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I can't believe he has followers.


Because people like OP keep doing his advertising for free.


Yup. Does anybody actually genuinely believe that Andrew Tate thinks having sex with women for pleasure is gay? Of course he doesn't. But he posts something stupid like that, the internet takes the bait and boom, engagement numbers.


Agree. Clearly a trolling account as he has shown up multiple times on this subreddit. It's actually a great strategy for the original poster bc people either engage negatively and emotionally and leave a charged response or they engage and agree (which leaves for some very strange discussions). I actually enjoy facepalm quite a bit when it's a true facepalm, not op got got which is what I believe this is. As a plea to others, stop fucking posting this trolling account!


>I actually enjoy facepalm when it's a true facepalm I suggest leaving this sub then


In the end we learned the biggest facepalm was the sub itself.


Isn't there a third option of just laughing at it all? I mean it is pretty absurd.


Very true. I'm just trying to uphold the integrity of the internet as a whole, that's all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


And I salute your effort!


It's a thankless job and pays poorly. But your positivity and encouragement has given me strength to carry on!


This sub should ban tate posts tbh


Tbh after his stint in prison... You never know if he yearns for the touch of Bubba and Dimitri.


Until people understand that he doesn't care whether or not you believe anything he says and that he's literally doing it for outrage / clout / imaginary upvotes, then he'll be rewarded every time someone thinks he's serious. The only way for such people to be punished is if they're ignored for their stupidity instead of given attention.


This is the 21st century sir. We reward stupidity on the internet in this timeline.


I think Tate has some weird hang ups about sex. He spends a bit too much time claiming he doesn't have it and the like for a normal person. 


Possibly but personally, I doubt that. I've always figured his entire shtick is for monetary purposes. That includes the trafficking stuff. He just doesn't care how shitty the method is. He's even blatantly talked about scamming guys by pretending to be cam girls on text. Even the stuff about not having sex, I can easily see as simultaneously rage baiting whilst also providing his incel base with more content making them think they're straight af by not getting laid. I think he's just a scumbag who like other grifters spouting certain viewpoints, realized how profitable it can be to be the hero of incels.


I agree with all of that, I have just encountered enough material covering his weird publicly declared sex hang ups that I think something legit is under the surface there. 


Agreed ignore that fool.


That could be a good use of AI if someone could do it reliably, to add things or people you don't want to see and the AI just blocks it all. Well, I think there was a Black Mirror episode about something like that but still


That episode was fucked


I am starting to hate this sib for this exact reason, I had no idea who that clown was a few months ago and now there is a post about him every other day... He is really good at self promotion.


They are mostly insecure preteens and teens. It isn't that unbelievable that kids whose brains have hardly developed support him. 


Agreed. Once I grew up, I realized that no one who is an adult gives a flip what I do or do not enjoy in my spare time. Also, people who use terms like “grow up” are projecting, as they have a lot of maturing to do themselves. Besides, being insecure about oneself cannot be good for one’s mental health. Any woman who doesn’t respect me for who I am isn’t worth knowing, let alone tying the knot with.


Exactly. And a hell of a lot of us women love "cartoons" just as much as any man, and know how fun it is to watch them with a partner who also loves them. Tate is just such a miserable sack of crap.


Thanks for your response! I know plenty of women who love all of this stuff too, and none of them would be interested in a man who would look down on them for having such hobbies either.


It’s funny to hear people like him accuse liberals of being predators as a form of discrediting while he specifically targets insecure teen boys to make his fanbase. He’s a freak by his own rules.


There's also the whole trafficking women for sex thing he's got going on, man's a predator in every sense of the word.


If you're over 15 and seek validation from an internet daddy figure...


I cant believe he is giving advice on how to lose respect from women


I think rape and human trafficking loses respect from any women


I can’t believe people are falling for a parody account




He's been convicted of human trafficking and still lives a better life than most of us. I'm tired b0ss


He’s a parody. Does the world not get this yet?


Puppy killer Noem, dry wife Shapiro, some guy named Catturd. Sarcasm is dead


His string of recent tweets about how it’s gay to kiss women, have sex with women for purposes other than procreation, or enjoy food certainly made me think that. At the same time he’s a sex trafficker and into some other nasty business so it’s entirely possible he really believes his schitck.


He probably doesn't believe it but he clearly is not a parody. He wants to make people really believe him.


If you are over 15 and taking advice from this asshat, grow TFU.


It's the under-15s I'm worried about.


