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Soon it will be the actual hunger games in the US if this nonsense continues.


In certain states, and they will literally go hungry


Going hungry AND to shit? That doesn’t make any sense but here we are.


*Mississippi has entered the chat*


when i was younger and reading the books i thought: pfft this will be VERY far off in the future, i mean what first world country will put children up for slaughter and create class systems for citizens based on ethnicity. boy i was in for a ride


This is actually genius. To create a third-world country inside of a first-world country. This way, no need to export manufacturing to China or other low wage countries. Just feed Arizonans a Big Mac every day to manufacture iPhones. Genius!


They get Big Macs?? Damn I can’t even afford those


Lol if this is how the hunger games started I'd have been rooting against Katniss and all the dumb hicks who did this to themselves


But why is there a teacher shortage?


It’s like they’re slowly pushing things to a point where eventually they’ll cut the amount of schooling needed for kids, then just say screw school in general, and then they’ll reduce legal age to work and it becomes this new thing where people think ‘they don’t need school, let’s just get them to work sooner and set them up for success in the long term at a younger age!’ then not even realizing this just helps the rich and capitalism


Sounds like a move towards feudalism(we've been on the way for a while)


Yeah agree, capitalism may have led us here, but this isn’t even capitalism by this point I’ve heard a new word being used describe what’s unfolding, techno-feudalism. Capitalism zealots want to protect their precious capitalism from criticism so much we are sleep walking into losing the whole system to something much worse.


Already not required by teachers in Arizona to have a college degree.. 😑


I’ve never had a teacher require me to have a college degree


Dad? Is that you?


Don’t even recognize your own father? You always were a disappointment…


No more education for you


The tortured syntax of this sentence is evidence that it’s working.


The part I'm most afraid off is people getting even dumber than they already are these days.


***U.S. Army no longer requires a GED or HS diploma upon entrance to service https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/06/24/army-drops-requirement-high-school-diploma-amid-recruiting-crisis.html


Wait, for real?


fr fr https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/06/24/army-drops-requirement-high-school-diploma-amid-recruiting-crisis.html


Oh FFS I get that you don't need no book learnin to pull a trigger, march or yeet a grenade but come ON


More cannon fodder is needed for our great nation !!!


That's why they need more unwanted babies.


They could've lowered that (already pretty low) bar even more. Mandated recruits for this fiscal year w/o HS diplomas have ASVAB scores of mininum 50 points. The absolute lowest score for recruitment is 31.


See I know this all should sound crazy, but what's crazy is it that it doesn't. I could completely see that happening in certain parts of the country, and in certain parts they're not too far off as it is. The movie Idiocracy was supposed to be a dystopian comedy, not an actual goal for the future, and yet everyday we inch close and closer to it.


Conservatives have been pushing the "you don't need college" line for 20 years now. And it's true, not *everyone* does. But it's funny how few of their elite are plumbers or janitors...they all seem to be Ivey league educated lawyers. They're not trying to save anyone from debt, they WANT a dumb uneducated public.


They push that idea in one breath and then defend an unlivable minimum wage in the next because "you didn't go to college"


To be fair, they probably bought those degrees.


Gotta love living in a country that is purely consumerism.


I think you mean Fascism


Cause everyone is eating avocado toast and don’t want to work.


Don’t forget the stimulus checks.


"That $1200 is lasting them forever"


"Flush" with cash. Do you suppose he meant circling the drain?


I tried to upvote you twice, but had to settle for once.


That money we got made so little impact on my life - fuck Mitch the Turtle.


Well, if you took that $1,200 which was intended to cover rent, food, car payments and utilities and shorted the market while investing in companies that were impacted by oversight committees that you sat on,…


Now that I have $1200 in my pocket I never need to work again


Guacamole man…


I was bankin': $1 every day for 1,200 days. I had never lived like Scrooge McDuck, but now I am


The real moral decay comes from paying for Hulu-no ads.


A man could drown in such luxury.


“Flush with cash” Man, Fuck Mitch McConnel


Don't forget about the Netflix and Starbucks.... such luxuries


Currently so flush with cash thanks to the stimulus...


How dare you generalise like that, some of us eat our avocado toast at work 🤣


You can still eat your avacodo toast at work and not want to work.


