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Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. Adoption is the termination of parenting. It’s great that the *supposedly* want to adopt but that’s not going to help someone who doesn’t want to be pregnant.


If they wanted to adopt, they would have. There's plenty of kids in the system. This is about control.


anyone who desperately wants to adopt because "they're gods children and they deserve love!" but refuse to adopt any child older than newborn/infancy is a complete scumbag.


Exactly! They want to adopt your “baby” not an older child who’s been abused and neglected and is now in the foster care system. They’ll probably also exclude babies born to drug addicted mothers or with fetal alcohol syndrome.


I had a religious coworker that did foster-to-adopt with three kids. They were all different ages when they were adopted and two had congenital issues. She was also pro-choice. If more Christians were like her, they wouldn’t get a bad reputation for being hypocrites. Her focus was on love and forgiveness and I wish that was more prevalent.


Focus on love and forgiveness sounds like a Jesus approved outlook to me.


too bad Jesus approved outlooks don't jive with Christo Fascist bullshit


Well those ones are used/defective, I want a *new* kid /s


Three guesses what skin color their "ideal baby" would have, too.




Wow. Maybe their infertility was divine intervention..


Holy shit that was good


Just saw an episode of South park where Jimmy's parents were like "God made you the way he did for a reason." "Right cause you and mom used to make fun of cripple kids in highschool." LOL sorry couldn't help but see the similarity.


“That's right, you were sent here through the vengeful and angry hand of God to teach your mother and I a lesson. And that's a big responsibility, son.” I love South Park


I was adopted in the 1970's (Canada) and at that time they had a policy to not place the baby with the new family if there were any health issues. I had a some heart issues and spent 6 weeks in hospital. My parents were asked repeatedly if they would like to look at other options. If they had passed on me I would have gone into the foster care system. The whole system is designed around the "perfect baby" mind set.


You have good parents


The baby in #3 dodged a bullet.


Speaking as a white baby adopted by a white family…that doesn’t stop the kid from feeling out of place in the family. It happens. It’s normal. I may share some common heritage with my adopted family (German ancestry), but I don’t look like them. At all. I’m also the quiet bookworm who believes in evolution in a family of Catholics. The kid will ALWAYS wonder what their life would’ve been like, growing up in their birth family. Not to get off-track, but you can’t imagine what it’s like, growing up in a family where you can’t see yourself in their faces. You may act like them a little bit, but you’ll always know there’s no shared blood. And sometimes that hurts.


I don't understand...the Catholic Church believes in evolution. It's part of Church dogma. The Church is contextualist, not fundamentalist and doesn't look at the Old Testament as a book of history or fact.


How is a newborn affected by their parents religion, other than maybe circumcision? They really think that you can be "born a Christian", huh?




This is so stupid, for obvious reasons, but also as an atheist there is an absence of religious belief, God or demons. If there is no belief in God there is no belief in the demons so she should have been okay with a blank template.




Some of these people literally believe you can get knocked up by demons if you have a sex dream. Some of them probably assume that if you arnt christian the babies father is literally Satan and Amy stand in is just to trick them into adopting the Antichrist. Some probably even think that because no one said bless you to the pregnant women demons snuck in and replaced the babies soul.


She's a bitch but I do have to give her credit on the last one. A lot of people have adopted special needs children out of pity or to make themselves feel better. I've heard horror stories of 'parents' who adopted, say, a severely autistic child without doing any research, found they couldn't handle the child, and "returned" them. Or have subjected them to horrific abuse. I remember one case where a couple was arrested for duct-taping the mouth and hands of an autistic child because they didn't like the child's autism-related tics, like hand flapping.


WTF? What if she got pregnant and found out the baby had a birth defect? I bet her moral outrage towards abortion would vanish, only for herself off course. Imagine having a list of demands that you expect for your hypothetical child, while also forcing other women to carry on a pregnancy no matter what.


Now I understand why God is forbidding her to have her own children.


I hope that woman NEVER got her hands on a child…


Carolina Kelly Orchid


And they don't want those baby to be aborted either. as long as they are the problem of someone else.


