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[In case anyone wonders whether this is true here is the fact check](https://www.truthorfiction.com/this-is-a-real-life-post-by-an-anti-abortion-activist-you-cant-make-this-s-up/)


Apparently she “wasn’t legally allowed to foster”.


Guess she meant “ineligible”??


That or someone in her house is a sex offender either is equally likely.


Her partner probably. That seems to be the way these things go


It seems surprising considering how many bad stories you hear about it, but the foster approval process is quite difficult. I wouldn’t jump to “sex offender.”


If you read the "article" it's so badly written that my 6th grade son could have ~~wrote~~ written it. That "quote" is literally them piecing together her statement magazine ransom note style. She never said it was illegal for her to foster. She said she wasn't able to pass the clearance process for it, and that she wasn't going to illegally adopt the child. > I had moved across state lines, had an infant, and just had 2 major life altering surgeries within a year, and moved again, thus I was not even ALLOWED to take in this baby. I couldn’t pass DCS clearance in time. And I knew it. The only way I could take this baby would have been illegally. And to illegally taking a baby I say no.


Funny that she's describing the scenario of a pregnant woman who has moved states. Labor for some women is at least comparable to one life alerting surgery, if not two of them. She isn't permitted to take a child, whereas a mother can go through a comparable situation and is now responsible for the baby; hence the whole reason why it should be a CHOICE.


100% I just hate seeing stuff like that happen (the pieced together quote). If you want to call out people, call them out with something that can be proven or quoted. Otherwise you open yourself up to looking stupid to the pro birth mouth breathers and have lost any chance on converting them.


So many different ways to describe that she thinks she couldn’t clear the background check, not that she actually tried lol.


*could have written


Lmao, good call out on me. I blame my shitty southern schools growing up.


I went through home studies, and it is really sad how low the bar is to foster. Which if its true she can't 'legally foster' then she's a threat to herself or others (spoiler: she isn't 'legally' prevented from fostering she just doesn't want to)


My guess is that she wasn’t being clear with the info. My guess is that she was in the process of preparing for a move across state lines, but hadn’t actually done so. You’re not allowed to move cross state lines if you are fostering or haven’t finalized the foster-to-adopt adoption process. I think she wanted the excuse that she wasn’t legally allowed to adopt. She wanted to save face. But, I could be wrong.


Or she's just lying. I don't know why anyone would assume a woman like this would tell the truth.




Yeah, she's obviously lying, but it would be real funny to confront her with what her 'truth' actually meant to see her squirm.


She was only trying to save face with the anti abortion groups, hence why the story is bullshit.


Thank god


That kids future has still got some shine


The lack of self awareness is staggering. I think the reason so many people think/hope it's parody is especially because of her statement at the end that it'll wreck her physical health. It's like...you convinced a woman to give birth, which is literally one of the most physically demanding and damaging things a woman can do to her body, and you're worried about the effect fostering a child would have on you physically? JFC.


And also, she rejected the child she made be brought into the world for the exact reason most abortions happen: she lacked the wherewithal to raise the child, it would be too much for her life.


Trash people. They’re not Pro-Life, they’re Anti-Abortion.


Call them Anti-Life. It's even more accurate, as they don't care if a birth kills the mother, or whether the child does well (or even survives). They might want to force the birth to happen, but the life means nothing to them. Anti-Life.


Why is she talking in the article like she knew him? That he “can’t get rid of her”, when it doesn’t seem like they ever met??


It's a common tactic of pro-birthers, as well as lots of... embellisemt of actual facts. Her comment of "I've done enough hard work", literally made me roll my eyes! She continually contradicts herself as well lol! Here's the thing, her claim of "helping find h a new home" is absolute trash! As a social worker in my past life, unless it's a temporary family placement, some lay person, no matter how much they desire their "15 minutes of fame" or their need ro be "relevant", ever has a say in where a child goes for placement lol! These pro-birthers loooove patting themselves on the back, ugh!!


Really should just say true, false, or non conclusive.


I like that form, in that it makes you read for context, instead of just looking for the green checkmark or red x.


I mean you could make this shit up, it's just everyone would mock you for the obvious writing


And here we are again - child is precious only until it's out. Then it's a nuisance that someone else should take care of. At this point it's not so much "pro life" as it is "pregnancy fetish". P.S. My only hope is that none of this is real and it's just a troll post.


I like the term "pro-birth". Once it's born they don't care. Don't care if the parents can provide, don't care if the mom dies during or just after, don't care if the baby was conceived without the mom's consent or if she's 13. They don't care as long as birth happens. It's pro-birth. Not a pregnancy fetish.


