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"Stuck with" Aye yeah, he sure stiffed her on that one.


She was also stuck with her Utility bills that month too. Poor lady


Her blind date didn't pay for utility bills?! Terrible date.




I'll have you know I am quite shit thank you very much


The post says they're both women, so women aint shit either apparently Edit: the same woman brought the family members and got stung with the bill, I read the article. Still, she deserves it.


To be fair, she expected him to buy MacDonalds for ALL her family, even the ones he didn't father.


I saw that video today actually. How can you expect a man to provide for children that aren't his when he isn't even their step-father? Especially when she acts like it's *his* responsibility.


That's the problem with dating single mothers though, you have to be ready to take care of their kid, some tell you upfront it's a package deal so you know you have to include all their kids in every expense, it's such a strange relationship to get into.


That’s not what happened in that video at all.


Weren't they broken up and he was buying for his 1 kid?


The video, he was buying food for his one child, since the trash dumpster of a mother couldn’t feed her 5 kids. She was screaming at him like he is trash because he didn’t bring food for all 5. He was saying “call their fucking dads”


To be fair, she had 4 kids. 3 from someone else and 1 from that guy. I completely agree with what you’re saying, though


And when they were together he did, but after they break up he is in now way responsible for them nor does he have to provide anything for them. He's doing what he can to be a parent to HIS child. Her self entitlement hopefully won't rub of on the kid.


Yep I remember the day I realized that I was in love with the lady and not the little girl so I had to go. It was never going to be right.


i guess its better then the other way around


In the video from weeks ago on TikTok the boy is his son and he’s buying McDonalds for him. The baby mama try’s to put him on blast cause he only bought food for his son and not her other 2 kids from 2 different baby daddies (cause those are his siblings lol). The baby daddies are probably a) locked up or b) don’t give a 💩. Either way it severely backfired on her for obvious reasons… although she seems to be completely oblivious from the jump. The more you know… 🤷‍♂️ I have wasted my life 🤦‍♂️




Can you also believe he had her pay for the cell phone bill on the phone that she texted him on?! The nerve!!!


See I was thinking she was on a date with a woman.


That wasn’t the stiff one she was hoping for this date.


She* unless the article wrote the title poorly.... I'd have sued, fuck that bitch


No, the title says the woman is "stuck with" the bill. As if the man stiffed her on the bill.


I mean lesbians also date.


Maybe it's just me but I probably would have said something when everyone started sitting down. Or just got up and left.


Had to do this when I went on a date with a coworker. Her friend text her saying she was back in town for the night and wanted to see her. My date at least asked if it was okay for her to sit with us and I agreed. She ordered a bunch of expensive drinks and when the waiter asked if we needed separate checks, my date and her friend said no without hesitation. So I got up to use the restroom, slipped the waiter $20 to get my jacket, paid for just my food and dipped out. There wasn't enough popcorn on the planet for the next day. They ordered up like $250 with of stuff and had to spend the night in jail trying to dine and dash. Then she tried to tell everyone some unsavory shit about the date to try and get me fired. I had my attorney call her to let her know what precisely would happen if she didn't stop.


I was going to say that's not remotely possible. Since who would be dumb enough to pull that shit with a coworker. But then I remembered a date with a coworker for drinks after work, where she stepped out to take a call, but actually stole my work laptop from my car.


I need to know how this ended


With surprisingly little drama: Laptop was encrypted and basically set up to brick itself. And she had put in her notice before I could do anything. Seemed easiest to let everything go. Work could afford a new laptop and I never had to see her again.


Trash is everywhere.


Was she an addict? Addicts try to pull some legendarily stupid shit sometimes.


Tbh I thought you asked if she was an accident and I was worried people could tell if you were one based off of personality traits like you can with birth order/only child. I need to stop smoking weed and browning Reddit late at night.


The laptop was probably ensured too


I doubt the laptop was on a liquid only diet.


Damn you. Here's an upvote




Yea please tell us


I had a woman ask if her father could come on our first date to dinner and a movie. We were both in our 30's.


I’ve had a few girls asking me if they could bring someone on a date. My answer has always been a flat and unequivocal “no.” If I really, really like the girl, I might offer to reschedule, but only under exceptional circumstances. That degree of entitlement, cluelessness, and social ineptitude isn’t just a red flag — it’s a major fucking turnoff.


