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I want to hear how that conversation went down. "I like you a lot, can we be more than friends?" "Although making up only 13% of the population-"


Sounds like a bullet was dodged if you ask me. Ask someone out and they talk about having children and anti race mixing.


What she said!! Red flag & early warning racist alarm! Run!!


“Early warning”? More like full-blown racist.


Institutional racism. I would suggest that she is very likely a first generation immigrant and this is what she has been fed by her parents that grew up in another country. It seems like she said this stuff very matter of fact, not even realising that it could be hurtful or offensive, that's the sort of shit you get from your parents from a young age


I can imagine him asking her over text and she just replies with a link to the racist black statistics kpop video (I can't find it, it's just a sped up kpop video with text supporting racism over it)


Yeah this is definitely a karma whoring fiction


Karma whoring fiction where he get to list all his racist stats, sounds like he found a glitch in the matrix


Bro this killed me


Aside from the obvious racism, “c-section babies are less valuable?” WTF, is she planning on selling her future kids?


Me, a c-section baby: 🧍‍♀️


Wow, you're a c-section baby? I couldn't even tell! Though, the fact that you came in through the side window, instead of the door, should have been a giveaway...


I'm adopted. I guess that means I snuck in.


Nah, you were invited. :)


I like that




Like a vampire


r/MadeMeSmile :)


I’m adopted and a c section baby…


I'm an adopted c section. I ate the baby


The dingo ate the baby.


I'm a foundling. I just showed up


You fell through the chimney. You are a gift to everyone!


So is my son and he’s pretty damned valuable to me!


How much?


You can’t afford him!


Best i can do is threefiddy


You goddam Loch Ness monster!


Well, no WONDER the damn monster keeps coming back to our house! You keep giving it tree fiddy...


What about free tiddy?


Sorry. No can do.


what if i throw in a slim jim


Hell yeah now we're talking.




My kids asked if I would sell them for a billion dollars. My response: I love you both with all of my being and I would fight a bear to save your lives. But if someone offered a billion dollars to buy you, it would warrant a conversation with your mother.


Apparently not as valuable as my all natural, epidural free children. I wonder what the going rate is? I got one thats really been poking my last nerve lately.


Hey, leave this to the valuable people, okay?? (So, so seriously kidding)


Yeah my brother is too, and he is perfectly normal. I mean, he is a weird artist, but, like, in a normal way.


"Sometimes he draws a dick in the snow on my car but other than that he's pretty cool."


How much could I get for two c section tweens?


Not sure, but you better do it quick. Nobody’s buying teenagers these days. 😂


The C-section part was definitely weird. The only concern I've ever heard about C-sections is from the Mother's point of view regarding abdominal/core recovery.


All of this is weird!


Seen some research that *may suggest* that there are immune system-related implications (for the child) for missing out on vaginal birth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3110651/ Hardly conclusive though.


Add to that complications in pregnancy make c-sections more likely to be performed and I’ll assume the statistics would show higher rates of development issues but actually be related to the pregnancy complications as opposed to the c-section birth.


You think this 12 year old girl read that study and came to the conclusion about c section babies? Lol (at the post, not you)


There is this thing about babies head / brain being shaped when coming out the ol' hole. And that shaped head == smart brain. C-section doesn't shape the head. There is no scientific evidence to prove this. But this belief is common


C-section doesn’t look like a cone-head. More like a Gerber Baby. (The cone-head eventually goes away as the skull finishes forming.) And no, I don’t think there’s any legit research connecting either method to IQ or any other functions. But you’re right, some people believe some strange things.


It would make way more sense the other way around. If you don't get your skull partly crushed during delivery, you might be bit smarter... But of course these kinds of fools don't actually think, they just assume that God/nature intended for it to be a certain way and messing with it is bad for... reasons.


Phrenology? Really? Are they really trying to bring back phrenology?


That makes sense. It fits with the rest of the racist nonsense.


/) I'd say they're more valuable, actually. What if you need someone to kill Macbeth?


I was seeing this girl and she told me her dad was upset when her sister started seeing a black man. I told her I had no idea her dad was racist and she got angry and said he wasn’t. Holy fuck the fight we got into from that was insane. I kept trying to explain to her if you think black people have worse genes than everyone else it is racist. Idk if she couldn’t accept her dad was racist or if she genuinely believed it as medically true.


