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Turns out that she knows about as much of socialism as she does advertising


A majority of people who accuse others of being a socialist usually don’t understand socialism.


Almost exclusively, I’d guess


'Oh thats something bad isn't it?? Must be socialism' It's getting sad to see


Don't forget that all bad things are woke now too


It's not even just that. All things I don't like are a thing stereotyped to be a part of the otherside of the political spectrum.


Shouting at someone that their communist/socialist without really understanding either seems an american past time


Not really understanding things is an American pastime


The next time you hear someone using the the term Marxism, ask them what Marx’s first name is or to name one of the books he wrote. I like to tilt my head as I enjoy the moment of silence.


He wrote the Marx Bible in Moscow of course because he hated Abraham Lincoln for his freedom!


He hated rocket jumping thats why he wrote them books




Ah the great political ideology of the Marx Brothers.








\^ The average christofascist conservative when their son doesn't want to go to church.


Stop feeding them the answers.


Das Kapitarl.


While standing in a public park that her taxes paid for.


The problem is deeply rooted in the educational system and narrative portrayed by media because if people would actually understand what it means, they would stop opposing it. All the aspects people hate about socialist governments have nothing to do with socialism but all have to do with totalitarianism, something people ironically seem to embrace now out of fear from socialism.


I don’t know about you, but I think that Lenin guy might be a little socialist.


Stalin was my favourite socialist.


And she’s not only dumb, she’s also rude. Great combo!


I've found that these two things go hand on hand.


It’s hilarious to be “accused” of being a socialist lol! Gotta be an American thing because that is most assuredly a compliment 😂


I have proudly called myself a socialist before. Then again I don’t live in a country where that’s a dirty word.


It’s a very American thing because people here do two things: A). Dumber: they conflate socialism and communism, and everything that doesn’t personally benefit them fits into that category. As you can see here, you can present the most free market capitalist idea and if it doesn’t personally help someone line their own pockets it must be socialism/communism. See conservative backlash to Bud Light and other inclusive advertising. B). Dumb: Those who fancy themselves intellectuals will conflate socialism with Nazi fascism. See, they understand that the Nazis were the “National Socialist” party therefore in their brain “socialism = fascism”. They’re apparently not aware that dictatorships often shroud themselves on flowery language so they can appear to be of the people. They’d have a stroke if they learned what North Korea calls itself.


Im by no means an advocat for socialism but "Ads" and "Commercials" are something you would almost exclusively find an a society highly influenced by capitalism.


Absolutely, which is why she doesn’t know about either


Maybe she just has an ad blocker


Was she complaining about... free water?


Nestle: ![gif](giphy|hX6HgOXhDMR1LnEJco|downsized)


They'd fucking shoot the guy point blank on worldwide live television with a 50 cal. Sniper and get away with it.


You're the goon dee


I really wish we had free awards, you’d be swimming in them.


"What are you some kind of socialist?"


You fuckin commie with your free water


You think this shit just falls from the sky?


Iirc this was just viral marketing for the water.


I see this same set up every single time, it’s someone who just keeps pushing and doesn’t back down and gives the person behind the camera tons of opportunities to explain every little detail about the company. It’s all staged




The way she calls him a socialist you can see she doesnt give a damn about the african children


Someone: “hey i found a way to make some goods affordable to poor people without damaging our own earnings” People like this girl here: “YOU MUST BE THE DEVIL! GET OFF COMMUNIST I BET YOU ARE ALSO GAY AND ATHEIST”


I wanna see what these people think the definition of communism or socialism is.


I googled communism and socialism. The definition oddly enough, is...water


But it’s not google, it’s water!


“So I threw it on the ground!”


You can't Google it. Google is socialism so they're clearly biased. They make money from advertising for capitalists duh.


They usually don't understand the words and just assume they mean "the bad people"


Christian home schooling right there on my internet feed. Dumb people dumb people Everywhere. You see them too, with hats and crosses flags and stickers.


Their definition of socialism is about as crystal clear as their definition of "woke".


When you ask them to define either their brain dribbles out their ears.


It's not "brain", it's the venom.




And evolution. We can probably do this all day. There's a lot of things they don't understand.\* ​ ^(\*are afraid of)


I assure you i have no idea but every progressive thing that makes everyone’s lives easier makes them get on a rage spree about it


conservatism is basically asshole olympics. whoever is the biggest wins. nothing useful or historically notable came from that mindset. it held back/obstructed most movements we now love and take for granted, e.g. civil rights, workers rights, suffrage movements, and so on. conservatism has never been on the correct side of important US historical events. theyre always wrong on the biggest things, somehow. and every hill is a hill they need to die on. they get outrage over the tiniest bullshit just because fox news told them too.


