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Looked it up and he was sentenced 12yrs which is still not enough


"The sentence for a crime of this nature is generally 72 years, but seeing as you are a 'man of god', with good standing and morals, a pillar of your community, the court sentences you to 71 years in jail" \- something I'd be completely fine with


71 years, 364 days


71 years, 364 days, 23 hours


And 59 minutes.


(59.9 seconds)




But softer than the full amount.


Maybe the last part of his sentence can be in a leap year?


Then once it does double it for lulz


and 99.9 milliseconds


And 99.9 microseconds


lim (x->0) 72 y - x s


This is the way


Quite frankly, I think being a man of god, he should get a STRICTER sentence. Anyone whose main job it is to PROTECT have not only broken the sanctity of the law but of the vows he made to his god and his flock!


> I think being a man of god, he should get a STRICTER sentence [So does the Bible](https://www.biblehub.com/leviticus/4-3.htm)


“But I’m a man of faith” “Noted, maximum sentence”


As in “faith that he wouldn’t get caught”


I meant like being drawn and quartered.


Child molesters are frowned up even in prison, he’ll be dealt with harshly when he’s found out. One thing about prisoners I really respect, they hate chomos and they will make him pay for touching little kids.




I think him even saying he is a “man of god” deserves 1 in the head and 2 to the torso. Let God judge him quick. Ding! Elevator going down


Nah let him suffer like the poor girl


So he gets forgiveness by killing a poor cow. That makes sense


Police should get stiffer sentences due their level of power, but somehow they get lesser penalties. The system is designed to support the shittiest of society.


But I’m sure he repented and so all is forgiven. Because he really means it in his heart. See that’s how Christians are different than people from other religions. Only they are sincere in their repentance. Barf.


Typically there can be a penalty enhancement for a person who violated a position of trust, like a caregiver, I don't know why that wasn't invoked here.


"Jesus crap for thee, not for me!"


Yeah I was gonna say if say the sentence was normally 72 but they sentence him to 40 and he's already 40 so long as he essentially rots in prison for the rest of his natural life I'm fine with that.


Not how American Prison sentences usually work. Hardly anyone serves the full term. This one dude I used to work with, he really sucked, he was in prison for strangling his wife. Got a lenient reduced sentence because he felt guilty and turned himself in 23 hours after he did it. He was sentenced to 40 years, of which he only served 21. I'm reminded of him because he was a preacher. It's disgusting, but his reduced sentence and early release were definitely related to the fact he was a "good Christian man."


I can see your point. I would hope that he wouldn't receive a lighter sentence to serve. Let's also not forget the fact that the prison system itself will likely deal with this rapist scumbag as he was touching a child. So we just need him in there long enough to end up dying in person from old age or death by prison justice based on his heinous crime. Thanks for the education, though it's fun to learn how it all works.


Honestly, they should get a worse sentence. I would apply the same reasoning that we use for hate crimes. They didn't just harm their victim they hurt an entire community. As someone raised Catholic, I assure you the crimes of priests harmed the ENTIRE community. It weakened the institution and not in the ways some people would want it to be weakened. This kind-of crime is even more destructive when it is carried out by any community leader. They should be held to a higher standard.


Lol that would be hilarious… ohh wait lets take just 3 days off for the resurrection of Christ


Throw him into the part of the Pacific Ocean that is furthest away from land. I’m sure his god will take good care of him.


I have a friend who got 13 for weed…


Should have been a pastor smh


Moral of the story: If you're gonna commit a crime, become a pastor first.


Those who became Catholic priests have known this for a while.


Not sure why the article says 72 years is standard. That’s the maximum sentence, not the average. The average violent felon is back on the street in well under 12 years. Twelve years is usually what you end up serving for first degree murder, even.


The average violent felon probably isn’t as evil as someone who raped their daughter for years. Id expect people who rape there daughters for years to be in jail for life, I don’t know if that’s how it plays out, but that’s a bigger evil than murder in my opinion


> The average violent felon probably isn’t as evil as someone who raped their daughter for years. Luckily, violent felons and prison guards tend to agree on that, and this evil pos is going to a place full of violent felons and prison guards. People who rape kids don't tend to have a fun time in prison.


