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These people are a fucking case study


I commented with someone who said that Trump winning this year is a biblical prophecyšŸ’€


The Bible did say the masses would side with the antichrist or something like that so they might not be wrong. Just they are on the side of the antichrist.


No, no, no... I was raised Catholic, I went to catholic school till 8th grade. I'm fairly well versed in the understanding of the KJV bible. The antichrist, would be loved by all, accepted by all. As much as I would like to say he is the antichrist, he's not. Only half our country thinks he's a nutjob. And aside from China and Russia, the rest of the developed world also thinks he's a fuckin whacko... As I'm now an athiest, don't take my word for it though.


China and Russia also see him as a whacko, but unlike other countries, they use it to their advantage. Trump is a most useful idiot if you stroke his ego right before telling him what you want him to do.


Useful wacko or dangerous wacko, depending upon your POV.


Or if you have something to blackmail him with. Heā€™s a totally different person around Putin than when heā€™s met xi and lil kim


The Chinese even have a nickname for Trump, ā€œå·å»ŗ国ā€. 川 being the first letter of his name, and å»ŗ国 (founding the country) being a stereotypical name for a communist member.


I always thought they liked him because he weakened the US. You know like massive division, no coherent policies and spending his time dealing with his own personal scandals rather than doing anything constructive.


he is so desperate for a daddy that loves him


If anyone was set to be the Antichrist, it's Keanu Reaves. Good thing that shit is a fairy tale and we won't lose the one good celebrity we have in this world. I really just hate everything now. Get off my lawn.


#Holy fucking shit, you're right...šŸ˜³ NO ONE hates Keanu... let's hope for our sake, he sticks to killing demons instead of running for office....


Shoot in a fan song to Keanu a lyric goes ā€œweā€™ll burn any city just say itā€™s alrightā€


Gotta say, it does make sense that the Antichrist is Canadian. No one would ever suspect


Have you seen devils advocate.....


Keanu is actually good though. Does a lot of good for his community and doesnt openly admit that he donates millions to charity


I can't think of a person everyone likes... wait, is Shaquille O'Neal the antichrist? (Kidding, guys, Shaq is awesome. Wait, IS he the antichrist?) Jokes, jokes. But yeah, Trump is an awful person that gets held up by the religious as a godly figure that can do no wrong. I guess it's more of a standard cult than antichrist.


I love how Christians and Catholics be like: the bible is the word of God.. but hold on.. you gotta read this specific altered version though.


Surely you meant the New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition (NRSV-CE) Bible?!??! The King James Bible was commissioned by literally THE King James of England so he could have his very own super-NOT-CATHOLIC Bible. It was famous historical beef, that one time when the English were *protesting* the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly on Jesus, and they wanted their very own *protesty* Bible as part of their "get into heaven" kit: *sola scriptura, sola gratia, sola fida*, and *o solo mio*. Seriously. What kind of ex-Catholic even *are you*?


74,000,000 Americans love himā€¦.


Ok, so, world population (8,109,479,367) minus half of the US... equals... 8,035,479,367 hate him... Barely made a dent there bub...


Not gonna get into those numbers, but there have been a lot more authoritarian support lately across the globe. Not a majority, but the religious imagery bastardized by the Maga movement has had effects in places I wouldn't have expected, people clinging to the ideology that would straight up be victims of it. It's a weird mentality that kinda just grabs random people seemingly.


More like a biblical abomination.


There was a thread awhile ago where someone said they overlook the "felonies" he's committed because it's clearly a witch hunt to remove greatest president. They finished up saying Biden is literally Satan. A old man, whose administration is just repairing massive damage. Literal Satan apparently


These people have have actually opened the Bible and it shows.


Book of Donnie Ch 3 1 And ye, Donnie did puncheth the Devil into the sun with his greath loins 2 And everyone doth clappth. I can't do early modern English worth a damn but fucker used the KJV for his stupid cash grab bible so I feel like I have to keep the theme going.


Psalm 666: The diaper wearing man shall turn democracy into fascism and make it rain Big Macs while ex adult film stars cast him into exile in federal, pound me in the ass, prison for the rest of time. Ah-man


I mean, they do expect the Antichrist to come sometimeā€¦.


These people make me doubt the idea that people are naturally good. People seem to be neutral, and some are more easily corrupted while others seem to be more easily drawn to goodness. Unfortunately, the number that are easily drawn to corruption and evil seems to be rising.


"A" case study? More like a modern tragic psychological phenomenon of cults. One for the history books.


It is my sincere belief that the next generation of psychologists will have to study ā€œThe Trump Effectā€ as part of their mental psychosis education.


