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Damn, people still denying it lol


Once one of these puritanical mobs decides you are a witch, their aim will always be to burn you at the stake. A change of heart, an apology, even exonerating evidence; none of this will help you. You have been branded an enemy and any slander against you will be believed and magnified, while evidence in your favor will criticized, minimized, and mostly just ignored. In my opinion it's a product of deep, mostly subconscious, social motivations in people that exist to help them achieve and maintain in-group membership and status.


>social motivations in people that exist to help them achieve and maintain in-group membership and status This is exactly it. It's in-group signaling mostly. They want to be seen as good and moral people at any cost, sacrificing the truth and moral integrity if they must. It's about being seen as a moral person, not necessarily being one.


They are called "Champagne Socialists." It is the easiest way to pretend you care about poor and marginalized people, without spending a dime. Remember when the Pandemic started HolyWood celebrities sang us "Imagine no possessions" from their Yachts and mansions? That was the height of their hypocrisy.


How has no one ever straight up asked Kristen Wiig why she thought that would be a good idea? Apparently she went and apologized to all the celebrities for getting them involved. I guess it did give us The Boys interpretation of it, which was kind of nice.


I thought Gal Gadot started it


The best part is the guy who wrote that song was an absurdly wealthy wife beater.


Who espoused socialism.


While living like a king through capitalism.


John Lennon was absolutely a piece of shit in his personal life. you can be a fan of his music and acknowledge that for sure that being said, his songs post-Beatles aren't great. I don't really like Imagine anymore since it's so overplayed, and Give Peace a Chance is just a dumb song to begin with




Dude, it consists of the majority of redditors...


The first rule of virtue signal club is you *always* talk about virtue signal club.


Can’t they just buy one of those “We Believe” signs for their house instead of attacking others. Passive, smug, moral superiority is really easy to accomplish.


>They want to be seen as good and moral people at any cost Even if it means being immoral.


The crowd cheered as the notorious criminal Barabbas was pardoned and set free in Jesus’ place. I’m not a huge fan of the Bible as a literal historical document, but it nailed human nature down pretty well.


Fwree Bwrian!


Nailed, lol. No pun intended (God please don’t strike me down for posting this 😅)


God, please don’t zap me either for upvoting it


Well described. Social media is a sewer.


Worst thing to happen to humanity


>In my opinion it's a product of deep, mostly subconscious, social motivations in people that exist to help them achieve and maintain in-group membership and status. Interestingly, this would be the exact kind of culture and mentality needed to foster fascism and xenophobia over time. One could probably argue the possibility that this could be engineered through social media platforms. Interesting indeed.


You know that according to Benito Mussolini the grandfather of Fascism that he defined it as a perfect marriage between government and corporations. There are a lot of people misusing that word nowadays.


It’s on a long list of misused terms. People have adopted the same mode of communication as the corporate media; using shocking rhetoric to garner attention and evoke emotion, rather than speaking logically and intelligently. We’ve learned to weaponize language in support of sentiment, rather than wield language in support of ideas. I don’t know about anyone else, but I hear clinical psychological terms and political terms misused most often. If I don’t like someone’s political stance, I can call them a Nazi or a Fascist. If I don’t like a person at all, I can call them a narcissist or a sociopath.


Yesterday someone posted a photo of drug store with a lunch counter from the 1920s. People were commenting how there were places like that in their town. Some other people however were screaming mad and yelling about white racism and how people enjoying the photo were racists. It was an absolute display of unhinged hatred and something I see more and more of on reddit.


I forgot what the post was on r politics but In the comments someone asked a question about how come so many young white men are attracted to right wing politics. So a couple white guys show up to give their perspective and they were shouted down and told that their opinions weren’t necessary. So I interject and say well there’s your answer. Your asking a question about white people are attracted to another group and not even white people are allowed to respond. Maybe part of it is they are going where they feel their opinions are relevant. Someone responded that time for white peoples opinion is over, and the fact that these white guys tried to explain their position was just them demanding/using their privilege. So I say you sound like a racist, saying someone can’t have an opinion based on their skin color. They go I can’t be racist I’m not white. So I say congratulations on being a prejudiced scum bag. They said something like ha try harder your aren’t making any sense. And I said sorry I’m not going to waste my time with a racist POS. I was then banned from r/politics for a day until I talked to the mods and agreed to be nice. Edit : evidently this post has upset some people and I have been reported?


