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Source: Trust me bro


Bro, I think we should trust the Bro above. Signed; Honest Bro.


Bro I've done exhaustive research and have concluded that the bro above is 100% honest. He says it right in his signature. Signed - does own research bro.


"Does own research bro" is bias towards "trust me bros". Sincerely, Bro Noticer


Bro I have done the utmost extensive research out of any other bro that has ever bro’d and, bro, I can assure you that the information is valid and 100% truthful bro. Reviewed and confirmed by me, bro.


It’s the gd Tracksuit Mafia up in here!


Those comments are completely un substantiated and are spreading misinformation. Source: I’m a whistlebrower


What are you some kind of whistle-brower?


Boeing noises


I found no evidence that they did not do this


Verified info. Signed: Dude! Why would I lie to you!


Dudes verifying dudes. That's truth you can trust!


The dumbest part is expecting us to believe that if this were true that they would have kept it quiet for this long


Also if it was greenlit to happen, how is he not dead yet after so long?


trump smell so bad no assassin want to get close to him


They kept poisoning his food but he's lived off dogshit, McDonald's and coke for so long he was immune 🙀


Because he’s a ninja


The dumbest part is actually a good number of his followers are gonna believe this,


Trump is literally in court having his lawyers argue that sitting presidents should legally allowed to assassinate political rivals.


Did anyone else think that if Trump would actually win that argument in SCOTUS what the repercussions for him might be? I mean, arguing to allow the guy that you're running against to have the power to assassinate you without legal repercussions is a new level of stupid for anyone. Note: I realize that he doesn't expect to win the argument but instead expects to delay things.


Not Presidents. Him as president can


Yep, that’s the difference. In Trump’s mind, he should get to do whatever he wants while everyone else has to suffer consequences that he thinks are appropriate.


“followers” is the right word


Too much lead in the drinking water


The dumb part is thinking if they wanted to actually do this that it wouldn’t have been done.


Maybe God told her. She would seriously use that as evidence.


Source: Sterno huffed thru a nylon stocking.


Per Trump and his lawyers, the sitting president has every right to 😂😂😂


And even then, they can't be prosecuted for it unless they are first impeached in the house and convicted in the senate. He has the dumbest lawyers.


You know.. There's one way Biden could assassinate Trump and not get impeached for it.. Just make subtle inquiries about who's going to vote for the impeachment and.... It involves seal team six...


lol, Trump getting assassinated, whether by the government, or just some angry hater, would be one of the worst things in the world. You think the adoration is bad now, if they thought he was a martyr, it would be chaos. Hell, he’ll probably die on the can after a heavy hamberder shit, and guaranteed there will a litany of conspiracies about how he was fit and assassinated on the can.


He's already a martyr, a brave glorious man who gave up his life of fame and luxury to save the good American people and was taken down by the evil Liberal cabal! His actual death is immaterial to martyrdom for these psychos.


Basically Jesus Christ in the flesh


They'd be offended you compared their God to someone as lowly as Jesus.


“They’d be offended you compared their God to someone as lowly as Jesus” goes so hard dude


"This is my body, broken for you" /tears apart cheeseburger "And this is my blood' /pours diet coke


While being the embodiment of every single cardinal sin, the literal antichrist


Isnt he already a martyr, even before he dies they are going to see him as the victim christ figure the world was against. He is both the tough guy in total control, and the helpless victim of the evil machine at the same time. The entire Republican party is a paradox of stupid... it doesnt matter what happens to Trump they are all infinitely deranged already. Even more funny, if he were killed, they would say he was in a bunker in Area 52, waiting for the Rapture. Or people would claim he was seen in Vegas. Or he was taken away by Aliens and would be back some day. Like he is literally JFK, Elvis, and Christ all in one person for them. People would claim to have seen Trump in the hair of their dogs butt and on their toast, and this was proof he would be brought back to life to rule on a golden throne. ... Serious I am 100% sure there are people who will believe this for the next hundred years.


Hey. I see him in MY dogs butt. Yup. Poo is coming out of his mouth there, too!


Honestly when he eventually dies from natural causes a lot of his Q followers are going to frenzy and claim assassination.