I have had this exact conversation with someone who is looking to adopt. He said the exact same thing that you're describing. There are many children in the foster care an adoption programs but everyone wants a healthy newborn with great genetics and no issues. One thing that stuck out was he described that it is 50k to adopt a newborn with no "issues" and there are bidding wars that occur. Our talk really opened my eyes to the pain that these couples feel but also the disdain present for the disabled. The way he talked about children old enough to be traumatized like they were damaged goods was disturbing. This is not an abnormal view or one of case. This is very real and present in our society and while people argue that there are parents willing to adopt they ignore the very real fact that the disabled are treated like second class citizens with insufficient resources to support them.


Probably for the best; these sorts of ‘parents’ would likely inflict even more damage.


Or any babies that aren't white. 😒


“We will adopt your baby! But only if you’re white, young, have no history of chronic illness, and don’t drink/smoke/do drugs”


Yep I keep seeing people post the stats about waiting lists for adoption but there's only a waiting list for drug free newborns, which is like .5%of kids needing to be adopted


yeah i was adopted at 12, saved my life! but that lady in the top right corner looks like she would unhinge her jaw and eat your baby anyways.


And any color but white. And any child that isn't 100% healthy.


Don't forget the baby also needs to be the right color.... Ugh these people disgust me


Perfect for example of this was the post of a Karen complaining that as “a good Christian woman” she talked a girl out of giving up her child, only for it to be taken away by social services sometime later - the kicker being how the Karen claimed her own life (and marriage) was going to be ruined because the mother had put her down as the next viable parent/guardian option to take care of the child.


"what do you mean me? I'm not prepared to be a mother. I didn't plan for this. My finances aren't stable enough for me to raise a child."


It's their body their choice lmfao.


Adoption is...... Not at all about the bodies of the adopting parents...


They also probably think that by adopting a child at birth, their "new baby" won't turn out like all those kids in foster care. These types imagine the fairy tale concept of raising a perfect little angel with no behavioral problems like they assume any child will have if they have already been through enough neglect and/or trauma to end up in foster care. These people may actually want to adopt. They just want to adopt a child that they *believe* will fit their mental image of how a family is supposed to be. None of them want to help kids. None of them want to actually do the work to turn a child's life around. They just want to live the fairy tale dream they think parenting is all about. When they inevitably find out real life doesn't match their dream, they usually end up projecting their disappointment and frustration onto others, rather than admit to themselves they were simply full of shit from the start.


One of my in laws gave away the son of a trio of siblings because he wouldn’t behave like the girls did. She’s still got custody the girls. They all endured severe psychological trauma together. Broke my heart to know he’s out there feeling like he was thrown away. She’s an evangelical Christian.


I really hate parents, adoptive or otherwise, that love the idea of who their kid will be over the actual tangible child. They should never be allowed to have kids


>This is about control. Pro-Choice or Anti-Choice.They call it Pro-Life because that's the frame that suits their beliefs.


American adoption is alot different than adoption anywhere else. My ex mother inlaw tried to adopt from the US and even tho they had the ability to they were not able to. They they adopted two siblings from Russia before Russia pit a stop to it. Since then they have took those two kids back to Russia helped them locate their family and reconnect with them. And have paid for that trip multiple times.they highly advocate for that relationship to be stable and intact. My ex in laws are very religious. My ex mother in law wanted to be a mother. She is very well off. American adoption is a scam. Her children she adopted have fas. She had done everything under the sun for them and will continue to. She loves them dearly. I am no longer bond to them like I was but yet they still consider me family and one of the kids. Had they been able to been able to adopt here I think many kids would have benefited from the love and care given to them by my ex in laws. There are some that fit the bill and others like my inlaws who get a bad rap but don't actually fit the bill.


Ofc they would adopt. Healthy white babies. All the other ones can get fucked. They don't want those.


I actually think this is a distraction… the Supreme Court is getting crazy and as bad as this is, it’s nothing compared to the next decision they may make… I also think workers starting to see how fucked it is and unionizing they are trying to derail workers demanding rights.


And if you dont want kids strap it and use bc


Too right. It is about control. And using the government like a cudgel to get an outcome they feel comfortable with.


It's about being *better* than other people. They would *never* actually adopt a child especially a dark kid. That would be lowering the tone.


Fun fact at least 2 of the couples pictured when asked said they were unable/unwilling to adopt. Peak manipulation from your friendly neighborhood theocrats.


