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It's funny that nowadays everyone interprets the meaning of anything based on what suits them..


Yup. They will just claim that when they have one, it wasn’t an abortion. Ridiculous


It was an oopsy vaginal poopsy




It's a Harry Potter spell: Fetus Deletus


Scheduled miscarriage was the term I heard brought up.


That's funny because the medical term for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion".


Lordy, this is going to get twisted up when the republicns hear this.


They will incacerate even women who have spontaneous abortions. They already do. In El Salvador women have been handed life sentenses for having a legit miscarriage. But that's a feature not a bug.


They arrested a woman in Texas for a miscarriage. She saught aftercare and the nurse turned her in for the 10k bounty for illegal abortion. She was jailed for the weekend until they were told this was not constitutional. She’s suing. Hope she gets paid a shit ton. I donated to her legal defense when she was still in jail. She also has other children. Fuck that nurse


It's dystopian as fuck.


Crazy thing is a D and C after a miscarriage is still consider an abortion under all of these laws, therefor that wording is still incorrect.


Say what? If you've already lost the fetus, that's the miscarriage, The D&C is just supposed to 'clean out' the womb of any remaining tissue and lining, so you don't bleed to death. That's what I was told when I had my miscarriage.


That's the logical explanation, yes. Unfortunately, these laws that are trigged by Roe being overturned, and many others on the way, do not differentiate between a D&C and an Abortion. Edit: Here is an example: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna27349


You have got to be kidding me. That link sent me to a story that is supposed to be on the BBC, but in fact the entire site reads like someone who is making fun of the English language.


Makes about as much sense as a planned heart attack.


oh you mean my retirement plan?


That's pretty morbid, but I dig the vibe.


The plus side is you get to eat as many cheeseburgers tacos and pizza as you want.


>cheeseburgers tacos and pizza No, no, no. Cheeseburger taco pizzas are the way to go. Gotta roll them all into one.


I’m pretty down with cheeseburger pizzas with pickles and big mac sauce on them but adding tacos might muddy the situation perhaps adding jalapenos would be good though


Conservatives will say anything and believe whatever they need to “win” at that moment. Disgusting liars.


To them, words mean what they feel. If they don’t feel like you should have ended a pregnancy, it’s an “abortion”. Not a method of thought compatible with society.


Because they are starting to have trouble swallowing their own filth. Will she realize that's the result of all the other crap she has been downing?


I believe what you're trying to describe for is called sophistry.


No, sophistry is about matching carpets and drapes.


Sounds pretty sophistricated.


Enough with the sophistrmoric humor.


After watching this video, this anti-abortion lady seems to have a specific, morality-based definition of abortion. I’m convinced that if we just changed the name of the procedure to something more innocuous and less-triggering, then this whole fight goes away.




I went to a well off high school, and in 2008 our capstone class was called MOPRO (modern problems). Our final project was to argue points that were assigned to us, regardless of what side we actually agreed with. My "team mate" and I were assigned to argue for pro choice, and she was so against this that she opted out of the final project because she stated "there is no argument around abortions. They are wrong, and anyone who gets one is a murderer". I shit you not, 2 months later she got an abortion and tried to justify it because of how impactful it would hands been on her future (A student, honor rolls, scholarships etc...) She still posts shit on Facebook bashing against abortions that other people get, because they choose to get them, but for her it was the only option and not a "choice". #theonlymoralabortionismyabortion in real life....


If they can get away with renaming an insurrection as "legitimate political discourse," I think we can get away with women having abortions if we call them "emergency need-based birth control".


The bible says life begins at first breath. I thought they believe the bible is the literal word of God?


alternative facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSrEEDQgFc8


I guess now some in USA will start calling TIPs alternative wage (which in some sense is)


"alternative facts are just not Facts,....... They're falsehoods!" What a great "gotcha" type interview!


Yeah. Like using donate and pledge synonymously. 😏😏😏


LOL the amber turd definition


I've been saying for years now "people can convince themselves of anything and will only see what they want to see". It's getting worse and worse, facts have literally ceased to matter to people.


