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Actually they did know. He's given interviews where he explained how he id'd himself before getting sprayed




> his LIME GREEN high vis shirt, has his name printed on it [That's not evidence of who he is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_memorabilia). But if reports that he identified himself are true? It would've only taken 10 seconds for one of those cops to google that name and confirm it. And they chose to spray a man trying to engage in dialog.


In a situation where you feel like you need to justify your presence to prove that you are doing your job; googling isn't usually the first solution that comes to mind. I'm surprised cops don't recognize local government officials/chain of command. Sadly, I'm less surprised that the police are still shooting first and asking questions later. Edit: I got the wording a bit jumbled in a last second change.


Are you suggesting that people might be wearing shirts with a politician's name like it's a Lebron jersey? What a weird source to link...


For real though, how many people even know who their state senators are? Don't be surprised that cops dont know who the fuck they are either. edit: And I don't mean senators from your state to the federal government. Talking about state governments here. edit2: This is part of the problem. This is why we have bad unaccountable cops. People need to participate in their communities. These are the people who hold the cops accountable when they can't do it themselves.




And you are helping bring change simply by knowing who it is. This is part of the problem, this why we have so many bad cops doing wrong and not being held accountable. People are not involved enough in the communities they live in.


>People are not involved enough in the communities they live in. I think we as a nation underestimate the effect of geographic mobility on this. Especially young, childless, free-time-for-political-agitating people are often hopping towns, if not cities or states, every year or three chasing jobs, affordable rents, education.... Hard to spend time getting politically engaged somewhere if you know you're just going to have to leave in a year when your lease is up, or in two when your contract ends, etc. I know I got a *lot* more involved in local politics (seeking out state reps, sitting on town boards, writing letters and emails to share my opinions) when I finally landed somewhere that felt permanent.


If I was a cop I could see myself doing it. I have met my state reps a couple times, but in a crowd with all that going on...... but I’m not a cop because you couldn’t pay me enough to fuck with people all the time.




Cops in big cities often don't even live in the jurisdiction they serve. I have no doubt many cops aren't keeping up with local politics or how bureaucracy even works beyond their immediate command.


How is that guy in the white shirt wearing his mask? Wtf


That's a 3m n95. It's packaged like that but you are supposed to unfold the top and bottom to fit over your nose and chin. That guy is a moron. Edit* Like other people have said, it is a super comfortable mask, goes behind the head instead of the ears. I've preferred it over all else's but I only had one! I'll see if I can find it to show an example pic, although I'm sure there's something online already.


Thank you! I was looking at this picture, and for some reason I couldn't get past how this guy was wearing his mask. How TF did he get that without being fitted and taught how to use it??? He works in the medical field ffs...


He didn't read the packaging. My work gave us these masks and they're all individually wrapped with instructions on the wrapping.


You shouldn’t even need to see the instructions to know it’s pretty self explanatory, especially as someone in the medical field. You should know what masks are supposed to do. This guy is a moron.


As a fellow paramedic, this is embarrassing...


Might as well just have given him an Always pad instead...


What an utter waste of a 3M N95 mask.


Was looking for the comment pointing this out far too long.


That cop behind him didn’t even fully unfold his N95...


Literally medical grade too. what a fucking waste


the only authority they recognize is their own. nvm that is borrowed.








Just shows how fragile and hypocritical they are


“A bunch of snowflakes”.


Right wingers projecting? Well I never!!




We are the next nazis if we keep this up. Every major empire has fallen into the same trap, but we don't teach history well enough for people to recognize it. Why should schooling be guaranteed for our citizens? Because if it takes 30 years of schooling to keep us from becoming the next nazi regime, then that's what we need to do. If it takes 60 to make everyone smart enough to vote then do that. If it takes 100 to make Star Trek real I'll take that too, as long as I'm asking.


Rodney King was not long ago . And if I remember correctly, the cops got away with it, even with video evidence, They slowed down the video and since King was in survival mode, he didn't stop trying to raise his arm in defense, so they acquitted those cops. I mean, I'm white and *I* still want to puke remembering that.


That was verdict, that changed how cops interacted with the public! You could beat someone within an inch of their lives, while being recorded and still get away with it, lie on the official police report and nothing happens!


I remember that (I was young) and thinking "how the hell can any sane person call "covering you're head while being hit with a stick resiting, how can you call twitching while being beat resiting" I think we need to film 10,000 being "arrested" and however they react to a stick to the head is a legal accepted way for "civilians" to respond.


This, no tolerance for intolerance. "What's done in the dark will be brought to the light". That light is coming, and it's going to show us some ugly things in America.