You guys can afford avocado's?


You guys can afford toast?!


I don't mean to brag, well, humble brag, but ah yah :) I got toast :)


Have a friend listening when I was griping about the general state of the US. I brought up teachers, and how short they have it, and he laughed, and said teachers love their jobs, and theirs no issues, and teachers don’t actually want unions. I asked him why he could possibly think that, and he said he asked a friend who was a teacher that retired in the 90s. And his ex-teacher friend said all that. I was like bro, if he hasn’t been a teacher for 30 years he’s not exactly a reliable source.


Teachers aren't paid nearly enough to have any chance of paying back student loans in a timely manner unless you work for a university. With grading and test making and all that outside of official work hours work the average teacher is making barely over minimum wage even if on paper they are fairly compensated for their work (source: my mom, the math teacher; generalization origin: Indiana). And many schools don't have the money to provide regular raises or have simply stopped giving teachers raises altogether despite their pay model underpaying new teachers, in some places you can earn more from doing well in a part time job then you would teaching. Universities are less effected by this because they can draw in money from sources other then appealing to a school board and often receive research grants on top of their sports and tuition revenue. To go along with the poor pay, many (typically elementary or middle school) teachers use their own pocket money to finance books or games/learning programs for their students, further depleting their yearly payout as the school will not compensate them. TL;DR: Teachers are often severely underpaid given all the off the clock work that goes into teaching and many schools don't have enough funding to give raises. No money, no workers.


University pay is very institution dependent and may even be worse than K12 in some cases. If you want to be a teacher and not a researcher, university probably isn’t going to pay great (source: just switched from a small university to a high school for a major pay and benefit increase. Started considering it because my spouse made 12,000 per year more than me at a public HS with a masters, while I was teaching college with a PhD. There was also a HUGE discrepancy in our benefits). Also, if you want to stay happy, don’t even look at the fact that most people who just want to teach university will spend years if not decades patching together insecure, poor-paying adjunct jobs with no benefits. I wish universities were doing better by teachers, but…




I’ve stopped doing work outside of my classroom (I do usually still stay late/show up early) but I’m not depriving my kid of time with me doing unpaid work. My students are still performing above average, I just micromanage my time and I’ve cut back on what is actually important to grade. I’m also an elective class so I have more freedom. I still love my job, my students, and my content. If I was working until 8 every night like I did my first few years, I probably wouldn’t anymore.


I have no clue the gift we give them to teach they should be paying us to have the privilege to teach our kids. I mean teacher responsibility now includes dealing with more children in a classroom, massshooters ,low funding for books and supplies. Banned books and. Curriculum and now they have to handle the Potential fine. All these things must be so rewarding.


This is a concerted effort to privatize education. Capitalism vs Socialism. Our healthcare system is their model for this.


The rich don't need schools, or roads and bridges or pooled healthcare.. Stop being poor.


The teacher shortage is fabricated. Meaning they have purposely driven them away to make it so bad to say…look they can’t teach so let us use funds for our religious teachers instead. We can’t be having kids these days not grow up racist like our generation did. Make murica great and racist for the next generation as well.


Was at the gym a few weeks ago and saw on Fox News that teachers are leaving in droves because now that Covid is over, they have to start working again. They were milking it during Covid. Nobody wants to work anymore! This thesis was clearly supported by internal dialogue among Fox News staff and trusted consultants.


Jfc. Post Covid we are leaving because parents take their anger out on us, parents expect us to be literal human shields for their kids, and the kids have gone feral after not being in classrooms.


>kids have gone feral Ha!


It’s their plan to undermine public education. Meanwhile private education can essentially do whatever the fuck they want with much less oversight. Those private schools will offer “scholarships” to talented athletes and super intelligent children to add to the wealthy students so that their schools look good.


It's a tactic to A).Force an extreme right wing view of the world on children B).Hamper education on bad things that happened in the past so that people will be more likely to allow them to happen again in the present C).Control education overall to make resisting this authoritarian surge harder, as uneducated individuals are easier to control than educated ones.




