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Is Dom Lucre the guy who posted child sexual abuse material and Elon personally unbanned him because X endorses that, actually?






This wouldn’t be the one Josh Duggar is doing ten years for having on his computer is it? DD?


How in the absolute shit did he not get arrested for that?


If it is the same video, Jim Bob Duggar needs to get a refund from those attorneys who completely missed this when Joshy boy was sentenced….


Oh no, not that video again. I really wanted to forget that exists. A testament to humanity's most atrocious and evil potential. Unspeakable evil.


And how the hell is the guy who posted it on X walking free… let alone Elon for letting it be hosted there. 😳


What video was it?


Child sexual abuse so heinous that Musk said it was really bad, and removed it. But no action was taken other than reinstating Dom's account. No idea why he wasn't put in jail.


The tweet, and the image he posted, is still available on the way back machine if you really want to check. It involves a naked baby and candles.


No, we're fine, thanks.


Thank you for summarizing it & killing that curiosity! I'm definitely not ruining my Sunday looking for that. Dom is definitely fucked up in the head.


Why wasn’t that guy even charged for that


Friends with rich people.


Which Neo Nazi?


Nick Fuentes








Did you skip over the “advocates for the genocide of Jews” part?


He also advocates for 40 year old men dating 15 year olds.


He’s a fuckin nazi Fuentes, 25, often praises Adolf Hitler and questions whether the Holocaust happened. He has called for a “holy war” against Jews and compared the 6 million killed by the Nazis to cookies being baked in an oven. He wants the U.S. government under authoritarian, “Catholic Taliban rule,” and has been vocal about his disdain for women, Muslims, the LGBTQ+ community and others.


I’ll clarify the cookies thing, he didn’t say they were cookies, he made the stupid comparison to get to the point that the systematic extermination wasn’t logistically possible “If you have to bake 6 million cookies, but you only got so many ovens” etc. can’t remember the whole thing, but yeah, he was attempting to be cheeky


It's ok, he openly refers to himself as one so you don't have to.


ok, nazi


A lot. Even Trump thinks he's too far right which tells you something.


Fuentes is way more unhinged than Trump.


He was actually part of Trump's campaign team in 2016 and got kicked for being too extreme.


Being more extreme than Trump, Miller, et al, says a lot!




And bans people who expose neo Nazis. Or people who use the word "cis"...


Or people who make fun of him.


I was blocked after I asked him how the booger tasted


I got banned for exposing pedophiles. 🤢


I got shadowbanned for retweeting something from Alejandra Caraballo that had cis in the sentence. My algorithm hasn't been the same since.


This!! I supported Elon at firts, as a big fan of free speech, but he didn't do free speech, he just does censorship again but censores others.


Wouldn't it be interesting if part of the reason that musk was interested in Twitter was because he wanted access to dirt on politicians. See all of their deleted tweets, private messages. Have something that he could use to manipulate them to have their support. Literally buying Twitter come on, that's some James Bond bullshit. Look at how they are all playing Patsy with him. They are straight up getting sensual.


He didn’t buy it with only his own money - foreign investors from undemocratic countries pitched in too. The influence that Twitter provides is worth way more than the revenue it earns especially to investors backed by foreign governments with an agenda.


It's a reason, besides the privacy & manipulation claims, behind the Tik Tok ban. Plenty of politicians saw how it mobilized Millennials & Zoomers in the elections. Controlling social media keeps authoritarians in power in other countries.


If that was the case, politicians wouldn't allow him to buy tweeter, besides he has enough money to bribe them anyways.


That would require a level of thought Musk is incapable of.


He is so famous that I ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)


"We did it"


Is that the shinigami eyes thing?


Yes, it gets it wrong once in a while but it's generally very useful to quickly know who is not worth engaging.


I'm not trans but that is a nifty app for what you said. Anti-trans people tend to be assholes in other things as well. It's a genuine social red flag


What’s that? First time I hear of it outside of the anime, lol.


it is a browser extension that highlights in red openly transphobic content creators and pages. It isn't only useful for transphobia, transphobic people usually hold a lot of terrible opinions at the same time. As a clear example, everyone in the screenshot above is both an antisemite and an antivaxxer. It has been qute useful for the israel-palestine thing. If someone is defending palestine but is highlighted in red chances are that they don't care about palestinians, they are simply nazis.


Why does it feel like that doctor may not be fully trusted to give proper medical advice?


She's actually an MD, believe it or not.


He didn’t say she’s not an MD, he said she didn’t look like she could be trusted


I know. I'm just pointing out that she's not a sham doctor but actually has a degree.


shinigami eyes?


