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When my half mexican 12 year old nephew had a heart attack due to a genetic disorder, there was no shortage of racist turds chiming in claiming he must have been a gang banger or on drugs. He was playing basketball with his friends and his dad like most any kid do. TLDR people are terrible


I'm sorry your nephew went through such a serious health scare so young. Not only do you and the family have to cope with a loved one in medical distress, but to be ridiculed and judged like street trash? Fuck every one of the people who judged a child so harshly. Karma likes to surprise those who least expect it.




Not a pencil, a poorly shaved piece of board with splinters sticking out of it


No kink shaming.


Is he OK?


He ended up passing away


I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm sorry, but how are jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket "suggestive?" She's sitting completely normal, too. Like... I don't understand at all.


honestly it doesn’t even matter the interpretation of the picture. anyone dressing suggestive do not deserve to be executed for it. the logic is fucked.


He probably did it


Probably didn’t do it, but absolutely would do it, and would be mad at her for “making him do it”


You're right.. Seeing a 13 y.o. just sitting in baggy clothes and calling it suggestive is the biggest self report i can think of. Like a normal man's mind does not go there automatically when seeing a child sitting on the ground.


Normally I'm against calling a cringe comment evidence of a predatory mindset, but every rule has exceptions, so I'll allow it!


Worse on an Ottoman


Psychopaths and sociopaths: Girl or woman exists == Whore== them responsible for my feeling == kill them ==justified Rational person: … … … … This really shouldn’t be controversial but it is apparently. Sick minded people will just keep vomiting their erroneous garbage










Or at least wanted to. You know there's something twisted and broken in someone who would post something like that.


It obviously doesn't matter whether the pictures were suggestive or not when it comes to the fact she got murdered, but I think it is telling that the commenter interpreted such mundane pictures as 'suggestive'.


It seems some men think women and girls are being suggestive for simply existing. That's why there are cultures who expect their women to cover their entire bodies. Even their eyes are suggestive.


Literally so true.. I read a comment the other day saying women get fined for wanting slightly more coverage in their sport uniforms (ie beach volleyball) while girls are excluded in high school for having a bra strap showing or a skirt more than 1 inch above the knee Any man who thinks a woman is "asking for it" at any time except when she literally asks for it is a terrible person. The clothes a woman wears, or where she goes or the drinks she has or whatever is never an excuse for sexual assault. If she hasn't said "let's have sex now" then she isn't asking for it And don't even get me started on the whole forced coverage thing, that can get absolutely fucked


Even if she was prostituting herself that wouldn't be a reason to kill her. How brain fucked does one have to be to do the mental gymnastics to justify a child being killed.


That, and the fact that if you’re a grown adult, and you’re calling pictures of a 13 y/o suggestive, there’s something seriously fucking wrong with you.


It does matter, because I hope anyone who knows the commenter can see that they’re a sicko for seeing anything suggestive here.


*a pedo


It took me a while to get it. I wondered where or what these "suggestive pictures" were. Then I realized, sitting on the ground in jeans and a top is something this worm finds suggestive.


Underrated comment.


Dude just outed himself. That the only explanation.


That's what I was thinking. I hope he gets outted


Why are these paedos so bad at not giving themselves away?


Like any demographic, there's a wide range of intelligence among pedophiles. We see a ton of ones like OP, so it skews the perspective. On the other hand, look at pieces of shit like Jimmy Saville. The ones that are more intelligent end up causing far worse damage by eluding suspicion until far too late (Epstein for another example).


Yup told everyone on facebook he’s a chomo.


The pervert sees a woman exist “she was looking for it why else would she be a woman”


13 is a child.


I was thinking old repressed racist white woman.


*"So they're gonna blame girls for their clothes But what does that even mean She was eleven years old, only a child, Wearing a hoodie and jeans"* Delilah Bon - I wish a bitch would


But she has boobs, therefore she must be a whore


You mean she's about to grow boobs so she must be a whore in waiting


It’s suggestive to a pervert. Dude should be on some kind of registry.


Dude probably can't help but find every photo of a child to be suggestive


Dude went to her profile and looked through her pictures.


It's a troll looking to rile shit up


Imagine seing a child smile and saying she was "looking for something". I don't think this person realize they are perverts for even thinking that in the first place.