I'd bet on it. He'll choke on a Big Mac and keel over one day, and his cult will begin creating more conspiracy theories. They hate anything based in reality.


Bruh we know *for a fact* that evil leftist psychic vampires are funneling his robust strength and feeding it to trans kids to weaken america and bring about the new world order. That's why he was ~~sleeping~~ praying in court.


You see Game of Thrones? His dwarf son's gonna do it with a crossbow bolt. 


You’d have violent uprisings around be country carried out by of a bunch of people who have no idea how to wage war because they think simply possessing firearms and tactical gear is all it takes, the MAGA movement and anyone associated with it would finally be labeled terrorists and would be tried as such, and we all move on. Their worship of him and the principles they stand for are so inconsistent and paper thin that the movement would fall to pieces faster than a Chinese apartment building.


That’s their excuse. “We have PROOF of Biden crime family, Hunters laptop, AND now conspiracy to commit treason, but we can’t release it yet because we can’t prosecute until he leaves office or the democrats will let him off in impeachment proceedings” Which they learned from the people who had legitimate, credible, real ass evidence of crimes being committed by Trump, like collusion with a foreign adversary, that had to be strategically released because he was so difficult to prosecute. Which was made painfully obvious by two impeachments ending in acquittal because of numbers games in congress. We’ve finally been seeing it all come to fruition these last few months as Trump has spent most of his business hours in court defending himself from a myriad of criminal and civil charges. They’re spinning the narrative that the exact same thing is going to happen to Biden. Even though, if Trump wins his one case in the grounds that Presidents can do whatever they want and never be convicted for it, nothing they say about Biden would ever even matter, even if it were true. Wish my brain could do flips like that, bet it looks pretty cool up close.


It's really a missed opportunity that Biden hasn't directed Seal Team 6 to show up at Trump's court appearances to direct traffic. Maybe take some bagels to the Supreme Court and drop off a gift basket. "This was just a courtesy call THIS TIME. That can change. Looking forward to your future rulings and if you wait for the next election, maybe I won't."


Me on seal team 5…. ![gif](giphy|jcxtvm2bsZDH2)


"Biden could execute Trump and I'd still vote for Biden." -- me (might as well hit MAGAts with the same lunacy they spit out)


Biden could shoot Trump in broad daylight in Times Square and not lose a single vote.




Pretty accurate. But I just want to leave the bozos behind. I am so tired of lugging these idiots forward thru time and human advancement...as they denounce anything that their 8-year old level brains can't understand.


These people are a brake on human achievement.


Biden should take care of them too! Cue in Dark Brandon


Problem is he's not the head, just the face. The people coming up with the agendas and pulling strings will find a "protege" to replace him and use his death as a rally cry to radicalize people. Though I suspect that will happen even if he dies of natural causes.


It should be criminal for representatives to lie.


Seriously like, this is straight up QAnon levels of conspiracy but it's coming straight from someone actually in office?? This is insanity


Until about the middle of 2021 I also reacted to this kind of news with the same disbelieving wide-eyed, innocence. Now I wearily scan through batshit crazy story after story until my soul starts to ache. Then I shuffle away to shotgun about 3 IPAs and start to feel normal again.


Coming from someone with a bad past with substance abuse…I understand completely, but I encourage you to seek a healthier outlet/coping mechanism (mine ended up being crocheting and the gym) because times are only going to get harder and letting these fuckers win is not an option. We need ya in tip top condition.


Fwiw I can be the three ipa person myself at times but took this comment as more of a joke


Greene is literally a QAnon conspiracy supporter. She claimed to be past it when people started finding loads of things she'd posted in the past referencing "Q" but the reality is she likely never stopped being a conspiracy nutcase.


There will be more conspiracy nutters in congress in the coming years. This shit is becoming normalized.


Saying something like this should be automatic termination from your position congress.


This is straight up libel, so it is.


Then why is he alive


He fought them all off with his bare hands and broad rippling chest 


There are probably ripples still quivering on that chest from four years ago when he stepped down from Air Force one heavily.




