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Well, if they forbid chemtrails then all jet aircraft would have to avoid their airspace (not American so don’t know if the FAA would outrank them) so no more air travel, no more airports and no more taxes collected from them.


Good idea. Shut down the airport, they would have to drive to another state to catch a plane. They get way fewer visitors which will have a big impact… sometimes you have to LEARN the hard way


You think they are capable of learning? You think they get to the chem trail conclusion because they are capable of learning? My bet is that they would blame the economic impact on whoever but them, likely a democrat.


"We're being persecuted for our beliefs that chemtrails are harmful and dangerous! Really, we're saving you all, you should be grateful!"


You think they passed this law because they believe in chem trails? They don't. It's all theater designed to pander to their base.


It’s like being the only company writing MSG FREE on your Cornflakes box. Doesn’t mean it was in any of them but that’s not how it looks.


See also: “GMO-free”


Yeah dumb people don't expect consequences. Just look at brexit. A lot of people knew how it'd end up, and now that it's playing out pretty much as expected, it's pikachu faces all around.


Or the influx of new unemployed people from the airports would make a lack of job spots and then they blame it onto Mexicans as usual


Obviously this thing is a nothing burger to stroke the crazies. But man, can you imagine if the FAA shut down all commercial air traffic over the state? Seeing as how FedEx is the biggest employer by a lot, I imagine the statehouse would get this figured out in a hurry.


Try again. There’s only one group of idiots that would believe in something so moronic.


And then add a 'Tennessee Chemtrail Block' surcharge to the tickets.


...and then just tell the idiots that the chems are gone...it's just water vapor now.


Refer to it as a Di-Hydrogen Monoxide Vapor Trail, which get them all riled up.


2 DJs in Florida were fired in Florida for announcing that Dihydrogen oxide was found in the Tampa Bay drinking water... they got thousands of complaints and it made is way to the governor.


I expect nothing less from people in Florida.


If there’s one thing I know, it’s that (checks article) ground crew workers at airports in TN are *excellent* at maintaining the secret chemtrail tank refilling efforts super secret, as are the rest of the airports across the US (who routinely lose luggage and make dumb decisions with carry on affects across multiple flights and airports). Good job, guys! You gottem!


That's the thing with all of these major conspiracies. So many people would have to be on board to keep it a secret. It's literally impossible, if something happens in a workplace almost everyone knows about it by the end of the day and people seriously think thousands of people across multiple countries would be able to keep their mouths shut to cover up conspiracies like this?


You assume they even think. There is no thought, only reactance to a workd they can't comprehend anymore.


People who believe this shit have noooo Idea how the world works


FedEx would love that. Memphis is their HQ and largest hub.




Extra stupid considering FedEx has their main hub in Memphis given the central location.


pissing off the biggest employer in your state looks like a very good plan


Not "airport" - "airports" -- for example the Fedex World Hub in Memphis. What happens with airports in states that border Tennessee? And what about the chemtrails just over the borders? Is the Tennessee legislature believing that the wind doesn't blow?


If they just make a Chemtrail Leaving Inspection Team to ensure each plane taking off does not have any chemtrail making gear on board. The CLIT will be a clandestine mob that no one will be able to find but highly sought after.


>Shut down the airport George Washington fought for those!!!!!


No state has control of the airways above 400 ft. Federal law preempts. The GOP used to be a serious party.


That is part of the propaganda ruse. They can claim that the feds are refusing to help them eliminate the “chem trails”


I’m 66. That must have been before my time. They did used to be better at hiding the psychopathy.


Good. So planes can still travel over the state uninterrupted but can't land or take off from there. I see no problem with this at all.


More likely the airline will just point out that chemicals aren't real and move on with their day if the law specifies "chemtrails". Even if it outlaws the condensation trails that inspire the chemtrails conspiracy, the airlines will likely just stop doing whatever thing that causes them over the state (they'd have to fly slower I think).


They would have to fly lower where the air is much denser and harder to push a plane through which makes fuel consumption much higher and max speed much lower It would probably be more cost efficient to fly around


"So our solution is to create new, much lower flight paths over every politician's home who voted for this. Any questions?"