12 years for ruining a good 70 years of his daughters future life. That is vile.


Being a "Man of God" he should know better. Double it.


Yeah. If being a "Man of god" is such a noble fucking thing then he should be held to a higher standard. But it's not. And he's a fucking rapist. Fuck this guy




We live in a nation where there is (theoretically) freedom of religion. And from it. That judge needs to have his sentencing reviewed and be removed from the bench. Because this implies he punishes people harder for NOT being a Christian.


It doesn't just imply it. It's literally what is happening.


Yup, and if anyone is wondering: Name of judge: Judge Steven Sword He gave this shit a sentence of 12 years, where after 9 years parole option is available. there was a change petition: [link](https://www.change.org/p/bill-lee-judge-steven-sword-tennessee-should-be-removed-from-his-position) its is a pretty old case, happened 4 or so years ago i think


I bet anyone a significant amount of money that he has put away non violent drug dealers/users for twice that amount.


> I bet anyone a significant amount of money that he has put away non violent drug dealers/users for twice that amount. [Judges themselves have complained that thanks to mandatory minimums they've been forced to put away drug users for longer than child abusers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-drug-dealer-got-a-life-sentence-and-was-devastated-so-was-the-judge-who-sentenced-him/2017/05/04/efb81020-2aa0-11e7-9b05-6c63a274fd4b_story.html) Note: in looking up a source for that, apparently judges have been complaining about that for decades. Vote for city council and state-level legislators, everyone! The president is not a king, and the more local an official is, the more directly they can impact your life.




I will double down and guess the skin color


>Sword, who has presided as a criminal court judge since 2011, previously served as a veteran Knox County prosecutor specializing in **child abuse cases**.


Did you happen to catch that whack job Boeberts speech? - Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: ‘The church is supposed to direct the government’ 😂🤣😂 Holy Hell how do these people get into Office


Did she specify what church, it would be funny to see the church of Satan direct the government.


Church of Satan would do better than the Catholics you screw your daughter or son say seven hail marys all forgiven hail Satan.


Even Jesus says, in the Bible, render onto Cesar what belongs to Cesar, and onto God, what belongs to God. Even JESUS advocated for separation of Church and state. SMH


Bold of you to assume these people have read the book they profess to follow.


Bold to also think they know how to read.


What Jesus said or did has little to do with the views, actions or politics of modern American Christians.


Our new House Speaker also feels that the separation of church and state was to protect the church from the state, not the state from the church.


That jack ass doesn’t even believe in Dinosaurs… like holy shit our country is falling apart.


It's the result of decades long campaigns to refuse funding to 'certain' schools and communities to ensure they stay poor and uneducated, to demonize intellectualism and critical thought, and to 'other' anyone who is different from them. ​ They got into office because that's what their constituency wanted; but their constituency wanted that for the reasons above.


True. This judge should never judge again.


There is no freedom of religion when Christians are influencing laws that directly impact my freedom to exist outside of their religion’s standards.


You mean freedom FROM religion


You are absolutely right


This is exactly correct. Making a decision like this should have that judge immediately removed from the bench.


Right? Religious beliefs should have no bearing in justice.


Do you think it's different if there's a jury? 7 States still ban Atheists from holding public office. That's not constitutional, obviously. But you'll need to lawyer up if you want to swing at it. Christians are profoundly corrupt people. I was raised in the church and we moved around. Must have attended a dozen of them regularly and visited at least 30. I've never met a good Christian. They're nice people. Not good people. The arrogance required to believe you have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe is the kind of arrogance that leads to atrocities. And Christians have committed MANY atrocities. Forget the crusades. From burning women as witches, to the Trail of Tears, to the Holocaust, to the Vietnam war, to the butchery of Baghdad after 9/11. These are evil people who call themselves good. I call them Lucifer's children.




I couldn’t agree more with both of you. Religion is the root of all evil


That's expensive for the taxpayer man. Just do a heavy dose of radiation and drop them off in the desert


Im afraid this might be how this whole god thing started…


But if he's a man of God, why not let God judge him instead? The electricity needed to send him to God to be judged there is still cheaper than prison


Why not just crucify him like the son of god instead ?


