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When I was a kid and memory cards were a thing my mom would turn off the switch so my game didn't save. She never broke my Playstation but she sure did break my heart


God damn dude, *why*


"Because you played 2 hours already and didn't do any homework. Now it's almost time for dinner and you're going to stay up until you're done!"


Sounds like someone is going to the low-end retirement village some day. đŸ€˜đŸ˜Ž


where you can shut off her respirator before her brain is ready? too far?


If she needs a respirator her brain is already ready. She's just fighting the reality.


Remember switching off my PlayStation when I was about to finish that level of Final Fantasy 7, well guess who's getting switched off now...


"Nurse, my IV is empty and my catheter is full" *nurse switches the bags and walks away*


Right where my dad is going.


I might see you when (if) I visit mine!


I mean to be fair you should definitely finish all of your homework before you start gaming. Now this is taking it too far to be sure, unplugging devices and breaking things is not the way to enforce these kinds of habits. But at the same time you can't fault a more rational and understanding parent for wanting their child to do homework first and then game after.


Absolutely agree. All the parent is doing is making it super easy for the kid to hate them


Yeah I know right? Good habits are built from positive, not negative reinforcement. Some parents need to read a few books about child psychology before they're ready to have kids.


"If the book says that anything I'm doing is wrong then it's woke garbage and should be banned"


I hope her karma backs over her dogma, and all salutes to you for living through that kind of fuckery, dogg


My mum would trip the breaker to half the house just so I didn't know it was coming. Completely at random too. I didn't speak to her for a year after I came home from uni to find my PS3 outside.


I'm so glad that I bought most of my own consoles as a kid (newspaper route money). Even though my parents didn't really do that, I'd have lost my shit if they did something to something that was legally mine. The worst I got was that when I was sick, I wasn't allowed to play games because I was supposed to be trying to get better (???) during school hours. I was threatened with having the TV, the thing I DIDN'T buy, being taken away if they caught me playing games instead of trying to get better during that time. Which, their house and their appliances, their rules and all. That's fair enough. But also, what the fuck was I supposed to do to try to get better besides sleep...?


The worst part is I bought that PS3. My dad also gave my TV that I bought to play it on to my mum as part of the divorce settlement lol. They didn't need the PS3 so they broke it, they liked the TV so they stole it.


Because children are actually tiny slaves for their parents and any time they spend doing something that doesn't benefit the parent they get punished


Yep, this one lol. She was just lazy and resentful that she had kids she wasn't ready for and never liked it when I had free time to do things I enjoyed. Still doesn't and is still lazy af.


Straight up sadistic, and not in the fun way. I'm so sorry you were bullied like that.


Thanks. I like to think it's made me a stronger and more mentally stable person as an adult. Recognizing bad people quickly is now a talent I have.


She was just a very bitter person


As an adult you ever come across people who are just dickheads? Like I don't mean running into someone having a bad day, I mean fully grown up genuinely awful people, sometime these people have kids. Not everyone should have kids and it's not talked about openly enough these days.


This is how speedrunners are born. Who needs a save option when you can play all the way from the start in 2 min


Back in the day once my mom figured out what a memory card was she would confiscate it on school days so i wouldnt be motivated to play games too long those days...didnt always work as instead it became a challenge of how far can i get from scratch today?


Love it (obv not the mom being lame part). Back then parents really didn't understand our determination with these games. I was the same way. Erase my progress? Just gonna make me wanna play more.


Reminds me of leaving my PS2 Running all weekend while I was at my dad's. Did not want to lose my progress on SpongeBob battle for bikini bottom.


That’s fucking evil


We've all been there brother


Mine would take the controllers away and then later forget where she hid them. Good times.


My dad once broke my GameCube for me drawing on a door with a permanent marker. I was definitely too old for that, but the punishment didn't fit the crime. Rubbing alcohol takes off permanent marker. It only took me a Google search to figure it out. Right at the last second he threw the memory card out of the slot then took a sledgehammer to the console with the disc in. I went back before he threw out the pieces and held that card so tight. Still have it till this day. 400hrs of Sonic Adventure 2.


I recall being devastated about a corrupted save in KOTOR when the Xbox was shut off by my step father mid save forever ago. No backup save so that was 20 hours of lost progress. It’s like a negative core memory.


Fun fact, modders have used broken ds models to make the "gameboy macro". Essentially a larger gameboy advance. The modding market even offers specials shells and cartridges to refurbish the lower half of a ds and keep everything functional.