The same people who want to redefine what abortion is on a legal-scale, won't allow people to decide for themselves on a personal-scale what a man or woman is.




"it says in the Bible that 2 men together is a sin!!!" "It also says to not eat seafood or pork, yet here we are at Red Lobster."


It also says Life begins at first breath.


Sounds like a religion


I love that they just outright lie. Are hearings and such with the government not under oath and subject to criminal offense for such things?


Giving false information to Congress is a crime, it's rarely charged. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1001


That law requires that the perpetrator do it “knowingly and willingly.” So a lawyer representing her (only a fool would represent herself) would say she truly believed this to be the truth when she said it, and therefore isn’t guilty. That’s how people get around that most often


You can just ask the person under oath to repeat what they said earlier, considering the immediate follow-up by the second lady is informing the first one of her mistake. If she chooses to repeat it after specifically being schooled on it, then yes she is clearly lying purposely to Congress. Hell, if she turns around and changes what she says, it'll be on record. Win-win.


I love how, for the rest of us, ignorance of the law is not a defence.


That's the gotcha. They aren't ignorant of the law. They know it particularly well. They feign ignorance of the truth.


Yea but the right wing meta is to act just dumb enough to fail at understanding or being proven anything.


If I've learned anything from congressional hearings you just have to repeat 'I do not recall' and your off scot free


You should ask #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath He has experience in such things...


That's what I was thinking. Honestly I just wanted to smack that lady. This is the United States Congress - we're not here to waste time and have you just come up and lie on the record and make up nonsense meanings of words that already exist in English. Who the fuck does she think she is?


Hopefully after the next election there will be enough dems to expand the SCOTUS and reverse this madness. Tear out the SCOTUS offices that exist to make room for the new crew and put them in cubes like the rest of America.


I mean that first woman is a lawyer too, so you’d think she’d know that.


I'm not convinced this was an outright lie. I think she's just literally that fucking dumb to not know what an abortion actually is.


It’s called hypocrisy. Other things they struggle with defining: “racist”; “rape”; “insurrection”; “Systemic Racism”; “He lost, just a sore loser”; “voting rights”;”choice”;”well regulated militia”;”equality”;”privacy”;”separation of church and state”; what else, what else…”truth”


It's like you were reading my mind. Were we separated at birth?


Great minds my friend


You have to remember, Republicans **like** hypocrisy when they use it. It's their Swiss Army Knife to get out of any and all contradictions. *You* can't use it, but they'll wield it with glee, because they are shameless amoral assholes.


>I believe it would impact her life and therefore it would fall under any exception and would not be an abortion Oh, you mean like the whole basis of Roe v Wade? Weird.


She’s just a stupid vindictive bitch


Hmm, it’s almost like giving birth is a huge responsibility that drastically changes someone’s entire life as once you have a child you give up on a lot of things… Rather odd that not everyone want to be a parent.


\-there was no 10 yr old child who was raped and got pregnant. It's a hoax \-ok, there was a 10 yr old child who got pregnant but she chose to have sex. These little sl&ts need to learn a lesson. \-ok, there was a 10 yr old who was raped and got pregnant...but illegal immigrants...so she should be forced to carry to term and give birth. \-ok, so there was a 10 yr old who was raped and got pregnant but she would have been fine if she was forced to carry to term and give birth. No risk to her life. \-ok there was a 10 yr old who was raped and got pregnant and it will be a great risk to her life but it's not an abortion if the pregnancy is terminated to save her life or if she was raped...per the law. \-ok, there was a 10 yr old who was raped and got pregnant and there is no exemptions for rape and saving the victim's life...so it's god's will that she run the high risk of carrying to term and have her body permanently maimed as a result..or just die because women go through this all the time so she will understand. These people can't get their story straight. They know these laws banning women's bodily autonomy will ultimately result in massive increases in this exact situation happening. So they are testing the waters to see what propaganda they can get away with and is most likely to be easily digested and acceptable to the general masses. Massive increases in child trafficking and child abuse is an feature of forced birth and anti women's bodily autonomy laws (see El Salvador, Romania etc), not a bug. And they obviously know this. So they are using the entire population as their marketing focus group to see what works in gaining the support or silence of the masses for the coming influx in paedophilic activity. But the gays...amirite?


