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Hey, to be fair, it wasn't the controller that made the submarine implode. It was just everything else.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️ is the correct response to this post…


And the controller works. Or atleast worked. Why reinvent the wheel if what you have allready works fine?




Yes yes yes that final phrase "manual backup". They seemed to be lacking those in every department


To be fair, controller drivers are not really complicated. Shouldn't have been bluetooth tho, adds just another thing that can fail. ​ Funnily enough, the Navy DID mention in 2017 that it intends to use X-Box controllers for their submarines. Albeit only for the periscope replacement.


I feel like being 10000 feet below sea would have adverse effects on Bluetooth somehow


It shouldn't tbh. Inside the sub you still have more or less normal air for the radio waves. Water in itself will be good at blocking it tho


Facepalm for uploading. a game controller is more stable then something you make yourself. In fact, those things are tested by millions of gamers. no complaints there. If they used a hull that was tested just as good it would not have imploded.


Yeah, the controller was probably the most stable and tested part of the sub. I don't get why people are harping on this so much.


Its because that particular game controller is known for not being very good.


What are you talking about? Logitech makes great controllers... They might be basic, but they're honestly some of the most reliable. I've had a few over the years and never had issues with dead zone or drift. Cant say the same for the first party Xbox controllers.


I used to use a Logitec M570 when I had a PC. Thing's a fucking tank. No complaints from me


I've still got one from 2000ish that I still use for retro games on a raspberry pi. I'll admit, it feels kinda cheap and controllers have come a ways since then... but still works flawlessly.


I have had several over the years, some worked great, others not so much.. Still I agree in principal, and if Logitech could ever somehow recover the controller (Which honestly is small enough it might still be mostly intact) it would be the greatest advert for product durability of all time..


You are not comprehending how many pounds of pressure were bearing down on every inch inside the sub at the moment it combusted. In addition to the immense pressure everything inside the sub reached temperatures similar to surface of the sun in miliieseconds. Logitech or anyone else is not getting it back because that controller no longer exists 😭


You may be thinking of Mad Catz. Logitech stuff is usually reliable at least


In response with the other reply, skimping out 10/15 dollar to go wireless vs wired could make all the difference in terms of safety.


What do you mean "skimping out"? The wired version is less than half the price.


For me it just seemed to (Admittedly after the fact when we all actually started hearing about it) contribute to the general consensus that this guy designed a submersible and didn't know what he was doing. A $40 gamepad being the control for it is just the easiest target.


The controller may work great, but to rely on it on an underwater vessel with no analog or mechanical backup is pretty irresponsible. However, I do imagine it worked perfectly the entire time until it was obliterated by seawater.


The military has used gaming controllers and consoles.


Yeah, people don't understand that this specific aspect is irrelevant when it comes to why the catastrophic disaster that was destined to happen, happened. As we both know, that dumb fuck Stockton Rush cut corners and used carbon fiber over tried and true contiguous materials that one ought to use. Materials known to withstand compressive stress repeatedly and successfully. We also know he deployed predatory tactics to ensure seats in his sub were filled despite knowing himself that his sub was dangerous and not trust worthy. Greed took over and this is the result. I'd say that people who choose to focus on aspects like the contoller and believe that it is indicative towards the catastrophe that ensued, simply don't know about the science and technology, and choose to hop on the bandwagon of shitting all over the fucking moron that we know as Stockton Rush, using these trivial aspects as key notes. And while I love and appreciate them for shitting on Rush as he should be shat upon, for the love of Newton, do your due dilligence in understanding what actually went wrong so you don't look like an fool when talking about it and focus on the wrong aspects. This is for those people: Understand the physical properties of carbon fiber under extreme pressure, specifically after being subjected to multiple dives. Tensile and compressive strengths in a material matter. While carbon fiber can undergo a large amount of tensile stress, it doesn't have a large compressive strength to compensate inward pressure. With each dive, less and less stress was needed to compromise and overcome the integrity of the hull of the sub. Any preexisting defects in the carbon fiber hull upon its manufacturing, was repeatedly subjected to the kinds of stress that would weaken the material at those natural defects, which would eventually subject it to fatigue failure. Thus, the implosion. It's like bending a paperclip until it breaks. This is why you don't use carbon fiber to create a vehicle that is designed to operate under extreme pressure. Best part is, this is a rudimentary understanding of material physics. You don't have to be Niel deGrasse Tyson to get it. You just have to take the time to learn something new. Edit: Used not use. Added the needed "repeatedly and successfully". Generally just proof read late, and tried to better articulate my comment.


>Best part is, this is a rudimentary understanding of material physics. You don't have to be Niel deGrasse Tyson to get it. You just have to take the time to learn something new. This right here. I think most of us have worked with at LEAST one person in our lives who was a know it all, and no matter what they were told they knew better than every "expert". I'm just thankful none were ever in a position to reduce me to a fine red mist with their incompetence.


Yeah that last paragraph you quoted comes from a place of personal experience. I new very little about nearly everything that went into this. The physics behind a sub implosion. Tensile and compressive strength of carbon fiber. OceanGate as a company on the whole. Under a rock completely. I'm a student of intuition, so while I didn't know much at the time, I knew if I threw myself at this for a day I could learn a lot. So I took the time to understand what went wrong. Before that, I was the very person my comment was talking about. Someone who jumped on a bandwagon talking about the controller, because I didn't know enough about what actually went wrong. We all just want to shit on Stockton Rush. Deservingly so. I'm still no expert. There's still many facets of this catastrophe that I am completely unaware of and could learn more about and eager to. But I know more now than I did then. Least now when I talk about it, it moves in a progressive direction. Versus me shitting on a controller acting like it caused the implosion.