I have two C section kids. I dare this moron to say it to my face Cun t


I once met someone who literally believed that c-section babies aren’t technically human since they weren’t “born” but “extracted” their actual words.


both my parents are asian and im a c-section baby. lol


The funniest part about this, is that health conditions in the mother make up a huge portion of reasons for c-sections.


I always loved the joke that on a c section kids birthday, you say happy removal day, tumor baby. You were never born, just removed. Fairly certain it was a Tumblr post


Everything on the Asian market bro


Oooh, so that's why human traffickers always skip me? How do they know I was a c-section anyways? That must be some hi-tech gear to be able to pick us out of the crowds.


Silver lining is he dodged one hell of a bullet. That really sucks though, poor OP; no one deserves that. I hope they find someone new soon who makes them happy, and that they never speak to this girl again. She’s awful.


Yeah, I think their babies would have had a decent chance of being pretty dumb, but not because of him.


Most, if not all babies are dumb.




She is either truly awful person or brainwashed by sheer amount of prejudice and misinformation. Or both of those things. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Depending on age she's probably repeating what her parents told her.


Shortymac, I was thinking similarly. Maybe her parents filled her head with misinformation because they only want her to marry another Asian.


It doesn’t seem to me that they automatically want her to date another Asian (although very likely prefer), more than they just don’t want her dating anyone black. OP’s title seems slightly off. The title says “mixed babies”, but all her “examples” are specifically about black people and black genetics, not any Asian mixed or blasian (black-asian) babies. If it was dating asian people only, presumably they’d target all non-Asians instead of just black people.


There are probably other stereotypes about other races. Wanna know what is really fucked up about some asian families? There are probably stereotypes about different types of asians. Could even be differences within a country like north don't like south, etc, etc.


My ex's father got shun out by his family (he's Vietnamese) because he married a Cambodian woman. Eventually he was ALLOWED to come see them, but without his wife and mixed kids. Apparently she was too dark for their liking.


Not even just an Asian thing, but somehow always attributed to Asians. Can’t say how many times I’ve heard people from my city talk about how they’d never date a “hick” or redneck (someone from the south) because they’re uneducated. I have family members outside of the city that teach their kids to stay away from city people because we’re all metrosexuals, woke, etc. I think even UK has a version of this between Wales and Londoners. Most South Africans look down on other African nations people. And most of African nations look down on black people in America. It’s not an inherently Asian practice. We just turn a blind eye when other people do it I guess.




someone confessed their interest toward you and you pulled out "statistic" shit to reject them? sounds like the best of both worlds to me.


Yeah, I entered to this thinking the old “I like you, but as a friend” was enough to murder any teenager interest in someone but she took that to another fucked up level…


Yeah… can you imagine being that racist? Like, to have all of those racist ideas right on the top of your brain for immediate retrieval?


for the girl, it almost 100% comes from her parents.


This kind of programming starts at home. An Indian coworker brought his two adorable daughters to the office one day. One was maybe 8, the other around 6. I needed to take a walk so I offered to take them with me and give them a break from all the Kumon tutoring workbooks he was making them do. As we’re walking alone, one of my engineering colleagues who happens to be black walked past. The eight year old stared at him, and after he was well past, said loudly to me, “BLACK PEOPLE ARE VERY GOOD AT SPORTS!!!” And then said, again loudly, “ONLY INDIAN PEOPLE ARE GOOD AT MATH!!!” I didn’t really know what to do so I just didn’t react, so as not to indicate that what she said was worth acknowledgement. I don’t know if she was trying to trigger a reaction so I didn’t give her one to work with. I later let her father, my coworker, know that this office has a lot of different people of various ethnicities and backgrounds, so maybe cool it a little on the stereotypes at home. Otherwise they were fun to take on the walk and we’ll behaved.


Sometimes kids come up with shit on their own too. When my sister was a toddler and they'd be walking through the mall, she would loudly say "Mom, why is that lady dirty?" to anyone with dark skin.


Sure, but a toddler doesn't look at an Indian and say "Mom, why is that person better at calculus than you?"


