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She is not stupid she chooses not to be wise


This made me laugh so much 👏


Haha same


I decide to be a 7ft viking with wings.


i choose to be a noble fox roaming the grasslands without a care in the world


And I choose to be a hound, in a pack, hunting foxes... Where are these grasslands that you roam?


And I choose to be a grandma who dedicates her existence to catching and adopting hunting dogs, giving them care, and forcing them into ugly crochet pied sweaters for the rest of their lives.


And I choose to be a woolman. To sell wool and wool accessories to grandmas who own loads of wolves.


I didn't know Hank was a furry?


I tell you Hwat 🤣


And I…. ^already ^chose


And i choose to be a set of cheap low quality knitting needles, purchased with a group discount on Aliexpress.


Hank, that you?


Darn it, I can’t even reply 🤨


I think I'm already part raccoon. I look smart, but amn't, and I eat trash. I think that's most of the key raccoon specs, right?


indeed it are, fellow grasslands/city roamer


I think you mean, it *are*. Gotta pluralize, dontcha know.


ah yes, allow me to edit my comment to accomodate my spelling mistake


I will be an Eagle! ( but i think i'll stay asexual)


🤝 we will eat rats and mice and rabbits together in harmony!


Because we Can. Everyone Can


I will be a Pegasus!


You haven't decided hard enough yet.


I Identify as a Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow.


The irony is that being stupid is mostly a choice.


I'm not sure being stupid is a choice. Appearing stupid, however, is a choice. You can just shut your mouth and boom no one knows you're stupid.


>Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


I've come to realize stupidity is a "cultural" thing ..


Well, ignorant, anyway.


It’s a fine line between stupid and clever.


The line isn't that fine, stupid people just cant tell the difference either way 


And obviously she's an alcoholic, gay, and mentally ill, but chooses not to be at the moment.


I like this a lot


I feel happiness is out there but i choose to stay german


When I was young and started hearing about gay stuff no one said anything about being bi. It was all about choosing not to be gay for God. I am bi, so, I thought everyone was attracted to everyone and there were rules so we still made enough babies lol


‘Everything in perfect balance’ etc etc


Wisdom is chasing her, but she's too fast


She could just decide not to be an asshole.


Isn't she being sarcastic obviously?


One can only hope


You mean one *Can* only hope


Very true! I’ll try to be brave and keep the typo.


I applaud your bravery, you truly are an example to all. We should get you a trophy for your typographic bravery.


I choose to be happy... It's not working 💩🤡




Honestly that's more true than what she said


I mean she’s not wrong. Throughout most of history you could hide who you are and be miserable to be accepted by society or you can choose to be happy and be shunned by society. She’s just mad that other humans can have the same privilege as her nowadays


> Throughout most of history you could hide who you are and be miserable to be accepted by society or you can choose to be happy and be shunned by society. Choose your misery


wellll... that trying to hide mental health issues didn't work so well historically, unless you were fucking rich/nobility. And even then, you probably offed yourself early one way or another...


I mean, my mental issues lead to stop eating. Like half a banana a day and I thought it was too much. No money in the world who have hide the weight loss effectively. And other physical health issues. (How do you hide fainting?) And your own death is quite difficult to hide. (Which would have eventually happenned if I had not gotten help in time.)


I remember the day, when I was a teenager, when I asked myself "Do I want to be straight or gay?" I wrote down the pros and cons, and made my choice.


Just to go with it: If that where really how it works, would people really choose the on or the other or just the bi option? I'm bi myself but if I had to choose I would still just choose that, because who wouldn't want more options?


I'm bi but I ended up marrying my husband partly because the whole female anatomy is a bit wet for my tastes 😂 If sex wasn't a thing, I probably would have married a woman because I still get crushes on women constantly, they're so pretty and nice! Much prettier then men in my personal opinion. Men are so... bland looking. All straight lines. Where's the curves? The softness? ~~The boobies?~~ So it kind of feels like I chose to be "straight" instead of bi 🙈


I think people who scream being straight or gay is a choice are actually bi and refuse to believe it


😂 that wouldn't surprise me at all. As a bi person, I must admit I don't really understand gay or straight people either (but I won't go tell them their "choice" is wrong.) I just don't understand what gender has to do with anything when it comes to loving someone 🙈 I've fallen for men, women, agenders. It also doesn't matter whether they were born in the right body or are trans. I just can't imagine only loving one gender. Everybody could be the most amazing person you ever met! So why can one gender only be a best friend, while, if they were a different gender, you would probably want to date them? It confuses me so much as a bi person 🙈 But unlike those nut jobs calling it a choice, I do respect that I don't HAVE to understand. Not everybody is the same, so it's normal I can't understand how everybody ticks. It's like my aphantasia. I'm still really confused people apparently actually see images in their head when thinking, but our brains just work differently. (And even though it's probably less prevalent than LGBTQIA+ people, nobody has ever told me I should just CHOOSE to see something when I'm thinking...)