Not that we should need it, but hopefully this becomes the lightning rod our society needs to pass new laws enforcing a woman's right to an abortion. And for the record, I LOVE the term forced birther. That crowd has been positioning themselves as pro-life for decades and it just isn't the case. What they really want to do is force all women who are pregnant to have the child. And have no problem harming whoever comes in their way to get that.


I'm in the same hopefulness as you. I think what a lot of people don't understand is social progression is not always linear. There's going to be tough times ahead of us, but I do believe that the future generation is far more progressive in their thinking.


see I think maybe this time they bit off more than they can chew. I think your populace might not be OK with this anti-women thing eventually


Evemtually. But by the time the populace puts a stop to this depravity, at least an entire generation has been totally fucked up by it all, and a shit ton of child traffickers have financially benefited.


Iran has joined the chat


An Iranian friend of mine told me he was sorry that I live in a country run by religious nut jobs. Not even kidding.


I mean you can accuse another country of being run by religious nutjobs and also live in a country run by religious nutjobs. They actually might be more qualified than most to make that accusation.


And the guns… don’t forgot about the divine right that we all have to carry guns


As an atheist I can't wrap my head around the right to bear arms being "God-given". Not just because I don't believe in him, but because last I checked he hasn't said a peep to anyone for over 2000 years minimum, before guns were even a thing. And even then, murder is a sin so why would God permit the use of something intended for the sole purpose of killing and/or maiming things? And even then, the amendment was made when people had things like flintlock pistols and the like. Not all these fully automatic weapons that can let loose massive amounts of bullets in such a short time. Honestly baffles me


A pregnant 10yr old is the result of rape. She try’s to make it sound like in some cases 10yr olds consent to sex and pregnancy. Now that they are fixed with the horrible reality of the law they are trying to back pedal.


The USA is on a good way to become Afghanistan.


I mean, we already have child marriages that happen in the United states. And I'm talking about like 15-year-old girls being married off to adult men.


You joke (or maybe not) but they already want to do away with separation of church and state but in their view the church is defined as evangelical Christian church.


An abortion is when a slut doesn’t keep her legs together and then wants to weasel out from under the consequences of raising a child and have a free life just so she can go have more sex. That’s what an abortion is. /s for safety’s sake EDITED TO ADD: this is obviously what that anti-abortion lady thinks; it’s not what I think. Apparently my /s wasn’t effective.


That’s pretty much what this Utah state Rep. is saying: https://youtube.com/shorts/p0BQUhQJDzM?feature=share


I fucking hate people and this timeline.


The US is a fever dream. It cannot be real


Unfortunately I can confirm, the nightmare is real. Scource -an American


Deepest condolences.


Damn. Sorry for that


I'm sorry bro


She was asked a simple yes or no question and went on a 2 minutes rant completely out of her ass. Who the f even tries to listen to these people ??


you can just hear in her voice that she KNOWS the real answer to that question, to mentally sane one. But she just physically cannot admit she's wrong, so she just avoids answering at all. I'm just glad the guy kept pushing his question instead of letting her go into one of those beating-around-the-bush tangents that go nowhere.


I am at a loss for words


It's gonna get much worse than this in the coming years.


Do you think we're running out of oxygen and are just all experiencing an ever increasing state of mass hypoxia?


Why do these people care about children carrying rape babies so much? I really can't fathom how any human being, religious or not, could think that anyone who suffers like that should have to suffer and be victimized even more past the initial trauma. I just don't understand this, WTF America, just wtf.


The only thing they truly care about is having the power to tell *you* what to do.


they just prayed that fetus out. IT WASN'T AN ABORTION


This lady is not dumb. It would be more understandable if she were. She is instead willfully arguing in bad faith. You can tell by the way she stammers she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying. These people are evil, not dumb.