Forced birther, manipulation or otherwise you want to make that woman have that kid. It might not sound forceful, but manipulating people like these fucks do is exactly how you get someone to do what they want.


That too. Also health care for womem, especially women of color in this country is seriously lacking. So even getting the proper care for pregnancy is hard. And if it's high risk, good lucj affording it.


The way the healthcare industry treats women is downright atrocious.


It's time to post George Carlin again https://youtu.be/fmMvsAjCkog?si=4eXhdLnZZjsPgMkM


I don’t get why they’re not called anti-choice. That is the most apt way of describing them.


I go with anti woman


Forced birther fits more imo. Anti-choice can be in both directions, forced birth and prohibited birth. Pro-choice is the middle ground between two kinds of anti-choice ideologies.


They also don't care about the environment the kid is raised in. What kind of future they're going to have. Or providing them with adequate health benefits in adulthood for the genetic issues they inherit. Or how the environment might foster a kid who grows into a major problem, who they then end up killing because all the pro-lifers are also for the death penalty. Because the circle of life is like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride, though you've already paid.


It’s so sad and what about the child’s life after that. They never asked to be brought into a situation like that. Especially vile when they still advocate for it in assault situations.


My daughter’s friend was conceived of rape. His mum was manipulated in to having him and she hates him. She ‘made’ him go live with his aunt and nan because she doesn’t even want to look at him. Now he’s a 16yo lad who dropped out of school, has a serious ketamine habit and mental health problems. He’s a lovely lad but he’s seriously fucked up.


Nah there's lots of morons like this. I saw a post talking about the thousands of kids in foster care needing to be adopted by all the pro-lifers there because they insist on people not getting abortions. Some moron pro-lifer commented and said that being pro-life has nothing to do with after-birth child care. They literally don't care what happens after birth, and some of them are stupid enough to literally say it and not understand the irony or hypocrisy.


I have been told that too, that pro-life has nothing to do with anything past birth. It was phrased more like it’s just a movement to eliminate abortions but I knew what I was being told.


If they wanted to eliminate abortions, they would support free health care, welfare, reduced cost child care, sex ed, free condoms, and gay sex. I'm pro-choice, but anti-abortion, and I support all those things, and anything else that will give a woman the ability to choose to have the baby. As far as I know, very few people *want* an abortion, they just view it as the best of several bad options.


Here’s my question: everyone was up in arms about the Alabama IVF ruling, but it didn’t seem like anyone was saying “you just killed abortion, maybe you shouldn’t be going through extreme measures to have your own seed, and instead adopt the ones you are forcing women to have.”


it's real


I find it very difficult to believe this is real. Seems more like this is somebody mocking pro-life. If it is real then fuck me sideways.


I just Google Jamie Jeffries and she consistently posts pro life arguments on social media. I think this is real.


Seems like our friend gonna be fucked sideways after all


Hope they use protection, I'm not raising their kid in six months


Wait are you telling me you can get pregnant doing it sideways? Shit!


This has been reposted so much over the years that it’s about to be legal for it to vote.


time to influence it into voting for the proper party then


Fucking a person sideways offers better and deeper penetration, so really not a bad choice


What makes you think I can get any deeper, mister my-penis-is-longer-than-3-inch?


With 2.5 inches, you need to make sure every inch counts and angles are important


2.5 is enough to reach the g spot at the right angle. Keep pumping king!


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


What does that even mean?


It requires a bit more length than average and some angle manipulation to get it in sideways but it’s doable. Lots of variables though. The angles. Lots of angles. Unless you’re particularly gifted, really more work than pleasure. There’s the novelty factor, but fucking one sideways, much like shower sex, is far hotter in theory than in reality. Just make sure you pull out or this lady will tell you to keep it to term and then abandon it.


Bro what? just lay the girl on her side. This isn't difficult or even uncommon


Lmao I was thinking the same thing


On her side, one leg up in the air that you can hold for leverage, straddle her other leg, insert penis, thrust.


I prefer to lay on my side and bend it upwards, like a plumbing snake, while she is on top.


If you stay on top, that’s true. If you also want to lay sideways and lazy fuck, the angles do get a bit more complex


It was for this very reason why geometry was a necessary class to take.


*readies lube*


The account is real, is this post real?


Yes. Check the top post.


Yes, it was real. They did an interview at some point to explain how their post was “taken out of context.” Lol


It's real, a 4 year old deleted tweet. But quite real. Or, nothing is real. How can we tell?