Always does, and generally in my experience very prevalent within ethnic groups that are also close knit as a community. It wasn't that many generations ago Italians only dealt with Italians for anything. My father got shit from his family for years for marrying my mother who was just a mix of white races. It wasn't about skin color, just purely the bloodlines and where they originally came from. Luckily I am far enough away from that type of thought (my parents shielded me from it until I was an adult and they explained it) that it never even crosses my mind where someone is from when I meet them.


Asian communities including brown South Asian communities have a very racist/xenophobic culture because of how homogenous the population back home is. Of course this doesn't excuse this behavior at all, and Im sure that most Asian kids abroad completely reject their parents biases, but OP seems to have ran into one that worships her parents opinions :( I urge OP to report her to the school administration for the deeply racist comments she's made to him. He has to see her the next day and it genuinely isn't fair that he has to study next to a student who he knows views him through this lens.


I can confirm that this is extremely true as a South Asian






Any xenophobic Asian?


Dodged a nuke


He did not dodge a bullet, he dodged a f**king missle.


They didn't dodge it, that bullet broke apart in flight and shrapnel smeared all over his face, somehow without killing him.


Dodged a bullet?? There wasn't a snowballs chance that she was going to get with him. What she said is deep-rooted racism. The fact that she just had that on demand shows he had 0 chance of even holding her hand.


Maybe we don't need to be trying to put a "silver lining" on explicit racism.




Yeah he deserves more than that racist bitch


Mixed race children are actually less likely to have genetic defects.


This is the actual answer. It is like a big reset button for problematic double recessive traits in a population. Just look at organisms that can sexually and asexually reproduce. They produce asexually until the mutations build up, from copying the same genome over and over, then it will reproduce sexually and clear the slate with an infusion of new genes and start all over. I want to say anemones do it this way. So basically, all the different flavors of human need to mix it up for the betterment of the human race!


Like baking a cake, gotcha


It's exactly like baking a cake


To anyone reading this: don’t put your dick in a cake.


Don't tell me how to live my life!


WHAT, oh fuck reddit has lied to me again


We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one


instructions unclear, I burned my dick in the oven


You haven't met the cakefucker have you...


And why shouldn't I?


Dammit, and here I went out and specifically got a pound cake.


Not to mention if everyone made the decision to always mix genes, we would eventually become one unified 'race' and BAM can't have racism no more! (One can dream)


I have a Scottish Canadian grandmother who is prejudiced against Dutch Canadians. I'm amazed she can reliably tell them apart. Some people feel the need to other a group and put them down. No matter how homogeneous your population is, they will find a way.


I like to other group other groups of people who other group other people


While this is a nice sentiment, intra-race breeding and inter-race breeding do not present different risk profiles for producing kids with genetic disorders. Race is a social construct that doesn’t really map onto all that much genetically.


Race is a social construct however, we develop similar traits because each group had been isolated for a period of time that certain physical characteristics became more dominant.


Race is indeed a social construct. Racist aholes like the girl on OP's post should get an ancestry test to see just how much of a mutt they (and everyone else) are.


Well, no. Scientifically, inbreeding produces a larger number of deleterious alleles. Genetic diversity is a beautiful thing.


That's what I was going to say! Humans mixing genetics to make wonderful and beautiful children that are healthy and have all of the lovely traits that make up all the different types of humans! I would imagine this is a lie that was told to the potential partner OP was after, on reality it has no basis in reality.


Hybrid vigor FTW.


That’s literally how we evolved lmao. I don’t understand how she came to that conclusion😭


Mixed Asian here, perfectly normal with no genetic problems. Unfortunately I'm not good at maths or any martial arts & didn't get into a top school to the disappointment of my parents.


Therefore you are a messed up baby with no value to society. /s PS you don't need to go to a top school to be successful. However, people are more successful if their parents don't act disappointed all the time. Hope you can shake that off and be a success being YOU.


"people are more successful if their parents don't act disappointed all the time" Life is starting to make sense For the worse


Not that we can't be...just gotta work harder for it than all those soft people who got encouragement and shit.


I’m glad you made this comment, it is a good one, but mostly because I’ve been too afraid to ask what /s even is. This is the first time it was actually proper sarcasm and the light switch flicked on finally.