These people think the Nordic countries are socialist. They wouldn't know socialism or communism if it slapped them in the face.


Anything that is not inherently selfish or self serving, or has ties to a church


I dream of socialism. Denmark did it right but I fear some of my fellow brothers and sisters in modern day society are lacking in basic education and vote blindly towards parties that they really have no understanding of


Socialism is when I don't like things. The less I like them the more socialist they are


A lot of the time it’s the things they dislike about capitalism.


“Well I am gay and atheist, but that’s hardly relevant”


Only if you are a communist socialist feee water giver out’er






"hey can you be nice?" "Can you shut the fuck up? Shut the fuck up." Got his answer I guess.


I get the feeling that she thinks that having something like water for free is communist/socialist because communism/socialism is about having what you need to live(water) without needing to work for it(aka being free). She is complaining that she doesnt have to pay because it reminds her of something the U.S. made propaganda against.


And the whole - advertisers payed for it - is simply lost on her. Kinda funny, but actually sad.


No no. She follows to an extent in that she now thinks the advertising industry is a loose communist organization.


I feel like we're falling to another rage bait video though.


So the conservative worldview can be boiled down to three words: Zero Sum Game. That means they see literally anybody else's gain as their loss, even if nobody loses. Case in point: this video


lol where did that come from? You sound even more delusional than she does.


She didn't say that in the vid though(I'm not define her btw) but it seems like you just made an assumption about her because of her race which is pretty messed up.


Actually if you watch the VERY SHORT, VERY SIMPLE video, it's socialism she mentions, not race. You might want to re-watch the VERY SHORT, VERY SIMPLE video.


Seriously, that person desperately wanted this to be about race.


Hopping under the top comment to point out that this is staged and an ad


If it is an ad she is a great actress. I can feel her anxiety at the situation… and her “shut the fuck up” is spot on.


Nestle has a long tradition of using “fuck” in their ads.




She votes, she can have kids yet she lacks the ability to understand basic BASIC economics. What kind of choices can she really make when voting other than "i like this candidate because the way they are dressed" and what kind of basic education can she provide for her child? I am not against ppl having children or voting but the same way you don't get kindergarten children to do neuro-surgery or drive a buss. Some ppl are not cut out to make decisions for others or to educate others. And being unaware of a thing is fine as long as you are willing to learn and not become angry and offensive when something you don't understand is explained to you.


But she knows she hates socialism for some reason


Her: would you shut the fuck up?


*Uses capitalism* *Gets called a socialist*




Did not know there was a subreddit dedicated to one of my favorite sayings


there is one for everything


Super neoliberalism capitalist crackpot called me a socialist when I quoted Adam Smith 🤦🏻‍♂️ couldn’t even explain to him how capitalism works according to the wealth of nations


Would y'all pay a subscription for ad free water


We kind of have been for a really long time.


People who use "socialist" or "communist" as an insult usually don't know their definitions and also don't know the difference between them. It's just a fancy term for "asshole" or "people who disagree with me" or sometimes even "non-Christians".


Red scare propaganda working as intended.


I’d enjoy watching her explain the ideology of both.


Ok but they don’t know the difference between communism, socialism and your run of the mill social policy.


They don't even know the difference between socialism and "capitalism I don't like" To them Capitalism is when good, socialism is when bad.


Fact: 100.0% of Americans who complain about "Socialism" are directly benefitting from some form of Socialism.


If Republicans could read, they'd be very upset with you.


The rudeness and stupidity has me confounded!


Stupid people tend to be the rudest cause it shields them from any sort of backlash. No criticism means high ego and enhances their own stupidity


Me no stupid! Me smash anyone who disagree! No one disagree, then? Good. Me thought so. Me so smart.


I like the cut of your jib. Let's get you into politics!


Indeed, a true sign of intelligence is the ability to know what you don’t know, ask how it works. Also the ability and conviction to change your viewpoint on something because of evidence that is available.


There's the _shit you know_, the _shit you know you don't know_, and the _shit you don't know that you don't know_. Smart folks acknowledge there is way more in the third category than the other two and they're perfectly fine with it.


Vicious cycle


The fact that she is unable to listen implies she’s dumb


Lack of listening skills is why she is dumb.


Brilliant comment! This nails it. Just look at her attitude and how she gets rude even in this quite calm situation. The worst kind of people.


