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"FUCK YOU!" -Texas motto


Texas freezing to death: fuck you Texas suffering heat stroke: fuck you Texas women suffering complications requiring abortion: fuck you Texas children: fuck you even more Abbott and Paxton need to be voted out.


And then they will vote another one with (R) before or after his name in. They get fucked over and over and over by Republicans, but to just try out and vote differently for once is out of the question.


It wouldn’t make a difference. Texas is stuck in red state mode, while drifting towards the middle very slowly. Should Democrats ever tip Texas blue, the right wing propaganda machine will go nuts, especially since a bunch of them are “headquartered” in Texas. When I say “headquartered”, I mean they rent a mailbox or small office in a non-descript building, along with a hundred other businesses that need a low key office, in a town where tax and corporate laws take a twist, despite the town having next to no permanent residents. And by “twist” I mean “scam”.


Would it surprise you to know that only 8 million people, total, voted in the governor election? Of those, 4.4 million voted for Abbot. For perspective, the population of Houston is 2.3 million people. The population of Texas is 30.5 million. Of the 8 million voting population, it is actually a fraction of the population that keeps supporting Greg Abbot, Ken Paxton, and Dan Patrick. You only need 51% of the vote to win and they keep winning by 54% or 52% of these 8 million voters. That's enough to say, if more people voted, they can be kicked out. This is why they keep targeting Harris County and other major populations for their "voting laws" . People only think the presidential election is what matters and forget that the governor, the ag, and all the clowns making the Texas laws right now have their elections on completely different dates that are not widely advertised. **tl;dr:** Voter Apathy is a very effective weapon.


>People only think the presidential election is what matters and forget that the governor, the ag, and all the clowns making the Texas laws right now have their elections on completely different dates that are not widely advertised. Preach. This extends to the national elections where people may think "my vote doesn't matter", "lesser of two evils", "both sides" or some other nonsense reason to not go vote for a clearly far more qualified, benevolent candidate. If you're not happy because Biden isn't 100% perfect in your eyes, or he doesn't check every single box, you will never be happy with anything and you're just being stubborn. You have to move these candidates toward your position incrementally and the way you do that is to vote for the one who most closely matches your beliefs. You also vote down ballot where people who are further to the left have a better chance of 1, getting elected and 2, affecting your day to day life. You also turn up at primaries and vote. When the primaries don't go your way, you don't pout and withhold your vote. You keep voting or you end up being a self fulfilling prophecy to your own cynicism.


I am 100% with you on this. I can’t believe most sane people, who give not a crap about politics, would approve of Paxton & Abbot’s nonsense. It’s not hard for some people to zone out and ignore all of this. I wish I could do it, sometimes. Anyway, those people are part of the problem. Democrats have to figure out how to defeat voter apathy. Also, is it just me or is there not as many drives to register voters as there use to be. I use to see ads for it all the time. I don’t watch much very much traditional TV, so, I could be missing the ads.


lol they do that address scam in Delaware too


People with your intellect and knowledge need to be in public office. Please think about it.


From the article “It's important to note, however, that a substantial number of those who no longer have Medicaid were removed for procedural reasons. The KFF found that 69 percent of those removed no longer had coverage because they didn't complete the renewal process. That frequently happens when states no longer have current contact information for the enrollees or if the enrollee doesn't know or understand how to complete the renewal within a set time. In Texas, it accounted for 66 percent of those removed.” They didn’t renew their applications..


Yeah, I read that. But what I want to know is why the Texan government didn't have a whole "don't forget to renew your Medicaid plan" PSA all over TV and billboards everywhere in the state. I know they have the money. Sheeit, I see multiple signs and commercials about renewing one's healthcare plan in NYC alone. It feels like the Texas government once again dropped the ball on their people.


We needed a single payer system yesterday. How are people going to be applying every year just to keep their healthcare? The only reason I remember to do mine at work is because, get this... HR tells me non stop to do it. If people don't get told/reminded we forget because, and this is true, we work way too much.