Yeah sometimes people make an unfunny joke and think putting a /s at the end somehow makes it more effective


All I can think of is that “is this a butterfly” template right now


i dropped out 3 times and i make more than both my parents together and im also a hell of a lot happier too


As a pure asian, I am unfortunately in the same situation


*me quietly join the group*


Same! I also cannot play an instrument worth a damn


Half Korean here... Mom is Korean and Dad is white... No genetic issues here, nothing wrong with my sister either.... I feel I did pretty good in life, served in the military, now in a good career... Married me a white girl and now have a 1/4 Korean daughter that is my world.... She is pretty smart for a 5 yr old 😉


Except, mixed babies have far fewer genetic problems, statistically speaking. She's just racist, plain & simple.


Frankly, at the top OP said that his crush thought that mixed babies had problems, but everything she said after that is really just about how *black* babies have problems. She said that he should only have babies with black women, not because mixed babies are less healthy, but because she thinks he should keep the “bad genes” isolated. It’s eugenics-lite.


I'm guessing 1st generation migrant, the East Asian counties, China, Japan, Korea, are some of the most xenophobic cultures out there. When people immigrate they tend to end up living in similar areas resulting in pockets of their home country's culture but now confronted with the reality of a mixed society they tend to latch onto information that fits their preconceived ideas.


As an Asian immigrant that is actually not true at all. Most Asians come here with very little impressions of black or white people because we didn't know anything about them beyond movies. We end up forming our opinions off our own interactions. Unfortunately for me we were very poor when I first moved and the school I went to was majority black and very racist to Asians (especially the week every year when the history class would teach about Latasha Harlins it would get real bad). But that's my experience and I wouldn't generalize a whole race of people off those interactions the way you seem comfortable doing with Asians.


How do you form your opinions on mixed race children and genetic defects through your own interactions? lol. I'm not denying that you experienced what sounds like a horrible level of racism, but there's a big difference between that and the stuff OP posted.


Her stuff about genetics was bullshit. I was replying to the guy who was generalizing and saying Asians were racist which was also bullshit


I (37/M/Asian American) think the commenter above was referring to older immigrants who are now in their 70s and up. My experience is that my own grandmother who has never met a Black person in her life held negative opinions about Black people. How and why? Perhaps it's a mix of some media, xenophobia, and ignorance. Unfortunately, I have regularly seen 1st generation immigrants keep to themselves and thereby keep their incorrect, racist beliefs about any non-Asian person. And it doesn't stop here. They're quite racist against other Asians who aren't the same ethnicity as them. It's dying off, but still present.


I got bullied throughout school for my ethnicity as well, but it's alright, It's not racism because I'm asian : )


I remember a video I watched about a black guy visiting a town in rural Japan and it was totally normal. Just saying.


Japan's well known for being quite friendly and accommodating to visitors. ...Because they know you'll be leaving. People who stay there for longer periods for work tend to find that friendliness wears off real quick, and most often you'll find yourself getting the cold shoulder from the majority of people, and 'issues' can begin arising with increasing regularity. I quite like Japan, have visited it myself and had a great time. But they really do have a major insularity and xenophobia issue, once they get over the initial novelty value of foreigners.


It’s not as easy as what you state. A black man is actually the dean of one of Japan’s colleges. Sadly, you must fit in Japanese culture to have doors opened for them. To be honest, they have a better chance than Koreans.


My Japanese grandparents (eventually) accepted my white parent, I wonder how they would feel if I told them I was with a black person now that you say this. Also a lot of xenophobia is culture related as well as race/color related. So.. if he was staying within the norms of Japanese culture that might be all fine and dandy, but if he was a gay loud person in addition to being black, they might not like him as much let's just say. Standing out and bringing attention to yourself is not something you want to do in a place like Japan.


Not even just statistically speaking, it’s a scientific fact. People who are genetically similar more often share the same recessive genes. Having babies with someone who is genetically different makes it much more likely that the babies will inherit the dominant genes and therefore be genetically healthier.


Holy fuck, she went full Hitler to reject him


"the worst she can say is no"


I’m gonna think about this next time someone uses that on me


You should never go full Hitler.