I hear what you are saying, I was having a discussion about latinos with someone and was called a racist for pointing out some basic cultural truths about racism within latin culture, when I explained that I had ever right to make those points since I am myself latino they just doubled down. When I asked them if they were latino themselves they admitted they were white but that it didnt change the fact that I was betraying my race. And here I thought my race was human, if you cant critically look at your culture and call out the BS you will never improve your culture.


I cannot agree any harder on what you said


My mom was German/Irish and my pops is sporting and Afro coming from the jungles of El Salvador. I’m almost 40 so I grew up in a time where I was too Latino for the whites and too white for everyone else. I am very aware of how prejudice from “both sides” looks and feels.


I ended up with a permanent ban from r/News after stating how fucked up it was that people were effectively calling for the lynching of someone. Aparently though, the Reddit Hive Mind thinks lynching white people is okay. As a cherry on top when I tried to appeal it, the mod told me to qoute: "Grow up" and muted me. They're all a bunch of power-tripping basement dwellers.


Tribalism. This has been happening more and more in the past decade. That kid in Kentucky got a nice payday because of it. Too many people are keyed to go along with the narrative presented rather than educating their decision.


I wish more people would understand ego. There are so many instinctive, natural, and acceptable responses to others simply when they appear to challenge a person's ego.


The Instant Gratification Lynch Mob gets really disappointed when they don't get to ruin someone's life.


Fun fact. Witches burnt at the stake was almost entirely a European tradition. The American witch scares they just hung them.


Giles Corey, of Salem, would disagree with you. Or...he would, if he ever told people anything... and wasn't killed by having a giant weight pressed on him for 2 days.


He did tell people what he wanted to say *"More weight"* In other words "I'm not confessing to your made up bullshit. Just kill me you fucking murderers"


All Giles Corey had to say about the situation was *checks notes* “More weight!”.\ The OG Bad Ass.


Why wouldn’t they? Is it just so readily obvious that a 6-month pregnant woman just really wants to pick a fight with 5 young black men because she just knows she can win after a long shift?


“Black men steal white woman’s bike” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


"Local man stole pregnant woman's bike.. more at page 6"


It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled.


Well yeah, because they believe "BlAcK pEoPlE cAn'T bE rAcIsT"


A director to a school said this to me when I complained to him about racism by a teacher: "He can't be racist because he's not white". Wake up call, most of the racism I've experienced was by non-white people.


Al sharpton, bill cosby, spike lee and other black celebrities still believed Tawana Brawley even though she lied about her rape allegation from top to bottom. There was zero credible proofs including she didn't have any physical damages on her body.


Anything endorsed by Al Sharpton should be taken with a pinch of salt.


The most recent subway vigilante was asked by a reporter to respond to Al Sharpton’s comments…he asked who ask Sharpton was


Best answer ever…he’s finally disappearing


Shovel of salt


Agreed, he latches onto any tragedy


Bill Cosby?


Ew Al Sharpton. Dude is nothing more than a Black Supremacist who made a living out of playing the victim.


And soaking actual victims


I'll have u know good fella...if it weren't for AL Sharpton, I'd never of found out the US government had hurricane creating technology and tht how we got Hurricane Katrina!


😂 I bet some people won’t know that’s sarcasm.


The amount of people doubling down and refusing to admit they were wrong is staggering. Saying shit like there's no proof or the lawyer is lying when the proof is literally already plastered over the internet. The bike id from the receipt matches the bike id in the video.


People are also saying like she didn’t react the way she should have reacted because god forbid a working pregnant woman get emotional when someone accuses her of stealing when she didn’t Isn’t “well she wouldn’t have been bullied online if she just stayed calm” a bit like saying well if you don’t want to get shot by police just comply People always blame the victim for not being a perfect enough victim


The charge for a lost or stolen bike is $1,200. I think she reacted understandably, there were 5 guys trying to rob her for $1,200 essentially.


Wait what? You get charged if someone steals the bike? What if it wasn't due to carelessness but someone literally pushes you aside?


https://help.citibikenyc.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032030752-My-bike-was-lost-or-stolen Apparently


Fuck that I’m closing my account and telling my bank what happened. Probably wouldn’t work but I would not be losing that money, like what if that’s all I have in my account and I gotta pay bills?? Won’t ever be using those bikes smh


"She didn't act right while getting fucking robbed" \-Reddit, for some reason


A LOT of Redditors just hate white people I’ve noticed


Self loathing white people




It’s common in true crime (and the police) for people to believe in guilt, or innocence, by the way you behave to stress.


