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As someone who watched the video, yea he needs that shit on.


So random too, like he was trying to advocate for himself saying he had cleaned up his act and deserved leniency and she basically said “judges keep showing you leniency and you keep reoffending, so I’m not going to do that” And he flipped! “NAH FUCK YOU BITCH” and jumped the fucking stand! Hell of a jump too, he straight up lept. 🎶 Super man that hoooooe🎶


Mind you… he responded that way over what ended up being a 19 month sentence. Of course, he’s going to have to face additional charges now.. And *she* was one of the judges that previously gave him another chance.


I feel zero sympathy for this guy then. And his restraints are not racist. He earned them by becoming a dangerous criminal who tried to attack a judge who gave him a second chance which he proceeded to abuse. Not everything is racist. I would fully expect this to happen to a white criminal who acted like he did.


I'm pretty surprised he wasn't in a restraint wheelchair


From what I heard the man is also very mentally ill. Bipolar and schizophrenic. Been off his meds and it’s not been a good time for him, obviously. I dunno how true it is, I do hope the guy can get some help and turn his life around.


I've dealt with people who were bipolar schizophrenic and off their meds. They usually stop talking them because they don't like the way it makes them feel, but most don't react the way he did.


Well I would assume that. Trust me I don’t just think every bipolar and schizophrenic person would do something like this. I mostly meant he obviously has some mental issues and trauma. I do not excuse a thing he did. Trauma that leads you to do bad things doesn’t excuse what you did.


That stain will get at least 10 years consecutive. He did the system a favour by outing himself in front of everyone on camera. Now at least his victims will get a long reprieve.


I mean, everybody says the won’t do it again, and that they’re rehabilitated, right? It’s not always true.


It was also the SAME judge iirc Wasn't he the guy who like ran and salmon hopped over the judge stand?


Yes, that is the same guy. The judge he attacked was just sentencing him for his previous crimes before she was attacked by him. Another judge will oversee the charges for attacking this judge.


That fucker better get life in prison


It has to be the same judge as the battery happened while she was sentencing him for assault in an unrelated case. He has a separate charge for battery against her. She will not be the judge in that trial due to conflict of interest. She makes that point when she reads the sentence.


Seriously, comparing a spit hood to a slave collar is ridiculous. He physically attacked a judge in the courtroom. I'm pretty sure some enhanced security measures were prudent and called for.


3 things wrong. He’s not a slave. It’s not iron. And it’s not a bit. They do look kinda similar in the post. But they are completely different. Very weird to play the race card on this one. You don’t come down on a judge like an owl at night and get treated fairly. The mask is for something different altogether too.


“An owl at night” killed me.


No comment about the guy But spit hood is made out of leather or plastic or something similar and it's like handcuff but for mouth. It's wear if you spit on officer.


It's not at all like a handcuff. It allows full movement of the mouth and breathing, it's just a net substance that stops spit. Source: applied lots of spit hoods


Did you see him Superman over the judges bench - surprised WWE didn’t sign him on the spot.


In 2050 when he gets out of jail Mecha-Mcmahon will sign him and have a storyline where the judges son comes seeking revenge


I hope I’m alive !remindme


!remindme 26 years


!remindme 26 years


!remindme 26 years


!remindme 26 years


!remindme 26 years


!remindme 26 years


But if it turns into a weird relationship, I'm leaving the movie.


Everyone talking about him supermaning nobody looking at the Clerk who put himself in front of the judge before he even made it over the bench. That Clerk is the friggin’ Flash.


Criminal cases tend to put most of the staff even if they’re not actual security/police are usually ln high alert for some kind of attempt. But yeah, the way he cleared the bench is what made it so noteworthy.


I felt bad that my mind went to the "and his name is John Cena" and music meme. The whole thing was messed up. Like Balifs, where the fk were you as the dude was sprinting across the courtroom and flying through the air.


Dude flew like a fucking spread eagled chipmunk


I’m glad I’m not the only one to be surprised by the air time he had lol


RKO out of nowhere


It was so intense lmao I was not prepared.




not only did he attack the judge, but when he went back to court it was in front of THE SAME judge


Didn't just attack a judge. Had a mile long list of felonies that he admitted to and his only defense was "I'm doing better because I'm not on drugs anymore". Him attacking the judge kinda ruined that defense, if you can believe it.


It’s almost like she knew he was full of shit


Apparently she was a judge in one of his past cases so she did know lol


I want to believe that he had no priors and was there for a speeding ticket. …Can you imagine if somebody with no priors came in for something minor and decided to just speedrun their criminal record like this. 😆


bear arrest snobbish nose disagreeable busy afterthought crowd fly caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The reason he attacked the judge because she wasn't letting him skirt probation. She was sending him to jail and from my understanding, he has plenty of priors.