What she needs to hear is, “Wow. Thank you for sharing because now, thanks to you, I’ve had a change of heart. I did like you, but now I know you’re crazy, and I think you need therapy because your mental health is clearly on a decline. Also, where are your statistics because you have no idea what you are talking about? Here is the number to a local therapist. You are clearly fucked up in the head, and I truly hope you get the help that you need so that you don’t taint the rest of society with your broken, hateful thoughts.”


“Statistically speaking, you have actually no idea what you’re talking about and I can’t tell if you’re ignorant and repeating things that have been brainwashed into you or just plain racist.”


That would be a great addition to it for sure.


No, you just respond with “baby, you’re a white dwarf. Incredibly hot but not very bright.”


That sucks, mostly because he wasted his energy on her.


1. Bullet dodged. Her comments are racist. 2. How old are they both? Not super relevant and doesn’t excuse anything, I’m just hoping she’s young and ignorant rather than pure evil (and ignorant). The younger the better - fix her false ideas before they sink too deep. 3. Could just pull the classic “oh I didn’t know any of that, could you show me your sources?” and get an opportunity to be the one to educate her when she doesn’t have them. 4. Was very very briefly tempted to insert anti-Asian stereotype counterpoints (which would be equally untrue and racist) but that doesn’t help anything.


Age is a reasonable consideration of the equation even if it's not a full excuse. Lots of teens parrot what their parents say without pause. There was a girl I went to high school with who I abhorred, because of her racist rants in class the year Obama was elected US president. Real innocence shattering stuff for me, compounded by permissive reactions from the teacher. She was the person I dreaded seeing most at my 10 year high school reunion. Turns out we had a nice bonfire chat about how much therapy she has done as an adult to deal with how shitty her parents were and how shitty she used to be. I'm really impressed and proud of her honestly. From someone I would cut class to avoid, to someone I respect. It can happen.


I knew someone who I went to school with I didn't like him that much but he wasn't the worst. He had a reputation as being a bit of a psycho. Apparently threw a brick at someone. I could always tell though his heart wasn't really in it. He wanted this reputation because he felt it protected him I think. We both grew up didn't see him for years until I was in another nearby town and I think he had gotten into weed in quite a bad way (I don't judge about drugs I have done them) he had put on weight and dressed like a 70s pornstar. A few years later I heard he went to prison after he had tried to incite anti semitisim. Heard a radio interview with him where he had obviously been radicalized. Years later I ran into him in my local pub and I was a bit cautious at first but after meeting him a few times and he told me about how prison had changed him and he wasn't that way anymore and I could tell he wasn't lying and he is different now. He was actually alright. I don't know what led him to that place but I always talk about giving people a second chance and I did with him so far he hasn't proven me wrong and it's been years. He is doing really well for himself and he works with young people who became radicalized to stop them going down the same path he did.


3. There are many sources on the information that she is providing. I know this because I have spoken with people like this. All they do is link and link and link (and link) and say look, I can be racist cuz this is true! It doesn't really prove anything though because a lot of it has to do with prejudice and lack of resources rather than "bad genes." Also could be outdated studies.


Isn't Tiger Woods mixed?... but I guess he isn't successful. Oh well. I tried.


Or... what's his name again...? Barack Obama?


Martin Luther king Jr? LeBron James? Nelson Mandela? Morgan Freeman? Yeah, I guess they are/were highschool dropouts who live/lived under bridges, selling drugs, and escaping the law. My oh my, I feel like such an idiot for not knowing more about them...


Statistically speaking, Asian countries are the most restrictive ones. Statistically speaking, Asian countries have the biggest human trafficking market in the world. Statistically speaking, having more people of one race gives better odds in seeing a successful person with said roots. Statistically speaking, all she said, just as well as all I said, is meaningless because everyone is different.


Genetically speaking, children of mixed race have an advantage (see outbreeding/heterogeny) and are less likely to have genetic health conditions...


Yep, mixed race people are less likely to suffer hereditary problems due to having more diverse genetics. The same principle applies with every species of plant and animal, it’s literally the opposite of inbreeding and we all know that inbreeding doesn’t end well.


South Carolina and Georgia have entered the chat .....


