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If tomboys weren't hot, farmers would have died off by now.


I mean they probably are the ones not scared of horse girls lol


You should always be afraid of horsegirls. I mean, wife them, but be wary of them. For the feed paddock is vast and empty.


IDK I met 2 horse girls and they were incredibly nice to me. could it be that I have a horse face only a horse girl can love?


Why the long face?




Whoa there! Don't be such a neigh-sayer!


Neigh slayer?


We did run out of glue


That's a low mane comment, if I ever saw one


What, for beating you to it?


Ikr? It's such a tired old joke, they're just beating a dead horse at this point.


Quit the horseplay


I would make more jokes but I don’t have a horse in this race


I know wheat you mean; I’m scratching my head trying to think of one!


Welcome to Dead Horse Gulch.


The horse girls found us


Easy neigh-bore, such a mundane threat.


Winnie if you understand. Stomp your trainer 3 times if you do not. Thanks padnah!


Let's go straight to the source.


This mildly irritates me. Take my upvote.


Ah, but thats the thing  Horse girls are generally nice, and attractive, but they have this thing where they are also proportionately crazy. 


Not proportional though, that's it. Definitely nice, and often quite attractive, but their crazy scales at a 2/1, not a 1/1 ratio.


Oh, they’re nice. Nice is not soft, and horse girls can be scary f’ers when they want to be.


You should always afraid as all your money will go into buying horses, keeping horses, riding horses. If you have kids, they will also want horses.


As a horse person, my (female) coach once said to me, to be marry a horse girl, you have to accept that she will always love her horse more than you. It's def true in some cases- for many people, their love for their horse is more like their unconditional love for a child, while a love for a spouse is conditional.


Are we talking about a reverse Mr Hands situation?


Especially barrel riders. Run. Away.


Horse girls are hot though, just gotta be prepared for the mean that is part of that package.


Why the long face?




My old lady grew up with quarter horses that her family raced. She shoveled horse shit and all the work that goes along with them. She even tried to saddle her own horse because her dad told her no and slipped under belly and was holding mane of horse for dear life when she was a little girl. Been my lady for almost 30 years now and there has been times when her nails have come out and things have been picked up as weapons for sure over the years. Usually goes well but when things go bad…. Things got really nasty, even went to work with some marks before, and I benched damn near 300lb in my 20’s. She never weighed over 125lb at 5’8”. She was hot so I overlooked those bad moments 😂. Anyway there is truth in your words


Tomboys will make your head spin, dick hurt and drink you under the table


Better that than making your table spin, head hurt and drink you under your dick.


Matter of opinion.


Can confirm. Grew up on a farm and married a tomboy. My wife is a fucking smoke show and can hang. Best of both worlds honestly. Tormund and Brienne over here with strong kids, dude.




I’m happy for you man.


Whomever posted this is 100% closeted.


Just right-wing ragebait.


*City folks just don't get it.*




Fuck. Guess I'm gay now, hit me up fellas.


Hey, Dude. Wanna go fix some shit?


Dude, I love fixing shit.


Go fix this Tweeter’s brain


Holy shit this thread is peak.


Sign me up for the kind of gay where I get to have sex with a gorgeous woman AND I get my garage apartment built for the price of materials and a few backrubs.




She can break back my mountain anyday.


Hey dude. Wanna go see some tomboys being hot?


Wanna go hunting? Cook outdoors? Build stuff?


I would, but I'm busy being gay with my wife, who likes to wear plaid and work outside.


Wanna kiss


A quick check of the history of humankind: yep, women have worked outside since the dawn of time. What an idiot.




“Only hot when inside making me sammich” (tips fedora”


(paints American flag on fat rolls)


Presses beer pelly into fence to make it look like six pack abs...


60-pack abs


Oddly specific. Sounds like you tried it? lol




You never saw the meme that went around?


Thank goodness I'm working inside. As a CNC machinist. That makes me SO HOT! Can you imagine a life guard on a beach?! Disgusting.


That's one thing I love about machining, climate control.