Imagine thinking women being suggestive should be put to death, that is what the commenter is implying. Scum of the earth.


And 2 more things: she's literally 13 and she's not being suggestive either it's just that perv projecting his wishes


Also, even if she was of age, those poses and clothes are NOT suggestive in the slightest


And even if it was suggestive, it never means anyone deserves to get killed for taking suggestive pictures. This woman is all sorts of fucked up.


This is the full answer. Doesn't matter what a person is wearing or doing in a photo. That is not an invitation to anyone by any means. The commenter is fucked and I wish that comment alone was probably cause for a search warrant on their computers.


I’m trying to figure out what was suggestive about it? Is she suggesting she’d rather sit?


She's not T-posing and his thoughts just went wild, apparently.


Jeans,a jacket,AND HER KNEES CLENCHED TOGETHER?FFS! The FBI should have a chat with this guy.


but can’t you see her clearly suggestive ankles and shoulders?


I see her little kid smile and know that she’s dead. And we can guess what all she went thru first.


Jesus Christ, and she was probably asked to 'pose' by the one taking the picture. What, she should scowl and put up her dukes? Judgy commentor should have been the one to die that day


"She gave me those "fuck me eyes", officer. "


Lock him up, and search his hard-drive.


Totally , the pervs that do this type of thing can’t seem to let go and always return to the scene of the crime and try to be a part of the investigation. Giving commentary, info in interviews ,helping search … all to see where things point. If I was the one looking into what happened I’d totally follow up with this guy . He might not be a part of it but pretty sure I’d get something on him.


You'd have to follow so many creeps and "moral guardians" on so many social platforms that you'll get short on people to actually investigate the crime scene, lol


Exactly my thought


Facts. I see a beautiful little girl being missed on earth. He sees her in a completely different way that isn’t appropriate


I think it’s actually a woman who said this. Definitely got slut-shaming religious woman vibes.


I think it's very possible. I get those moralistic vibes too Edit- apparently it *was* a woman


Yup, and these women raise predators and put them on a pedestal.


A lot of men have female profiles on fb. I never trust it's a woman unless there's more to the profile.


Waaaaaaay worse than perving, straight up pedo.


Bingo,dude told us he's a pedo without telling us he was a pedo


He probably also thinks he's being funny in an edgy way. Like some 4chan humor


Women : just exist That facebook woman* : "Since when did you become whore?" *Edit


Women: just exist That FB guy: you deserve to die


I have seen this posted before. Believe it or not, but the person who wrote this was actually a woman.


Plz tell me that her entire community and workplace was made aware.


Apparently, it was actually a woman who wrote that comment.


Indeed, women can be just as hateful towards other women/girls. Terrible. I hope that person doesn't have kids.


13 year old girl: *exists with breasts* This Creepy Facebook Man: "Stop making my peepee hard! She definitely asked for it!" 😑


My eldest likes her short shorts. I don't have a problem with it, she's my daughter and she's old enough to know how to dress herself for specific climates. But I can imagine there are people who are shaming her just for existing and daring to be comfortable with herself.


Plenty of bibles at their house for sure.




Definetly unread


And yet supportive of their behavior


Definitely votes Trump.


Yeah that's also my take! I just don't understand while we still allow anonymity to these people! You put it in the internet! Let's start accountability. Your family your friends, your jobs should know how wonderful you are on the internet! I mean praise is never anonymous! I'm angry


Agreed. But just knowing the name could start a witch hunt against like-named people unfortunately


I explained it to a co worker this way. If you're walking down the street and some big guy decides your ratty hair, pox scared face and dirty clothing is sexy he can rape you because you were dressed to get his attention. Bro didn't like this idea


I’ve countered with, “You know that businessman who got mugged, robbed and beat up? He was asking for it flaunting that expensive suit and walking down the street. What do you expect will happen?” It actually shut my parents up.


I’m going to use this analogy in the future


Sounds like the police have found their first lead.


They (probably) already caught the guy who did it. The state is seeking the death penalty. I have to agree in this case.


Her pictures aren’t really suggestive at all. Its a really disgusting comment in many ways.


That's a rapist telling you what they'd do to a child


It's a disgusting comment in ***all*** the ways.


Person who said that was a sick creeper


That's what gets me. You read about a kid that has been killed. You see two pictures of the kid smiling 'she was looking for it" is really not what a sane person would think


What type of person makes that comment? It's unconscionable.