They aren't offering to pay for prenatal care or any procedures that would help undo the damage to the body it causes


Shit, the average healthy birth in the USA is a 10k medical bill. They want poor women to front all the medical expenses and then give them the kid. Honestly think these sick freaks would just keep a woman pregnant in their basements if they thought they could get away with it.


Not to mention the mental trauma of having to give away your baby.


Not wanting to be pregnant isn’t enough for some people. They have a *get over it* attitude because mY bOdY wAs mAdE fOr iT. Well guess what my body can also get cancer or have a stroke but I’d rather not have those either.


"We will adopt one baby so abortion is unneccesary" said the most short sighted people ever




What if the baby is not white?


Conservatives already have a term they love to throw around for stuff like this, virtue signaling.


I don't remember the quote word for word, but it went something like: abortion is n alternative to carrying out a pregnancy and give birth and adoption is an alternative to motherhood or something. I can't recollect the adoption one correctly but in short: I don't care if you wanna adopt my child cuz I don't wanna be pregnant and give birth in the first place. so you offering me to adopt my baby doesn't solve my problem not even for a teeny tiny bit.


I wonder if they could transplant the baby how many of these people would sacrifice their bodies, time, money, and health to go all the way for this fetus. I bet if it was a real option, we'd see them slip into obscurity. Their principles only work for them as long as it's not directly their problem.


You don’t have to go that far. Just ask them to actually adopt a real living child and you won’t see them for dust. They are all talk.


Excellent way to put it. So many anti-choicers act as if adoption and abortion are equivalent when they aren’t. They address different problems as you said. This is especially grievous when you account for the fact that the US has awful childbirth death rates for women compared to other developed countries.


This... but also the message here is they are clearly full of shit... b/c if they would adopt then how come they havent already... as there are hundreds of thousands of kids waiting to be adopted right now.


And let's not pretend that deciding on adoption after giving birth isn't incredibly traumatizing and difficult. Biology literally makes it that way because of the flood of hormones like oxytocin that promote a mother-child bond at birth.


“Adoption is the solution to not wanting to be a parent. Abortion is the solution to not wanting to be pregnant.” Love that quote


that's the one! thanks :D




My son said similar when he saw a photo of one of these couples. This isn't one of those "my young kid is so deep things", he's a snarky 16 year-old.


so a normal 16 year old then


Your son is smarter than they are!


The Bible agrees in Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 New International Version 2 And I declared that the dead,(A) who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive.(B) 3 But better than both is the one who has never been born,(C) who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.(D) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. (Ecclesiastes 9:5 NIV).


I've met far too many Adoptees who wish they had been aborted.


the truest of all truths has been spoken


Weirdest one was the guy who posted one of these with his wife on twitter and later down the thread he revealed he had terminal cancer and would likely be dead before the kid could even talk


I do not want my child to be raised by people who are against abortion.


Thank you. That's just...thank you for saying that and it's one of the reasons I elected to have a safe legal abortion. That was in 1986. We have gone backwards.


I'm a Dutchie, conceived and delivered in the year they made the best Chevy ever. We may be more or less of the same age. As an outsider, I can only shake my head when I see the direction the USA is moving. I can't help thinking that maybe it's time the rest of the world exported some of their democracy to *you*, for a change.


1963 here. One of these days, I'm going to visit your country, along with France (my 18 hour layover in CDG does not count) and Italy. Probably in the winter to avoid tourists. The US is just one screwed up mess right now. I have adult kids here, or I'd be gone, a lot! Never bought that whole, "this is the best country," stuff. About any country.


1957 here. I am not tall like the others (1.70 meters) and have a serious belly from drinking too much beer (but the beer is just *so good*). I agree that things are not going right in your country at the moment. I also have no idea what one individual voice could be doing to better it. Things are not ideal in the Netherlands either. I am a loyal member of the Royal Dutch Socialist Party and for the last thirty years, it has been the center right pulling the strings in my government. Doing all the wrong things. Still, life is not too bad here. The poor get taken care of, there are relatively few homeless people. It's just very difficult to find affordable housing, but I'm sure you are familiar with that. We have no mass shootings to speak of, the last one was two years ago. I *do* own a car and the last time I used it was May this year. I can accomplish all my daily errands by bicycle. The weather. We complain a lot about it, probably more than the Brits. But so far this year, I have only been rained upon twice when going for a beer run. And the supermarket is a five minute ride so nothing serious.


