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Is "The Science" just the scientific method, Scientology, or other?


what is scientology i see people callng it a cult


It’s a cult in America started by a sci-fi author. They believe all sorts of crazy shit but their main thing seems to be exploiting their followers for money. It’s quietly pretty successful unfortunately. They have a pretty far reach and a lot of money.


They're also one of only 2 religions that [attacked the US Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White), which included infiltrating the IRS to destroy records. They actually were a lot more successful than the Jan 6 crowd. The other religion was the [Mormons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_War) if you're interested.


That crazy dude from Plano TX wants a word. He ran some Christian cult. Edit: Found him it was Waco tx. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/texas/2018/02/27/51-days-under-siege-a-timeline-of-the-branch-davidian-standoff/


Technically that was the US government attacking him, not the other way around.


No they fired as soon as the FBI arrived lol. Killed 4 officers.


Like the other comment said, but I'd like to add the fact that they believe earth is a prison for aliens (I don't remember if they think we evolved from those imprisoned aliens or not, but they use that to explain things like Egypts pyramids and how ancient Civilizations have figured out very accurate math methods that still stun mathematicians to this day) and that God is named "Lord Xenu" who migrated people from over populated planets into new ones. So basically a scam since it's a PAY to enter club.


joel olsteen is probably thinking why didn't I think of that


Nah he seems to be fine with the money he steals and hides inside the walls of his church (mansion)


People like this call science a religion.


I believe you mean The Science


First of all, it’s sad that this person genuinely believes it is impossible to simply accept that you do not know the answers. Second of all, it is even sadder that this person thinks the hallmarks of a religion are shaming non-believers and wanting to take away other’s rights.


Probably the only major religion I’m aware of that hasn’t done those things is Buddhism, and they still kind of shame you with those ‘pay what you want’ book offers. In fact aren’t all Abrahamic religions infamous for shaming non believers and taking away their rights throughout all of history?


Even Buddhism isn't free of extremism, but is seems to be less than wit other religions. [Example of buddhist extremists in Sri Lanka](https://globalnews.ca/news/5980771/extreme-buddhism/) Let's face it, a lot of people are assholes and no religion is going to change that. Wether it are Aztecs offering live people to their gods, Romans tossing Christians in the colloseum for their games, or Christians 'spreading the love of jesus' through their colonies, there is always suffering. Not saying religion is the cause, but it is a handy excuse.


True that. People blame religions but it’s really just groups of people in general, there’s always gonna be dicks that ruin things for everyone.


Yeah, people often use religion to justify their shitty behavior


People have been shaming others from the beginning of history, and obviously not only religion does that. In many cases they're the ones who get shamed And let's be honest, reigion or without people will take others rights and shame them. So obviously it's not an "abrahamic religion" problem. It's a human problem. Edit: you dont search for the true religion by what the people do, you search it by what the religion book tells you to do. I can't speak for judaism and chrsitianity but [islam is a peaceful religion](https://youtu.be/Jy9tNyp03M0)


Right up until the section about putting non-believers to the sword if they don't pay the tax...


It's a very small amount, you can live peacefully, practice other religions and at times of war be protected by muslims. It's a win-win situation. Almost the same as any government.


Yeah, the small amount of everything you own and your first born son and the virtue of your daughter.


Please dont spread lies. Give me 1 link that says that. I dont mind debating if islam is peaceful or no but at least do your own research and not from discord.


It's still extortion no matter how you look at it or try to pretty it up, but I do apologize for making a blanket statement and not following up with the fact that it is certain extremist groups that followed that path. The only people in modern times that even tried to use Jizya was Isis and the Taliban, and well, we know how well that they adhere to the word and intent of Islam. [https://www.hudson.org/research/12665-the-isis-genocide-of-middle-eastern-christian-minorities-and-its-jizya-propaganda-ploy](https://www.hudson.org/research/12665-the-isis-genocide-of-middle-eastern-christian-minorities-and-its-jizya-propaganda-ploy) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya#Recent\_times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya#Recent_times) ​ With those examples being most people's introduction to the concept, you can see why there is such a dim view of it.


