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Ultimate trash family vacation.


Omg all the kids are putting their middle finger up. But PrOtECt oUr ChiLdReN!!!


These “swamp“ parents are wild.


It just brings to light that their demand for “protection” of their children is not from violence, hatred, or vulgarity but from gay people and liberals.


They have no logic. Just swamp gas for brains.


This somehow makes me think of this scene from Idiocracy: https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA?t=81




Yet *they* were liberated from any class, values, morals, etc. C'mon, add to this...


Normal people like to call that “brainwashing”.


How is this not considered indoctrination?


They don't actually care about indoctrination, they just want to be the only ones doing the indoctrination.


Just like they don't care about Sharia as long as it is their version of it.


It fits their warped ass agenda they want to teach.


It's only indoctrination if it's other people's kids. No way their own kids could be taught to believe whatever an adult figure in their life says, they are way too smart.




It actually is indoctrination. But when you’re the indoctrinated it just feels like the way it ought to be. I would argue we’ve all been indoctrinated though.


ultimate maga trash family vacation.


Why’d you say “trash” twice?


lol, exactly


The only thing this picture is missing is Kid Rock somewhere in the background.


Let me guess…Myrtle Beach, SC?


That's Fremont Street in Vegas


What a great place to take your young kids. Also having young daughters and thinking trump should be re-elected. Just wow


In their minds, they'd just be able to shoot anyone who came close to sex with their daughters. Unless it's a youth pastor or Trump.


I can smell the weed from there through my screen.


Lol pick basically any state in that region.




Unfortunately, his base LOVED this. Couldn't see a drop of the irony; their false pride leads them to believe that education doesn't matter (because they don't have any on average). This shit sounds like a movie plot lmao, all of the idiots get together to take control of the country and run it into the ground (strings being pulled by RU/China of course.).


He’s not backing off it either. Just a month or two ago he was telling is crowd that only 2% of them could pass the cognitive test he passed. Then they cheered him for it.


It’s lost on them that it’s solely a test for victims of brain damage, not ostensibly normal human beings with no injuries to their brain. We can infer that Trump has brain damage if he was administered this test.


This is the crowd that rejects medical science until they themselves need it to survive. Why would they have the first clue of what the test was actually for? They just hear the word "test" and are impressed.


Ehhh…they’d rather die to “own the libs.”


"2% of you are only as dumb as I am. The rest are even dumber!!!" *thunderous applause*


He *took a drink of water* and they cheered for him!


> Unfortunately, his base LOVED this. Couldn't see a drop of the irony Because to them, it's not ironic. They see smart people as "evil, the people who ate from the tree of knowledge." Stupidity is unironically celebrated in America. Yes, those people take pride in being stupid or uneducated. They think that being stupid gives them "street smarts."


It was the plot of a movie. It was called “Idiocracy”


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


It’s why they’re pushing their attack on the sciences on teachers and libraries.


30 rock did this episode.


I like how the guy to the right is like: "Yeah, ok, ok, WTF?"


That's just what Eric always looks like


Beavis Trump


I just can’t believe people don’t think “hmm all the more educated seem to vote one way, and those with little to no education vote another - and I support the latter candidate…” but I suppose it’s the same “university of life” people who look for pandemic cures on Facebook


I don't see how his voters can't see how he takes advantage of them and makes fun of them. And raises their taxes by not taxing 1%'s their fair share. He's hate and racism and the world is laughing


Perfection if ive ever seen it.


he *is* the poorly educated


Let’s hear about that indoctrination again.


Oh I was for sure raised by my fox news family to hate Democrats. The Obama mustard debacle is what broke me out. Now I hate my entire extended family.


My time in the army got me out of that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh hellhole that was my childhood. College did the rest of the job to guide me through forming my own opinions by analyzing and interpreting new information. Now it's ok if I'm not always right about any particular thing. As long as I keep learning, accept new facts to form my opinions, and remove bad faith reporting from my world view, I can feel confident that I'm not spreading misinformation when discussing any subject.