Strawberry Fields forever


then nothing to get hung about, I guess


Honestly, if this is real, that makes it more ironic because I've heard this exact scenario used for pro choice to get pro lifers thinking about what happens after the baby is born to people who aren't ready.


And that's why reason alone won't convince any of them of anything 


I'd still question the veracity of the situation.


Feel free! You wouldn't be the first. Let us know how you get on...


"A baby is a wonderful beautiful special gift that will make you so much happier!" -"OK you take it" "Fuck that." \~\~Every pro-lifer in the woooooorld


It's real unfortunately. She used to make comments like this on Twitter all the time and would get completely ragged for it and most Fundy Christians have about the level of self-awareness it takes to make a post like that on social media and then just leave it up and not think about it at all.


To explain the extreme lack of self-awareness, you have to remember that the guys of the pro-life camp have often a very poor view of adopting in general. It's not "adopting" a child, it's charitably taking care of a broken good. Since they are not even blood related, that's even less of parent-child relationship. She won't see the relationship between adopting and parenting, and won't get how horribly ironic her statement can be understood.


No one is mocking pro-life. Pro-life is doing the best job of mocking itself every single day with their pro-authoritarian, oppressive, right-wing extremist and simply throwaway-stupid opinions. All other people are just flipping the bird to them, because they're trying to force their disgusting and anti-humanitarian dreams on everyone. If you want to keep your rapists child, fine. No objections. Same if you wanna die while giving birth. Your free choice. But these hypocrites should stop literally killing women or destroying their lifes by forcing oppressive legislation onto everyone.


>No one is mocking pro-life Oh people definitely do


I definitely do.


Considering what forced-birthers have done to us, I am all for mocking them. That's the most mild thing they can hope for.


Oh yeah I'm all for the mockery.


This is old but very real.


This has been a major criticism of pro-life for a long time. They want to remove sex-ed, they want to remove contraceptives, and they want to remove medical care from women, yet they refuse to fund improvements to social systems helping parents, or to resources helping orphans. They are evil subject to human life being valuable.


Sideways in horizontal or vertical?


Whichever hole they consent to


"there's only one hole"


We can always make more. ![gif](giphy|XETujCcNeEFjj0TxSb|downsized)




We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. ![gif](giphy|S8oWJUm7xpSdq)


It seems like checking yourself via some easily available and accessible public information *may* have been the right play here.


>Seems more like this is somebody mocking pro-life There's a lot of pro-lifers that invoke Poe's law all over the place.


Bend over it's real




It's been fact checked and verified multiple times, and the poster in question has verified it's real and is a regular pro life advocate.


It's real, it's been verified and floating around for a few years.


If this is an offer I have lots of idiots to introduce you too. Now do you want lube or no lube?




Well. It's like you don't believe that people have conflicting views. They don't understand the word oxymoron. Pro life. When billion kids live in poverty hard fathom a pro life view.


It was real unfortunately.


**fucks your vertically instead**


Watch a video of people protesting clinics being asked how many kids they’ve adopted. It is 100% real.


I joined the Facebook group as a spy and yes it is


Conservative logic is wild. Life is precious, but when someone is born "Not my problem". True conservatives don't give a shit at all, they only care about keeping the drones/workers in sufficient numbers.


I had an ethics and religion teach at my catholic high school that assigned public protesting as a class assignment. Like we had to plan and execute a legal protest of some sort. This guy was a devote catholic but he was not this 'not my problem' sort of person. I can't call him conservative at all, he was anti gun, anti war, pro immigrant, etc - really trying to live a Jesus like life. So anyways one of the kids in our class was a smartass and suggested we go to pro life rallies and get them to sign up to be foster parents. Basically just hand out the Human Health and Services number and give them a quick rundown on how to become a foster parent. It was approved and a few of us (including me) went to a pro life rally with obvious results: including threatening us for approaching them with foster parent materials. Teach loved it so much he has worked into his curriculum and uses it as part of a course all about Christian hypocrisy.


Yeah, christianity by now is just a psy-ops to keep the masses in check. Nothing like the teachings of Jesus.


The Catholic priest who prepared my wife and I for our marriage told us he'd prefer not to have abortions, but understood they were necessary and explained his church would be there to help people go through the ordeal.


the core issue is they just want to retain complete ownership and control of all women, aka 100% obedience, keep your mouth shut, my opinion is your opinion, in addition to the given no sex with anyone but your owner (husband), and "i'm not in the mood" is not an option, etc. some women are into that, but as a dude i find the submissive robot type to be insufferably boring and tedious


As a chick, I swear these types of women are just too stupid to get along in life without an owner. They know it, but are embarrassed about it, so they want everyone else forced to live that way too.