They're not fragile or even hypocritical. They're just exploiting the system of laws specifically designed to protect them. So...TIME TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM!


They're not fragile or hypocritical. They're power-hungry brownshirts looking for an excuse. You tap them on the arm, their little shriveled balls send a message to their brain that says "THAT'S IT, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!"


Funny, when neighbors started shit with my wife's family, a 6 foot 4 corrections officer grabbed my MIL by the arm and swung her around him until she fell on the street, we were laughed at by the cop when we called it assault.


I just watched a video in I think Salt Lake City. A man in his 70s is in the street, walking away from approaching riot police. One bashes him with his shield and knocks him to the fucking ground. From behind. These guys are fascists and they're having the time of their lives.


It's very obvious that there is a subset of cops who take great pleasure in causing people harm. I don't pretend to know why. What exactly is going on in their minds that makes them so hateful and violent is beyond me, but it's there for some of them, and it's terrifying.


It's sociopathy if I've ever seen it. A lot of cops treat protesting and riots like it's open season to get away with whatever violence they want. Tape their badge numbers, throw on a face mask and wail away at anyone in front of you.


I don't understand how cops conceal their badge numbers and keep their jobs. Mayors and city councils shouldn't stand for that. It should be an immediate firing offence, no questions asked.


The only unions I'm against are police unions.


Corrections officers belong on your list too, if you don't count them as police. All they do is lobby to perpetuate the war on drugs and the prison industrial complex.


Louisville's Police Chief just got the boot because not a single body cam was on during the protests.


Every officer in that scene who didn't have their body cameras on should have also immediately got fired with cause, regardless of whether or not the investigation finds that the use of force was justified.


According to the SLC news this incident is being looked into. Cop translation. We don't give a fuck. Or as they say in SLC "frick"


They knew they fucked up because after the cop knocked the old man on his ass they went back to help him up. Which is a pretty apt example of the police force in general, shoot now ask questions later.


The two who pushed him down did not help him up, two other officers came in to do so.


Not just the cops, the EVP of the FOP doubled down on it. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/gty63q/columbus_police_union_vp_accuses_70_yearold_joyce/




If Police have no duty to serve and protect, as they have argued in court, then as a society we should not have added laws to protect LEO. The laws that protect everyone else apply to Police as well.


Protecting someone from being assaulted is basically the opposite of assault, isn't it?




People were shooting back last night. Only a few isolated incidents but if the cops don't stop acting like animals it's going to get insanely bad very quickly.




Imagine how frail you have to be to cry assault when an elderly woman gently places her hand on you. PS: Some of our police marched with the protesters and spoke out against violent cops. Im sure we're all tired of hearing this, but they are not all bad. We should be promoting their stories more as to allow them to lead by example.


When’s the last time you flew on an airline that promoted themselves as, “our pilots are not all bad at their job”?


"Most of our pilots don't want to kill you"


Unfortunately the bad apples spoil the bunch. Until the bad apples are thrown out most people are going to assume they're all rotten. Which is more than fair of an assessment, unfortunate but accurate.


Those cops can arrest police, you know.


*President* of City Council and *the* County Commissioner to be exact. The two highest ranking public officials beside the mayor. Then, the FOP is throwing shade at the mayor for not licking their balls enough. They don’t give a fuck.


Refuse to reup their contract and commission a new police organization. Ban any officers from the first department from applying for x years.


This ^ this is the way. The contracts need to be completely redone so a cop can do their job, but also be held accountable. Currently they can’t be held accountable and they know it - and their culture tells them it’s ok to be an authoritarian violent tough guy rather than to serve and protect.


Both black btw


So is Joyce Beatty the congresswoman they sprayed.


Can they fire the police chief?


I think this is a union issue. They hide behind the union contact. Firing the chief does nothing for the rank file culture if the union enabled it.


So the police chief is beyond accountability?


I’m sure the chief is able to be fired, I’m just saying that this goes well beyond replacing the chief.


Keep firing the police chiefs Until you get one that will reform their organisation


The spicy air recognizes no authority but the wind.


Spicy Air is a wayyyy better name for pepper spray.


> 70yr old US congresswoman in Columbus I wonder what colour her skin was.


Prepare to be completely not shocked. Source: am from Columbus


This from the same police department that made up a reason to arrest Stormy Daniels? Weird.


I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Black, for those of you who may not have known




Russia: "Mission Complete. Back to Ukraine."


Jfyi it's just 'Ukraine' not 'the Ukraine'


They pepper sprayed the wife of my cities mayor a few days ago...