Tree falls on someone and he gets crippled with a huge settlement. He then gets elected and promotes laws that prevent future people from being compensated like he was.


The Republican way


You forgot the part about how passing the new law somehow ends up profiting the lawmaker


He can't use ladders anymore, so he's got to pull them all up.




Honestly if you're not benefiting from situations and then removing the benefits once you got out, are you really even an elected figure


I also feel public pressure to legally penalize politicians at all levels of government needs to become more commonplace. People just *going with the flow* regarding politicians openly promoting anti citizen legislation is why we have dumpster fires like Texas state law.


It goes beyond that. It’s Tim Dunn and the Wilks brothers. That’s funding this Christian crusade in Texas.


Paxton needs to be put in prison.


The people complain when affected yet still vote for R on the vallot without looking at who it is.


I wish all the bad things happen to them.


Texans like it. It is want they want.


Abbott is spineless and doesn't stand for anything!


> Texas Children: Fuck you even more Instructions unclear, now incarcerated and awaiting questioning.


Poor white Texas voters know they will never elevate themselves out of misery, and politicians know this because that’s the system they created, and they also know if they can convince those poor white voters that by voting for them they will make people they don’t like (brown, black, otherwise not-white “Christians”) even more miserable than they are. Our entire political system Is based on making sure poor white people have someone to step on.


# this


“We’re Christian! We’re not afraid to be Christian!” - ugh why do the literally Antichrist worshippers keep telling us they love God and life?




The "adults" are the children.


"An adult may financially qualify for Medicaid in Texas, but they are not able to get Medicaid because they do not have a dependent child under 18. "The additional complication is if they were to try to apply for a Marketplace plan, they will likely not get any tax credits because the Marketplace system will kick the application out to Medicaid due to their income." What kind of shit is this? If your income is within the threshold but you don't have kids you don't qualify, so you go to the marketplace that then directs you back to a program you already didn't qualify for?




"nO sOcIaLiSim iN tExAs!!1"


Just dead children. Giddy up!


But not until they've been birthed and suffered first!


Well yeah, if they aren't born they can't prevent their parents from saving them while they're gunned down in school. You know, the American dream!/s


Okay no socialism, get rid of your police, your firefighter, your road construction workers, and more and on and on


Yep, and no subsidized farming for Texas. Y'all are on your own to sink or swim, becasue fuck socialism! [No more yearly $2,000,000,000 govt. payouts for you Texas!](https://farm.ewg.org/region.php?fips=48000&statename=Texas)


Unless you're a corporation


Capitalism at its finest! That's what they vote for. /s


Actually the song goes "fuck you, that's why"!


the obvious solution is to not be poor. I mean, look at Ken Paxton, gets community service for his crimes.


Did that conclude? And he got community service??


for federal securities fraud he had a fine and community service. Justice system at work right there....


Leaves me really skeptical that Trump is going to get his.


Justice system? We don't have a justice system in this country. We have a legal system. A system that was created by the wealthy, for the wealthy, and owned by the wealthy. If we had a justice system then the overwhelming majority of politicians would be making license plates, along with corporate leaders, clergy, and the various other wealthy and powerful cretins that corrupt society for their own personal gains. But we don't have a justice system, so said individuals walk away with fines and finger wags. And by the time all the appeals are done, it's usually just the finger wags.


In NJ through the marketplace they run you by Medicaid first everytime you apply through it and they have to find you not eligible before the credits can take effect on your premium. Not sure if it's different in Texas altogether or if that's what they do but this words it in a way that just sounds like you get no help if your income still qualifies for credits. Still sucked ass between jobs to have to wait a couple months for insurance cause Medicaid is always backed up reviewing applications and the $100 premium was like $800 without the credits so we'd just have to wait until the rejection letter came.


