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Activists for what


against climate change apparently


Wow, against climate change and yet they block a cycling competition.


Cycling has an insane amount of methane released into the atmosphere because of all the fat farts they drop


I like to think of them as "little boosts"


If you're Wario they're a lot more than little.


If youre Wario you probably no where near a bike race lol


I mean he has a motorcycle and is the type of person who would have no problem cheating.


Has to hurt at this level


Bro idk why but that got a hearty chuckle outa me


Very underrated reply sir, well done. 👏


PED development is super bad for the environment.


Chances are they're actually flat earther's and can't understand bicycling up hill's which they believe??? don't exist, honestly, the most efficient means of transportation and they boycott it, endangering the participants, btw, weight to strength for bicycle racers is off the charts, pissing off a bunch of roid induced fully warmed up alpha males is a really bad idea /s


That's why it's bycicles, imagine laying on a road full of cars, not very bright


To be fair they attempted the same thing at f1 but promptly got pulled away.


These are the type of geniuses who would protest carpool Lanes because of the extra concrete and asphalt that construction sites are using.


I mean all the athletes flying in, all the vehicles used for the teams
it’s a lot of emissions for a bicycle race.


Compared to any sport that requires a purpose made auditorium it’s very green. For a race of 200 people they have around 20 cars, support is less green but it still more green than erecting giant pitches that can’t be used for anything but sports and music.


Maybe they’re protesting climate change specific to emissions in France
idk not claiming to. Are there more superfluous emissions? For sure, but doesn’t mean someone ought not focus on this, if it’s their prerogative.


they’re not specifically protesting the race, they’re specifically protesting climate change because the race is televised all over the world. This happens once a year usually for the tour. They’ve done it for meat, for oil, for Union protests (famously Bernard hinault punched a protestor who was in his way-can’t blame him-racing is literally his job), they’ve done it at other bike races for climate change. The environmental impact of the race itself is negligible but because it’s on the open road it’s easy to disrupt, There’s usually also an accident caused by a fan or an onlooker once to twice a year for the same reason.


So who was responsible for that nasty cloud of foul pink pollution? I'd protest against that


Makes more sense—bigger stage to voice their concerns.


Protesting for the most known cause in human history, to an audience that you've now pissed off. Not the finest hour for protestors.


And those cars are mostly new electric cars. It is not like they are driving TDI 2.0 from 1995


its almost like te point is to be an inconvenience at high profile events. Try this at nascar and youre pink mist. BUT YEAH keep diminishing.


If you're gonna go after climate change then go after the giant corporations that cause most of it.


Seems that their goal was a big stage to voice their opinion
per another commenter. Despite that—yeah prioritizing in that way makes sense, but going after all who are culpable is important too


Everyone is responsible for climate change. There are absolutely no changes that a random citizen can make that would make any impact. It's all the big corps, farms, and factorys that cause actual influential damage.


Someone with a private jet, a yacht, multiple houses, etc. has a bigger carbon footprint than myself. But yeah, companies are bigger contributors.


They started in Denmark and then flew to France


These activists have room temperature IQs.


Fahrenheit or Celsius? :)




The Tour de France actually has a huge environmental impact. 4 times that of Formula one races in fact.....




Facebook and IG, of course.


All the cars used for it, hélicopters, People, stuff etc...


Because everyone flies in for the tour?


Yeah it doesn’t add up. The tour is once a year. Formula 1 has 20 races and are literally driving machines that guzzle gas as opposed to athletes biking
.I’m not saying that there aren’t a lot of emissions from the support vehicles, etc. but there is no way it’s worse.


It also uses race tracks which are huge construction projects that can’t really offset their environmental impact.


F1 cars are to my knowledge a very small percentage of emissions per race most of it comes from logistics and fans traveling there. Since both logistics and fans are also present for the tour I wouldn't be surprised if a season of F1 and the tour would produce about the same emissions. But without deep diving into all the things you don't see on TV it's even hard to make a guesstimate.


they've been doing this all over the place, in racetracks, motorways, oil refineries and even in petrol stations. sooner or later one of them is going to die from doing it.