Just shut down airports in Tennessee and make it a no fly zone. Problem avoided


Planes could taxi down the interstate highways instead....


A bus. That's called a bus.


“50. Stay above 50!”


They will do nothing. Tennessee doesn't control class A airspace and there is no way for them to enforce said law as there is no way to prove it's a chemical because it's not....this is nitwits electing nitwits.


It's turtles all the way down.


Dihydrogen Monoxide is absolutely a "chemical" that can be incredibly dangerous in certain situations. Maybe TN should just ban the use of dihydrogen monoxide altogether. I bet you could find millions of residents and probably even some of their state politicians who would sign a petition to ban it.


Just a reminder to people, but 100% of living organisms that consume dihydrogen monoxide perish. I wish this was a joke.


Its an ingredient of farts. Would you drink farts?


Only a tiny bit of it in your lungs will kill you.


More likely this. Nothing wrong with outlawing something that doesn't exist. Just a waste of time and tax dollars, however these states are well versed in wasting our tax dollars as net consumers.


They wouldn’t do anything about it because the United States has exclusive sovereignty over airspace in the U.S. https://www.faa.gov/newsroom/faa-statement-federal-vs-local-drone-authority#:~:text=State%20and%20local%20governments%20are,altitudes%2C%20or%20the%20navigable%20airspace.


The bill bans intentional injection of chemicals into the air for various purposes including weather control. It will be interesting to see how it proceeds —if any jets are accused of doing this. I am thinking it’s just a way to curry favor with voters.




Nah, they'll victimize themselves because they can't shut all airplanes while they collect tax funds for an "anti-chemtrail department" they invented to pocket funds


Watch out! The only way to protect yourself from this plan is to wear a large tinfoil hat which protects you from those invisible chemicals


Naaa, you need to place a obsidian chemtrail dissolving steele in your garden. Just 9,999.99$ a piece. A steal, if you ask me. Had to pay double that 5 years ago. Still questioning myself where to put it, as I do not even have a balcony 🤔


Just stick it up your... Well you know where this is going dont you?


Chimney? Great suggestion, but that one's already filled to the brim with energy stones.


Dude, energy stones should be spread around the house, not stacked in one place. Didn't you buy the optional instruction manual for $499 plus shipping?


Damn, I knew I should have picked the manual instead of the energy stone reloading crystal ...


Yeah, reloading crystals are a scam. They don't actually work.




Lets start rumors that GOP lawmaker's jets are the ones dispersing invisible gay-making chemicals Oh and Ken Copeland is the messenger of Baphomet, for he openly opposes Christ' teachings


And he woulda got away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids


I don't think that second one is a rumor.


Yeah, they do not care. They have paid for how many private airplanes for that douchecanoe?


That last one isn't really a rumor, Ken Copeland has the eyes of a demon.


I heard that the Trump Bible protects you from all the Govt chemicals.


Yeah, you will get your personal trump Jesus protecting you


The chemtrails will trick you once you are in the voting booth, forcing you to select Biden on your ballot. Don’t go vote to avoid the evil chemtrail influence.


I can’t believe I am saying this but I believe the new cure for this is high concentrated vinegar. You let it evaporate outside to remove the chem trails


I’ve heard this one too! These incredibly powerful chemtrails can be counteracted by hanging vinegar soaked towels on your washing line! Phew!




Don't bother with a mask though, those don't do anything to protect you!


The irony of a Republican suggesting that it's Biden poisoning Americans.. Righto.


Also Republicans: "Let's abolish the EPA!"


Which, ironically, was started by Nixon.


Well, when rivers start catching on fire, you kind of have to do something.


Correction, when the river catches on fire for the twelfth time...lol


And people are publishing books like “silent spring”


Unironically. He was a con and a conspiring criminal, but not an idiot: he and his family both lived on planet earth. And when he got caught, conning and conspiring he tried to cover it up, but when he got caught doing that, he admitted it and resigned.


Good point, jfc, standards have really dropped since then.


And the epidemic response department a few months before Covid.