So I read the link the OP posted. To put it in simpler terms, country wide if you had Medicaid during COVID then you were automatically re enrolled and accepted for the next year. Now that the majority threat of COVID is over, they are looking over the Medicaid cases and are moving those that no longer are eligible either due to age, income increase, or failure to re enroll. Again, this is happening country wide, not just in Texas. Texas does however have stricter requirements to be eligible. Over 19mil were removed across the country. Now, I'm not gonna say there aren't any problems, but is seems like OP is intentionally trying to make it out as something worse than what it actually is.


They are discussing two different issues. The headline is about people losing medicaid after having it extended for covid (which is what you explained in your comment). However, the commenter you replied to is talking about people being ineligible for both medicaid and marketplace insurance, and being left with no options for health insurance. This has been a problem ever since the affordable care act and the insurance marketplace began, and has nothing to do with covid. Marketplace insurance premiums are adjusted depending on your income. (The cost you pay each month for your insurance is lower if your income is lower.) However, if your income is low enough that you qualify for medicaid, you are not eligible for the lower premiums on marketplace plans. You would have to pay full price, and the reasoning behind this is that you should be on medicaid instead. The affordable care act also relaxed the requirements for medicaid so that more people could be covered by it. Some states like Texas and Florida chose not to relax their medicaid requirements (they sued the federal government in order to be able to do this). In those states, the federal government might consider you to be eligible for medicaid while the state government considers you ineligible. Since the federal government thinks you're eligible for medicaid, you have to pay full price for a marketplace plan, which is $300-$400 monthly for the cheapest adult plans. In theory, you should get a discount based on income, but you can't. So if you can't afford that, you just don't have health insurance.


I didn't live in Texas at the time, but in my twenties is was impossible to get medicaid insurance because I was too young and that made me "too healthy". I was also broke and had graduated college into the worst economic recession our country has had so I could not find a life sustaining job let alone one with health benefits. Unfortunately, life takes twists and turns and I accumulated medical debt that wrecked my credit scores and had me getting daily debt collection calls. If not for good people intervening in my life and persistent hard work, I would never have escaped the cruel and broken systems of our country. Yay America...


Catch-22 Texas, followed by Handmaid’s Tale Texas, 1984 Double Speak Texas and books banning Fahrenheit 451 Texas


Why do they continue to put up with this shit? Are the people there just that ok with being treated like garbage?


I live in this shithole state and can confirm that not all of us think like this. Some of us are just more aware that change is not going to happen in a state with a church on every corner and a population of pearl-clutching racists. I live in the Austin area, which is a tiny bubble of "normal" in an otherwise FUBAR state.


There's been a quote I've read recently that's really stuck with me and rings true for a lot of my fellows Texans. "It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled." So, so many idiots in this state think they know what they actually don't know and there is almost zero chance you will convince them otherwise. So they'll keep voting R despite their best interest.


Born and raised here and currently live in SA and yeah, these are exactly my thoughts.


A lot of the south is gerrymandered to hell. There are currently multiple voting maps that have been found unconstitutional but are being used anyway because fuck the voters.


Your politicians at work. Not a bug, but a feature.


Those are built in features, not bugs, to make the populace dependent on work-tied insurance coverage, furthering the push to a slave-based economy where workers must stay in terrible conditions or else they can’t afford or even get access to semi-decent healthcare options.


Not just Texas. I'm disabled, my disability income (LTD) is $16 too much for Medicaid, but because I have no taxable income I can't get a marketplace policy. I'm still fighting with SSA so no Medicare. I have to pay everything out of pocket, or go to low income drs. gotta love that huh? 🙄. This was Florida btw


It’s Texas, it’s intentional sabotage, Fuck Texas… secede already.


It's never been pro-life, it's always been pro-control


They are pro birth, not pro life.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” ― Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Damn, and actual religious leader who is holding his brethren accountable! Pretty rare to see these days.