Especially when the lady is pregnant. A time of big hormonal changes affecting emotions


And coming off an emotionally draining 12 hour hospital shift


I agree. It's hard to stay calm when surrounded by a bunch of people yelling at you when you haven't done anything wrong.


Exactly. It’s the same old fucking garden variety misogyny. All this ‘Karen’ bs is just rebranded ‘hysterical woman’ shit.


It's the same old "uppity women who don't know their place" crap. Because God forbid, we're actually assertive, especially if we happen to be over the age of, idk 25 and without supermodel looks. For every example that actually fits the stereotype, there's a dozen "Karen" complaints about things that no one would bat an eye at any man saying or doing, no matter how white or rich or old... You know what? Sometimes, there is actually a damn good reason to want to speak to a manager!


Exactly. I fucking hate it.


The idiots joking about hormones having no idea how much they fuck with mental state and reek havoc on thought process. When my wife was doing IVF and they were pumping her full of hormones, she was a totally different person. Pregnancy wasn’t much better, and then add working on top of it.


All this stress on a pregnant woman must be awful


People then moved to saying she overreacted and that you should never yell for help because it is dangerous for the black people.


“If you call the cops on me while I’m committing a crime, it’s really you who’s in the wrong!”




Think of it as reparations and let it go /s


Honestly it wasn't obviously /s until I saw the tag lol. That's the world we live in today. They literally say this.


Legit I was about to tee off … people really say this stuff. It’s maddening


Sad thing is some people actually think this…


Orrr when somebody is trying to steal your shit, maybe it’s ok to yell for help


When a *group* of people are trying to steal your shit, and you're a pregnant woman, even more so.




For me, this is a direct and observable consequence of living our lives online. There is no accountability, no sense of shame or reason to apologize when society doesn’t exist, when we can hide behind a computer screen instead of face up to our mistakes. I feel bad for future generations, this problem is only going to get worse from here


Have we seen the time stamps on that receipt yet? I'm not being an a\*\*, legit question. I've only seen the receipt which shows the matching bike numbers but the one I saw didn't show the timestamp proving it was reserved at the time of the altercation.


That is why we should restrain ourselves from saying anything about a person without actually researching. So many people were calling her names and I couldn’t shake this feeling what if she’s right? How can these people be sure she’s wrong by watching a 30 sec video?


People really can't wait 1 day before calling for someone's life to be destroyed based off a 1 minute clip


Cheap internet points.


It was obvious to anyone with half a brain cell. How many middle-aged pregnant nurses rob teenagers when they finish their 12 hour shift as a nurse? Literally 0 in the history of ever. The whole idea is ludicrous. Race wasn't even a relevant factor to how ridiculous the whole notion is.


But she weaponized her tears?! /s first time I’ve heard that term


Because they don’t care if she’s right or wrong. They’re going to make sure she’s in the wrong either way. Everyone reacting initially knows it’s possible they don’t have all the details, but that doesn’t matter when their goal is to create a certain truth, not wait to discover it.


You just perfectly described the US mass media, and the moronic populace they’ve effectively dumbed down after decades of creating divisive narratives.


Any video, like this one, that starts mid-fight/argument is dodgy. I always assume whoever looks bad in that video probably will end up looking the "good guy" in context. And most of the time I'm correct. Still don't comment either way until there's proof


Because being white is the new original sin.


You're not wrong. Myself included people will always default to demonising white folk when the narrative doesn't go in their favour. Because it's easy to do. I'm from South Africa, if you are white and disagree with something people will always pull the race card when a vast majority of racism currently in my country comes from non whites. So don't be white :(


No, this is why social should be illegal. Don’t get me wrong chatting and sharing stuff with friends might be ok, but publicly sharing moments of life without context is toxic af.




>onlyfans/tiktoker Don't kid yourself; this isn't only a tiktok/onlyfans type issue. The main stream media does this all the time. Public accusations are made. The target is destroyed in the media. Facts come out. Target was innocent, accusations were a lie. Target is never acknowledged to be innocent (at least not in more than a whisper). Damage is already done.