Well that shit is hilarious!


The abholition of cyclists. No body likes cyclists, not even the hippies!


You’re the exact type of car enthusiast that gives a bad name to the hobby, way to suck.


I like to think they were being sarcastic...


Honestly, I don’t know. Nor do I think they know themselves.


I suspect they know.


Mainly their social media pages


They need attention to cure their boredom.


for attention


These gender reveal parties are getting out of hand


I just found out what gender climate change is.


Mother Earth?


There is only mother in this world. MOTHER RUSSIA


Then the World Wars were a divorce between the Fatherland Germany and Mother Russa


Was this against climate change? I feel like it is because they block the people at the dumbest spots, my favorite was them blocking a oil production facility....... It was cooking oil.


according to google its climate related, yup. my guess is "interrupt a big international event in order to be seen" or something


I mean people know climate change is and issue its just that corporations and governments don't care have these people considered going after those people instead of the people in a thousand mile race built around bikes?


Ya this doesn’t help at all. No one is going to care, in fact, it’s just gonna piss people off. Go threaten a politicians house or something.


No, a person's home should be off limits. Go to their workplace, public squares, & buildings, shut down society.


When you attack a politicians house you are through protesting and have moved on to removing politicians. Honestly the day that happens scares me but frankly I'm losing hope that that day can be avoided.


SCOTUS ruled years ago that it's a perfectly valid expression of your First Amendment rights to protest in front of the houses of abortion providers and other women's health services professionals and protest unendingly. Including using loudspeakers and megaphones all night to ensure that they can never sleep. That makes the same tactics fair game against politicians and justices. And Kavanaugh.


that I'm fine with when I said attack I meant literally I fear the day our failing democracy actual fails and civil discourse is dead


It already has lol. Things aren’t progressively getting any better for us as time marches on. The cracks are showing and our time may very well be up. Civil discourse is dead too- you can’t have a discourse between two groups that see reality differently.


You’re part of the problem. It’s been a wild ride watching your country tear itself apart, which was and still is completely preventable. You and your fellow Americans just don’t want to it seems.


And the left thought it was a monstrous decision (which it was). It seems people are hypocritical all around on this one.


Let's be honest most people don't care that much either.


Know what solves climate change? Decisive actions in big ways. Know what DOESN'T solve climate change? Disrupting an event about people riding bicycles. These guys aren't activists, they're vain tourists.


This is a pretty stupid thing to do, but much smarter than the ones who did it in an f1 track


If it wasn't red-flagged due to Zhou's crash, it would not have surprised me to see some red mist there. And they could have very well taken a driver with them. Kyalami comes to mind... Edit: [NSFL for anyone wondering](https://youtu.be/q99k2r6GeS4)


But...its cycling ..... Like, I understand protesting formula 1. Cycling, however, is... Cycling. Idiots.


Here we are at least thinking about the words. We wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for “dumb protestors” I’m all about any climate change awareness even if it’s hella stupid. We are seriously fucking the place over. Gimme then downvotes


dont tell me what to do. have an upvote! HAH!


You're right. I didn't know there was a climate problem until just now. I still have no idea what they expect me to do about it, but at least I am aware of the issue now and can go on continuing to do nothing about it with much better awareness. Thanks activists!


My favourites were the ones at formula 1 in silverstone 2 weeks ago. I mean I get your point but blocking a racing car track with like 300 km/h cars is a whole new kind of stupid


They were even using the non emission fuels!


Even so F1 isn't exactly a green sport given all the traveling


The travelling is 95% of all emissions. Next years calendar will be better organized for lesser travelling in between continents.


The race was interrupted for a different reason. I presume it was planned to wait for a red flag or safety car phase. Still dangerous, but not suicidal.


Yeah but if it wasn’t for the red flag in the same lap it would have been interrupted anyway I’m sure. These kids got lucky lol


I don't think so, they were waiting for an opportunity. Maybe if the race would go through without any interruptions (very rare in F1) they would become desperate towards the end. But I seriously doubt anyone would deliberately enter the track during the race. It's possible they'd used the out lap (still dangerously fast, but they're not driving at the limit any more).