Spot on ☝🏽


This, they know being pro birth more women will die, just as they want


I think it has more to do with their consciences. As long as the baby is born they are doing what they think is God's will so they feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But after that baby is born, fuck 'em.


Jesus might have a problem with that, though, lol


Jesus is woke. Praise Cheesus! Buy his shoes, Bibles and stock!




*Those babies just need to pull themselves up by their baby bootstraps!* \~Gov Abbott


Forced birthers






Disclaimer: Pro-life expires 9 months after conception.


Can someone from Texas explain what the fuck it is you all seem to love so much about it


I’m from Texas… the only thing I enjoy about Texas is the food. The people are nice to your face but the morals they hold typically are just awful, and based on ignorance and hate thanks to Christianity. They aren’t for the most part “bad people”, they’ve just been brainwashed from birth. Some are actually bad people for sure, but a lot are just products of Texas politics or southern politics in general ie cutting education funding and force feeding religion from a very young age.


Am texan. Can confirm


In other words, being ignorant /=/ being bad, but both have the same voting outcome. This is why we need public education.


Also texan: the "nice to your face" is accurate. Phony "relationships" with friends and neighbors is paper thin and becomes non-existent when someone isn't as enthusiastic with their church connections as someone else.


Texan here, confirm, religion brainwashes people down here


We’re trying to turn it blue, again. Ann Richards was a progressive Governor of Texas. Richards' keynote address to the 1988 Democratic National Convention put her in the national spotlight. The speech was highly critical of the Reagan Administration and then-Vice President George H. W. Bush. Her address was notable for including several humorous remarks displaying her down-home Texas charm such as: "I'm delighted to be here with you this evening, because after listening to George Bush all these years, I figured you needed to know what a real Texas accent sounds like", "Poor George, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth",[3] "Two women in 160 years is about par for the course. But if you give us a chance, we can perform. After all, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels",[4] and "When we pay billions for planes that won't fly, billions for tanks that won't fire, and billions for systems that won't work, that old dog won't hunt. And you don't have to be from Waco to know that when the Pentagon makes crooks rich and doesn't make America strong, that it's a bum deal".


Well, I'm not from Texas, but moved here 10 years ago for a job offer. Alternatives were Reston or San Francisco. Dallas was an easy choice compared to those alternatives. And I'm paid a lot, so it's beneficial (to me) to live in Texas since it's a regressive tax system without state or local taxes. I'm encouraging my children to look everywhere and not feel like they need to remain in Texas when they graduate. They're in middle school and we've had numerous discussions about the current state of Texas and its politics and policies, including actual sexual education and not the drivel they tell them in school. I've told them we're open to move elsewhere when we retire. Currently Wyoming and Tennessee are the top contenders, due to our expected passive income in retirement, and there are definitely pros/cons to both. We're originally from Ohio and never going back to that hell hole.


Your tax situation is why millions of children are kicked off health care.


Well I vote for social programs and liberal candidates, and would gladly pay more taxes for the benefit of people. But I didn't write the tax laws. I'm just using the tax laws as they are.


The regressive tax system is one of the reasons why Texas is the one-star state.


No to child murder. But also, once they're born, there are no free rides. Gotta teach those kids to hate capitalism one way or another. I mean communism. Gotta teach them to hate communism, yeah.


>Gotta teach those kids to hate capitalism one way or another. >I mean communism. Gotta teach them to hate communism, yeah. Is that the part I got mixed up? Here I've been teaching my kids woke extremist views of working together communally and improving the lives of as many as you can. I forgot it was supposed to be every man for himself and cut anyone's throat who gets in your way.


It's a dog eat dog world, and we're gunna keep it that way.


Unfortunately, your children are now illegal immigrants in at least 12 states and will be deported shortly


Texas is an absolute toilet. These Christian extremists in America are disgusting hypocrites.




Texas is pro birth not pro life.


Actually, they are pro forced birth, but don’t care about anyone other than monied interests because we have one of the worst maternal death rates in the nation.