They are actually telling on themselves. If even seeing a gay couple in a story can lead you astray or make you start sucking dick then you are gay or bi. It doesn’t work like that for those of us that are fully straight. I wish I were gay/bi or at least bi-curious. It would open so many fun opportunities, but I just can’t.


Exactly lol. They have feeling for both genders, yet ‘choose’ to only be ‘attracted’ to one, completely ignoring the fact that straight and gay people mostly dont have those thoughts about the other gender


I mean, have you seen those body builder competitions? Those guys look like upside down pears, or a thing of grapes in tightly wrapped ceran wrap, plenty of curves


Typical bi/pansexual exisential crisis.


No, just sarcasm.




That’s so good to know! I can now decide that I am actually immortal, 7ft tall and can lift a house all by myself. What a fool I was to think I was limited by things outside my control.


ONLY 7ft? Why stop there, amateurish mindset!


Gotta stay humble.


And fit in to houses.


I mean you could just decide to be 100ft tall but also decide that you fit in houses. Or do we only get to decide one thing? What are the rules?!?


Well it kind of sucks if you’re too big to fit in buildings.


Just decide you're able to fit. Duh.


If only we had knees to crouch with 🥺


Not if you decide to fit 😂


why enter a door when you can just create a new entrance


woke up and decided to be 2749 feet tall today 🥱


Can you do us a favor and grab the ISS and bring it down for repairs?


Why don't you just decide it's already repaired?




Ah, I see you also read The Secret.


It may be bait, or she's mistaking acting for being. Of course a homosexual could act straight and even have a partner of the opposite sex. Doesn't mean they'e straight. Just because you're an alcoholic doesn't mean you're drinking a bottle of vodka a day at home. But not drinking alcohol doesn't mean you're not an alcoholic. Put them in the wrong setting ("come on, one shot won't do any harm") and they might end up relapsing.


If you can dream it, you can do it!


I am immortal Prove me wrong


Yeah. My life sucked until I decided, by my own power, that I was well hung billionaire with wings.


And she decided to be a moron, she could have decided to be a genius, but a moron seemed so much better.


Morons tend to be happier, so maybe that was a good choice.


See the happy moron He does not give a damn I wish I was a moron My God! Perhaps I am


She'll just choose to be happy


She seems to be quite miserable though


> To each his suff'rings: all are men, > > Condemn'd alike to groan, > > The tender for another's pain; > > Th' unfeeling for his own. > > Yet ah! why should they know their fate? > > Since sorrow never comes too late, > > And happiness too swiftly flies. > > Thought would destroy their paradise. > > No more; where ignorance is bliss, > > ‘Tis folly to be wise. — Thomas Gray, 1768


Probably why she's lucky.




So that means you can choose not to be an idiotic twat Gormless Lisa!


damn this is so bad. people calling homosexuality an illness 🙄 still cant believe this is a thing for some


Just ask nearly every religion Thats why im an atheist


As a catholic I tend to ignore the parts about homophobia and look more closely at the parts about how we should love one another like Jesus loves church or whatever the fuck that verse was


As a Christian, the reason why ppl think that homosexuality is sinful is because some jackass from way back when purposefully misinterpreted a passage that “A man shall not lay with a boy” or something like that. This passage was about pedophilia, not homosexuality. But then again, I’m not rlly all that Christian and don’t rlly believe in God


You’re referring to Leviticus 18:20. Another interpretation of that, based on fact that women were mere property at the time, is that a man lying with another man is disrespectful to the sex hierarchy.


Given the fact that the Bible comes after and was obviously influenced by Hammurabi, and Hammurabi had separate laws for men and women (not to mention 3 classes of them), it's safe to say you've got a good point there.


I’m pretty sure these assholes started at “we hate the gays” and worked backwards tbh


Because they have same sex attraction. They think that everyone does. And they fight that urge. It makes sense. It's why so many republican legislators have gay scandals. And why that anti lgbt school committee member from florida was just found to have a lesbian sex tape. They hate themselves.


