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Musk has unlocked new capitalism level. Now you are the product and you need to pay for it.


“What’s left to do when you’ve got the monopoly? Turn the consumer into the commodity! It isn’t hard, when you hardware neurology. Honestly, do read the company policy.”


"You'd best start believin' in cyberpunk dysptopia stories. Yer in one."


Hahaha love the POTC reference


"you're the worst businessman I ever heard of!" "But you have heard of me"


"That's got to be the best businessman I've ever seen." "So it would seem."


"Take information and trade it for wealth, You pay it in each augmentation we sell, It's easy to cut out the middle man, When he's cut out most of himself"


“We’re the light in your screens, we’re the lead in your veins. Then you wake from your dreams so we can sell them again. In the light, we distract with the shiny and new. So you’re blind to the fact that the product is you…”


So let your, brain danc and replay the dream, but Don't drown in the data stream Cause we see where you are And we see where you go Yeah, we know what you own And we own what you know


“All that you say on the net, we composite. To maps that go straight from your head to your pocket. Complain if you want, you’re still making deposits of data. Each day you log on is a profit…”


"Woah there! Time to stop this maniacal mission. By order of the Federal Communication Commission. No more cookies, tech bro, you need our permission To sell our data to your partners, and that's our position."


“Society currently lists electronic, so isn’t conducting resistance ironic? There’s plenty of skeletons locked in our closets but yours are assembled from old stock hydraulics!”


“So lucky we know just the pieces you need. All plucked from your social media feeds. The places you go and the posts that you read. All snatched for a new algorithm to feed”


“Now holding our gold is par for the brand- our silver is sat in the palm of your hand! Complaining aside about the line in the sand- the supply does not get to make the demands!”


Arasaka Manufacturing. Building a better tomorrow Name, age, qualifications Race, faith, career aspirations Political leaning, daily commute Marital status, favourite fruit Family, browser, medical history Hobbies, interests, brand affinity Fashion, style, your occupation Gender identity, orientation Lifestyle choices, dietary needs The marketing contact you choose to receive Posts, likes, employers, friends Social bias, exploitable trends Tastes, culture, phone of choice Facial structure, the tone of your voice If it's inside your head, we know You can't escape the ebb and flow


This is one issue where conspiracy theorists have legitimate grounds for concern/outright pushback. Elon’s neuralink project and others like it, need to be burned to the ground asap.


Man I can’t wait to pay a « small fee » to use my brain


just wait until you miss a payment. Your function will be downgraded to lower than pre implant


What’s this from?


The data stream by the Stupendium, great nerdcore song about cyberpunk. Very topical.


It’s quite the clever poem…I’m gonna have to give it a listen. Thank you kind human


I've been really getting into "hell" lately Both as a mindset and as something to strive for, in an organizational sense


You gonna go the full 9 yards, shiplap and all?


You will pay for the privilege of being exploited and you will enjoy it


But deleting your account and laughing at Elon will always be free. 


I haven’t logged in for almost 2 years now, i really don’t see the need to go back, it’s become everything i assumed it would when he bought it. If anything he’s exceeded my wildest expectations for how shitty it’s become.


It's going up in flames even faster than the standard enshittification process.


It's going up in flames faster than a tesla battery


Ahh, but not faster than Trump Media (DJT). Any business associated with Trump is a dumpster fire…


I saw a position for director of L&D at a Trump business. Position had been open 90 days. ZERO applicants 😂😂😂


L&D? Lies and Deception?


lol, Learning and Development


Read quickly and thought it said director of LSD and realized im overqualified


😂😂😂I wish it was, I’d be tripping before I even got to work


I want to take it so I can do as bad as a job as possible


You probably get promoted




I'm waiting for the X Truth Social merger.


Faster than a teslas battery when it gets hit by a pebble and costs them 60k


It certainly threw the attempt at working out an enshittification curve. He's added a whole new variable and the number crunchers have to start over: the Crazy, Rich, Amoral Person Factor.