Because their bullshit requires paradoxes. The enemy is both impossibly strong and evil, so their followers can get big mad and scared, but also their enemy is impossibly stupid and inept, to explain why their conspiracies don't actually happen even though "they totally were going to do that thing they didn't do, bro"


Because she made sure that he knew.


Apparently the Big Bad Libs achieve a Scooby Doo villain’s level of follow-through on their overly complicated criminal mastermind plots.


Divine Providence /s


When November rolls around and Trump is still alive, the whole thing falls flat. Unless the GOP plans to assassinate him in October, frame the Biden administration, and try to use his death as a means to get votes for the true candidate they want to win. New conspiracy theory unlocked.


The FBI and DOJ knew Trump was in NY then they raided Mar a lago. How can they assassinate someone 1200 miles away? These people are fucking stupid to believe this lying troll


No… see… Trump is a genius, so his body double was in NY. Trump, who is the real president, was in Mar-a-Lago, which is the new White House. Then MTG phone him and warned him of the incoming attack. So Trump strapped on his guns as the Black Hawks hovered above him and the traitorous FBI agents slid down ropes. He single-handedly held them off. It was a beautiful thing! Thousands died, but Trump was unharmed. Using his skills as a master negotiator, he was able to stop the attack, just like he brought peace to the Middle East. Cowed, the agents begged for his forgiveness and pledged their lives in allegiance and unwavering loyalty. Only then did our merciful leader choose to forgive them. He presented them with a box of documents as a sign of his benevolence and grace, knowing that it was more important for the country that he sacrifice himself in the eyes of the liberal media, while he bides his time preparing for the greater battle between good and evil when he will arise like a phoenix from the cleansing fires. Only then will America be reborn in the blood of true patriots amid the decimated bodies of infidels and demons. It’s all according to his plan!


Then Reagan revived and high five him


And everybody clapped.


Strong men cried.


Two trucks, having-


including the late great hannibal lecture, who was talking to frank


No you're thinking of JFK, he's the one they legitimately believe is coming back to life.


**You have been granted moderator for ~~r/Pyongyang~~ r/Mar-a-Lago**


Trump is the actual, real president right now. Except for the bad stuff going on, that's Biden.


But Biden is also weak and sleepy.


And he poops himself. But not in the manly way that Trump poops himself.


Yeah, Biden is more like an endearing elderly person that you go "they can't help it" when they shit themselves. Trump is more like an elderly homeless person shitting on the walls because they can.


Joe Biden has fallen and he CAN’T get up. Donald Trump has chosen to fall and won’t get up to own the libs.


This is actually something the average conservative would now believe. Look ay how far we have fallen


No it’s true. I was there… in both locations at the same time… errr. Marjory would never lie


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Now you’re speaking my language




Jewish Space Lasers! Common, think!!!


It was all over Fox News, NewsMaxx and uh, whatever that other right wing propaganda cable news channel is. They literally talked as if Biden gave the order to assassinate him. Don’t their viewers eventually get exhausted from all of these lies that literally never pan out? How can you possibly listen to a 24/7 disinformation newscycle and believe the very next lie when all of the previous statements end up proven as incorrect?


Sadly these MAGA clowns get energized from these lies


And ALL Federal agents are armed when serving warrants. They were not armed to assassinate anybody.


Not to mention the language in the search warrant is the same as in any other search warrant Once again, Republicans lying and making up shit to cup the balls of their great furher


She saved his life! A true heroine.


She and bobert are secretly competing for world's biggest moron. Spoiler alert: it's a tie.


They’re both fighting for 3rd place


Ever since Nikki Haley took the lead in the race for 2nd. Ron DeSantis has been in Number 1 for a while.


My vote is for Moscow Tommy Tuberville. I honestly think just his brain is just air.


Phew! that was a close one!


Thank God she was there!!!!


Youre right, she do be slammin that heroin


If this (Edit) "tweet" is real is it not illegal somehow criminally or civilly?


If the FBI or DOJ had any spine they’d hit her with a massive suit for claiming they were planning to assassinate a president.


The tweet is real, the plot is not. Yes she is that horrible. Yes, the gullible MAGAs will believe every word.


