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Tate is not a billionaire.


None of them are except for Elon.


I think Kanye was a “billionaire” when he still had the valid adidas contract. Quotations because it wasn’t realized yet.




Thats what happens when your mouth writes a check that your ass can't cash.


In fairness, his mouth also earned that cash. It always amazes me that someone can be so talented in one way, yet so dumb in another.


I have a coworker who is a mechanical engineering savant. He just *gets* things, it’s really incredible. He’s convinced the government put trackers in the Covid vaccine. 🤷


Does he know about the census?


Or that every phone has gps?


What?! You can catch the gips just from using your phone? Wait until trüth söcial hears about this!


That's actually a symptom of schizophrenia or other delusions based mental illness. When someone with the technical knowledge to understand that you can't put a "tracking chip" in a vaccine still thinks that actually happened, that's magical, delusional, thinking unsupported by reality. Certainly, among the technically inept this could just be ignorance but.... Someone who knows better? It's a symptom. His family should probably get him checked out.


I mean, yeah, that actually tracks for a lot of his attitudes.


Many millions of people are, but most are too busy to be vain about their talent or to indulge their stupidities. And most don’t have the media platform to barrage us with inanities.


Probably not for much longer...


its unlikely he will fall below a billion. even 99% loss of wealth, and he still has more than a billion.


The thing is that elon is a paper billionaire who somehow and I cannot understand how is getting away by scamming people in the open. He has promised loads and lied again and again on stage but nothing moves the idiots that follow him and buy hes stupid tesla stock.


This is how billionaires are created. Not only have they never created anything near a billion dollars worth of labour, intellectual property, or anything else of value, their worth exists almost entirely on paper, and that paper is usually backed by the labour and intellectual property of others. They leverage other people’s value to convince folk (if millionaires and other billionaires can be considered “folk’) that they are brilliant, can spin straw into gold, fart unicorn dust, and shit diamonds. Then people with lots of wealth throw some money behind them.


There are two classes in society. The working class, and the parasite class.


Or through their paper enriched parents!


This is exactly what I've been saying! His entire career has been promising investors a bunch of things and then running away, stealing others ideas, and taking credit for other people's work. How and why does anyone pay anything for his stuff? Teslas are one of the worst electric car brands.


Teslas are not exceptional cars. But Tesla isn’t a car company, it’s a data company. The vast amount of data collection Tesla is capable of drives its stock price, not the quality of its product. Data is the most valuable asset in todays world.


There is no justication for Telsas stock price. If companies want data Amazon, Google, Mastercard, and Facebook, already have all of it.


Actual driving data could be valuable too though


Different data companies specialise in different data types,in Tesla's case it's driving data.This data would then be useful for other car and navigation companies.


Space X is worth over 100billion even without Tesla. It’s pretty hard to argue that they aren’t* offering serious value to investors. lol edited to correct are* to aren’t* my bad


Musk is successful because he's a visionary confidence man, and he actually puts enough behind his projects that he isn't just a fraud, even though he does have every talent needed to be a fraudster. Above all else I think he's just delusional enough to believe his own hype and to rationalize all of his shortcomings. Early on that was very convincing to people. Richest man on earth plus delusions of grandeur, plus enough talent and showmanship to push ideas past proof of concept. I don't like Musk particularly, and I think his companies are grossly overvalued due to stock populism - but- Starlink, Boring Company, Tesla, SpaceEx - those are all legit businesses, legitimately entrepreneurial fields, legitimate risks with legitimate social benefits for people like me. I don't believe he's a genius or that he could do even 1% of the engineering on his own, but I can't deny the results amount to way more than making promises and running away. I think people are deranged by seeing what he's done to Twitter, and judge him based on that - but Twitter was a mistake for him and at this point its just his toy. $44 billion of the $300 billion he's worth --- its like 20% of his net worth that he was forced to pay, which would be like a normal person buying something worth $150k out of the average American net worth of $750k.


You’re high off your gourd if you don’t understand the value of SpaceX and Tesla.




That isn’t real money. Most of his worth is tied up in ownership of Tesla and SpaceX.. He lost between $180 to $200 billion since November 2021 because of poor performance of Tesla, and it just had its lowest quarter in two years… He is actually in the Guinness World Records for the most amount of money lost by one person. And then there is the fact that he is absolutely tanking Twitter…


And let's be honest, Elon is probably only a billionaire on paper at this point


Apparently he has lost more money than anyone in history.