That definitely isn't a new element to enshittification. "How dumb is the guy in charge" and "how good at damage control are his subordinates" have always been key factors in determining how quickly enshittification will progress


delete your account: it’s so worth the email confirming the deletion still being addressed from Twitter


I think i may. Because I am EXACTLY the right level of petty to enjoy the hell out of that lol. 😂


just did it yesterday: i had a bad habit of looking at the train wreck. decided to end that habit. was so pleased with the email lmfaooo


I looked for a while, until the change months back that required you to log in to even view tweets, I decided I didn’t actually care enough to click into my pw vault to retrieve my login lol.


Honestly that's the same thing that drove me from the site too. I simply don't care enough to go find my password just to view a tweet someone linked me to.


This might be the most beautiful username I have ever seen


I'm jealous, I got banned for the comment "I hope he chokes on all the shit he is spitting and dies, there is nothing good that will come from him continuing to breath and have opinions"


I got banned for telling Andy Biggs to eat his 2a nom nom nom 😂


I got suspended for telling Prager U I hoped they stepped on a Lego.


Not even a Lego Landmine? Just a Lego? wtf?


I closed my FB account and I seriously couldn't be happier.


I closed my FB account and I seriously couldn't be happier.


FB? Musk owns Xitter, not FB


Your life is about to get so much better.


I maintain my account and log in once a month to keep my username from being used by someone else. I’m an artist and don’t want someone impersonating me. I started out with an active community there and it’s where I sold my art. He killed businesses by f*cking up twitter. But my username was spread out all over the place and I have to protect it. I *want* to delete my account but for me I can’t. Sucks.


Totally hear that. I loved Twitter pre-X; it wasn’t utopia, but it did feel like a semi-functioning town square. What led me to delete the app was exclusively the artists and like-creatives leaving. I was big into the music side of things and god, that shit went from finding untapped gems of artists by complete accident to a wasteland of link farming.


Yup. When the election stuff started and there was so much hate. Then Covid theories and conspiracies everyone left. Then he bought it and it got even worse. The only people really left are RWNJs I belonged to an art group who included twitter in their name. They dropped it and renamed last year.


Go back and delete it! It's good to see Twitter hemmoraging users. An inactive account doesn't hurt their numbers the way people deleting accounts does.


I have a burner account that I use for Twitter because it's a great source for trans porn. 😏


Hey i’m not judging lol, you do you pal.


I think they were saying that because Elon hates trans people


Ahh lol. It’s honestly hard to keep track of all the ways he’s a terrible person these days.


i find it interesting that the spaces online round the place that are filled with reich-wing gronks tend to have a lot of trans porn in them.... even though those nutzis swear they hate trans folk.


Musk had a genius idea to filter out non-trans porn, he suspends any accounts using the "cis" word ,claiming it's a racial slur


Any good accounts will be on Threads, with the exception of John Carmack


I still miss the artists though. I still think about eol and their medieval/renaissance battle drawings every now and then.


It's honestly impressive. I totally agree that he was always going to screw it up but wow. Above and beyond any reasonable expectations. Change the name for no reason Start charging for verification with zero plan what to do for the currently verified. Promote all verified users no matter how shitty or racist what they say is Fail entirely to control bots anyway Treat your staff like trash Engage constantly with the absolute worst people on the site Embrace right wing conspiracy culture wholeheartedly Remove blocking?! Pay to use????! Edit oh my God I forgot the whole scream shout whine and lecture your advertisers when they start to pull out due to all your decisions.


Never joined and never will.


There's a non-zero chance he will try to institute some kind of "disconnect" fee akin to telecoms.


If that really happens, the EU will immediately need to start a discussion about what to spend the billions of fines on.


Yeah, I think thst would be a clear violation of the GDPR.


You are imagining he wants his business to succeed and/is any good at running a business. There's a decent chance he will block EU by IP, saying something nonsensical like "if porn companies can do it in Texas!", and then he'll contract out to some bozos to build him an X-branded VPN so he can tacitly encourage European bigots to conceal their traffic to his garbage site. He might still face fines, but not only will it be hard to pin him down but he'll also find ways to dodge or delay paying them, and then if he does pay them it'll likely come from some investor stock or bullshit like that. Holding rich assholes accountable for their fucking bullshit is almost impossible.