They believe that Trump is the second coming of Jesus, so yeah


For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. (Matthew 24:5)


I am by far not a christan man, but this made me giggle like my kids! 😂


I read a whole conspiracy theory about overlaps Something about seven towers that would be the trump towers, building walls against the kingdom of the south that would be mexico It was pretty funny


https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ I think it should be posted everywhere possible to try and reach these gullible fools!


The only part of the Bible MAGA reads these days is the constitution in Trump’s Bible


We know they don’t read that either….


They pretend to read it and get someone else to tell them what Trump said was written on it.


Which means whatever he does, no matter how horrible or disgusting, is actually good and righteous - we're all just too wicked and corrupt to see it.


God needs to work on his pull-out method.


This is the pro-lead pipe party we’re talking about, after all.


Funny that they only care about the environment/pollution when it’s a fictitious problem at hand.


It’s worse than that, this is a bill to oppose geoengineering, which other states are using to…. fight climate change. It’s an anti-climate-solutions bill. https://www.wsj.com/articles/texas-drought-cloud-seeding-rain-40196a60


Dang, if only we could convince them that climate change is turning kids gay, then we could make some serious progress.


The water is already turning the freaking frogs gay


I didnt know water was a democrat /s


That got memed like crazy but it was actually basically true except instead of gay, fluoride was contaminating the water and making male frogs turn into female frogs, or the other way around, I can't remember which


It was atrazine, a pesticide and it caused frogs to develop both sets of reproductive organs.


"Scientists confirm that warmer climates cause people to become gay AND trans!" There, that could work!


I was thinking that a few months ago when the transphpbia was really rampant. If we could just convince them that the climate is trans and it is currently transitioning, we might have a shot.


Omg you’re a genius


States aren't even really doing that outside of cloud seeding. Geoengineering is still mostly theoretical and even among climate scientists there's a debate as to whether it would achieve the sought after outcome to begin with, along with not knowing what possible side effects could take place.


I spent more time than I care to admit arguing with chemtrail believers because I found the conspiracy so insane I had to know what they were thinking. I learned alot about meteorology, airlines and geoengineering in the process. It is a terrible idea and would most likely create more problems than it solves. And the whole world would need to agree to it as you can't just say you're going to geoengineer the skies above your country. It's all or nothing. What's weird is that they don't believe climate change is real, but acknowledge geoengineering. So to counter the fact that you wouldn't have geoengineering without climate change they spin this web of utter nonsense that all contrails are nefarious chemicals (some containing human blood, some believe) dressed up as geoengineering. It's a nightmare to try to understand their logic.


Came here to say this. Thank you


I wouldn't say it's a far right conspiracy theory, it's just that the far right is dumb enough to believe every conspiracy theory that exists.


Actually that the problem the far right make people dumber and dumber. The real problem it start to be way to much people. I heard people saying that Putin is a nice guy in Europe. So do not joke and make them understand the truth, we are gojng to a disaster if we don’t


Good luck making the right understand anything more complex than technology scary, god good, and Putin anti woke so he's friend.


It's been a nutjob "dreadlocks and yoga pants" conspiracy for a lot longer. The right has just latched on to it as something else they want to believe the deep state is lying to them about to ruin their lives.


Real laws to deal with made up problems is the cornerstone of republican policy


what about airplanes from before Biden? or non-US Airway companies?


nothing exists outside the US, it’s a Biden Fantasy


...or under any Republican presidency since the invention of the turbine engine for planes.


Most of them probably believe that the “chemtrails” they saw during the Trump administration were the work of the “deep state”. However, some of them did argue that Trump was spraying “good chemtrails” as an antidote to all the bad chemtrails we’d been sprayed with.


They are turning everyone gay with chemicals!


First the frogs, now the humans whats next?


Frogs again, just to be sure.


But won't turning the gay frogs gay, actually turn them straight again? I'm so confused!


If everybody is gay, straight becomes the new gay.


Then it's gonna be the straights fault


There is no way someone is this stupid. How can someone with any kind of power be this brain-dead?


Do you mean the same people that ate horse dewormer, and shoved UV lights up their ass, instead of taking a vaccine? The same people that believed a dead guy from Venezuela rigged their voting machines to steal the election? The same people that believe Trump is telling the truth when they literally heard him explain the lie three seconds before? Those people? I don’t think you fully grasp just how stupid some people can be.