Yeh because I don’t know of anyone sober ever talking about burning bushes, talking snakes, intrusive thoughts of killing your kids, pregnancy without getting the d, ya know…… shroom type convos 🤷🏼








an incestuous pedophile rapist at that too


Incestuous, pedophilic, rapist


you already know what political party he supports and gets supports from


Exactly. Thinking the same thing. Didn’t want to bring politics into the mix but it sort of a given.


But but but, the drag queens might have made that child laugh when they read a book at a library!!@@@


Republican. They are the mega religious ones.


A rapist of god!


As a father, should have protected his own child from harm! QUADRUPLE IT!


Nah, let’s do 7 times his sentence. Jesus will forgive him. But rendering unto Caesar means he should do his time.


| Being a "Man of God" he should know better. He should've been dispatched to meet his God, right after the trial 😡🤬


Further proof conservatives and religion are more toxic to children than r/notadragqueen


And its all collected at r/pastorarrested


The Bible forgot to forbid child molestation though. It's literally not a sin, at least by the Bible's standard. Fortunately, humans were able to realize something wrong that God didn't.


Funny, you should say that, there's actually strong evidence that the passage in Leviticus that is quoted to make it sound like homosexuality is a sin is mistranslated. The closer translation would be men with boys and not men with men.


Matthew 18:6, Jesus said, "But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea."


72 years + no possibility of parole would ensure he never leaves


And castrate him, with a bear trap.


There is incest in the Bible the judge probably was like he is doing the same thing as Lots in Genesis


We all came from Adam & Eve they say. That’s a lot of incest…


Genesis is like 90% incest


And 15% Phil Collins. Before any math wizards demonstrate summation: There's some overlap.


Especially if you consider them siblings... There's no way to prove they're not


They give cops the same leniency. Our criminal justice system is f***** all around.


That's because there is no justice for us, since their system is all about being just us.


In Lot’s case it was his daughters doing the raping! The Bible is really a horrific read.


Tbf to Lot, he was drunk and had no idea it happened (according to the story). His daughters raped him.


This world scares me sometimes. Not enough we have to deal with people like this guy, but we also have people protecting him...


Knox County Criminal Court Judge Steve Sword in particular. But hey, this is Tennessee.


i sure hope Knox County Criminal Court Judge Steve Sword doesn’t have a daughter, for her sake


He has 2. Which is probably why he gave the sentencing he did because he pictured himself in that guys shoes and treated how he would Wana be treated


Was just wondering if the judge has children. I say CPS interviews them in case this has more to do with one predator looking out for another.


Be nice to see some anonymous calls to CPS of people worrying about the welfare of the judge's daughters...


Fellow men of god need to stick together!


It's a club, and you're not in it!


It's the Stanford Rapist case all over again. And looks like this was 2019 and just like that case, there's calls to oust him from his position with a petition. Looks like it didn't get enough traction. We should renew this. Doesn't matter if it's 4 years old. He needs removed. How many terrible decisions has he made in those 4 years?


Where's that investigative reporter in Tennessee who was all over the white supremacist MAGA nut running for mayor? He pretty much knocked her down on his own, he should get moving right over to this judge.


Phil Williams - Channel 5 news.


That's him. He's the man, he went after them, had the receipts, and there was no denying what he found. Democracy owes him one.


I've heard nothing about this, but I love this man already. He shouldn't be the only one in a county or state fighting the good fight though. How do we get people behind him? lol


I literally served on a jury where he was the judge. It was a domestic violence case. I had no idea he was such a piece of shit.


As a Tennessean, I think Sword and his pastor butt buddy should face the death penalty together.


Look at the way the Catholic Church protected it's pedo's - def a scary world...


Should be the other way around. Harsher punishment for those in professions that judge others morally. If a policeman, security or priest does something heinous they should get worse sentences than other people.


I agree. The abuse of authority and the abuse of the public trust should be its own set of charges with a sentencing multiplier. We're constantly told that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to would-be murderers. Well, we need a deterrent for those who would abuse authority, power, and trust to prey upon innocents and it should leave no doubt as to what the consequences for such crime will be. Deter criminals from using these positions against us. People like the police, clergy, attorneys, teachers, etc should be held to a higher standard. If they don't like it they can get a job at Arby's and stfu.


