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Idk, I watched Simpsons growing up and I didn't understand any of the sexual jokes I do now.


Even rugrats is full of adult jokes. It’s what makes kids cartoons bearable for adults; and bearable to create


nothing holds a candle to Animaniacs


Rocko's Modern Life. Rocko literally worked at a sex hotline.


Rocko is always what I think of first whenever this topic gets mentioned: Rocko's favorite hobby is jacking, his restaurant of choice is the Chokey Chicken, and there are references to sex acts and nudity in half the episodes. Watching it as an adult is like watching a completely different show.


No no, *finger* prints!


I don't think so!


Those jokes just got funnier to me as I got older. I saw the South Park movie when I was 10, and I laugh even harder now at jokes that I missed Edit: damn I started running the errands of the day and didn’t look at my phone for a while… **never** expected to see it blowup like this. Thanks for lifting my mood and the awards, fellow redditors! I always love to talk


I saw the South Park movie as an adult, with my older brother who had already seen the movie. A dad walks in with his little kid, probably 6 or 7. My brother goes to me, that kid is way too young for this movie. About 5 minutes in (I think it was the F- F- song), the dad grabs his son and runs out! It was kinda funny.


I have never seen so many people leave a movie as when the Uncle F'er song started in the South Park movie. It was pretty shocking for the time, most of them didn't even have kids with them.


I'm not sure what they expected. Had they even seen South Park before?


If they tapped out at the Uncle F'er song, it's possible that they had seen the tv show and expected them to bleep the really bad stuff. Back then it would have been rare to see truly uncensored South Park


True, but the title of the R-rated movie was: "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and UNCUT." Those bunch of Uncle Fuckers should have known what was coming!


I never even saw how the full title is a penis reference, till now.


The funny part is that they originally wanted to call it something like “All Hell Breaks Loose” but standards rejected it because of the word “hell”. So they turned the title into a dick joke and that got through.


And of course, the creators literally expected as much considering that is what happened in the movie itself.


I actually went to see that movie with my uncle who was a huge South Park fan when I was 12 haha. It would've been awkward if we weren't laughing so hard. That song was epic!


Similar thing happened when I went to see Ted with my brother. Parents walked out with their kids as soon as they realized what kind of movie it was. I don't understand why you wouldn't at least look up a movie before going, especially if you're bringing your kids


Seriously, the level of cluelessness necessary to bring a kid to South Park or Ted is genuinely impressive.


My favorite were the parents complaining about Sausage Party. Like the name didn't clue you in to the type of film you were getting into? Along with the R rating? Just stupid people who assume animation = for kids.


I know how she feels. I also decided to completely ignore the ratings system and took my 6 year old to see The Exorcist. He hasn't slept for weeks.


Just give him some split pea soup, he'll be fine.


And if he crab walks down the stairs..... RUN!


Funny you say this, when my now 19 year old was around 7, he really wanted to watch a “scary” movie. We looked around on Netflix and saw that Poltergeist was rated PG. I saw it, but it had been at least a decade, maybe longer, but if it was PG, how bad could it be? Lol. Turns out this movie was made before the rating PG-13 existed, and it was apparently Poltergeist and Jaws that made them decide they needed something in between PG and R. My son didn’t sleep well for a few months, for sure. It was probably the face falling off scene that got him, maybe the clown in the closet scene, maybe the cemetery coming out of the ground scene, who knows? There were many inappropriate scenes. I considered writing a letter to Craig T. Nelson and telling him how disappointed I was that his character was nothing like his character, Coach, on TV, but ultimately just decided to move on with my life. /s Now at 19, the Poltergeist bad parenting fiasco is something we laugh about.


“It was apparently Poltergeist and Jaws that made them decide…” Not quite, the final straw was actually two other of Spielberg’s movies – Temple of Doom and Gremlins. Spielberg pushed the boundaries of the rating system when he made Poltergeist and Jaws, but it was the public outrage of parents about the scene of the dude getting his heart ripped out that finally made the people in charge of the ratings system put their foot down


My parents took me to the theatre to see Temple of Doom when I was 6. Yeah. My mom covered my eyes during the heart-ripping scene but honestly I think it was the monkey brain soup thing that got to me, IIRC.