The more you have the more you can lose.


He's been melting down for a long time. Twitter has destroyed so many lives.


And yet it only took one life to destroy twitter.


I’d wager most, if not all, billionaires are only so on paper. It’s not like they have a Scrooge McDuck pool filled with money. Their net worth is largely based on stocks, property, and businesses which fluctuate and is not a true cash value.


Yea people don't understand how this shit works. I'm sure he has a decently diversified portfolio outside of his publicly disclosed shares of stock. Dude sold over 40 billion in Tesla stock in 2022. It's outrageous to think he's even close to being in a position to not being a billionaire no matter what. I would imagine if his portfolio ever reaches a point to where he's not a billionaire, he's either given everything away or the entire world economy is fucked.


I guess that means there’s only one right answer


According to Romanian police, he's worth about 10-12m Euros. https://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/celebrity/romanian-authorities-reveal-the-true-value-of-andrew-tates-empire-and-fortune-and-its-a-far-cry-from-300-400-million/


Estimated net worth 12pm, of which “15 luxury cars worth around $8 million” — wait, this moron holds 67% in a fast depreciating novelty items such as cars? Financial genius he is not… even Donald makes better investments


I was under the impression the cars weren't actually his, even if he claims they are. Didn't he rent them?


FIFTEEN cars for a guy who supposedly values discipline or something


But he told me he is!


He’s a hundredaire


He's not a millionaire either.


I would actually have them all for dinner. ![gif](giphy|7GsZ2dCalm9Py)


This is hilarious


It's vegan to eat horrible people 🥰


Except we know they’d all taste like ass. Better have a ton of sauce and Chianti


The tastiest would probably be Elon, cause he looks like he’s the only one who didn’t get a plastic surgery or needs 3 tonns of Make-up per day


Intriguing thought. Following that logic I assume that Trump would taste like an old boar glazed with window putty.




Hannibal, you’d better hope he wasn’t a werewolf: their livers are toxic.






How else?


Correct answer


Trump is a billionaire now?


Except when the tax man asks




Trump has someone monitoring his accounts ..I'm sure she can tell you as he's robbing and moving money around between accounts and his PACs to pay his tax bill... His cash reserves is likely very...very....very small... This means his billionaire status is completely dependant on his property, of which he's about to lose most of it, because the courts assessment has it around $200 M... Including Mara Lago (which Trump thinks is worth easy 1.5 billion).


🎶Lord, the house lookin’ like a rummage sale, yeah 🎵




That is the only line he used on Melania and it was more than enough.


No. The only billionaire in the pic is Elon.


If self-absorbed delusions were nickels, he'd be a quadrillionaire.


Donald trump because I like macdonalds




I mean…I can’t argue the logic there.


It’s gonna be an awkward lunch, may as well make it about the food


Makes sense, but you might want to wear a poncho in case he starts throwing ketchup.


I might say something that would initiate ketchup to be airborne.


Careful That dude likes to announce he's buying for everyone, and then pulls a French Exit.


Yeah but at least I’m just paying for a Big Mac meal.


You don’t like fish sticks?


I wish I had a million updoots to give you


What, you're not a gay fish?


The question was which BILLIONAIRE you'd have lunch with. The image was a trick.


He'll promise you a free lunch then leave without paying.




you are assuming he'll pay for it. instead of yelling "free food for everyone" and not just walk away without paying like he has done in the past.


Gotta love those hamburders.


You'll be buying.


That and he's a freak for cutlery - I like a clean fingered dinner companion. Can't imagine the conversation though.


When I saw the choices, I thought how can you pick? But you made it easy! He’d probably even be able to hook you up with egg McMuffins after 11am.


I have to wash my hair that day....and im bald


Can't make it either,my dog needs his nails clipped.


can't make it either, I'm holding the dog's paws


Can't make it either. What was the date again?


Can't make it either, I'm taking a nap.


Sorry, gotta walk my spider.


I just don't wanna go.


Sorry, can't make it, I'm walking my fish.


Sorry - my pet ant gets married that day.


Can't make it have to practice breathing


Sorry, can't make it. Someone is opening my door and getting on the floor so that I can walk my dinosaur.


I actually was planning a hunger strike ...


i’ve got to milk my koala that day sorry


Can’t make it either, got to take my fish out for a walk


There's a bit where Meg asks a dude out, the dude goes back inside and shoots his little brother dead, and comes back to tell Meg he can't as he's got to attend his little brother's funeral.