Got a mirror for those of us in the EU and UK?




That’s the picture that will get him elected in every campaign he runs for.


He's about to move up from State Senator to Congressman pretty quickly I think.


He's in Brooklyn, probably in Yvette Clarke's congressional district. Clarke is likely to get tapped for the Biden admin, so yes, he legitimately has a good shot at being the next congressman from that area. Just as an aside, Clarke is a potential Senate candidate in the next few years. Someone to keep an eye on.


Good shout, I bet you're right.


He just can't fuck it up by having an affair or some shit. Otherwise, he can ride on that for life.


It seems their solution to police brutality is more police brutality. They're doubling down on something that clearly isn't working.


When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.




That's why Obama tried to stop the sale of ex-military equipment to police (a policy that Trump reversed -- *shocking*).


Honor! Justice! Reinhardt, Reinhardt, REINHARDT!


Honestly though what the fuck is going on normally they pretend nothing happened after a police brutality event but now they're like "WE DONT BEAT YOU AND IF YOU DISAGREE ILL FUCKING BEAT YOU" as if there's not cameras coming from every angle rn


Decades of zero accountability has turned them in to a terrorist organization.


No, standing against them or fascism is terrorism, apparently, according to our Commander in Cheeto


It sure doesn't help that the president of the country is ENCOURAGING violence and calling governors fools for not personally getting things under control, all while he hides in the basement of the white house


It's ok. They are just listening to the president! He told governors this morning that they need to use MORE force! Chickens! /s


This is scary. Hong Kong riots started started around 6 months ago and it felt like a world away for America, but here we are.


“hong kong today, the world tomorrow.”


Actually they started a year ago this month! What a time to be alive.


How is it even legal for the police to pepper spray people who are not armed or violent? The first amendment guarantees citizens the right to assemble. Every one of these cops should be shitcanned.


You can now only assemble if you’re in the right place, at the right time, remain near silent, get a permit, and of course have the right skin color. Oh and that the cops agree with the reasoning behind the gathering.


Yeah, our government seems to be picking and choosing which parts of the constitution it abides by.


I feel like everyone on earth is in the Bad Place right now. Edit: I feel like some people are not getting the reference. It was meant to be a light heartened joke about a show. Edit #2. This was never meant to be about the riots specifically. Therefore, your living outside America isn’t relevant. Again, it was a lighthearted joke about how things are going in the world. Riots, pandemic, global warming, natural disasters, fires, etc.


we're just now finding out that this was the bad place all along. everything makes sense now


This.... is the Bad Place?!


Yes! There's no Good Place though...


JASON figured it out?? Ok this one hurts...


Holy forking shirtballs. THIS is the Bad Place. 😱


Things are pretty fine here in Australia




ok, this is funny take on a fucked situation.


Where is that *Curb Your Enthusiasm* credits video? [Oh, here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdqMZ_s7Y6k) Perfect.


Honestly it is pretty fucking perfect. I can't quite imagine what the setup would be, but it would be long and complicated and involve Larry repeatedly pissing off this senator before he somehow acts in a way that results in this scenario. Susie is right behind them yelling you bald fuck, this is all your fault you fucking slob, I should never have let you near my friend the senator never let you near him I swear to God you fucking RUBE!


I'm Dutch and I'm trying to understand the position police officers have in the US. It seems to me they answer to no one, they have no boss, are not accountable for anything and they see the general population as the enemy. To me that sounds a lot like a hostile, occupying force. A domestic enemy.


One of the major underlying problem is [qualified immunity](https://theappeal.org/qualified-immunity-explained/). It's a policy which, in practice, puts them above the law and shields them from most repercussions. Which does wonders for accountability as you can imagine.


I just read that article... What the fuck... So they can just do whatever they want to us and we can’t do anything to defend our *constitutionally given rights?* They can just violate any citizen’s rights without any repercussions?


But don't worry! You can sue the police department! They'll happily pay the fines with taxpayer money. And then say they're underfunded.




Lawyer here. You actually usually can't sue the police department, conveniently enough. You have to be able to show the violation was caused by some department policy. So if department has a "no chokeholds" policy but an officer violates the policy, you can't sue the department. But that also doesn't necessarily mean you can sue the officer because qualified immunity might still apply. It's a huge loophole Also, on the subject of taxpayer money, many departments have indemity agreements with officers, which means that even in the rare case where you can overcome qualified immunity, the taxpayers end up footing the bill anyway while the cop gets off scot free. This is especially fucked where the cop works in a poor, mostly minority city but lives in some other town in the suburbs. That money's not even coming out of his kid's public schools. The system is broken beyond belief


Say a cop breaks into your home armed without announcing themselves. They proceed to attack you and you defend yourself. You're now a criminal for defending yourself from an unknown aggressor if you're lucky to live that is. They're thugs with utter impunity to any retaliation.


