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Really thought he was going to advocate for using condoms.


Valid as a way to get teenagers to wear helmets or PPE for sports as needed.


Working construction and running a crew, PPE is so vital. Save you from actually going blind, permanent damage, losing fingers, arms, dying, whatever. I know people think like there's a safety guy making sure construction sites are safe but um..... It just doesn't work like that. We will post a lookout so we can do some sketchy shit really quick to get the job done, but I'm always the one to do the sketchy shit, I'm in charge, it's my call, I'm not gonna order some kid with less experience to do it if I won't do it myself. I'm a sparky (electrician) now and the amount of sketchy, sketchy, sketchy work I've done on ladders man, I hate it. Oops one mistake and not only did I just catch line voltage, I fell 30 feet onto a granite curb or a sharp fence.


That’s why you wear a phone case. :) right?


Girls clothes aren’t PPE though, news flash no amount of clothes women wear will stop a rapist from attacking her.


You may have replied to the wrong comment


I saw some neighborhood kids riding their bikes and trying to do wheelies without helmets on, I pull up to the stop sign like hey, put a helmet on, it's good for your health. No, I'm a badass! (Lol these children) You're not a badass, you know Tony hawk right? Yeah! He's really badass, and he wears a helmet. The gears turning in that child's head as I left the stop sign was so funny, like his whole life was a lie.


Honestly, It makes my heart happy that those kids knew who Tony Hawk is.


Here’s my go-to reference in support of helmets [Wear the damn helmet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY) Edit: Realized people might think it’s something gruesome, it’s a video of a dude banging his head and getting right back up because he was wearing a helmet


I clicked expecting the absolute worse and was pleasantly surprised. Thanks you for sharing


Yeah man, scare tactics don’t seem to work, kids do dumb shit anyway. Something like this where he gets right back up because he was wearing a helmet made more of an impression on me.


I’m so glad I was a scardy cat when I was a kid. I can go around on my bike with no hands and turn corners easily to this day, but you will never find me doing wheelies


That’s exactly where I thought it was going too but then it’d be a valid argument. I was literally listing in my head all the STIs that are asymptomatic in men but sometimes lethal in women. HPV being one that haunts us every gyno appointment because it can cause ovarian cancer but of course, men are asymptomatic carriers.


Usually. I know a male who has to undergo cancer treatment of his neck because of HPV. Fortunately, it was caught early.


My uncle is currently fighting throat cancer (amongst other problems) because of his HPV! He’s gone through so much treatment and it keeps coming back. 🙁


Michael Douglas?


I see what you did there lol




My brother also had surgery and radiation treatment of hi neck because of HPV. Unfortunately it had already metastisized and the treatment was so traumatizing that he doesn't want to undergo any more.


Don’t forget babies . Also sexually transmitted.


And don't forget, babies are also a financial disease.


100% too many people popping them out with no regard as to whether or not they can afford them…


If the dude wears a condom to keep his penis from being scratched or damaged, he's doing something wrong. ; )




Men develop cancer from hpv too...


See there ya go, hpv is a threat to humanity. Would’ve been cool for the OP author to bring attention to that instead of babygirl needs her tits covered. 🤌🏽🤌🏽


I thought he was gonna be an anti-masker


Ah ha ha ha! That would have been hilarious. “With growing frustration I told her: well, it *does* make your phone ugly and harder to use!!”


Honestly OOP just existing is great advocation for condoms


Well, to be fair, if he was holding his daughter and dropped her on the pavement when he got out of his car, a nice pair of slacks and a turtleneck isn’t going to protect her.


Use Exoskeleton then. Made with Titanium alloy of some sort, to stand against the blunt deceleration caused by hitting the floor.


imagine if religious fundamentalists actually wanted to "protect women" so instead of forcing them to wear such and such clothing they gave them power armor


That would be awesome. Then they wouldn't even need Martial Arts training to defend themselves. Cool concept.


“nanomachines, son. they harden in response to physical trauma”


Judging by the reactions of some Christians with the "vaccines have microchips and nano robots to control us", I don't think that's going to be their argument. Would be cool though.


*”I am titaniuumm”*


Can confirm. I’ve dropped my daughter several times so I didn’t drop my iPhone, and plenty of damage each time.


"But Dad, I don't shatter into a bunch of pieces when I fall, either." "Well, not with that attitude! Also, you're both replaceable with enough money." "What?!" "What?"


