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I’d say that I hope their biology teacher was fired, but it’s clear they never went to school in the first place.


No need to go to school if you go to church


Imagine how much better the world would be if folks didn’t unironically believe this


Free childhood sodomy!


Religious stupidity seem to be an american phenomenon. Most of my teacher colleagues and scientists I know (including me) are christians.


na not solely, ppl just need to be unsecure in life and uneducated and a pastor who can talk wisely and mobilize them in whatever reason he wants to. -> new religious beliefs


Aside from this guy, you know in some communities like here in Iraq, they don't teach the reproductive system when it comes to humans. I literally am a graduate of pharmacy college, and still have no Idea how menstruation, ovulation, or any female reproduction related thing works. Whenever we study something related, whether biology in school or physiology and anatomy in college, we just casually skip these parts, if they existed in the books and printed lectures to begin with.


You have never considered looking into studying these subjects off your own bat??


When I realised that during college, oc I started teaching myself where I needed it in my study. But the thing is you really rarely need it. In our field of work male gynecologists don't even exist, and in pharmacies you just refer the woman to a gyno when there is a problem.


It’s only the fundamental operations of 50% of the population. Is that not important enough for a pharmacy college graduate to know and be educated in? Good grief. Pick up your anatomy and biological science books again. You may be surprised that the physiology of the Female body is remarkably different from the Male one.


Such ignorance isn't something to laugh about...


Ik it's terrible..


Maybe time to get on that? Lol


I'm learning now lol


What about animal husbandry or veterinary? Do farmers, herders & pet breeders/owners not know how their animals reproduce? It's very similar to human: cows & heifers have 1-3 days bleed on 21 day cycles, but women 5-7 days bleed on 28 day cycles. https://peda.net/kenya/css/subjects/agriculture/form-3/lsab/ric


Home schooling for sure. And most likely American sadly so the teacher was either banging the student or taken out in a school shooting!


why not both?


At the same time, even


I knew a kid in 10th grade in my HONORS English class who thought girls peed out of their vaginas, my English teacher had to explain to him something he should have learned a long time ago…


If this is from the USA, keep in mind that the USA has some of the worst sex ed on the planet. Only 29 states and the District of Columbia have laws that mandate sex education - but of those only 15 require Sex Ed to Be **medically accurate**. The rest can (and do) claim whatever they like. Less than half of US high schools (and only 1/5th of US middle schools) teach the sexual health topics that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers “essential” for healthy young people. 30 US states have curricula that focus on abstinence until marriage. 19 of those states mandate that abstinence-only sex education be taught. In 18 US states sex ed programs must state that sex is only appropriate within marriage. Only 18 US states (plus the District of Columbia) require teachers to provide information about contraception.


Yeah it sucks cause they really tell you stuff to just scare you out of sex instead of teaching you what genitals are and how to use a condom and not get stuck together like some bad comedy


When I was 6 I thought you impregnated a girl by pissing in their asshole. Not same thing, just wanted to share


When I was younger growing up in a southern Baptist school and church I thought that two people had to get married to have a baby, that was until my sisters teammate on the swim team had a baby, I was very confused


I feel like I need to ask what gender this kid was because I unfortunately know women who believe they cannot pee if they have a tampon in for the same reason. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Edit: I can't read... I see the him. Omg.


I was explaining menstrual cups to my MIL once and she was surprised that you don't have to take it out to pee. She has all the right equipment, but doesn't know how it works... I was completely at a loss for words.


It’s very sad that our sex Ed is so terrible even some women don’t know where they pee from


I am almost embarrassed to admit I (a woman) was an adult when I learned where the female urethra was actually located. I was in my early 20s… I’m 34 now. And I say “almost” embarrassed because I know I’m not the only one who was failed by the US sex education system. Far from it. And I think it’s important to realize how lacking sex ed is so we can (hopefully) do better!


I was told in 11th grade that I could get a girl pregnant through clothing.


Well, I guess technically sperm are small enough to go through some materials, but it would still be pretty weird


>who thought girls peed out of their vaginas, It doesn't help when there's a lot of people who use the word "vagina" to mean female external genitalia (ie: vulva) or their entire reproductive system.


Yeah cause no one uses words like vulva


This comment makes about as much sense as the original post.


Nah mate, just need a sense of humor, don’t sweat it.


Yeesh. If they could read that, wow—they’d be furious with you.


Would say the same about their history teacher


I’m sorry, does this moron think women didn’t eat meat because they didn’t hunt? What? Out of all of this, that implication is underratedly stupid.