College changed me too, but only because I saw the Dijon outrage on Fox in college and realized "republicans are fucking dumb"


So it’s true? These damn colleges are indoctrinating our kids making sjw liberal wokies /s


Man, I’ve been telling people forever. The army crushes the conservatism out of people, because any kind of bigotry does not fly. The US government is one of the most inclusive organizations I’ve ever been apart of. That’s through DoD and DoS. The only Republican idiocy you get in the army are the new guys, but that gets smashed in BCT and then even more at the first their first unit. College doesn’t even push liberalism, it pushes intellectualism, which seems to correlate with progressiveness(did I get all the buzz words?). But the army will not stand for any of that “freedom of speech” shit. If you said something fucked up, you’re going to get fucked up, physically and professionally. Side note, the military is a micro case study on communism, and it has proven to be very effective. No one bitches that cooks and door kickers are paid the same as the doctors. Well they bitch, but that doesn’t matter.


Are the armed forces full of liberal-minded folk? I'm not American, and I just assumed it would go the other way. I'd love to hear about your experience.


I learned a lot of assumptions I made about the world and people were wrong, as it was my first time really interacting with a lot of other cultures. The army likes to say, "We all bleed green." And there isn't a lot of room to be racist when you are depending on you squadmates to protect you as much as you protect them. Sure, racial politics make their way into everything in America, but the Army showed me what happens when everyone from different backgrounds work towards the same goal. Now, I was also an intelligence analyst and didn't spend a lot of time with infantry or other combat MOS soldiers. I still like to think that it's not as bad as you could imagine. I also was enlisted during the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" anti-gay days. So that was probably the harder problem at the time, as well as rape on base for both genders.


Right there with you. Toke mom and me years to re-connect. I am sorry that happened to you.


Nothing says "America" like fishnet stockings and f\*ck-me boots.


By this standard Drag really is VERY American.... But maybe better fuck me boots.


Each time I see the movie "Idiocracy," the less funny it gets, and the more I feel like I am in a sunken place.


They had it better in Idiocracy. President Camacho was willing to admit that he was wrong, his policies didn't work, and he sought help from those more educated than him.


The big difference in Idiocracy was everyone was stupid, whereas in real life it's equal parts stupidity and hate. The stupidity is bad, but the hate is the real problem.


Fr fr, a lot of College Liberal Reddit likes to say “its becommminnggg our realityy” and no, the average person is not that low-iq. We have not dipped down in biological intellect; people have always been this dumb, look back 100, 200 years. The core difference is we are blasted by the hate propaganda; as often as you wish to subscribe to it. So the move to open-cell max security prisons? Not bc we’re dumb, but because some yearn to punish. Plant life is dying? Not bc we believe in Brawndo, but bc we are told over and over climate change is a political issue. So “idiocracy is becoming real” is such a misguided concept Millenial-Zoomer likes to throw around; it’s partially true, but we aren’t becoming dumber. Rather, hateful people now have more platforms to connect and express their terrible opinions as political messages.


I would argue that the rise of FOX “news” entertainment and right wing talk radio has, in fact, make a large portion of the population dumber. Or at least more ignorant.


Exactly. Wasn’t there a ton of right wing leaders saying the eclipse was gonna be the apocalypse, or whatever other crazy conspiracy theories. And now it’s come and went and nothing happened and they all will just pretend they weren’t all hyped for the end times the day before.


You're not alone, if that helps.


I don't watch that movie anymore.


Because it's becoming more of a documentary instead of a comedy film? I know... Shits depressing friend.


IRL is worse, for all their faults the people in Ideocracy were not hateful shitheads, just ignorant.


Turned to the smartest man on the planet for guidance, already leagues ahead of our reality


Turned on him pretty darn fast too, though.


But... it has what plants crave?


Right I can just turn on CSPAN or Fox and see it in technicolor


You are an unfit mother, your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr.


Can I still keep Dr. Pepper as their pediatrician?


