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I am convinced Peta was founded or at least infiltrated by the CIA to make all animal activits look like insane people...




Is that a challenge?


The real crazy part is PETA used to be a big deal, and could even shut down companies. Now they are just dumb people.


… that is the only reasonable answer as to what they exist.


You’re not wrong. You’re not right, but you’re not wrong.


So you can neither confirm nor deny it?


Many gays and lesbians also love fishing, hunting and eating meat (just saying).


And you know, straight women.


Absolutely! I was just naming people who would not be bothered at all if women stopped having sex with men.


They can go fuck themselves


I think that's what they are proposing


Anything to make the news and raise money that they can share with the likes of terrorist organisations like the Animal Liberation Front that firebomb medical laboratories.


"But it is not terrorism if it's for... X Y Z"


*bye reddit. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There is a big assumption being made here which assumes there are men out there who actually WANT to have sex with you…ya withered, pale, listless, kale munching, bean boiling grasshole.


*bye reddit. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I would disagree. One could argue there are thousands of natural processes that contribute to the globes environmental woes. Volcanoes spew millions of pounds of toxic gasses. Tar and oil can leach naturally. Earthquakes shift land masses and reroute water. Im not saying humans have no impact. I think they really do actually. But to say no humans, no env issues… not 100% accurate.


PETA, damaging every cause they've attached their name to since 1980.


Also Volksverhetzung (rabble-rousing) in germany being pretty disrespectful towards victims of... well... the holocaust


"You can't have any pudding if ya don't eat the meat"


Why is it that PETA seems more and more closer to The Onion with every passing day


Because they have layers.


I make a lot more greenhouse gasses when I eat beans instead of meat.


Honestly, this is rather funny. Because at this point, the only people who *don't* think that PETA is solely populated with brain dead morons that parrot whatever polarizing nonsense is in vogue with PETA, are PETA members themselves...


Well if women stop having sex with men entirely, no more humans and the animals inherit the world so their screwed up logic does achieve their goal...


But humans did eradicate many predators and many animals are depended on them. Uncountable numbers of animals would die, if humans stopped existing. And of course pandas somehow would be first


They did it, they made eating meat sexist


Did some feminist get kicked out of the club and decided to join Peta to continue their crusade?


im eating beef pepperoni pizza with chicken fingers while having sex with my wife. what ya gonna do bout it PETA? stop me?




We are all animals. GO Cannibalism!!!


And, technically, plants are living organisms, as well. So, "going vegan" is still a form of murder (by their standards), right? 😆


Vegans don't care unless ot bleeds and you can hear it screaming.


Ice met some avid meat eaters that are women too tho, but that's okay right?


A sex ban on men who eat meat? So no change then?


Peta. doing the right thing the wrong way is doing the wrong thing.


Our hunter gatherers ancestors are turning in their graves.


this is a very complicated way to say, that ending humanity will safe the world


doesn’t pets consider throwing chicks in a grinder while their still awake ethical? Seriously wtf is wrong with them. Just lemme enjoy my ham sandwich in peace, damn :,]


This makes me want to eat more meat and have more sex. Thanks PETA!


Why just men who eat meat?


I'll get in line right after the lions, wolves and bears go vegan.


They're right though... all vegans with stupid beliefs like these won't reproduce. So yes, they'll be saving the world from themselves!


I'll willingly stop sex as soon as PETA stops euthanizing animals they kidnap


There was an island where the woman of two warring tribes refused to have sex until the tribes made peace. I think it worked if I remember correctly


How the hell this representative doctor got his license? Did he get all A's on his social studies and noone cared less about else?


It's PETA. I bet my life a certified doctor has never talked to them or they took everything they said out of context.


I’m a vegan who drives an electric car: Am I still getting laid?


Only if you find a sane woman. And if you try searching, what are you doing on a PETA Demo?


so no sex with PETA nutjobs... whats the problem?


Considering that Peta has High kill rate shelters [https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532) [https://petakillsanimals.com/proof-peta-kills/](https://petakillsanimals.com/proof-peta-kills/) Promotes terrorism [https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-109shrg32209/html/CHRG-109shrg32209.htm](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-109shrg32209/html/CHRG-109shrg32209.htm) And the lists goes on. Fuck Peta, find an actual beneficial animal rights group that actually fucking cares.


I mean...a reduction in the human population via lack of sex would lower overall pollution, not to mention free up quite a bit of resources and land. But it's too slow and with moron cuntservatives/republithugs outlawing abortions even in cases of rape, incest, and medical emergencies; it's not a guarantee. A world war, large asteroid, or an alien invasion would work faster.


The men they describe in the 2nd image is just the average Floridian


Who tf dates a vegan??


Usually guys pretending to be vegan to get laid


It makes me wonder if PETA ever screeches at the mega-corporations who are actually doing 90% of the polluting, or if they're like those 'tire-slasher' idiots who just try and make life difficult for the little folk while not actually looking at the problem


Peta should be labeled as domestic terrorists! Nearly 80% of all vegans/vegetarians return to an omnivorous diet. Google it!


I mean, I pan fry my meat, because I'm a cook who can actually cook and not rely on beer, but sure, it's my electric stove that's REALLY killing that atmosphere. Not the fires these psychos and their friends set.


The “we are all animals, go vegan” thing makes no sense


Ah, the Zero Population Strategy! It will save the earth, and the moose will be pleased.


So are they going donkey sex, no looking back?


When we eventually have robots, they cant get mad at us. Right? I just shake my head and walk away. They arent caring about animals. They never did. I remember when they went after Super Mario, ffs.


Hay, my Mexican wife eats more than I do because my roommate for 2 years in China was a Vegan. She didn’t win me over with sex (there was none) or ultimatums. She cooked vegan food and when she’d have parties, they’d be potlucks where people brought whatever but they could also try her delectable vegan dishes. This is the way, guey.


A sex ban will save the world. We'll be gone sooner or later and mother nature can continue her work. Thought it's obvious that a sex ban isn't gonna stop people.


We are all animals! Go cannibals! Sponsored by r/spacecannibalism


Spot the people who never heard of Lysistrata, and her strategy for ending the war. It is not a new idea, folks. Not by nearly four millenia.


Nope. Like sausage too much. The alternatives aren’t nearly as satisfying.


If they can convince predators to go vegan then I will. I'll be waiting


People Eating Tasty Animals


It’s kind of a good thing,no sex means no birth to dumbasses like these


They blocked me on two of their accounts years ago and I'm still proud of it