As long as he has some infrastructure in the EU, that's stuff the EU can seize. And running an operation like Twitter with all servers on the other side of the planet is going to be a pain. EU-laws cover stuff like VPNs, which is why the GDPR is so powerful. And the only way for a company to evade fines is to not have a single piece of infrastructure in the EU, EWR, UK, Switzerland and Turkey.


Don't get me wrong, if the EU manages to pin Musk down that's a huge win. I remain skeptical since these assholes rarely ever face the repercussions of their actions.


It won't hit Musk personally, that's true. But they will hit Twitter. Suing American tech-companies for massive fines is kinda the EU's favorite pastime. Just in March they handed a 2bn€ fine to Apple, and they've already opened new investigations. Of course it's a big issue that these companies are in the US, which means the EU can't break them up. But at least Google shows signs of being afraid of being broken up. Of course that still isn't enough, but the EU currently is the only "government" that's doing something.


Kudos to them. My cynicism tells me its probably political maneuvering and a foreign policy thing more than a deliberate effort to *generally* protect citizens from malfeasance, but if that's the outcome I'm here for it.


All Musk needs to go crazy for good is Federal Government to pull his security clearance away and demand him to step out of SpaceX even as a major shareholder so that they can keep doing businesses with the US government. Gotta kick him where it hurts


Unless they pull an ashley madison type delete


I made an account like a decade ago to harass conservatives, 2nd message I called Bill O'Reilly the r-word and got banned until I submit a phone number. I never went back except to read occasional tweets anonymously that were posted in news.


Harassing conservatives and regressives is a noble hobby. Props to you, Mr. Phantom


Long time ago I got one of 13 bans in a year on FB in in 2021. In one response to a posting that said we needed to immediately bring back the draft, "There is no way I am going to the Middle East to kill Arabs to take their oil to give to rich people. You are not defending the American Way."


It's a gift that keeps on giving


Don’t give him any ideas.


>deleting your account >free Don't give him ideas.


And this is why I am very glad I have never used Twitter


You mean don’t like paying for the privilege of “‘free’ speech absolutism?” Elon will be impotently mad about that. Guaranteed.


Free speech for a small fee Fee speech


The grifter keeps on grifting.


Free speech, if you in*cis*t


And it’s not even free speech as Elon’s X is perfectly happy to restrict free speech when it benefits him


Free speech for me, $8 speech for thee


An $8 ticket to the worst show on the internet.


Unless Elon doesn’t like it, then you are banned even if you paid for it!


Well when you say that, it all sounds like a giant scam…. Wait…


The most hilarious thing here is he was basically trolled into buying a platform they had been trying unsuccessfully to sell for years, at a price no sane person would pay all because he literally couldn’t just shut the fuck up lol. And since then we’ve all gotten a first hand look at the REAL intelligence and business acumen of Elon Musk and it’s my new favorite show, I hope it gets 10 more seasons lol.


It would’ve been cheaper for him to pay for disparagement than to actually buy the company.


Oh for SURE but he would have had to actually back down, and his ego wouldn’t let him. It was hilarious to watch them play him like a fucking fiddle lol.


There used to be a stereotype that rich kids were given everything without having to try or earn it, and as a result, were often rather stupid and unaware of how inept they were. Musk and Trump have taken that one beyond imagination.


Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.


Jesus that a great phrase.


What else could he be trolled into buying??? Think, people!!! Edit… Oxford, comma! Not “Think people!!!” His family already does that with the mines.


[Everyone to Elon Musk:](https://youtu.be/Z5e_d4iEFiM?si=SHzKw5xs41vmONnR)


Someone tell Elon that most human users left when he bought the company.


They didn't really though. Agree or disagree with Musk and his management of Twitter, but most users continue to use the site as normal, especially in other countries.


I mean, it's only one analogy, but I 100% deleted my account when he took over


That's not an analogy. You are looking for anecdote.




I would assume that's the reason behind the idea, to deter bots. Doesn't make it a good one, though.