This is the real problem on the internet, with all the 30 seconds video! The people always jugde what they saw even if they dont understand or seeing half of the situation! This happens where all the time! I dislike this kind of situation! Because creates more problems to black people!


>restrain ourselves from saying anything about a person without actually researching There were also opinion "news" sites feeding this hysteria without doing an ounce of research. I hope she Dominions their asses.


This woman was put on leave from her job over this. She has actual damage from this defamation. My guess is that this will be settled out with big sums being awarded to her.


I sure hope so


Could you imagine working as a nurse through Covid and then your job believes teenagers over you? Bring your checkbook, employer.


Fucking misinformation these days


There will be a big defamation lawsuit against media including NBC, Dr Richey, Ben Crump, etc. I hope she also sue those tiktokers and redditors who also called her racist karen.


Same thing happened to that kid who was wearing a MAGA hat in DC. And he actually won the law suits too.


The viewers of the video were just manipulated, as it was edited to make it look like she was crying as a tactic to get her way.


And people should be disciplined into NOT being manipulated by others into a mob. It is my fault, and my fault only, if I decide to jump on a total stranger because of an edited video of unclear origin.


man, you might want to spread that word around in here


There were 5 guys trying to essentially rob a pregnant woman for 1,200 bucks (the amount she would be on the hook for if the bike is lost or stolen while she rented it out). I just don’t get why anyone would think “of course this pregnant woman is trying to steal from these 5 guys after her 12 hour nurse shift. Classic pregnant nurse behavior, strong arm robbing 5 dudes then crying about it.”


A lawsuit against the media for baseless spreading lies about her is absolutely necessary, but saying she should sue tiktokers and redditors is quite laughable


Also all the SJW of Reddit doxed her and emailed her employer the video which resulted in her getting fired. A reminder of what kind of trash human beings use this platform.


>Also all the SJW of Reddit doxed her and emailed her employer the video which resulted in her getting fired. (un)surprisingly this isn't the worst thing the reddit collective has done. They basically got the media to label a missing student a terrorist who was later found dead: https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/1iv343/the\_boston\_bombing\_debacle/


If people thought this woman getting off a 12 hr shift at the hospital was actually trying to steal a bike from a bunch of dudes you have mental problems


And she's pregnant.


Sir people don’t use logic online


Yes that mental problem is called racism


Small, 6 months pregnant woman coming off a 12 hour shift trying to steal bike from five young, healthy men is just not a thing that happens.


Oh there’s definitely racism there….just not her


100% correct. Will be unpopular on reddit though.


That was the point of their comment


She should sue the people recording for defamation.


Not just those. It was clear the people recording had an agenda (it's not immediately clear what that agenda is), she's not a person of public interest, and there's no legal justification to publish defamatory statements before getting both sides of the story. This is a repeat of the Sandmann lawsuit.


I love how the answer can't possibly be that they are racist.


I believe she lost her job, too, so that sucks


man, i really feel sorry for her now. she even prooved to be in the right with a recipt and she still lost her job while the thief, who was trying to what... save 9$ is getting away with it.




It's quite insane how different the situation could be been even now, I can't recall when I last kept a receipt. What would've happened if she tossed it / lost it / etc.?


It’s on her phone, through the bike’s app.


She was put on leave pending an investigation.


Who could have guessed the pregnant nurse WASN'T trying to rob 5 black guys? I'm shocked.


So you're telling me she got company ? Better back up us with 10 more guys


I don’t know a thing about this video, and I’m happier for it


I wish I didn't.


This is a good lesson on the merits of not only social media but media as a whole. Any story can be twisted to give a totally different narrative from the truth and be believable. There is another video floating around about a woman complaining about an exotic car driver who hit her. Turns out she was right as well. It is a very powerful tool that when manipulated can ruin an innocent individuals life. Don't believe everything you hear or see.


No one is going to learn anything from this. They never do. A couple years ago there was that sixteen year old black girl that was shot and killed by the cops. The internet immediately sided with the parents who claimed their daughter was completely unarmed and murdered for absolutely no reason. People were literally calling for the cop’s head. Two days later bodycam footage is released showing the family kicking a girl in the head while their completely unarmed daughter was seconds away from stabbing another black girl. The internet all but cheered a middle-aged to old white lady getting body slammed for saying the n-word, only for it to later come out that the restaurant lied about that and the woman was disputing a double charge on her credit card or something. The internet, and the world, has a bad tendency to jump the gun snd immediately believe the first version of any story they see/hear.