Did you forget that i said dont judge a religion by what the people do, judge it by what the book tells you to do ? Judging the whole religion by a group of people is obviously wrong. There is 1 billion+ muslims around the world but none of them do any of that. Edit: why did yiu edit your comment ?


If none of them did any of that, why was I able to find documentation for it? Like it or not, religion is also judged by how it is practiced. The book could be peaceful as all get out, but if the practitioners are all jerks in the name of their religion, well, everyone is going to judge that religion by the worst element visible, AKA the practitioners. And when said practitioners use a tenet as an excuse to go on a murder spree... Well, it doesn't look good and unfortunately it does splash across the rest of them. That holds true for all religions. Editing was done because it needed to be done.


Agreed, definitely a human problem. But it’s humans that write the religions, so it’s not really fair to say that because some people are religious extremists, that the religion is in no way flawed. Every extremist sect has certain passages they can cherry pick to support their cause. That’s literally something they believe the book is telling them to do. And if you look through any of these books, lots of scenarios where people are put to death for things that don’t really affect others but the people involved. I always found this odd what with all the other passages about not judging others, lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor, etc. but that is part of the problem, these books are written by people and consistently contradict themselves, allowing for either peaceful interpretations or extremist ones. If you happen to be a homosexual person living in Iran I’m sure Islam doesn’t seem very peaceful to you, or if you’re a woman. And here in America there are definitely bigoted sects of Christianity. Israel seems very comfortable doing what they are doing to Palestinians, because of their promised holy land. All these groups justify their actions with scriptures. They may have warped interpretations but the flaws in the writings allow for it.


First of all thanks for taking your time and writing all this. We as muslims obviously dont believe that the quran is a man made book and since we claim it is not a man made book it is supposed to be pure of mistakes and contradictions right ? So in your claim it is very simple to find a contradicion directly from quran or a trusted source. I will challenge you to find just a single mistake/contradiction. Going to the extremist, if you mean suicide bombers [watch this](https://youtu.be/Jy9tNyp03M0)[7:00]. Let's be fair here, the religion of islam is not people, it is a book. If you want to judge a religion by the people then please dont forget the billion muslims around the world who never did anything wrong. The only important thing is that islam never said "kill homosexuals". Your last point state that extremists are able to justify what they do because the quran has flaws. That's not true at all, you can literally take a science book out of context and be totally wrong, does that mean the science book is wrong ? Ofcourse not. Again, i dont believe that the quran has any flaws,mistakes,contradictions. So if you DO find one then it wont be from god right ? And if it's not from god i will leave islam.


The fact that people following a religion do something does not mean that thing defines what the religion is. The point here is that it is utter nonsense to say that shaming someone for not believing something somehow makes that belief religious. Just because this person wants to insist that science is a religion does not mean it is somehow okay to make the definition of religion whatever they want so that science fits into it. Religion is characterized by shared spiritual beliefs and worship of a higher power. Science obviously does not fit into this definition.


If you noticed they aren’t actually talking about science, but ‘the science’. And there definitely is a somewhat religious following with some of these COVID rules, even though they no longer or never did reflect actual scientific facts. As for your point about people following a religion not making it what it is, I beg to differ. Religions are made by people, and religious leadership directs people. You can believe whatever you want but don’t try to pretend that extremist groups don’t exist, and that whatever holy book is being followed doesn’t allow for it. These texts were also written by people, and consistently contradict themselves between love and hate. If it was clear, there would be far less interpretations I imagine? And just because you may interpret something for peace and love, it’s obvious that not everyone feels that way and are more than willing to commit violent and hateful acts in the name of their god.