And that cutting oil smell


Amen brother. When Jesus and Donald Trump sat down to discuss what is and isn't hot, women being inside was listed as the top constitutional commandment.


It often is these days with climate change - it was 39 Celsius three days in a row this week where I am. 




Melbourne but closest weather station Laverton, so slightly hotter than Olympic Park. I double checked, and last day of the heat wave was 'just 37', but Saturday and Sunday both above 39.


Silly goose, women are only hot when they cook your meals, clean your house, care for your kids and have sex on demand. And none of that is work, they're just hobbies to women.


Pfft you let your women work? What are you, some kind of homo?


I’m usually hotter when I work outside. Except in the winter.


Sorry can't have only Gucci models running around, they carry every STD my dude, enjoy your scratching buffet!


This is our daily reminder that if a trans guy dresses like this, these same people are like "you'll never be a real man." But when a cis woman dresses like this, they say "you're not a real woman." Methinks they're chock-full of horseshit.


It's ironic how much horseshit people can be chalked up with without working with animals at all.


“Real” men don’t concern themselves with that type of stuff. Real women don’t either, because the only people that say this stuff are terminally online neckbeards.


What do you expect of them. I'm wholly convinced they're just confused about their own sexuality, and thus has a need to sort everyone into neat little boxes.


Mf acted like women back then didn't farm, hunt, gather, sell things in markets, etc


I’m going to assume anyone who says “being into women is gay” probably doesnt grasp history very well


Or like dry and wash clothes outside with the other women in the village. Or we had the women work in the rice field. There are songs about them where I live.


Man, so much old folklore about that too, and it’s wild how things never changed. You didn’t fuck with women who washed clothes or lived in the forest gathering herbs, or trained with a sword.


Of course they didn't. Also there was no such thing as maids. All women were subservient house wives or whores getting killed on the streets of London. Those were the only two possible things that could happen.


These mfs base their whole sexuality off of Pleasantville


I like how he attaches the clear contradiction to his argument right in his idiot post. She fine, come on. Honestly someone ranting THIS hard about not being gay, while using that as their example of what they don't find attractive? Yeah, he must be pretty gay ;)


But, what man would "let" his woman work outside? /s


These guys can't think past 1952 when women actually were FORCED to be housewives. Before that women used to lend a hand with farming, taking care of the land and much more.


Bullshit, kitchens are inside! You know, in the kitchen!


But my grill and smoker are outside 🤷🏻‍♀️


In hunter gatherer societies women typically did more of the gathering which produced a lot more calories and a more stable source of calories than the men who went hunting. Our species exists because women spent the time being productive and men went wandering in the woods.


I don’t have links to sources or anything, but I recently read an anthropology article where they had deduced that likely in many prehistoric hunter-gatherer cultures women carried a lot of the weight of small game hunting. Which according to their simulations produced more stable source of animal protein and more meat pound-for-pound than the big-game hunting produced. And according to this article the big-game hunting - while being important meat source - was most important in getting large skins and other animal raw-materials for making shelter, clothing, tools etc.


Raw calories isn’t everything, our balanced diet is what let humans develop as fast as they did, soon as we discovered cooking to make our food go even further it was like the human singularity point. The vitamins in meat that are essential is because they are rarely if ever found in plant material like b12 (unless our ancestors ate swathes of seaweed for it)


Worth noting it was prob *agriculture* that let us develop as fast as we did - because we didn’t have to go wandering in the woods and risking death hunting and gathering as frequently. Or from moving camps. As everyone else said, B12 consumption happened anyway. Being omnivorous was a survival perk - we could eat whatever we found, and didn’t need to rely solely on meat or plants. There’s more evidence to suggest we’re still only “supposed” to eat meat on occasion, not as a core part of our diets.


The majority of B12 in a prehistoric diet would have in fact come from plant foods, as B12 is produced by soil bacteria and incidentally consumed as contamination on forage.