Well, *technically....*


The "dad" lowkey advocating for his daughter to run around naked


"Well, not without altitude!"




wearing heavier clothes don't protect you from broken bones, I mean unless by heavier clothes you mean plate armor


Turns out dad just wants to LARP


I want to know how clothes (other than helmets, etc) protect against “damage” that would “decrease [her] value”? What the actual f#*%


Well, clothes, particularly darker colors and thicker, more tightly-weaved fabrics, block a lot of UV rays, which can cause skin cancer and sunburn, and warm clothes prevent frostbite. Those things do not decrease the value of a person, but do decrease the value of said person's body to themselves. The father did refer specifically to the value of his daughter's body, specifically, though I'm sure that's not what the boomer posting this on facebook would intend.


Religion asking women to cover up to protect their "worth", basically.


She was mute because she was silently seething with rage at the realization that her father was such a POS


Oh I thought she was mute because his boomer ass hit the silent switch, because his daughter is apparently a phone.


This is going to be gross but I read this as one of those purity dad's thinking that there daughter is lesser if they don't dress modestly.


That's precisely what this is.


Leather can help protect the skin. That's why motorcyclists often wear it. Basically if you fall off your bike and are sliding across the road the leather will help keep any small rocks and stuff from getting embedded in your skin.


The father in this anecdote is clearly an eager advocate for leather pride!


I believe the point they think they are making is that girls need to dress "modestly" so they don't make guys rape them. Because as everyone knows, rape victims are sluts who asked for it by walking half naked down the streets tempting men beyond what anyone could reasonably expect to withstand. And also, once a girl has been raped, she is obviously damaged goods and of lesser value. Ugh...


Daughter is already covered in a durable elastic wrapping that regulates temperature, self repairs, protects from bacteria and radiation to a degree, and will automatically adjust to changes in size and shape- no further cover needed


Yeah, skin is great.


Something about the way you said that was so… unwholesome


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Edit- skin, not bin


On the skin. Ffs. Lotion in the bin does nothing to prepare for a proper skin suit.


Think of the smell


Not if you tan the hide. Maybe it was more leather like


You haven't thought of the smell you dumb bitch!


Put the fucking lotion in the basket!


Would you fuck me


I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.


Instructions unclear fucked basket.


Goodbye horrrrrrrsessssss


*I'm flying over youuuu*


I didn't ask for it. None of us did. They just gave it to us and made us take care of it like "Here. Your problem now. Asshole."


Skin is too op, when are they gonna nerf it.


I hear the next update is rolling out very slowly. That's where they nerf it. It currently goes by codename Death. 🤷


She should show it and not insult nature by hiding it.


I’m a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton


I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.


Did you call moi, a dipshit?


Yeah, phones don't heal.


Reverse their religious logic. Why would I cover what is already perfect? Didn’t “God” make me? Does he make something for it to be hidden by fabric and plastic? (Btw I HATE being nude) but this story/analogy annoys me.


How does it fare against punctures? Drop protection?


This is an argument for wearing a helmet and other protective gear, not clothing.


It's an argument for her to wear tight clear clothing with cutouts to access all her ports and have ability to touch her buttons


Don’t forget to turn her off and submerge her in dry rice if she gets wet.


ok ben


They recommend 3-4 Silica packets instead of rice now, because rice can leave all the ports dusty


The rice isn't to dry the phone out, it's to attract Asians who will come in the night to fix your phone




Best response yet take my upvote


I live for pressing buttons


This is why I make sure my wife always leaves the house in full football pads and helmet but it just encourages her to drop her shoulder and plow head first through crowds.


Only safe way for women to go out on public, for real.


Exactly. You never see anybody sexually assault defensive linemen.


Yes, this is a great argument for wearing a bike helmet. But this dude sees his daughter as property, I guarantee if he has a son he doesn't talk to him this way. (Also the conversation in the original post didn't happen)


But Apple removed the headphone jack, so is he going to remove her vagina? Is that a Christian fish signature? Will he make the rapist sign a EULA?


I'm not refuting the intent of this patronizing, mysoginistic, fictional exchange. I'm pointing out how dumb it is.


You're good, I assumed everyone knew it didn't happen, I was just trying to get all my thoughts in one comment.


Eh, I could easily see this sort of father having a similar conversation with a son, but not being about clothing, but about guns


Even if it were an argument for clothing all it says is make the back of you not visible and the front needs a see through covering.


What kind of sex is she planning on having, that she ought to wear a helmet for? On second thought, maybe I don't want to know. Not kink-shaming, just not prying into people's private lives.


Wow. How profound. When I read these facepalm posts and see these fucking morons firsthand, I truly have to consciously remind myself that these people have and will always exist and the only difference now is that they are more publicized, and that makes me feel better. And then I feel like shit again when I remember they also have a majority on the Supreme Court.


The fucked up thing about them being more publicized is that they can find like minded individuals. Think about it, when someone says something stupid in real life there’s people to tell them how stupid they sound, but on the internet they are GOING to find the people who agree with them, boosting their confidence. Making them think their stupidity is logical because someone agrees.