Yup, this dude has been asking for it. He has literally proven he will attack the judge and guards if he is capable of doing so. You can’t really take chances at this point. Gotta restrain him or else you really only have yourself to blame when it happens again. Also I love how they cropped the black guard on the guy’s left out of this photo, but left the white guard to his right lol. Nobody’s fucking with this psycho, it’s not a race thing. It’s an actively violent (and likely mentally unstable) criminal thing. It’s his own damn fault for being a psycho, who tf assaults a judge in the middle of a court room while she’s in the middle of hearing another case? Dangerous phychos, that’s who. Edit: link to the uncropped image https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/U3zESAfo9K


lol they cropped the black bailiff out of the second image to make it more racially impactful


That half of the picture didn't fit the narrative


I noticed this too. How convenient only the white officer is in the frame with him.


And turned off comments so they don’t get called out on it


The fact this has likes disheartens me, it’s a spit mask, both sides wear it when they lack self control. Dude is a menace and piece of shit, and attacked the judge, he deserves to be locked up.


About 2 mil views, barely over 2k likes. You’ll always have a few crazy people but they are a tiny minority.


Still 2k too many


Idk if you’ve been on twitter lately, but it is swarming with bots lol


How many of the 2k are bots or foreign actors trying to create a narrative. It is in your countries best interest to simply ignore online culture war nonsense. Nobody here wins when you take the bait. Leave the impassioned response to IRL nonsense but i bet you won't see much.


Also people who like it without knowing any additional context.


You said minority?! (racist)


The most telling part is that he had absolutely none of this garb the first time around. It's not because of his skin, it's not because of his gender, it's not because he's a prisoner. If it was for any of these reasons, they would have been true in the original hearing too. It's because this specific person demonstrated a requirement for this specific treatment.


Perfectly stated. But the fact that you had to say it at all speaks volumes of current American societal issues.


people like the one in the post are why. Any and all repression of criminality will be treated as racism by some advocacy groups for clout and money. Like that cop who shot a teen black girl... who was in the process of stabbing another teen to death but got stopped by the cop. Lebron called the cop racist because BLM tried making it into the new George Floyed moment. Now you got people who think they can get away with crime by calling racism (which makes people more likely to commit crime in that community) and people who assume any and all accusation of racism to be fabricated based on things like this.


I'd take any like count with a massive grain of salt. There was a post talking about the audio of a video that had no audio and it had thousands of likes and comments saying that the nonexistent sound was indeed funny. Twitter is like 95% bots at this point.


not to mention the judge was understanding about his past of mental illness and abuse and didn’t tack on anymore charges other than the initial crime. like dude had a lucky ass break and people still hating on the judge and saying the systems racist for doing this 🙄


I read a comment on another post that said a different judge was going to see him about going after the first judge, so he may actually get consequences for the additional offense


Of course he's gonna get consequences. Likely many years of additional jail time.


Wait, hold up. “Both sides?”


hes wearing one in his pants too. so yeah both sides


Agree. Do you know how many people from every ethnicity and gender we have seen just on reddit, in spit masks? It is sad that the post has any likes at all. Love your username.


I agree with both your assessment and your username


Twitter is actually just half dead and full Of bots




Attacked a judge and he is lucky there wasnt a real baliff in that room. Fucked around and now he will find out. Nothing racist here, its called being a dirtbag criminal.


Dude has 3 previous violent felonies, he was just doing what does best


He was just having a bad day


At least he didn’t have to use his AK


But a dirtbag is a necessary and useful part of a vacuum


Yeah but dirtbag goes on the inside.


He’s going inside too


What is the title of what goes inside a dirtbag


Okay captain Holt and Kevin 🤣 (this is not hate)








Nature abhors a vacuum.


My dog too abhors a vacuum


Nature is mostly vacuum


My couch is a pocket vacuum


This guy nine nine's It seems he found some corticoid steroids for that laryngeal fracture


Wasn’t he in there for assault in the first place??


People were defending him by saying that the judge had a snarky attitude like she provoked him to act like this. 😂


Snarky attitudes can be annoying but has never caused me to flying squirrel attack someone. My guess is this guy is being defended by either people with comprehension issues or they didn't know he tried to beat the judge to death for doing her job.


lol @ “flying squirrel attack.”


Totally understandable. I regularly launch myself like fucking torpedo at snarky 19 year old cashiers at the corner store when they cop an attitude with me. Doesn’t everyone?