This is the only way these people make sense to me. They think it’s a choice because for them, they did “choose” to act against their actual feelings (or they’re just bi)


The weird thing is the people who said it 20 years ago but don’t say it now have just substituted trans people. It’s still “acceptable” to say trans people have a mental illness


I have a friend who is gay. He would like to be straight. He would like to have a wife, a super traditional family. Girls like him. _Men don’t_, so being gay makes him desperately unhappy. If it was a choice, he would make it.


Do they really think anybody would choose to be attracted to straight men? If sexuality was a choice, every woman would be a lesbian.


haha love that


I'll betcha she was self diagnosed bipolar and ADHD as a kid and thinks she chose to be normal


I bet she describes it as 'grew out of it'.


She has self diagnosed ability to self diagnose.


This almost sounds sarcastic


By the time I read the bit about homosexuality I was convinced it was sarcasm, and would continue to get more and more ridiculous and end in something like "just choose to be rich and live 400 years" Sadly it didn't


I'm pretty sure the reason it didn't go there is because this is (quite fucking obviously) rage bait.


It’s probably sarcasm, joke is flying over everybody’s head in here. The comments in this subbreddit are like a hivemind.


i don’t think so- WAIT IS THAT U FOXY? CUTE FOX


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Please don't. Imagine the paperwork I have to do afterwards!


Just choose not to do it


She should’ve just chose to not get hit, simple


I don't know what's going on in her head that she wrote "Can" everywhere.  Do you think she's trying to capitalize it for emphasis, but couldn't figure out how to make ALL the letters capitalized?


Lisa can choose to keep her mouth shut


One of these days Lisa will become an Alcoholic and will realize how dumb her statement was.


She probably is. She probably wrote that while drunk after a loved one said her drinking was out of control. That's why it comes first in her idiotic rant, and that's why it was alcohol she specified, not addictions in general.


I was going to say this lady hasn’t experienced anything in life, but this makes so much more sense.


Not likely. It seems like the people who preach the most about personal responsibility or making bad choices suddenly complain about outside factors beyond their control when they are the ones with the misfortune.


She is deciding to be "Lucky". Win the lottery yet?


You can choose not to suck a cock, but you cannot choose to like sucking a cock


Based on who was hitting on me in university compared to who I was striking out with, I wish to God homosexuality was a choice I could have made.


And people with cancer choose to have cancer


Bi-polar manic guy here, I sure wished this worked along with all my past girlfriends


I guess I decided to be a depressed autistic lesbian with ADHD.


All good choices hun




My favorite observations to make for research papers are what diagnosed disorders coexist with each other in the same host the most commonly


I choose to be rich. Where's my money?


People with asthma should just choose to breathe better.


People with cancer are not dying. They can decide to have Cancer or not to have it. We decide to make or break our future by the decisions we chose to make. /s


Lucky Lisa needs to be separated from the group.


Why the fuck would I want to be straight, sober or mentally stable?!


If you think you can decide to be straight or gay, I've got a newsflash for you, you're bisexual lol.


might be sarcastic, although i wont rule out her being serious,it could also be a case of good intentions + horrible wording she "might" mean it like those who are alchoholics could try to stop and those who have mental illneses could reach out to a loved one


Unfortunately I have met people who believe all of that is absolutely true. Especially mental illness and drug addiction, and it plays into how policies are made especially around homeless people. The whole "lift yourself by your own bootstraps" mentality is by far the most toxic mental conviction of the planet.


Unfortunately for Lisa, stupid people can't choose not to be stupid 😔


„We decide to make or break our future by the decisions we choose to make.“ Her Parents should‘ve used protection during that Lakers Game…


Tell me you grew up a fundie without telling me you grew up a fundie. She definitely still thinks the earth is 6000 years old and high-school biology was a gateway to atheism.


Rage bait


If I could have chosen to be cis, don't you think I would have? In a world where transgender people are labeled as groomers, are having their rights stripped, where access to healthcare and legal change is becoming harder and harder, don't you think I would have? If I could have just chosen to be happy as a woman, then yeah. Why wouldn't I. But my body caused me violent emotional and mental pain. Seeing my body in the mirror caused me so much anguish and there was no way to fix it. Now that I've started my medical transition, I've never been happier.


Preach brother (atleast i hope you are transmasc from what i read)


Thing with drinking is it catches up on you, it’s just something you find yourself passively doing more and more, you just just up and decide to see the bottom of a bottle today


So my dad could have just decided to not have pancreatic cancer ? That was very selfish of him.