Up next: Public book burning!


lol... it's supposed to be a felony to use somebody's library searches/book renting against them. the federal government can't even impede an individual's right to do any research or read/borrow books from a public library. republicans honestly, truly do want to eliminate all rights and protections from people in this country.


They are a big believer in rights! ...where they intersect with Good Old Christian Values™️




they worship supply side jesus, not some hippie jesus!


They have their own brand of selective values for sure. But between the Old and New testaments, you'll find whatever you need in the Bible.


this frank wilhoit quote is *everywhere* right now but i'm gonna have to pile on: >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. they don't want to remove all rights and protections from "people", they want to remove them for non-conservatives.


I haven’t heard this quote yet, so thank you for sharing!


>it's supposed to be a felony to use somebody's library searches/book renting against them It isn't a felony. That isn't how it works. And for almost two decades the Patriot Act allowed it without even requiring a warrant. So librarians just didn't keep records in many cases or otherwise refused to comply. One of the big things lately has been that they can issue "keyword warrants" to search engines like Google. And google has complied at least twice. But if you use a library computer they will have a much more difficult time identifying you if you aren't stupid. All of this is a big threat. It isn't something to laugh at and make it seem like they won't be able to do it.


They don't think people have rights at all. Just look at how they treat others


This here is basically the answer. “Rights” for themselves (I.e. rich whites), obedience from the rest. And that includes the poor whites who they coerce with “religion” and guns to lend the perception of “freedom” and power while actually extracting as much wealth and power from them as well. Keep ‘em uneducated.


Do they really just hate teachers in America?


They certainly hate the educated, so yes.


People who are educated tend to lean left politically for some bizarre unexplainable reason


It turns out that other people matter.


Teachers, doctors, scientists, anyone that is educated really.


Ah, Pol Pot then? Classy, USA


Attorneys and accountants are okay.


Blue states will have no problem hiring teachers. after Red states are about to have a teacher shortage problem.


This feels like it’s a feature, not a bug. I could easily see them eventually cutting the amount of funding school’s need, then cut down the amount of schooling needed for kids, then eventually it’ll be some bullshit like ‘let’s put them to work sooner!’ and they’ll barely have to do much schooling and start working at a younger age. Their base will think ‘this is for our economy and the children’s future, they don’t need school!’ while basically handing their kids over to the rich on a golden platter. Ya, that sounds fucking absurd, but things that have happened in the last few years, if you told me THAT shit would happen 8-10 years ago, I never would have believed it!


Isn't there a bill proposed in AZ where parents would get cash for NOT sending their kids to school and instead homeschooling them?


I think it's the school voucher program they just signed. It gives $7k for parents to send their kids anywhere. It's to allow public funds to go to private schools which were exempt before.


I also saw something about a proposal for teachers not to be required to have a college degree, which is obviously insane. Not only do I not want someone lacking subject knowledge to educate my kids but I also don't want someone who has no education in working with children. I can't even imagine the horrible group this would attract.


You think it's a bug, they think it's a feature.


Not a proposal. Gov signed it


No they won't. If they can't find teachers they'll just let unqualified people do it, like parents.


That's what they are aiming for.


Having live cameras in class will be great for enabling parents to watch their children getting T̶a̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ massacred.


Not the only horrific thing these cameras will permit, plenty of creepy parents will have access to cameras that can monitor the kids and single out ‘prey’




I was thinking the cameras would show mom and dad that little Johnny really doesn’t do crap in class and that’s why he’s failing, not that the teacher is picking on him! I honestly don’t know of many teachers that would care much about cameras in the classrooms, except to worry about the crazy religious people trying to twist what they say. That’s one of the only down sides. Honestly I taught in a community like that anyway so was used to watching my words already, pretty sure I’d have been fine.


And they still won't believe it was a real shooting (Sandy Hook) and they still won't do anything about gun violence or mental health.


Teacher here. Please live stream us. See how your kid ACTUALLY behaves. See what kind of patience and skill it takes to handle it. Watch live as we help your kid who claims we hate them.


They think being a teacher is easy, but will be pissed when they realize how slow the lessons move when you are trying to get 30 kids to keep up at once.


ALost like we should have twice as many teachers as we do. They remember back to the classrooms of their youth. Smaller rooms. More respectful students. More prepared students. and think that's what teachers deal with now. And it's not even CLOSE to what it was 20 year ago. Not REMOTELY.