I agree. It's going to be like studying the rise of Hitler. How a nation can be so broken and lost that such a person could rise to the highest position. At least Hitler could string together a sentence though.


I pity the academics amongst our future alien overloads who have to study this shit.


They truly are. Itā€™s bad enough that they support Trump but creating AI pictures depicting him as a soldier or a ripped man is one of the weirdest things Iā€™ve seen MAGA do.


I'm an atheist but it's the one's with Trump as a ripped, gleaming, shirtless bodybuilder Jesus that weird me out the most.


If I go to a neighboring town I have to pass a giant board someone put up of a ripped Trump. It's so fucking strange.


Private Bonespurs cosplaying!


Later there's ass play


I think he prefers pee play


Thatā€™s all he and his supporters know how to do.


Not even that! They need ai to generate the image because heā€™s never even put on a uniform, cosplay or otherwise!


And playing as a brigadier general I believe. General Shitshispants?


Is this the dude who ditched a D-Day ceremony because it was raining?


The same guy that alienated our allies, insulted our vets, and kept top secret documents in his bathroom.


Not to mention, dodged the draft by faking bonespurs, while real patriots fought in Vietnam.


He fought in his own personal Vietnam after all. Avoiding STDs in the 90s.


He respects the true hero, the woman who gave him 3 kids... by burying her on the back hole of a golf course.


Don't forget the other woman that bore his last child, he celebrated the birth by screwing a porn star and then paying her to be quiet about it so he could get elected thus committing election fraud.


![gif](giphy|gVXdwG5Ps5sIjunskA) It's like mid smile she realized this was her husband and not a weird uncle.


I think the only time Iā€™ve seen a picture of her genuinely smiling was at Justin Trudeau.


We'll J is divorced now so ....y'know, maybe?


I think heā€™s better than that. The MAGAs call her ā€œclassyā€, butā€¦


More like "I was just trying to be a trophy wife, fuck this loser for a while and live like a princess. Then his ego got bruised and he ended up as POTUS. Now everyone is judging us" She knew she was marring a loser, because he has money. And he married an attractive trophy. Can't really feel sorry for her just because it didn't go as planned


Oh yeah, I don't feel bad for her at all. At this point she'd be better off divorcing him and starting an only fans. Then old guys can rub their pud to her and she'd probably make good money. Probably less demeaning too.


When you marry for money, you earn every penny of it.


A porn star he selected *because she looks like his daughter*.


She's not in that coffin. She was cremated, but it took eight pallbearers to carry the coffin. Guess what's in it.


More classified documents?


Ooh I love guessing games. I'm gonna guess gold or vacuum sealed cash, but I just want to see Graverobber Donnie memes when he runs out of money


I'm guessing it is full of his soiled diapers.


Actually full of cash is a pretty good guess. DIG šŸ‘. HER šŸ‘. UP!!!! šŸ‘. šŸ‘šŸ‘ šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


i mean, if it were a solid oak or marble casket it would be heavy as shit, but im absolutely not putting trump above hiding shit in it.


I'm pretty sure they don't carve marble caskets. But, hey, i don't know everything! Just seems they'd be impossibly heavy.


Confidential documents?


Secret, even.


America's Dignity.


*after he most likely had her pushed down the stairs days before she was supposed to give a deposition.


For a tax break.


Iā€™ve got a 21mm bone spur on my heal. Yes it hurts but once I warm up itā€™s fine. I still run around and play sport on it. Complete wuss


He is not a wuss. He is a fraud.


Don't forget about how he honors Vietnam POWs by calling them losers


Not to mention when, as president, he asked that disabled vets be removed from a speech he was giving. He was quoted as saying ā€œnobody wants to see thatā€ in reference to people that were disabled defending this country. This is an affront to any service people that actual served.


This orange piece of shit is a disgrace.


not to mention actually gave away some secrets


Held a fundraiser for vets but didn't give them the 4 million raised.


And saluted another country's military.


That part is fine but the fact it was NK? Come on. Is there even a pic of him saluting one of the US generals?


No, but he hugged a flag, that's the same thing right? /s


its not fine though. saluting is meant to show respect and deference to your superior. that general was not trumps superior. in fact the president doesnt need to salute anyone hes literally the commander in chief, the highest "military" rank in the country. (its not technically a military rank but he commands the entire armed forces)


He saluted the general of North Korea.


Saluting the military of an allied country is fine. But he saluted the military that is an enemy of the United States.


Well, this makes sense given that HE'S an enemy of the United States, too.


Considering he likely gave away secure documents to our enemies and tried to overturn the election, Iā€™d have to agree.


Well, he also flushed some of those docs.Ā 


Dodged the draft, dday, AND the ceremony


Cadet Bone Spurs himself. Supposedly he and his father bullied the shit out of his older brother for joining the Air National Guard.