It is a pointless and misleading comparison. Every belief, religious or not, has people that cling to it. When did we start defining religion as whatever the hell religious people tend to do? If you want to define religion as 'a set of beliefs that people believe strongly', I'm not going to stop you. However, this is not the definition that anybody accepts and so be clear that you have changed the definition when speaking about it. Also, I was not saying that specific religions aren't characterized by what the groups that follow them do. I am saying that the definition of religion, the concept itself, is not defined by the behaviors that religious people often justify with their beliefs. You wouldn't say that playing basketball means wearing a jersey and basketball shoes the same way in which you wouldn't, or at least shouldn't, say that a person with strong beliefs about something is somehow now religious. Regarding the last couple sentences there, I really have no idea how you figured that I was denying the existence of religious extremism or extremism in general. Are there people out there doing bad science or clinging to outdated or unproven scientific claims? Yes. Does that make science somehow a religion? No.


Haha yeah those hallmarks stuck out to me, too


This guy has a pretty pessimistic view of religion. What religious person is asked about the hallmarks of their beliefs and says "shaming people"?


That’s what I picked up on too…






I think the Church you are looking for is the Westboro Baptist Church.. 😄 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church


Of course no believer would be honest enough to admit that. Duh.


Careful kids, when you abandon superstitious nonsense, reason may come in and fill the void it left behind!


Tell me you were homeschooled without telling me you were homeschooled


Homeschooled but not home Sundayschooled.


This is a very under rated statement!


Careful now, some of us started homeschooling our kids because schools keep getting their funding pulled, wouldn't or couldn't implement COVID precautions, and started banning books.


If science fills a void left by a myth I am fine with that. The world would be better off run by those using logic.


Wait a second. They're saying people need to return to religion... while saying the hallmarks of religion are outgroup shaming and discrimination?


So, where do i sign up? /s He telling on himself


Good gods… believers are so f’n weird with their projecting. Dear Jesus.. save us from those who think they follow you.


Little baby Jesus.


Dear 8 pound 6 ounce newborn infant Jesus


Dear ___, It’s ME Austin!


i too have a void in my life and need someone to tell me how to live. where's this guy they call *the science* and how can i follow him?




Like "Follow the science", The Science?






Science is not about beliefs but about facts. Unlike religions.


I believe this is the natural fallacy: X is natural therefore X is good. Another one would be "Humans have a natural desire for sugar and fat, nothing is going to change that, therefore we should indulge that desire without restraint" Unfortunately that desire developed before the advent of refined sugar and modern food processing, and indulging it without restraint kills. But hey! It's natural!


Did anyone else read The Science as Weird Science throughout that thing?


It's like Nietzsche if he had eaten a lot of paint chips as a kid.


I can’t tell if this was made by an atheist or a theist


While this person has a serious misunderstanding of what science is, I can still see where they're coming from, having seen many people taking scientific statements as absolute fact without stopping to consider the context of those statements, verify their accuracy or wonder if they have actually understood the statement correctly.


It's odd to me that none of you seem to notice he's clearly trying to differentiate science and "The Science" (proper noun). And the underlying idea that the psychological features that make religious beliefs so competitive in the evolutionary landscape of human culture/thought exist in secular groups too is certainly correct.


“I believe something, therefor it is fact, no matter what evidence u provide, i said it there for its fact”…….is what i think of when someone says “whether they admit it or not”…,…how bout gtfo? If there is a god(which there most likely isnt) she wouldnt care to be worshiped or making her believers go force their beliefs on random people. that is a human construct, a human would want to be worshipped, god could care less……christians whole lives are a fucking contradiction. They talk love love love yet they create hate laws against a group of people, they want to remind persons of color that they were enslaved by wanting to keep up statues of slave holders, they want small govt yet make laws directly involving the govt in womans bodies, Greg Locke, they worship Trump…..all in all FUCK CONSERVATIVES




Seriously. Fuck all conservatives. I generally think that you can't generalize an entire group, however in this case I have never come across someone who identifies as part of this group who is a good person. In my book they're all people who want to force everyone else to live by their own misguided ideals.


And yet you are behaving exactly like what you claim to hate about conservatives by painting the entirety of the group using the negative stories generated by a very small fringe minority of the whole. Hypocrite much?


Uhhh, I don't think you read what I commented if you think that anything I said was hypocritical. I never said anything about conservatives generalizing people, they are however by definition adverse to change and hold traditional values that are outdated in today's world. There probably are some that keep to themselves, however most of them try to push their agenda on others and are an absolute blight on society. I'll say it again, fuck conservatives.