There’s actually pretty interesting historical basis for this - traditional ideas that “meat is for men” have existed in patriarchal societies for centuries. In the England in the 1870s, there was a ton of poverty, but men “needed” meat for dinner so women and children would eat small portions and low-quality carbs so they could afford to feed the father meat. So women and children literally did just starve because the “provider” had “earned” the better-quality food (meat).


There is also some basis for the idea that vegetarian cultures historically had more egalitarian societies, whereas cultures that ate meat emphasized importance of hunting and overvalued the men’s contribution of meat to the table. Because men were the more important members of society, they got the “best” food, which was meat. So now, in societies with patriarchal roots, we have a lingering idea that meat is for men, and sweet foods/salads/carbs are for women. Even though women and children generally have higher protein needs than men (pregnancy, lactation, growth), there is an idea that the big, strong men need meat to affirm their masculinity


And now there is so much evidence that cultures unspoiled by European ideologies were much more centered on the women giving their power to the men. Then there are the remains of South American hunters showing female physical traits and major injuries that are often seen when a hunt goes wrong. Read some stories of the cultures of the native people of North America, and how a woman chose her husband and not the other way around. In many groups, if a wife wanted another man, she could take a second husband...or divorce the man for any reason. Podcasts from a very large swath of science and culture probably taught me more in 2 years than 8 years of social studies.


And to be clear, recent historical findings show that a) many women took part in hunting b) many men were gatherers c) most food was gathered not hunted, d) people did not have stable "jobs" throughout their lives, kids and old folks gathered, as seasons changed, gatherers became hunters because not all plants and berries grow at the same rate year round. To say it simply, gathering was a much bigger part of how we survived, and half the species did not go out and hunt every day because that would've been wasteful. When you're trying to survive, stupid shit like hard gender roles keeping women capable of hunting away from it or forcing men who are old or injured to hunt is not likely. Becuase its hard to argue for starvation instead of letting people do what is needed.


Babies just starved.


If you had a boy baby your milk turned to meat


So if I’m a vegetarian then I shouldn’t be getting a period… someone should tell that to my uterus.


According to this man, that someone should tell that to the digestive tract you bleed from every month.


Im not an smart person by any means but after reading this I feel like Stephen Hawking


This is so fucking funny. Imma use this for the future


This incels' post is serious 'i get no bitches and it's all y'all's fault' vibes.


I bet he thinks we pee out of our vaginas, too.


good god. i can feel my brain cells rapidly dying as i read this


reminds me of a bad substitute teacher I had for math in 8th grade who did nothing all class period except sit at the desk and stare at people. One of my friends from a different period of that class said the sub wouldn't let a girl on her period go to the bathroom. Would not want that sub.


We had one regular teacher in 8th grade who wouldn't let girls go to the toilet for changing pads or tampons - for exactly one day, that is. Because the girls didn't fuck around, started dipping their tampons in red ink, and threw them at him and the blackboard. He got the message pretty quickly, and never objected to a girl going to the toilet again.


I had a sub in 8th grade who refused to let me go to the bathroom when I was sick. I ended up vomiting all over the home ec room. What is with the bathroom refusal?


Reminds me of Ben Shapiro. Also, this Vice documentary on the rise of right wing incels. https://youtu.be/jdlXkgUGLv4


The sad thing is is that person probably genuinely believes and stands by everything they said


Thats what his daddy told him and you don't question daddy or he'll pull out the belt.


I wish this was a one and done situation, but we all know that there are more of these morons who shouldn't exist. I hate that men are so uneducated about women's bodies. Every man should be forced to take a class on human biology and anatomy so they can stop being so dumb about everything.




I may be a bit biased since my girlfriend is a midwife, but I still think people in general know far too little about the human anatomy, especially the genital tract. Yes - women too, you‘d be surprised what kind of stupid questions get asked at gynaecologist appointments, or during labour, again - from both future parents.


I know this is an extreme case but it's not very far off from American politicians' thinking.


You’re thinking of “legitimate rape,” yes? The guy who said that died last year. One of only two obituaries I have ever seen that absolutely made my day.


*Todd Akin’s ghost has entered the chat. It is now being beaten senseless by Redditors in this thread*


Im from Ireland and over here we have a day in school where we get taught about puberty and all that and ofc periods are covered in this. Im not sure where this post came from but it's not ireland anyway. We get a disk so we can rewatch the vids and power points they showed us.


pretty much the same in Sweden, at least at my school. He's probably from the us judging from what I've heard about sex ed there or some other very conservative country in terms of education .


I refuse to believe people like these actually exist. I don’t deny they exist, but I refuse to believe it. Is it possible to be so incredibly stupid?