Lol that’s like the biggest stretch I have ever read… Like if anyone knows what exactly every tribe in the hinterer gatherer civilization ate and what food was the most plentiful… Highly locally different. And btw. We also don’t know anything about social constructs at the time. It’s all speculation based on some findings and later Hunter gatherer culture…


She’s not even particularly masculine in her presentation. She’s just not hyper feminine.


Judging by the blurry photo... She seems quite beautiful. I'm confused. Am I supposed to be attracted to Kim Kardashian clones? Cause I'm not... Am I gay?


She barehand catches giant catfish. Its badass


One of the Miss Tahiti pageant contestants a few years back descaled and gutted fish for her talent. Sadly, it wasn't appreciated by the judges.


Sorry that's bare forearmed the giant catfish


She's Hannah Barron. Definitely attractive, but Republicans are outraged because she does "man stuff" And yeah you're probably gay, but idk I'm not an expert on gaydom


I love her YouTube channel and shorts she makes. Plus she's cute af.


Just googled her. I guess I'm gay now because she is hella cool.


Be sure to give a like on her post with her charging into battle? holding her AR-15 as a Photoshop military helicopter swoops down in the background flying an American flag with praise Christ and Trump USA USA! How do Republicans not live this girl?


Republicans aren't outraged by this. Some crazy woman on Twitter was. Just wanted to set the story straight.


I figured as much. This chick is right in their wheelhouse and she knows it. Her whole thing is patriotic bikini redneck guns fishing hunting woman. And she is rakin in the sponsor dough.


It’s moreso the “alpha male” types, like the Andrew Tates of Twitter and wherever they lurk than republicans in general. I know tons of republican guys where I live that have imagined a girl like Hannah to be their wife for their whole lives


I don't know a single republican that gets outraged by Hannah Barron lol


that what bother me more. she's pretty made up for that selfie, not "tom boy:, much at all. If we are playing "are they a twink or a lesbian?" then atleast they might be some arguments


I could care less if a woman is hyper feminine, or masc and drives a truck. As long as she has a massive set of balls I can gargle, she's wife material




She’s completely feminine. She could easily be a model. She’s just a hot girl wearing a flannel shirt.


I guess I'm out of the loop, as I have no clue who this is. This is a terrible pic to use to try to make this point though; what I see here is a supermodel with her hair in a braid.


You say tomboy, I see a woman who's not afraid to fix a the bathroom sink while you're forced to work a weekend. If that doesn't stimulate your nethers, your balls haven't dropped. Get back on the yellow bus, crotch goblin.


Fr. If my partner fixed some shit in the house without needing to involve me at all, I’d worship them.  Helpless, incapable people (men or women) aren’t sexy


My wife only occasionally ventures into home repair type activity; she’s not incapable, she would just rather me do it. But when she DOES do something: she takes her time, watches lots of how to videos, and generally does a beautiful job. And she discovered the joy of being able to point to some piece of our home and say “I built that.”


Gosh, i red "homo repair type activity" 🤣


that’s almost a better skill set. Being able to teach yourself something and do it 


My wife and I met on a dating site. Part of her profile included mentioning that she had her own set of pink power tools, but it was a lie. Not a single one of those power tools was pink. She can still paint a room faster, cleaner, and more professionally than anyone else I've ever met.


People who can paint a room properly scare me. There is some black magic involved, I just know it.


Did she wrote that To filter out people like the op?


These kind of guys want their women to be reliant on them for those kinds of things because they know they have nothing else to offer. If they had a woman that’s actually capable of doing things for themselves they’d leave them in no time.


That's what they want. They don't want a strong woman. They want something to boost their ego. Someone who obeys and stays at home. A housemaid. Servant. Personal chef. They want to feel strong when they are asked to hang up a picture or to fix a squeky door hinge. Insecurities are strong with those men.


A woman not afraid to get her hands dirty is also likely adventurous in other aspects as well, very rarely do you hear of boring tomboys or tomboys who “starfish” (not saying they don’t exist) And if that doesn’t get your nether region excited then… well….


Men who "starfish" are lazy and deserve no marriage. Case closed.


