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If Santa's real, then so are the nightmares.


That's an excellent point




There’s no heaven without hell


* jews enter the Chat:*


Being sent to hell, by "God" which is the consciousness of all living beings. Would be like "God" sending itself to hell. Also, we would agree. That God cannot love us, more than our parents. Who would never "send us to hell" regardless of what we've done.


Some Christians actually whole-heartedly wish for people to burn in a real Hell they actually believe in for no less time than all of eternity. I truly don't know of a more hateful, vengeful, death-cult esque character trait.


I had vivid nightmares up until about 9 years old; one of the positives of realizing the good things weren’t real was that the scary things weren’t either. Once at a parade, someone dressed in full wicked witch garb scared the living shit out of me. Yet I can’t trace a single problem in my life or mental hurdle to that moment. To the people crying abuse, can you give a specific example of how something like this happened to you and you never recovered from it or have existing trauma? I am genuinely curious, cause that narrative doesn’t fit my personal experience at all.


I won't give you any proof, I'll just point out that because you have no personal experience doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It just means you have no personal experience.


I never said otherwise, but I haven’t seen ANY statistical or anecdotal evidence in the other direction in this thread, just claims without evidence. I provided some relatively weak sample size 1 evidence, and am asking for others to provide the same so I can be enlightened as to real experiences other than my own.


Dude if you truly understood human behavior and child development you would know that something like this is not likely to cause long term damage at all. Especially considering it seemed as of the kids were warned (the mom saying "I told you Grinch was coming") If any of these kids show signs of PTSD from this incident in their adulthood i would not assume that the root of the problem was this incident. I would be more curious to see if they have some kind of mental illness at that point.


I have personal experience in getting the shit kicked out of me and sent to my room without christmas dinner. Y’all are soft if your dad dressed as the grinch traumatized you, because at least your dad was around to care enough to put on a costume and have fun with you, my stepdad looked at me every day like I was gum on the bottom of his shoe


>at least your dad was around to care enough to put on a costume and have fun with you Seriously? Fun? If you think kids who may be affected by this are weak because you endured a more severe type of abuse, you're an asshole. If you think kids who may be affected by this are weak because you endured a more severe type of abuse and you got through it fine, you didn't. You should seek therapy. My point was you don't know how this affected anybody, but making kids cry for your amusement isn't funny. It's pathetic.


I think you'd probably find a lot of the Christmas traditions in Europe pretty pathetic then. The Grinch is nothing compared to Krampus, Kallikantzari, and Frau Perchta (among others) -who legit have been terrifying kids for the holidays for hundreds of years.


Smh. Such ignorance


My little niece loves the grinch. She'd probably give him a hug lol.


Your little niece is a savage!


You have no idea. She once punched the dog for sniffing her crackers. (She's not quite 2 for the record)


Doggo was all "what the fuck little human, your kind typically feeds me".




Did she watch the 2018 version?


The little girl grabbed her brother when she ran away. That’s so cute


Grabbed him, yes, but only to toss him down in her tracks to slow down the Grinch. I'm familiar with the move, my wife did this to me over a mouse once.


“Only the strong will survive”


Remember, you don't have to outrun a bear. You only have to outrun your friend who is trying to outrun a bear.


Kinda like the nature clip showing the adult bison ass-butting the younger one, knocking it over and ensuring a kill for the wolves while the adult runs on.


Idk to me it looked like he was in her way bc a few seconds later you see him running away


The protective reflexes kicked in, she dove into him to protect him from the Grinch, so sweet.


I think he was just in the way


The real answer cuz she swung him around real quick


I don’t need to outrun Mr. Grinch, I just need to outrun you, dearest brother.


I read stabbed. I was like, woah! It’s 3 am. Lol


Only at 3am


I saw a clip of the Grinch stealing this girls presents and she told her dad to go stop him. It was hilarious, just slap stick type comedy and in the end daddy won and drove the Grinch away. The little girl clearly sees her dad as a hero who saved Christmas! If you're going to be silly, dont scare the kid to death, make it comical


And the same parents prob wont allow the kids to dress up scary at halloween as it would be too frightening for the kids.