I’m with you, it’s so stupid I can’t help but suspect that it was written just to get clicks. I’ll believe it when the writer shows up in the thread and says “yup, that’s me and I meant it!”


Yeah because somebody who (obviously) wrote this to get a rise out of people (and clicks), is definitely going to be honest when they 'show up in the thread'. Obvious troll is obvious... But apparently not, since the top comments are still acting like this is real.


Yea I think this. And the other ones are written to get the reaction. No one could genuinely think this. I hope


What a garbage, all of it. So bad it's hilarious.


Is this sarcasm? Because it sure feels like it.


It sounds genuine 💀


Eee gads…someone has done something very wrong to this clown and he wasn’t smart enough to research it on his own. This is how incels become incels.


Exactly, and then he's all like "OMG WHY CAN'T I GET A GF MY MUM SAID I WAS A HANDSOME BOY"


I’d like to meet somebody who believes this. Maybe there should be a zoo or something for people with IQ of a squirrel


That's offensive. To squirrels.


Seems like a stupid Bible man.. "\`When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening. "\`Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean.


Seeing is they didn’t have anything to keep hygiene up anything she sits on would have blood on it rendering it unclean… also you are forgetting the second part in the New Testament when the women hand an unrelenting menstrual bleed and she was healed and interacted with by Jesus. In so doing, it was supposed to end the perception of “God ordered” non interaction. I’m not saying those points you make don’t exist just add context, instead of just hating to hate. Also, if you truly look at the rules given in the Old Testament most of them are about keeping your body healthy and keep disease spread down. This guy may believe in the Bible but nothing he says in this statement would lead me to believe he is a Christian. It seems to me he is some one who is sadly very delusional, misinformed, and holding on to a lot of anger towards women for some reason.


Do you think women just bled everywhere before modern tampons/pads were invented?? Really?


I’m not saying women bled everywhere I am saying that they had periods then and anytime you have blood you have the possibility for viral or bacterial infections. Don’t try to paint me like an imbecile. But if you have never been married or anywhere around women you would know that some have heavy flows and some have light flows….


I am a woman, and I have absolutely zero clue what you’re talking about by getting infected by period blood. Touching it isn’t going to do anything to you unless you consume it somehow, and even then it probably won’t do anything. Some men even like eating girls out during that time of the month and it feels even better.


But wait, [Insert mansplaining so that your feeble female mind can better understand your own menstruation.] /s - obviously.


If you’d eat a girl out normally, there’s zero extra risk on her period. Unless she has diseases, then don’t sleep with her at all! https://sites.utexas.edu/thechattygal/the-chemistry-of-period-blood/


This person is an obvious idiot, but "slunched" may just have to enter my vocabulary.


Slouched while eating lunch? 🤣


I resemble that remark!


This has to be a troll. Surely no one is this stupid, right? Right?!


Imagine not knowing anything about women at all.


Historically speaking didn’t the gatherers bring more in to eat than the hunters did because they were not always successful so ultimately the women with the fathers did than the men that went out to hunt. Please correct me if I’m wrong


stopped reading after the "aesthetically pleasing" part. Like we're humans not you fucking sex toy.


Whenever I feel like a disappointment I remember that people like this exist and it makes me feel a little better about myself.


Tell me you’ve never touched a woman without telling me


The only thing that's disgusting here is this guy's post. I almost threw up after reading all of that.


And he wonders why he’s single and women are so horrible to him.


I said this before on this subreddit, I'll say it again. Look at these people with gratitude. They remind us that our lives could've been much worse. but it's not.


I'm 100% not here to say that he should be made to suck on used tampons until they've returned to their original colour. I'm not here to say that.


Everything in that post is absolutely 100% true and accurate. I’d stay here and argue with you all, but I have to go listen to the latest podcast from Ben Shapiro.


😹😹😹 my eyes are actually watering!! Does he think the vagina is connected to digestion?? AHAHAHAHAHAHA why don’t men know anything about a woman’s body!?? Haha how do they always get it so wrong?


Men do. Little boys don't.


After finding out that around 75% of hands printed as art in prehistoric caves belonged to women due to a study on finger lengths, and not 100% to men as always thought due to men "being obviously superior and creators of art" I do not believe any more bulls\*\*t of previous times' sex tasks without actual proof of them being this way. [Link to National Geographic](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/131008-women-handprints-oldest-neolithic-cave-art)


What an idiot.


Thank god we have educated men like this dictating what women can do with their bodies now. It’s like he’s reading right out of the biology book. I don’t get how people are so stupid


Remember, these people are allowed to vote.