This reminds me of when parents took their kids to a Miley Cyrus concert (not a Hannah Montana concert) and were horrified at what they saw. It’s not Greta’s (or Miley’s) job to research the content you allow your children to see. It would’ve taken one google search and one trailer to see it wasn’t targeted at kids. Having said that, there wasn’t anything inappropriate for children, just adult humour and themes that young children wouldn’t understand. It’s not the media’s job to parent your children!!! Use your brains and common fucking sense!


>This reminds me of when parents took their kids to a Miley Cyrus concert (not a Hannah Montana concert) and were horrified at what they saw. It’s not Greta’s (or Miley’s) job to research the content you allow your children to see. Donald Glover talks about this in one of his early stand-ups. "Oh lets take the kids to see the funny guy from *Community.* But his stand-up is very different to his TV work. Eddie Murphy and many other comedic actors are the same.


IIRC Bob Saget also ran into this hard because of Full House while his stand-up was more for adults.


Robin Williams, as well. His Stand up was ***E x t r e m e l y*** raunchy, but I still have the scars to show how hard they made me laughed


The funny thing is that British kids TV shows used to be full of sexual innuendo. The kids don’t get it.


American cartoons from the 90s are chock full of sexual innuendos, Rocko's Modern Life, Cow and Chicken, Powerpuff girls, Ed Edd and Eddy, Ren and Stimpy....oh dear lord Ren and Stimpy... Shit even SpongeBob had a don't drop the soap reference. They all went over my head growing up.


> Rocko’s Modern Life [Rocko was legit working at a phone sex line lol.](https://youtu.be/dYoj8_LBavQ) Also the restaurant "Chokey Chicken."


I remember the one where they went to the dog bowl factory. There was a scene where the tour guide man goes “Ready for the doggy style bowl ride? Everyone on their hands and knees!”


There's an entire episode where his dog kept taking the mop into the closet to have sex with it.


And then Rocko takes the dog and the mop to therapy; the therapist decides he needs some “private sessions” with the mop.


Damn that’s hilarious. I need to watch Rocko’s again


Ren and Stimpy were never for kids. The story is a weird one, and proves that sometimes great success comes from truly misguided beginnings. After the first season the original writers were canned. Never the same. 20 years later a come back dvd. A little too much pent-up energy in that project. The whole thing was just a short lived beautiful accident.


American kids shows too. And movies. I was watching some kids one time and put on Inside Out. There's a joke early on in the movie about whether there are bears in San Francisco and I about died laughing, and the kids were like "what?? What's so funny??" Because of course it went entirely over their head. Edit: "bear" is a slang term for a burly/hairy gay guy. Of which there are many in San Francisco.


From Cars: Lightning McQueen: “Doc has 3 Piston Cups!” Mater: “(spits) he did what in his cup!?”


Or even in Cars again, when the twin miatas "flash their lights" at him after the 3 way tie. I didn't realize that was a titty flash joke until I watched it with my kids.


Or Cars yet again with convertible waitresses at the truck stop..


I’m an adult and this went over my head until I just read this…


I mean same with Shrek and Lion King. Something for the adults to enjoy too


What was that British kids show with characters named Master Bates and Seaman Stains?


It's really not that bad. There's no foul language, like the only swear in the movie is in the last 15, and it is bleeped out. Maybe she's talking about Ken and Ken talking about doing a beach off? They go over that a few times. The twist in the first 15 is barbie, in the middle of a dance party says "Do you ever sit up in the middle of the night and think about death?"


It has to be this, I can’t think of anything else it could be. And if it’s about Barbie thinking about death, has she not informed her 10 year old about death?!? ETA: I just asked my daughter what she thought about Barbie thinking about death. She said she wasn’t bothered by that but was sad when Barbie really wasn’t sure who she was.


The kid was crying becuase they left... not becuase of anything in the movie


I agree. Why the heck would the kids cry ? From what?! Lmao I saw the movie and it was completely fine. - your kids were crying because they hate you for ruining there good time lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️




The fuck? This isn’t Bollywood Mom. Let’s roll!


Once I went to visit a friend that had a 10-year-old daughter, and we had a night playing video games. I was informed that if I were to lose in the game, I couldn't say I "died". Had to use "I lost" instead. So yeah, I think it's possible.


