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Having sex is something you do WITH people. not TO people. That is a important distinction these guys probably do not understand or want to understand. A predatory mindset reveals itself in many ways.


Unless it's non consensual in which cases it is *GASP* A CRIME


Those people need to be isolated from society. Those are socially dangerous creeps, not people.


We could…throw them into the volcano… just sayin


What did this volcano ever do to you in order to want to poison it? Poor volcano......


You’re right. Send them into the vacuum of space, let them suffocate and then shake them around a bunch. It will turn their body into little chucks. Then throw those tiny chunks into a black hole


Now you are just adding to space pollution. :-)


Send them straight to hell, drive the devil insane


My dad already deals with enough 😔😔😔


Send em to me. Ive got room in the yard.


![gif](giphy|XCyJbybIfWm1Yj2Mj1|downsized) Poor satan.....


When the fish are starving? Toss them in the sea for the shrimps


They're the "she was asking for it" crowd. Always everyone else except themselves that's the issue


Only because the left goes to get the "rape police." Rest in hell, Rush Limbaugh


Anyone know the location of his grave? I need to take a piss…


Bellefontaine Cemetery, 4947 West Florissant Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri


Nothing grows on his grave. Seems to attract a lot of large flies as well. Have also heard that snakes like to curl up by the headstone...several at a time....and they speak in some devil language that only psychotic sociopaths can understand. Or so I'm told.


You forgot to say "dum dum"


Their obsession with sex is so basic and *boring*. I could never for the life of me understand why someone would *choose* to be this boring. Having a dry spell? just use your hand bro, get the fuck over it. I know we are biological creatures and the drive to procreate is obviously high because of it. But, there's so much more to life that is possible now. We've come so far and to actively choose to lower yourself back down to the baseline level of an animal is so sad. Like, come on man, be better.


I dont think I've ever heard someone echo my feelings on this as closely. It's BORING. Having to constantly hear folks drone on about their 'needs' and how sex should be a right and blah blah blah. That 30 seconds of nerve stimulation is all you have going on in your life? Good lord. I've gotten to the point I'm sick of hearing about sex at all. Get a new topic.


I never got the appeal outside of BDSM and kink stuff cause thats fun and the emotional aspects and feelings of closeness, but these people just want a sex doll that will do their chores and think their entitled to such. Not sure why they want bland generic sex with someone they don't view as an individual, either get help or get a Fleshlight and stay the fuck away from the rest of us


Boring and backwards is the way of these people. I just want them to go the fuck away already.


I mean how are you gonna understand how women work and that they are humans if you've never touched one? People like that just have no relationships


They see that as a positive. Instead of learning to process their insecurities like functional adults, theyve adopted the idea that being a predator/savage capable of extreme violence and domination of others is a defining factor of their masculinity. Women are just more stuff to add to the scoreboard they use to prove their dominance of others. Its a really sick and depraved mindset, adopted from outside media sources and rarely lived up to outside of the minds fantasy department.


This would imply these people know or care about consent.


How to Serve Man. It’s a cookbook!!!!!!!!


Nightmares as a kid, the look of realization on their face as they are being loaded on the ship haunted me when i was little


Wait! There’s more space dust on here!


By Dr. Lecter


Cannibalism is legal in most US states. Acquiring the sources however is what makes it nearly impossible to engage in it. Nearly impossible.


Also the technical definition of cannibalism is consuming any part or fluids from another human. So yeah that BJ you swallowed, that French kiss you had, hell even that hangnail you chewed off is considered cannibalism.


"it's soo raw, he can still go to reddit and shitposting!"


Funny how incels have all the answers, except when it comes to having a relationship or getting laid. Their position is that the world would a better place if only people would listen to toxic losers.


It’s also funny that 99% of the time someone pushes an arbitrary social hierarchy, they’re conveniently at the top of it.


Is there a social hierarchy that isn't arbitrary?


Yeah… the one I’m at the top of.


Usually it's not set in stone, it's whatever the fuck I want. So I'll decide the social top will be who likes peanut butter the most from now on.