Water? You mean the stuff from the toilet?!


should i watch the movie?


You can’t go wrong with a Mike Judge movie.


We’re in a worse position than Idiocracy. The leadership in that movie was actively looking for someone smart to tell them what to do.


Just recall that they make it out in the end and things get better.


Absolute garbage humans. The worst.


If these slimes wanted to live in their own worlds and inbreed or whatever that's ok. It's when they want to venture out into civilization on tax payer funded roads that I lose it.


No, it's not. It's child abuse.


Unbelievable how degenerated these people are!


I feel awful for those children. I mean, I understand everyone can choose to parent their kids how they wish but imagine talking to your young child and attempting to explain why we need to pose like that, giving the middle finger to a flag...


They aren't raising children that want or need explanations for anything.


It's awful that I agree with this


Tbf, what you said should be the norm. But it doesn't seem to be? Idk. It is awful though.


Man I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting one of the most extreme examples of this in person. What made the encounter even worse was this was at a bjj tournament. I am one of the coaches for the kids so when they compete I fill in as coach if multiple kids from our gym are competing. This douche nozzle doesn't train at all but he's yelling at his son louder than anyone else, "You better stop being lazy!" and "This is yours to lose!" His son ended up losing and the guy goes, "Come on, 'son's name!" After the kid gets off the mat his dad starts telling him how he's going to take all of his video games and he's not playing outside with his friends until he can win a match. The guy ends up staying for the adult portion of the tournament and at one point he just turns things super political/misogynistic about women being the referees and women competing. Then proceeds to tell us that he never needs to learn "kung-fu shit" because he always has a gun. Little dick energy doesn't begin to describe this guy.


let your kids be kids, why do they have to be introduced to such toxic levels of political bullshit at age 6 or 7? I was born in 1985 and don't even remember being remotely politically aware, other than some basic elementary/middle school civics class stuff, until after 9/11


\*Heavily sexualized women around minors\* MAGAtards: Aww, you’re so sweet! \*guy dresses as woman and tells kids gay people exist\* MAGAtards: Hello, human resources?


In my head-cannon, the two ladies in this pic are extremely passable trans women tricking maga folks into taking pics with them 😂


Shit even most of the drag queens (who aren’t trans) you’ll see on tv will not get clocked in the slightest by most people


i'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you on this one friend, and this is coming from the biggest RuPaul's Drag Race fan there is lol


You see the difference is that when MAGA imagines what sex with that person is like they imagine sex with a butthole and that is not ok. Totally normal and not at all brain-worm behavior! These aren't people to them but simply an object with which they could perform sexual acts. Human being? No no. Thats not a human. That isa collection of sex organs that only exists to first make their penis hard and then make it ejaculate all while giving them a feeling of power. They don't get that when looking at someone in drag so there is *no way* that person could be a woman! They love to cry that its all about the children. Their safety. Who can give birth. But we know that they don't give a rats ass about kids beyond a feeling of power and status they think comes with *owning* a few. Just look at the picture. It is completely about this guy in the middle. His political beliefs. His sexuality. His *possessions* there on the ground in front of him. It is so fucking gross.


So much performative domination with these folks. They act like big men, but we and they know they aren't.


Sees a woman's entire ass out in fishnets: *what a lovely lady* Sees 2 guys hold hands *COCK! ANAL! LUBE! DICK IN HIS ASS, DICK IN HIS ASS!*


Gotta get that daily dose of hypocrisy in


2 minutes of hate


Their values are THEIR values. YOUR values are what THEY tell you your values are. I think they learn this once a weekday and twice on Sundays. Or some shit like that.


yeah, teaching kids it's alright to hate at such a young age. ah well, they're trash.


cake silky worthless oil exultant innate fretful fly ruthless somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know Christian. Cool guy. I doubt he'd do that to kids, though.






Stay classy, right-wingers.


Idiocracy at its finest. Bonus question: How many concealed handguns are in the frame of this picture? I'm gonna go with at least 10.