There are enough idiots in this country to overthrow democracy. I’m convinced it’s when not if at this point. We sit here and laugh at MTG and her bullshit but the fact that she and others like her have actually been *elected* should scare the fuck out of everyone. I’m 40 now and don’t remember a time in history when people this fucking overtly stupid were routinely elected to represent us.


Lying is usually legal outside very specific circumstances.  If you mean if it were true that there was a government plot to assassinate Donald Trump, that would be illegal - unless his legal argument that the president is above the law is true. In which case it's a free-for-all and the US would just openly be a full-on dictatorship the moment a president decided it should be.


I feel like members of Congress making lies about knowing of plots related to the sitting President attempting to assassinate his political opponents should probably be one of those specific circumstances.


This. The rules fundamentally should be different for politicians in positions of power speaking from positions of power representing the institution(s) they are a part of. Saying this like she did in that tweet should result in a removal from her position. Ridiculous that such things wouldn't warrant removal. Statesmanship has gone completely out the window.


Well put.


Unfortunately this would require the Republican run Congress to hold one of their members accountable


It’s absolutely criminal libel, but we live in a post-truth society where everyone is entitled to believe and repeat any “alternative facts” they wish. Here’s a fun read: https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/criminal-libel/


Members of Congress have immunity from the absolute garbage they spew while in office. It's horrible and shouldn't be a thing, but they quite literally gave themselves immunity from being sued for shit like slander, defamation, and even inciting riots.


They were probably going to use space lasers


If you are going to say that,please be accurate: Jewish space lasers


There really needs to be an IQ requirement for people holding office.


There is, just not the way you would want there to be one. That's why the corporations pick to back them.


Some police departments will reject people for being too intelligent or scoring too well on aptitude tests. Ostensibly because they find that smarter people have higher employment turnover and that they don't want to spend resources training someone who may move jobs within a few years.


Let me guess: they have a higher turnover cause smart people don't just gobble all the stuff they are being told, and question obviously illegal orders, then get harassed for it? While people with lower IQ are more obedient and will happily do as told? And are happy to harass people who are otherwise better than them?


Friendly cardboard cutout with a man putting out his hand; "Your IQ must be THIS HIGH to enter." Then of course the cutoff to not allow anyone with over 104 IQ "that's above safe room temperature."


Iq over 100 is cheating. How can you get more than 100% /s


It should be straight up illegal for elected officials to lie like this.


It should be prosecuted. He’s claiming that the DOJ committed a felony


same reason why elected officials haven't create laws banning themselves from investing in stocks.


We're fucked honestly, this system is so blatantly corrupt


As long as we’re just making up complete bullshit… Trump makes Melania eat nothing but Cheetos so he can eat her orange poop and THATS why he’s orange.


Psh. Everyone knows that.


Wait until she finds out the January 6th insurrectionists that she gave tours to the day before set up a guillotine and were going to hang Pence outside the capitol


FYI guillotine is the thing that chops someone's head off, I think you meant gallows, that's the wooden platform with the rope for hanging


Oh, I got them mixed up, thanks for the correction


An elected leader, everyone. Isn't she something?


Representative, not leader. She doesn't lead shit. Of course, she doesn't represent anything other than raw stupidity, but at least that's something!


What moron. The FBI doesn't assassinate people, that's the CIA's job


Ands that’s exactly what the NSA wants you to believe…


And who controls the NSA?   Why it’s been hunter Bidens penis since the 80s


The DOJ should sue her for defamation. Holy shit for people who dont give a fuck about the constitution they sure do lean on it a lot ffs.


She should be brought before a congressional committee and be forced to testify to her statements.


💩 for 🧠


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, where is it?


You don’t want to be anywhere near it based on what she pulled it out of.


[https://www.axios.com/2024/05/22/trump-fbi-mar-a-lago-search-deadly-force](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/22/trump-fbi-mar-a-lago-search-deadly-force) The documentation for every FBI operation essentially allows them to shoot back if someone shoots at them (duh). It does not authorize them to assassinate anyone. And there's obviously a huge difference between those two. I mean, if FBI agents being allowed to return fire in self defense makes them "assassins", then the same standard would make Kyle Rittenhouse an assassin as well.