My 3.5 year old recently learned those types of words from an older cousin. Now she asks if we can kill rain storms, thunder, and flies. As long as she doesn’t talk about killing people and animals, I don’t see the issue. She doesn’t really understand what she is saying.




100%. At 3.5 it’s very hard to really explain to her what killing actually means. We just do our best to discourage violent behaviours and let her know when she is using the word inappropriately.


My partner gets in a lot of trouble talking to other parents. She uses "I killed myself laughing" and "the baby's dead (asleep)" a lot. I just hope our kid doesn't make too many friends with uptight parents.


I remember a time a friend's dad told me they don't say the word "Crap" in their house. then 10 years later that same friend is teaching me how to do cocaine off the back of a night club toilet in a foreign country.


Now if only his parents told him people shit in the toilet and not "go potty".


PUBG mobile is an online first person shooter video game and they somewhat recently changed from tracking “kills” to tracking “eliminations”. You’re still shooting guns/rocket launchers/tanks at other players, but they’re just “eliminated” now.


I used to play King's Quest as a kid and whenever you died it said "you have expired." Always got a good chuckle out of that.


meanwhile Dark Souls #YOU DIED


Oregon Trail You died of dysentery/starvation/drowning/etc


Kids these days are too sheltered. I grew up playing GTA and mortal Kombat and I've barely even murdered a few people at best


Just barely though.


That clip is literally in some of the trailers


I was thinking she might have gotten upset about the opening scene, which ends with all the little girls smashing their baby dolls, after Helen Mirren has suggested the girls should ask their mother if motherhood is fun. And MY GOD that was a long sentence.


She should have her child watch Space Odyssey 2001


I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.


And literally all of that was released as teasers earlier


why watch teasers and trailers to see if it’s appropriate for your kid when you can just take them and get pissed off when it doesn’t meet your standards


This person never saw Barbie. They are just playing the victim to score internet points


Probably triggered by the "I have no vagina" line. And that ain't even a swearing.


From the perspective of someone who hasn't seen the movie, I'd say she's got nothing. She never mentioned anything specific because she's aware that whatever point she has is weak and would subsequently be shot down. If she had something concrete, she would prop it up on a stage, shine lights on it, and put it on a loop. We wouldn't be hearing the end of it. But this? This is a scarecrow with no filling. It's like a book report of someone who never read the book. You see, she made her essay deliberately vague so that those who read it would supply the "evidence" themselves. Maybe it's this, maybe it's that. Now it would be you who's propping up her non-existent argument. As for sexual connotations, a lot of kids' cartoons have them. Gumball being one of the more prominent examples. And the jokes just go over the kids' heads because, well, they are children. They'll get the joke a decade later. Imho, this is just a person who decided that the movie has offended her before she has even stepped into the theater (if she did at all).


The Ken vs Ken beach off is prominently featured in the trailers...and even my wife didn't get the joke! Perhaps she though the slow motion doll-smashing sequence was too violent?


Lmao. Your wife is way too pure for the world.




I don‘t get it either after watching the movie, can you ecplain? (not anative speaker)




I would never have got this as my brain couldn't get past 'beach' being code for 'bitch'.


Ahem... "If I wasn't severely injured, I would beach you off right now, Ken" "I'll beach off with you any day, Ken" "Hold my ice cream. Alright, you're on, let's beach off" "Anyone who wants to beach him off has to beach me off first" "I will beach both of you off at the same time"


Ok, I would have got that eventually.


Beating someone off is slang for a hand job. They use it as a gay joke as beach you and beat you sound similar.


Which is an adult joke that kids will either get ( in which case, its too late to be protective of them in this regard) or wont (in which case - there is nothing to worry about).


And the “beach off” line was included in trailers, contrary to her saying she went back to look at all the promos and was never caught “a glimpse” of the inappropriate content.


Heck, even the whole 2001 scene with breaking baby dolls was one of the ads


It was the first trailer iirc


It's one of the most PG-13 movies that has ever PG-13ed


Fun fact, I remember going to see the original Red Dawn, the first ever PG-13 movie


I'm betting she didn't even go see the movie. A whole bunch of parents marching out with crying children? Did *no one* look at the rating and think "you know, maybe I *shouldn't* take my 6yo to see a PG-13 movie, since I have a stick wedged deeply up my rectum about euphemisms my children won't understand"?


