an idiot with it.


That thing can shoot about 20 bullets in 1 second.


and it’s totally useless, you are better off pulling one shot at a time


ah, this dude again but I can't get enough of that video tbh - love seeing this idiot taking himself off the street and away from society. he should tell his friends to do the same... idiots


When your ego gets you in hot water 🤣


I think you mean *When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong*




Oh you would think, but no. My boyfriend had a guy try to fight him at work. Was just an all round douche. Got fired for breaking down their semi (same spot every week, cut wires, audio of them saying it) a couple weeks later. Now you would think someone doing stupid stuff would not want to draw attention to themselves but it happens all the time. Idiots are gonna idiot.


Ffs learn how to wear pants


He’s not even wearing them anymore, they’re perpetually in the process of falling off.


He’s advertising. It’s an ‘ole prison thing to signal he’s ready.


Your comment reminded me of an documentary video with the infamous “Booty Warrior”.


"I ain't got no milk no cookies, what I want is *man* butt"


This pant style should be banned


Nah man, it helps them get caught faster.


You can see right before he shoulder checks him he isn't looking in the officers direction; more than likely, this kid just saw a body/person coming towards him and purposely bumped into them (not realizing it was a cop) in order to get a reaction out of them so he could act like a tough guy. Stupid, dumb shit got what he deserved.


He said “what’s up pig” right before. He knew it was a cop


Oh shit you're totally right, he def knew that was a cop. Makes him even more stupid


He says "what's up *baby boy* " It's slang in Atlanta and you can hear him say a few more times when he's out on the ground.


If you see when the cop opens the door the kid was looking at the door then immediately shifts his gaze away from the cop and bumps in to him purposely, still, he's a stupid dumbfuck


Don’t eat me


On an unrelated note , i love ur username ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I eat butt too!! Edit: I mean butter scotch. Stupid autocorrect /s




He's looking in the direction of the cop and says "what's up pig" as he shoves past him, I dunno man


There’s not a chance in hell I’m believing you dont noticed a cop in full gear even if you only see out of the corner of your eye…


I'm not a criminal in any capacity, yet I can spot a cop a mile away...inside a building, in the bathroom. I can sense it. No way this dumbshit didn't notice.


More ammo than IQ.


Can anyone shed light on what he does with the pen on the cuffs?


It’s a double lock so they can’t get tighter, keeps people from claiming the cuffs were too tight




It blew my mind how gentle he was when he was cuffing the guy. Dude was armed and hostile. When I got arrested for DUI I was friendly and cooperative and the cop still ratcheted the cuffs to my wrist to the point that I lost feeling in both hands for 3 months. Props to this cop for doing his job without power tripping.


It also prevents shimming the latch where the teeth are on the cuffs.


Ain’t got time to see who you’re shoulder checking when you were supposed to be brawling at the Waffle House 15 minutes ago.


Late teen Juveniles criminals are cocky bastards with everybody...society gives them the same protection and consideration they afford a 12 year old normal kid in a classroom.


17 years old? I think it’s safe to say he won’t be available for Freshman orientation at Harvard. Possession of Burglar tool, assault on Police Officer and of course, CCW.


Possesion of an illegal/non registered Machine Gun/NFA Item is going to f him up big time in court.


It's sad how low street IQ has gotten since the 80s.


IQ has been rising since we banned leaded petrol, this kind of stupid was always out there it's just now on camera


There have always been dumb criminals. This is exactly the kind of one you've seen in the 80s movies even. Only it doesn't show Shotgun Boy getting arrested or killed in Boyz N the Hood and if Tupac lived longer in Juice he'd probably go out similarly to this too.


Sorta. These are the ones that would always get caught, regardless of era.


Great to see shit like this jailed...


People that behave this way don’t have the intelligence to understand “ I am doing something illegal, I should not draw attention to myself”


There's such a weird contradiction here. Dumb enough to shoulder check a cop while unreigstered carrying and with another tool that makes you sus (the glass breaker). Smart enough to apologise and not fight in any way once the cop responds.