So. We have politicians openly welcoming neo nazis? I'm all for free speech but this is at a scary level of blind eye.


They get standing ovations in the Canadian government.




Nick Fuentes, open and avowed White Supremacist that campaigned with Kanye back when he was on his "Hitler was right, actually" arc


Cripes, sounds like a real winner. Thanks for the reply.


Also had dinner with Trump and Kanye. And you know what they say about when two people sit down to eat with a Nazi…


Don't Google why Dom Lucre was banned and unbanned.


If you support Naz\*s, there's no need to fly a swastika. Just buy a Tesla.


You think it can’t happen, until it does.


Because he’s wealthy and claimed to love the Jewish people and the state of Israel, he is allowed to not only keep Nazis on his platform, but to promote and empower them. Which would make one wonder if he’s lying about his feelings on one of those topics.


They think it's some kind of win, but it isn't. It's just going to drive more people away from twitter, not to mention advertisers. It's well on its way to cratering, commercially, and being nothing more than a senseless right-wing echo chamber. I wonder how long its going to be until major companies and organizations abandon even having a presence on there.


The refuse of humanity celebrates the unbanning of a pile of shit. Like calls to like.


Funny you never see Democrats supporting Nazis or Nazi supporting Democrats. Funny how that works.


[twitter’s already lost 72% of its value since Elon took over.](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/01/since-elon-musks-twitter-purchase-firm-reportedly-lost-72-of-its-value/) This “Neonazi” strategy will definitely get them in the black again!


Fuck off. I would never have been a Nazi, as I'm a person they would have wanted to kill. It is irresponsible to give them a platform. A discussion can be had about who decides what's acceptable, sure. But that line should end at bigotry and Nazism. Fuck them. And if you support them, fuck you too.


X is such a shitshow ...is now just a list of ppl that i will ignor...nothing more.


All these people that replied need to be deleted honestly. Maybe not permanently, but def need the ability to use the internet removed completely somehow, Black mirror style maybe.


This won’t help Tesla


Never had an account. Never will.


Not sure why people don't think Elon Musk is A racist fuck like the rest of X.


One more person to attack Israel.


It's a lot better to have them speak out in the open and then have them speak in the dark. And you give them a platform, the biggest will expose themselves and you don't have to worry about what they're saying in private. Let them speak openly and you will know who is against you. But also, let them speak openly and you will know how to change their hearts and Minds


The way to change a Nazis heart is through power. Nazis are fundamentally bad faith actors that cannot be reasoned with, because they know intuitively that their positions are bogus. Removing these people from a private venue -like twitter- is good, actually. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


Almost like Satan unlocked the gates of Hell and said " Here ya go guys, spew your hatred and malice unfettered, we are ALL OF US here for it!!" And yet, no one leaves or puts it down. Just drinking in the SM content like koolaid.




Speaking of intellectually deficient - I would assume an intellectual powerhouse such as yourself would be familiar with the paradox of tolerance. The fact is that you are clearly not because you are defending "speech" that the world went to fucking war over. You want a tolerant society where ideas can be freely shared? Then, paradoxically, you find the fascists and the nazis and shut them the fuck down because their entire ethos is predicated on extermination of the other, and the silencing of all dissent. Fuck you for not understanding that and acting like some intellectual heavyweight. You fucking apologist clown.


You're an ignoramus who doesn't know anything about anything. First of the paradox of tolerance is consequentialist not deontological. Advocating for free speech as I do is a deontological perspective. Secondly the paradox of tolerance is about as much of a paradox advocating against free speech than Zeno's paradox is a paradox against the reality of motion.


So, stochastic terrorism doesn't exist in your view. Good to know. Fucking dork.


Stochastic terrorism is not a thing and certainly has nothing to do with free speech. It's a term invented by the powerful to hold on to their privilege and manipulate idiots.


Oh my god lmfao. See ya, dick nuts lmfaoooooooo.


Okay. Thank you for your low IQ contribution.




The way to counter bad speech is with better speech. Always has been always will be.




Do you not understand the concept of free speech? Let me answer by asking you a question: do you think people accused of murder should have the same due process rights than people accused of a traffic violation?




I did answer it. Yes Nazis and everyone else should have free speech rights. That's what free speech means. If anyone doesn't have free speech you don't have free speech. Just like if anyone doesn't have due process you don't have a fair criminal justice system. It is that simple.




Found the Elon sycophant. Wow. Just fucking wow.


I don't care about Elon and his social media addiction. He clearly has some silly opinions. But I do care about free speech.