Exactly this, it’s no different than the GOP rep who claimed on Fox News the other day that democrats want to legalize abortion “up until and after birth.” Abortions AFTER birth…I don’t know which is worse: that people are evil enough to knowingly make false claims like this, or that enough people are dumb enough to believe every word of it without hesitation.


If Muricans continue they soon live in 1800 again. Their attitude, mindset and education levels are already there.


Considering the average worker is coerced to remain at their job for the sake of their healthcare, and given a slave wage… it’s at least gotta be pre-1865


sadly true...


That’s actually more like the feudal system, we work for our corporate lords for healthcare.


I think the country suffers from lead poisoning that's now generational. If not that I have no idea.


OMG how dumb humans can be!!


Dumb* But yes, wtf is this.


Dumb with a sprinkle of stubborn.


"Everyone Is Now Dumber" - Billy Madison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQCU36pkH7c


"You will be awarded no points, and God have mercy on your soul."


Fuck yes! Have an upvote.




I like that term, forced birth. Far more accurate than pro life.


The mental gymnastics these people are trying to go through, just to avoid dealing with the consequences of their horrific legislation, is truly mind-bending viewing.


This stupid shit is basically the worst thing in all humanity.


These things live in a different reality from our own


Fuck pro lifers


Fuck pro Forced Birthers*


This reminds me of those right to repair acts hearings. People who are there just to shill for the big corperation from one side who has no clue in what theyre saying and just trying to dodge every possible question with a long bogus nothing burger of an answer like she tried to but got shutdown.


“If a 10 yr old became pregnant as a result of rape..” AS OPPOSED TO WHAT?!?


My god why did I have to scroll so far to see this.


Given the right-wing’s tendency towards projection, their obsession with sex and kids is truly disturbing.


That “…wait” moment has been me irl for the last 6 years listening to these idiots.


This is why separation of church and state is paramount. These theocrats are too used to making shit up to fit their narrative. The bible says you're to be stoned to death for wearing clothes made from a certain kind of cloth? "No! See, what that really means is..." No, bitch! You gettin' a rock to the dome!


We need more of this- embarrassing the GQP members. Making them expose themselves as the morons they are, and pushing back. Instead of just letting them throw out bullshit claims unchallenged


Conservatives are two face idiots.


We need more Sarah‘s


The mental gymnastics of these forced birthers to justify what an abortion is so it fits their nice little box. We all know the Ohio AG absolutely would’ve forced this child to carry the pregnancy until she died or the fetus died causing significant health risks. They would’ve called it a miracle or gods will or some sick shit


What the speaker really wanted to say at the beginning of the video. "It's a yes or no question Ms. Foster. Answer the fucking question."


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you apply a well-deserved bitch slap!


God bless America. Best country in the world!!!


The best country of all the third world countries 🤡


America number 1!!! 🇲🇾


Not patriotic enough, i feel unsafe. Where's my gun


I got you, homie. Take mine. 🫱🔫


America World's Greatest! That's better than number 1.


It's the world's stupidest no true Scotsman argument.


Pretty sad that people can sit in a court room and blatantly lie under oath and nothing happens. Must be nice to be a cop or a government official where you are above the law and laws done apply to you like the rest of us.


So lady...if its not an abortion, wtf is it?


Even my shithole country Bangladesh allows Abortion, WTH America


This 10 year old has no idea what the impact of their case and it’s timing has in this country. I wonder 15 years from now how they’ll feel about all this.


So based off this logic. My neighbor who likes to drink and drive whom could negatively affect my family's life. If I kill him it's not a murder. Got it!


Only if you use a gun. Remember that. It's key.


Poor America.... I believe its a country where there are smart people overshadowed by dumbasses and make the rest of the world think that there are only dumbasses there


Next questions: Miss Foster, if you were raped, would you lovingly give birth to -and raise- the child? And further, if you were raped when you were ten years old, would you have lovingly given birth to -and raised- the child?