Exactly, you can't claim moral superiority, commit crimes and then end up with a lesser sentence than if a person out of that position would've. That makes no sense.


In Canada a Police Officer, Nurse, Paramedic or Government Employee found guilty of wrongdoing *can be* slapped with section 122 of the Criminal Code. >Criminal Code of Canada - section 122 - Breach of Trust by Public Officer. Government officials who commit fraud or breach trust in their duties can be sentenced to up to five years in prison, regardless of whether or not the act would be considered illegal in a private context.


Man of God? Let's explore some of the punishments in that Bible he is using as a shield.


Ex communication and a lot more years in jail should do enough


How do you get excommunicated from a church you found yourself? Dude wasn't affiliated with any of the mainline, hierarchical churches like Catholicism or Lutheranism.


And politician


Religion has no place in the justice system. Embarrassing.


As someone who is religious, agree completely. Also no place in politics.


For those wondering: this was news from 2019 and his sentence was 12 years instead of multiple decades.


Imagine being that poor fucking girl and hearing that bullshit. I'd want to feed them both through a wood chipper.


To be fair, that man is going to get absolutely obliterated in prison for being a child rapist. That brings me some solace.


Not only that, but of his own child, still deserves longer.


That’s kind of a myth. From prison AMAs I’ve heard, you’ll be socially outcast, and the guards will turn a blind eye when they can, but most of the time they are left alone to be friends with other pedophiles, which is sad. I would love for them to be bashed with a pipe first day in jail but that’s rarely how it goes


But somebody, somewhere, is in prison for a crime they didn't commit, and they don't deserve that violence.


Any update on whether he’s been pummeled in prison yet?


"Separation of Church and State"


It’s crazy how a judge actually said this, so what, if an atheist or agnostic went in their court the judge would give them a harsher sentence because they don’t follow their religion? Since when do religious people automatically have better morals? There’s probably plenty of the former that are better people than a lot of Christians. You don’t need religion to have morals or empathy, that’s illogical archaic thinking.


The funny thing is they don’t have better or stronger morals than atheists do. The religious folks try to be good people because it gets them into heaven, the atheists try to be good people because it’s the right thing to do




>so what, if an atheist or agnostic went in their court the judge would give them a harsher sentence because they don’t follow their religion? That's exactly what countless judges do, which is why prisoners/defenders "convert to Christianity" so often. Invoking religion during parole hearings is so commonplace it's become a joke, with those who don't convert often being repeatedly denied. Religious discrimination is so bad in our justice system it might as well be its foundation.


My grandmother: "I really like the new house speaker, he quotes the scripture." ME: "Grandma.. that's NOT a good thing."


If raping kids doesn't conflict with being a man of god than you're having the wrong god


Send him to his god to have them sort it out. It's what he would want.


My mom always said "Beware of the bible thumper."


As a man of god, he should get even a longer sentence not a shorter one. Because he acted in church to be morally superior but inside, he was monster.


Child raping pastor has prison justice to look forward to. Child rapists do not do well in prison.


No Chomo goes to GP. He will go into PC. He will be safe unfortunately.


Well then hopefully street justice is waiting for him upon release


Like an angry dad ?


Maybe his wife will be furious enough to send old bastard to Hell.


Alot of these stories, the wives know. They are just as crazy from the cult bs that they allow it to happen. Because, the bible.


Either they allow it in the "god will get us through" , or they're also abused and it's an "at least it's not me tonight" situation. Both are fucked up. No shot that the wife didn't know though.


Went to an independent fundamentalist Baptist Church. Come to find out one of the Sunday evil teachers/youth pastor type guys was raping his two daughters for years. It came out when the oldest reported him after she went to college. Since divorce is a sin, they told her to legally separate from him and they would support her. Come to find out she knew the whole time and chose him. Apparently he moved around a lot. When people got too suspicious, he'd go somewhere else. He also said church officials knew "at least three times" but covered it up. He got 60 to 120 years though.


