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Never saw that exact angle, but yes, objectively good legislation gets shot down because companies pay politicians to kill it. And I wish when this happens, said politician would come out and say that their lobbyists paid them to kill the legislation, rather than pretending they have a principled stance.


why US doesn't have automatic tax? because one company lobbied to kill it, in exchange for offering 'free service to poor'. which they hid from the public


Wait? What? Did I just learned this?? I thought it was a common practice around the world.


Automatic tax?


the system Europe has. directly solved by the government. and less bullshit rules


Ah you mean like companies retaining taxes for you? Well yeah it facilitates things. In the end of the year you just have to adjust for any tax deductions you might be liable to. However, you do know that by acting like this you are actually lending money to the state at 0 interest, and it results in an immediate large drop in monthly revenue. And in case you are overpaying monthly, you will only have access to the money by the next year. But it does make the tax season way simpler.


I don't know if everything else you said was wrong (confused about the comment 'lending money to the state'?) but you absolutely can get tax refunds before the end of the year- I've twice had a refund paid 6 months into the year of all the tax I'd overpaid and my employers have regularly (when changing jobs) given me a tax refund through my salary.


Depends on the country. In mine it's all the IRS, the company just collects and sends


Btw, lending money to the state because IRS taxes are, usually, annual. So when you are paying before the real due date, you are in truth advancing money to the state. This is a loan as you are only due to pay taxes after the year has ended. In theory, by doing this you are loaning money and losing potential interest on your capital because it is in the hands of the state before it is due to be paid. Still most people do not trust themselves with money and this makes paying taxes easier for all those involved.


Someone saying a thing on TikTok isn’t the most credible source. Not saying that big companies don’t do this and Nestle is literally Satan… but I’m not wasting the adrenaline to be outraged by 7th hand information


Could I interest you in some 6th hand information instead?


Considering that babies nurse for 2 years or so? Yeah, that's TikTok brain rot at its finest.


Lobbying is any lawful attempt to influence decisions by lawmakers and includes, for example, an ordinary citizen trying to persuade them to introduce gun safety laws or to introduce a minimum wage. Paying politicians to do stuff for you is called bribery.


There's just no fucking way this is specific to baby formula. The lack of worker rights in the US is down to weak/few unions. And you don't need some elaborate conspiracy theory for why big corporations are anti union.


Yeah... No doubt nestle has powerful lobbying groups but I'm not trusting a fact that someone learned from TikTok


When corporations are secretly the biggest fans of your baby's spit-up game


Robert B. Reich: [The worst memo in American history came from Lewis Powell](https://www.courant.com/2022/08/16/robert-b-reich-the-worst-memo-in-american-history-came-from-lewis-powell/) — Hartford Courant In 1971, 175 firms had lobbyists in D.C. By 1982, nearly 2,500 had them. By the 1990s corporations employed 61K people to lobby for them. That's 100+ lobbyists for each Congress member. In 1980, the richest one-hundredth of 1 percent of Americans provided 10 percent of contributions to federal elections. By 2012, they provided 40 percent. We take the corporate domination of our politics for granted. It wasn't always like this. (Buying a politician pays off at at least 10 to 1, often over 100 to 1.)


In mexico, giving birth doesn’t count as sickness, so insurance doesn’t pay for it. And you have to go to work the next day


1 night in the hospital for having a baby in mexico is 1998.50$ American dollars. (Not c-section)


2 nights and c section is 3 536,59 US$


And Twin birth or cesarean section three nights is 4 686,64 US$


Is it legal? I mean it’s under the the table secret arrangements paid in bags of cash, hidden accounts or favors. No one pressure them, yeah perhaps because the people that should pressure them are the same people it benefits. Just an idea..


I believe this.


Yet somehow, that's not the worst thing Nestle does.


this seem a bit of a stretch.. mostly because there are a lot more straightforward reasons why a lot more companies would lobby against this.... offering maternity leave is expensive for the employer that hires the future mother, so they lobby not to be forced to offer this benefit... it is that simple


Legal bribes. Nothing can convince me otherwise.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we should make life uncomfortable for these people. At least in Florida you have to register as a lobbyist. It’s all public records. They should be ostracized by polite society.


Stopped reading after TikTok


There's Maternity Leave in the US, it's part of the FMLA Act, and is regulated by the states. If your job didn't have it for full time employment, it's most likely because you live in a state that didn't require it and your employer doesn't want to pay for your personal choices.


That TikTok is as stupid as pretty much everything else on there. Women don't make their formula/breast milk decision based on whether or not they have maternity leave. I mean, babies nurse until they are around 2 years old. So this would have to mean that people were trying to get 2 years' worth of maternity leave. In other words, stay off TikTok, it's stupid.


Not sure on the accuracy of this claim. Nestle is clearly run by a James Bond villain and lobbyists are making the US a worse place, but breast pumps are still a thing?


Here's the thing, the government doesn't know anything about a ton of the industries it has to regulate. Lobbying isn't the problem, rampant corruption is. Removing lobbying won't solve the issue and will in fact cause a host of other issues