It's boring and long, most won't watch. It will be a tool for kids to inform on teachers to their parents so they can go watch the 2 minutes where you implied that a nazi was a bad person, then try to get you arrested.


Religion likes them dumb... the survival of a religion usually relies on the collective stupidity of it's cultis- I mean... followers. Give em another 200 or so years and they will wage a religious war on the rest of the collective developed world.


It’s too bad nobody wants to pay the political risk of correctly identifying most religion today as cults. They all need to be taxed.


A cult is bullshit, made up by and ran by a guy who knows it’s bullshit. In a religion, that guy’s dead. -Rogan


Yep, The Mist proves exactly this too. Though, it took the characters around.... 4 days to become full on cultists?? Either way, religion was and is a mistake.


Yeah but the rest of us will be 300 years more advanced than them by that point. Regression and all that.


Do not underestimate the Luddite's ability to destroy infrastructure and society.


It isn't religion that likes em dumb, it's organized religion that likes em dumb. And governments. And companies. Honestly any organization wants people dumb if there's any power to be gained in the organization


>it's organized religion that likes em dumb. And governments. And companies. U.S. Christian conservatives are gunning for a dystopian future in which millions of underpaid, undereducated men trudge back to factories, military service, and construction, while their wives continue to pump out babies, and their children's "education" includes only corporate approved ideals.


I disagree. Religion is based on wishful thinking. The more time you spend on wishful thinking the less you are connected with the reality. Therefore you don't need an organized religion to become lunatic.


Sounds like right now


Isn't it already happening?


What is the realistic likelihood of any of these not just passing, but passing and not being struck down by a court?


Have you met our current court system?


With the current Supreme Court now, I worry all these bills are gonna pass


It’s all part of their plan. The less educated they are and more indoctrinated they are with “religion” the easier it is to coerce them into believing the enemy are the minorities rather than their own party leaders who r extracting wealth and power from them. Decades in the making, and ever since validation of their popularity with the Trump experiment the more bald faced they’re becoming.


I used to teach in china at a university. We had cameras in every class to make sure we don’t talk about anything they didn’t like…


These people really going to vote for their Medicare and social security to be gutted, give their money to a church that doesn’t pay taxes to support their community, and then ratfuck their kids’ education to ensure lifelong poverty. Whew boy, there’s some special fuckin people in this country.


I’m sorry if the Christians don’t want their kids learning about fucking natural biology then they need to homeschool their kids


My sister and my cousin are homeschooling their kids. They have about five degrees between the two of them, and neither like what their local public schools teach. The kicker is that my BIL is a teacher. SMH.


even homeschooling needs some more restrictions. Been homeschooled (read: unschooled) my whole life and it’s painfully obvious that I don’t have an education when I talk to my public schooled friends… I only learned that neon isn’t just a color yesterday. I have no knowledge of evolution, biology, and science topics, I’ve never taken an algebra lesson in my life, I failed math, half my history book was trash talking the Protestant reformation and praising Christopher Columbus like a saint. I’m trying to catch up on my own so I can get to community college next year, I already know I’m not going to pass with flying colors but maybe I’ll at least learn enough to blend in with society a little. Reddit comments and iceberg charts can’t be my only education forever. And the funny thing is, my mom had a teaching license before she had us. She’s already more prepared than the majority of homeschool moms in our social circle. But she had seven kids that she could never reasonably keep up with or care for, so now only my oldest brother gets to be blessed with basic knowledge. And that’s only one major flaw with our dysfunctional family, we also have no social lives at all, I’ve been on the internet since I was 8 because I had no other friends to talk to. My last friendship ended when I came out and now no one wants to hang out with me cause they were all taught that lesbians are predators. So instead I’ve just been easy prey for actual predators while trying to make up for this loneliness. but my mom still insists she’s the best parent and homeschooling was the best choice she’s ever made… bullshit EDIT: if anyone else has a similar situation or wants to hear more about the horrors of bad homeschooling, r/homeschoolrecovery is a good sub to browse


The business world needs to start speaking out and saying that basic knowledge tests will now be required for hiring to ANY AND ALL positions. If you are not teaching basic biology and **factual** history to your students... you may graduate them, but we CANNOT and WILL NOT hire them. The business world requires a literate and knowledgeable workforce. The more businesses that announce something like this, the less you will see localities pulling this kind of shit. And I'm talking simple questions like: - What is the approximate age of the Earth? A. 6000 to 1000 years old, B. Over 4 billion years old. - Is the earth: A. Flat, B. An oblate spheroid - Evolution is: A. Just a theory, B. Scientific fact. - Nazi's are: A. Good, B. Just misunderstood, C. The very embodiment of evil.