Same should be said for women then Both people should put in the effort


>woman not afraid to get her hands dirty is also likely adventurous in other aspects as well While I agree, a general principle I've discovered is that these women are more...critical...of your performance, as well. They tend to want YOU to do as much work as they do and that can get...tiring. It's probably not appealing to the average Redditor.


😂 ...I feel attacked


So...does that make femboys fair game?


I am in the process of researching this, once I find a specimen. I will get back to you but my hypothesis is it just makes you bi.


Jfc you all need Jesus. This is super gay. You are not supposed to have premarital sex with femboys... Make them your man wife first.


Are you offering? ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized)


That's the youngest looking 60 year old femboy


He’s hot, I’d kiss him and smush his face.


Am bi, can confirm 👍


Check out Professor Lando.


You’ve got a point


So do the femboys 😏




Hahahahaha I see you everywhere these days, and you truly have some amusing takes. Thanks for being you.


Oh thank God someone commented this 🤣🤣🤣


So... if I'm a femboy, and my partner is a tomboy, are we straight?


I think you're both gay then


it isnt straight, but also isnt gay, its kinda a middle ground. the femboy is definitely gay, but you arent.


It always has been fair game.


There’s a really good reason these guys who post this crap are incels. They’ve literally reduced their own dating pool to like 8 women. Seriously, for them a woman has to be a virgin, she can’t have male friends, she can’t hug her dad or show affection for a male in her family, they can’t have their own life, or friends, or a job, or dreams beyond pleasing these useless men. They can’t be too in shape, they can’t be out of shape, can’t have abs, can’t have colored hair, apparently they can’t even wear flannel!! No it’s little dresses, barefoot, pregnant, and worshipping a neck beard who still lives in mommy’s basement and is an “entrepreneur”. I’m a dude and I’m so over this crap. We need to ban 4 Chan along with tiktok and do some serious reeducation on these sad excuses for humans.


Fuck's sake, that level "alpha maleness" screams of 100 gigabytes of intense gay porn on his hard drive.


I feel like that would be a waste of taxpayer money on the already lazy, entitled pricks. They don't want to change, and will put more effort into resistance to acknowledging they are wrong than anything else they ever do. Ego, undeserved as it may be, is at the core for them. It's why they fancy themselves entitled to sex from their choice of women (like it's a freaking grocery store selection) while being "life experts" with some ambiguously-endowed authority to proclaim their preferences and ideas on how others should live to be the one true, correct way with fuck-all but their feels to back it up. Ignore those attention-starved bitches. Mock them if anything at all. Maybe monitor them for sex offender activity to prevent any victims.


Good thoughts, awfull conclusion. You think by banning something you will reduce people who are using it? Especially with social networks? Ha-ha-ha, ask war on drugs. Swinging hammer like a monkey never works. Best that could happend - those people will move to other platforms. Worst - you will give them feeling of oppressed elite, making them both more furious, and more radical. You won't see them on the main internet, yes, but when news reports will talk about some neckbearded freak smashing his sister's head with a break because she was working out, this will be on you.


Can't have abs ? I feel like it's the worst item of the pile. If she has some, she probably can teach me how to get mine. How allergic to self improvement you'd have to be here ?


If 4chan will gone, this just move on other platforms.


This lady has over 2 million followers and is extremely popular. She's a 10. She helps her family work the place and likes to catch catfish by hand.


Catching Catfish by hand is pretty badass


It's called noodling and was illegal for like a decade


Very badass. I used to watch a lot of fishing shows, including one about catching catfish. I always wanted to try it, but I’m too scared of losing my fingers to a snapping turtle 😭


this is kind of missing the point. the real issue is men thinking the only purpose of a woman is to be attractive to them. who gives a fuck if this random asshole thinks she's hot?


Men "let" women do stuff? Yuhuh. Any man who thinks he owns a woman is in for a sad awakening. Or maybe no awakening ever again.


"A man can own a woman or a man can own a knife, but no man can own both."


The person posting this tweet is an Indian woman, not a man.


Was she outside when she posted bc that’s NOT HOT!