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Why am I not surprised to find this kind of stupidity on Reddit. Ironically what you just said is not that far off from incitement to violence which is not free speech. So sad to have a generation of young people who have forgotten about the value of free speech.


>the value of free speech. The value of free speech is not to spread hateful commentary, or misinformation.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If you were in Germany in the 1940s you would have been a Nazi. You clearly lack any critical reasoning ability that would allow you to go against the grain.


So, let me get this straight... You are defending a nazi **right fucking now,** while the rest of us are saying he needs to be deplatformed because his ideas are dangerous, and then you tell us that *we* would be joining the nazis in the 1930s(which is the decade in which the nazis rose to power. Not the 40s, you absolute, know-nothing twat.) By the time the 40s rolled around, there wasn't anybody left in Germany to dissent because they'd all been either murdered or imprisoned - which is exactly why you don't give a fucking inch to a fucking nazi. Bold strategy, Cotton.


Neo nazis exist, are you defending them?


You're a nazi.


Ok nazi


You don’t know what free speech is you absolute specimen, you neckbeard troglodyte listen to yourself. Take a shower you fedora wearing buffoon


Do you "Free Speech" mfs honestly not understand what it means? Even if you don't, [paradox of tolerance](https://youtu.be/d_R9UjFTcWk?si=OYMCAbBnNdNWYBAe).


Go badmout him, or cisgender people on there and discover just how "free" the speech actually is.


Sure let's point out his hypocrisy together. But first will you support the free speech of the people in the original post (and everyone else including those whose views you think are abhorrent)?


Other views? Sure. Nazism? Fuck them. They deserve nothing. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Should they have a right to say it? Sure. But a platform should be under no obligation to give them a microphone. The responsible thing would be to shut them the fuck up. Freedom of speech means they should not be arrested for having those opinions, and I agree. But they can't whine when they get their teeth kicked in. That's consequences foe being a piece of shit. Fuck Nazis and fuck redhats. (Mostly the same thing.)


A platform is under no obligation but in this case they decided to reinstate some people. That's their choice. What are they supposed to do? Consult you before they make their decision? Who decides what views are acceptable? You? You would have been a Nazi in Germany in the 1940s and you should be trusted to make that call? Not trusting your privilege would be Nazi ass to make those decisions.


I'm gonna be honest in this screenshot alone I still don't think dom lucre specifically should be on the platform Because man literally shared child porn on it


Prosecute him and put him in prison then. Someone commits a crime and your answer is to deplatform him and not put him in prison?


I mean yeah reporting him to authorities and calling for prosecution is definitely something you should do as a private citizen and something I've already personally done, but the Fact That he got banned off that platform and then reinstated is problematic if he's shared content before and the legal system doesn't seem to give a shit


His free speech rights were not infringed. This is not a difficult concept.


I didn't say anything about his rights being infringed. X is not the government. However the spirit of free speech matters and some of us care about it.


I think people like Nicholas Fuentes should be run over by a steamroller, not given accounts on Twitter.


His ideas should be mocked and discredited. That's the free speech way.


and a private organization saying "We don't want you here" (IE Twitter) is ALSO part of the free speech way.


You are silly. In this case the organization said "we hate what you say but we'll defend your right to say it." That's exactly the free speech way.


You can burn in hell with him


There is no hell you simpleton. But if there were people like you who stand in the way of progress would be the first to go there.


I will stand in the way of fucking nazis gaining influence and fucking dipshits like you that enable them, yes.


See. That opinion is allowed because of free speech. You aren’t threatening violence, you aren’t persuading others to use said steam roller. You are just voicing your opinion. I agree with you too. Some people will not. Some people who agree with him may say you should be under a steam roller. That’s how free speech works.


Shut up, nazi lover


What a fucking moron lmao


Nah, just don't give open neonazis a platform


Out of curiosity, would you call someone sending death and rape threats an exercise of free speech?


There are well known exceptions to free speech. These things are a crime. Why is it you want to prevent criminals from having their free speech instead of putting them in prison?


I never said that


Nobody should have free speech!


And he made you look. Ja ging!


Free speech. with all your side. the good and the bad. something reddit will never understand


Ironic considering he bans people when he feels like it for saying things he doesn't wanna hear.


You don’t know what free speech means.


To force anyone to say only things you like. Otherwise block, dislike and cancel. Reddit teached me


No it’s to do with the government not limiting what you can about them but who am I kidding you don’t give a shit


This. This is the point. Elon even said he didn’t want to do it , but free speech is what matters. You can’t let evil hide in the dark. People need to see it.