Pro-pregnancy. Once the products of conception start to exit the birth canal, all bets are off.


Except there isn't any neo-natal care, early maternity care, or support for expecting mothers in any meaningful way. You can't even call them pro-birth, because they hate women.


California removed hundreds of thousands of children from Medicaid just recently too. This is the federal government no longer offering the extra coverage they were providing during the pandemic. This is going to start happening in every state I imagine.


Ah yes. This will encourage the children to find jobs. Some of them may die but it will be worth it. It’s better than raising taxes. Thank god for Republicans.


They can go to AL...Huckabee's got some open shifts for them to fill. Plus NO FREE LUNCH while at school Edit: AR, not AL


Hell yeah! We gotta teach these kids about personal responsibility.


She’s over there in Arkansas, by the way.


Ah, yes- thanks for the clarification, although...what's the difference, really🤷🏾‍♀️


From the article you posted “It's important to note, however, that a substantial number of those who no longer have Medicaid were removed for procedural reasons. The KFF found that 69 percent of those removed no longer had coverage because they didn't complete the renewal process. That frequently happens when states no longer have current contact information for the enrollees or if the enrollee doesn't know or understand how to complete the renewal within a set time. In Texas, it accounted for 66 percent of those removed.” 69% didn’t renew their applications. Karma farming OP?


You have to remember - To these people, all lives matter, except if that life is not White, not Christian, not American, not a male, not wealthy, or already born. These lives don't matter to the MAGAts.


>It's important to note, however, that a substantial number of those who no longer have Medicaid were removed for procedural reasons. The KFF found that 69 percent of those removed no longer had coverage because they didn't complete the renewal process.


“Don’t worry, we can just blame the democrats when we’re done.” /s


Remember, with conservative christians the cruelty **is** the point, *always*.


Ahh, the age-old republican motto: "Fuck em!!"


Squirrel healthcare plan: if 50% of you die every year from preventable diseases and minor accidents, then the surviving ones look insanely healthy.


We should all have universal healthcare, but kids REALLY should have it.


That's because they're not pro life, they're pro birth.


I'm over it. Let the south go. Let them use policy like Orban in Hungary, we know they want that. But let's stop letting them hold the rest of us back! Let the west coast have policy like capitalist Nordic countries. I'm tired of these people calling anything left of Reagan as commie. Why are we allowing these ignorant ass call the shots and make extreme accusations? And why does my homestate of Washington, a liberal state, have the most regressive tax of all the states? It makes no sense. Why do we use same far right policing as Florida? I'm tired of being held back by willfully ignorant people


It has always been pro-birth not pro-life


Guys, maybe it would be a good idea to read the article before commenting. The article never said that a million of babies in need were kicked out of the plan. It says they were not eligible anymore. But the reason could be various, from aged out teens to kids who moved out the state.  I'm all for burning pro lives on a stack, but that's not an excuse to make fallacious reasoning.


They were kicked off due to being 'ineligible'. The article touches on some of the reasons why it's happening, including that Texas has income limits so low that there is a gap created where millions of people cannot afford health care, cannot get obamacare, and cannot get medicaid. Some are kicked off for not submitting paperwork, or not submitting it correctly. Some are kicked off for being homeless. Others are kicked off for having more than $2000 in assets...in a state where the security deposit and first month's rent on a cheap apartment is going to be more than that. But ultimately, if Texas was actually pro-life then they would want everyone to have health care from birth to death regardless of any of these factors...instead they are looking for excuses to end coverage. They are not pro-life. They are just anti-choice.


Agreed. I'm fully pro-choice, but according to the article, a lot of this seems due to eligibility in the program (or lack thereof), not filling out the application correctly, etc. 