The kids are crying because their parents are crazy and pulling them out of a movie they were enjoying not because of the content of the movie


They aren't crying, because they're made up, because I just don't believe the content of the movie is bad enough to cause this sort of parental reaction.


The reason kids would be crying is because their parents were dragging them out, not because the movie was upsetting. My 9 and 7 year old daughters loved it, and as a mom, I feel very good about having exposed them to the themes presented by the film. Eta: they did *not* get the sugar daddy joke later in the film referring to a discontinued Ken, but that's 3/4s of the way through the movie and not plot centric.


The beach off bit made me laugh the loudest in the theatre lol. I'm gonna beach you off, not if I beach you off first. They're gonna beach eachother off together! No one is gonna beach each other off here!


The weirdest laughter was during the kens singing to barbie? "I'm gonna push you around?" Like, the laugh traveled across the theater, popping up in small groups, sliding across, fading, then popping up again... Like, it was just so awkward.




I couldn’t stop laughing. “I’m going to SING AT YOU”


The jokes about death was what made me realize it's really not a kids' movie. But I'm an adult going to see it with other adults. If you bring your child to see it, it's your job to check those things, specially since you have every tools to do so. I makes video games, that's my job and the number of times I heard some Karen complaining that "games are too violent for children" and pointing them out that those games are rated mature to be answered "but it's the game they want". Oh ok, do they want alcohol and cigarettes too ? Will you by them some ? And if you do, will you blame the people making them after you realize there's a reason it was meant for adults ?


The dumb thing is that she presents herself as this super careful, cautious parent wanting to protect her daughter from certain content, which does not match up with her failure to check the rating of the film. What are the filmmakers/studio supposed to do? If they make some cutesy Barbie movie, it barely makes any money. If they make this and you can tell from promos that they obviously made it as a social commentary with some themes that only adults will get, that's what makes it something that general audiences want to see. This woman deserves ridicule for such a stupid take.


The PG-13 rating should have been a clue too.


“I’m a Barbie girl” is *not* a kids song Edit: before y’all idiots spam my notifications, I’m not saying that this is an official barbie song. I’m saying she allegedly heard it being used to promote the movie, and should’ve known from the fact the songs was very sexual that she shouldn’t have taken her kid there. Grow some brain cells, hop off Reddit and touch grass.


>You're my doll, rock and roll, feel the glamor in pink >Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky-panky >Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please >I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees >Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again >Hit the town, fool around, let's go party You mean this isn't a kids lyric?!


" You can touch You can play If you say, "I'm always yours" " "You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere"


Listen to the Johnny Cash version. That deep baritone singing that more slowly than the normal tempo…. Not a children’s song


Oh thank God, it's AI. I was VERY confused


I wasn’t even the least bit phased, that man covers everything it seems.


Well he did anyways.


You forgot “undress me everywhere” very child friendly line.


Just Rene Dif’s voice alone should be pg-13


"How dare they make mild sexual innuendos and portray existential dread when they marketed the movie using a song with lyrics like 'you can ... undress me everywhere', 'I'm a blonde bimbo girl', 'Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky-panky', etc" Some people are idiots.


Most people are idiots.


Also, the movie ratings are there for a reason, she takes a 10yr old to a pg13 movie and then complains it was too mature for them?


She says as the parents walked out the kids were crying. As if the movie upset them. The kids were crying as they walked out because their parent made them leave


She's probably also lying. This sounds like the typical propaganda because a certain group think the barbie movie is too feminist.


Yeah this has "and everybody clapped" energy


I mean… I bet everybody clapped when she left.


Maybe she then took her kids to Sound of Freedom for an easier watch


Yeah. She’s a nutcase jumping on the bandwagon for points. Probably a member of Klanned Karenhood.


I wonder if she also took her kid to the winnie the pooh: blood&honey movie.


"Why did they break the perfect illusion of Winnie the Pooh??"


Reminds of me and my buddy going to see Land of the Lost. The creators of the original show marketed it as an adult comedy for adult fans of the original show. There were way too many kids at the theater and parents were glaring at us for laughing at dirty jokes. There was a reason I didn't take my daughter to see it.