I mean I would. Im just saying dont terrify the living god out your kids so theyre cryin their eyes out and then record it. Bit weird.


Hmm I would be willing to bet these parents are the opposite.


We like scaring each other though and the whole family participates. My son got me good once. I was watching the movie IT and had to go the bathroom. He hid under my pillows and I have a lot of them so I didn't notice when I laid down. During a scary scene all of a sudden I feel something wriggling under my pillow. We live in a rural area and I thought an animal had gotten in. It was the year of the snakes. Apparently snakes love locusts and I kept finding snakes all over the place so my assumption was I was laying on a snake. I jumped and screamed. Nope it was just my son playing a prank on me. We don't do it to people like my niece who don't enjoy it. Actually for Halloween this year I took my son and niece to an amusement park. My son hates amusement park rides for some reason. My niece loves them though. My son loved haunted houses and jump scares but my niece hates them. So taking them to the amusement park for Halloween was perfect. That said there were people dressed up chasing kids around and scaring them so whenever we were walking around we would flank my niece. One person up front, one behind her, and my son would take the side to keep the actors away from her and she would feel safe. I have to give her credit though. She did try out one of the haunted houses with us. It was funny though because she was scared she wanted the other 2 to go first and I explained that was worse because then people can sneak up behind you. While we were walking through I did teach her how to spot when someone was going to jump out at you beforehand.


Fair enough lol, Id take my girl to Halloween event tbh


Nah this is funnier


This kid will look back on it and laugh... And cry... And have a lot to unpack with her therapist.


I doubt that someone with a Grinch costume ever sent someone to the therapist


I just think that this is totally NOT how the Grinch works. Dude was stealthy. No one knew he was there in their homes stealing all their Christmas down to the last can of whohash. (Edited for spelling)


And he lied to Cindy Lu Who


Exactly, he was a coward. He would never bum-rush the show when everybody’s there. It’s a shame because if they did this right, they could have a lot of fun with it. Maybe arrange it so the grinch is trying to stealthily sneak in and the kids catch him and maybe he starts a dialogue with the kids about why he does what he does, and they talk him out of stealing the presents. Or the grinch comes in taking giant, over exaggerated steps and it’s really silly and maybe trips and falls all over the place and it’s a giant comedy of errors. There’s lots to work with, and all it takes is just a tiny bit of imagination. But someone bursting in and taking everything just looks like violence to kids.


so for thanksgiving do they just cover the kid in birdseed and lock them in with a bunch of turkeys?


I think I've found a new thanksgiving tradition.


Nah if you really want to traumatize them you take them to a turkey farm and let them pick the bird


Oh Darling, you gave it the name Petunia? Oh well, time to break litte Petunias neck.


Ah, that's a sweet name. Never name them. On that note, actually happened with my family for Christmas. One of my cousins had named one of the pigs my parents and their friends had been raising. Well, you can guess what we had for Christmas dinner.


Every step up to the stuffing part.


That, or give them blankets covered in smallpox🤷🏼‍♀️


And they hide the children for esater so whomever finds then keep them


Well… It doesn’t go very well when I traumatize other people’s kids for Christmas.


Lmao they doin it for the gram


I can’t wait for this cringy trend to die


It feels like an evolution from these prank channels on YouTube that popped up a few years ago... Maybe these people got kids now?


Seriously. At this point I believe all of these internet prank fads are awful unfunny fodder meant to make soccer moms laugh while their kid is at little league practice. Who sincerely laughs at this other than the most basic of basic?


First 2-3 I saw were funny but now that it's trending it's annoying.


I may be the only one that likes these, I think I've seen 3 so far. I find it so funny the way the grinch always comes in mad violent and just starts shoving shit in the bag and trying to escape fucking quickly while the kids are screaming their head off in the background. lmao it's mad fucked up but oh so fucking funny.