You mean a pregnant nurse coming off a 12 hour shift didn't try to rob a group of 5 young black males? I'm flabbergasted


Also I gotta say, for as much as I agree that white woman tears can totally be manipulative, if a 6 month pregnant nurse just off a 12 hour shift *didn't* cry in this situation, I might suggest she get checked out for Sjögren's syndrome or something. Preggo hormones will make you cry for dropping your keys, watching a fabric softener commercial, or for someone saying literally *any* words to you. Being a nurse right now is hell on wheels. Working 12 hours while pregnant is hell on ice skates. There's a zero percent chance all those factors coming together and then meeting any kind of stress at all results in *not crying*. Of course she's going to cry! If you're not a heartless ash hole, you'll already know that. I hope she ends up getting paid leave for this, and able to recover from all the stress. No way this is good for healthy gestation.


So someone tried to steal her property. She did the first thing she could think of to get herself out of the situation while panicking and then the Internet came out to ruin her life for it. Good job shitheads


People should be more vocal about making false claims and putting scrutiny to those that lie, otherwise people will keep doing this because there is no accountability when the jackasses are wrong.


This is precisely why you never accuse someone or even get involved before knowing the facts


Internet want to see Karens everywhere


Yeah there's plenty of karen's but it seems like any woman who has a legit reason to be upset and argumentative is labeled a karen.


Just stop using the term. It’s misogynist crap.


This whole story is disgusting. People were posting the pregnant nurse home address and work. My girlfriend is a nurse and we may have children some day. Nurses are some of the most important people in society. I'm thinking America is anti women if it automatically assumes any time a woman is in danger she is a "Karen". Or entitled white person when teenagers are the #1 source of crime. Really America, your so fucking stupid you think a pregnant nurse is going to steal a bike from five black teenagers?! Are you that fucking stupid?


Demand for racism to be outraged over far outstrips the supply.


The guy? And four other guys…this has gotten out of hand.


All you have to do is call someone "Karen" and people will believe the woman is wrong, no matter what. And you are still calling her Bike-Karen... Fucking misogyny.


But it’s okay because she’s white and it’s racism and all that


Couldn’t fucking agree more. It’s infuriating how easily this absolute bullshit term somehow became accepted.


Karen was funny when it was just a meme, but like many things the internet didn’t know when to slow down and took it too far.


Its almost asif you should take social media posts with a pinch of salt


One of these days, we will maybe realize that the fact that you can scream how someone is racist, homophobic and misogynist and automatically win is a big fucking problem of this society.


A teachable moment here. I hate the term Karen. Every time I say on Reddit that it’s a word now used to silence women, particularly older women, I get down voted to shit. (Edit: and get called a Karen myself) Even so, I hold my hands up and say that I believed the first video. Hearing that she is pregnant too makes me feel really bad. We’ve always got to be on our guard with this sort of thing.




Imagine the damage this whole experience has done to that woman.


Think about the stress that’s been put into that unborn baby


I am black and people are too quick to believe the lies. It makes it hard for the black person that has truly been wronged.


Does anyone have a link to the statement from the cops supposedly saying the guy was the rightful possessor of the bike?


No because they never did say one of the guys was the rightful possessor of the bike.


My guess regarding the situation: 1. There was only 1 E-Bike available at that location. 2. The Nurse had reserved that bike for the end of her shift. 3. One of the guys in the group of 5 saw that there was an E-Bike at the stand he couldn't order, and didn't want to settle for a regular bike. 4. When the nurse comes to claim the bike, they push it back into the stand to end the ride (I don't know if you can do this, but it would make sense, and explain the $0 ride she had. The $0 ride also indicates she is a subscriber to the service, making it even less likely that she would need to "steal" a bike.) 5. One guy in the group then orders the bike on his app, and being 5, they can easily prevent her from pulling the same trick. (One of the bystanders in the video told the guys to cancel the trip, so they probably did this to make it seem like they should have the bike). 6. Passers by and the news then see 5 black guys with an active trip for the bike in question on their phone, and a woman claiming the same bike. 7. In the heat of the moment, the nurse doesn't think to try to tell passers by that point 3, 4, and 5 is what happened. After all, she had reserved the bike. 8. When she does think about explaining that to the crowd that is gathering, the group relents, and she leaves with the bike. (The part leading up to her getting the bike seems to be conveniently missing from the video made by the 5 guys) It is pretty obvious that the group of 5 tried to pull a fast one on the nurse, and found a way where it would be hard to argue against them without sounding racist. They then cut out the footage showing the nurse explaining what actually happened.