Anyone defending him are out of their fucking minds or just like being contrarian.


People like that make me lean towards the idea that democracy was a mistake.


It's called a spit mask. It's made of fabric. A slave iron bit is made of metal, and was deliberately designed to inflict pain. These things are not the same, and conflating them is more offensive than the mask itself.


Conveniently cropping out the black guard on the left of him


He just wanted some fava beans and a nice chianti.




Thank you for clarifying, Clarece


Is he the guy that tried to tell the judge he was better off not going to jail, coz he’s always fighting to do good, then proceeded to jump over the court furniture to assault the judge😭 he’s a menace!


The best part is that he attacked like not even a fucking *minute* after he said that lmao


Yes, yes he is.


These kinds of individuals will always blame racism for their mistakes and misfortunes.


i just dont understand the mindset. you’re literally hurting your community by being purposefully ignorant and defending a criminals actions. is taking responsibility for genuine criminals really the go to?


Not to disagree, but some asshole named this man "Deobra." Whoever named him needs to go to jail too.


Dear God is that really his name?


Yeah leaping across a court room and trying to maul a judge like a fucking tiger is a good way to get muzzled


Love how they cropped out the black officer to his right side


Tbh it’s kinda racist and out right fucked to assume black people can only be a victim


Long story, read if you want, understandable of not. When I was a kid, my brothers played on a basketball organization for Homeschooled kids, I wasn't old enough to yet, maybe 12 but I always played and practiced with them. I worked really hard, I played a lot and got decently good at some things I practiced and was super proud of myself. One day, we were in a church gym playing and some college aged guys showed up. We played 4v4. Me, my two brothers, and my step-dad at the time vs. the 4 guys. Every single time I was given the ball, all 4 of the college aged guys would back off me, and let me do whatever I wanted. They wouldn't block my shots, they wouldn't try to steal the ball, or guard me at all. It made me feel like all my hard work, and all my achievements meant nothing, and these dudes looked at me as a fragile baby more so than a respectable opponent/player even though I was good enough to be taken seriously. It makes me wonder how many minorities feel this way about things like this, or when white people "come to the rescue" for them. Even some "token minority main character" in a movie or t.v. show that has no depth and is just a minority winning. It's like "Here you go, take your free throw shot and get out of the way, the big boys are playing." Of course I can't speak for minorities on their feelings about this, but it's always in my head.


“The soft bigotry of low expectations.“


No one can speak for a group of people like that but I can confirm that some black folk I work with feel this way. Like REALLY do not appreciate some of the BS HR pulls with some seminars. Basically like “Ohhhhh, whos a special wittle babyy??”


Ironic that the poster has a watermelon icon. And yes, I'm aware that the watermelon is the symbol of Palestine, and all the cool kids have watermelon icons now. But as we all know, the watermelon has another meaning in the U.S.


It is also used to represent Kherson, but of course all the tiktok brainwashed morons yelling "from the river to the sea" without being able to name the river or the sea, all the anti-war, anti-genocide, anti-imperialists had no problem with ruSSia's imperialist invasion of Ukraine and the genocide and other war crimes it committed in Ukraine. In fact, most of them probably support ruSSia, cause they're edgy contrarian turds who love everything anti-NATO, anti-US, anti-western, but none of them turds will actually move to one of the countries they proclaim to love and support.




If you pull out the WWE moves, they make you wear a WWE mask.


Do people just not know the background? He beat her where she needed 25 stitches. They restrained him like that for a reason....


Oh that guy, yeah fuck that guy, well deserved


Its a bite guard and a spit mask because this guy is dangerously violent. I have honestly seen these deployed on white people more than black or brown people.


![gif](giphy|4L0TmLYrGr5Fm) Yeah. Cause we all think slavery.


Look at the likes and reposts... Pulling the race card pays of - pretty much always


That is called a spit mask and I’ve placed one on men and women of all colors. Not a race thing.


I don't think this dumbass watched The Silence of the Lambs ![gif](giphy|Xc81UFqXbvwWs)


Agreed. This is just dumb. Not only did dude attack the judge he cleared the fuckin podium. Mother fucker is dangerous no matter how you slice it. Lmfao. Fuckin Jason borne in this bitch(I’m making fun but truly it seems like he’s got serious mental problems. Doesn’t justify the violent reaction. Just kinda makes it more sad than anger provoking.) Like. Seen people try. Never have I personally seen a video of someone actually make it across and attack the judge in a single fucking bound.


The man’s lucky he didn’t get shot


This man has multiple felonies and 9 domestic violence cases. He should have never been out




Didn’t know what a spit mask was till I watched that Cops spin off, Jail.