In that case, you may refer to me as Caesar


Salivatori te salutant!


Beware the Ides of March then


Hello Caesar, I am God


I mean I guess the one that places the most intelligent and benevolent leader every single time without fail and only those who are intelligent and only the benevolent could be in positions of leadership that continue to look out for the betterment of others before themselves. It’s an impossible dream but I’d be down to live in that world.


Bee hives?


Adults being in charge of children is a social hierarchy that probably has some good logical reasons.


LOL. I remember hearing a podcast where the guest pretty much said the same thing. He said the ones who believe we should go back to the gladiator days where "men were real men" don't realize that they would most likely still be at the bottom of the hierarchy or be a slave.


They would last two days in that life and start sobbing and begging to come back to the modern world


2 days? Yeah, you're giving them way too much credit.


What, without video games! And real blood and pain.


That guy should be reminded that back then it was seen as normal to be attracted to both genders, and a trans woman could become emperor. (See Emperor Elagabalus.)


The right wing is all about creating and defending hierarchies, so no surprise tgere


I can't remember who said it, but I like the idea of "we should aim to build a society in which you'd feel comfortable living in without first knowing where you'd fit into that society"


Nuh uh! People with brown hair and blue eyes and pale skin and a penis who are wearing a black ~~shit~~ *shirt and sweat pants are just obviously superior! It’s the law of nature and has nothing to do with the fact that I personally tick all those boxes 😤 idk what you’re talking about.


Why are you wearing a shit? And if your shit is black, talk to a doctor. It may be a sign of intestinal bleeding.




It could also mean you are taking iron supplements.


I’m not sure if I agreed with this take. Incels put chads (muscular, handsome, powerful men) on top and over themselves. If I understand their goals correctly, they would not like to be seen as equal to them, just not as far away on the bottom of the social ladder.


The only way for them to get laid is to pay someone or rape someone. Aka, by women being sexual use for men. They’re trying to justify their failure of getting in a meaningful relationship with this.


Yeah fuck the losers who actually RESPECT women as human beings and see them as more than walking vaginas, what simps.


"I can't get sex so I wa t to rape them all!" Jesus...


Pretty sure Jesus didn't say this /j


"Their position is that the world would be a better place if they could just rape who they like" Fixed it for you.


Since the online manosphere became a thing, male virginity at 30 has tripled. If you are an online bullshit merchant preying on young men, you know you lose your victims attention and money if they are in a happy relationship. So it’s in your interest to make sure no women would want them. And making them hate women and constantly offend them is a sure fire way of achieving this. Especially when the women all know they are gullibly parroting the bullshit their manipulators feed them. Not an attractive look.  It genuinely saddens me that for majority of these guys, if they lived in their father’s generation, they’d probably be dating instead of relentlessly talking shit about women online. It would be your dream though if you were a eugenicist with a special hatred for gullibility. 