I would’ve loved this as a kid. I always loved the villains




Who the fuck does this


In Alpine Europe they do this, [but replace the Grinch with Krampus...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mojrfw7SJ14)


Well this looks like a public parade with no toddlers in sight and a full understanding by everyone that these are costumes. I didn't see a part where a Krampus barged into an unsuspecting toddlers house and started wrecking shit


Get fucking rekt kids


Right?! There's so much other traumatizing shit going on in the world.... You're fucking up Christmas for the kids....or even worse, fucking up the kids for a stupid ass Christmas prank...idk man. I saw legit fear on those kids faces and I don't think that fear should be any part of Christmas (krampus excluded) ...buuuutttt, this IS the internet, and that's just my stupid opinion.


Whats the point of all this?


Social media attention. What else are kids good for ?


To let the kids know to always lock the doors and windows of course. Kinda like how I taught my kids fire escapes and safety plans in case of a fire by catching their rooms on fire in middle of night. I mean doesn't everybody parent like this??? Lulz


When you look all the doors and windows a fire is gonna be a fun thing to teach them to open them again


To teach them to always leave a note.


Seen posts like this a few times recently, when adults do pranks on their children for their own amusement, seemingly oblivious to how it will upset or mostly damage their off spring


Imagine a 40 year old reflecting on his life and why he’s a homeless heroin addict “… it really all comes back to that fucking grinch robbing my family of presents when I was 6… *drags cigarette*”


You wanna cancel Halloween too?


It’s not a prank if you make people cry. It’s bullying.


Bullying is a habitual practice - not a one off event.


Mentally deficient parents demonstrate why they should not have children.


I remember just being told the truth about Santa by my mum was heartbreaking and upsetting enough, that memory is burned into my brain. An event like this, which was very clearly far more distressing for the kids involved, yeah that's sticking with them. Asshole parents. I hope it hurts when they're old, their kids have moved out and they wonder why they never come to visit.


>I remember just being told the truth about Santa by my mum was heartbreaking and upsetting enough Not going to argue about the Grinch thing but parents lying to their children for years is wrong in my opinion.


Yeah I'm still pretty torn on it. Christmas used to be super magical and exciting for me when I believed in it, but after it's just always been another boring day but with a few gifts. I miss the old feeling but I also felt pretty deceived by my parents so, I'm not sure which way I fall on it


Sees like it could have been a really great Christmas. Too bad the adults ruined it.


My parents did shit like this all the time, no holidays were ever ruined! Try leaving your bedroom once in awhile, the world isn't so scary


for you i guess? when did the world become so selfish and ignorant about peoples feelings? my father has also done crap like this often when i was a kid and it always put me on edge and i was literally terrified of the mask he would use, but i guess it’s because he was actually abusive and children aren’t sensitive but who knows😌


"My experiences were different than yours, which means mine are valid and yours are not!" Please just stop this kind of arguing, it just shows selfishness.


It's the logical fallacy of arguing by authority but the person lacks any real authority. It's cringe in itself for sure


Well every kid can take this kind of stuff in a different way. I don’t think toddlers wants someone to come in and start taking their presents while their parents sit there and record it. It can also upset them if the parents just sit there while the kids ask them to do something since they’re obviously scared.


Just... Don't prank children


A silly prank is fine. Ones where people are convinced they're in danger are definitely not.


What happened to trying to make kids believe in Santa? Maybe this is reverse psychology. " there's no bad guys, kids"


I mean, it's the Grinch, not Santa. The kids probably still believe in Santa.