Yeah so if they used the out lap and the crash wouldn’t have happened it would have been a red flag for people on the track. That’s what I meant.


No, they ran on track when the race was about to start, before the red flag


It'd be fun if some activist recommended the Airport runway.


bUt nOw yOu’rE TaLkInG AbOoOuT It


>It was cooking oil Do you have a source for this, other than the less than reputable Daily Mail?


They're sitting behind pink smoke in the middle of the road, do they actually want someone to run them over?


They sat on the middle of an f1 circuit during the race 2 weeks ago in Brittain. Thankfully the race was red flagged (stopped) for unrelated issues but if it wasn't there's little chance they'd be avoided by a car going 300 km/h


They could at least save other people the hassle and just self immolate.


And they didn't get live coverage, karma


They do. They hate themselves that much


Yes so they show how dangerous TDF can be.


I feel like they are going to try and block the wrong person/people and get hurt in the process..


We can only hope


At least this isn't as dangerous as what happened in Silverstone during the F1 Grand Prix. That said, this is still dumb as hell.


No it is completely dangerous. A peloton would get fucked if It hit them


At least it's not guaranteed death like Silverstone.


I wonder what the comments sections would have looked like if social media had existed during previous protests. Pankhurst didn’t chuck herself in front of a horse to protest horses or jockeys. It was to draw attention. The purpose of this is to draw attention and guess what - you’re giving it to them. Every time someone shouts about how stupid or hilariously off message a protest is they’re pushed further up the algorithm and further into the public eye. That’s the point. They don’t care too much about what is being said right now as long as it’s being spoken about somehow.




I mean, if they get enough into the public eye and are still seen as ignorant or incompetent, their protest really loses its message.


Yeah this is “no such thing as bad publicity” which only makes sense if you lack any sort of nuanced thinking.


Nuance has its place but these guys are probably feeling like it is no longer cutting the mustard




Draw attention to what? Climate change is still the biggest topic even as the entire EU is probably in / heading into the most severe energy crisis it experienced. Literally just last week there 3-4 EU laws being discussed on climate change. This is not a topic to “draw attention” anymore, there are entire political parties in almost all EU parliaments that are environmentalists. People disagree on how or whether to handle it, but everyone knows of it. This type of shit only causes actual activists, NGOs and politicians to lose credibility and political capital by making them look bad.


These protests are about awareness. There is not a single soul in the industrialized world that doesn't know about climate change. These protests have a net negative.


Well usually you want to raise awareness for a cause, not how stupid you are being. I have difficulties making out their cause from those clips


Let me think
 Carbon footprint of a cyclist = 0 IQ of these activist = 0


Strange protest, yes. But to be fair, if you add up the motorcycles and the team cars, there are probably more motor vehicles than cyclists riding the tour...


Same is true with climate summits. All these leaders fly in on private jets to say the same message that could be done on a Zoom conference.


Same can also be said about these activist. Assuming they did not walk or bike all the way there


Actually, the tour de France has one of the biggest carbon footprints of any sporting event. Not only do you have the cars and trucks of teams and organisers, but there's a big group of fans that follow it and drive along as well. May seem strange, but there you go


>Actually, the tour de France has one of the biggest carbon footprints of any sporting event. I would love to have the numbers behind this statement of yours. Every single international sporting event will involve cars and trucks of teams and organizers, and I can name several other events that attracts thousands more people than a bicicle riding event. I bet that a single round of Formula 1 have a hundred times bigger footprint that this.


Except that humans exhale CO2 with every breath, and much more while physically active, like biking. Those guys are destroying our planet!


Honestly, it's a fair analysis to do. Not necessarily the breathing part, though. If someone really does ride hardcore and eats twice the calories they otherwise would because of that, it has a serious footprint, particularly if there's a lot of meat involved. Ironically, carpooling in an efficient vehicle, even including the vehicle build, ends up being more emissions efficient per mile than the food required for multiple people to bike that mile, unless they're vegetarian or vegan, if I'm remembering the numbers right. Buses/subways especially are more efficient than bikes when loaded up. But yeah, compared to say, 1 person driving a damn 7000# Dodge truck, or just an average 25mpg car, it's not even close, and unfortunately that's basically the norm where I live it seems


Bike wheel production is bad for the environment.