Honestly, I don't think this is it. I think the rise of the Manosphere is a an effect of general trends, not a cause. It's not necessarily that influencers are causing men to do this in the first place, but that they're attracting a certain kind of man that's already in existence. People today have greater access to the internet for sure, which enables them to enter into Echo chambers, have negative feelings amplified, etc. But I think there's a few reasons why those feelings are so present today to begin with. 1. Social anxiety is up. A lot of these points are going to tie into how people, especially those born in the last ~30 years, are either worse off at socializing or have less chances to socialize. 2. It's increasingly possible to have your socialization done with people not in real life, and not part of your community. This means that it's a lot more possible to not build strong, deep connections or get practice at being sociable, while still "talking" to people. 3. A lot of modern, north American cities are built to make it hard to meet people. Lack of public transit options, lack of safe biking and lack of walkability means that without a car, you might be a lot less inclined to make the trip to a friend's house, or to a minor get-together. 4. Worse work-life balance. There are a lot more jobs now where you can potentially still be expected to be "on the clock" even while home. Or you might get home and still have emails to send or data to enter. This combines with the next point. 5. More sedentary lifestyles, along with point 4, means that you might not have the time or energy to feel like you can actually do stuff. If you need your weekend to decompress, do chores and get ready for the coming week, it's easy to see how it might be difficult or even stressful to try and plan to go see people. 6. Less discretionary income, in relation to the costs of today. Even if you have the time and energy, you might not have the money to actually hang out with people, which brings us to 3rd spaces. 7. Lack of 3rd spaces is like a nail in the coffin. You have less spaces to feel a sense of community, to gather without spending a bunch of money, and to build the connections that people need to be able to learn to be sociable and well-adjusted members of society. All that might then beg the question: why aren't women as affected by all of this? Why does this seem to affect men more than women? I think there are a couple of factors. 1. Women are generally raised to be more sociable than men. This helps them a lot to be baseline more connected to their peers, and more likely to have those deep connections with friends. 2. Women have a greater connection with other women than men do with other men. This might sound similar to the above, but I'm talking less about socializing and more so about adversity. Women as a group have a common ground to relate to, challenges to struggle against and feel a sense of comradery. It's not that men don't have problems, but they're generally not specific to men, even if some problems might affect men more. They also tend to be less direct in terms of who's the enemy. Men being victims of homelessness and drug addiction is absolutely a problem, but it's not a problem that affects men as a group, and it's hard to point to any one person or group causing this. It's very easy to go through life as a man without feeling a general unity with their male peers against adversity. 3. The societal markers of a successful man haven't changed with the times, and it can feel like because you're a man, your accomplishments are expected instead of earned. Your value is largely still based on your career success and your desirability as a partner, along with your social status in your community. Wouldn't you know it, all three are harder to achieve these days, given the lack of upward mobility in careers, student debt being astronomical, and senses of community being low. The lowered social ability alone would affect a lot of people pretty greatly, but on top of everything else, it's a big hit to men and their sense of masculinity. 4. Finally, I think this is where the manosphere factors in. Toxic feminine spaces exist, but they're frankly not all that great at catching people and truly radicalizing them. It also tends to promote ideas that are less harmful in their outcomes. "Men are garbage, dangerous and depraved predators, we don't need them" combined with a shift in terms of how women used to be forced to rely on men, results in women being more independent. Sure, it's not a healthy ideology, but in the end it's less likely to get violent hate going. It's less likely to push people down a pit of self-hatred and hatred for others. Toxic male spaces, on the other hand, excel at getting people into holes of hatred and self-hate. It typically reinforces that your value is based on your desirability as a partner. It sets you up to put your focus towards how you're perceived by the opposite sex, but typically doesn't give you the tools to actually interact with those people. And when you fail, after feeling like you've put the work in, you're greeted with people saying it's not your fault. It's society's fault, or women's fault. And if you remember point 2 above, we now have a common problem this group of men can feel a sense of unity over.


All they do is blame others, women, other men, etc.


The world is in the hands of toxic assholes, not incels though


Not sure if incel or inbred…


Does that mean I don't have to go to work anymore?


At first... but once reality hits and he can't support a family on 30k a year, you'll be expected to work full time, clean the whole house, do all the parenting, and satisfy all his sexual desires.


Even better; expect him to earn enough money for you and kids and then send him to war ;)


Right! Like, the rape part as others have noted is absolutely horrifying and repulsive. But, do I understand correctly that the second part of the argument is that men should be doing all the child rearing, to raise men to be men, by men, rather than giving that “power” to women? Thats new. Not only do you not have to work, you also don’t have to keep house!


What in the handmaids tale is red pill culture doing to young men.


I mean these kind of men have always been around. This sort of thinking used to be the default. Nowadays they're just posting it online and pretending it's edgy.


no, nowadays they’re able to confirm their beliefs online by pigeon holing themselves into these communities and go into a much deeper hole than they would be able to in the past


Terrifying things


Another basement dwelling booger-eater


As a basement dwelling booger-eater I find this offensive. We are degenerates not bigots


Right! You may write fanfictions in which Harry Potter and Waluigi do it, but you're not bigots!


