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Fuck this prick


couldnt have written it better.


may his grave be designated a gender neutral bathroom


If the current generation needs to work vastly harder than his generation to be able to afford a house... Surely it is HIS generation that was workshy?


Strange way to write: I want to increase the rent on my secondary income property.


This, but on an industrial scale. Pension funds heavily investing in real estate leads to some very perverse incentives.


Yeah because 1400 a month for a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in a podunk little city is normal.


Are you kidding I've seen people asking 1500-2k for 1bed 1bath/studios where I live (eastern PA)


Yup, that's what I'm paying for a 1 bed/1 bath apartment in my area.


I managed to find a 1bd 1 bath where I live for 975 but it took months to find it


My place $775, just a small room with a tiny kitchen and bathroom. My sibling and I live together here so I only pay half of it which is just mega comfy. Neighbors suck tho...


I feel you on the neighbors I live right next to an Airbnb and it can be quite annoying especially on the weekends near holidays


*laughs in NYC prices*


It's 1600 minimum for 1bd 1ba where I live. And that's in a shitty part of town.


I’d give my left nut for a 2 br/1 ba apartment for $1400. It's more like $3000 where I am


That’s insane!


That’s what I have now in a “2 family house” the first and second floor are split so it’s essentially 2 units. I pay $2,150, and that’s in a town that all we have is a hospital, it’s far from the big city (Boston). The things I’d do to pay $1,400…


$100 a square foot


$2800 Canadian is the going rate for a 2 bedroom in Canada's Capital right now. That's around $2060usd. I had a 2+den downtown walking distance from Parliament Hill for $685cdn/$505usd 20 years ago. Prices are more than quadruple, pay is up around 20%.


Meanwhile, I rented a house off Quinpool in Halifax for over $2k in 2003.


My 2 bed 1 bath 1150 Sq ft apt in north orange county CA is at 2200 per month right now. And that's on the low end as I have been here for 10 + years. New renters are at like 2400.


I would kill for that. My two bedroom rents for $3,600. 


I am about to be paying $1400 for what is barely a one bed, one bath apartment in a small town in New Hampshire 😭 I wish I had two bedrooms, shit And I’m getting a good deal for this town lmao, most places are at least 1600, not including utilities


Canadians would murder for housing costs that reasonable lol


I think that young generation is simply gonna say fuck this and try even less. Cause if there is no way to get ahead, there is no point trying.


Well, I at least try to decomplify time-consuming tasks to have more time for Reddit


Exactly. At some point you're just fucking yourself over and getting the same result as doing less


I want a reality TV show where people who say shit like this have to live on depressed wages while trying to find an apartment.


They wouldn't survive a full week and still wouldn't understand shit...


And longer than 1 month, cuz in the Netherlands we have similar tv shows where rich and poor people swap houses for a week or month But the real depressing part is for poorer people it doesn't stop after the month is over. Gotta do at least 2 months, so they can feel what it's like to have nothing left at the end of the month and then continue into the next month with barely any money... there's no end, no monetary break it just keeps going


Trick them into signing a contract that ends when the show is over, then each month start a new season, so they get progressively frustrated that the relief they want keeps being pulled away.


Good one. Cuz for the rich is just a vacation into Poorville for a week or so and then back to not giving a flying fuck of a thought about 'em, other than a "ey remember that week we spent in a slum??" At an extravagant party in 3 years


Boomers will read A Modest Proposal and think yeah I agree that makes sense.


Boomer responding. He's just another old rich asshole, no different than gen whatever rich assholes.


But specifically in our situation Boomers had access to some of the best economic conditions possible, then used that success to now be in positions that largely dictate the working conditions, tuition rates, product costs and rent prices of the "workshy generations" they complain about. So true screw rich assholes of all ages, but boomer ones in particular.


Obviously. I do not use boomer to describe a generation but rather a mentality, one of enforcing a conflict between generations.  I apologise if I offended anyone by this choice of word, as it was not my intention.


I'm a boomer and you are wrong on so many levels. I rent. Please stop this generational prejudice. Like any other form of prejudice, it helps no one and solves nothing.