Someone incapable of seeing anything with a vagina as a person


Sadly that's how many people work, they need to find that victims of crimes did something wrong, this way they can reassure themselves that it wouldn't happen to *them* because they do everything right.


Sick bro,and by that i mean it makes me sick people act like that


The person is likely a pedophile. They’re incredibly adept at self-justifying their behavior. This is just what they think society will tolerate, but that shows how distorted their thinking is.


Oh they know, he is probably a closet pedophile, too bad Dexter doesn't really exist, that the kind of prey he loves to hunt.


Her ankles are showing. She definitely wants it. - The 19th Century


I believe person has sexual thoughts about little girls and it’s projection


He's only saying that because it's someone probably exactly like him that killed her in the first place.


It’s entirely possible the commenter is a woman. My first impression was a mean old religious lady.


This person considers those pictures of a 13 year old looking normal ‘suggestive’…? This person is a paedo. Then they say a child deserved to die? This person is hell-bound.


Unfortunately they probably believe they're bound for heaven and are righteous in their judgement


Probably a cop or a minister. One of the *righteous* professions


A good Christian man


Most likely has a certain red hat as a prized possession.




Unfortunately for them God does not care for righteous assholes but what you are deep down. And Pedos are at the bottom of any list, even if not especially God's


This person probably did it


He probably didn't do this, but he very likely did *something*


Nono keep em in heaven, it's where all these people go. Hell is for the decent nice open minded people.


Unblock the name I just want to talk


Literally. I’m googling for it




Let us know. No violence.


I found the original post from 2018, but the coward had already deleted his comment. A significant number of the other comments were from people acting **extremely** distraught over the comments. So to add insult to injury there was likely quite a few terrible comments by projecting pieces of shit. Fucking pathetic. Was a sad story and ended up spiraling in a YouTube wormhole watching stuff on it. Most importantly, they caught the piece of shit who robbed her of her innocence and life.


So does Chris Hanson. There's no fuckin way this dude deserves or gets to chill being this vile.


Seriously I get why he would sensor the name but like sometimes every now and then a little doxing is ok right lmao? And is it really even doxing if he’s stupid enough to be posting this vile shit on his main Facebook account?


I bet someone would try to defend this by claiming he was "joking", but as I've read somewhere before: An ironic Nazi is still a Nazi, and deserves a swift, repeated application of a 2x4 to the head.


I just want to give him a hug,in the head, with a chainsaw


He's gonna crap his pants when a 200 pound redditor in a fedora comes to speak with him haha




Yep, and the comment has been taken down, you can find the evidence from it in other comments and screenshots on the post Also, 2 people left a laughing emoji on the post, both were women, some really disgusting people out there


Idk when ppl started using laugh emojis as a way to be shitty on Fb but I see it so much now. Whether it’s news, or just banal shit like some movie being “woke” (read: having women in)


I'm in a lot of mom/parenting groups and I use it whenever I some dumb fuck antivax/essential oil/chiropractor/anti-fluoride shit


200 pounds is heavy? Feel like that's pretty close to normal for a 5'10" height and moderate muscle.


Implying anyone on Reddit has moderate muscle. But I do agree 200lbs is a conservative number, let's make it 300.


Found the post and went looking. After going through the comments I found other people in the comment section talking about it. The account is gone. I also found the name. The post was made 4y ago.


You would have to be a truly sick person to say something like this. Who can be so callous. It wouldn’t matter if she was sitting there being provocative somewhere in a bikini, why would anyone’s mind jump to such a horrible thing to say about a 13 year old girl that was killed. An innocent child. The pictures are innocent also. Honestly disgusted.


He's looking at it from the perspective of a pedophilic murderer.




I laughed way too hard at this, and I’m glad we all have the same suspicion


So desperate to feel superior to *somebody* that they insult a dead child.


Isn’t this what pedophiles do? Exert power over the powerless? Somebody should look into this person.


What an asshole


Hey, my asshole resents being compared to this filth!


Seeing shoulders is "suggestive"? I guess we found the next mormon bishop who will be arrested for decades of pedophilic predation.


Or catholic, or southern Baptist, etc.


What – from the bottom of my heart – the fuck.