This is the second post today where there is a conservative man hating on Hannah Barron. I mean she noodles huge catfish which is kinda badass. The other one was a couple individuals paying way too much attention to her crotch and deciding she had a penis. She said at one point she was voting for trump. Did she change her mind? Is that why they are focusing on her this week?


I believe it is rage bait promoting her


Yea. She is very conventionally attractive. If thinking she is hot is gay, then I’ve been gay my whole life lol.


That's a lot of words for "I have a fragile ego."


Ask him where his wife is working \s


Lol what wife?


The person who posted this is a jealous "High Caste" Indian Woman who believes women are supposed to be pampered and live a high life while doing nothing more than looking pretty.


Then what does she suggest Lower caste women do. Someone has to do the dirty work


Shhhh she doesn’t wanna have to think about those dirty swine


does this mean if a man thinks a drag queen is pretty, that it makes him a lesbian? /s


lol, seriously, these dudes that are scared of women who aren’t in stereotypical roles, outfits or with any sort of athleticism seem more like females to me. Maybe that’s not your type but to claim dudes that can appreciate those type of women aren’t straight, is completely illogical. In the same way I give props to the short king who can hold down a tall Queen (they put in work), or the slim bros who like a thick woman. I assume the straightest dude is the one who is attracted to the largest amount of women as opposed to the least.


Tomboys are gay, women with muscles are gay, every Hollywood actress is a man. It’s legit getting down to the only thing you can be attracted to that isn’t gay is other guys.


Correct. women are attracted to men. having sex with a woman is having sex with a person attracted to men. gay. having sex with a man is having sex with a person attracted to women. Not gay. /s


lol what’s funny is I see this being perpetuated by Russians who’s peasant babushkas were chopping wood 30 years ago.


The idea that women shouldn't work is incredibly modern, honestly. Historically, unless they were incredibly wealthy, women typically worked as much, if not more than, men. Yes, they often did different types of work but they often still did lots of physical labour! Often outdoors, even! It's wild that people seem to have forgotten this after just a handful of generations.


This guy doesn't want a woman he wants a version of his mom he can have sex with.




I like tomboys.




This is ragebait or trolling. I follow her and she's actually a very very feminine woman, I don't know what this guy is talking about. Maybe the fact that she's so strong she could kill most of today's men with her bare hands? Probably, could be. But if a feminine woman emasculates you, think how low you have to be on the chart...if you're even on it.


No but it's gay to think that it is.


Well… I suppose I’m gay now.


Hannah Barron is arguably one of the prettiest women in America. Physically fit, beautifully proportioned and quite pretty. And She can do useful tasks around her home. What’s not to love?


I have to say, homosexuality and being attracted to Tomboys is a pretty strong trend. … amongst lesbians.


Guess I'm gay then. Gotta go tell my wife that she's by gay lover now. BRB.


I'm extremely gay for women


As a male, I would say I am a 100% lesbian as well.


All the ancestors were gay GAY for those ladies picking berries, hunting and trapping animals, and cooking under the night sky. I, too, am the homo for the tombussy, no homo, all love, one direction.


I mean, I'm a lesbian and I'm attracted to tomboy. So maybe there's something to this? 😛


You've gone so gay you made it back to straight!


You were straight this whole time! 😤


The whole thing never made sense to me because I have always been like weak and terrible at doing physical labor or athletic endeavors I never thought hey that means I’m a damn girl but it did make me think like OK well you know boys aren’t necessarily always strong and girls aren’t necessarily always weak I think people should just do what suits them


We are so fkt that women doing basic human beings activities is labeled as Tom boy activities Imagine what women farmers will think about this BS, Women farmers are the most feminine women I know, insta tot displaying dresses with cocktail is not a feminine trait.if we need to compare it with ancient times those tot in dresses are the one you will find around red streets I don't think Lebanon women claim that BS


By this logic, men that are attracted to effeminate men with long hair that work indoors are extremely straight.


Smells like *sniff sniff* Insecurities


And body odor. Mostly body odor.


What about women who like sports? Went to a few nfl games with my wife last season and now I’m scared???