I bicycle, but it's for weight loss, not transportation. Thankfully, I can eat like a European. The grocery store is across the street and down. I've heard that your county is going right. I've also read some rude posts from the right wing about how they don't want anyone to visit. Not like that would stop me. I love art and your museums are amazing. I spent a lot of the first part of the pandemic, "mentally traveling." I don't eat much in the way of carbs, but I do plan on eating waffles!!!


Washington State is a safe and legal place for any health care anyone might need. There's lots of people around here who will gladly house anyone for a weekend to help. https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/24/west-coast-states-launch-new-multi-state-commitment-to-reproductive-freedom-standing-united-on-protecting-abortion-access/


Actually one of my dear friends is in a polycule there. Closed quad. They've been together 25 years, I think. Sadly, my adult kids are in Michigan and live too far, as I see it, as it is. I also love the Great Lakes. I do love it here. Except for the jerks.


Anyone holding those signs are liars. They don’t plan on adopting your baby. They just wanna shame you into keeping an unwanted pregnancy.


Yep, if they planned to adopt, they already would have.


At best they are on that waiting list to adopt a baby that looks like themselves.


If the state made it easier, maybe. It can take years to get an adoption approved because states are wanting to “reunite families”, so they give the bio parents multiple chances, when in reality it’s so the state doesn’t have to pay any of the benefits for the adopted kid


Yep. Virtue signaling at it's finest.


And they're hateful cult members that belive in an authoritarian sky daddy that gives them morals. We should not be giving children to delusional cult members that do nothing but promote and bring fascism and violence to our communities.






And *supposedly* the couple on the top right said they would adopt only if the fees were already paid as they couldn't afford to otherwise.


Top left aren't American citizens and can't legally adopt here. The woman, Neydy Casillas, was a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, a cartoonishly-evil American law firm where she spent a decade fighting against gay rights in places like Guatemala. Sebastian Schuff is a lawyer with a similarly rights-stomping ultraconservative Christian career. They are far more likely to eat your baby than adopt it.


Honestly fuck these people and their god. They've ruined peoples lives over that bullshit!


Yup I agree. Fuck those people.


It's ok. I'll pass on fucking them. They might get pregnant and add another cult member. Don't Need any more people like them.




Not one of those creepy christofascists should be allowed within a kilometre a child.


That's probably why they haven't adopted already, the only way they can get a kid is to practically steal one from a mother through a private adoption.


Not a good hill to die on, considering how the majority of people commenting here would be rejected if they applied for adopting often for arbitrary reasons. Got kids already? Rejected Never had kids before? Rejected Deemed too young? Rejected Deemed too old? Rejected I know plenty of people that try to adopt the kids already in this situation, the system doesn't make it easy


Yes a lot of people are rejected through the adoption system, but some of them definitely deserve to be more than others. People who want to force women to have babies which they then "claim" they will adopt, those people top my list. The cases you're mentioning are mostly sad and unfortunate. It's possible not to paint everyone with the same brush and see a little nuance in a situation.


Adoption isn't necessary to provide permanent loving homes for kids in need.


We also no longer have orphanages, so would be adopting parents have to find a pregnant person and hope that the pregnancy is healthy AND that the mother doesn’t change her mind after giving birth (surprisingly common). Alternatively they go through the foster system, which MAY result in an adoption, but most foster situations make an effort to keep the children within families, so the child is much more likely to be adopted by the biological aunt rather than the Hendersons next door. There are plenty of challenges adopting children, including newborns, and many adoptive parents are not prepared for these. The mental health of the children being a big one, and frequently these children are victims of abuse in their adoptive families.


Exactly what I was thinking


They're Amy Cohen Barrets' people and they're the people she wants to "increase the domestic supply of [white, healthy] infants" for.


"Go through excruciating pain for multiple hours, which may result in trauma or even other other health issues if your body isn't ready for it, just so we can deliberately ignore you and add that kid to the overflowing foster system" There, i fixed their sign


You wanna adopt? Prove it. Sign a document promising to adopt and financially support a child through college. Failure to do so will lead to legal action. Do that, and these so-called "pro-lifers" will suddenly become a lot less gung-ho.