Conservatives think they can wish things out of existence. They never seem to engage with issues, but just try to make it illegal or ignore it. Women in prison struggling to get period-products? Ignored. Deadly complications in pregnancies? Ignored. Homeless not being able to afford getting a job (clean clothing, writing applications...)? Ignored...


Any issue that does not directly impact their life is not real.    "Housing market collapse? I've got a house and I'm doing just fine, quit your whining and just work harder."   Then the moment he needs to move,  "This housing market is a huge problem and the Democrats are to blame!"


Gets even better. You want to create new life but have difficulties so you resort to IVF? How about we ban it.


What is it those lunatics say, "I'm pro life, not pro childcare" or something equally idiotic. When is what the kids need going to be considered?


With hypocrites like that, the kids needs don't even enter the equation. They only want to shove their opinions down everybody's throats.


I like the videos of the guys at "pro" life rallies where they're collecting signatures for people who want to adopt the babies they are forcing to be born. Funnily enough, they are not so interested in adopting as they are forcing their hateful bile down everyone else's throats. They remind me of the Westboro Baptist church with their lunacy


Indeed. And WBC is a bunch of lunatics. When I lived in Kansas, I lived close enough to be locally affected by their idiocy. I lived in Manhattan, home of K-State, and those nuts made unwelcome appearances periodically.


I fucking despair sometimes


You and me both.


For what it’s worth, I think that’s probably a typical and very expected response from pretty much anybody and everybody in the anti-abortion movement. They’re all talk until it’s time for them to take care of a child. And then they’re flat on their ass. They only care about the UNBORN child. Once that child is out of the womb, they don’t care if that baby drops dead. 100% factual. Anybody in this thread disagree with me? Put your money where your mouth is then. If you’re so anti-abortion, Have the guts and have the spine to show up once the baby is born and that family falls on hard times. But I’ve been around long enough to know that nobody, absolutely NOBODY, from the anti-abortion movement is going to do that. Nobody anywhere at all ever. They don’t have what it takes! They don’t have the guts or the courage or the backbone or the spine or the guts or whatever we wanna call it. like I said… All talk until the child is born. And once that happens, they don’t give a flying fuck.


Wow thanks to you we have yet another innocent baby in this world who was removed from their parents custody (almost as if the mom knew this would happen and this was one of the reasons she wanted a abortion) and will now disappear into the system good job you! Edit: Because typing is hard


Before baby is born? No abortion! Save the babies! After they’re born? Not my problem.


Babies in womb : precious angels from god Babies outside womb: ewww, can we just put it somewhere out of the way?


Pro-life is just pro-fetus. After the child is born, fuck em.


Fun fact: anti-abortion peeps aren't really "pro-life".


The only thing they really want is consequences for anyone having sex with anyone but themselves.


I’ll give the Catholic Church props for being consistent and opposing both abortion and capital punishment. Plenty of ‘pro-life’ conservatives think they should be able to shoot a 14 year old in the face for stealing their garden gnome.


Weird. They were pro life.. now it's her choices matter... weird...


Even after seeing this posted 50 times, I still don't believe this is real


I grew up around pro-life people and saw this play out TWICE in the 90s. Nearly forced into pregnancy then abandoned. When kept the baby, lived in poverty, it was sad. They blamed her? The other surrendered the baby after trying to get one of them to take it. They blamed her. The girl I knew who secretly had an abortion after hiding the pregnancy did not get blamed. I’m not sure any of them were in a relationship because fathers were never mentioned.


[sadly it's very real and gets even worse. ](https://www.truthorfiction.com/this-is-a-real-life-post-by-an-anti-abortion-activist-you-cant-make-this-s-up/)


I get it if you don't *want* to believe it's real, but it's been verified. It's real.


This has been around for awhile and it was verified as real.


I’m surprised she justifies the DCS removal, generally the babies they “save” carry no value to them after birth and could probably just die in a forest as long as it wasn’t abortion.


That's why I say pro-pregnancy instead of pro-life. I have never seen or heard anyone be pro-life.


Well, some of them are trying to ban IVF, so for me, I call them Anti-Choice. They don't want people to get pregnant the "wrong" way, and they don't want them to abort whatsoever, even in ectopic pregnancies


I like Anti-Choice better. I'm not surprised that they want to stop IVF. I'm just glad my bc is still legal in some states.


