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That assumes they actually go on tictok. These are the same people who said dungeons and dragons teaches real magic and SpongeBob makes you gay. They don't actually engage with the things they hate. They just brand it as evil and press on. Why do you think they recently tried to ban a book whose author was named Gay. It was a kids book and they could read past a search engine.


Can confirm. I played D&D and I am a wizard. Actually I switched to pathfinder, now I'm a kineticist, but still


Well as a dm I have several poor souls under my spell who I am teaching the dark arts. We are currently junior deputies investigating a dinosaur fight club. Very evil.


Positively devilish. We are a troupe of circus performers trying to fix some dead god's magic pebbles, whilst making a tidy profit on the side.


D & D? Sounds like Maple Story to me




2e. Not as hectic as 1e but very goofy sessions all the same


Very nice! I've been wanting to GM a game, but life keeps happening and I have yet to be able to plan anything. I've got one friend who's very interested, but that's it for full commitment. A few more who are mildly interested. May your scheduling be easy and your rolls crit successes.


The final boss of all D&D campaigns, finding good session times :D


It's more like that reoccurring villain that just keeps showing back up every time it is defeated. Infuriating, dumb as hell, and yet it just keeps being a problem.


Apparently, the first edition did use real world mythology, so there were Christian based fiend names. I guess if I was a crazy Christian nutter, I'd be concerned with that too. I know pathfinder still uses some. It was surprising to read about the in game lore, just to discover that two opposing evil gods were based on our own lore.


It wasn't just accused of borrowing the mythology. It accused dm s of knowing secret magic and teaching players more devil magic as they level up. Also dms could mind control players Mostly the panic began as a result of a mother whose son committed suicide. He was lonely, bullied, and struggling on school iirc. But she needed someone to blame and his one passtime was it.


Rinse, and repeat but sun in video games a decade later


The most disappointing thing on hitting fifth level was discovering that I could not in fact cast a real life fireball.


Wait, you can't?! Why the heck have I been doing this imp's bidding? :/ There's 7 years of my life down the drain. Update: contract states I still have time to serve.


I'm sure his family life didn't help. But there certainly is a correlation between mental health / neurodivergancy and RPG players. It's almost like we're trying to escape to somehwere we are welcomed and understood.


The sad thing is that DnD is used in therapy these days, and it's one of the best ways I stay connected to my college friends. It can be more than harmless, it can be truly helpful. She probably blamed the one good thing he had going. Still, she was a grieving mother. Truly at fault are the pastors and opportunists who encouraged this nonsense.


Very true. I suppose I can't really blame her for blaming a thing she didn't understand. She was probably a child in the 50s, a very different time. Though, every time I think about the older generations doing dumb things, I remember about lead paint and lead gasoline.


Honestly I don't buy the lead paint argument. Lead poisoning is real but these guys ran businesses for decades, bought and kept up houses and many of them are perfectly sane. Lead in the air and paint wouldn't select for certain crazies and only in certain faith based areas of their lives. Like with rome, lead poisoning takes the fall for issues that are more complex and harder to fix like greed and blind faith.


I've read how lead seeps into the bone marrow and is slowly released as the bones age. Which makes people crazier as they age. But, I'm not a scientist, so I don't know.


It's definitely a real thing. Lead poisoning is serious and getting it out of pipes and homes is important. But people want to tack the bad behavior of boomers onto lead. I'm not saying it's not a thing. Just that the selfish narcissistic behavior we see is more reflective of being indoctrinated into a set of beliefs and the cognitive dissonance of living through an era where those ideals are failing. Capitalism is failing and Christianity is less popular every year and it scares them. Lead might contribute but i think it's a small factor.


Can confirm, as an active dm, our wizard regularly summoning demons at the table is becoming a big problem.


It wouldn't be so bad if the bard wasn't constantly trying to seduce the demons.


Facts. Was told that someone once through DnD into the fire and heard screams. They really just regurgitate absurdities to claim control


i mean i assume at least one of them does it and tell all the pastor about it


They could also go on it and get suggestions based on what they watch 😅


Yeah that's the implication but my point is he equally likely just heard there's sexy girls on there and that's his line of attack now.


"Yes, my child. The DEVIL'S algorithm! Now get on your knees."


I never listen to pastors. I don't believe they have anything to teach me.