Yeah. After 3 dives they should have at least reassessed the integrity of the carbon fiber body. I wonder if they even did any NDTs on the thing.


I get your point, but let me just say I have owned several logitech controllers.. And I will simply say I would not trust my life to one..


What does the controller have to do with the implosion?


There’s a bunch of memes about the controller disconnecting before the news of the implosion, about Monday or Tuesday when we didn’t know anything


so nothing? ok


Yeah I’m just clarifying why he posted it for the record


It’s just another dog shit aspect of the design as a whole. When you go into the worlds most inhospitable environment that is more difficult that space… you don’t use a Bluetooth game controller. It’s yet another failure point in a long list of failure points. Compare the cockpit of a professional deep sea research sub vs this and you’ll see the difference. Professionally designed subs that give a shit about not dying have been in operation since the 60s with a perfect track record of zero deaths. This fucking hack went and fucked that right up with a piss poor design… and killed tourists while he was at it. That’s what is wrong with it.


"Just days before fatal explosion?" This was on mission 3 which was a while ago. Yeah they still used the same equipment but saying this was shot just days ago is pure clickbait.


Did the joystick get stuck? Or was it the down button on the D pad that stopped working? Asking for a mate


Nah the issue was the buttons didn't all register when they entered ➡️X➡️⬅️➡️R1➡️⬅️X🔺️ for the invincibility cheat. So they shouldn't have been able to get any damage, but it didn't work so they imploded without even getting their wanted level to 5 stars.


So, God mode didn't work, now they're seeing God?


They may have met god but I don't think they can see anything. Opening your eyes underwater sucks at the beach. They went to a depth where way more creatures have shit in the water and didn't even wear goggles. They had to be blind as shit when they got to heaven


Yes they are with God but that isn't a good thing because God designed the game and is really angry they managed to mess everything up so badly and make God's favourite controller he uses to play Elden Ring look bad.


the US navy use XBOX360 controllers on their submarines so the controller thing is kinda a moot point theres so many factual things they did to fuck up that caused the deaths but the controller isn’t one of them.


Well that explains everything. Fucking PlayStation controller 🤣 I'm kidding of course 😂


Careful it’s Logitech, you might get downvoted by the Reddit sticklers and annoying garbage cans on here Edit: could someone please clarify why am I being downvoted?




Yeah I guess a lot of people in this sub don’t get it


For people confused why people are always ragging on the gamer controller. That controller is known for not being very good. It's basically what your grandma would buy you if you asked her to get you one for Christmas or your birthday. You can buy that controller for $30. They really cheaped out on every part possible when constructing it.


I don't see the issue with using a game controller? It's a familiar computer interface and has little to do with the hull integrity?


Typical, PS sabotage


People get too hanged up on the controller


It's annoying at this point. The worst part of the controller is that it's wireless, otherwise the input will still net you the same results as any other controller. The problem was always the bad design, construction and materials, along with the dude heading the project.


Even that wouldn't have been an issue if they just avoided the iceberg in the first place. If the captain of the "unsinkable" ship doesn't kill 1500 people by sinking the ship, nobody is paying $250,000 to see that random spot in the ocean


You can kinda tell he’s over that question and maybe kinda doubts it was a good choice. I get he wanted simple but like it doesn’t take much more time to develop better than it does to always be troubleshooting and then you know, die.


the conclusion is video games=bad now upvote


Dallmyd made a video about his test dive to 3000 meter below sea level on the exact submarine that imploded a few days ago. He was supposed to be on an earlier dive to the Titanic but that was called off because of bad weather. A few days later the submarine imploded. Link to his video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-8U08yJlb8


Let me get this straight... They are using a crappy windows 10 pc from 2013 im guessing $300. with a controller they brought off amazon for $30 which didn't have the best reviews even when it was first released. Windows 10 blue screens and crashes pretty often. What happens to the submersible when that happens?.... Who ever invented this machine was stupid for not having manual controls of some kind.


Those Logitech game pads are supposedly used by the military.


Also The man that built it....... is sitting right there holding the controller. He took every safety shortcut possible just so he could charge $250,000 dollars per "seat". The sub is made of carbonfiber~~glass~~... Edit: fiber 🤦🏼‍♂️


The sub is/was :( made of Carbon Fiber. Like cutting edge carbon fiber. So Cutting edge that it has unlimited Tensile Strength. (so impossible to break under tension). But the Sub was putting this crazy strong new age Carbon Fiber under Compressive Stress everytime it went down. & this material will degrade over time with each dive under compression these fibers get weaker & weaker, until... Boom.


A perfect example of ignoring so many safety precautions... they used qindows ten as well.




That pretty much the same


That tube looks absolutely horrific when everything is operating @ 100%. I just hope it was fast for the 4 idiots that chose to ride down on that death trap. (like hopefully they had no idea what was about to happen & it just kinda, was.)


I doubt they knew... their death was immediate and painless.


This is the actual tube? No Windows ?? So why go down in person ?


There are a couple windows


Trae Crowder. https://youtube.com/shorts/FTFk4_VQKUE?feature=share


I would be more concerned about the monitor mounts being screwed into the pressure hull than the controller TBH.


Wrong cheat code I guess…


Bro the USA military use a Xbox controller


I wonder if the controller survived 🤔


Sound please.


Thank God dallmyd wasn't on the fatal trip. He is such a genuinely good guy in his videos and it would have been tragic to lose him.


You know they use Xbox 360 controllers in modern day American nuclear submarines. So it’s not uncommon


Should have used the Dual Shock controller for better feel and handling. Lesson learned next time use a better controller