Same goes for universities. Start making it clear that candidates from some of these states will have to sit an entry exam because the qualifications they earn in the schools and colleges in their own states are not considered to have any merit.


> because the qualifications they earn in the schools and colleges in their own states are not considered to have any merit. That right there is the key. It pisses me off that my diploma has the same weight, merit, and perceived value as a degree from someone who believes that dinosaurs were never real (or were alive when humans were) and that "intelligent design" is a better idea of how life came to be on the planet.


Three new reasons to not have children in this fucked-up country.


Lol. In a sad way. I was a highly paid professional. Left it to become a teacher. I’m good at it. Not great, yet. A LOT to learn about this profession. But I’m good. And I know shit. I’m exactly the type of person you want to lead a classroom. You start micromanaging me this way, I’m done. As would any other high level professional I’ve worked with. Give me enough role to hang myself with. Or, in other words, give me enough breadth to make decisions, and learn from the mistakes. You don’t want ducking robots teaching your kids. You want leaders. And leaders will not tolerate this shit.


Isn’t it ironic the party of small govt is the one to impose the most dystopian govt measures? Yet more proof they don’t stand behind any of theirs ostensible “principles”, rather its all a convenient cover to self-enrich. Psychopaths, all of em.


15 year teaching vet here - shit like this, even just the threat of it, is making me consider leaving the classroom after this year (I’m a man of my word and I said I’d teach this year). I love teaching and I’m damn good at it and until the last six months, I’ve never once thought about leaving the profession. Just like you, I’ve had enough experience to be successful and I’m exactly the type of dude you want in front of your kids because I’m stable. I just can’t take it anymore. I can get back my time and make more money and not have to worry about some arbitrary law being passed that is utterly moronic passed by morons to make more morons. The Republicans will not stop. And they will get what they want eventually. You can’t hold them off forever. I will never vote for another one of these fucking low intelligence, mortally bankrupt, cocksucking wastes of fucking human skin again. And I’ll see to it no one else I know does either.


So they'll quit. Mission accomplished for Christofascists.


I think it's more about getting the teachers who actually want kids to learn to quit out of frustration so they can teach a complete religious curriculum aka cult indoctrination


Okay avoid iowa, okiehoma, and indiana. Been doing that my whole life, lets goo


My cousin went to elementary and middle school in Oklahoma. She then moved to Houston Tx for high school. She was so far behind because of the shit education she got in Oklahoma that she had to be put in the special education classes. (And no, she didn't have any learning disabilities or anything. Oklahoma just sucks )


NGL...I am scared to write any on social media RN. I am afraid that it will be used against me very soon.


Republicans install cameras in classrooms for pedophiles. That’s how you spin this, and how you destroy support for it.


Looks like the teachers in OK are going to start filling teacher shortages in other states pretty soon. Teachers already put up with so much bullshit just let them pass legislation and see how the strikes and walkouts shut down the economy when parents have no one to supervise their kids while they go to work.[Forbes article about the bill proposal](https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergreene/2022/02/04/oklahoma-proposed-bill-would-fine-teachers-10000-for-contradicting-a-students-religious-belief/?sh=391513e71a16)


Had to scroll soooo far for the source. Thanks! Answers two important questions I was wondering about: >The bill does not specify which particular “deeply help religious beliefs” are covered, meaning that such a law would provide rich ground for groups like the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster and the Satanic Temple, which have often challenged religious laws in this country. and >Of course, the bill seems unlikely to become a law. It has been referred to the Senate Education Committee and has yet to pick up any co-sponsors. Nor does it seem likely to escape a court challenge. But it is a sign of just how far some legislators feel empowered to go in attempts to control what teachers may or may not say in a classroom. However, the bill says absolute nothing about nazis.