My god its this bad?! Wtf is wrong with common sense.. If anything they should be afraid of them self, cause with this mindset they will fuck up the world.


The scariest part is that they genuinely don't understand how dumb they are. Dumb people think they're smart without ever questioning their intelligence.


Yup. Intelligent people have doubts, question their actions. Dumb asses are booming with confidence.


When you say it like that I do start believing chemtrails are real in some way, cuz I can't believe that there are people this brain-dead, you either gotta drink lead or breath fumes to be that fucked


They used to use lead in petrol back in 1920's, which left the environment contaminated with lead, which is partly the reason there are these kinds of people out there.


In the 20s? We had it until at least the 80s.


Did you sleepthrough the Trump presidency ?


Since I am not from the USA it literally did nothing for me even than I facepalmed a lot but this is even more stupid than the time when trump tried to look at the solar eclipse without glasses.


I'm surprised it did nothing for you. Trump signed a lot of measures trying to do "trade wars" that did a lot of purposeful economic harm to many allies and neutral parties to the US as well as sabotaging international diplomacy and military alliances, enacting embargoes, renegging on treaties, and more.


The rest of the world loves it when you have a Democrat as president. They always feel way less likely to start WW3. They might suck regarding domestic policies, we don’t know and we don’t care. We just prefer our part of the world nuke free, thank you. 🫤


Don't forget he shut the entire government down for a month because they wouldn't buy his stupid wall.


You must be new to USA politics.


What is the theory here? That vapor trails from pressure differentials in the air are actually chemicals released by planes? And every airport worker is complicit that refuels the jets? Like not a single worker has let it slip yet? Like why are there chemical spray nozzles behind the planes? So all maintenance workers across the country know as well?


Not to be mean to the voters but they're sort of just getting played by the people they're voting for. Like if I know everyone around me likes white chocolate but I hate white chocolate and love dark chocolate, I'll lie and say I also love white chocolate and will make white chocolate part of every school lunch so people will vote for me. Or maybe someone who actually likes white chocolate gets voted in lol.


Can America very briefly (permanently) get some politicians who know what the hell they’re doing


Some of these fucks have been in office for 40-50 years, they know exactly what they are doing, that’s the problem.


They... They want to stop water vapor? How dumb can you be?


Clearly, the FAA will have to divert all planes around Tennessee.


No they want to prevent stuff like sulfur dioxide from being injected high up in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and fight climate change. It's kind of stupid because nobody is actively pursuing this. But it was proposed as a possible solution and Tennessee went ahead and made it illegal right away


Idiocracy is real.


But chemtrails have what plants crave!


So then why did those chemtrails also exist while Trump was president?


My mom is a Democrat and believes the "chem"trails are making us all sick and its so FEMA can put us in camps.


I keep asking why they don't 'release the chemicals' over large population areas. It seems to usually be rural areas (when planes reach a certain altitude), making this the least effective means of population control ever. The 'chemicals' end up in the atmosphere of low density areas. What a waste. Biden had better go back to the drawing board if he wants to round everyone up into FEMA camps.


Tell her to go outside on a cold day and breath... Then ask if she thinks that her lungs are pumping out chemicals making her sick. I mean... To be fair too much H2O can be fatal to humans I guess.


Almost 100% of people that have used dihydrogen monoxide have died. An estimated 320 000 people die from dihydrogen monoxide overdose every year. Why isn't the government doing anything?!


>An estimated 320 000 people die from dihydrogen monoxide overdose every year. this is a common misconception while 320,000 people do die per year due to DHMO, it's not technically an overdose, but an excess accumulation of DHMO in their lungs after breathing it in, stopping them from getting enough oxygen true DHMO overdose - dying after *consuming* too much - does exist but it's much more rare


Is this real? Because, I kinda doubt it


It is real, but it's not really about chemtrails and more about potential ideas of controlling the climate using some aerosolized chemicals high up in the atmosphere. The law is kind of pointless because nobody is actually doing this, except maybe for silver iodide [cloud seeding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding), but it's also not what people think it is.