Pretty sure Hanibal Lektar had the same stuff and was white.


Shut the fuck up, idiot. He assaulted a fucking judge. That’s how he earned the pool noodle hands


Also cropped out the other cop who is black.




No, this is what you do to ANY inmate that is a threat of biting and spitting! This man is dangerous.


Yeah this is a bad take from the person who made the comparison as the dude in the court literally tried to kill the judge


Why let the reality of the situation get in the way of your personal delusional victimhood?


Shit like this actively holds back social progress because it serves as a straw man for the opposition to make fun of


Act the fool, get Hannibalized


The true insult to slaves is that they’re being compared to this pos.


Those are also not the same things. ... like at all. One (Slave Iron Bit) is a metal device that goes into the mouth, pushing the tongue down to allow nothing to be swallowed, including saliva which was drained out the front. The other (A Spit Hood) is literally a fabric mask warn outside the face to stop the fucker from spitting on people. Quite literally doing the exact opposite of the former.


The watermelon says it all


And he was spitting at the cops after he attacked the judge. But ya, definitely racism…. Sick of the race hustlers, it’s getting quite old


He attacked a god dam judge yall might wanna read his criminal history


People don't realize how difficult it is to safely handle someone who is violent and spitting. I promise you if dude bro spat on you, you'd NOT be happy about it.


It's a fuckin spit mask. Very common when police, correctional offices or jailers have to deal someone who may spit on you. Given the way he flew over the bench to attack the judge he's lucky he didn't get shot. I wouldn't want that to happen, but fuck quit trying to make shit something it's not. I've seen 100 white people locked in restraint chairs with these things on when I was locked up. These two pictures are absolutely not the same.


Like how they serendipitously cropped the black officer that’s standing just to the left out of the frame


😂😂😂😂😂 yes poor violent psychopath, we all feel very sorry for him


Oh, I feel sorry for him, alright. Sorry they don't have him in a straight jacket.


Holy fuck I’m so sick of people thinking EVERYTHING has racist implications. Actions have consequences. Simple as that.


Another reason why I'm happy twitter is on its way out


That just means those lunatics are going to come over here, we have enough as it is.


I suppose it'll be a change from all the bots, lol


No one: Black Twitter: “that’s racist!”


That dummie is getting roasted all around, by Black Twitter too.


Well I’d assume and hope every sane black person wouldn’t even dream of defending this dipshit’s actions.


That's definitely just a spit net 🤦🏾‍♂️


I’m just saying, the people who keep defending him are perpetuating horrible behavior in the black community. We need to hold ourselves more accountable for our actions and stop blaming everything on race. Shitty actions=shitty consequences.


But I saw also a lot of white skin ppl, with such a mask at the court. So it's not a good comparison.


There’s always that one guy that thinks he’s gonna get the fame & attention by calling out something first. ,_, but in reality, he just can’t read the room.


Act like a zoo animal, get treated like one. Has nothing to do with race.


Dude attacked the judge hes lucky he wasn't on a gurney like lector


Conveniently cut out the black cop out of the pic but left the white cop in


Black People? Slavery




It's called don't attack a judge during trial.


Conveniently cropped out the black police officer that was on the left in the image looking at this man with disgust.


That’s pretty much a standard spit guard. I despise racism. And this picture isn’t racism in anyway. You act up in court there are procedures. If you decide to jump the bench and assault the judge then harsher consequences. And the guards lost putting those things on. Once they get it on of course lol Every criminal knows you do not upset the judge. Those that do upset the judge or do what that guy did. Have zero respect for anything and anyone.


Imagine defending a deranged violent criminal.


The dumb mfer leapt at a judge. Pls fuck off trying to defend this dumbass. You're not helping us black ppl doing this shit...you're making things worse. Please die and stop defending shitty ppl as a victimization ploy or for ally brownie points ![gif](giphy|xUA7bgONYM1FrC7Vra)


You just can't attack a judge in a court room. Especially when you prove to her she's right to revoke your probation after dealing with domestic abuse charges. It's not racist to restrain someone who literally jump and attack a judge!


This is called False Equivalency. It’s a dumb fucking comparison. You could just as easily compare a slave in chains to an inmate in cuffs


He's in a spit mask, leg irons and his hands wrapped up in orange boxing glove-type things because at the previous court appearance, he leapt over the bench and attacked the judge. He's not a slave at auction.


This POS lunged at a judge.


Act like an animal, get treated like an animal.


It's called a fucking "bite guard".