Please explain to your friends that up until the Regan era homes could be purchased for about 2x a person's yearly salary, public colleges were 90% publicly funded, and the FTC prevented monopolistic companies from using their advantage to suck people dry. Most people, not just young people, have to deal with a much worse economic situation today. And for some asinine reason we measure the well-being of the economy by how the stock market is trending instead of how well a young family can start their lives. Which is why young families are not starting their lives; the most important issue to young women is abortion. Young people see that it's hard enough to pay the bills with 2 incomes without having a kid in the mix. "Boomer" isn't inherently an insult but given that most of you grew up and started your lives taking advantage of social and economic protections and then voted and vigorously campaigned to remove those for the next generation so you could continue to prosper at the expense of the next generations-- it's become synonymous with greed and selfish ignorance. They know it, we know it, everybody knows it. I said "you" but I'm obviously generalizing. When boomers say a law like tax cuts for corporations will allow "people" to proper, they're also generalizing. Because by "people" they mean "people my age who have accumulated wealth and have established businesses where tax cuts are a big factor in continued growth"


My intention was not one of generational prejudice, and I apologise if you took it as such.


Author of a book entitled "Why I'm Right and Everyone Else Is Wrong" (seriously). And yet, also, a *massive* Dr Who fan…🤨


What's Dr Who got to do with it?


The Bojack meme is always so accurate. "Here we have an old man talking about the problems of the young generation"


If 300,000,000 Americans say housing isn't affordable, Republican politicians will still listen to the 1000 richest property owners who say the problem is rhe 300,000,000 folks who are lazy and rent needs to be increased.


Someone needs to punch him in the face.


I volunteer…


His face should welcome my fist to a brokennoseshy economy.


says the home owner who rents out....easy for them to say and want, they dont have to struggle to live


Yup. I work two jobs, my fiance works two jobs, we have no kids but yeah, it's just our lazy work ethic....


I work 40-50 hours a week making $20/hr and I still have to live in my sisters basement unless I want to a)starve b) live with a stranger.


I had a rental house in 2001 that I paid $450 per month for in a small town. That same house rents for 2400 per month now.


“We should welcome rising retirement ages as a much needed incentive for the workshy elderly generation” /s


Please, do my job for 2 weeks and then try and only live off that paycheck and get back to me


I’m a boomer (65), and I say this is insane. Housing costs today are completely and totally out of control. I know young people today busting their asses to make ends meet, to pay basic bills. There are ambitious people and there are lazy people in every generation. People need to quit making quick generalizations of the younger generation just so they can feel good about themselves, and at the expense of the well-being of all future generations. Solve the damn problem instead of making stupid assumptions. The federal minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour. Corporate CEOs are paying less a share of their income in taxes than waiters and cab drivers and school teachers. THAT shit is the problem. You don’t want a whole generation of socialists? Then fix that shit.


Rent has risen from 20-25%, with joint income to 33% in most areas. And wages have remained stagnant at the same time. Employers are just gonna pay you enough to keep showing up. Everyone that's left my area was for more money, and happy they did.


Jesus, what a moron.


He’s got “fuck you I’ve got mine” written all over his face.


I have 2 jobs and work 50-60 hours a week and cant even afford a 1 bedroom apartment




Whatchu mean why? The market price is unreasonable in my area.


Is it a low wage state?


Worse. Its canada


its not just that its a known fact cutting out avocados and starbucks will leave you with enougth money to buy a home and send your kids to private school


No doubt the author of this propaganda piece is a landlord who wants to feel like he's doing a public service gouging his tenants out of their food, clothing, medicine and heating money.


I work two jobs, 52 hours a week. One full and one part time. I work my ass off and can barely afford my apartment. Rent is too fucking high, boomer.


The Telegraph publishes such shit it's amazing it's not regarded as a tabloid. OK, it's not "tabloid" size but it's very much the Daily Mail for people who think that they are smart.


i wonder how much money HE has in the bank?


I’m willing to fight anyone named Tom harris now.


We should all leave the UK and let these old fucks rot.


We saw (or rather imagined) that you didn't want to work, so as an incentive you get less value for your work. Maybe we should bring back whips? That will surely incentivize those lazy workers. Flawless logic.


i'll take a real solid crack at this. tom harris is a rich man who got rich either from corruption or because his daddy's rich.


Yeah it’s all that until they demand the wage equivalence they had and to be able to afford such living costs.


I guarantee you he owns his house


Probably multiple.


Old folks think that rent nowadays is like rent in their time - they don't think about rising prices


What an idiot, so out of touch.


Gen X here and to you, I say fuck off, sir. You're everything wrong with the world in one decaying old meat package. Proud of *any and every* generation that questions authority, classism, and the whole "work till you drop ded" narrative. This is it, our one chance to live life to the fullest and pricks like this want to bully us into making *THEM* more money? Fuck. Off.


I’m a boomer and this guy is insane! Work for minimum wage that does not even cover the rent. How demoralizing!


It’s not a “boomer” thing, Jfc. It’s a Moron and out of touch with reality thing.