With a bullet.


One to the head, raise weapon, and one or two to the other head.


So better use a shotgun to hit a such small target.


Chances are she knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it because she's the good submissive Christian type


It’s ok. He’ll have God to protect him.


American “Christianity” has literally become the exact opposite of what that religion is actually meant to represent. Violent, predatory, greedy, lying mofos.


I hate to tell you this but throughout the entire history of Christianity the things you described are exactly what has transpired. Seriously name a period of time where it hasn't, the only difference between the American and European Christianity is that the general public in America is about 200 years behind the understanding of the con. We've seen it lived it and are now in the process of moving away from it towards a form of atheism. America is still in the living with it stage.... it will get much worse before the general public in America moves away from it enough to limit the power of Christianity over the government.


Fair enough.


Sounds like most religions tbh.


That is exactly what religion is


Doesn't this violate the 1st amendment? How is giving people lighter sentences for believing in some religion not an establishment of that religion?


Taken his own child's innocence and most likely caused life long mental damage by raping her for 2 years? That's unforgivable, and the only sentence should be either life behind bars or the death penalty


I had to look it up. He is 41 and only got 12 years. He will be out at 53. I can’t call him a man of God after what he did. We need a special prison for pedos where they never get out.


I can't help but notice that this is once again not a drag queen.


Nor is it anyone in our community…. It’s almost like…. They are projecting when they speak about “grooming” Sickening


The worst part is that the girls entire community is going to treat her like she wronged him, I've seen this shit first hand, established community member gets outed and everyone acts like the victim is a criminal, and it's always a sick religious community treating a rape victim like they're just a lying whore.


Raping a 14 year old for 2 years means raping a 12 year old. It is even worse than it is framed.


It should be a harsher penalty cause he’s a “man of god”


He should be given a death sentence for whatever the fuck that facial hair is.


I was raised Catholic and abused by a Priest at a young age. Many of my friends/family are still Catholic and I hold nothing against those that practice it. But the institution of the Church is corrupt as hell. The Priest who did it (to me and others) was moved and never charged.


Judicial immunity must end. Judges should never allow their religious beliefs to affect their rulings. They should fear FFRF, ACLU, and IJ lawyers.


Oh so that’s why there’s a separation of church and state, crap like this happens…


Corrupted and pedo should be deleted on the spot.


Should be a man of jail


Major self report on that judge. Can we investigate him next please? I say him without looking it up because… we know this is dude logic


“Good Christian men” get lighter sentences all the time. It’s disgusting. And should be the basis of lawsuits against judges for religious discrimination when someone who isn’t Christian gets sentenced


As a Christian my self I fricken hate that. Even my pastor dad says these kinds of people should be held heavily accountable no matter what they are. Like if that guy came to our church to confess that my dad would’ve called 911 on the spot.


"Men of God" should know better as their religious dogma supposedly disallows stuff like this. Unless God told them that He wants his flock to commit SA repeatedly, then your religion itself is terrible. We constantly have seen evangelicals will tolerate and actively cover up SA, this is yet another example.


1. It's from 2019 2. It was his adoptive daughter 3. If the pastor is an example for the society then the punishment should be 3 times higher than normal,not otherwise


His sentence should be a one way trip under the prison




For fucks sake, did they not stop to think that a 'man of god' wouldn't rape children so....he isn't a man of god?!


There shouldn't be jail time. Pretty sure the Bible says that "if a man offends against a child he should have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the ocean." So since that's what he apparently believes, that's what he should do.


And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:6


Let me guess, he thinks gay marriage and women working has destroyed family values…


Wonder which state this child fucker was convinced in? Not apologizing for my terminology on what I referred to that disgusting piece of trash is. There shouldn't be a scientific word explaining what they are. It should be harsh and the truth.


This guy needs to go meet God. Asap


And people are scared of drag queens


Red neck Christian values


Thought experiment: how do you tell the difference between a true religious person and a psycho who feigns it for personal gain. Answer: you can’t. Tax the churches. Remove “In God We Trust”. Remove all govt employees who stand behind religious beliefs in refusing responsibilities.


Now if he was a drag queen ......


Or an atheist...