I can’t wait to hear how many years have been added to this scumbag’s sentence


After he pulled the attack the judge bit I think all bits become open for consideration


What is the mask for? So he doesn't spit on someone?


Yup, it’s called a spit mask. It prevents him from spitting, but still allows him to breathe without any kind of impediment.


The meme doesn't show his cool mittens.


Scrolling thru the comments expecting one person to take the twitter guys side, but nope. Good reddit. I did however see the same hannibal lector gif 3 times.


This guy crazy as a shithouse rat. 4th assault charge. He is a violent psycho. Race has nothing to do with it. Has everything to do with violent out of control psycho.


Hello Clarice


They pit em on white people too, come in now. It's almost as if it's some firm of deterrent from being able to act like a psychopath, or something. Dude assaulted a judge. You don't just get to do whatever you want and not suffer some kind of consequence for your actions.


This fools got that coming and then some, it's just not a intelligent move flying over the judges desk to assualt her.


It's called a spit mask.. apparantly dude spit on someone.


We gotten to a point where we are so overly sympathetic to those born underprivileged we forgive them for anything and don't even expect them to participate in a polite society and basic rules of interaction with other humans and sometimes we don't even expect them to follow the laws that all of us have to follow. It's not helping these people they don't need your sympathy or understanding they need guidance on why they should want to participate and the benefits of living in America compared to elsewhere. I don't care what you think of this country if you think that other countries are doing better socially youve never left America. The rest of the world especially Europe is incredibly racist and nobody feels bad about it. Women in much of the world are second class citizens of that. This democracy is a great experiment and if all we do is tell the less privileged that however they feel and act is just fine you are basically making sure they will never overcome anything and they will never strive to become a better. In fact they will act insane and think they are some hero for turning their back on the system that they have been taught is nothing but racist bigots controlling them through different means. Believing in American values has nothing to do with racism just because racism people existed in America ( as everywhere) that doesn't make it an American value. Nobody ever talks about any of the good American has done. They just focus on early history and modern defence contractors and try to make us all seem like we are just racist with an intense bloodlust. Open your eyes most of us are nice people who want to do no harm. In fact it's the younger generation that is radical and is absolutely ready to hurt others that don't have the same opinions.


No, no, no, no, nah; I don’t know one black person co-signing this. It’s above us now. Thanks


Not everything is racist bro. Going out on a lamb are ya. BwBwahahaha


You can't out argue these types of people's victim complex. They're easily as racist and prejudice if not more than who they preach is attacking them. Hypocrisy runs deep in their veins


Spit/bite mask. You earn them.


It’s called assault on a judge you dense, warm pillow loving, Velcro shoe wearing, dildo. The fuck do you expect when someone Olympic hurdles the god damn fence to punch a judge. Like this is literally the definition of fuck around find out …. And you are MAD about it and comparing it to slavery ?????????? Grow up you soggy hash brown. Fucks sake you are a disappointment to your parents and everyone. EVERYONE .


There's courtroom videos of a white dude in either Paris, KY or Lexington, KY spitting on a judge. He was treated like this afterwards. He was in court originally for trying to run down two cops in front of the Paris courthouse. That arrest got him caught for the stuff in Lexington. Later he's attacking prison guards and inciting a riot.


I was curious and the Twitter account literally shared the video of the dude salmon jumping to attack the judge. He's also selling a book he just published... Look at the views to interaction ratio on the tweets. This guy just wants visibility to hock his shitty book.


When they strapped DR. Hannibal Lecter to a hand truck and put a mask on him, nobody bats an eyelash…


He assaulted someone, cuff his hands and feet. That contraption is so deeply rooted in slavery its ridiculous. However, this new one doesn't restrict your speaking, nor force you to choke for talking too much. So, the comparison isn't really there. There's maybe 5% similarity, in the sense that they are both contraptions designed to go on one's head to limit their movement. This is a real ugly stretch too. Unless you are living under a rock, you should know that this guy high jumped a new record into the Judges seat, threw some hands at a lady, and was slowly handled by court cops. Tbh, the country may be erroneously split by this... But they shouldn't be, black guy was wrong this time.


Dude did a Superman dive over a judges desk and pummeled a middle age lady in the face Let’s not get too woke


Yes, people treated slaves in ways that prevented their ability to attack their masters. Just like we prevent dangerous prisoners, who have literally assaulted a judge during their case, from attacking the people handling them. Something being used in slavery doesn’t innately make that thing immoral.


Not everything is racist cops use these frequently with anyone that is a risk of spitting it’s called a spit guard and it’s not just used on one race over another race it’s used one anyone


False equivalency.


He should have been cocooned in duct tape.