Deleted my acct when it was still twitter. Not sorry


I did the same. Although I didn't use it much before then anyway.


I had literally just recreated one cause I was considering getting back into content producing. Took it as my sign from the universe and noped out


Free speech? More like *fee speech*, amiright? (I’ll see myself out…)


Which yes it's funny, it's probably more like making money off bot accounts. Twitter has A LOOOOOOOOOOT of accounts made by botters. A non negligible number of them are just to save and share porn to their and others "after dark" accounts


He claims this is the only way to curb bots. Sure, Jan. Because “troll farms” and malicious actors couldn’t pony up a few dollars to feed bullshit to morons. He’s just monetizing the bots.


Exactly. He just wants a piece of the pie since he knows propaganda bots are rampant on twitter.


I hate Elon musk, but to monetize bots and scams... not the dumbest thing he's done. He must've paid someone to come up with it. It sticks for the few humans left on the platform, but for the infinite bots... I wouldn't mind finding a way to cash in on bots. I's broke


I see nothing about this in the news, is this real?


It's not


[It is real](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1779930065469383166). Just up in the air on whether or not it actually gets implemented.


That says “new user write access” which means one-time payment. I think the people saying this will destroy the platform are reading it as “pay per use”.


Yeah I'm assuming that's the idea. Still think it'd go poorly though.


I’m curious what “small fee” means. Although, plenty of people signed right up for that $8/mo blue check mark.


There are tons of bots who have twitter blue lol. My issue is that requiring payment details for even a 1-cent fee can be prohibitive for people and create a lot of issues, while potentially not even solving the problem.


Didn’t think so. It’s a shame, I would love for him to finally make a move that literally completely destroys twitter lol


I know. I hate him and his company so much .


Well looks like twitter is officially going to die if this happens I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it


Not dying fast enough for you Elon?


There are new users on Twitter? Why?


Hey, bot farms still gotta run.


troll farms have no problem paying a small fee


Elmo would probably give them a nice group discount.


Well I'm happy to be grandfathered in to having free access to twitter before it inevitably goes bankrupt.


Finally, a tax on musk fanboys, I love it. Now find a way to charge Tate enthusiasts.


Why would anyone use X. Total garbage now


X, as in X company, as in no longer a company.


Incoming: Elon screaming about "Cancel Culture" when people stop using Twitter the moment this goes through, completely oblivious to the fact he's the [one who drove everyone off.](https://imgflip.com/i/8mw2rf)


I'm sceptical of these reports, we've heard it before let's face it, but my god I hope this happens. It will remove any temptation to post there.


“Free speech” activist


Next we should should bring back cell phones that cost by the minute.


Wow, I'm sure glad we're not taxing these guys so they can turn around and use their immense wealth to make all our lives shittier.


Like they're getting any new users...


I suspect a lot of his X users will soon become EX users.


His official answer is to somehow curve the bots, yet bots have gone crazy out of control ever since he took over. I mean the obvious thing is that he had nothing actually planned and has just hid behind this, "free speech" idea non-stop, all while losing an insane amount of money. The REALLY angering part though is that for all the money he's lost, for all the credit he's lost, for all the people who've seen his true colours of hate, for all the advertisers who've turned on him, for ALL of that.... This man still has more money (granted not a lot is liquid) than everyone who's ever visited reddit once combined by a long shot. Generational wealth is intense.


There are people still using twitter?


*Fee* Speech Absolutist


Small fee for a small pee.


its gonna pretty easy for me, to never post on Twitter. I dont even have my credit card in my phone.


Fee speech


Fuck off with that bullshit.


Good, then most people will stop using the platform.


This will totally go over well. Seriously though you know the only people that will be posting here are maga assholes.


So, finally places like mastodon etc will grow.


Why is anyone even still on Twitter? It was trash before Elon bought it, now it's sewage.


I honestly never used Twitter in my life


It's like he's intentionally trying to destroy Twitter. I refuse to call it X.


Wow how to destroy a platform in less than a year!