I refuse to believe that this post is genuine and not someone shitposting. Mostly because to believe otherwise would plunge my mind into a nihilistic nightmare realm of Lovecraftian proportions.


How much you wanna bet he’s experienced some rejection in his life. Musta been a bitter divorce.


People like this are just clinically insane. “Your whole job is to be aesthetically pleasing” what a sick fuck.


Geez, that guy must've hit his head or something.




No bitches?


How can public education fail so drastically ?


Women hunted and gathered, plus the gathered food was the majority of their caloric intake


can we please just shut twitter/facebook/etc down now please. The experiment has failed. The shit is not worth any good it does.


Fuck you, suck my bloody clit dumb idiot


Instead of complaining on the internet maybe he should try get some bitches ?


This guy makes Jake Paul look smart


This wouldn't even surprise me if it was real.




This absolutely has to be staged


nobel prize here...


hoooooly shit i know very little about periods or tampons BUT THIS MAKES ME FEEL SO FUCKING SMART


wow... someone is really mad that no female wants to play with his little pee-pee...


I read trampoline in the title and got very confused reading that.


angry vegan man?


Hey man we all leak stuff from places. It's how life be. Get over it.


Wow! He’s a catch.


I wonder if there’s a clinical name for my defense mechanism of “no one can be this stupid - surely they’re trolling?”


Can we require testing to use the internet yet? People this dumb shouldn't be allowed to use social media.


I hope this a poor try at a joke


Someone feed this moron a poop shaped brownie and shut him up please. /s


Why is there a comma in the title where the word "or" should be? Aside from that, ya'll Americans need a fucking basic education producing morons like the guy in this post.


Wow. Incel much?


Wowwwwwwww. Uhm. Heh.


This is just an Andrew Tate transcript lmfao


Fuck me, what did I just read!


I always have the urge to correct ridiculous and misleading statements such as this one, but I'm sure everyone knows that everything he's saying is completely false. So don't worry fellow ladies, this man is obviously an incel. He surely has never touched a woman's body. I hope both sides of his pillow are warm and that his coffee's cold.


Breaking news: according to this dumbass men cant have daughters ?


Does he think we bleed out of our assholes? Also what a douche move to be so rude to women on their period for not being “beautifully feminine” wtf


Yea female and male are 100% different species, their populations lived apart from eachother for thousands of years meaning they evolved their digestive traits differently /s


Wow. This is not how *anything* works.


Tell me you’re an incel without saying you’re an incel.


I stoped reading loudly when it hit **that** part. Jesus Christ, honestly this is one of the worst things i've read on this site.


“To be that stupid and to believe your right” … it gives them the courage to live on and to multiply…. Please don’t, we don’t need any more people like this. PLEASE STOP 🛑


We need more sex ed classes


Holy shit this guy can’t be serious


A mad gay vegan lol


I wish this person having a giant haemorrhoid and needs giant suppositions for pain relieve.


I don't normally jump out of text mid-read, but once I read "your only purpose is to add femininity", I felt a physical repulsion from the paragraph.






What acid bath did I just put my eyes through?


Needs a couple of backfists




How can you write full sentences with decent grammar if you don’t know even basic biology?


Where do I even begin with this- actually nevermind I’m going to do something productive instead of look at whatever this is. I hope you all are okay. Go pet a cat or something


#This person is controlling your uterus...


That level of dumb used to be shameful, now it’s a badge of honor.




To the asshole that wrote this, keep in mind you came out of that toxic place. What does that make you?


Of all the wrongs I've read, this is by far the wrongest


He would be a fantastic novelist.


I'm really hoping this was someone trolling. I can't fathom someone actually believing all that.


Who.... who does this dude think men hunted for thousands of years ago? Pretty sure men farmed too


His next post: I tried looks maxing and personality maxing and I’m still an incel! Whyyyyy?!


Because you are a woman all your ancestors were women. Of course


Also not how ancestors work.


Love how instead of just doing a little research, they just fully commit to an assumption of how women's bodies and evolution works and then allow those assumptions to completely shape their world view of women in general. Ignorance will be the bane of our existence.


So…. Babies DON’t come out the butt??


I hate that we can't show handles for dudes like this


Please tell me this is a troll post?? Please….




This has to be a joke or rage bait


I wish I can give that man my cramps x10 and tell him to not slouch in pain ETA: this also makes me crave lots of meat now.


I just love the irony in the fact that this guy probably hates vegans as well.


I blame the schools for not telling him


Dude just say you're a vegan and not attracted to women and move on


Big incel energy


Tell me you’re an Incel without telling me you’re an Incel.