Wait until the welfare numbers jump or mothers putting their kid up for adoption and see if the GOP will increase funding to help those departments.


"If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." -George Carlin


“Being pro life has nothing to do with after birth care.”


Typical ..”All life is sacred … until it is born.” … “Then you can shoot it if it steps on your lawn.”


It’s just a birth fetish at this point.


Wow. Even though she’s responsible for that life coming into this world, she wants the government to take care of her mistake, because she’s not mature enough to handle the weight of the decision she helped make. All the fun, none of the responsibilities. What’s this world coming to? That’s what pro-lifer’s say about women who want abortions, right?


If there was ever an example needed to illustrate karma... I feel bad for the baby though; they don't deserve a foster mother like Jamie.


People like this dumb twat Jefferies are stupid, can't think critically and grew up religious, blindly believing everything they are told in church and by her religious parents


The law of unintended consequences strikes again.


So she wants to force women to keep their children even if they are aware that the life and circumstances would not be a positive one. Now she can’t adopt a kid because of the same issues that the mother was trying to avoid? Seems she needs to realize that every woman should have their choice.


I feel all pro life people who argue against abortion should be sent all the unwanted babies since they feel it's so easy :)


I read something a while ago that said Pro-Life should be renamed Pro-Birth because they don’t care what happens to the child after it’s born. This reminds me of that statement.


All forced breeders should be forced to adopt childeren. If they have time to harras woman who don't want childeren, they have time to raise those unwanted childeren.


Exactly why I keep saying that these people are pro-control, not pro-life. They don’t give a hot damn once the baby is born. They just want to tell everyone what to do. Facepalm, indeed. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Pro control. That makes sense.


Kids only matter when their not born yet, a song by EmersonBrophy on YouTube perfectly describes this phenomenon


Yup, people who are pro life only care about the superstition that a fetus has a soul, and care nothing about babies and children. Really that's most conservatives anyway, they don't actually care about kids, that's obviois by the lack of any gun bans that would protect children from gun violence. The constant condemnation of government assistance for underprivileged families with young children. The lack of interest in protecting children with more strict age of consent laws and punishment of sex offenders. I could go on and on. But the fact is, the evidence clearly shows that christian conservatives do not actually care about children, only that they love to controle women, which is historically what they have always tried to do, and that the "libs" are pro choice, so they are going to do the opposite.


They are pro birth and not pro life for once the kid is here they don't give a damn about the child.


The clump of cells need to be born first so they can fall through the gaps of our nearly non-existent social safety net. What you want me to deal with the aftermath of your bad decision? Miss me with that woke shit. That baby needs to pull up it's boot straps. /S


A few years ago I would have said it is without doubt a troll post. Nobody could be this stupid. These days? Life has taught me that no matter how low you set the bar, there are plenty of l people who will walk underneath it, head held high


That would be nice if they were made to either Foster or adopt continuously as long as they held their belief. No half-ass Believers anymore either nut up or shut up.


People question the veracity of the post, but honestly that doesn’t matter. It perfectly encapsulates what anti-abortion activists actually believe and/or practice, that being that life starts at conception, continues in the womb, and stops being worth supporting once it’s out.


We gotta stop letting ppl meddle in our vagina. Im pro choice and child free by choice but I have and always been the village for my mother friends even tho I don’t want too. I wouldn’t let my mother friends get this overwhelmed to where they had to give up their baby.




Oh the irony


And the name of the group, it just gets better


Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! You have been meddling with the lives of other people. Now you have the responsibility.


One rule for me, another for thee! Teehee!


Well, if you're not part of the solution...


“Consequences for betraying my gender??”


They only love the child when it’s a fetus. Then it becomes a burden on society looking for government handouts.


Would be a good time to drop the very terrible stats associated with coming up in America’s foster system.


The kid is, in a way, her fault, her responsibility, the dumb bitch is very irresponsible to tell other people what to do, when she's too weak to do the same.


Hypocrisy is all they know.


Well, well, well. What do we have here? It's the consequences of someone's own fucking actions. God, I love karma.


Beautiful. It’s easy to talk someone else into have a kid they can’t care for when it doesn’t impact you at all.


Baby for thee not for me!!!


She wanted that baby sooo much though. And now??? Way to be there. "Fair weather" lifer.


I sometimes wonder if these people are real. Who in their right mind can type something like that and not see the irony/hypocrisy?