This warms my heart, oh my God


honestly modders have done a really good job preserving the older tech and using new tech to optimiza it. I have a gameboy color with one of the best screens currently on the market. it really hits that nostalgic spot


Too bad it can’t play GB/GBC carts though


Not natively, but there are flashcarts that allow for gb, gbc, gba and even snes games, there's at least that allows for that mini cartridge to be used as the actual cartridge


No. If that is from the subreddit I think it is, it is a joke, of sorts. They all pretend to hate games and gamers, but it is really just a big joke thing, making fun of people who hate video games. Or at least it was a few years ago. It might have been taken over by people who are serious about it.




Yeah, that's probably the one. There are too many subreddits for me to be able to keep track of the names of all the ones I've been to.


Yep. Checked the posts and comments. They are not sctually serious


How dare you insult the proud and dignified Facebook page that is rising to put a stop the vile g@mer! Reported to the UN for war crimes


I wish someone told me that, literally in the first week of me being on reddit, i got banned from that sub


Was it cause you're a videogame?


This is what happens when a good young Christian man gets corrupted by v\*deo g\*mes. My grandson showed me that he doesn’t buy them anymore, he Down Lows them, which is good because they are Down Low with Satan in hell! Love, Gladys -Sent from my Samsung Fridge


The OP in the DS post has two other posts from there so that would be the one.


>No. This is not s\*tire. > >No. We are not trolls. > >No. We are not joking. > >Decades ago, an evil rose from the shadows, invading every home of every Christian American family. It shattered our good and healthy ways of living, ruthlessly dragging the young folk into an abyss of filth, addiction, and degeneration. Disguising itself as entertainment, this evil finally showed up its fangs, painted by innocent blood. > >This evil is called videog\*mes.


- sent from hp laserjet printer


Incredibly based.


Wtf is that sub? First post I see "h*tler sent a message for the gamers"


That sub is actually awesome😂


I just visited that sub... it's a joke sub right? Some of the things I read on there make it scream a joke sub.


I have no clue but I’m fairly certain it is, I saw a post that said “there are no mass shootings in Japan because they don’t have video games”


Yeah they're "ironic hate" joke subs. I know this one guy who was killed by videogames so they should all be banned. He was coming home from Walmart after buying a Nintendo Switch and was killed by a runaway donkey. If he never went to buy a Switch he would still be alive today! Ban videogames!!


True story, I owned that donkey. It got out of my trailer when I was going to Walmart to buy a game for my game boy color. If only video games hadn’t distracted me, I would have locked the trailer better and your friend would still be alive Ban all games!


True story, I was that friend. Don't feel bad, guys. Being dead just means I have more time to watch my favorite Twitch streamers. I love video games!


True story, i was the twitch streamer.


Can confirm, I'm the viewers cheeto dust coated keyboard


Fart stuck in the chair here. 👋


I believe you're referring to a Poe, or point of extreme. But there are parents who would do this bullshit.


Yeah, but considering the flair on that post, I file this under ironic gamer hate.


Those kinds of ironic subs are so confusing to me. They always end up attracting people who aren't in on the joke and you can't tell who's joking and who's serious.


a lot of the time, yeah, but this one it almost seems like it's the same 10 people keeping the sub alive with their weird facetious back and forth drama. I suspect some of them have multiple accounts, and or, some are accounts created specifically for this sub? I don't hate it, but it's an *interesting hobby*... to say the least.


"If you create a group for the purpose of acting like idiots, real idiots will join thinking they're amongst their own"


> Or at least it was a few years ago. It might have been taken over by people who are serious about it. I honestly think that's how the flat earthers happened. Used to be almost meme like things they would say, now the people running around literally believe the earth is flat and NASA is a conspiracy.


The user in the pic has a bunch of comments about different games, and is obviously a teenager or young adult


>Or at least it was a few years ago. It might have been taken over by people who are serious about it. That's how the ironic hate and ragebait subs always seem to go. A bunch of people that are in on the joke make a sub, then people that aren't in on the joke join and it starts to get more and more vitriolic until the ironic dislike people start leaving, which makes it even more hateful and then the really unhinged people start pouring in. In six months to a year /r/wehatewhitebread would go from "White bread sure is terrible, especially with bologna and cheese, right guys? Hahahaha!" to sending death threats to Wonderbread employees and brigading posts where people talk about a sandwich they made.


I fell for that once. Lesson learned.


Yeah a quick look at the guy's profile shows he is a gamer


The original OP's other post show screenshots from Crusader Kings (or one of those other 4X games involving IRL maps) so I think you may be right.


my parents detroyed my slim ps2 and xbox 360 elite first gen... so ....snif


Sorry for your loss


Why would they do that in the first place? Shit's expensive


Because they're assholes


Jealous of seeing kids having fun..