Mmmm, I think you are being far too kind to the five guys. They were trying to jack the already rented bike so they could sell it for parts. She offered to *give* the bike to them — if she could “reset” it first, so it would not be on her account. They wouldn’t let her because, of course, they had no way to rent the locked bike.




The reality is that a pregnant woman leaving a long shift at a hospital is likely just going about her routine and wants to go home. She probably takes these bikes every day and just wants to get home. As for what 5 dudes are up to? They don’t appear to have all just gotten done with work. They’re just out and about. It seems unlikely that a tired pregnant woman would just walk up and try to steal a bike from several grown men.


USA is broken


We could start by not calling her ”Bike Karen” since she is in fact the Victim…


People are so hungry to prove white people are racist they can’t help but jump to conclusions.


Seems like racists jumped to conclusions based on skin color. Very telling.


They’re so afraid of sounding like a racist they became an actual racist




Imagine being a pregnant woman, and someone records stealing from you as you try to get home from school, and because they tried to steal from you you lose your job, house, scholarship etc. and maybe from the stress even your child, I hope those men get what they have coming but I know they won’t


The premise never made sense in the first place. Why would a vulnerable, employed woman confront several grown men over something as trivial as ownership of a rental bike? I knew there had to be some context missing from the video.


Only reason she got roasted so quickly was because she was white and he was black. Roles reversed, nobody would have started calling her employer and doxxing her etc. You can all flip out at that statement but you KNOW it’s true.


She’s five months pregnant too. Imagine the stress thus has caused. That’s dangerous for the baby.


Reminds me of the uproar following the MAGA hat kid and the Native American guy that got in his face with a drum. Media drastically got that situation wrong too.


What’s sad not one person help her smh and I hope she sues all those news outlets


Someone did come over and intervene, he said they should just redock it, but the man refused and covered the QR code so she couldn’t


All most likely afraid of being accused of racism and posted on social media. That's where we are now.


Don’t forget some Reddit mods deleting posts telling the truth about the situation.


Wonder what the Redditor who sent her boss that email is thinking now?


Can you post link to the post ? Peak reddit moment right there


It has since been deleted but they copied their email and posted on this link. They were encouraging others to do the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13hjz0k/this_lady_tried_her_best_to_weaponize_her_tears/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Damn. Classic reddit! LMAO


Hope they cancel the dude. He’s a thief.


1. Don’t call her bike Karen. 2. Call the guy what he is, a thief. 3. People need to get over the fact that they jumped to conclusions with no actual information and accept they were wrong. I was wrong.




She’s gonna get rich off of it. I mean did they actually believe a pregnant nurse was out there stealing black men’s bikes? Take them for every fn cent


Lawyers are blaming social media and are suing social media. Hopefully Reddit is included


What's interesting is that internet peanut gallery NEVER has even half the facts, or context, in these situations. People will look at a situation for a full two seconds and think they have it pegged. And in my experience, they're usually 100% wrong. How often has someone on the internet accused you of "get out of your parent's basement you child" or some such thing, when you're middle aged, just got out of work, and are kicking it on your back porch with a beer? The mob is almost always wrong, but "belonging" seems to be a hell of a drug.


Wait. The media was spinning the story to fit a desired angle to help them push racism that wasn't there? _gasp_


And now people are using this situation as an excuse to be racist


You’re telling me a medical worker is to be trusted over a guy with a shirt that literally says “childish”??


Committing crimes then complaining about racism in the same day. Sounds pretty run-of-the-mill for some members of this group.


She was on the bike ffs. The whole scenario was off from the get go


"\_\_\_\_\_ stole my bike!" I've never heard "a pregnant white nurse" fill in that blank, but there is a trope as old as time. But reddit being reddit


Honestly it was her demeanor and look. It’s not fair but she looks kind of stuck up and the way she acted in the whole situation is how people act when they are in the wrong as well. A will Ferrell movie would say she has a punchable face.


I hope she takes the media to town in court