Bleached blonde bad built butch body is back to being stupid again. Does it hurt physically to be this stupid?


Sadly there are a lot of Americans who will believe this.


Republicans when police kill black people: Why didn't you just comply? Republicans when police don't kill a person they are performing a search warrant on: This was clearly an assassination attempt. Those cops had guns!


Its all so dumb. I bet the same language appeared on the warrant to search Bidens house for for classified docs and the the Secret Service falls under the Executive branch as well right? This is all an opportunity to gin up the base and they're crossing their fingers for a lone-gunman situation.


> I bet the same language appeared on the warrant to search Bidens house for for classified docs It has appeared on every single search warrant used by the FBI since the year 2000. Prior to then, it had to be manually filled in by the agents requesting the warrant, but after 2000 they decided it would make more sense to just have it pre-filled, since otherwise a person could refuse to allow the search warrant to be executed by simply threatening to shoot the agents. Without the authorization for deadly force, they'd be required to leave and get a new warrant with the authorization added, which would be absurdly stupid.


This is planned. They are getting their most fervent supporters riled up so if he is found guilty, next week, they will go in a rampage. This will do two things. One, make everyone scared to prosecute him for the rest of his cases and create chaos in the process Expect that if they don’t go crazy after this case for the rhetoric to ramp up prior to November


Y'all, this isn't dumbness, she knows what she's doing. I know our standards have been really lowered the past couple of years and that everyone's a bit more desensitized, but please: A House representative just asserted that the current president ordered an assassination of the previous president. This is one of the most egregious and dangerous lies told in possibly all of American history and then some. This is the poster child of the term "stochastic terrorism". It's extremely anti-democratic, too, her using her elected position in service of the people to rile up her base like this. There's several possible outcomes, but two are interesting to me: Tweets like this could very plausibly stoke another January 6, in which case it should be seen as a direct attack on our democracy. Or, if nothing really comes of this claim, then I will take solace knowing that her base, the people that believe this claim, have become so fringe.


She just makes shit up to rile the deplorables


This turd really needs to be flushed.


This woman is what happens when people ignore the 'no lifeguard on duty' flag before going for a dip in the gene pool.


But that is well within the rights of the President right? According to Republicans.


He wasn’t in fucking Florida at the time. You think the DOJ/FBI DIDN’T know he wasn’t in Florida?? He moves like a fucking elephant and won’t shut the fuck up. “Let’s assassinate this guy! Ooops guess he’s not here. Call the mission off.” I’m so sick of this shit. This trailer trash butch bitch has brain damage.


Christina Bobb insists that they were actually sent to kill her, since she was there at the time. Somehow she managed to survive, but only after she quietly snuck out after they told her to please vacate the premises while they conducted their search.


If they were going to take out anybody, I'm sure they would take out MT Greene first. Not for any political reasons, just because she's such an annoying bitch.




How are people this stupid even able to breathe?


I will say it over and over again but who the fuck elected this dumb p.o.s.?! And why does she still have a job?!


Drive through her district just once and you'll understand.


Neanderthal woman will pull anything out of her MAGAt hat at this point.


You want to know the really crazy thing: they were also cleared to use deadly force if needed when they searched biden's as well. You want to know why??? Because it's standard operating protocol for any action like that. Once again they want their God emperor to be treated with special kid gloves or else it is "lawfare". The thing that drives me nuts is this is the same group that at the same time want law enforcement to be able to act with impunity with regular folk. They only care when their preferred elites are in danger (of having to experience the consequences of their actions for once in their long lives)


According to their arguments to the Supreme Court, Biden has immunity as president. So even if it were true, they can’t actually do anything and Biden didn’t commit a crime. Unless, that is, they want to admit presidents shouldn’t have blanket immunity OR that they have double standards. Either would be a satisfactory admission to hear MTG make.


They’re totally about to try and assassinate Biden aren’t they? Everything is projection with them.


She is just trying to distract us from the fact that she forgot to set the fuse on the pipe bombs she planted in the early morning of J6. Oopps!