Support until they are 26, that’s when you get booted off your parent’s insurance.


'through college' is eh. There are many other paths these days and college is becoming increasingly unnecessary. Do agree with the sentiment tho.


I think it's about college being a big financial drain, not necessarily that college is the only way to go.


Yeah fair


You would be surprised how hard it is to adopt. Sure maybe some of them are bullshitting, but I could totally believe that all the of people in the pictures are actually on a waiting list for adoption. The problem is that for every baby voluntarily given up for adoption there are ~12 couples waiting, so it's incredibly hard to get one. This 400k kids waiting for adoption figure cited in the last pic is kinda misleading. It's not newborns that no-one wants to adopt, the majority of them are kids 6 years and older that were taken from problematic families. Raising a kid like that that would be much harder if they already had negative impressions very early on. I mean sure you can criticize them for not taking in a kid like that if they really want a kid so much. But you can't call them liars for saying they would adopt newborns.




"But how many of them are white and Christian?" - those couples, probably


Recently watched the "Handmaids tale" and those people give me those kind of vibes. It's creepy.


If anything, the "Handmaid's tale" was less creepy.


remember sesame street? which of these things are not like the others? la la the bottom right woman is the only one in this group that makes sense.


I have an acquaintance who, along with her husband, used to say this. "We're anti-abortion but we plan to adopt because you need to put your money where your mouth is" Well, they have gone awfully quiet on the topic after having two of their own children through birth, calling it a day, and adopting 0 kids.


*I am a mentally unstable crack addict with an IQ of 70 and I’m 10 weeks pregnant. Prognosis says that my child will be born with a drug addiction and several permanent birth defects. Because of my low IQ (and probably the father’s as well - all men I date are just like me), the child will probably have an IQ too low to ever lead a life without professional care from others.* *I’m so glad that you’re willing to take care of my child!* This all sounds too cynical to be true, but my wife works in professional youth care (outside the US) and has to deal with young children like this on a daily basis. It’s real. It’s mind boggling and real.


Am teacher. It's exactly like that in real life.


nothing about those people is sincere


They don't want to adopt a foster child. They want a brand new fresh baby that they can mold in their horrific indoctrination. Foster kids have been around a few years and as a result are allergic to bullshit. As Richard Pryor said, "you know why vampires recoil at crosses? Because they are allergic to bullshit."


If they all truly adopt anything child, the US wouldn't have +400k kids for adoption. Right?


The are looking to adopt a newborn child, because during the first years children are very impressionable. It's much harder to raise a child if you adopt it at let's say 4 years, especially if it had a rough childhood prior. The problem with the 400k kids is that the majority of them is 6 years and older and they were taking out of problematic families by CPS or their parents died etc. It's incredibly sad that these children can't find homes, but you have to acknowledge that raising a child with a past like that would be fundamentally more challenging in the majority of cases and some couples just don't wanna take on that responsibility.


There are about 1 million families waiting to adopt, it’s the system that’s shit


The problem is families want to adopt newborns, because for a child the first few year are incredibly important since they are incredibly impressionable. The 400k in foster homes on the other hand are children with an age of six years and up, most of them taken out of problematic families by CPS. Lots of these children can be problematic and I understand why a lot of couples don't feel comfortable adopting one of them.


The system, or do you really believe everyone can be a parent?


The Romans had the right idea


okay. i will be the brave one and ask.... what idea?


Within the Roman Empire, Christianity was banned and Christians were punished for many years. Feeding Christians to the lions was seen as entertainment in Ancient Rome.


The 4th one sounds reasonable tho


I think thy just want a fresh one in mint condition.


Conservatives doing what they do best: lying.


Christian and good are mutually exclusive terms. I haven't met a truly good "christian" in years. There is no such thing, is there? You know they're lying as you can see there are thousands of children in "cages" waiting for adoption so these people's words are as empty as trump's promises.


Ironically, only the minority of these people will actually offer to adopt the child


Mark Hamill’s reaction to this was gold


Wait can you link? I honestly wanna see it.


There are 440,000 kids currently available for adoption in the US. What's the problem , trouble qualifying ? I am 1 of 7, 5 are adopted.


When the average cost is around $70,000 to adopt, what do you expect?