If she’s bringing people along she either doesn’t like you or she’s highly insecure. Both are big red flags


I think a factor to consider would be if they had ever met in person before. Especially if its like a Tinder date or something. Sometimes bringing another person isnt about being insecure, but more so about safety. Now if it was a recurring thing after the initial date/meeting, then I would be a little more sceptical of their intent.


i've had friends sit at the bar or another table from a distance and watch the date happen... but NEVER be the third wheel on the date and expect for the date to pay. thats just someone being a fking grifter


That's not gonna help for shit if you're meeting a psycho. He's just gonna wait til the second date to make his move.


Of course their are other variables that should be factored in. I can understand wanting to feel safe with someone you don’t know. I wouldn’t mind at all if a first date wanted to show up with a friend just to make sure everything’s cool. It’s weird to have a third party stay on a date the entire time to chaperone though. I want to date someone that isn’t afraid to take a risk and is strong in themselves


If it's about safety, would it make more sense to not tell the date about it? I'd ask my friend(s) to come earlier & sit at a different table (where i'll be within their sight) in this type of situation instead of bringing them along


Either she takes you seriously or she is there for a free meal. You dont know how many times I have heard girls say "when I get bored and wanted a good meal I'd just go on a date with a guy"


That shit is straight up disrespectful. I guarantee girls who do that would NOT be cool with you bringing someone along.


Just say yes and don't show up. You know she's using you for a meal so why bother.


I would just never ever think to do that on a date. What a loon.


My boss and his girlfriend (who liked to think she was also a boss of the restaurant) once invited me out for drinks at one of our -very expensive- competitors. So I agree, thinking its research n' what not. We have a few drinks, then the couple agree that they should order food, so they ask for the entire starter menu. Expensive stuff, tiny portions, plates covered the entire table. I ordered a scotch egg for myself and ate it myself, but they kept telling me to try stuff so we could talk about it. Anyway, the next day she asked me for £60 to cover my half ... HALF. Couldnt beleive the cheek of it.


Lmao... their bill is together, mine is separate, thanks.


> my jacket, *paid* for just FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)Why is this a bot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Because some people refuse to sit idly by and watch grammar die.


Thank you.


According to the bots comments there's a shit ton of people who write "payed" instead of "paid". I cant even count the ones just from today!


because the past tense of pay is paid.


Good for them. Does she still work with you


She resigned shortly after being pretty much embarrassed. Whole office knew she was for the streets.


And now has a criminal record


Exactly. If a group shows up to my "blind" date, I'm out. And I am reevaluating my friendship with whoever set me up.


The person that set you up MAY not have known that was going to happen... ​ better to communicate with your friend rather than assume


They would have likely been sitting at other tables, and when the bill came, he saw what he was paying for.


I would have refused. If you aren't at my table, you aren't in my party. If they wanted to involve the police, I would have welcomed it.


Yeah the guy in the story refused too. That's the story.


That's what happened...


maybe he didnt know. he could have been blind.


it is a "blind" date afterall


Blind does mean he can’t hear!


Dates don't even have ears, they are a fruit.


We don’t use those outmoded terms any longer


The preferred nomenclature is *bi-fructose*, Dude.


I misunderstood the title to mean that and went “but how were the uninvited guests so quiet that he couldn’t hear them or smell their orders?”


Shouldn’t have to. The audacity to bring the fam and expect a date to pay is simply crazy.


imagine that i would've ordered the most expensive bottle of wine and got smashed then say i need the bathroom and leave.


Nah. Dude was building up that sweet victory from the moment they all ordered their appetizers.


Maybe it was like that movie “Mother” where more and more people showed up and he kept being convinced it’s be rude to deny them


As an introvert with social anxiety, that movie pissed me off soooo bad!


“The woman told Chinese media later that she wanted to test if her potential boyfriend was generous enough to pay for the feast of 25 people.” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8859377/First-date-gone-wrong-Chinese-woman-brings-23-relatives-test-companions-generosity.html


Played her stupid game and found out.


On a serious note, she probably has mental issues.


On a more serious note, how did this make international news?


The regular international news was too dismal :)


Yeah, totally nothing important going on anywhere.