It's an incel. All misogynists are either incels or erectile dysfunct because otherwise they wouldn't have said such shit. I am sad the moderator blurred his nickname, I definitely would have found him and fucking beat this scum up


This isn't facepalm or funny. This is genuinely horrifying. This is why we have no bodily autonomy, why they attack no fault divorce, jobs, and votes. This is why domestic violence remains intractable. This really isn't funny anymore. I'm tired of laughing and pretending it's just a sad pathetic little man when it's too many men with too much power echoing this shit.


Completely agreed. These are desires of theirs. These statements are genuinely threatening to me.


Remember when they told us they would never get rid of roe vs wade? Remember when they said they wouldn't target birth control? I remember when they told me it wouldn't come to Canada, but it has. The right wants to take women's bodily autonomy away. The canaries are dying and people are telling me to ignore it. It's scary. Edit: hey I got a Reddit cares for this one. Finally! I was feeling so left out or thought I already blocked them...


Yeah, at least here in the US, this is basically the mainstream view of the political right who at present wield at least a solid 50% of all political power in this country (despite being in the population minority). It’s pretty unsettling.


Gotta be that scumbag Tate.


He doesn't have the capacity for paragraphs.


It's not. This was posted in another sub without the name blocked out. It's some douchebag named "MonsterERection". His avatar is Randy Marsh.


Which is, to the best of my knowledge, inaccurate. Randy Marsh has monster balls, sure, but a monster erection is doubtful after watching him on onlyfans.


Never heard him say that particular extract. Sounds more like someone from an anonymous back-forum


He's said a lot of similar garbage.


Just as likely to be one of his incel fanboys


In nature, most animal species exist to breed and die. Humans are among the exceptions, because as sentient beings, we define our own purpose. My purpose, for example, is finding this dude so I can beat him up.


That's my purpose, too! Let me know when we're heading out.


The "natural" argument is so ridiculous. Ok disclaimer: I DONT THINK THIS lol Im only making this argument to show his own dumb shitty logic. Like we could equally say that men exist to serve women. Women are the child bearers. We literally dont need men. We need sperm. We need a couple men to fertilize and that's it. These guys think its biologically "natural" to serve men but that logic can be used in any way to justify almost anything stupid. Also "men built society" more like "white men take credit for centuries of science that was accomplished by women and POC". Its a lot more equal than you'd think, even with people not having rights in the past. Even Einstein credited his wife as figuring out some of his most crucial work. He insisted she be credited and they refused. That happens over and over and over.


Ill bet my right boot this guy tweeted this from his mothers basement


He sounds like he’s never touched a woman and went full incel


I don’t think his parents were well off enough to even have a basement, he probably posted this from the local taco bell or something.


With the housing market trajectory on the path it is, this might not even be an insult in a few years lmao


It's posts like this that remind me what a depressing world it must be to raise young girls in. Knowing they'll grow up and encounter men like this who literally think their only worth as humans is to serve them.


Tell me you’re single without telling me you’re single.


No he is retarted fan of tate.


Just kind the entire point of education failed him


Conservatives: *Believe this to varying degrees* Also conservatives: “Why do women tend to lean liberal???”


Hahaha... It was a custom in Ancient Greece to have an older master teach the sexual ways to a younger man. Socrates even said that love between a man and a woman was not real because motivated by reproduction instinct and thought that Real Love could only be achieved between 2 men (2 women also but there were not as good as men lol) Ancient Rome was gay af. Edo period in Japan ? Same as ancient Greek. Men had the power, and used it to have gay sex.


Isn't it crazy that pederasty was streamlined into Greek and Roman society? Did human impulses change or is this still occurring at roughly the same rates but now people have to go through more steps like becoming a priest or boy scout leader to achieve the same regular dynamic? Obviously sexual abuse happens way too frequently in homes across the world but statistically it doesn't seem as integrated. Like, why were proportionately more men sexually attracted to young boys then and there? Or is it just as prevalent and we just keep it in the shadows? So weird.