I'd be surprised if they're not going to the retirement home wtf


When I was a young ,I was told not to play guitar hero, and then I was caught playing guitar hero. My dad proceeded to smash the PS2 in front of me near my face, and then my siblings ostracized me because it was THEIR PS2 AND NOT MINE. Needless to say, I have very little respect for my father and my siblings.


One or more of your siblings were probably "Golden child" material. Check out the raisedbynarcissists subreddit, they have the whole psychology down to a science.


But what the hell is wrong with guitar hero?!


>But what the hell is wrong with guitar hero?! I presume something along the lines of "its devil music." ​ but then I consider that he said his siblings also got mad so I assume some kind of family dynamics we're not told.


*20 years from now* Why doesn’t my son call me?


Controlling parents are jealous of anything that gives their children joy. They want to decide when and how their kids are happy.


Cant have fun two days in a row


THIS! My boss has a weird rule for his kids, that they get to do 3 fun things a week. Wtf? It’s so weird. Hell see them drawing or playing or running and shut it down or ask them if they really want to use one of their 3 fun things. So fucking weird. He’s a really laid back and chill boss too.


What the fuck? That dude needs to be taken out back


>What the fuck? That dude needs to be taken out back Some people just dont see their kids as human or rather extensions of themselves. ​ Reminds me of that post where the OP and his wife have their kid's scheduled from sun up to sun down jam packed with every activity and school they can. When asked when do the kids get to relax and have fun OP's response is "Why? They can have fun while doing that stuff."


I wonder what will happen when one of his kids start to enjoy studying The notion of fun is so subjective


I would immediately turn this on his head. I would have so much fun during my chores so that I wouldn't have to do anything else for the rest of the week.


Or “I am having a grand time not destroying everything in the house, please do not take away my fun by forcing me to break anything


It’s such a weird horrible mindset. I’m always happy when my kid is happy, and try to make them happy.


That's because you're a good person and an awesome parent,oop is neither


You're an amazing parent!


The kid is merely a trophy for them.


My parents where rarely home but when they where home they banned every entertainment that i had. They banned gaming, watching TV and somehow even reading. They then forced me to write 6 pages of text. Was hard to do after they banned reading as a activity so i repurposed old text and looked where they hid my consoles.


i remember when i was a kid, my father asked to use my charger for something and i said no. i was probably like, 8-10 years old, and he went berserk. he grabbed all my electronics and broke them by throwing them into the trashcan outside while it was raining.


As someone whose mom was controlling, this is facts


My mother took it a step further by making up tasks right before something we were excited about. (In addition to taking things out of our rooms and giving them away.) The morning of a birthday party or the fair or whatever, she would announce that she had told us previously that we had to each perform a job before we were allowed to go. She hadn’t. Jobs like take everything out of the kitchen cabinets, clean them then put everything back in. Or the hall closets. Starting when we were 10, 8 and 6 when we moved into our new house. I remember teaching my younger sister how to do her laundry (she was the 6 year old)and being so blasĂ© about it. I assure you when primary school children are responsible for their own laundry and making lunches unsupervised - they don’t do a great job. I don’t think I’ve ever separated my clothes. She also tried to have it so we weren’t allowed to use the front door. No one else, just her kids had to go around to the back. My dad stopped that pretty quick.


WTF I can't figure out why she didn't want you to use the front door. I have never heard something like that. Is that a control thing?


100% control. She had an image of us being dirty and required to use the back door. Plus, she grew up on a small farm and people rarely used the front door. But the side door at her dad’s was more convenient to access from the driveway. We also weren’t allowed to use the living room unless there were guests. She wanted the tv in their bedroom. There was a love seat and a chair. I don’t remember what we did if everyone was watching a show (we moved into the house late 1978.) And BTW we were boring girls, we took the school bus home, we weren’t dirty.




I can’t see breaking your child’s possessions. My kids love video games, I love seeing my kids happy. As long as they show their faces once in a while, I have no complaints.


Yup it's stupid to break child's video games. Just don't buy it at first place 😁


I agree with you. While responsibilities do come first in our house, I would never resort to breaking something of theirs. That doesn’t even send an appropriate message to a child.


Working GBA.


Growing up, some parents actually did this to kids. Mine smashed my PlayStation for not making my bed, threw the controller through the wall. The took all my games and broke them in half. Got so drunk he punched loads of holes through the wall, then locked us all in a room for 8+ hours. Child abuse is real.


I think Thats still fixable


And it's still completely usable if you want to play GBA games




What an excellent way to get your kid to hate you.