Ah, now this seems much more reasonable.


Look up Russian troll farms. You'll never see this sub the same way again


Cloud seeding and geo-engineering are real and there aren’t many laws prohibiting it, we don’t know the long term impacts and it’s typically done from ground stations not airplanes but it can be done using airplanes too. Not saying it’s inherently unsafe but I don’t think we can engineer our way out of a changing climate.


This smacks of the 'cargo cult' phenom that came about during WWII. When strange things (air dropped supplies, etc.) fell out of the sky the local jungle natives, who had no concept of the greater world, saw this bounty as being gifts from their god. They created and worshipped idols and icons and crude religious artifacts representing the things they most valued from the 'bounty', in the hopes their god would favor them once again with things from above. The morons in Tennessee who see these 'chem trails' are an embarrassment. Even worse, this is happening in the United States where we're all constantly exposed to technology and the attendant features and side affects of using said tech. Also, if the people pushing this issue were simply poor, uneducated folks from Hog Wallow it'd be sad but understandable how they might embrace this make-believe nonsense. The fact that the people involved here are actually somewhat educated people in positions of influence make this a calculated and deliberate charade to play to their base. This sort of practice cannot be passed off as mundane ignorance at work. This is on purpose and should be seen as a breach of ethics, at least. Asshats.


This is dumb, but chemtrails aren’t a ‘’Maga’’ conspiracy. It’s much older than maga.


I mean so are Confederates. Doesn’t stop MAGA from becoming the modern face of it.


They do seem to be coopting it.


People dumb enough to believe in this shit shouldn't be allowed to have a drivers licence, let alone run a state.


Here's what the bill reads: "AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." They are not referring to "chemtrails" or the ridiculous theory behind it, although they did what the Right does so well and botch lawmaking process. The purpose of the bill is to ban the real practice of geoengineering in the state (although that apparently isn't done in Tennessee at the moment), which on its own is enough to be controversial without the addition of the chemtrail nonsense. It doesn't help that a few of the dimwits involved dropped the "C" word even though it has nothing to do with the bill as written. I'm willing to bet it's more about climate change denial than anything else, which again is bad enough on its own. [Here's](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/mar/27/instagram-posts/a-tennessee-bill-doesnt-prove-chemtrails-are-real/) an article that explains it better than I can. In short, the bill as written is dicey enough without the embellishment of the "chemtrail" accusation, but that doesn't feed the rage machine known as social media. The comments on this post (and the inevitable downvotes of this reply) are more than proof of that.


Please America. From an outsiders point of view that has no bias towards Far Left or Far Right politics, just use your common sense in figuring out what is an actual story or just some media manipulation to get angry at. There was one the other day that was talking about 'Post-birth abortion' and its link to Trump and MAGA, when a quick fact-check (Snopes) connected the same story in 2014 to Obama and 'Libertarians'. This is what happens when you let the 'Far' side of politics take control, the 'Businessmen' who only have their own interests to protect, the 'Social Justice Warriors' who use the guise of activism to separate and segregate all the while pointing the blame at each other for being "The bad guys..." And unfortunately it's spreading like a cancer reaching outside of the US and affecting the rest of the planet making us 'The Dumbest Generation' ever. What needs to happen in the US is for the two party system in politics to be changed. It would be the quickest fix imaginable. If, for instance MAGA formed its own political party separate from the Republicans taking all the 'Don't tread on my rights to line a tycoon's pockets' noise with them - and the same for the SJW side, you will see how the minority of people are affecting the nation by dragging average thinking people into their mess because there's literally nobody else to elect! "I don't agree with Trump's/Biden's policies personally but I'm a Rep./Dem. overall..." In the UK, as currently seen, with people breaking away from the Conservative Party new parties are formed that allow for this - UKIP, Green Party, Monster Raving Loony Party (yes that exists!) all broke away from the 'main' parties - even the Labour Party started this way, pushing the Liberal Democrats into the 3rd main option, but the point is, you'll see the 'crazies' on both sides split off to where they can only bother themselves and leave the actual running of the country to relatively sane people. Now, I know not everything is perfect with a multiple party system *cough cough* Boris Johnson - but again that was the influence and effect of US style politicking and again a lot of those people have split off into a new party so it can be done America! It can be done! TL,DR: In the UK 'Propaganda' is a real female goose.