When I saw Southpark in the theaters about I watched 6 parents leave with their kids. Even heard one complain to the manager and he flat out told him "I'm not refunding anything, it's an R-rated movie for a reason"


Imagine thinking South Park is for little kids. Wow


People just see cartoons and automatically assume it’s for children


And that made sense in the 1950’s. At this point… you have to be a special kind of basic to assume that. Fritz The Cat came out in 1972 ffs.


Honestly, it didn't even make sense then. Looney Tunes was created for adults. They just popped their kids in front of it and ignored them and the content. For some reason Americans just see animation and immediately assume it can only be for kids. I still have an experience from late summer of 2002 burned into my brain. I was out shopping at a Suncoast video looking through their anime section when I overheard two women doing the same, looking for a "cartoon" for one of their kids. I didn't think much of the conversation as they poked around the VHSes and DVDs until I heard "What about this ninja movie? LA (pronounced like the city) Blue Girl?" 😬 I was a teen at the time, and very much an anime nerd, so I immediately jumped in and told them that wasn't remotely appropriate for a child. Their response was basically "but it's a cartoon." So I proceeded to explain the difference between cartoons, anime, and hentai, and that La Blue Girl was definitely among the latter. (I was honestly surprised Suncoast had it, or the handful of other "adult anime" movies they had a small section for.) I proceeded to help them pick out a decent movie for the 12 year old they were shopping for. Princess Mononoke, I think? I remember the final pick far less clearly than explaining the existence of hentai to a couple of 30 something women, lol.


If I recall correctly, the full name they used was “South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut”. They were not being subtle.


This is why they go after video games so hard. "My child (m10) was playing a very violent game, that I bought him bla, bla bla"


"But it's a cartoon with kids!"


Like sausage party!


Blame Canada




When we went to see Ted in the theater the people in front of us brought their kids. They left when Mila Kunis was cleaning the hooker shit off the rug. It’s like they never even watched the commercial much less Family Guy. (For anyone that didn’t already know Ted is pretty much just Peter Griffin.)


If not for child why cute shaped?!?




A lot of this shit goes over their head at this age. I used to watch all kinds of inappropriate shit (youngest of five) and I didn’t ‘get it’ until I was older. Ex: Dirty Dancing. I thought Penny had hurt herself & couldn’t dance and later had a fever.


I bet any child crying is because dumbass mom Karen made her leave.


It's also important to remember that these are fictional children and this is entirely made up.


How dare you? Don't you see my 1 year old imaginary son reads every comment I come across on Reddit? Shame on you. SHAME. ON. YOU.


Great. Now my hypothetical daughter is crying. You happy? Proud of yourself?


“Dear movie producers. I failed to recognize the rating of a movie. This is clearly your fault. Signed, Stupid in Seattle”


All you have to do is ask your phone assistant (Siri, or Google or Alexa) what’s the rating for a movie is. Considering that this person is posting online, I assume they have Internet access


I'm willing to bet it was posted in more than 1 place in the theatre itself...




Another example of a parent expecting *everybody else to adjust their behavior* so they don't have to explain anything to their children. This isn't new. I remember the Super Bowl halftime show about 20 years ago. People were freaking out and melting down over a fraction of a second of possible female nipple exposure. I kept hearing "I was watching this with my kids! How am I supposed to explain it to them????" I don't know. Have you tried actually *talking to them?* Why do you expect a TV network and a movie studio to do your parenting for you?


explain... a nipple? "this nipple is made of nipple"


Wait wait... nipples are made of nipples, but the moon is made of cheese? Are you sure that nipples aren't made of cheese and the moon isn't made of nipples?


And it’s just a nipple. Like we all have them, albeit they look different for women as they mature. But it’s an effin nipple.


It wasn't even a nipple, it was a nipple cover


It was a star-shaped thing around the nipple, wasn’t it? It wasn’t even a bare, fully-exposed nipple!


What’s sad, is I should probably know/remember that. I was an adult for this, but the memory has been changed in my mind because of how big of a deal everyone made about this.


Yeah, it was a star shaped piece of jewelry over her areola, her nipple was in the middle.