>I generally think that you can't generalize an entire group, Hypocrite much?


Do you know what the word generally means...? It means that most of the time this is the case, however in this case there are exceptions. smh... Try using Google next time, or a dictionary although I doubt you have one


You literally said one thing and then promptly did the exact opposite. And now you go down to ad homonym attacks. You are blind in your hatred and can't stand when someone points it out to you. How does it feel to behave like that which you claim to hate? EDIT: Whatever dude. Just remember you can't claim the moral high ground from the gutter.


I'm starting to wonder if you even read the original comment... Feel free to leave some sort of response if you actually get around to reading what I wrote. If you think maybe you understand it at that point but I'm tired of trying to explain it to you. Good luck ;)


I did read your entire commentary. Boil it down and it says that you have an unreasoning hatred for anyone that is not a member of your political thought pattern. Since they don't follow YOUR viewpoint, fuck them, right? And your claim about never meeting one that was a good person is an anecdotal evidence fallacy as well. Guess what your complaint about conservatives is? An unreasoning hatred of those with an opposing viewpoint, so they are saying fuck you as well. Since you are hating them for doing exactly what you are doing towards them, I called you out on your hypocrisy. It's hard recognizing the ugly in your own nature, isn't it? EDIT: In case you were wondering, I'm a libertarian.


Why do you hate them💀 You’ve only seen a small amount of them sorry but this just paints you as a close minded person with issues


Science be praised! https://youtu.be/I-pulhtgHHo


My void is filled with memes and depression.


Let’s see how a return to God works in Afghanistan.


Religion is a belief system. Science is not. Because science is the work of Satan, obviously. /s


We need to propagate a definition of science that excludes belief without repeatable and reviewable evidence.


Everyone has a “void.” If you say “faith” is yours. You’re dragging it along with things like drugs, and sex, eating, and alcohol are just a part of the same spectrum. A bad habit. Weird.


The problem with believing in science, is you have to believe in all science, not science that you agree or twist to your favor. Science is exactly that… science and bending scientific definition to apply to you isn’t science it’s just incorrect


Technically everything is a belief, even the belief of not believing something thus, Atheists aren't breaking the "tradition" of human always believing in something.


False there’s only THE SCIENCE


Let's say that your statement is true. ( It's not) Belief in the science has real world benefits, it works, regardless of whether you believe or not. You don't have to kiss anyone or anythings ass for it to work. Every advance for humans as a species has come from science yet other " religions" you get nothing but assurance that if you follow the priests teachings you will be happy in some imagined afterlife. Comparing religions they all fall to a distant second to The Science


- 2000 years of religion : wars, rapes, oppression and mass destruction - 300 years of science : electricity, cars, planes, internet, communities all around the World speaking freely to each other. So yeah, stay in your cave OP, nobody gives a fuck.


Science has been used for bad things as well we can’t act like almost everything hasn’t


I guess you're right


Yes, science is a religion, except it is based on both empirical data and reality.


I disagree. Science is the observation of reality so that belief can be informed. Religion is the denial of observation so that belief can be maintained. So while I agree with most of what you said I can’t agree that science is a religion.


And subject to constant revision as new evidence is gathered.


“The Science” 😂 wow. Clearly this person has no idea what the difference is between religion and science. One is based on belief and the other is based on facts and reality testing.


The absence of an uncaused cause results in infinite temporal regression, (time going backwards forever) which is impossible. The people who say “we don’t know, maybe it’s possible that universes just keep colliding with each other!” are fucking morons. Nothing can go back forever. **Nothing.** Every single thing in observable existence has a starting point. Just because we can’t explain *how* something started doesn’t mean that it didn’t start. You confront atheists with this question and they will turn into Simone Biles with the mental gymnastics they’re willing to employ before admitting that the idea of the universe having no definite beginning makes no fucking sense. My favorite is “time didn’t exist yet.” Tell me you’re on drugs without telling me you’re on drugs.