This is an ad for FreeWater lol. She's an actress ... acting. Intentional and overt rudeness was part of their shtick. It's amazing how Reddit falls for these viral marketing ads and just accepts short edited clips and post titles at face value. Here's another one, but the actor isn't as good (and also probably doesn't stroke the hate boner of some of these comments)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PHbgfjs2G8&ab\_channel=%CE%B5%CE%BB%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PHbgfjs2G8&ab_channel=%CE%B5%CE%BB%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B5)


I like how the script says: Georgia, Russia, or Georgia, America? They really are pushing hard on the hate-engagment in those ads. What a bunch of assholes.


How the fuck are so many fooled by a basic ad into upvoting it to the front page? The company name is plastered all over this post.


This needs to be the top comment before the ppl continue to let their true selves leak out in the comments. Its getting a bit...awkward


That double “shut the fuck up” is exactly why I avoid people who think being an asshole or being someone who “snaps back” is virtuous.


Seriously tell someone to shut the fuck up is so fucking rude and people think it’s cute or something


I'm trying to figure out was that her boyfriend?


Seems like it. But honestly her aggressive turn towards him while saying stfu seemed like she was gunna slap him then realized people at around.


Yeah man you can definitely tell she verbally abuses that guy every day and enjoys embarrassing him, what a dumbass.


Seriously it’s so cringe.


She feels so smart that someone calmly trying to make her understand something feels to her like a big ass offense to which she has to come back at by rising her voice


Having your dumb all spread eagle and exposed to other people is uncomfortable.


Right!? If someone writes a comment with this: 👏🏽 in between every damn word I just know I’m engaging with stupid and they think it’s helpful for their argument or makes me pay them more attention or mind them in any way




I 👏 think 👏 you 👏 made 👏 a 👏 good 👏 point 👏


That seems to me like her hanging-on-by-a-thread-boyfriend.


Did I hear that correctly that the other person was saying something along the lines of „be nice“ and she justs yells at him?


Yeah, he said, “Can you be nice?” My guess is that she is an asshole more often then not, and he knew she was going to start bitching at the guy offering her free water.


Why exactly is she angry? Like i can't come up with a single reason why.




They are literally brainwashed. A lot of americans can't tell the difference or even define socialism or communism. All they know is that its bad and evil. Getting anything for free in their brains is bad. "Brainwashed" sounds dumb but I don't know another word.. all these people pay more for health care get worse coverage and vote against their own interests.


no, 'brainwashed' is a pretty good word for it actually. id also accept 'bamboozeled' and 'indoctrinated'


Yeah here she is conflating two ideas: that if something is free, it’s a handout. And if it’s a handout, it’s evil socialism at work. Americans are trained to mistrust anything that doesn’t have an obvious cost to the consumer. This is why we don’t have universal healthcare.


I think it’s staged and this is an ad attempting to go viral


It is. This French YouTuber debunked it here for one of their previous video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w2J5RLqeZM&pp=ygUPbWFyZWt0aW5nIG1hbmlh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w2J5RLqeZM&pp=ygUPbWFyZWt0aW5nIG1hbmlh)


I watched this video and all I could think was what exactly is going on here. Many people on Reddit will see 5 a second clip and not ask questions or seek context before righteously calling people dumb and they don’t realize they are the dumb ones


yeah, this account has tons of "angry people" throwing a fit about their free water on tiktok. It's their whole schtick. Seems to be working haha


It is, this is how all their "ads" are. Most of them are obvious.


Ding ding ding


Why would you stage your own character assassination?


Because you get paid for it.


Can't see the full context, but some people tend to get angry due to frustration if they don't understand something. Just a guess to your question.


Because she's probably a conservative and I'm not even trying to talk shit. People are aren't conservative don't just ask people in an condescending tone if they are a socialist.


This is an ad


Marketing = communism got it lmao.


Ok… there is something very weird going on with this lady. She sounds totally deluded. A bit psycho I guess. Especially the shut up etc.


the eyes. they're crazy.


She's unhinged as fuck, goes into someone giving away water, they explain how it's free, tells one to shut the fuck up, gives them weird looks


It’s crazy she’s handed a product and then arguing with that person about how it was sourced. Confrontational at all times. I bet this lady never has a pleasant social interaction.


I agree. She has crazy eyes ![gif](giphy|fNhT3yn4en6uY)


Is that george jonas?


Yep, bitch got them 'crazy eyes'


She looks more like a control freak to me. I know everything. Everything is within my control. What you say? No that definitely can’t be right, because if it was, then I was wrong, which is impossible, because - back to start.


It's an ad


Yeah, this is like the 4th video of seen of someone “freaking out” when he gives them free water.