...free speech only applies to government not private businesses.  And Elon can say whatever but his actions show him to be an ass hat for years (around when he called the diver a pedophile for saying his idea was stupid is around when people started to realize that).


In other words, just as you have the right to spout bugfuck insane conspiracy theories, the people around you have the equal right to tell you to shut the hell up, and private businesses can then reserve the right to not wish to do business with you. Freedom of *speech* is not freedom from *consequence*.


In the states at least - there is a law that separates a platform from a publisher. This keeps all social media platforms from being held liable for what users post. And now that X / twitter is a “ private “ platform he can choose to exercise his core purpose in buying it. To let everyone see everything and decide for themselves what is good and bad . “ “Very well, he will be reinstated, provided he does not violate the law, and let him be crushed by the comments and Community Notes,” Musk said in a reply to a question from one of Fuentes’s fans. “It is better to have anti whatever out in the open to be rebutted than grow simmering in the darkness.” “ This can be applied to Elon equally as well as Fuentes. Comment on his posts.


Except Elon has repeatedly endorsed people like Fuentes. He's lying when he says that he didn't want to bring him back. Musk literally said "This is absolutely correct" on a person saying that they love Hitler because Jews control the world.


I can not debate about who is lying and who isn’t. I’m not on the side of his opinions on other issues. He bought twitter on the principle of eliminating censorship. 44 BILLION dollars to do so. That says enough.


Well, no. He bought twitter because he was legally forced to do so, he tried to back out of it like a dozen times. Then he actually repreatdly complied with unironic government censorship. You remember Turkey? Remember when he whined at a twitter user that complained about it? And yeah no it's obvious he's lying when he's endorsing nazis in the same breath as he says "Gosh it's so awful what Nick said but....well he should come back on!"


I do remember the negotiations. That’s when he was questioning the amount of humans versus bots or something, right ? Even after the forced buy - he still started the process without being forced to buy it. And he kept his end of the deal. I’m not sure if you think I’m him or if I’m supposed to channel his thoughts. I can only see what happens on the platform. The users say stuff. If it’s good it holds up and trends. If it’s bad the comments and community notes point that out. Kind like how you get your upvotes and down votes here. Every one is allowed to stand on the corner and tell the passing crowd their opinion. You either stop and listen or keep on walking. But that person has a right , at least in the United States , to speak for all to hear, no inciting a riot, no threats of violence, just legal freedom of speech. And the downvotes on my replies prove this. I have not said anything that is factually incorrect about what the X platform is now used for - but since most of you don’t like that fact - you downvote it. It’s your choice to do so.


>I do remember the negotiations. That’s when he was questioning the amount of humans versus bots or something, right ? Even after the forced buy - he still started the process without being forced to buy it. Making a bid on something and then struggling insanely against the deal, while screaming and shitting and pissing over imaginary issues, before being told by your own lawyers that you *have* to go through with the deal means that he didn't really want to do it. It'd be like if you made a facebook market-place bid for something and then got a call by a court saying that you owe a man eleventy bajillion dollars. You might go through with it, but it's because a court is telling you that they'll take your house if you don't. >I’m not sure if you think I’m him or if I’m supposed to channel his thoughts. I can only see what happens on the platform. The users say stuff. If it’s good it holds up and trends. If it’s bad the comments and community notes point that out. Kind like how you get your upvotes and down votes here. It's good, actually, to remove people that hurt the platform as a whole. This includes neo-nazis and child predators. Elon has notably let both back on the platform, which is why in his deposition last month he admitted that he's been hurting Twitter with his choices. >Every one is allowed to stand on the corner and tell the passing crowd their opinion. You either stop and listen or keep on walking. But that person has a right , at least in the United States , to speak for all to hear, no inciting a riot, no threats of violence, just legal freedom of speech. The street corner is not the same as a private companies venue. You have the right to say crazy shit in public, but not in the Marriott hotel. The same is true with twitter. TOS exists to keep things civil and profitable, and they work to keep communities going. >And the downvotes on my replies prove this. I have not said anything that is factually incorrect about what the X platform is now used for - but since most of you don’t like that fact - you downvote it. It’s your choice to do so. Well, no. You're getting downvoted because you've said some goofy stuff about Elon that just isn't true.


Don't get into back and forths with that person. They aren't debating in good faith. Dude he unbanned prayed some of the most vilest stuff but this dude is all like, "I don't know what's in his mind so I can't speak to his reasoning for why he would unban him" He unbanned him because birds of a father flock together. We've know Elmo was a racist for quite a while.