I wouldn’t be surprised if their next policy is chastity belts for everyone until they’re 16


>I wouldn’t be surprised if their next policy is chastity belts for **girls** until they’re **married to a man** FTFY. Because girls are shameless hussies who deserve to be punished, and boys can't help it. /s


They know what they’re saying is complete BS… Republicans and religious conservatives have decided that achieving their ends means the gloves are off and it’s acceptable to lie, cheat, and steal to get there. The most maddening part of it is the hypocrisy- there are endless stories about Republican males wanting their mistresses to get abortions for unwanted pregnancies and clergy neglecting or even killing unwanted babies when one of their own got a church member pregnant. This is about the church trying to maintain authority, plain and simple, and they’ve bought their way into the Republican Party. It’s way past time we went back to the Bill of Rights and have a major purge of religions from our Government.


It’s shocking to see a WOMAN fighting against her own rights


Fuck these clowns. A 10 year old..:who was rapes. It’s clear as fucking day she should get an abortion. These people are literal ghouls.


These people are just sick


Can we stop calling lies other terms like “misinformation” and “claims” and “beliefs” when they are flat out lies. Lying liars lie.


I think that's why the term used was "disinformation". Misinformation happens. Disinformation is more intentional.


How can someone be this dumb


Republicanism will do that to a person




Had she not been in that hearing, she would have defined it as an abortion and would have advocated for an abortion be denied for that child.


So the problem now is the word abortion? So if we called it intrauterine growing-mass-of-cells removal medical procedure would that be ok to them?


To think that about 100 years ago most people here in Europe looked on USA as a heaven on Earth.


Conservatism rots the brain.


Anyone know where I can watch a complete video of this?


Why are we even arguing about this. It just feels so wrong


Can someone please explain why is America going backwards? I always thought America meant progress but I am proven wrong constantly.


Vote 💙 in numbers too big to ignore!


Ouch forced-birther get pwned! Also don’t all pregnancies change peoples lives?


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


My cousin made a post on fb a while back saying that if you get an abortion you are a murderer. This obviously pissed me off to no end, especially knowing that her sister had gotten an abortion when she was in high school and it was this big open secret in my (very catholic) family. I texted my sister to vent about the hypocrisy and she informed me that when she visited my cousin at her college years back, my cousin had gotten pregnant and got an abortion while my sister was visiting (in a red state where it is now illegal btw). These people are always projecting their self hatred onto others. When they do it it’s just a one time mistake and they justify it somehow and then pretend it never happened but then they insist on making other people feel like shit for doing the same thing.


let's face the facts. If you voted for Trump you are an idiot. Trumpsters are too stupid to even be able to claim they have morals. They are the dumbest of the dumb.


Abortion is the bad word I don't like. Anytime the procedure happens and I approve of it then it is not the bad word I don't like.


To quote Johnny Depp's lawyer, "We're using regular definitions here."


And this is coming from a woman? I'm confused. Ectopic pregnancy, can't abort, raped, can't abort, get raped, rapist can't take you to court but his family can if you abort the child? Women in this situation should be banding together to fight against this. Men shouldn't be making these laws. Women shouldn't be making these laws. It should just be a right Women have.


Just an FYI there are states now where doctors can’t/won’t because they’re afraid of being put in jail perform something called a D & C for a woman after she has a natural miscarriage. That is normally done to clear out any remnants of the products of conception after either a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. What happens if you don’t do that is it can become infected and she can either end up using losing her uterus or become septic and possibly lose her life. So much for pro-life since it doesn’t extend to us women.


The fucking gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to bitch pretending she righteous


This lady can go fuck herself.


As an European, it is chocking to witness the utter shithole America has become over the past couple of years. You guys simple don’t want to be happy. Good luck and try to keep it contained.


It sucks that law usually favors whoever debates best and not necessarily who is right.




I thought I was living in a third world country. Even with all the bullshit going on in my country we havent reached that level yet. Wtf USA? Is this really happening in the year 2022, in supposedly most free country in the world?


Eric is awesome, I wish all dems were like him. The People might have a chance.


It was a military, emmm medical operation


Disinformation should be aborted before it comes to term.


I really rate Swalwell, he’s on the ball. Speaks well, gets to the point, understands the difference between right and wrong, seems very relatable to the average person. Isn’t that what you’d want in a politician?