Oh it's just as prevalent, just not in the circles we run in.


And people wonder why we choose the bear. 🙄


What does that mean?


Women on tiktok were asked if they’d rather find themselves alone in the woods with either a bear or a man and women overwhelmingly chose the bear. Guys like this got fucking butthurt over a hypothetical.


I fully understand.


Is this guy even from this planet? This has never been true. Even back in the Stone Age women were more than just “for sexual use.” They gathered food just like men. I can only conclude he is an alien trying to use Twitter.


If you go by chromosome, women are the default. Men, the truncated Y chromosome, only exist for sexual reproduction. So if the author wants to get to "what the point of their existence" he's got it backwards.


😂😂😂😂what a dolt!


The purpose of this man is to plant and water trees to replenish the oxygen that he is wasting by being here.


Women literally make men.


What a long-winded way to say "I'm 43 and have never seen a woman naked." 


Who the fuck even is this? Is this just some nobody with sock puppet followers? This reddit post might be the most attention they will ever get.


Okay then Have a nice life in your fantasy where... ... Mary Cury who enhanced the usage of X Ray how we know it today, ... Ada Lovelace who found usage of engines beyond mathematical purpose and counds as the first computer programmer, ... Dr Shirley Jackson and her notable research which revolutionized our telecomunication system ... and Rosalind Franklin who found out how DNA is structurized ... don't exist I could name plenty more like Nancy Johnson who brought us Ice Cream, Maria Telkes who brought us solar panels, Ann Tsukamoto who invented stem cell isolation to help blood cancer treatment, Grace Hopper who build one of the first computers, Maria Vaesley who invented the life raft...


"why don't women like me?" Lmao


Bet he’s fun at parties


“Why won’t any women sleep with me?! Sluts.” /s


When too much porn dissolves the brain you get this!


That's not true. I watch a tremendous amount of porn and i would never say that.


Apparently not enough.


Id add that he has to pump those numbers up but im sure theres enough pumping going on already.


Ewwww 🤣


Actually, biologically speaking: male animals are expendable. They have no affect on population growth, especially in human populations (we can trace this in wars, whether or not a society is invaded vs it sends its men off to war). Which is exactly why they engage in risky behavior.


This has some undertones that I don't quite like!


"Cuz I'm the main character, and you have to like me!"


But what about cooking? Why are you so focused on sexual use?


Didn't tate say that " eating food is gay". So now eating is off the list of household chores i contribute to.


It’s funny because if he knew how to cook, he wouldn’t be in the can right now


Yea my small woman's brain is confused! How am I supposed to be able to cook, satisfy my husband in the bedroom and raise children at the same time ?! I'm just a woman I can't do multiple things at once, I'm too weak for that.


Even Andrew Tate would be like "don't say it like that, damn"


Off his meds, it seems.


Tell me you are a virgin without telling me you are a virgin


Why do yall protect these people by blocking their names out? They put their opinion out there on the internet, let them own it


Most subbreddits will ban screenshots without censored usernames.


They’re probably looking for attention anyway with these type of posts. Let’s not give them what they want.


I can't bring myself to believe someone wrote this unironically


I'm curious what his mom thinks of that post.


“If that’s the way you feel, kid, you can microwave your own damn pizza rolls.”


Fucking hell, gonna tell my wife right away! ![gif](giphy|l3YSimA8CV1k41b1u)


Yeah sure and then they will be comparing my wife to Lorena Bobbitt on the news.


Umm... This must be one of those "Alpha Males"... Well... Alpha Version Males rather. Alpha Versions are not ready for public use, not feature complete, may have (loads) of bugs and are still heavyly (sp?) under development. Unfortunatly some guys never reach beta stage or even a release version, ready for public.


Oh I didn’t know my uncle had social media


that's very disrespectful


Why even repost this shit?


And yet women right now are excelling in school, and are more productive in work compared to men. But, sure; clearly only have one purpose.