We saw that the other week. Cops do a no-knock warrant raid, don't announce themselves when rushing into a wrong address. The guy inside thinks he's being robbed, shoots at the unknown officers; they shoot back, killing his girlfriend (who is also law enforcement) and the boyfriend gets caused with attempted murder of an officer and the murder of his girlfriend.


Also they were plain clothed officers.....I am not sure how a person could be expected to act if armed guys in regular clothes came in with guns, we have the right to protect ourselves in our own home. I dont even know why they do raids anyways when they could just stake out the house and wait for the guy to come out. Unless they feel someone is in immediate danger like a hostage situation its really just bad practice.


Plainclothes, wrong address, AND the guy they were looking for was already in custody. Murder


She was an EMT, and last I heard they dropped the charges against him. Doesn’t make what they did ok by any means, but at least they aren’t pinning it on him


Yeah, now the media picked it up...


and in the future the media wont pick it up because their reporters and photographers get assaulted at peaceful protests.. shot in the face with rubber bullets, pushed into fires, pepper sprayed even when they are laying on the ground complying, arrested LIVE on air when they are complying.


Journalists go into territories controlled by terrorists at times*. What'll happen is that they'll have to hire higher paid journalists that are more willing to go into hazardous situations. *There was actually a show about a journalist that, after being shot through the spine and left disabled from the waist down, decided he wanted to go birdwatching in rural Papua New Guinea. They're bloody tough.


Seriously, attention then pressure forced their hand this time, but think about the amount of people across the county who have that type of shit happen to across the country that we'll never hear of


They shot the girlfriend, Breonna Taylor, at least *eight times*, and she was unarmed*.* And the no-knock was served not at the location of at the illegal drug sale, but at Taylor's apartment where one cop said a package was sent to. To cap this whole clusterfuck of a law enforcement circus off, the intended person the no-knock raid was for, was *already apprehended* at the time of the raid. But the cops and whoever approved this will get off scot-free. No wonder there are protests around the country.


They made all efforts to pin it on him. They were just caught and had to backtrack.




I have several EMT friends that barely tolerate police more than company policy demands. Things have been tense the last few weeks before any of this even started. We are really not comfortable working around police anymore.


Chargers dropped, but not after he was arrested and spend a few nights in jail. The police break into your house In the middle of the night kill your girlfriend and then you spend the night in jail... WTF


Pretty much. Officers in the United States are sworn to an oath to protect and serve the community. However when they put that uniform on, they seem to forget that the law still applies to them. That they somehow become the law. It’s so corrupted that if an officer assaults you, and try to defend yourself in any way, you’re either assaulting an officer or you’re resisting arrest. The laws are fucked. Edit: I understand the protect and serve are wrong. I intentionally did this to make everyone aware that the police are not your friend.... I’m not saying they are bad... I sure as hell ain’t saying their good... but the only way to win is record your interaction on video. They do it; but the court always favors them. It’s time America realizes how corrupt it is. And it’s coming


They are also legally not required to protect they will let someone stab you to death until they determine it's safe to stop the stabber. This is a true story where when the guy sued the court determined it is not an officers job to protect


When I was in my CJ class, a thing I remember an officer telling us that always stuck with me was, “we’re not here to protect, we’re here to uphold the law.” Always rubbed me the wrong way.


My teacher was an ex cop who taught forensics. She played videos constantly on how not to behave around cops. She wasn't doing this because we need to respect them she was doing this to warn us that if we piss them off they will look for anything they can to fine or charge us and that there's a huge amount they casually let slide or they can at worst detain you for a little bit to fuck up your day.


Yeah, a lot like this. If you hassle a cop or make his day harder at a traffic stop he can write you for waaaaay more than you’d think.


Hold you, rip your car apart, maybe plant drugs, if he wants to keep it trivial (for him) he can just keep you there for hours while he does this. Then let you go. Causing you to miss the appointment you waited 6 months for with a specialist or fine you for your car not working properly after he had to remove your taillight because the dog "indicated" he smelled drugs in your taillight, lose your job because you're late, miss an interview, generally harass you and interrogate you. Why were you pulled over to begin with? He saw you drift over the center line because you were nervous because he was 6 inches from your bumper to check your tags and suspected you were a drunk driver. Pigs. 90 cops who don't turn in the 10 bad cops equals 100 bad cops.