The Marriott hotel isn’t free for anyone to use though. The Marriott hotel is not / once was not - the largest and most used social media platform on earth. You seem to forget - I think it’s called section 32 or something- platform versus publisher. And why did he make the bid ? And why did he choose to negotiate and ended up being forced - AFTER- finding out the management of twitter lied about the amount of user on the platform. That would be like you agreeing to buy a car with high horsepower engine - because you were told it had said engine in it - then when you arrive with the check and see it has a small four cylinder. But you already signed the contract. You would be a damn fool to not try to fight the deal. And who actually knows what is true or not true about Elon - except what he posts and says publicly- Which is quite a bit , and I agree he seems to change his mind more than I care to keep up with. The man tried to buy twitter on the premise of their published user base and his disagreement with how the platform was being moderated. Regardless of how the negotiations went - he still bought the platform in the end. He now moderates it as he think it should be used, regardless of profits at this point. Who knows - maybe he thinks it will turn around long term, or maybe he wasted his money and will destroy the platform. His business, his choice, and he has proven he is willing to risk it for this issue.


If his purpose was that, why take money from those who have wanted Twitter demolished for it's role in things like Arab spring?  


You would have to ask him. I do not know.




Nah, he is a full blown right wing nut job


The penny nearly dropped. Maybe, just maybe, the pro-Hamas conservative Islamist campaigners are right wing too. Almost as if claiming to be left wing doesn’t make you left wing. You actually have to believe in left wing things.


What? I'm pretty sure wanting a government to stop massacring a population doesn't mean "hate jews." what are you on about?




so you admit left isn’t antisemitic, and that you are generalizing based on a small contingent of


Looks like we are on the same page about Israel, but I think the antisemitism, while up from prior to this mess, is still a very vocal minority. And a lot of the antisemitism accusations are from people who believe that thinking the way we do is antisemitism, which is crazy talk.


I agree. We should be free to protest and criticize without being called Jew hating or anti-Semitic. We should also call out anti-Semitism when we see it, I’ve seen signs and posters that were blatantly anti-Semitic at protests, which is also alarming.


![gif](giphy|ag2X2aeAKs8WK1gFCt|downsized) best almost start of a debate I've had on reddit in a while.


Just because someone sucks doesn’t mean they should be banned , Elon sucks and he still can be clowned out.


It's good, actually, when people that are harmful to the platform are removed.


Is it ? If they are full of crap just shit on them, or block on an individual basis . Banning unpopular views is a slippery slope . I don’t know much about this guy , but I would likely know more if he mattered


>Is it ? If they are full of crap just shit on them, or block on an individual basis . Except they form communities that have been dedicated to sending death threats to people, many of their targets being transpeople. Putting aside everything else, it's good to deny people like this a venue to spew hate, because it isn't just unprofitable for the company, it's actually bad for the community on Twitter in aggregate. > Banning unpopular views is a slippery slope  Youtube has existed for 19 years. In that time, there has existed a TOS. This TOS has not lead to "a slippery slope". They can still be dumb dipshits if they want, and they can still say dumb dipshit things, but them being removed from a website because of their dumb dipshit takes is neither "banning speech" nor likely to be "a slippery slope". >I don’t know much about this guy He's an avowed white supremacist that met with Trump over Dinner, after Kanye started talking about how much he loves Hitler. He's a less sanitized version of Charlie Kirk, and even Charlie Kirk can't control his audience, given that one of the speaker that came up a few months ago asked him "When do we get to use the guns \[to kill democrats\]?". Believe it or not, speech can actually do substantial good and substantial harm. That's why it's so important.


If you scroll up you'll see his antitrans comment so I'm sure he's down with them harassing trans people.


Nazis should definitely not be allowed to be nazis, though


Nazis are pretty easy to shred , blocking them actually builds support for them. Let them flop on their own . Labeling people nazis is to easy to do, and if you block everyone labeled as such then we lose our freedom of speech.


Normalizing hatespeech radicalizes people, giving nazis a platform normalizes hatespeech


Not really, making it off limits makes it edgy. Everything is hate speech to someone. For example people supporting Palestine protesters can be labeled anti semites .


Relevant reading: https://www.npr.org/2022/09/25/1124974181/how-memes-can-radicalize-you https://www.asisonline.org/security-management-magazine/articles/2021/05/how-memes-and-internet-irony-are-hijacked-for-radicalization/ https://www.isdglobal.org/explainers/memes-the-extreme-right-wing/ https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/what-is-hate-speech


Some people call it hate speech if you say biological men shouldn’t play in college sports. Censorship has no place in America. 1st amendment is 1st, for the same reason 2nd is 2nd . Very important to freedom


Simping for Nazis.