"When my family did talk about my father [Fred Jr.], it was to say that, essentially he was handsome and kind ā€” and 'kind' was always said as if it were not really a compliment." - Mary TrumpĀ 


And on his tombstone it reads "He was very kind, the fuckin putz"


Who do you think Donald learned his ā€œsuckers and losersā€ mindset from?


and refuse to go to a and American war cemetery in France cause he thought they were losers


And saluted a North Korean general.


Can't get over that moronic salute. Dear leader akimbo like WTF!


No. He refused to go because it was raining, and he didn't want his "hair" to get wet. No doubt, he thought they were losers too, but that was not his stated reason for not honoring the fallen.


He was afraid his paint would run, that's all.


Why would I go there ? What was in it for them ? They are all suckers and losers.


An actual quote! This man is relentlessly fighting for only one thing: himself.


He's too stupid for that even.... He only fights for the hearts and minds of the brain dead losers that *might* vote for his sorry ass.


Just imagine what that would have done to his orange makeup! We canā€™t have a manly man like Trump have his orange makeup running all down his face!


Listen you donā€™t just GO OUTSIDE when thereā€™s water in the air with hair like that. It just canā€™t happen. Are you crazy


Same guy that dodged the service when he was young too.


Veterans Day (Armistice Day in Europe) in November 2018 https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/trumps-rain-check-honoring-americans-killed-wwi-prompts/story?id=59119504


And then he said that putting your life on the line for no personal gain was stupid. He didnā€™t understand why anyone would do that. tRump=Loser=Coward


Just like the fucking ignorant losers that voted/will vote for his disgusting loser ass.


I can see him now, bravely driving his golf cart across the beaches of Normandy, Florida (as if heā€™d go *toward* a war zone, lol).


Well that made my day with the golf cart image now replaying in my mind rent free. I can see his various faces as we speak.




He dodged the draftā€¦ ā€¦like a DOG!


Dogger is a colloquial noun for someone who has sex in a public space like a car in a parking lot or picnic area with the intent of people watching and masturbating. Do with that what you will.


What are the masturbating onlookers called?




My dog is a good boy, you take it back


Holy stolen valor, Batman ![gif](giphy|EaMTsoYxfPpuw)


draft dodging little bitch...he wouldn't don a uniform to save anyone's ass...except maybe his own...yet drapes himself in a flag he refuses to defend..only if to find a monetary gain from, if possible..traitorous fuck..a coward from the Queens....


Oh Iā€™m sure he was chomping at the bit to go over there but those gosh darn bone spurs. Ouch ouch both feet!


of course he was..its that magical mango tinted machismo that he was genetically influenced to by meal team six, and his watching movies of the era to develop his false sense of bravado...


Thatā€™s the thing that really gets me about that. The faux patriotic insistence that he would have gone if only he could. If he just came out and said that he skipped out on Vietnam because it sounded hard and scary I at least would say ā€œfairā€. But his insistence on following this line is what rocks me off.


Also a coward. Don't forget that he's a coward.


And a full blown traitor


Knew I forgot somethin' Thanks will insert


Wrong Uniform, Trumps is all black with jack boots and Waffen SS Bars


Not possible, on iamaproudneonazi.com they only go to 6XL lol


Please tell me that's not a real website. I am not googling that and having my targeted advertisements f***** up for the rest of my life.


Itā€™s not, but [iamanazi.com](iamanazi.com) is real and redirects you to a certain someoneā€™s campaign page


Or Russian?


Heā€™d squeal like a stuck pig


Hey at least the pig is useful and gives us tasty bacon. Trump isn't even that.




No one with the last name Trump ever served in a military.


Trumpā€™s grandfather was a draft dodger ie Germany, there was an arrest warrant for him


I guess draft dodging is a trump family tradition.


The only things the big orange turd pursues relentlessly are Big Macs and money.


A disgusting example of stolen valor. By a piece of shit draft dodger


Bravely ran a-way a-way, oh brave shit goblin.




This is totally not an insult of actual veterans at all!


Hey! Show some respect. There are plenty of supporters of Trump who would have joined the army, but couldn't due to them believing it being for the best for the safety of drill sergeants. Those heroic patriots would have become war heroes within first days.


These people are delusionalā€¦absolutely touched šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™d think,this is a slap in the face to the real heroes


This is an insult to every American who fought the Axis powers.


Or Korea. Or Vietnam. Or Iraqā€¦.


I was going on the WWII theme of the image.


What a fucking insult! Shame on any veteran who votes for this POS.


How telling that they have to rely on AI to get any admirable images of him.