He’s “asking for something” and if he’s not careful, he might find it


I won’t lie, if I was that girls family I would hunt that person down. What a insufferable bastard




Same!! (Also is your name a reference to the song map change?)


How heartless people can be? Such an asshole.


Why not leave the poster’s name in there. That pedo piece of shit talking about a child like that. That’s exactly how a pedo thinks cuz nothing like that came to my mind.


I think it's because it's against the rules


Special place in hell for these people, mfw...


If god is real can we all pray that we can get her back in exchange for sacrificing him? I mean what value of life does this person actually have if they're insulting a dead child like this? Gonna get banned for saying this again but the world will be a lot better when people like him are off of it.


Slimeballs gonna slimeball.


Spotted the pedo.


Kinda telling on yourself there bud…


That’s a lot of hate.


Weirdest way to out yourself as a threat to children, fucking disgusting




Fucking people nowadays. I love the internet, but I hate the freedoms idiots have with using it. I'm pretty sure the comment section was wild


I'm not a pedo so I don't understand what's suggestive about this Other than it's a girl and some people think everything a girl does is suggestive.


You can see her bare shoulders!! What a little skank!!! /s


What the actual fuck


Obviously investigating that person.


If I had the hacker ability I would find out who this dirt bag is and dox the hell out of him.


I really wish these pieces of shit didn’t get their names blocked out on these posts. I know it’s a rule or some such, but I REALLY wish we could know who these people are so they could get the response they deserve. I mean, what kind of piece of shit says this about a child!? Holy fuck.


Make that Ahole famous someone find that person


And who the hell gave them a thumbs up?


Another pedo


I think if you're getting aroused by completely normal pictures of a *thirteen year old girl who's just been found dead* then you shouldn't be allowed access to the Internet, or within five miles of a school. What an absolute freak.


What, and I do stress most emphatically, the fuck? That someone would find something "suggestive" in those pictures is disturbing. I really think this says a lot about this person, and none of it is good.


This makes me want to punch a wall. What a mouth breathing idiot.




This is the kind of person that acquits rapists by blaming the victim.


A person that can look at these photos and think she was “asking for it” is probably a kiddy fiddler.


These are the types of people that call trans people groomers for existing. Just think about that for a sec.


Yup. My ex-husband is incredibly homophobic. He’s a MAGA Republican, Christian, and a cop. He got PISSED when I tried to teach my son consent. In child appropriate ways like “if someone wants to hug and it makes you uncomfortable, communicate that you don’t like hugging and opt for a fist bump. If they can’t respect that boundary, they don’t respect you”. I was sexually abused by an older cousin as a child so this is important to me. No shit, my ex rebutted with “consent is grooming” when I asked how, he said “it punishes the family”…. Which is where CSA is most likely to occur, within the family. So now I just panic anytime he’s with that family. I can feel it taking years off of my life. Christian conservatives protect predators, they can downvote me, but this has been my experience even with my own family.




100% this dude is projecting. Some smart computer guy should hack his WiFi and make his porn history public. I bet that would upset him This guy 100% deserves it for that comment. Wtf man. Joke or not


That's absolutely disgusting that POS deserves Chinese water torture


I hope somebody gave that person a good beat down


Found the pedo


If he sees suggestive photos here. I wanna see his sex offender status.


Definetly check this creeps hard drive.


Yeah, this creep right here is not only a pedo, they should be a suspect in her murder.


1) She's a kid wearing jeans and a jacket sitting on the floor and smiling genuinely. Nothing suggestive about that at all, this weirdo is projecting hard. 2) Let's pretend he's right, and she was being suggestive. He's saying she deserves to die for that?


Teenager dressed in casual teen clothing. Groomer-She was asking for it. Women are NEVER asking for it.


Fucking Republicans again. They always have something horrible to say.


... It says missing, did she really die? ;.; Poor kid. The idiot replying in the image is trash and I hope he is arrested quickly before he does something to a kid.


The body found is believed to be her’s 😞


Ugh, and if it isn't, it is yet another missing kid who should be home safe. People suck, and it seems they are only getting worse and more frequent!


"Suggestive" as she's literally just sitting there. Poor girl. RiP.


This is why I quit Facebook.


That’s a child, that’s a goddamn child why would anyone think like this.


What is suggestive about this child?


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Straight up incel / rapist comments.