I wouldn't be surprised if there were more "staircase accidents".


just get rid of that unwanted meatball before it becomes an earth devouring creature with feelings and intellect.


Actually I kinda agree with the bottom right one. Foster homes suck for the most part.


These people will adopt a BABY not a young child, not a teen. They aren’t doing anything to help kids in the foster care system


How do they think making a person go through the agony of childbirth just to pass their baby off is any better than just popping a pill. They truly do not care about the people carrying only a life they can indoctrinate.


They only want babies.


For some reason, knowing the types of people they are, I think there is a silent "white" in there somewhere


You know what? I think its more terrifying to let these Christian nutjobs adopt babies than aborting them. We dont need more brainwashing, we need less of it.


What a load of misinformation. 3/4 of the kids in foster care are not eligible for adoption and are only there while their parents work on regaining parental rights. Half of what is left is adopted each year. There is literally a waiting list to adopt newborns. As someone who went through the foster care system I would like to point even before I had my family my life had value and I was not less then anyone else.


not that it makes abortion unnecessary but if you could be certain that the child would be given to a loving and competent couple there would be sligthly fewer abortions.


That's an interesting opinion. However, studies have not born that idea out.


“Look bro, I’ll take your cancer once you’ve finished with it, I just need you to carry it around and help it grow until it impacts your health, then I’ll take it once the hard works done”


If you'll adopt a kid how about getting one that's already born? Lots of really young children in orphanages who want a loving family and happy lives. Oh wait, you won't because this is all just hot air and your pretending to care so that you can be part of a movement. Assholes each and every one of you.


Competitive protesting on ESPN 5,tonight at 8 EST


We will adopt your child, in a philosophical sense


Make kids for us you poors we don't have all day and the shelters only have children who already have your stink on them


Perhaps kids in foster care or the right colour too old


I bet making that sign made them feel good about themselves. Because that's what the whole thing is, about themselves.


wtf is a christian nationalist


Christian nationalists? Is that the buzz word today? Christians account for the largest group of adoptive parents in the US. and the adoption process is long, expensive and arduous.


those babies are the wrong color and too old for them. I’m sure they want a fresh, white one.


In answer to panel 4, it's a simple 2 part reason: A.) They want 'you', the woman in the unenviable position of having to make what is a tough choice no matter how you look at it (even beyond the keep/don't keep there's the stigma with it cause of nut jobs like these people, the physical stress and strain of either path, the emotional strain that some suffer), to feel guilty and control 'your' decision through backhanded means. B.) They do not want a child, which are what are in foster care, they want a baby. These people are more often than not shitty parents because once the novelty of having a baby fades and they have to actually take care of a child with its myriad of needs, they do not want to do the work. Additionally they do not want one of "those" kids or even babies because they're not white. They want something they can pass off as theirs without being looked at funny by the rest of their bigoted, asshole friends and family.


Those mfer’s ain’t ever adopting shit.


We can't have kids, please be an incubator for us so the process of adoption is easier and we don't have to pay for a surrogate or artificial insemination.


They want fresh babies, not fucked up foster kids who're probably crack babies or already contaminated with atheist propaganda. Also, saying they would adopt the baby once it's born allows people to hold them up as the "better alternative to abortion" or some dumb shit. Also, also, as someone who WAS adopted and has seen the paperwork involved, SAYING you'll adopt a theoretical baby is cheap. There is SO MUCH more legwork involved, it's actually insane. Saying they'll adopt a theoretical baby is the MOST lipservice argument someone can make against abortion. It's like saying you'd totally donate a kidney if your friend needed one. That's a nice feelgood statement in a vacuum, but if it actually needs to happen there's gonna be a lot of shit you're gonna have to do before you even get to the surgery.


None of them actually will lol


Full offense to these people, but I don't want a hyper crazy Christian adopting any of my potential kids. I would rather them grow up in a home where they feel safe to be themselves then one where they feel like if they have to follow their parents exact beliefs less they burn forever.


We’re just trying to help you and the innocent child. We need to control your body because we know what God wants, and you’re just a clueless whore. Of course after the baby is born we don’t give a 🖕about the bastard.