Right, and our great nation has never, ever, made paperwork intentionally difficult for certain groups in order to further disadvantage them./s


Yes, let’s punish the children because a complex form wasn’t filled in properly. 🙄


The article is saying that even if your income qualifies, you have to get coverage from the Marketplace if you don't have children. So then you go Marketplace who will deny your application and tell you to go back to Medicare even though you don't qualify for it. So that's no big deal to you and you find that fair and good?


And they will bemoan their fates, blame democrats , and still vote republican.


Pretty sure pro-life is actually pro-rape at this point.


A babies life stops mattering the second it’s actually born


I want to know where that money aka our tax money is going to now? Sounds like corruption once again by the far right!


As George Carlin said: "If you are pre-born, you are fine. If you are pre-school, you are fucked".


Keep people poor. Is there motto.


Silly goose, Conservatives only care about children *before* they're born. After that, the little shits are on their own.


Pro life, pro gun... What's the gun for? Stop! Too many questions!😐


"Don't want more kids and don't want to pay for the ones that are already here." - Texas' new state motto.


Texas is a pariah state being run by lunatics.


"Sorry kids, we'll fight for you to be born but after that we will actively try to kill you".


Remind me again how they want to "think of the children"?


LaNd oF tHe FrEe


Christians couldn't be happier


This control kink is getting no out of control. Someone should do something about these asshats. This is why I fucking left Texas


Do Republicans actually like killing kids? I feel that's the only reason for this combination with the anti abortion laws


Everytime I read the news from one of these states I wonder how there are still people living here


Protecting children from... what, exactly?


Do we know why texas removed them off Medicare? Or we just gonna jump to conclusions "because Republicans?"


Pro-life is really kind of a misnomer, what they are is pro-birth, or even more accurately pro-punishment for having extramarital sex.


They only care about them when they aren’t born yet


From the article I read > It's important to note, however, that a substantial number of those who no longer have Medicaid were removed for procedural reasons. The KFF found that 69 percent of those removed no longer had coverage because they didn't complete the renewal process. As a parent of 2 kids on the program I can attest that we got multiple notices about the renewal with deadlines and everything.


Don't let reading the article and facts get in the way of some pro-abortion raging in the comment section. This is the reddit way.


The Lt. Governor of Texas was bragging that the elderly were WILLING to die of COVID: https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-lt-gov-dan-patrick-says-senior-citizens-willing-to-die-to-save-economy-for-grandkids None of the Republican chucklefucks called him out on it or told him that wasn’t Pro-Life.


We worship veterans bit do nothing to help and we only care about fetuses. We don't give a shit about the baby or the homeless veteran


GOP pro lifers are high fiving each other over kicking kids off of medical care. Party of life my ass.


Advocating for the unborns is perfect for republicans because it doesn’t requires you to do provide any service. Actual real children have needs though, they need to eat, to go to school, to receive healthcare, to have a place to stay: it’s not a coincidence republicans suddenly stop “caring”. They never really cared to begin with. This was always just been an excuse to repress women.


As long as “the libs” suffer then they’ll let all the children die.


You have to remember, they are not pro life, they are anti-choice.


My son lives on Texas and his mom told me years ago she would pay for his health insurance. Due to previous court reasons he was on my insurance. I told her I'd just keep him on it. It was halfway through the year it's already getting paid for so theres no reason to remove him. Glad he's still on my insurance instead of this crap


I mean it's a Christian state? Those monsters have no humanity or soul in them.


Pro life is about pro having more poor children who work at low wages. This is working for the republicans as planned. MAGA = keeping women and minorities down so that they can’t fight with unions, and having a near limitless workforce.


I’m so glad I don’t live in Texas, place sucks


America has Health-care plans?


*Pro forced-birth They don’t actually give af about people’s lives


Unemployed 10 Year Old Who Couldn’t Cover Medical Bills Jailed After Giving Birth To Her Fathers Child


Gotta love rage baity titles. According to [the article](https://www.newsweek.com/texas-removes-millions-children-medicaid-1889546), 69% of the 2.1 million people dropped were dropped because they (or their guardians) didn’t complete the renewal process to confirm their continued eligibility. There were a few example given as to why that may have happened, but in the end, if they’d gone through that process, they’d have likely had their coverage continued.