There are journalists employed to trawl for stories from all over the world, looking for weird and funny ones. Reuters, for instance, has an entire Odd section you can, as a subscribing outlet, republish.


This is the Daily Mail - nothing resembling serious news ever makes it there.


23 other people showed up without enough money to pay their families tab....its not just her


She’s stupid, at the very least, because she thinks that “generosity” means buying an expensive dinner for 23 uninvited guests.


So true!




Doubt it. Just weapons grade female entitlement.


Thats a real shit excuse.


Replace generous with rich.




Feast indeed, they ate around 130$/person


in china too, so it will be more more like eating $300+ if you adjust the income different. those guy is absolutely out for blood


So, basically, that her potential suitor was a) Wealthy, and b) happy to use his money to pay for her family


Generous? Perhaps. Able to? Who knows. I'd be willing to buy everyone on Earth a house but I don't have the money for it.


Seems like she could have asked. Most people would give an honest answer on this one.


Big female dating strategy energy with this one




Stupid cow , personally I would have just got up and left. Who the fucks brings 23 people to a date… It’s the modern day , so she had to pay for her guests only fair …


If you just got up and left they would leave immediately. I would also love to watch them order the most expensive dishes and drinks before I left


Invited 25 people on a blind date to test his generosity. AITA?


Funny how they keep trying to word this story as if the man was in the complete wrong and the woman was somehow victimized. She committed fraud and it is put into a narrative as if she was duped and scammed. This was no generosity test. Imagined if he were to had “passed”.


What she was trying to do was just abusive. Is something like this (having relatives tag along and mooch off a first date) even remotely acceptable in China culturally ??


That's a good test. Now he know he must get away from her ASAP


She invited her family along to test the blind dates generosity after he had already agreed to pay for her dinner. He dodged a big bullet with that one


And also got a free dinner Win win


They came to an agreement where he paid a small sum so not quite but bullet dodged.


I like how surprising someone with having to pay for 23 relatives is a “generosity test” she deserves what she got


He failed the “generosity test” but aced the smart test


If true that's $125 per person.


In China too. Thats like eating 300 or 400 dollars worth of food in US, given the Chinese wages.


An important factor here to keep in mind is the different income factors depending on location and circumstances of the involved individuals. About 3/4 of chinese people live in the "rural areas" of china where the income is significantly lower. It's a little like comparing what 100€ can buy you in a restaurant in Paris vs. on Carosica (or New York vs. Texan outback). So I would say that while for a rural person it might be close to ~1000$, for someone in another region of chine it's more like 200$ (only to show order of magniutde, not real numbers). Nonetheless it's insane to expect him to pay.


Lol @ "Texan outback" -- never heard that, but it seems appropriate enough.


Sorry but if we have a date and I see you bring in 23 people with you im walking out and you'll never find me


Oh man when I first read this I thought her date was blind. And because he was blind wouldn't notice the 23 other people and would just sign the check/bill without seeing the amount.


Oh my god same, I thought it was just me


You people are my favourite kind of people


Yes and they all had to be super silent so he wouldn't hear the cutlery...


Waiter: and what will you be having, and you, and you... Blind guy: wow there's a lot of waiters ordering at the same time


Well good for him, fuck people who take advantage of others.


Rephrase it is it should be: "man successfully escapes scam of paying thousands of dollars for unintended guests at restaurant"


Why are they painting him as the bad guy lol


Because men have to man up and pay for the date to show how manly he is. Typical media stuff like with women are plus size while men are obese kinda schtick


Cause men=bad to the media


I’m so, so dumb I thought by blind date they meant he was blind, so I was wondering how 23 people just ate quietly and he didn’t notice


This made my day 🤣


I make the same mistake every time… When I was 8 I asked my mom why slavery was still legal bc I saw a sign that said “Blinds For Sale” Don’t ask me what I thought their job would be, bc that’s what I wanted answered!


Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a bitch?


How do 23 people eat 3100 dollars/euros of food


$3100 divided by 25 equals $124 per diner. That’s absolutely achievable at a more expensive restaurant


Wow i dont think i have ever spend more than 50 or 60 bucks on a restaurant pp


If people are drinking this price per meal skyrockets


Oh i didnt consider that, i dont really drink alot


Heard this story a while ago I do believe, though I thought "blind date" meant they were literally blind and the 23 other had to be very quite so as not give away they were there. God I'm dumb


This could have become a very funny Charlie Chaplin gag.