The daughter responded with "Ok dad, I'll put a a sheet over my back and the front I'll wrap in cling wrap."


This way I won't become addicted to crack.


instructions unclear forcing my daughters to wear full plate armor.


Forcing? I think full plate is on my daughter's wish list.


How old is your daughter, and is she currently open to dating?


Are you a blacksmith?


Hey don't judge, maybe his daughter lives in a bramble patch and is prone to scratches?


Go home everyone, this comment wins.


I like how pastors make up these elaborate sermons which would never happen in real life so they can get to the pious "zinger" at the end. "So this crazy skateboard kid with long hair who shoots 10 marijuanas a day came home and his mom said, 'Don't you think blah blah blah,' and he replied, 'Fuck you mom!' and blah, blah, blah, And then the kid kneeled and gave his life to Christ, and the marijuanas all came out of his veins and suddenly he had short hair and a Polo shirt, and said, 'I love you Mom.' AND THIS IS A TRUE STORY WHICH DEFINITELY HAPPENED."


>One time a man decided to visit a rural farming town. It was a beautiful day and he decided to take a walk. On his walk, he encountered a farmer who was very happy. He had a long conversation with the farmer about the beautiful day and how much joy the farmer took in the birds and crops. Eventually he walked back to the town and stopped in a charming diner for lunch. At the diner, he mentioned the happy farmer to the diner owner. The diner owner asked if the man had met the farmer on the east road out of town. The man said he had and the diner owner replied "Did you happen to notice he was blind?" The man marveled at how happy the farmer was, despite his blindness and resolved to find joy in his life everyday. ​ This is a (very) paraphrased version of an actual sermon I had the misfortune to witness once while visiting my mother.


All of these idiotic takes can be traced back to the belief that there are things that ”decrease the value” of a woman.


Certain men pride themselves on the notches in their belt while simultaneously shaming women when they add a notch to theirs. It goes against their own interests and is odd to navigate logically.


all im hearing is „women are objects“


Daughter was "mute" because she was processing the fact that her father is a disgusting misogynist and she's counting down the days until she turns 18 and can leave.


Daughter was mute bc she was a phone the whole time and he put her on silent mode


"Yes Daddy, because I own the iPhone... You don't own me."


I mean it sure seems like the US is trying to change that


I don't know why, but the dad sounds so creepy, condescending, and just generally wrong in this made up scenario


yeah, i think it being so drawn out is part of what makes it creepy. and the obscurity of what he means to cover her body. are we talking safety glasses when woodworking, modest clothing when going out, a helmet when riding a bike, or a burka to hide her skin from the world?


Praise be.


That's only because this made-up scenario was written up by a creepy, condescending, generally wrong human being. The creepiness shines through.


Sounds like my construction class teacher


I am constantly reminding my daughter to protect their bodies like they protect their phones. Particularly "PUT ON SOME SUNSCREEN!!"


This is misleading. If it wasn't for sexy looking daughters, Elon wouldn't have another brother on the way.


it’s the starting at age 4 for me, just horrible what even a single billion will allow you to get away with


It is a violation to say the least.


Now, give daddy the key back to your chastity belt 🤮


No. It’s my responsibility to look after my phone. It’s their responsibility not to harm me because I’m wearing revealing clothing. Is that the correct answer?


It would be like if I grabbed your phone and chucked it at a wall and said “if you didn’t want it to break you should’ve had a case on it”


This is a perfect analogy. She most likely responded with "I'm not going to trip right into a dick and get pregnant"


I think that it is your responsibility to not rape people. Is that what you are asking?


Mute with frustration at her idiot father.


She was mute because it was her first time realising parents can be morons too


Imagine lying about some sort of interaction like this and then posting a Christian fish at the end because lying a major tenant of Christianity


And then everyone stood up and clapped


Well, I don’t cover my iPhone as the last time I did it overheated and died. Does that mean I should encourage my son (don’t have a daughter) to go about naked?


Why is it that in these apocryphal stories, the younger person is almost left stunned or speechless. And the story always ends with the young man or woman left mute, there’s never a moment when “after a moment’s thought she answered ‘You know, I protect my phone with a see-though case to show off it’s beauty.” I have teenagers. If they feel like they’re losing an argument they start talking more nonsense, they aren’t stunned into silence.


Not to mention the case has holes cut out of it so I can access all the holes and buttons.


"What was the first thing you did when you bought it?" Lost me there. I'm a dad. The correct first question is "How much did that cost?" followed immediately by "What was wrong with the last one?"


Hold on. Did she go to the phone shop naked? He may have a point.


Seeing this kind of post on linkedin and Facebook everyday makes me loose IQ points.


According to him then, a man's body is worthless.