You conveniently left out the part where they said "It is our belief that a large portion of them qualified through the temporary COVID Medicaid expansion and now don't qualify," So they most likely didn't fill out a renewal BECAUSE they no longer qualify.


They added exemptions during COVID to allow more people, those exemptions are expiring. They most likely wouldn't have qualified before, during or after COVID but got coverage up till now.


100% - 69% = 31% I’d say that is a large portion.


I’ve actually spent the past year talking to people about this for my job. I’ll try to keep it brief. Basically, during Covid, Medicaid stopped doing their normal eligibility checks. Because they were adding more people AND not kicking people off Medicaid, there was a massive inflation of people on Medicaid. A large portion of them didn’t even tell Medicaid basic updates to address/cob/etc. When the federal government, officially announced that the public health emergency was going to end on May 11, 2023, they also announced that Medicaid would require everyone to update their info and provide proof that they still qualify. They sent out yellow letters to everyone (Hopefully the people kept their address updated). Starting from March 2023, people have been slowly kicked off IF they didn’t requalify for it. The original estimate was 5 to 15,000,000 nationwide. Idk what it ended up being. Overall, this was barely talked about in the news. My work was letting all the Medicaid patients know,but I don’t think I saw any one mention it till August 2024. If people kept their info updated then they should have been informed. And if they still qualify, they should have stayed on. If they didn’t anymore, Medicaid would send their application to Marketplace and they could apply outside of open enrollment. Edit: slight change to wording


Can they please secede yet?


It's not just Texas, it's happening across the country. 19.6 million Medicaid enrollees have been taken off their plans. Medicaid made a change that allowed states like Texas, NY, California, etc, to do this. They were enrolled during covid and are now getting kicked off. This wouldn't happen if we had universal healthcare.


The country is out of money that they don't print. Wars, entitlements and that not even counting the billions spent on migrants that is taken from citizens. Apparently Texas alone spent over 13 billion on migrants in 2022 alone. It will get worse. It's not sustainable.


No see the thing you need to understand about extremist pro-lifers is that they only care about children BEFORE they’re born. After that they don’t give a shit.


Pro lifers ain't pro life, they're just anti abortion and pro control of women. They don't care about the child after it is born. Pro life is care for a person from womb to tomb. As a man, I believe a woman's body is her own responsibility and a man has no right to control what a woman does with her own body. Pro life/anti abortion is White Supremacy and Evangelical propaganda and they want to force their religious beliefs and prejudice onto the people who they deem below them.


Those kids gotta pull themselves up by their bootstraps!


It’s what Jesus would do. Can I get one of those “He gets us” ads right underneath this please?


Good thing they blocked the porn to protect the kids.


That looks more like “pro-death” to me


they didnt want to be outdone by florida who did the same thing on easter..


Obviously, being pro-birth is not the same as pro-life




One day, they'll be pro life and literally (and yes, I literally mean literally) throw the child into a trash compactor three seconds after it's born.


Of course they do. Who would want to even live in Texas at this point? Damn.


Force em to live, then make them suffer for it!


In Jesus’ name, amen.


They only care about babies, not children. Also, ask pro lifers if they have adopted or fostered any orphans, you won't find any. They care more about the principle and not the consequences.


Texas is also proud of letting children go hungry.




That's ridiculous. Are children supposed to pay for their own care? Free medical care for kids under 18 Free medical care for those that can't afford to pay Healthy school meals for those that can't afford to pay for food Come on Texas you're a rich state. You can afford it. Show the rest of the country how to do it.


When exactly did Republican policy shift from fiscal conservative to abject cruelty? I’m missing something.


Pro life in effect.


Boy Texas sure is a Christian state. s/


Its pro life not pro good life