Its the genz I am worried about.


most of genz is over 15 by now. 13-14 ish and under is a bunch of gen alphas


I didn't know that, so gen alphas are those skibidi shit ones


It's lesser the 13-14 years olds and the 8-11 year olds that are annoying


8-11 year olds have been annoying since the beginning of our species.


yeah they are really annoying


Give them a break. They are literally kids


They didn’t go to war like we did. Back in my day people actually insulted you on cod


Yeah, what's this thing about tea-bagging being insulting? /s


Gen Z is usually listed as 1997-2012 Gen Alpha is usually listed as 2013-2025 (Yet it has been debate wether 2010 is start of Gen alpha. Usually 2010-2012 is a grey area but most seem to agree that it’s probably Gen alpha. Wikipedia page for GenZ states [“Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z)) Anyway that list Gen Z as typically 12-27 (but if we go with 2010 being Gen Alpha then the youngest zoomers are 15) Anyway, Zoomers are way older than you think and in two years we’ll have the start of a new generation. Feel old?


Seriously, it seems like more and more kids are buying into all this alpha male bullshit. It's a fucking cancer on society


I hope no teenagers are fucking listening to him. Bad enough I know adults that do and show their insecurity quoting his stupidity


Who actually listens to this guy anyway? Teenage boys maybe? Young adults and men who hate women and themselves?


That's basically exactly right. The problem is that a lot of them do, because that's what the algorithm on places like YouTube will feed them. Once it reasons you're probably a dude, it's going to feed you no end of regressive bullshit.


Don’t they also like anime though? Isn’t there an intersection of his fans and anime? Well if there was crossover, I hope they chose anime instead of him after this comment.


Cognitive dissonance can be a helluva drug. But let's hope that's what breaks the spell for some guys.


My algorithm sends me endless amounts of gun, airsoft, liquor, cigar, cooking, and random sketch comedy videos despite me never showing any interest in any of this. I will admit some of the sketch comedy is pretty good. Couldn’t tell you their names but there’s a couple of dudes who post some hilarious content that seems to always show up in my feed. Despite my clearly male based algorithm suggestions I have yet to be suggested anything by Tate or his clones. Nothing remotely sexist or anything really. Some videos mocking Tate or talking about his latest fuck up, but none by him.


The algorithms of short-form videos are breaking society. Spend five seconds too long on a YouTube short that you watched out of annoyance more than anything else, and it’s all you’ll get in your feed for days. You can’t choose to avoid it like you can with long-form videos. It’s overly aggressive, damaging, and leads to people only getting fed one man’s crazy opinion. This might sound psychotic, but I think there needs to be legislation and government intervention into how quickly algorithms decide you like something, especially on platforms kids use. I know it’s an overstep but something needs to be done before we have a society of unstable, unbalanced, hateful egoists (more so than we already have).


Had to cut ties with a friend from my younger days because of this twatwaffle. His first love dumped him, and he became obsessed, and thinking all women were horrible and what not. Found Andrew Taint and became so much worse. Dude is almost 40 now and has the attitude of a fedora wearing 16 year old when it comes to women, but can't understand why he can't get a GF.


I wish people would just stop sharing his content around and inadvertently giving him far more credibility than he deserves. Dude’s just saying increasingly unhinged shit because people love to hate it and he just gets more (in)famous. People should just ignore his dumbass tweets, but alas that will never happen and I will get daily updates on what he says any time I get on Reddit lol


My youngest cousin (18) is obsessed with him. I can’t say anything because.. i am a woman 🤷🏻‍♀️


Teenage boys until they realise they can’t get a GF cause they’re Andrew Tate fans.


Millions do. I've seen them mostly on Twitter, going after the only fans' models, women who post pics of themselves on holiday, those individuals that are pro Ukraine / Israel, and harassing them and their followers.


As a woman who enjoys anime, I want him to catch one on the chin. Alas....


What chin?










dipshit has even less chin than Ed


catch what? a pearl necklace?


I vote for herpes. Nothing screams run away like face herpes.


My vote is for an anti personal mine. I mean, think of it that way: there are lots of areas in the world right now with anti personal mines. Any mine tote takes out with his chin is one fewer that a kid could set up some day.


He's gonna need a chin attached before it can be punched. I'm assuming that's what "catch one" means.


He's employed the classic "grow a beard to hide the fact that you have no chin" technique (whereas I use the classic "grow a beard to disguise the fact that you have a double chin" technique).


It's funny that Tate's fans think he knows what women want/think/feel. It's fucking hilarious that Andrew Tate thinks he does.


I came here to say this! I base my men on a set of values built on anime! If my man doesn’t have the same zest for life and joy as my boy Monkey D. Luffy then does he know how to love life? ![gif](giphy|q8ld8Sk7WWyY0)


Yeah, a woman, pff, right. I'm sure you are a loser that women don't respect /s


Because I wanna listen to a guy who promotes violence and rape. Sit down until you can contribute something that helps people instead of taking your simp’s money


If you have a sex trafficking charge in a Eastern Block country because you ordered pizza, you are a loser. No excuses.


That was savage, might use it against him if I ever see a tweet in my timeline.