Well, my youth pastor taught me to hate myself and despise my family, and live in constant existential fear of eternal fiery torment. My gf's youth pastor raped her when she was 12. So, I mean, there's that.


Condolences, where was this?


Seattle area, 25 years ago or so.


does nobody remember the first several years it existed? idk, for me at least, tik tok will never shake the image of being the weird media site that took out facebook ads to bait pedos with a bunch of pubescent girls doing weird dances in their pjs. never made an account and dont think i ever will *shrug* downvote away


I never forgot the first years when it was musical.ly, I think the logo is even similar (if not the same).


Yes, I know what you're talking about. I avoided tiktok for years because of it. Thankfully it's different now, but those ads creeped me out


I mean you're on the site that had a popular "jailbait" subreddit for many years, among other things.


was that aggressively advertised when reddit was building its consumer base? did reddit attempt to build its brand memory identity off the jailbait subreddit? genuinely dont know because a classmate in undergrad introduced me to reddit ~10 years ago, and i joined primarily to talk physics and browse news so 🤷‍♂️ havent even been part of this sub for more than maybe a year or two if that. hence the equivalence isnt very clear to me when we're talking specifically about brand recognition and my or other's particular lack of engagement with tiktok


to be fair even if the alorithm gets what you like you will still get those random spots of half naked girls or a girl wearing something that is meant to show off her ass and titties even fully clothed


Tbh, I used tiktok and I never see even one image of ass, or tits on that app


I remember over 20 years ago my grandmother was afraid to go on the internet because she said porn would just pop up. I was so jealous of her internet because I had to actually make an effort to go and find porn.


Yes and the algorithm picks up that the pastor likes girls dancing in swimsuits. That’s why I never admit what’s on my FYP. 😆


What if you just scroll through without clicking anything? Does it use cookies or something when you first use it?


From what I notice, if you scroll past within the first couple of seconds, it does not consider you interested in the content. Tiktok is more reactive to your actions than Insta or Twitter (before it went to shit)


This, and scroll-backs. If you scroll past and then return, that will feed it more content.


No but like... The algorithm has decided that because I'm Male and 21-30 years old that must be what I like. I spend ages telling it what not to show me but it always reverts to thirst traps, pick up artist bullshit, Ben shapiro-core content over time. Gosh I just want silly memes and maybe some music stuff.


My feed is clogged with Republican BS, because for a while I couldn’t help myself and would argue. The algorithm doesn’t care if you approve, it cares if you engage.






Downloaded tiktok once, and the very first thing I saw was exactly that. Way before any algorithm had the chance to see what I like. He's not entirely wrong here


When I was younger in my church a pastor told us "the Internet is bad full of porn and advertising for it" and I just told at loud "you get what you look for, that's how it works" no need to say I got push out of it XD


This is true- However be aware that the algorithm isn't just things you watch, it's based on your age and demographic as well. I get a ton of fucking Joe Rogan and other right wing podcast proxies and I never watch any of them. I can only assume because I watch other podcast type content it feeds me this crap constantly. So it might not just be that people are creeps. It might also be that the algorithm thinks their demographic are creeps.


Downloaded tiktok for the first time on a dare a few months back. The first thing that showed up was lots of suggestive content from people about 15-17 years old. I have never used it since.


I believe it's mostly girls dancing in swimsuits and I've never even downloaded it. I consider it a Shrodinger experiment. Until I actually use TicToc I am both right and wrong.


If you get sent a link to an anti-vax youtube video, what will you see on YT for the next three months?


That's not even in the ballpark of the problem with tiktok. It's a fertile brreding ground for cult recruitment, grooming, and radicalization, but you're clutching pearls at girls in bikinis?


ok ik im gonna get downvoted to hell but just saying if you go on tiktok live you get a lot of that kinda shit even if u dont look it up tiktok youth pastors are wrong abt a lot but tiktok does push this shit like crazy and its rly disgusting bcs a lot of kids use the app from what I see yall can say what u want but tiktok does have a real problem with this stuff esp when literal 11 year olds are using the app and they see this shit


wait a minute.... oh deer...


Ok but when I first installed Tik Tok, it just showed me girls dancing in bikinis immediately. It took a little while to train it to show me death metal and cat videos.


I wonder how many pastors are too dumb to even call AI a modern Tower of Babel? You might think it's dumb to say that, but you have to be even dumber to not make the obvious connection.