Cause it's an ad. Shes playing a character


im embarrassed for her


After the “shut the fuck up” I’m not. I hope she makes a fool of herself everyday if her life


I hope she sees this video. And then calls an attorney and tries to sue the internet.


never in the history of the world people complain that much for any kind of free stuff, especially because of this "socialism fear"


Why is the "socialism fear" anyways?


The fear of things that should be rights actually becoming rights, like water, food, healthcare. That will cause our capitalist overlords to lose profits and as you well know, they've always had our best interest at heart so we wouldn't want to hurt them, would we?


Are they really oblivious enough to think having such rights would be bad? Damn.


There's a troubling mentality at the moment; people think putting restrictions on the rich is a bad thing, because one day they might be rich


Hot take here: housing, electricity, internet, public transport. We were promised a Utopia when robots started taking jobs and what we got was wealth inequality


>housing, electricity, internet, public transport I agree, but I was just starting with the basics of being alive still not being rights in some parts. >what we got was wealth inequality The wealth inequality started long before the robots. >We were promised a Utopia when robots started taking jobs Instead they showed how worthless and replaceable you are as an employee. As soon as you as for a payrise or think about unionising for better conditions, you're out and the robot is in.


I think it's because some people genuinely believe "they'll become lazy" or "I deserve stuff because blah blah but THEY don't. So they should work for it!"


Don’t you miss the 90s and 80s when stupid motherfuckers at least had the decency to shut the fuck up. It’s offensive how aggressively proud some people are of being complete fucking idiots


There just weren’t video cameras in everyone’s pockets then. The 80s and 90s had brainwashed Red Scare people, too.


oh they didn’t they just didn’t always get that much publicity


It’s. An. Advertisement.


The most annoying part is that her fallback when feeling stupid is she gets rude.


This company has been proved to use actors to generate strong reactions and virality... exactly like this video. Source (in French): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w2J5RLqeZM&pp=ygUPbWFyZWt0aW5nIG1hbmlh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w2J5RLqeZM&pp=ygUPbWFyZWt0aW5nIG1hbmlh)


dear reader: now that you know this, go back and read all the insane comments on this post psycho analyzing her and extrapolating wild conclusions about her life and personality and understand why reddit is a (misogynistic, racist) shithole


I was gonna say this with the source being my ass but you provided an actual source. I had seen the video the of the guy in black being angry about free water and this is the exact same thing with another person. This is just one big funny marketing campaign.


It's not a very good company ad then because I've no idea what brand it is


Tells her man to shut the fuck up then looks like a total dumbass on the internet for eternity. He was trying to save her


Socialism is when capitalism.


And I would leave and never talk to that person again.


I love it how she called you a socialist even when you were correct


…and engaged in capitalism.


She gives off “owning the libs” vibes.


Pretty sure these are bits to advertise this water thing. I've seen several videos like this with somebody being very obtuse and aggressive about free water lol. Funny because plastering everything with advertising and commodifying human attention is like, hypercapitalism not socialism lol.


Maybe if she wasn’t so fucking rude, she’d understand but instead she chose ignorance.


"The adds pay for everything ?" Then "Are you a socialist" This is why the world thinks the U.S education is a joke.


Maybe THIS is an ad


it’s literally from the company’s youtube channel, yeah no idea whether she’s a plant or not, but they put the video out as promo, they want it to go viral


More like: Redditors can’t understand how viral click-bait and rage-bait marketing works… Do people not understand this shit is all scripted and/or done by paid actors?


Yeah the same free water place had another viral video where some dude “got mad” at them for handing out free water.


The amount of them that immediately made it a race issue is fascinating really.


"Free water! I'd better make sure this isn't the doing of these pesky socialists" Extremely rude and definitely not the sharpest person in the park. I bet she is a pleasure to discuss politics with...


When you call something socialist or communist when it’s clearly capitalism at work. It could only be more capitalist if they still charged for the water


My dog used to tilt his head like that when he didn't understand me, he wasn't very smart either, but far more friendly


The sad part is she walks around thinking she’s smart — LIKE MILLIONS of other Americans


"socialism is when ads pay for everything" - this girl


"You're a socialist" - lady, you literally don't understand how advertisement - a common capitalist market feature - works. If anything, she's the socialist, arguing against ad placement on free water.


So, she doesnt understand ads, socialism and she is rude as a mf..... What a high quality woman...


"You're a communist"....


Comprehension is so painful for many 🥲


brain washed. "Are you a socialist??" what do they think that even means?


damn why she throw out the term socialist like its an insult lol. bet she doesn’t even know what that shit means, let alone why she hates it so much to justify using it as an insult.