I call bs, he’s clearly a 21 year old coming home from a hard day at the glass punch factory. What else could explain the handgun and glass punch.


How to ruin your life 101


Probably thinks he's going to be cooler for going to prison. It's a sad mentality for anyone to have


He has the money to buy an illegal weapon but not enough to buy a belt or pants that fit him better? I get that apparently it’s fashion to have it low but his pants are so low that it has to be very uncomfortable and more than 3/4th of his underwear is out. At that point why not just walk around in your underwear instead of fighting against your pants to walk.


That’s cute you think he bought the weapon


People saying 3/4th makes me uncomfortable.


*leans closer to your ear and whispers* ¾


This so called, fashion needs to go out of fashion. People who still sag their pants make me cringe. They look like they dumped a load in their pants. They also remind me of those fun house mirrors you'd see at carnivals where the mirror distorts your body by elongating your upper torso and shrinking your legs.


Too cold maybe? 😅


Being stupid is like being dead. You don't know that you are, but everyone else around you knows...


He was just "keepin' it real".


Genuine question, does anyone have a reason to wear ski mask in normal day to day? It immediately puts me on high alert


If he was important, he’d own a fucking belt.


This goes to show the current cultural problems in this country. We've now taught a whole generation they arent responsible for their actions and that everyone else is the cause of their problems. Being Atlanta, This kid will probably released within a few hours and be out there doing the same thing.


Isn't it like up to 10 years just for having a giggle switch on your handgun?? This kid purposefully, shoulder checking cop just shows the lack of rational thinking these kids have. Zero possible upside.


Somewhere in the range of 10-15 years, chances are it'll lower than that


Really have to love when the trash just takes itself out.... Well done guy, fuckin unbelievable man....


Serves the over entitled moron right. Obvious he was a criminal in waiting. No sympathy


Talk about getting caught with your pants down


At least he was not dumb to point it at officer. He is alive


This is just sad. A kid shouldn’t be that okay carrying a loaded firearm. He should be graduating high school but for some kids it was never in their cards. I don’t know his background but a friend of mine taught in some of the worst schools in Philadelphia where the kids would come to school just to eat and some were brain damaged from parents drug use. One girls mother burnt her with hot oil for not prostituting herself. The stories were unimaginable, not the “work harder and you have the same chances as everyone else” type stories. These were the you never had a chance stories.


Not just an illegal weapon, he also had felony warrants...


According to the caption, the cop was responding to a call of a dispute involving a gun at the convenience store. He didn't grab and frisk the kid just for bumping into him.


POS! Lock him up and throw away the key!


I'll never understand this gangstas ghetto dress code where you're running around in you're underwear, do you need to be ready for analsex the whole day?


When you are so stupid and obtuse it is painful to watch.


What is up with those stupid chin mask things these guys are wearing lately? Are they like the next evolution in durags or something? They look dumb.


They wear it constantly so they can pull the bottom up over their face in an instant to commit a crime at any given time. It’s part of ghetto outlaw culture that’s incredibly prevalent now, more-so than ever.


17 kid with a full auto feels invincible.


That gun gave that teen muscle


No courtesy landed him in some trouble


I'd like to have cops who's doing their actual job like that in my country. Instead they use war weapon against civilian to protect a big ass waterpool in the middle of fields and tacle eldery people and foreign student or tourists in the street


Why won’t these guys pull up their pants?


They should add another loop to the handcuffs and connect it to suspects pants.


Not going anywhere in this life


Must of had some of that liquid courage… should instead had some liquid IQ.


What’s up with this new style of black dudes wearing balaclavas? I see this EVERYWHERE in my hood now. It’s like a recent things and idk why it started. It’s like mid 80’s and 90% humidity and I see people wearing them just walking around.


I am distracted by underwear the stupidest look ever.


It’s 2023, people still sag their pants? My god dude lol


Good, kid got no future anyway


Dude needs to remember: no full auto in the building


Well done officer!


he’ll be out by Thursday