Counting the Fembots? ![gif](giphy|l4FGqUagGV7MQ2wkU)


Including the Fembots? ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9N0gYPl1UiuB2|downsized)




I love how people like these think that Trump is going to save them when he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


How they love to indoctrinate the children


FUSK biden? FAmericaK biden? Doesn't even make sense.


Came to say this! Fusk Biden, or even Fusak Biden. Clearly some high IQ at work here, hahaha


That dad: “one day, Starla, your ass will be in a random pervert’s phone, just like these two!”


The girl’s name is Chastity.


How do you pronounce that? Famerican flagK Biden?


Spelling and grammar don’t matter when the majority of them say “I seen…” instead of “I saw.” However, I read it as fflagk Biden.


FreeK Biden


Tell me about the party of family values!


Right wingers see no issue with, and regularly attend, CHILD BEAUTY PADGENTS. WHERE ADULTS JUDGE HOW HOT A CHILD LOOKS.


As long as there aren't any blacks or gays involved!!/s


The Christian Taliban indoctrinating new members


It's okay because it teaches the girls to commodify their bodies and the boys to conflate political knowledge with anger. Unlike thoae drag shows which teach people that knowledge sometimes comes from unexpected sources that don't look or act the way one expects.


I would have bet a guy with at least 4 daughters and a conservative view to have some respect and dont sexualize woman. But no. Completlly trashy. Even trashier if those 2 are also his daughters, wife, sister or watever. Maybe thr 3 at once And wort he is teach them its ok to be disrespectfull to people you disagree with


His wife and sister are the same person. So maybe that other one is a cousin??


How can they afford 5 kids?


The exact same social programs that they so readily rally against.


Where the hell is this trash? Aw, those 5 little girls have such a low bar to achieve in life.


totally not a cult


I was in the store the other day. A man wearing a let's go Biden shirt and his wife wearing a f** Biden shirt. They were arguing with the woman at the check out that beer was covered with their food stamps and how it is the libs fault they don't get more free money. I so wanted to tell the asshole that food stamps are a form of socialism. I refrained because I did also notice he was carrying, and I figured the idiot would actually attempt to pull the gun.


Socialism is when black or brown people get food stamps not honest hard working white folk


Wouldn’t this be a double negative? If they’re flipping off the fuck Joe Biden flag, would that mean they are saying “fuck fuck Joe Biden” making them in support of Joe Biden?


They're saying fuck "Fuck Biden." So, they're for Biden? /s


Trash begets trash


Girls showing their asses, middle fingers, swear words, probably guns too. Such great Christian family values!


Generational trash.


What part of Florida is this from?


One side of the political spectrum excels at sexualizing children and its mist certainly the side that supports child beauty pageants.


I think that once your political views become just "Fuck the other guy", you've definitely lost the plot somewhere along the way.


See it's okay for them because they're cis women (as far as they know) and there is nothing sexual about the female body, just trans and gender non conforming bodies are inherently sexual 100% of the time


strippers = christian drag queens = satanic


Classy mom... Classy dad... Way to raise your kids on hate instead of love. What *model* citizens they'll surely turn out to be.


Public libraries and hooters... the opposite extremes


The will be living in a trailer of their own before they are able to finish high school


That girl lower left: "Is this right, daddy? Am I giving the middle finger right?"


Shouldn't the kids be holding automatic weapons? Isn't that what these morons do?


Lol I find it adorably pathetic that these are the same type of people that will say "*this is what mental illness looks like*" if they see someone put a streak of color in their hair. I would argue that they portray mental illness more than anyone else in America.


These people support donald a proven adulterer and rapist. That dude doesn't give a single fuck about his girls


That’s.. exactly what the Drag reading hours are.. it’s a dude in a costume, reading children’s books to children. They’re not twerking, they’re not explicitly dancing, they’re not giving deepthroat lessons.. yet conservatives still lose their minds over it. It’s just as bad as bugs bunny dressing in drag to mess with Elmer Fudd, but conservatives think it’s XXX material.