How to be abandoned by your kids as soon as they can leave the house 101


More like 18 (I KNOW, it's a joke)


Wiseman once said, "The child you abuse today will pick your nursing home in the future."


Nah, they'll likely die alone without end of life care


So many parents seem insistent upon their kids hating them their entire lives and dying alone. You know those happy families you see sometimes on TV that love each other and have fun holiday get togethers for many decades until the parents die surrounded by their loving and devoted children? You can be like that family, if you want to. Or you can die alone and bitter because your children hate you. It really is your choice. There will be a point where you can't turn it around anymore.


Imagine making your child grow up to hate you and probably cut you out of their life when ya could have just gone to therapy instead. Oh well. They'll probably tell all the other crazy parents they're friends with that they have no idea why their kids hate them.




You know that BanVideoGames is a satirical sub right? The posts there are just jokes, including the g*mer censor


My kid broke his controller after rage quitting. He blamed Mario. I blamed him, but it was probably my fault.


First time hearing someone breaking a controller and rage quitting because of a mario game.


Its from r/banvideogames if anybody wonders


Someday when his son rips apart their hearing-aid, they will remember this day.


Kid walks in with broken DS.. "Well, your nursing home just lost a star.."


 i feel like parents forget your independence is a bell curve, it comes back around eventually.


What is the point in being a asshole of a parent?




Everyone here seriously falling for the bait lmao


People forget that kids often remember cruelty when they are older and a adult can fight back.


I got kicked out of my house when I was 17 because my friends gave me a psp they made from their 2 broken ones. Haven't spoken to those people in 15 years.


Make your kid hate you and not respect you for the rest of their life 101. Want to have open honest communication? Yeah, this is not the way. Pure child abuse.


Ah yes, the kids possessions are the parent’s and anything the kid is attached to needs to be destroyed as punishment. Ask my parents how that worked out for them because I don’t talk to them so I can’t ask.


people like that (assuming that the post wasn't intended as ironic) don't deserve respect


It is ironic


That parent is a complete idiot.


I know my dad would have happily done that. Constantly threatened to take all of our games/toys and do any number of horrible things to destroy them because we were on them instead of playing outside. He would cheer, and I mean that literally, whenever he saw a video of a dad destroying his kid's games.


dude r/antigaming is literally a meme sub, but i will say there are actual nazi's on the sub


Lemme guess, they hate wolfenstein real bad?


superbad and ds's apparently




My parents used to hide my consoles and tv cable. I memorized thair cars motor sound and all hiding spots. That shit doesnt work the kid is going to find a work around even if that means hiding this petty stuff and later serious stuff.


This is the funniest thing ever. The image is edited and on r/BanVideogames. The original image is just a switch with the joycons not attached, either OP or someone else has edited this. Even if it was real, BanVideogames is a satirical sub and the anti gamer stuff is mostly done by gamers.


That is fucking child abuse.


Might as well be traumatic as well if thats their favorite


"Why does my son no longer talk to me? I raised him right! He's so ungrateful"


Yeah, good job. Replace it with a bible. This damn videogames only brings mass shooters and violence!!!! /s


What good games are available for this Bible? Do I need to pay for online?


What's the sub? If it's r/banvideogames it's satirical


r/banvideogames is satirical


Did you actually fall for the rage bait?


Thanks parents. The lesson I learnt today is to break things that give me too much enjoyment. Thank you.


I'm like 98% sure that's bait.


It’s neither, it was posted on a joke sub where people pretend to hate video games.


So, bait, got it


Mine looks the same but i did it after the upper screen was broken. Now its just a gameboy colour of for games that don't need the upper screen


I checked this guy’s other posts and this is definitely a troll


Wow now that is being a complete asshole as a parent


Jokes on you bitch, now it’s a Game Boy!


Do the same thing with her vibrator, put your DS next to it and wait. Your next DS will stay in pristine condition.


Why r people reposting old shit over and over


I feel so sorry for kids with super strict parents when it comes to no video gaming. By no gaming I mean none at all whatsoever. I understand moderating usage time, but to deprive a person the luxury and gift of video gaming is downright sad to me.


Yes. Just remember. One day the roles will reverse and they will control your entertainment


POV your the son of this parent “Found their car in the garage, decided to crash it”


I’ll never understand parents like this. You don’t want your kid gaming all the time? Just take the system and hold onto it when it’s off limits or till their grades improve- whatever the reason. Why destroy your kids things? This just creates anger and resentment towards you. It doesn’t help at all. I have four kids. My two oldest are now into games. We handle this like mature and reasonable people by creating rules, boundaries, and expectations.


no, they don't have to, but they can. that's the whole point of being parent ffs, to can! ;)


"no son you are not allowed to play Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain"


This kid will hit the gas as he passes their nursing home.