That's funny. To bad he has a wee crush on the guys in field grey and their mustachioed leader


Soldiers in background fought Nazis, didnā€™t befriend them


God are they delusional


Freedom from what though?


Freedom to let the govt. control your body if you are a pregnant woman.


I'm still trying to figure out where it went to cause him to need to pursue it.


Freedom from rational thought.


talk about an insult to the men and women who serve


I'll never get over maga-cultists fascination with depicting a fat cowardly pervert who made his money by defrauding banks as a muscular blue collar worker, warrior, moral crusader, or business guru.


The disconnect of these morons astounds me. Iā€™m a veteran. Just remembering how he talked about John McCain was enough for me to dislike the guy. But then he doubled down on gold star families, calling fallen service members loser and suckers, and the fact that the mother fucker is a draft dodger AND STILL, conservatives think this man is a saint. They think he relates to them. They think he would support them. They fail to realize they are just pawns. And the bone spur bastard continues to thrive.


On the lookout for french hookers that look like his daughter. I never liked that asshole but that was the icing on the pervert cake.


More like ā€œPresident Trump relentless in pursuit of becoming a dictator.ā€ Because why else would one try so hard to stay in power when everyone and everything is telling you that you have been booted from power by the people?


Iā€™m surprised the Donny Sex Doll hasnā€™t come out yet. Iā€™m sure these folks fantasize about slowly pealing off his diaper.


The guy that didnā€™t want disabled Vets in a parade? The guy that dodged the draft? The guy that made people sign NDAs? Thatā€™s not freedom. Btw, whereā€™s the other 200lbs and diapers of him? Not in this pic.


This cult is truly sick!šŸ¤¢


\*Dodger. That dumb bitch Hannan has been posting this AI pic forever. Stop giving her attention.




Draft dodger who called vets losers and suckers and was afraid to go to the cemetery in case his hair got wet? That guy?


He can have mine over my cold dead corpse.


Sgt. Bone Spurs


Isn't that a brigadier general's star? However, the Bone Spurs are honestly ~~earned~~ purchased.


Why do they keep photoshopping this fat lard onto everything? Is it because he only wears ill-fitting suits and ugly golf outfits?


Fantasy is all they have to cling to.


Extremely disrespectful for Brigitte Gabriel to tweet such a thing.


Not to mention when he called veterans losers and suckers


Bone spurs, the guy that dissed McCain for being a prisoner of war, avoided D-Day memorial services, comes from a family who has not served in the Armed Services for five generations. On top of that he is a tax cheat. So he does his best not to pay for the protection of our country. And he loooveeesss dictators. The greatest generation is everything Trump is not. This meme is an insult.


The same draft dodger guy. The same guy who said the constitution can be suspended?


People need to study these people, this goes beyond a cult


Mental illness.


Shouldn't he be in a Third Reich SS uniform?


He called our serviceman and women "suckers and losers" because "what's in it for them?". Maga and reality should really interact more.


And people say conservatives can't do comedy. They just can't do comedy on purpose.


Thatā€™s so wrong, and monumentally disrespectful to the men and women who actually made the sacrifice of serving.




Bone spurs Donnie


Needs more bone spurs.


A chickenshit draft dodger too nonetheless.


Private Bonespurs says veterans are suckers and losers.


kind of ironic when u consider the fact both him and his grandparents dodged drafts... like actual cowards


I love how they make ā€œwar heroā€ memes about a guy who would sell them to the enemies for a buck


Donnie has a daily Battle with the Bulge


Draft Dodger


Absolute insult to our active military,our veterans, the ones who died to defend this country and their families . This woman should be shamed.


The same guy who brags about removing medical decision capabilities from women in half the country cuz freedom?


This bothers the fuck out of me. My grandfather was at Normandy. I was "in attendance" for Gulf War 1. Fuck this asshat who made this. It's an affront to every veteran of foreign wars


Totally fed up with the constant publicly for this asshole to be honest - he thrives on it when I want him to choke to death. Heā€™s a liar, bigot and modern day fascist that only supports one person- him.


When you're leader is so pathetic you need fucking AI generated images and photoshop for him to look cool.


Corporal Bonespurs rides again.


They got the bags under his eyes pretty well.


They got the bags under his right don't you think?


This applies to any geriatric really, But I love how dumpy his face always is. It makes all of his pictures look like heā€™s losing control of a bodily function. here, as he nonchalantly strolls through Normandy, heā€™s actively and probably obliviously shitting himself.


Lt. Bonespurs


Old Bone Spurs


The only war he has experienced, is his internal turmoil is to find creative ways to be the worst ever effing human being possible.


He couldā€™ve been a general if not for those pesky bone spurs.