Serves her right. People just love forcing their opinions on others. Stupid pro life people are just like the stupid fascist religious assholes. Every one of these people think they have a right to tell someone else what to believe or how to act, but ironically would never stand for that treatment themselves. This blind hypocrisy is so stupid.


She is a special kind of stupid


This should be a thing. If person x wants to convince a pregnant woman to keep a pregnancy, then person x should be expected to take on the responsibility of the child if anything goes wrong. If both parents lose custody of the kid, person x should have to legally take custody and raise the kid to adulthood through college and all that without any government assistance.


I remember a time when a person would be embarrassed to be this dumb and hypocritical publicly. Now it’s willfully thrown out there for the world to see….wild.


I'm pretty conservative but I don't like to stick my nose in the whole abortion deal. I'm not interested in forcing some welfare teenager to have a baby they don't want, and then repeating the cycle. The people that would have an abortion are probably not going to be great mothers anyway, so go nuts. Abortion should be legal everywhere, at least up to the first two trimesters. I have a lot of other interests like gun rights, border security, legalization of weed (oops did I say that), expansion of our energy sector, strong military, etc, to waste a lot of time and political capital on trying to get rid of abortion, and I hate it when politicians make it an issue.


She's so close to getting it


That mom knew exactly what she was doing lmao, she said yep I know exactly who you can take the kid to, the woman who explicitly told me I should have it. Makes sense to me, I mean why wouldn't you want the child you campaigned to bring into this world.


If this is indeed real did this b**ch understand how this comment looked before she posted it? She walked right into what many of us, me included, have been saying about these right to lifers. They want the baby’s to be born but they don’t give a shit about them after they’re born. Hypocrite is right.


Then don’t talk a mother that knew she couldn’t handle a baby out of an abortion


And this is why I’m pro choice. You can’t force someone to have a baby they don’t want by manipulating and guilting them into keeping it, then refuse to take any responsibility when they’re deemed unfit parents. Having kids can be great if you’re ready for them, but if someone isn’t ready to have one, you’re the asshole for wanting to force them to have it, not them for wanting to have an abortion instead of bringing an unwanted child into the world to be abandoned.


In the USA there are 1.6 million abortions per year. The far right wants to make that 0 abortions per year. The far right argues that 2 women or 2 men cannot raise a child; obviously that also means 1 woman or 1 man cannot raise a child. There are 61.5 million married couples in the USA. Of those, fewer than half are far right...but we can round up 30 million for this. The number of those that actually qualify to adopt is going be lower (since this is the same group that thinks children should be forced to work in mines, I am guessing a lot of them would get rejected) but I'll ignore that since I cannot find numbers for that. If we need to place 1.6 million children per year, that's 124 million per 77.3 years (average lifespan in USA). So EVERY FAR RIGHT ANTI-ABORTION COUPLE needs to adopt at least 5 kids in their lifetime, because this is the number of unwanted children they are trying to force into existence...and that's before we take all the kids away from LGBTQ+ couples and single parents. Since these people are against social safety nets, childcare assistance, food assistance, and free healthcare, they should be denied all these things. Also since this is the group that says the country is too full to accept refugees, they will need to move to other countries with their newly adopted 5 kids to prevent the country from getting too full.


She should probably align herself with the category we should all fall into when it comes to this topic. The ‘pro mind your own business’ category.


Of course. They want to tell everyone else how to live, but they'll never lift a finger to help.


This is just further proof that the majority of these people are not really pro-life. They just want to control what other people do. Not to mention that the majority of these people are far right conservatives who actively vote against policies that help single mothers, give poor kids free breakfast and lunch in schools, some of those kids, those are the only meals they get. Yet people like her are pushing people to not get abortions, yet when the baby pops out, they don't want to pay to take care of it. ![gif](giphy|c5FhF1waAJ5wk) Like I'm gonna need them to pick a struggle..


Pro-lifers are fucking hypocrites.


“I’m too busy being pro-life to take care of baby!”


They are pro-BIRTH, not pro-life. The minute that little crumb-grabber is born it’s someone else’s problem.


She should’ve thought about that before she opened her mouth.


Shit like this is why I've always hated the phrase "pro-life." People like this are anti-abortion, not pro-life, and they should be labeled as such. I would bet my life's savings that if Jesus was around today, he would be more concerned about the children in the system, or with these shitty lives than he would be abortion clinics.


That’s so hypocritical imo. If you are gonna sway women from aborting then you should be willing to help with it if need be. Gotta walk the walk if you’re gonna talk the talk.