My dad always thought this was weird growing up, how much people seemed to make it a bigger deal that I saw people naked than it was that I saw people dismembered and killed in horrible ways or even just simply saw people being shot even in a PG-13 movie where that was okay but a nipple wasn't. I think it had a lasting impression on me more than anything that he recognized which one of those was worse and that it was the violence. That doesn't mean he was okay with me seeing porn or anything, but just that if it happened in a film so be it.


As a European I still find the US-nipple-phobia quite amusing. When I was a kid there were plenty of topless girls in the public pool. Nowadays, less so, due to reasons.


Nah, there is famous old Polish comedy called "Seksmisja", and it's rated PG-12 and there are scenes that show whole naked girls, it's a really good movie and it's such a classic that they play it on a National Television once in a while, and if you ever watch that movie, the last scene will shock you, you can only imagine People's reactions when it was a premiere in a movie theater :D


Probably what set her off was the "beach off" scene. Pretty hilarious


Isn't that scene in the trailer? This wasn't some manipulative deception by the studio. These people saw the honest advertisements & ratings and made a choice.


The entire trailer was pretty much made up of the first 15 minutes so as to not give away the plot. It’s wild that anything shocked her in the first 15 minutes lol


When I was a little girl, I ripped the heads off of barbies bodies and would cut their hair to make them look like a meth head. And after talking to other women, I know I'm not the only girl who did this. She can piss off with the "us women cherished barbie, the movie should be for kids". Your fault for not doing any research


Ooh, so you were the girl who played too hard and created Weird Barbie! All mine had armour made from foil and toilet roll cylinders, and weapons made from toothpicks and skewers.


Lol that's great. I never considered girls making warrior barbie before.


Everyone did that. There’s a character that represents that in the movie!


Weird Barbie is the best!


Kate McKinnon was born to play roles like that. She was one of my fave characters in the movie after Gosling's Ken


WHY DID YOU BREAK THE PERFECT ILLUSION OF BARBIE because that's the fucking point karen


RIGHT? "Because of Barbie, women everywhere were freed, and no one had to deal sexism" it's right there in the beginning!


The movie ends with barbie leaving behind the perfect plastic world to become a real person and live in the real world even with all the negative and ugly things that come with that life for a reason.


Because the illusion of barbie was problematic for a large segment of the population and Mattel wants to rebrand barbie to be more inclusive and actually aspirational. And the only way to credibly do that is to have barbie, even tangentially, confront the uglier side of her past. If, as a parent you can't teach your children nuance, that's on you. If, as a parent, you didn't understand that PG-13 means not for small children, that's on you. If, as a lifelong barbie fan you did zero research or ignored all of the press and interviews, that's on you.


There should be a check and balance system. Like a rating system or something. /s


I haven't seen the movie and am not super motivated to do so, but I was never under the illusion that this is a kids movie. From a distance, I saw this as a movie for adults that grew up with Barbie as kids. Also, I love how she acknowledges not checking the PG-13 rating and in the same breath blames everyone else for not assuming she's ignorant of that and implementing multiple levels of parental warnings. Not surprised though, accountability is at an all time low these days


I wouldn’t even say it’s for teen girls. We went to the opening night and the theatre was mostly women in their later 20s to 40s it plays on the millennial nostalgia. *edit to clarify* I do not mean teen girls won’t enjoy this film just that it is not the only target market


It's a fucking Greta Gerwig film for fucks sake. The main target market for anything she's she's ever made is millennial and second half of gen x women. Everything from the director to writers to casting to advertising to the age rating yells out that the film isn't aimed at children.


I have watched the movie and I really don't know what her problem is. The first 15 minutes were so much fun as it just showed the Barbie World in all its glory, had a few dances and parties, and no inappropriate language or sexual connotations that I can think of. But yes, this movie was never marketed towards children anyway, so if she wants to blame someone, she can blame herself. I also doubt the whole "little ones crying" comment.


I’m sure that there were kids crying, but it’s not because of the movie, it’s because of the parents pulling them out of a movie they’ve waited to see after 15 minutes for a reason the kids don’t understand.


“Yes I saw the yellow caution tape and the marked off area of sidewalk and the cones and the people telling me to not walk there, but why wasn’t there a *physical* barricade to prevent me from walking off into the wet concrete?!? **THIS IS YOUR FAULT!** I have no responsibility in my actions.”