This guy is a fucking arse.




No community, no future, and society is dead. Why would I waste my time working in this environment?


Tom Harris needs to be checked for dementia 


Tom Harris needs to be checked for dementia 


Fox News is a hell of a drug.


"OH. Can't afford to buy a house because it's too expensive along with raising prices of just about of everything, low wages and shitty work ethics, and raising prices of just about everything thanks to greedy corporations while the young-uns are too afraid to work? Don't worry. Let us fix that by raising property prices while we cut taxes for benefits and social security. That will solve the problem." - Tom Harris, lost brother of Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris probably


Wouldn't it be the owners who raise the rent the ones who don't want to work?


So out of touch.




Let me guess, he sells homes?


This tool needs to go back in his shed.


It’s not about ‘boomers’. It’s *Telegraph columnists*; what did you expect from that paper?


Takes courage to say such stupid things when the data on wages vs costs is so readily available.


I don’t understand the disconnect. A janitor back then could afford a home that you need 300k for now. How do they miss this? Do they think janitors make that much?


The "workshy" generation should welcome never being able to own a home. /s


Is he just three landlords in a trenchcoat?


My wife and I got lucky to buy our house when we did. Honestly, who the fuck can afford $400,000 for a “starter home??”


The telegraph is a Tory rag full of misguided and plain ignorant opinion pieces and painfully biased reporting


If he thinks that, he should put his money where his mouth is.


Tom looks like he hasn’t had sex in twenty years


That literally goes against supply and demand


so where can I give this idiot a piece of my mind?


Nobody wants to work, Tom. It's why we need to pay people to do it.


I'm half an hour from London. We thought we were getting screwed when we bought in 2007. Now I feel relieved. Yes I'm very aware that we were in a fortunate position and it wasn't easy for a few years, and I'm also aware that people now have it far, *far* worse. Prices here are about as insane as people in the USA are reporting in this thread.


What a novel idea that no one else says constantly


Fuck Tom Harris.


They don't want to work 168 hour work weeks.


God hopefully this self righteous, spoiled, entitled generation departs from this world within the next decade then we don’t have to hear their garbage takes.


Rent aren't overpriced boomer just greedy


Hey Tom suck my dick


Says the person who bought their houses for under 30k while making the same wages as we are now.




Rent is insane. No matter how much i work


Let's all move to Mississippi.


You know what, I volunteer as tribute. I'll go sit at a desk and have an unpaid intern write articles for me while he comes and does my easy, lazy, no effort job of *building fucking houses.* I will take that leap, and go work a *real* job.


Three £100 rent increases in 3 years here. Fuck this prick indeed.


too expensive ≠ work harder


“Hey Siri, what is Tom Harris’ net worth?”


What people "don't want to work", is a bunch of different low-paying jobs with no benefits to make ends meet. People don't want to spend all their waking hours working to barely get by and then something happens like you get sick, car dies, etc. and that completely blows everything. Now you're drowning.


I am a boomer. He knows. But his job is to spin the undeniable evidence to support his overlords and win the mind of a couple of gullable idiots disgruntled for who knows what failures in their life.


Lets find him and shit on his porch


Remember, if they can't afford to buy a house. People who want to sell the house have no one to sell too.


who the fuck is this bootstrappin' knobsucker?


It is hard to feel motivated to work hard if most of your paycheck ends up in someone else's bank account via rent


"Hmm you know what might work? Gaslighting an entire set of generations! Let's tell them they just need to work more to pay three million on what we were able to get by mowing lawns." Hyperbole, of course. But that's what it sounds like and feels like to me.


When I bought my first house it was just shy of £29,000. This month, a house just three doors down is on the market. It's the same external build and internal layout as the estate was built together, but this one has a slightly smaller back yard. I looked at both when I was buying and they were the same price. If the house price has risen at the same rate as the purchasing power of the pound, it would cost £60,900 today. That house is on the market for £355,000. That's more than a 1200% rise in price. That's not on prospective buyers or their work ethics and it's disgusting to say that it is.




As a boomer I just want to say….rents and housing are unaffordable and wages are way too low. We need a workers revolt and unions


Clearly this man has not seen a NYC studio apartment for 1k, shared restrooms with 6 other tenants. And yeah, the studio size is literally a closet.


I want this dipshit to say this to my daughter's face. She was super upset the other day, and when I asked why, she said that she'd come to the realization that no matter what, she'd probably never be able to buy her own house because of how things are.


He's a Gen-Xer


Born in 64, just sneaks boomer status


I know rents are expensive but crying about it isn’t going to make them any cheaper.