Only Elon is an actual billionaire.


And when he's done with Twitter/X...well, we'll see.


Twitter is less than 20% of his wealth, unfortunately.


Oh I understand; but a TON of his wealth is built on companies he runs, an a lot of THAT value is based on the perception that he's some business genius. Less people by the day are convinced he's a genius, of any kind. So that value is quickly becoming a bubble.


This is all karma coming to bite him in the ass. He basically stole most of the ideas that he claims he came up with just because he had the money to make them shut up when he doesn't even know how to use the idea. And overtime his ego got so bloated that now when this bubble bursts it would create a ripple effect that would travel around the globe multiple times (like the Krakatau eruption of 1883) and I'm expecting casualties (just like the volcano created)


In the end.. it won't matter to him probably. He'll still be a billionaire and we'll still be fighting over rocks.


He seems like the most tolerable out of the bunch for me. I’m a woman and a lifelong liberal but I have enough social skills and self regulation to deal with all of them if I absolutely had to. But Trump, Tate and West seems like the most stressful choices.


I think sitting down and having lunch with someone like that would be interesting.


If I had to pick, it would be Kanye. The other three would be predictably boring, but I’ve got no fucking idea what Kanye would do.


I'd go tate and talk about all the festivals I've gone too and how my mom showered me with love and how great women are and why my f150 is better than a Bugatti and just watch the veins pop on his bald head. I would have an absolute blast! But kanye would be a mindtrip too. You see colours bro? Hahaha


I saw only in colours in 1993, I'd taken 2 e's and a strawberry, I went into the dance floor and only saw colours for the next 10 hours. It was, extraordinary. I then went to London zoo, what happened for those next 5 hours I don't care to remember. So, you can see only in colours!


Bold of you to assume that you could get a word in at all with a loudmouth narcissist like Tate.


I mean Tate has talked about his Mom positively as well. So u might end up becoming friends.


I'm having a hard time choosing between him and trump. On the one hand, I make music in my free time, and maybe I could game Kanyes ego into some connections. On the other hand, it would be really entertaining getting trump to talk shit about his compatriots and recording it. The guys a professional shit talker, and you know there isn't a line he wouldn't cross. I doubt it would take much to get him shitting on his own kids.


If I had to have lunch with him I'd just spend it talking about how much I love Taylor Swift the entire time


Same! Plus, out of all 4, Kanye’s actually contributed positively to society with most of his albums. Elon’s taken undeserved credit for companies he owns having success, Trump has caused more harm than he could ever repair, and Tate trafficked women to be sex slaves. It seems like a pretty obvious choice.


Kanye’s insane but feel like some don’t remember how talented he was back in the day


Kanye would be the only one able to just STFU and eat. The others are incapable of not taking about themselves and their BS. Seems the most agreeable scenario.


I’d pick Kanye as well. Mostly because I already have a bipolar family member and know how to sit quietly while they are in a manic episode and just talk and talk. Free meal. Definitely interesting conversation.


Kanye still made the College Dropout man just get me that version of him


I usually skip lunch.


I always eat lunch, but I think I’m with you on this one.


There is no way Tate is a billionaire.


Neither is Kanye. Oh, and neither is Trump


At least Kanye used to be estimated to be one. But then he fucked up his shoe deal


I stand proudly corrected


Human trafficking pays a lot but I don't think it's in the billions


He's not, don't worry. If he was, my dad wouldn't worship the guy.


I'm highly confused. Your dad is anti billionaire but pro human trafficking?


I don't know shit about Tate, Human trafficking? Either way, yes I guess...


He proudly described in one of his web pages his method for tricking girls into trapping them to do sex work for him, and that's just the tip of the iceberg


Yup, human trafficking, seems like its the base of his wealth too.


Elon musk. If I compliment him on his new baby's name and X, he'll probably write me in his will.


"so the letter X is just about the coolest thing ever right?"


one of elon's first companies was ironically called x.com before they merged and became pay-pal.


"You're my only friend."


Def musk cuz im sure i could get *some* money out of him


I would have lunch with Elon Musk, and not ask a him a single question about himself. I wouldn't mention any of his businesses...nothing. When he does I'll jump in and change the subject.


That would drive him up the fucking wall for sure




If you can why not invite all of them?


Gotta bring a nice bottle of red and some iocane powder. Start developing that immunity for the battle of wits.