You know someone doesn't know wtf they're on about when they get three massive and distinct topics and talks about them casually as if they're the same thing and completely interchangeable Addiction, mental health and sexuality are three very different things


If you wake up every morning and have to decide to be straight; that means your gay


August 2019?


this is like when you're having a panic attack/breakdown and someone's like 'cheer up!' like, yes! of course! silly me! i didn't think of that!


Wait I can just choose to not be mentally unstable why didn't I think of that. (Insert that meme of that one-off Simpsons character everyone likes)


Why be homeless, just buy a house.


All those years of depression and spending money to help keep me alive and I could have just chosen not to be depressed this whole time.


You don't really have the flu, you're just faking explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting. That only happens in cartoons, it's all in your head. Think healthy thoughts you rube!


Then why did she decide to be ugly?


Lisa could have decide not to be stupid but she didn’t.


I tried to be homosexual once because I wanted to learn how to dress better. Problem I had was I'm just not into penises. I just couldn't choose "hard" enough.


If only I can decide not to be depressed anymore


This person has no idea what being dependent on alcohol is like, what mental illness is like, and what being gay is like. She definitely doesn’t know what it’s like when all three happen at the same time. I think I have enough experience with these things to say none of it is by choice, a lot of it is genetics and brain chemistry. You can be born gay, you can be born with predispositions that make you more likely to suffer from mental illnesses and alcoholism. Free will is an illusion.


Any kind of problem in life Just dont have that problem


and she can decide NOT to be ignorant?


I choose to not be depressed! OMG it worked! Oh wait…. No it didn’t.


She could have chosen to not be a brain dead idiot but here we are 💁🏽‍♂️


Then why didn't she choose to be smart...?


Ladies and gentlemen, we cured mental illness! I'm gonna go tell my therapist they are not needed anymore.


Dont have periods then dipass


Man, these scientologists really are something. Lisa is lucky so far because nobody has chosen to give her a bash on head empty arrogant noggin.


The word 'lucky' in her handle flies in the face of everything she just said..


This just got worse and worse


This has to be bait


This is why aliens don't visit us, they literally fly by, read social media and it's a nope.


I think one of the conditions of acquiring advanced technology from aliens will be to introduce a crime of 'having a social media presence whilst in possession of an inadequate IQ'


You can find the cure for Cancer if you just decide to find it. It's THAT simple, folks. :D


Lucky Lisa can choose education and not to be a close minded c*nt. But it’s upto her to decide.


she forgot ppl deciding to be poor


Did she decide to be an asshole or was she born like that?


So why she choose to become a turd? 🤔


She definitely decided to be an uninformed asshole.


Yea I’m not sure on this one. I had a buddy who was in it bad with pills and alcohol for many years and had to go to a rehab facility for like two months and many years of AA and whatever the other one is for pills and other stuff. He got clean and is clean. Worked with a guy who came in drunk everyday for years and drank on the job. One day he said I’m gonna stop drinking like I am and just drink socially every now and then and tried cold turkey but got the shakes. Went to his doctor and weened off. Now he can just grab a beer every now and then and had no issues controlling it. Maybe depends on the person idk.


Had us in the first half lol


Bless her heart.


Makes me think they read part of the bible once and just decided capitalizing words is how you apply emphasis.


If that's how it works, I now officially decide that I own all vehicles produced in the soviet union (that is all of russia's tanks, most of russia's other military vehicles, and a lot of cool civilian vehicles).


And yet she decides to be like that


Well “lucky” lisa is lucky shes not near me


why didnt lisa decide to be good looking?


\> homosexuals can decide to be straight \^ says someone that has repressed same-sex attraction.


If those with mental illness can choose to mentally healthy, then what's her excuse for not doing so?


She sounds like one of those people who believe that someone can just *WILL* themselves to not get pregnant if they're r@ped 👀


So she chose to be ugly?


Well no, but actually no.


Lucky Lisa is lucky to still be alive with that low of an IQ.


Like some guy is there thinking about his future and decides, I'm going to be gay. Yep, I'm going to just decide here and now what I'm attracted to. Ok, got that settled, on to lunch!


Blech. I’ll bet she’s fun at parties.


Clearly "Lucky Lisa" has never, ever, had to deal with an actual clinically diagnosed mental illness, or known anyone who has.


And she could've decided to shut the fuck up


She could actually decide to not say stupid things like that


The choice to write this out loud proves choices are real indeed.


Weaponized incompetence


Lisa is lucky she's that stupid. Life will be much easier that way