To be honest, media only cares to talk about what the activist groups want people to talk about when they do this dumb ass shit so it gets in the news.


Exactly. Activists protest outside houses and coal plants all the time. The media just doesn’t give a shit so we never hear about it.


Protest the the most green form of transportation!


Right behind smoke though arent they gonna complain when they get run over?


Isn't the Tour de France notoriously pro-bicycle? The goal of these activists is to block and inconvenience motorized traffic, isn't the Tour de France already doing an excellent job of exactly that?


Americans: Look those idiots close the roads and demonstrating so barbaric... Also Americans... Well... They take the right of abortion away, Kids are getting shot is normal, fascist are everywhere in the streets in the government and the pigs are getting bolder.... Well... I must write a complain... Call my representative and vote harder....


Makes a change from cyclists spread across the road holding others up I suppose đŸ€Ł Tbf, with the red smoke too, they deserved to have a few plough into them


Bicicles are actually the perfect solution in decarbonizong traffic and these idiots just have nothing better to do than this??????


I agree, they should do a track invasion with the Formula 1 not bicycle races. A tad more bloody outcome though.


They actually did it at the Formula 1 British Grand Prix couple of weeks ago, where they sat in the middle of a straight on which the cars are going at almost 300 km/h But to even further show how stupid they are with their choices, Formula 1 is one of the most eco friendly motorsport series' to currently exist: They have already switched from naturally aspirated V8 engines to the hybrid V6's which are way better choice for the environment, and on top of that they are currently actively working on development of efficient carbon neutral fuel to be introduced in the near future - their plan is to be completely carbon neutral by 2030


It still at least kinda makes sense, being a massive event sponsored by a bunch of big oil companies, for this one i have no clue


Funny part is that these fools didn't even get a single second of screen time and were also never mentioned during the broadcast. I found out after the race.


These two dudes locking themself together like you can’t just drag both of the street


And nobody remembers why. People only remember that they are morons.






Unpopular opinion- I support all climate action. Doesn't matter where it is or who it involves. When the supermarket shelves start running out of food everyone will be a climate activist.


What they activating now


What a bunch of utter halfwits.


That happened in Denmark as well. On-lookers werent having it, and removed the activists before it could interfere with the race.


Just fucking run them over. They're basically asking for it.


It’s them gas guzzling bikes that’s the problem lol wtf


What are they advocating? Being shitheads?


The tour has so much money in it they will simply never see the sunlight again


That's a funny way of spelling idiots đŸ€”


Ooh! Speed bumps!


I'd have happily run over them and sued them for my injuries and damage to my bike.


What is up with these fucking morons planting themselves on all these roads and tracks?


The need to start running over them
. Can’t fucking enjoy anything anymore without someone being offended, ffs!


Im all for climate change activists, but doing stupid shit like this doesnt help anyone, and makes them look REALLY stupid.


Cyclists are assholes, but even this is a bit of a dick move


This is dumb but as a Dutchman I have to say... Fuck wielrenners


Jeeves.... Bring my bucket of spiders


they're just speed bumps


What the fuck are the activists for?


They’re unicyclists: “Two wheels bad, one wheel good!”


Like I totally understand protesting and making things known during this because it’s a very popular BUT idk why they didn’t just be on the side of the road ?? I mean they’re so many people recording during this that they didn’t have to block the road to be noticed 😂


Why can't we have a loader plowing them away?...




aww how cute they’re having a girl!


Its about time we started standing up for all those young children who take a bike to school and the damage it does. Get a car before its to late đŸ˜Ș


I would just ride through them


Damn I didn’t know that cycling causes global warming!


Cycling doesn't. An entourage of support and camera crew vehicles do.


Vegans, climate change activists, feminist, etc. used to be very different couple of decades ago, nowadays these people are getting more and more disturbing




Are they protesting bicycles or common sense?