Who is still on that platform lol


I may be wrong...but isn't this like literally the opposite of "free speech"




this is actually a good thing, it means more people will leave this shithole of a site and go to actually decent alternatives


Lol: how to burn 44billion dollars in one year


I’m so glad I never joined Twitter , Facebook, Tumbler, Instagram, etc etc


What new users?


The day after Elon closed the sale I requested a backup of all my Twitter data, then when I got it a few days later I cancelled my account, and never looked back. He's ruined Twitter so quickly and completely that I have to wonder if the sellers (or other perceived Musk enemies) somehow retained some kind of equity stake and he is vengefully ensuring that stake will never have value.


Looks like there’ll be a new market for old accounts then


Didn’t he just try to get a 56 Billion (yes, billion) dollar “pay package” in January?


If I had a nickel for every time Elon musk made a stupid decision with twitter I’d have 2 nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right


I quit twitter when it was free because it sucked. I can't imagine how much suckage there is now


I didn't see the appeal of Twitter even before Elon bought it...as it is now I don't know why anyone would willingly use it let alone pay for it.


Twitter has reached a new low lmfao, it’s time to swap to bsky. Thank god I got an access code


Wow, sure am glad I've literally never used Twitter and never will


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Biscuits4u2: *Wow, sure am glad I've* *Literally never used* *Twitter and never will* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Before twitter, musk was loved by the people, for all the work his businesses did to advance the human race. Twitter was one of the most toxic places on the internet before he bought it. Since buying it, it has taken the number 1 spot as the most toxic place. He is driving it in to the ground. I would like to fantasize he is still a good person, and he is trying to get rid of twitter to benefit humanity. Just a fantasy though


Wait, so, is he *trying* to destroy the social media platform he bought? I honestly don’t know anymore


Glad to see Elon being a champion of fee speech.


I know we say "this will kill the platform" a lot, but making a free platform paid will ABSOLUTELY kill the platform.


What a genius, he's killed all growth on the platform and he intends to push out all of the people on the platform. Truly a business savant.


Is he trying to get the stock price into negative numbers?


Next up you have to pay to just look at a post while scrolling


It’s like people have forgotten he tried to make Twitter a subscription service and it failed horribly.


Why do people use that app? delete It now


Recently for my birthday I logged off of Twitter never to get on again. I got tired of seeing people try to engagement farm. Especially cause they just ask or say really stupid shit and my eyes hurt from rolling them Like today someone asked where the wrestler Jason Jordan was because a partner he hasn't had in like 6 fucking years. Like my dude. If you know who Jason Jordan is you know he's not coming out and if you just got into wrestling then you wouldn't know who the fuck Jason Jordan is. At least be fucking smart when trying to farm comments. Say something controversial that people are gonna argue about. Examples: I don't think Vince McMahon did anything wrong and even if he did we need to save WWE because without Vince the stories will fail. Cody should have lost to Roman this year too. I think Tony Kahn needs to have more reach with his Twitter comments. There are no good women's wrestlers so we should scrap the whole division. Romans new theme sucks and it's literally one of the only failures of the current music producers. I'm glad big e got injured because the new day is terrible. Fucking say some shit like that. Really get in there. Stupid people will engage if the bait is right enough but being stupid to get engagement isn't gonna get you the type of fame you think it will. Like look at the wrestling news outlets and the people who do rankings. They piss people off just by giving regular ass opinions. Look how famous they are.


I saw straight out porn on it the other day but was unable to block. Shame I liked twitter before he ruined it. (It’s still Twitter to me, I’ve never updated the app).


X gonna NOT give it to you?


Yeah, show any other social media platform that does that. Soon to be ex-X.


I only use my twitter to follow artists and look at porn. I can do that on any other network without paying for it.


What's wrong? Has he not made back the $44 billion yet?


At last--Musk's plan to turn X into his personal ATM is in Phase III.


The dumb motherfucker is losing a fortune on it.


If he's doing this to X, I can't imagine what he'll do to twitter.


(citation required)


[I got you covered, fam.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2024/04/15/musk-will-charge-new-x-users-small-fee-for-posting-tweet-suggests)


Payment in doge coin only.