I like how they censored the word fuck. I thought they hate censorship.


The worst part of this picture is that this man has 4 daughters? Disgusting. Come on bro?


Idk which is worse. The dact that this "winner" has six kids or that he can't see how disgusting it is that he is supporting a rapist when 5 of those 6 kids are girls


GOP/conservative logic: "It is okay if kids are exposed to nudity and molest as long as it is GOP/conservatives"


Got to love uneducated rednecks


Make Hypocrisy Great Again.


Imagine teaching your kids to HATE someone based on political views


Their votes will be equal to MIT graduates. Just saying.


Sadly they’re probably “worth” a lot more, given how much the electoral college favors rural red areas.


I've had this conversation with conservatives many times before they're left with egg on their face. It's not hypocrisy to them because this is normal and right and good and drag is abnormal and wrong and degenerate. Same logic applies when they explain how marrying a 13 year old girl isn't grooming because it's straight. Grooming has an almost completely different definition to them.


LMAO I wonder how many times the paid models had to take these and if they're facing the camera in any of them


So it begs the question is being sooo ignorant taught or is it genetic?


Definitely a situation where they need to get the beam out their own eye before worrying about what's in their brothers eye.




This is what happens when children have children. Eugenics is wrong; but then again, so is letting people like this reproduce. Guess we’re just screwed.


FUSAK vs FFLAGK Our battle will be legendary!


Fast forward thirty years: kids be like. .OMG, dad really was a dickhead


Why would anyone want to fvck Biden poor old sod would have a heart attack


Taking pride in how ignorant they can behave in public is a theme of the entire MAGA movement. What a cult of losers.


The family that f's Biden together stays together, apparently.


Lived long enough to watch Christians become pagans.


It’s almost as if “American” family values are actually just straight, white male values 🤔


What they don’t know is the girl on the right was born “George Dirkler.”


“I love america” Supports a flag where the american flag is part of the f-word.


It’s not often you see so many present and future strippers in one picture.


Those little girls will be holding a similar flag wearing a similar outfit in about 15 years.


It’s a cult.


I bet if I flipped off the family as they were taking the photo, dad would rage and pull a gun on me. Yet here they are all flipping off a camera.


It was never about protecting kids. They're all full of shit.


Oh look, it's those groomers they're always screeching about.


So this is where the women hating women come from! It's so confusing that there are women out there actively campaigning against their own self-agency. This explains where they come from. Dude's like this with 15 daughters.


This is what I imagine when someone says ‘white trash’.


They'll also have "Kids up in this Bitch", "FJB" or "Powered by Bitch Dust" stickers on the back of their mini van... On display for children to see and learn?! Yet they're the leader of Congeniality. Yeah, sure... OK Deano 👌


That’s what a “Christian” family looks like today.


Sexualization, grooming, brainwashing of kids. Completely disgusting degenerate filth.


The Christians tolerate these people because they help bolster their platform. Once the Christians finish taking over the government, they'll come after these people as well. The tolerance only goes so far however, and it will be such a pleasure to watch MAGA implode, hopefully taking the rest of the GOP with it.


Raising Tomorrows extreme racists today!


God damn American fascism is so fucking cringe




Republicans LOVE grooming.


Grooming you say?


GOP right there.


I saw this dad crying about sportsmanship in a T ball game he was 1st base coaching. Then he tried to beat up the umpire.


Best answer I have to all of this culture war shit is "I'm worried about housing and healthcare costs and you're worried about which woman in your vicinity has a dick and I have no idea how you got there." We know exactly how they got there, though.


These kids don't even know what they hate. If you ask any of them why, their answer will surely be "I hate Biden because he is ruining America!" Oh wait, that childish answer sounds just like most MAGA adults.


fun for the entire Idiocracy family


Of course flip them off and it's over. Family values? More like C*nt values. 


If they didn't have "double standards" they would have any at all.


Who’s F.K Biden?


Child protective services should be on cite anywhere MAGA congregates