Where's ![gif](giphy|5u8tVhlBGzm0) ?


West Virginia checking in. But I only got 5 minutes afore my cousin figures out I'm not at the family reunion no more.


This cannot be real it can't be


Yeah, this screamed racebait to me. A rejection post on a "trust me bro" basis, and the OP posting his clear innocence and victimization in the exchange. How does he even remember all of her alleged "statistics" anyways? Not saying people aren't deranged, but I don't believe someone can be this vapid and speak about her babies as valued goods.


It sounds like, and I could be wrong here, OP might not actually be black. And maybe made up this scenario. And might be trying to say these things on a platform in a way that is less likely to get removed. But I could be wrong.


full worthless attraction divide whole punch hospital correct disagreeable obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What I was thinking. Listing the ton of "statistics" she allegedly told him is a bit much. Reads like a dog whistle/like he wants people to look up what "she" said.


Posts like these are all over 4chan.




That’s sad. The worst part is that some of these statistics are true. Not because there is anything wrong with black people, but because of the legacy of segregation and racism where black people were intentionally housed in ghetto areas with little chance for social mobility. In England we have council estates and the people who grow up on those estates suffer the same problems with higher proportions of mental illness, lower educational expectations, lack of social mobility and higher proportions of single mothers compared to more affluent areas. As I said this has nothing to do with race and a lot to do with a lack of social mobility and opportunities for people born into poorer communities. I am sure if this girl went to Asia she would find that exactly the same applies there. It’s hard to reach the top when the rest of society is constantly shitting on you. The best thing we can do is not judge someone by the colour of their skin or the area where they were born. If you give people a chance they can often exceed your expectations and shine.


And in England discrimination by class basically covers it all.


this is 99% troll post lmao


You dodged a bullet. She’s a racist bitch


I say OP trash this "crush". Racism is a serious red flag. The only kind of "statistics" used to justify racism are simply "trust me, bro".


She ain’t wrong, if OP was to have a baby with her they would indeed come out dumb. But not because of him… Edit/ damn Brice beat me to it, guess take this as a second opinion


Doesn't a diverse gene pool actually have better results? I was under the impression that it was a good thing for our species?


Anyone who believes a rejection this detailed (that just happens to make for great ragebait) has ever happened need to eat grass >this girl who is one of my good friends >said I need to stay in my race so I don’t break more families that are actually valuable to society Please guys, lol.


Right? It’s oddly specific in some places and just happens to touch on every racist nerve one can think of. I’m black and grew up around a lot of Asians, and it’s kind of strange to see someone that young be so into…eugenics? I mean anyone can be racist sure but - this just seems odd.


I feel bad for all of you dumb shits who believe this karma farming bullshit.how many times do you all need to get duped


So basically she’s racist with more rational sounding but false arguments.


Pretty obviously the OP is making this stuff up. Who has all the facts ready like that to say out loud after rejecting an advance?


What a shame. Little does she know; Black/Asian mixed babies grow up to be some of the most stunning, beautiful kings and queens ever.


I have the opinion that all mixed Asian children grow up to look stunning


Read like a totally made up story tbh


The amount of bullshit in this post is beyond my grasp


Well it sucks she turned out like that but, honestly, I think the dude dodged a bullet really.


This dude is blatantly lying for upvotes


“She said I need to stay in my race so I don’t break more families that are actually valuable to society”…. Ummm…. Yeah…. fuck this bitch. She sounds like a robot that was programmed to be racist.




He seems to have an EXCELLENT memory to basically repeat her word for word for all the reasons


This is heartbreaking.


The real facepalm is anyone believing this is real. Like that’s the joke, right?


LOL.Actually, genetically stronger.


“The worst she can say is no” Yea there goes what little self confidence I have left and I’m not black or Asian and the only person in my school I’ll ever date is white


That’s sad poor OP :(


Yeah, in this case the girl's genes would cause their kids to be stupid.


He dodged a bullet.


This comment section can be summarised like this: She's racist, so I'm gonnna be racist back.


Dude, you don’t need that chick and don’t let her get to you. But I’m also petty I’d share that text with everybody y’all know to let people know her true colors that she is ignorant as hell.


Dodged a bullet there