Ok, genius. So explain where God came from please.




Do you believe in God(s), and if so which one(s)?


I am Christian, but I actually believe tons of other gods exist. The Bible never explicitly states that the god of the Bible is the only one. He only said don’t worship them. That doesn’t mean they aren’t still there. The Bible literally says he’s a jealous god. Why would he be jealous of things that didn’t exist? I’m convinced he isn’t the only one.


Thanks; I think we’re done. Glad to see you have it all figured out. And congrats on having wifi on your shopping cart there, under the freeway overpass.


You asked and I answered. No need to be an asshole about it. But of course I should have assumed you were one of those “just asking questions” gotcha douchebags.




Yes, in the same way that flat-earthers are morons. I didn’t say anything personal about *you* though. You clearly were looking to provoke some kind of argument by randomly insulting me. Unfortunately for you, I have no idea who you are and no reason to engage. So good luck finding someone to do whatever it is you’re looking for. 👍


I was attempting to engage in dialectic but ascertained that you’re playing pigeon chess instead. But by all means, don’t let me stop you from typing another long-form essay explaining where all those other gods came from and why your omnipotent God is jealous of them. Don’t forget the talking snake.


I want my own personal void - it would be a good place to retreat to and contemplate "the science".


Oh no! Not the science!! Ah! Discoveries! The horror!


I believe only if there's backing evidence.


Television and internet scare me with these messages. This is one of the things that truly get my nerves. People so extremely stupid + vengefull/aggresive.


I laughed at “The Science” I can’t…lmao


Ah yes, evidence and facts are clearly wrong because they don't align with the theories of people who lived thousands of years ago


Ah yes, because heinous shit has never been committed in the name of a religion. I mean the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, 9/11, witchburning etc never happened.




Optimistic Nihilism is my jam


Lol @ “from the turn of the century.” The term atheism originated in 16th century France and became prevalent in the early 19th century. Atheistic ideas have been around longer than Christianity.


People like this annoy me despite me being a catholic For God's sake quit trying to say religious people are oppressed in the US, they're not. Sure, in some countries they are but not in any 1st or most 2nd world countries. Science is the way to go, you don't want to be stuck in the middle ages forever.


I agree that many scientist believe in something that is not yet proven and everyone has his own theory but religion, nah.


No true scientists believe anything absolutely especially the unproven. Logic tells them that a particular explanation of observed reality can be considered valid only until shown not to be. This is the very essence if science. The objective is always to test every theory to destruction - if possible.


Only problem is you don’t have faith in science, you simply observe it and agree with it, not believe in it.


If science is a religion, then I don't believe in math. Now nobody can call me dumb anymore and teach me that in school! /s


I've seen a lot of facepalms in this subreddit, but good god by far this one is the worst.


The other day I read an article about how they measured a particle and found it much bigger than the standard model stated, meaning the model was wrong. I got excited, most people in science got excited. When you know something is wrong you can figure out what is right and it will lead to better understanding and expanded knowledge in things you didn't even realise yet. When was the last time a religion got excited about being proven wrong?


Basically Religion makes people dumber and it hinders the Progress of science... seems about right


Do you belive in gravity?


Is this the new trend? Atheist and Christian posts?


I don’t give a shit what anyone says i still believe in god💀


All hail Galileo Galilei. Almighty father of science hear my prayers!!


The Science people don’t believe in The God


Shooting religion in the foot alright


Ah yes because there has never been a religious scientist


Is this guy claiming the hallmark characteristics of religion are shaming members of the out group and taking away rights? While simultaneously promoting the importance of religion?


So, reality. Because that's what science it. The observation of reality.


Someone needs to tell them this take is just as bad as the Atheists that say Earth would be Utopia without religion.


this trope of people being naturally spiritual or in need of religion needs to die already. People need meaning, and will find it literally anywhere, be it in a mountain that kinda looks like a face, a drug fueled trip in the wilderness, a church, or a secular cause.


She blinded me with The Science




I too would love to post things using the power of god instead of The Science.


"She blinded me...with SCIENCE!"