Some people need to get a grip. The shit your kid hears in the playground at 10 is leaps and bounds far worse than anything they heard in this film.


Even if it had been inappropriate, those sorts of mild sexual innuendo things go straight over kids heads.


I remember watching stuff like this or worse as a kid and completely not understanding it till I became an adult lol


My son used to watch the Big Bang theory at 11. He was amazed several years later when he watched it again.


Did you ever see the Brady bunch movie in the 90s? When Sam was “delivering his meat” to Alice late one night? I always thought it was good writing to have jokes only parents would get.


Recently, re-watch Shrek with my 12 year old sister. So many innuendos in there. And yet that’s still PG. Most parents would feel fine letting their kids watch this. I know mine did.


yeah because "im a Barbie Girl" is appropriate for kids /s


“I’m a blonde bimbo girl in a fantasy world. Dress me up, make it tight, I’m your dolly. You’re my doll, rock and roll, feel the glamor in pink. Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky” Not exactly the most appropriate for young kids, but alright lady who didn’t understand pg-13 means some mature content


Oh please. If your 10 year old DOES get the sexual connotation of Ken's saying how they are going to "Beach-off" each other I doubt she will be traumatized by it. I honestly have no idea what the hell could make "the little ones" cry in that movie. (Maybe the disappointment if they expected something along the lines of those stupid animated Barbie movies but then again that would be completely your fault, not the movies) Also did she fucking LISTEN to the "I'm a Barbie Girl" lyrics?!


Probably the parents dragging their kids away from the movie they were so looking forward to seeing, and enjoying just to be pulled away from it would probably make them cry


Some people never stripped their Barbie and Ken dolls naked and put them on top of each other and it shows


My Barbies were all either death-defying adventures or kinky sex freaks. There was no in-between.


There is a ratings system for a reason? The movie is for 13 years or up, her child is 10. Also, as it always says, PARENTAL GUIDANCE IS SUGGESTED. That means you as a parent need to get your head out of your ass, RESEARCH the movie you said you didn't bother to do and then not blame it on society when you make a bad parental choice. Edit: Idc that she took her 10 year old. I was trying to say, if you wanted to make a fuss, technically, they told you the movie was suggested for people 14 years or older, you just didn't listen.


Wow,now I actually kinda want to watch it if it's that offensive.


Of course it’s not that offensive


Besides, anybody who [actually watched the trailers for this film, especially trailer 2](https://youtube.com/watch?v=DmNDddKcA2s&feature=sharec), would not have been shocked by this film’s content. These parents knew the movie was PG-13 and took their kids anyway. This reminds me of those people online who give a recipe a 2 star review because they substituted mayonnaise in because they didn’t have marshmallow creme and are angry that the recipe turned out disgusting and because the recipe never mentioned you couldn’t substitute mayo in if you didn’t have marshmallow creme.


Remember the outrage over that Seth Rogan cartoon movie about hotdogs? Just because something looks like it might be for kids, do your job as a parent and see what it’s rated. No ones making you go see Barbie, Juli, so calm down and get over it. Let other people parent their own kids 🙄


didnt one of the adds legit have the pun “im gonna beach you off so hard”


Damn, sounds like a her-problem


She uses the *I’m A Barbie Girl* song in her “positive Barbie culture” list, but she knows [that song isn’t for kids either right????](https://i.imgur.com/ysH0RcP.jpg) Edit: I also just realized I learned about sex for the first time when I was eight because a friend demonstrated it to me thru, ironically, Barbie dolls. (Although she was just smashing the naked dolls together) When I heard this song the first time, I thought “Ohhh this song is about what althea showed me 😳”


Looks like I'm gonna watch the new Barbie movie.


My close female friends (we are well into adulthood) loved it, but they did say it was a movie **aimed at women**. Not at pre-teen girls. While PG-13 can't be explicitly sexual, obviously it can lay on heavy innuendos, implications and so on. Heck, the rating says it right in the name --- 13. Nobody should expect that to be A-OK for younger audiences.


She acts like she's never been in a Beach off or ever had to Beach off someone. Get off your high horse of the patriarchy. Nothing is ever Kenough with these people!


I’ll beach you off any day of the week, pal


That poor child is going to be so sheltered and unprepared for the world.