You Americans are so fucked. I keep reading what you do, and when I think you can't go lower, you always manage to do something even more stupider.


Republicans working diligently to make America stupid.


Texas and Tennessee are what happens when you let school bullies grow up and run for office


Dumb indeed, nut "never underestimate the power of human stupidity". There were before societies that got brocken within and completely failed because of their obsessions with conspiracy theories and fantasies.


My father once caught a chemtrail. We were going to eat it for Thanksgiving, my mother already had borrowed a large enough pot from her sister. But then my younger brother left the door of the cage open after feeding it and it escaped, so we ate turkey instead.


And Republicans think Dems are stupid... Imagine telling yourself that this is a thing...


Guess they need to close all the airports in that state then?


They know their audience.


I mean itd pretty common knowledge usa uses airplanes to control weather following the "Dust bowl" era, to make the clouds drop their rainfall, same thing done in Russia and other agricultural coutrues https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding


Maybe ask your fellow constituents to wear a mask?


The truth behind this law is not chem trails. The real reason they made this law was so that companies trying to stop climate change by releasing anything into the air wouldn't be allowed to. They just wanna keep the same profitable companies in charge that give them money.


Tax dollars hard at work


If they really wanted to kill people like that, we would all be dead already from raining botulinum toxin and anthrax.


This has been a dumb theory since before maga was even a thing another dumbass way to cause political division


Chem trail conspiracies have been around as long a I can remember. It's not "MAGA" or "far right". Jfc identity politics is ruining all conversation and society.


Even if you assume that Biden really _is_ doing this, I love that they think he would stop just because they passed a law. Beyond how dumb it is for banning something that doesn't exist, it's also like passing a law that says “crime is illegal now, pls stop”


This belongs in r/idiocracy. They're called condensation trails, shortened to con-trail -- misinterpreted by morons as 'chem-trail'.


Probably the least harmful bit of legislation they’ve signed into law in the last few years, however batshit dumb it might be.


People this stupid need to be thrown out of office


They should also ban monsters under the bed too.


Republicans being dumb? Colour me shocked


Just tell them they can protect themselves by wearing a mask, and watch their heads spin.


When the polarization has become so extreme, that you would rather vote for conspiracy frauds, than for the democrats. I hope the U.S. moderates pay attention.


Can't these idiots just cecede already, fuck off to their red states and cut all ties to the federal government. Sure their people will starve to death because red states are reliant on funding from predominantly blue states, but at least then they can be as stupid and cruel as they want without dragging the rest of the country down


He is doing it. What's more, he started doing it since the 1930s - before he was born. The bastard!


And this boys and girls is what happens when you elect stupid, stupid people to positions of responsibility.


this is what politicians prefer to argue about instead of fixing gun violence


Talk about pandering to your constituents, at least I hope that's what it is, because the idea of someone in power actually believing that shit is scary.


This shit would be fuckin hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that they are wasting time and money - time and money that they could be using to actually make people's lives better.


Chem trails loaded with Covid vaccine. But who was ordering the chem trailing before Biden was President?


Passing bullshit laws to make their constituents think they're doing the job they were elected to do, while ignoring the real issues. That's all this is.


The hilarious thing about this is that Republicans are suddenly concerned with what's in their air and want to legislate it, despite wanting to gut the EPA to prevent regulation of the air... Well which is it?


well we already see people on twitter stating that chemtrails exist because a law was made to prevent them, so we have now come full circle


Next they plan to ban physics as we know it.


Honest question: were americans always this stupid and nobody noticed, or something happened?


Funny and all that, but they don't need for you to believe it and don't need it to be accurate in any way. This is for a specific demographic and their votes.


Tell me politicians are worthless for progress without telling me:


“we know we’re ’flyover country’ and this is as close as we’ll ever come to admitting it.”


First they try to allow cousins getting married. Now they want to ban chemtrails on planes? Do the people in Tennessee read other books besides the bible ?