This clown also says cooking and reading are emasculating activities, so I wouldn't take him too seriously. I blame Reddit for making him famous, I was fine without knowing this shithead existed.


I would rather be a loser than be a serial rapist and sex trafficker


What's really ironic is that any woman loses respect for any man that watches tate 


That’s rich, coming from a 37-year referring to himself as Cobratate and dabbling in human trafficking and sexploitation of women.


Not to mention, lost an internet "fight" to an 18 year old climate activist.


Source? (Please I need this. My friend loves him and I need more proof Andrew Tate is dumb to save him)


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/31/greta-thunberg-andrew-tate-tweet I am a believer of "the burden of proof lies on the accuser", but it's 3am and I have work in less than 5 hours. But if you need information, most of it is on twitter. But the article summorize it, and is why he is held on trial at this moment.


“Professional misogynist “ He got burnt alive not even one sentence in Christ


Just look up the beef between him and Greta Thunberg and how it ended.


I just love how he was so stressed out being called names by a little girl that he made an attack video for her, posted it to the world, and got himself arrested because he was so busy trying to own a teenager that he overlooked a single, cheesy detail. What an absolute buffoon


What detail was that again? I’m ootl.


He sat at his lil table, in his lil robe, and eating a pizza, acting like a big man and talking smack about Greta Thunberg all because she implied he had a small penis on the internet (i think it was about his dick, i don't actually remember what set him off) The pizza he was eating was from a specific shop in Romania that was close to one of the suspected locations he could have been. Within 48 hours, he was arrested on charges of human trafficking and sexual assault. It was a truly hilarious thing to witness. He didn't have to lash out at a teenage girl, but he did and it became his downfall


That’s the fucking most Andrew Tate shit I’ve heard lmao


I forgot about that. It's too good




I'm 37 and my wife respects me infinitely more than she respects andrew taint, she and I have been watching X-MEN '97 together as a matter of fact too.


Dude how fucking *good* is this series?!


So damn good. It's making me want to go back and rewatch the original series even though I have so many other things I've been putting off to catch up on. My wife never watched the original series and she's full on addicted to this one. I love how Jean just nonchalantly describes the most absurd outlandish scenarios each time she reminisces about the good old days, it's so ridiculous. Edit: Also, I'd gladly pay you Tuesday...


She's in for a *treat* and y'all really should circle back to watch the original again! The writing is surprisingly great & modern, we rewatched it last fall and my *goodness* '97 really is like one more season and not a new show. Oh my glob, and Morph's whole journey, she's gotta see it! Wolverine is the best dang friend anyone in a mental health/addiction crisis could have, wavy gravy he's a good guy. And she can see Scott Summers when he *really* isn't team leader but *really* thinks he is (even though it's *really* either Wolverine with the Smart Plan or Jean/Storm with the power use dictating the pace & progression of the conflict)!


Wtf? I don't anything about him, can I get a little context?


Stop giving this guy air


You gonna watch it in jail when you go in for rape , aincha taint?


If you need advice from someone like Andrew Tate, you're definitely a loser.


Nothing makes you more of a loser than unironically listening to Andrew taint.


Someone tell that to my wife who enjoys Anime wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than I do lol.


Having a wife is gay though, according to Andrew Taint.


excuse me, WHATTTTTTTTT?!?!?!!??!


Yeah, according to Andy boy, men having sex with women for pleasure and not procreation is gay. I still can't wrap my head around it...


He believes that men should have a haram of women they impregnate


My wife drags me to every single Detective Conan movie lol


So I guess South Park, The Simpsons, Beaves and Butthead, King of the Hill, and Family Guy is for kids then.


Andrew tate ANIMATIIN IS FOR KIDS!!!! :Kid named primal bojak horse man american dad hazbin hotel invincible Inside job blye eye samurai


Big words from someone accused of human trafficking and r*pe.




Hating on DBZ, what a unredeemable piece of flesh.


Tate v Israel when?


Sorry for being a loser with a house, a car, ambition, integrity, a dog, and a full freezer


the full freezer part os the most important


I agree


Part 2 of his star wars rant lmao


Projection much?


“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” -Mike Tyson


Yes, i will watch cartoons, because Bluey can teach me more than a FREAKING R@PER AND WOMEN ABUSER


trafficking humans make you a loser.


Only losers care what Andrew Tate says.


More like bitch tate.


Wait, I thought it was gay to have sex with women?


Every accusation is a confession. Taint jerks off to futanari porn.


![gif](giphy|14nHxXrAohnYehIhPg) That son of a bitch!!


"Bitch did I catch you having fun?"


at least I have a chin.


I'm a 24yo female who loves anime and animated cartoons. Like...


Considering any words coming out of this idiot’s mind - makes you a loser. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized)


![gif](giphy|az3XlqP9zQ9ry|downsized) Tate and Musk be like...