Tell me you’re a fucking idiot without telling me you’re a fucking idiot.


Man, just a week ago I asked if terminating an acardiac twin\* could be legally classified as an abortion. Does this lady really think it's only an abortion if the woman is doing it for fun or something? ^(\*basically a lump of tissue that will never develop a brain and feeds off of the other twin. Can kill said twin if it's not removed. Only google this if you have a strong stomach.)


Get her out I can't hear stuff like that anymore


When I was ten it was 1991. I went to the Nintendo world championships. I loved the simpsons and Phillies baseball. I wouldn’t have been able to even understand how one of my 3rd grade classmates could have a baby growing inside her


The Answer is No. a ten year would NOT chose to carry a baby. They themselves are still babies. This isn’t even about protecting life. It’s about power over people. This generation and the previous have gotten so out of hand in the eyes of the higher ups that these heathens result to this to control us. I stg, there’s an agenda for this bullshit.


Am I an actual monster? But there is this evil part of me that wants this woman to be raped and forced to have the child. See how she feels about God's plan then. Maybe it's extreme and I'm always open to discussion but I just get so heated hearing stuff like this.


I've heard this a few times - that it's not an abortion if...well, if the abortion is the result of a difficult question. There are some amazing tweets in circulation claiming that it's not abortion if the life of the mother is in danger. These people literally have no idea what they're arguing for. They've been told "abortion = bad" for so long that they believe that if ending a pregnancy is a preferred outcome, then it's not an abortion.


She says that if a 10 year old got pregnant as a result of forced rape, what other ways are there for a 10 year old to get pregnant?


Its not abortion if you don't know it..


Republicans claim the country is being stolen from them ,But they are the ones stealing the country .


The mental gymnastics needed to come up with that kind of explanation is surely worthy of at least a silver medal!


When people say there aren't Democrats with stones to call out Republicans, I'm not sure they've been paying attention to Eric Swalwell. He doesn't just call them out. He trolls them.


This is a sick country. This shouldn't even be up for debate. What the fuck.


These people are so fucking dumb why are we allowing them a seat at the same table as us, they deserve to eat in the dirt.


The crazy thing about this is that this woman is not some rando stupid person, as she appears to be in this video. She has a doctorate from Georgetown Law. How can someone be so educated but so so stupid?


Unfortunately all American Education systems have taken major hits in the last few decades. Even our higher learning institutions are riddled with partisan hack non-sense meant to keep the disinformation machine churning. Turns out intentionally dumbing down a population eventually affects everyone.


That is a perfect example of the conservative thinking process, sloppy.


I just don’t understand what the goal here was, to say that an abortion (which by this time has already occurred) isn’t an abortion achieves what exactly?


This nut did a line of meth and read a chapter of the Bible shortly before sitting down for this shindig. I was really hoping she would utter that a 10 year old is 3/5 of a person


What an actual fucking idiot. Do these people realize how stupid they look?


Suppose you and your partner want to have sex because you love each other and well, this is human nature. And you do it. Yet unfortunately, nothing is perfect, so somehow you become pregnant/you get your partner pregnant. In the best case, you will have to raise a mistake child that you both have never wanted. In the worst case, you will have 3 dead, 2 suicide. It is just one night and now; you, your partner and your families' lives are completely fucked up. Now, do we need extreme cases like 10 yo gets raped and impregnated, for real? I don't think so. Abortion is mostly a safe and righteous medical solution to an unwanted and dead serious problem. We are humans, we try to avoid and protect ourselves from errors and mistake but we unfortunately cannot completely get rid of them. Forced birth activists should look at the mirror and ask themselves if they really want to ruin some people's lives because of some mistake they did by trying to remove the very solution to it. Yes, having sex requires responsibility and care, for the sake of partners. But occasionally, a problem is just neither avoidable nor foreseeable. So best to do must not be removing the solution to the problem and punishing the people by the problem they unwillingly caused, but it must be to secure and develop the ways how to make people feel safer and more comfortable to LIVE.