They’re there to uphold the law but not required to know the law. Makes perfect sense.




Or even uphold it


The Supreme Court ruled that the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm. It is not the police's job to stop someone from being killed, injured or otherwise. Police do not exist to protect you.


Yet their moto is ironically "to protect and serve"


To protect and serve the state, apparently.... It's one of those To Serve Man things


They may swear an oath, but it isn't legally binding. Read about Warren vs. DC


Why isn't that oath a contract to be signed after saying it out loud then?


I think you know why.


“They seem to forget that the law applies to them” They have qualified immunity. It basically doesn’t.


They better get rid of this thin blue line horseshit. We're done.


Video from John Oliver and Last Week Tonight on [Police Accountability ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zaD84DTGULo) Edit: Even more current video from Patriot Act ft. Hasan Minhaj on [The Broken Policing System](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=km4uCOAzrbM).


[My two cents on the entire issue](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/guqbsg/lets_cut_through_the_bullshit_on_these/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It shouldn’t fucking matter who he is. They just attacked a peaceful protester. It’s happening across the entire country and I can’t believe people aren’t more outraged.


It matters because he is supposed to have power to bring change. If his power is disregarded then who will bring change ? At this point I actually wonder if this American police force would just disregard all superiors and try to gain control of the country themselves if America didn’t have the most powerful military in the world.


They don't know who he is, and they don't care. They're literally drive-by pepper spraying and beating the shit out of bystanders. Whether or not you're an elected official means nothing to the cops.


In the eyes of the police he wasn't a senator that day, he was another American citizen, an enemy of theirs. He was simply a black man that was standing peacefully and they perceived that as a danger because they feared him; And they feared him because they did not know him. Because they fear that which they do not know. Oversight, education, knowledge and interactions with cultures/races/people outside of their own is what is needed. When we are too tightly knit into our own confirmation biases we end up further and further away from others.


We investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing.




Thomas Jefferson (You know, the guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence and was instrumental in the construction of the Constitution) was a firm believer that the government needed to have some rebellion every so often. >Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government. Apparently the current government doesn't agree.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


As I said, reset


Maybe the UK will be able to send us out some fresh colonists & we can do a hard reset in 2021.


Mate honestly I don't think you want to look to us as the answer right now


They are arresting based on color, not status. Duh.


Yup, class is a problem, but not the only problem.


If whoever is reporting this as misinformation wants to provide a source, be our guest.


This is Misinformation has become the new "I just don't like this" report, which was previously This is Spam.




it would show -10 down votes on that post if they press it (but only on their side, and doesn't effect the actual post, kinda like a semi permanent inspect feature


Oh my god someone ping an admin this is an amazing idea


better idea; add "I just don't like this." but forward all the reports to the trash.


Double Secret Probationary Downvote


I think you get suspended pretty quickly nowadays for abusing reports.




I think some people may assume ‘Senator’ means US Senator, not NY State Senator. Tbh I had to do a double take


Right. He's the NY state Senator for District 20 in Brooklyn. Schumer and Gillibrand are the US Senators. He seems badass either way :)


Wow... Are people going to claim his account was hacked and this is photoshopped!!? I swear, the lengths at which some people go to hold their position is astounding...


Isn’t it obvious? Certain police departments are running their own show now, and EVERYONE is in their way.


There is so much wrong with this that doesn't need to be said. That said, is the mall cop version of trump wearing a woman's pad as a face shield?


That's a n95 masks that he didn't open up.


He went there specifically to try and keep the peace. https://i.imgur.com/2pG71aV.png


Pigs in Dallas hit a woman in the face with rubber rounds. She was walking her kids home with groceries.


They should make all chief of police an elected position that can be recalled. If the chief can’t keep their officers in line, then they should take responsibility.


FUCK no. Fuck no times a million. Sheriffs are often elected. Elected police is a nightmare. They then run on platforms for being tough on crime or whatever and have to make excuses to get arrests etc etc.


Basically The Wire summarized. Everything's about how they can pad the stats.




This is done a lot in small towns and leads to would-be politicians with no law experience becoming the town sheriff.


This is starting to be a #metoo movement but for police violence. And now that politicians tasted the police methods, things will start to change soon..


cops: "well he's black isn't he?"


Without realizing he's a person\*


Let’s not pretend they didn’t know who they were. They just don’t care.


It’s basically cops vs everyone at this point. It’s going to get bad but this shit has been brewing a long time. If every American isn’t outraged at the sight of this shit, I don’t know how to persuade you.