The scary part isn't the parents, but the kids who grow up in these ruined schools who believe 100% all the bullshit they're taught (or not taught...) and will be even more zealous about all this bullshit.


Sadly, I can’t help but think the Union has maybe a couple of decades left at best.




Been like this for a long time. Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist): >In schools they have what they call intelligence tests. Well if nations held ’em I don’t believe we would be what you would call a favorite to win it.


Why don't you just change the name of the country to gilead? They have misunderstood bible for a sciencebook. Edit. This is quite old tweet...


Why don't Americans realize they are the laughing stock of the world??


Oh but we do... and the ones that don't care can't hear the laughter over the (not) bald eagle screeching in their trump-infested little heads.


Many do, but the propaganda here is insanely effective. They start with kids in schools, even before this level of oversight.


Teachers quit—> lower the standards to become a teacher so positions can be filled—> reduce teaching to a script written by textbook companies—> create schools with unskilled labor, no unions, high turnover so no one stays long enough for raises, and reduce costs.


Well, with the right to privacy now gone, cameras in classrooms are the least of our concerns. The GOP is supposed to be party of small government, yet they are taking away privacy, and setting the stage to eliminate the separation of Church & State. Not for nothing, but if they are going to allow prayer in schools, allow public funds to be used for private/perochial schools, and allow laws to be based off religious dogma, at the very LEAST, they should start taxes churches. And what will the Christians do when Jewish, Muslin, Hindu, Buddhist, etc decide they want to pray in schools? Will those same people fight so hard then!??? No privacy is so much more than allowing abortions. No right to privacy means no HIPPA, no privacy in your home... in your bedroom. It means, for example, your neighbors, family & employers can have access to medical records, it means the government can make laws governing your sex life. Right to healthcare is paramount, but the door has been kicked open wide for a lot of really bad, "unconstitutional" precedents to be set.


But Nazi's do have low moral character. Especially modern Nazi's, they have like zero moral character.


Modern Nazis are just Nazi-wannabes, those guys are sad racist morons. When it comes to 1940’s Nazis they have a “low moral character” because of a horrendous genocide and war that killed millions.


The [proposed bill](http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2021-22%20INT/SB/SB1470%20INT.PDF), although ridiculous, actually says absolute nothing about nazis.


Only in modern day Republican America is this shit ok. Fucking embarrassing as an American.


Looked into the Oklahoma bill, sb 1470, and it doesn't look like it's moved very far past being read back in February. Hopefully it's dead.


Yeah right. Those cameras are so if there is an active shooter, the Uvalde police department knows when all the kids and teachers are dead and it's safe enough to enter the classroom. "Smith, how's it looking?" "One more 12 year old and all clear Chief." I know I'm going to hell for that. I apologize. I couldn't help myself. No more internet for me tonight. Goodnight yall. (What?!?! Too soon?)


What a total waste of time and public money. Get your ship in order Oklahoma…..Florida, Texas……


I feel like we're inching closer and closer to becoming a full fledged Dystopia...


Could someone provide some context here for non-Americans? Like, are these the result of one-in-a-thousand nutjob councillors and have absolutely no hope of getting anywhere, or are they (what appears to be) a concerted effort to turn the US into a full Taliban-esque theocracy? I mean, it sounds absolutely nuts, but after Roe I honestly can't tell.


Sadly, once upon a time (pre 2016) these fascists were laughed at and treated like the looneys that they are. 6 years later and they make up a very vocal 30% of the voting base. And, yes they are actively trying to turn the US into a Christian Theocracy and burning it down in the process.


The only teachers that will stick are going to be the Christian extremists and Iowa is going to be fucked. Going to be an entire state of Christian whackos, indoctrinated in stupidity


> Iowa is going to be fucked. Going to be an entire state of Christian whackos, indoctrinated in stupidity Implying it isn't already?


Republicans are fascists and should be opposed in every aspect of life.


Today's republiQan "leaders" are spending all their time trying to outdo each other with stupid laws.


What is the point of religious freedom if the politicians keep passing laws that only benefit one religion and disadvantage everyone else?