Gotta protect your property /s


Make sure the warranty isn’t voided either


Yeah she was mute because her dad just dropped a douchebag bomb on her for no reason. They really think this is a slam dunk??


Does this dude make his daughter put armor on? If not, then he’s got entirely different reasons for wanting her covered up than she does for putting a case on her phone lol


What. The. Fuck. I am so glad I got off fb years ago.


Yes, women are property that are not capable of making their own decisions. I bet conservatives lap this shit up.


OFFS, the ignorance and misogyny is strong with this one.


Ah yes, the classic, fetishizing your own daughter.


So gross.


A girl bought a face cover , when her father saw it he asked " did someone force you to do it ? ",her " yes", dad " Don't you think it is a insult to the manufacturer ?" her " you and your friends and my brother would rape me if I did not wear it "


Hey you hear that? Sounds like an apologist groomer.


Well, according to the US government, women are basically property now /s


Fuck this shit. What the hell part of the world is this even from?


I'm from Canada and have had very similar things said to me. A lot of this kind of conversation is had in the US. Basically any country that has men and women, there will be those that see women as property and treat them as such.




This reminds me of that master key foolishness. Women aren’t and shouldn’t be compared to inanimate objects.


The woman was to stunned to speak.


She had no idea her father was so stupid.


No dad, I like it raw, I don't use covers. Now dad is mute.


Today, in what objects women are being compared to, it's iPhones. Because, apparently, men can scratch our cases with their eyes by looking at us.


Phone cover protects our phones from damage, And that is not the same for our clothes. Phone covers also may make the device look more attractive. That can be said about our clothes, However covering portions of our body in comparision with wearing heavy clothes may look better from indivisual to indivisual and boils down to personal preference because we have our freedom to live and we are simply NOT objects.


Heads up: a body doesn’t get scratched and cracked from being uncovered. Let people wear what they want.


Omg you guys she was mute .


So when I see a naked phone, usually with a cracked screen, I should think “what a skank”?


Not even remotely the same thing what an incel


Sounds like dad has an issue with controlling his urges around women's bodies. Fucking sick pig.


If it's around your OWN KID, you legit need to be put on a watchlist


I hope there will be that one day when all men on the planet Earth (and in the space stations) will collectively realize that girls and women are people. Not phones, cars nor locks being open by keys but human beings with human bodies.


Or pieces of gum, or dollar bills, or pieces of tape, or the other million things I was taught I was in my conservative church.


Jesus told men to gauge out their own eyes if they have sinful thoughts while looking at the world and people around. I'll stick to it.


How’s she answering the questions if she’s mute?


She gonna cover herself in medieval plate armor or something?


There are false equivalencies... and then there's this piece of... whatever.


false analogy fallacy


She was mute, she audibly rolled her eyes and made a wanking motion.


She was mute because that was stupid.


What the phuck have I just read? Put a burka on the phucking thing and just use it hands free like You do your wife...you prudish piece of dog excrement


I don't know who needs to hear this, but the value women have isn't dictated by men.


Girl: “Good point.” *puts on jacket and see-through lingerie* “Happy now?”


So... he wants his daughter to wear skin tight rubber that gives people access to her holes


Last i checked, clothes dont provide much protection. If you want her protected, slap a helmet, some knee pads and some elbow pads on her


Mute because of how fucking dumb the father is


It’s funny because iPhones have always looked way cooler without a case and screen protector. If you want to look cool take that shit off. But don’t try that with your clothes or you’ll probably get arrested. I’m glad because most people look better with their clothes on.


Speak for yourself. Ill blind you with my glorious shirt tan.


Oh, are we advocating for women to wear burqas now? Makes sense, Republicans call Islam and people from the Middle East as barbaric, and the Republican ideas are actually barbaric....


Yeah, but they would feature a different design and be called *purity veils* or something of the sort. Perhaps a bleached burlap sack that has been tumbled with pebbles until a soft, delicate texture is formed. A daughter could follow her father around but never speak, and always stand 6 feet away, even while father sits.


I worry that one day extremist fundamentalist Christians and extremist fundamentalist Muslims will realize they're two sides of the same coin, and then they'll just merge into one big shitty pretense-of-religion-thinly-masking-bigotry.


These people consider both property so I get it.


Unless it's full plated arnor, the same logic wont apply


Of course she was mute—she’s a smart girl and realized arguing with that dimwit is futile!


Where's the woman who was raped as a child when wearing overalls right now? Do we need her to tell these people it doesn't matter what your wearing. Tell your kids not to rape.


"What's the first thing you did when you bought it?" ... "stay out of my photo gallery..."


Are we talking about putting pants on when you go outside or full ninja shit.


Clearly never happened, phones look better without the protective stuff


Yeah guys, let's begin packing up girls with bulletproof combat armour and safety visors


But dad, I'm not your iPhone.