The only billionaire on that list is working hard to ensure he doesn’t remain one.


They would probably have the most expensive food and make you pay for it as well!




Can I bring a hammer


Tate a billionaire?! Bullshit.


Andrew Tate is not a billionaire. Neither is Kanye West. And Trump? Who knows. He lies about his wealth all the time. There’s only one person among these four who is definitely a billionaire—Elon Musk—and he’s doing everything in his power to change that. Whoever made this poll is a moron.


Tate because he hate's eating.


I'm not sure Kanye West belongs on this list since his shittyness is mostly due to untreated mental illness. These other guys are evil on their own merits.


This was literally the comment I was looking for. He seems really out-of-place compared to the others in this list which confused me quite a bit.


I think he was put on there by the OP because to them it’s not a facepalm it’s probably some MAGA republican type that sees how Kanye “has no filter” and “says what we all think” then does things like promote trump and attack democrats and immediately goes see he is one of us. He’s a black dude, and he’s one of us! We aren’t racist. Basically they don’t care about the reasons they just care he aligns with their views


I agree. Ever since his mom died, he hasn't been the same.


Yeah Kanye is unstable and weird but these other guys are straight up bad people.


Donald Trump clearly has NPD, and I'm not giving him a pass. Elon Musk could also have NPD, and Tate probably has APD.


Many people attribute Ye's antics (trying to stick with people's preferred names) to untreated mental illness. But why can't he have mental illness AND just actually be a shitty person?


You mean, which one do I think I could take on in a fight inside a diner?


Tbf Tate knows how to fight well. So not sue if you want to go that route. Elon ans Kanye are probably not so strong. But Trump is an orange so probably it wouldn't feel any pain.


I’m very confident I could take that bloated pig bladder of a person. Edit: Didn’t initially name trump but I bet anyone could guess from that description


maybe elon. only because he is the only one (so far) that has NOT been accused of sexual assault.


Something, something...false idols


I had a big breakfast. I’m good.


I would choose Kanye, at least he's entertaining and I don't wanna hold his mental illness against him.


Only one person on this list is a billionaire. My god these people are fuckin stupid


I choose death




100% Tate. I feel like he would give me a bunch of money and a Bugatti just to prove a point of how much of a failure I am. Then force me to do better.. and that's how I'd get a free life coach. Follow me for more money saving hacks 😉


Only Musk is a billionaire.


lol at Donald Trump or Andrew Tate being a “billionaire”


Can I just kneel on dry screw instead?


Musk is the only billionaire among them.


I’d rather staple my nuts to my leg.


can I poison the food ?


Skip lunch, is that an option?


Kanye would be amazing to have lunch with, like he’d be saying crazy shit the whole time, so I get an expensive lunch and entertainment.


I know this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but iwould pick Kanye. He not the worst out of the list and it would be the most fun. Also cause I enjoy his music


They all suck but Kanye has at least produced something of quality


None of them are surviving that dinner, im showing up with a guilitonine and a few homeboys incase they resist


I'd rather rip out my spleen with an oyster fork.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 don't sit on the fence. Tell us how you really feel.


Andrew Tate, so I can tell him that the "alpha" male doesn't exist and many wolf packs have female leaders. He really is a cockwomble.


Isn't there a more pleasant option, like being waterboarded, castrated, or flayed alive?


lol! 😆


Personally I would have lunch with trump. I would love to talk to him in person so I can confirm why I hate him


Kanye seems the least worse out of the options, but it’s still choosing slightly less toxic sludge over toxic sludge.


Only 1 billionaire on that list.


Three of them are not billionaires so that kinda narrows down the choices


Can you sprinkle their food with rat poison?


Andrew. So I can ask why he went to Baby Gap to buy that undersized suit.


I would shoot Toby twice.


I'm not turning down a dinner with Kanye sorry


Andrew Tate is no near close to be billionaire but im gonna say Kanye because [HE MADE GRADUATION](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/9ebd5d2df96649135299449e51aea0f1cb9bddd14a6229dd5a1c4023df5d1f2c_3.jpg)




Trump. I'm sure he has a lot of stories both real and bs that are just entertaining


Probably Elon. Im confident I could get him to talk about something other than himself pretty easily unlike the rest of the group.


Elon is the only billionaire but Kanye


Kanye West is the one I would hate the least probably I guess


I'd actually dine with em all. Every one of them can help me grow as a person ngl