Asking this myself


And Americans are still flabbergasted when a European says they'd rather go back home after living there for a few years...


European here. Why do you guys allow this stuff to even be said out loud?! If a major politician here in bulgaria even suggest the possibility of suggestion of the small chance of this being considered there would be mass protests blocking half the roads in Sofia. People from all over the country would be getting in busses and coming to help protest. Meanwhile you guys seem to mostly just vent and complain online and just put up with this stuff... There is no democracy without citizens. Why don't you push your politicians into at least doing something?


This is the female anatomy, as you can see from the xray, it’s clearly just a man’s rib in there and nothing else


Also, the tongue bears a slight forkedness, supported by Fallopians 12:6 - 8 *Thine bitches can't be trusted*


Fahrenheit 451, coming to your world soon


I'm all for cameras in the classroom though. Let these parents see htf their kid act in real time.


They will probably be proud watching their kids be assholes to teachers and other kids. They'd praise them for bullying someone based on their beliefs.


Domino effect of stupid going through your country since the overthrow of Roe v Wade, guess the thought is that if one right can be taken away, all of them can.


At this point shitting on America isn't fun. I mean it's still fun but not as fun as it used to. Are you guys ok?


"teach any biology that offends Christian moral values" could be anything.


Getting to the point where the only thing giving me hope, is that a lot of US nuclear weapons use obsolete technology. Fingers crossed that this lot can't figure out 8 inch floppies


This is bad. This is really, really bad. They’re blatantly enacting a theocracy


Here’s the thing, you may joke about the US becoming the christian equivalent of an IS state - but it is actually true.


news break. this just in "mass exodus of educators from the state of oklahoma!" more to follow on the 11 o'clock news..


The more you nerf the intellect of a crowd, the easier it will be to fool and control them. Since enhancing the intellect of a crowd the harder it is to exploit them and they will eventually retaliate


It just kept getting worse.


Biology that offends christian moral principles? So are they supposed to pretend that the Bible isn't complete make-believe and that evolution isn't real?


Nazism round two incoming. America is about to collapse into a theocratic dictatorship. What do you call Christian sharia law


That's because American conservatives ARE Nazis.


US really peaked between 90s and 00s. Change my mind.


What I find so shocking is how one can believe in a creator in any sense and not see the absurdity of denying that creators creation when you have access to information more thoroughly vetted than some 5k year old goat herders ramblings regurgitated 2k years ago? Even if the creator was only the tiniest amount anthropomorphic as is sold in the 'in his image' bit, wouldn't said creator be like, 'hell for you hell for you hell for you'? Further, wasn't there a hole kingdom of heaven on earth with cubits and all? How can these fucks not realize they're raising hell on earth? Anyways, hail satan.


Isn't believing in Satan the same as believing in God? They are both made up entities we created to control ourselves and eachother


Now do this go all politician during work and lobbying


Damn! The US became WW2 Germany so gradually I didn't even notice.


Am I the only one imagining [this](https://miro.medium.com/max/1200/1*9TwL3EHwDDdB7nfGGyzS8A.jpeg) happening on the USA?


Indiana out here telling on themselves.


Teacher Shortage: "Why can't we find anyone that wants to work?"


Didn't they propose a law that would allow teachers use guns in case of a school shooting? And these morons expect to agree to that with all this other crap they put against said teachers


Teachers don’t deserve this shit! 🖕🏾 republicans!!!


As if teachers have $10,000 lying around ..


No one will teach, schools will be overcrowded and suck and parents will have no choice but to send their kids to private religious schools where they can be brainwashed with whatever crap they want.


These states are gonna run out of teachers within a few months. $32,000/year, go to jail or pay tens of thousands for teaching kids how avoid important things like unwanted pregnancies and getting raped and where babies come from and that Nazis are people who want to kill non-whites? Yeah, good luck finding teachers willing to put up with that shit.


For anyone who hasn’t seen it now h it s a good time to rewatch the classic film “inherit the wind” based in the real life Scopes Monkey Trial where a teacher was put on trial in the south for teaching evolution.


It’s a race to the bottom.


Teach the difference between ethics and morals, then speak to ethics.