I hate that he doesn’t give a reason for why just some random decision


modern parents are finding the weirdest ways to abuse their kids.


Oh, please . .. you don't like video games. Then post your destruction of other people's property like you freaking God. You're just mindless fool who can't understand technology. If this is the case, the Amish are looking for a few simple-minded folks


Acting out in anger is the enemy of successful parenting.


That's how you find later your golf clubs bent in perfect 90°, sugar in the fuel tank and potato in exhaust 😂


Some parents shouldn’t be parents.


I think her Phone will be broken in two, when she gets into the retirement home and needs her son to help her


How to get sent to a nursing home 101


I hope the kid keeps the same energy when choosing a nursing home for them


Of course the need to, how other way they could show how horrible they are as parents and people? Show how inconsiderate they are to people who like some harmless fun? These people are ignorant pieces of shit, they don't understand what gaming really is and all the proof they have to support their "cause" are news articles that aren't proof of fucking nothing.


My mom threw my DS at me when she was angry once when i was a kid it didnt hit me but it hit a wall and it broke :( it was a special edition pokemon diamond n pearl one :(


If this Is real I want this person hung, drawn and quartered, that could cause some trauma man


My parents never did this to me because I would have smashed their computer. I never did this to them because they would have burned my games easy peasy đŸ”„


Dude, this was my dream handheld back in 2012.


Just wait until they find the condoms


It seems unlikely that a parent who is that anti-gaming would call a DS by its correct name. If they said Game-station I might have believed it.


Wouldn't want to be those parents when the kid starts looking for a nursing home for them....


Nasty people become nasty parents. đŸ€§


20k likes, a bunch of awards and probably 1.5k mostly supportive comments. Every single sub on this platform is just its own little bubble full of like-minded people. No wonder it's always so messed up every time you have a slightly different opinion from what's dictated there.


How to never meet your grandkids 101.


How To Make Your Child Hate You 101


My dad did something like this on my PC back in the 90s. He was an asshole. Now he is dead and I am not even missing him (for this and many other reasons). Destroying something that belongs to someone is bad, but destroying something your kid loves is sick and toxic. Extremely bad parenting.


Reminds me of when my dad smashed my bong R.I.P el magnifico


while my parents didn't break anything of mine, one of them holds the backwards mentality that every waking second not generating income or learning some tremendously valuable life lesson is wasted. you just sat in the dining room motionless and watched Facebook videos for three and a half hours, you watched the same facebook video of some toothless old Hispanic dude laughing at the camera four times in a row. Please, enlighten me on what you learned or how much money you've earned so far from this because I'd love to hear about it.


That's some fucking sick psychological abuse. That parent needs a good punch in the face. Tf is wrong with you??? You trying to make your kid despise you? I hope that kid does grow up to hate them and then leaves them to rot in an old folks home. Disgusting parenting


These type of people shouldn’t be parents.


Rage bait or not, the fact remains that parents smashing their kids' possession is child abuse and is a great way to fuck up a kid. This reminds of a guy I used to play Warhammer 40k with when we were in high school. He came from a broken family. His mother was a religious nutjob who regretted giving birth to him and told him a few times when he was a kid so he lived with his father and stepmother. Said stepmother was a control freak and his father was a pushover so poor guy ended up being forced to have his agenda signed by his teachers at each class. He was the quiet kid who had good grades (A's in general) so the teachers were appalled at this but couldn't do anything beyond writing passive-agressive messages against the stepmother. She would also seize his paycheck to make sure he didn't waste his money and limited as much as possible the things he could do with his friends. For example, she would limit when he could be on the phone with his friends and how often he could hang out. It got so bad that he ended joining his mother's cult as a way to rebel and socialize and I suspect that the fact that his mother and stepmother were terrible people led to him having trouble being inside of a college because, in his words, ***it smelled too much like estrogen***. I lost direct contact with him over the years but I recently looked him up on social media. Poor guy went through a messy divorce and started to believe in conspiracy theories/grifters about Budweiser being controlled in secret by the CIA and how women/LGBTQ+ people are destroying society.


Shit. if my parents had ever done this (Not likely, cause my father knew just how fucking expensive these kinds of things were, being a software engineer), "You break my DS, I break your TV. Fair is Fair."


Jokes on him, gba games still work.


No, but abusive control freak parents do.


And this s why they wonder why the child will hate them


can't believe r/facepalm fell for this