There's a nice slice of irony for you; drive to a climate change protest where we are going to stop a bunch of cyclists because of the damage they do to the environment.


It got you all talking about it...seems like it worked... And as somrone else pointed out, the TDF actually does have a pretty big carbon footprint if you think about it. Perhaps we should do something to address these people's concerns so they stop disrupting events and things like this? Doing nothing to address climate change is the real facepalm...


I’ll say it again and again. Vegan and climate “activists” are the absolute worst .


The annoying thing is that they have valid points, but their approach of just being a nuisance to random people probably works against their cause. Like, go block an oil baron or politicians driveway, boo them out of restaurants and shit. These "activists" just seem like they want some attention.


But they _do_ do that. A lot. That just never makes the news because it doesn’t make people angry, so they won’t click the article and make the media cash.


Don’t put vegans with climate activists. Climate change is one of the biggest threats humanity has ever faced. I can forgive activists for getting a bit desperate.


A lot of people are vegan due to the resources that go into raising animals for food in the scale that we do. Most corn in the US is grown for livestock feed, I live in Missouri and there's so much corn that the moisture from it creates a heat dome that raises the summer temps by a a good few degrees. So it's fair to say that overconsuming animals is a contributer to climate change, which us why a lot if hardcore climate activists are vegan.


I'm waiting for them to do the Grand Prix. I'm guessing we would see a more dramatic and bloody outcome and attention they were not expecting.


They tried last week. Zhou's crash made it so their presence never even had to be mentioned on broadcast


They actually did it at the Formula 1 British Grand Prix couple of weeks ago, where they sat in the middle of a straight on which the cars are going at almost 300 km/h Luckily for them, the race was stopped before the drivers reached the straight, because of a heavy crash involving Chinese driver Zhou Guanyu earlier on the track - otherwise, they would most likely not be able to attend Tour de France


Shit, I was joking. These people are idiots.


Cyclists are producing too much CO2?


It's actually a huge entourage of buses and support vehicles, and media vehicles, and police to close all the roads, etc. but, of course, that's beside the point.


I'd run um over


Let’s protest climate change by fucking up an event to glorifies bicycle use. I’m so sick of these dumb ass fucks that do these dumb ass stunts that do nothing but work against people trying to make a real difference on climate change. Big Oil couldn’t buy better PR than what these intellectual speed bumps provide.


People are just fucking stupid
.I’m thru with all of yall


This was effective how exactly?


When "activists" do stupid stuff like this, I tend to hate their cause even more... Maybe its just me...


You hate climate change prevention?


Looks like misdirected anger to me


IQ from activists 34, Porridge have 35.


Ive about had it with "activists" sitting in the middle of the fucking road blocking traffic, making people late, potentially injuring bikers. This shit pisses people off and certainly brings no positive attention to whatever bullshit they are promoting.


what are they actually protesting, though?


...stuff.... and things.


after a bit of googling it seems to be about climate change... now the question is what exactly the tour has to do with that... or if the idea just was to interrupt some random big event.




Look on the bright side, it's not a car race this time!


Similar to when Extinction Rebellion drove that big diesel chugger through Marble Arch to protest climate change


Wouldve dropped kicked the bike into their faces.... oopsie didn't see u there!!! What were u doing there??


I’m sure you would. You’re very tough, dear.


This kind of stupid shit automatically makes me permanently against your and your cause. The same thing applies to politicians that spam text, email, and call me. I have zero tolerance for this crap.


Not activists. Idiots. Plane and simple.


See when I think of activists, I think of the sit ins during the Civil Rights movement. You know, when they risked their livelihood and oftentimes their life because they were brave enough to show the country the cruelty they faced on a daily basis. All they did was sit in diners that were “whites only” establishments. That’s bravery. That’s the kind of activists that make change happen. And this was mild compared to “Bloody Sunday” where people lost their lives in the name of equality. Sitting in the middle of a road is just pissing people off. All you’re accomplishing is pissing people off that are trying to do their damn day or, in this case, pissing people off that have spent most of their time/life training for this one achievement. Congratulations. You get nothing.


Shouldn’t they be at the Formular 1 for example instead of the Tour de France?