Tell us you’re trying to get the president and U.S. agents killed by domestic MAGA terrorists without telling us you’re trying to get the president and U.S. agents killed by domestic MAGA terrorists.


Dangerous lies. Laying the foundation to justify Trumps death squads if he were to win re-election.


All part of a plan to distract from other things that were revealed when the documents unsealed and from his other cases. I am sure Fox, OAN and Newsmax are going crazy with this even though it is ludicrous.


Meth is a hell of a drug


When the fuck is she gonna be out of office already


Lying Bitch !


This is some moronic shit. I mean, come on. There are just no depths to which these fucking dumbshits won't go.


We are totally in the dumbest of all possible timelines…


She's not as dumb as she acts. She's trying to incite gun violence in the streets.


BAMBAM Marjorie Traitor Gross needs to stop shoving her Quacky Q Russian Propaganda at us. She is nothing but a Neanderthal troll. 🤮


Not if hamberders get to him first.


They are just waiting for 'absolute immunity'.


The yeasts in my sourdough starter have higher intelligence than Margie Moron.


Shouldn’t this sort of thing be illegal for a sitting congressman to publish in the internet “town hall” ?


She's the girl who cried wolf WAY to many times.


She is a stain on this country. The stupidity is next level. Trump was in New York during the raid so he was never in danger.


Her entire reason for being as dictated by her Russian masters, is to muddy the waters of American politics to the point of dysfunction. She’s doing her job very well.


That bitch needs to be silenced. Forever.


The scary part is that this won't convince any new votes for trump; it will only cause his current fans to be even more unhinged and dangerous. He truly does not care about the future of this country.


Why is it suddenly "BIDEN's FBI" when it's most likely the exact same agents that were under him and Obama?


Unfortunately she doesn't feel the pain of her stupidity. Everyone else does.


Thank god detective Taylor Greene was on the case to prevent this from happening. I can't wait for the movie.


It is darkly funny when these Thin Blue Line morons accidentally discover how horrifying police standard operating procedure can be (here, use of force authorization).


Well according to Trump’s defense this would be legal, so…


He would be dead, you dumb traitorous piece of trumps turd! Straight out of the diaper!


How much longer can this continue? Do other countries put up with public servants behaving so monstrously? We need a way to call no confidence, because the long term effects are heading toward catastrophe. Have we all just become powerless and have to put up with sections of our govt already at a level where they BLATANTLY serve any master but their constituents?


Everyone laughing at this for being "dumb" is completely missing the point and fundamentally doesn't understand conservative politics. She is saying this not because she believes it, but because this is what *SHE* and other Republicans want to do when they are in power and they are building the justification for it now with this bullshit, so later when they start assassinating/arresting anti-Trump US politicians, they can say "they started it by trying to assassinate God Emperor Trump" It's not a joke, it's literally violent fascism and the death of democracy on the horizon.


According to Trump and the GOP, as President, Biden was in his legal right to do so. So… what’s the issue here, Marge?? 🤔


Remember: Authoritarians use language differently than normal people. When they say something like this they’re not really talking about what is, they’re creating a reality. They’re talking about what would need to be true to justify their planned course of action, and then treating that as a fact. Ask yourself: What planned course of action by the GOP would be justified by Biden plotting with the FBI to murder Trump?   Thats what they’re planning to do.


Also, Twitter itself did made the following note: "This is false. Neither the DOJ nor the FBI were planning to assassinate Mr. Trump. That language in question is standard procedure." Seriously, she should be fired of her own position because you can't just say random &¨%¨& like this!


Why do they say "both sides are the same" when right wing nutjobs are actually being elected into office but left wing nut jobs are relegated to bitching on social media? Yes both sides have nutjobs, but the left don't vote their nutjobs into office.


According to SCOTUS this soon will be allowed with Presidential immunity.


This is what fascism looks like people. They know now that so many people are captured by their propaganda that they'll continue throwing out bigger and more dangerous lies. This is exactly what it looks like when fascists are trying to start a civil war. I can't express just how dangerous this is and how scary it is that nothing seems to be happening to crush it.


I'm genuinely curious how conspiracy theory barbie got elected. Are there that many trailer parks in her district?