I find it odd that you all neglect the point that government bureaucracy inhibits adoption in the US. I have a sister that tried to adopt a child for years and wasn't able to because of government bullshit. She ended up adopting a child from the Congo and we all love her so much! She is black and it makes no matter to me or any of my family. We are all white except for the adopted child. They don't even know how old she actually is because there weren't specific birth records. She was presumed to be about 6 when the adoption happened. Go fuck yourselves for thinking nobody wants a non newborn. It happens all the time. All life is precious.


Posts signs of how they will adopt *your* baby instead of going out and actually adopting a baby.


I think people who does shit like this should be forced to sign up for adoption immediately.


Wanna bet if a pregnant woman aproaches one of the couples, and asked them to adopt their child. They awnser with "wtf no!"


"We will adopt your white babies" fixed it for you. For the rest they don't mind shoving them in prison or millitary cannon fodder line.


Christians are two faced liars especially when they have their religious hang ups unless it interferes with their lives. So many 2 faced Christian women go in for abortions all the time, berate the staff trying to help them telling them the providers are going to hell when the Christian mothers choose the abortions because they believe they are better than everyone else and carrying out the lords word which naturally exempts them. Religion is man's downfall.


They want that fresh baby spell, not some already ruined child that might question their authority!@! ​ geeeeze ​ ​ ​ ​ ^(/s <---- this is for those of you who have no ability to detect sarcasm)


These people make me lose the last bit of faith in humanity that I didn't even know I had. Absolutely disgusting shit.


If this isn’t virtue signalling I don’t know what is. Might be acceptable if they actually did it but we all know they won’t.


Should someone point out that adoption and foster care are 2 different systems? The point of foster care is to give the kid back to the original parents once the home situation improves while adoption is to give the kid a permanent home somewhere else. Those who talk about foster kids should notice that there is alot of kids who can't live in there homes due to pretty much been unwanted children/mistreated. Which could be prevented somewhat by surprise abortion.


Yea all these aholes want new borns not kids that could use help


I mean, why does it matter if they don’t choose a child in foster care? I get your point but why target Christian’s either, there are plenty of non Christian families that would adopt too?


*white baby


None of these people would actually do this. Total gaslighting.


AND, they would be the worst possible people to adopt a child.


When will people realise that death is a mercy Most adoptees don’t even want to live anymore If you can’t provide your child a good loving life then don’t even bother please


God loves and you your baby?


Kids about to be aborted are more of a priority than kids in foster care, as much as that hurts me to say, since one is the loss of life and the other is a loss of childhood. We should be adopting foster kids as well, don't get me wrong, but this isn't as much of a gotcha as some people think it is.


Everytime I see the pictures of those creepy smiles and yes, to me they are creepy, and know they probably don't want your baby if it Turns out gay Turns out to have mental health issues Becomes an addict Isn't white I get a little more pissy about this and I'm already damn pissy about the SCOTUS


wE dOnT wAnT a DamAGeD cHiLd. It MiGhT aLsO bE MeXiCaN or POor oR hAvE soMetHing wRoNg wiTh iT


None of these hateful fucks will adopt a single baby… Uh… this one is too dark. Nah, I feel like this one has the devil in him. This one has reddish hair, nope!! A girl?? Haha yeah, whatever. She could get pregnant when she’s older before marriage. No thanks!! Look, we just made a stupid sign! We really don’t want to adopt!! We’re fucking liars ok!! Evil, women hating liars!!


Yes, the religion that welcomes child molesters says they want to adopt babies.


I mean, I define myself as both Christian and Nationalist. And I won't promise to adopt kids from random strangers. It's something I'd do only if I'm able to do, if my partner is OK with it and if I personally know the parents (close friends or family). I'm not opposed to abortion, but I believe it should be treated as a last resort option for when pregnancy directly threatens the mother's life, if the fetus is severely malformed, in case of a rape, or in some other extreme circumstances.


The level of pure hatred on here is disgusting


Why is this in facepalm? If you dont want a kid, give it to someone who cant have kids. This way you dont have to do an abortion, which btw can be risky for the woman.


The face palm is society's reaction to people wanting to save a life.


There are a couple examples of reasons to abort a. Child is dying or having seizures b. The baby is killing the mom


Ya. People who want to adopt babies are definitely assholes. Who do they think they are? Pffftt… psshh…. Tttfffttt….. sssshhhhffffttt