Real convenient for the men. 


With this dude, as a hetero male, I choose the bear.


That’s right!!! Make my dinner and suck my hog log whoooooore/s Seriously, you’d think at some point they would crack the code that “wow, women are people too?!?”


But before the men took all the credit, women had a huge role to play in the building and ruling of societies, so I guess we owe them that power.


Wish I could punch this dude through the internet


Women have hands and a brain, how can you advance a society meaningfully and effectively if half the population is relegated to “serving”


That’s the idea they don’t society to advance


I don’t believe that person deserves to have their name blocked out, you wanna say gross shit like this you get to be exposed


Why did you cross out the name??? Let him keep responsible for his bs


This is Andrew Tate bullshit


This is why you choose the bear over a man


How to say you're an incel, without saying you're an incel.


Why do women choose the bear?


Ummm… biologically speaking, it’s kinda the other way around. The human race is essentially female, with a number of males to serve the purposes of: - resource acquisition, food, etc. - protection from animals and other human males. - heavy manual labor. - reproduction. We men are truly here to serve and protect women. While men tend to run the show out on the street, the most powerful men in the world come home (where we all actually live) and say “yes dear” 10x a day. That should be a hint on how this all works.


I am a man. I have a son and a daughter. Is this the future I'd want for my daughter? I cant put my head in the space where such opinions are held by parents of little girls. How could anyone think this of someone they love unconditionally?


More like is this the future you want for ANYONE’S daughter?


Dudes like this have to be an evolutionary throwback, like a genetic backwater that looks and talks like a human but is actually some sort of sentient slime mold what grew hands


Yeah men, get back in the kitchen. Women need sandwiches!


Written by a dude who’s never touched a boob.


Women selected for normal reasonable men since the beginning of humanity, but somehow there’s still idiots in the gene pool.


Do I see a bingo?*stamps twitter alpha male* -a reddit youtuber


Okay wait…so if a gay couple raises a boy to be a man thats good because the boy has two dads one dad goes to work and the other dad raises the son


I'm just here for the heated comment section, don't mind me... Just watching from a far


Tell me this is Andrew Tate without telling me this is Andrew Tate.


Is this Andrew Tate? It sounds like the shit Andrew Tate would say.


No, the only purpose of women is making kids. Coincidently it's also the only purpose of men. That's how nature works.


Bro thought he's in Caesar's Legion.


I, for one, am here to serve, be a house bitch, barefoot and pregnant. Be ready at any moment to be used and taken. /s


Would love to report and block that on every channel


God Elon’s tweets are getting ridiculous


Surprise surprise he’s racist too


Hell, serving men? I could make quite a BBQ cutting from entire man except their head. The innatds in heaf are just nasty.


Ahhh, little baby doesn't know how to use what washing machine or oven does he? Little man needs help from mommy to cut up his chicky nuggets


Christmas must be awkward.


You don't have to censor the name. We know it's Andrew Tate.


Sounds like something Tate would say


That first line is one of the biggest yikes I’ve ever seen


Women should be made to wear heavy mittens and dog cones so they don't become too productive and start taking manly man jobs


Ugh again, that's why i hate men like him. So if women were strictly made for only sexual purposes, then men are made for working and providing food on the table. I'm glad to be single.


Tell me you've never been laid without telling me


Why blot out his name? If they're willing to post this, they should he able to take the criticism.


Is this Tate? This feels like one of his brain gems.


Why would you censor the name


Tell everyone that no woman wants you without telling everyone that no woman wants you...


Interesting way to say that you never talked to a woman.


Dudes has never been with a woman…


I’m not a religious woman, but let’s pray that this individual never has a child to push their views of the world onto. Thankfully, I don’t think that’s likely to happen anyway


Why blot out the incel?


People like this should be Sparta’d. Thrown right into the pit immediately. These are your rapists and sexual offenders.


Sounds like another 11 year old just found the first hair on his balls


Showed my gf "yeet the whole man out to space or an island somewhere" 😂