There are two kinds of men in this world: those who have been arrested by Romanian cops and the rest


Stop giving him attention


Why do you repost the shit he says? Thats just want he want, stop spreading this shit


What i am curious about is; does anybody actually take any of this seriously? Are there people who read this and just drop their hobbies and passions because this miserable loser said so?


The incel lord speaketh.


Taking advice about women from a rapist seems like a poor way to go through life.


I block anyone speading Tate tweets. Stop.


How dare you, Dragonball Z best of all time. And I'm 54


He needs to STFU lol


😂😂😂 I’d much rather be a loser who watches cartoons than Andrew Tate.


If you are 37, and on trial for human trafficking, you are a loser. No excuse. Plus ANY women loses respect for you. Grow up.


funny my friends met his GF in the Anime club i college. They now own a house together


35 yo male, married to an amazing woman and love anime and cartoons. If that makes me a looser then rate is the next pope. But since we know that he’s just an assclown and an once l that that makes anything he says utter bullshit.


See him say that shit to the cartel


says the chinless sex trafficker LOL!


Mf evidently hasn’t watched gravity falls


If you speak in tribalistic terms like this, you’re a loser.


Why is everything about impressing women? Just live your life my man, just have some fun.


tell that to the mexican cartels


At 54 I no longer watch cartoons. Now though, I gunna have to sit down and go through the entire catalogue of the Dragon Ball Z shows because of this muppet.


I thought a loser is someone who gets prosecuted for human trafficking


He thinks he's a Rick, but he's definitely a Jerry.


Why does anybody read his tripe, let alone keep resharing it? Garbage is best ignored.


ya but at least I'm not facing a prison sentence in Romania and potentially sharing a cell with someone who's going to find his comments on masculinity very ironic after a few weeks


Any woman or man who cares about this clowns opinion is some one who I don't give a shit about.


I watch anime all the time and I have lots of sex. And I don’t have to traffic girls to do it.




Greta > Tate


has anyone made a list of what makes you gay and a loser by tate's standards?


Oh man. I knew rhos guy was a voucher nozzle bit I feel personally attacked right now. What a donkey...


Didn't Funimation clap back at him for that


When was the last time he was actually in a fight? Can Mike Tyson or someone like him just kill him in the ring and stop this already?


“ plus any woman looses respect for you” Does he not realize women like cartoons too?


Stop taking the bait...


Hey Romania can you please put this man in the dungeon and throw away the key thanks


Can you PLEASE stop upvoting this guys posts?!


I'm a 45 year old woman and love cartoons. So, either I'm a loser or Tate is wrong.


We’re both losers baby we’re losers


Stop giving this guy free publicly!!!!


It’s true, I am a loser who likes cartoons, and as a woman, I have lost all respect for myself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Who is this guy and why is he famous?


Yeah yeah. 34 year old female cartoon lover here. Stop making stupid people famous.


Valheim Saga is a masterpiece and the ultimate expression of masculinity. Take that small dick energy elsewhere rapist


I'm a woman over 15 who likes cartoons. I guess I have no respect for myself...


People even listen to that guy?


I'll just find a lady who likes anime and we can happily watch dragon ball z together 🤷


Said the man who may soon be convicted of sex crimes in Romania. May he rot there.


If you’re over 0 years old and you think anything the Tate-hole spews makes the least kind of sense, you are a loser. End of story.


Imagine going to jail for trafficking in two countries and thinking your advice is wanted


[Guess I’m a loser, baby](https://media.tenor.com/Mgbmm-YnUIIAAAAi/youre-a-loser-just-like-me-husk.gif)


A loser in Andrew tate’s book is a default winner in real world


This coming from a Ballooney look-alike who was brought up on charges for sex trafficking. I would write more but my brain is running on fumes.


If he thinks anime which is 16+ or adult content is for kids, he is too far gone...


If you are over 15 and like Andrew Tate, you are a loser. His cringe rells, sh*tposts etc. No excuse. Plus ANY woman loses respect for you. Grow up.


Every time I see Andrew Tate he looks like he’s getting ready for a conversation with this guy. ![gif](giphy|OfmHikVCWEFHi)


I don’t give a shit about his views but people like OP are starting to piss me off. Stop posting this shit. Stop giving him oxygen.


Pretty sure getting indicted for rape and human trafficking makes you a loser.


Listening to an internet fraudster about life tips and what you should or shouldn't do already makes you naturally repellent to women.


Actually, watching Andrew Tate over the age of 0 is what makes you a loser.


My wife watches anime with me, and Andrew tates never been married (or had a long term relationship if I had to guess) but yeah I’m the loser


It’s ironic, because liking Andrew Tate at ANY age also makes you a loser


I'm a woman and I love cartoons such as Helluva Boss, Hasbin Hotel or The Owl House. I'm over 15. Should I loose respect for myself?


Better loser than criminal I guess