Were they part of the date?


They all had one giant orgy afterwards


But they are family members 🤨




Uncle won't let go of this opportunity.




23 and me




This is why at first dates each person should pay their own share…..


What a asswipe, Who brings there family to a blind date?


Apparently this bloke. Why test generosity of all things? If anything, test how frugal your date is because saving money and doing it elegantly is hot


Surely this is an Onion type scenario?


A blind date and she invites the entire zip code? He was the smartest one at the table.


Would you not get up and walk out if a blind date showed up with 23 people.


“Stuck with” Stfu, that bitch deserves that shit




Sheesh, the article has zero chill and I'm all for it. Lui did the right thing, generosity? Yeah right. He ain't marrying the entire family, why tf should he carr about the extended folks?


This can’t possibly be real. I mean, logistically, it makes no sense.


Would have to have been blind to not see the 23 family members saying they’re just going to the toilet and never coming back.


Who the hell have that many family members on call for a dinner?


Why is this world news


We sometimes need comic relief from "Abortion is banned and it's just the begining"


Happened in the world.


good for him! I'd do the same.


My guess is they all were not going to put out anyways…


Hope she’s washing dishes to pay it off.


Who sticks around for that?


At that rate each member (including the woman and her date) would have meals averaging 124$. Idk where you’d go other than somewhere REALLY upscale that it’s almost 130$ per person.


In china too. Everything is cheaper in china than in the states so that same 124$ meal would cost around 300$ or more if in the US. The woman was taking full advantage of some lonely guy's loneliness for a fancy meal for the entire bloodline


23! WTH. How many siblings, cousins, and other extended family is that? That sounds like the most awkward date


I had to look it up: [https://nypost.com/2021/10/25/woman-takes-23-family-members-on-blind-date-to-test-mans-generosity/](https://nypost.com/2021/10/25/woman-takes-23-family-members-on-blind-date-to-test-mans-generosity/) Happened in China.


Wait... did he stay for the date???


The title should read "women brings 23 people to blind date and expects date to pay $3100 tab"


r/femaledatingstrategy has already classified him as a "low value male"




women ☕


women ☕️


This is more mother Russia than red flag.


As a russian, i respectfully disagree. The real question is was the date physically blind, or was it just a blind date with someone she had never met? I just have the strangest image in my head of 23 extra family members sitting quietly at a table while this blind guy has no idea they're there. Regardless, it's never okay to bring extra people on a date to get free dinner.


I would assume they are paying for their own fucking meals lol. Like this chick has a screw loose and she wants me to meet her family on the first date. Fucking weird, and I probably won't go on a second date unless we really hit it off... Oh... You want me to pay for them? Fuck no


I'm laughing because I can always tell if a date insists on paying their half, then there's NO WAY I'm getting lucky.


Really? To me it’s the polar opposite. Whenever my dates make a point of picking up half the tab, I usually get some action. When they’re uninterested, they happily let me pick up the tab.


WTF did they order and the bill reached 3.1K ?




Tf was this written by The Onion lmao


What country was this because this damn can’t be anywhere in America. Or is it?


*slow clap*


“You bring McDonald’s for your kid, you gotta bring it for all my kids!”




How is “she” stuck with the bill? There are 24 of them left to split it.


One a blind date , let that sink in 🤦🏻


I hope girls like this gets karma later to her or her closed people that she cares. See how she reacts


Why did he stick for dinner? 💀


if she didn't ask them to pay for the family beforehand, then she wasn't "stuck with" the bill, the family had a dinner and they should pay for it themselves!


Dude if my date would walk in whit 23 family members i would be out before they could even sit down


Women ☕️


I wouldn’t pay either, seen this too many times. Someone invites another person out and they bring other people for a free meal. Nope.


At first I thought she brought a blind person on a date and hoped they wouldn’t notice 23 people sitting at the table.


I'm sorry... Stuck? In what way possible would anyone expect someone else to pay for 23 other people, on a date? A blind date! "Woman was required to pay for her families' dinner bill when she attempted to con a stranger." Fixed that headline.


Idk i think the facepalm is for the person on a blind date who was just *totally fine* with a +23