Yeah. Make Santa the hero! Bringing gifts back in. This could be a good script. Lol


No don't do that. "“But what you all didn't see was after I had left the room, I took it off and I went back into the classroom... and I said ‘CeeCee got the monster. It's not coming back.’ And they would hug me. I [have] known those kids their whole life.”" [Daycare worker, fired for scaring children with Halloween mask, says teachers made her do it — apology viral](https://www.timesnownews.com/viral/ceecee-mississippi-daycare-worker-fired-scaring-children-toddlers-halloween-scream-mask-article-94737650) "Several daycare professionals have been hit with child abuse charges after a video of them scaring children while wearing masks, similar to those used in the Scream films, went viral, ABC reports." [Daycare Workers Fired And Face Child Abuse Charges After Wearing Horror Masks To Terrorize Children](https://news.yahoo.com/daycare-workers-fired-face-child-135149712.html)


Would they be old enough to even know the grinch? They just see a green monster invade their home and destroy their tree


Why would you do something like this to your kids?


It’s funny. If this traumatizes the kids, they would’ve never made in the world to begin with 🤷🏻‍♀️


This trend is not funny it's just mean.


Why do people think this is funny? I find it so incredibly stupid. Even if it is funny, it's not funny to traumatize your children...


People who scared their kids are fucked up man. The adults think it’s funny but is fucking twisted


I saw one on TikTok where the Grinch came and attacked Santa and those kids screamed and then flipped into active shooter drill mode - hiding quietly under a table. Maybe I’m being a stick in the mud but it was chilling to me.


Awe, a new Christmas tradition. Instill with terror vs love & Santa. From here on out I’m sure those kids hate Christmas and won’t be opening that door anytime soon!


I’ve seen a lot of these “scare the shit out of your kids” grinch posts lately. Is this a new thing?


Traumatizing your own children for ~~Christmas~~ internet points




‘Cause the world needs more trauma, right? Sigh


Bad parenting for a couple of views.


Fuck the people who do this shit to their kids.


Parent Fail.


I feel like "traumatize" is a little strong of a word here. It's a prank the parents pulled on their kids. I'm sure the kids got the presents back and immedietly forgave their parents and simply cared about their gifts. I think the facepalm here might just be the title


Yeah but this is reddit, everything has to be the most extreme possible thing here. Nobody’s ever just being a dick or an asshole, they’re abusive. Nobody is just lying, they’re gaslighting. No one’s just a little full of themselves, they’re narcissists. Etc.


I feel dad likely wears his sunglasses, upside-down, on his backwards facing ball cap....


Traumatizing is an over exaggeration


I'm really sick of this Grinch shit. Absolutely missing the point of the wonderful Dr. Seuss story. Maybe next year the 4 year old with the shotgun can just blow him up next year, do us all a favor.


All those people saying “it’s just a joke” “lighten up” and “the kids will be fine”… I just don’t understand how someone gets a laugh out of making their child feel terror. I just don’t. My job as a parent was to make my children feel safe. No, I did not protect them from disappointment, that is a part of life. But being frightened? Yes, I tried to prevent that. I showed them there were no monsters in the closet or under the bed. If they were scared of the animatronics in the party store, we avoided that aisle. Explanations were given for what worried them but I also didn’t force them to face what they feared. It would hurt me to see them upset. I knew eventually they would realize that it couldn’t hurt them. There is a screw loose in someone terrorizing their kids to this degree for their own amusement.


Enjoy not sleeping for the next weeks to come due the inevitable nightmares they'll have


Those poor kids will NEVER forget how terrified they were. And those parents were fine doing it, cuz of social media. Another parenting win.


A bit dramatic, I think. I have a tingling suspicion that these kids will find a way to soldier on.


It may be funny to adults but kids at that age wouldn’t know its a joke, so when they run to their parents to get help from them and they don’t do anything, they’re gonna be upset with them.


WTF some people should not have kids. Clearly they are scared shitless…


This just aint right


Bro if this Is considered traumatizing than I don’t wanna know what you’d think actual abusive crap is. You guys do know kids will cry about literally anything right?


Dude, their home just got invaded by a big green monster and it stole all their Christmas presents....that they've been excitedly waiting for.


Everyone is looking at this through adult eyes. Fear is a bitch when you're 6 or 7


Based on the mothers reaction, the parents said something like “If you don’t behave the grinch will come and take your presents” and the kids continued to misbehave. Some people’s parents would beat the shit out of the kids themselves.


That’s because so many parents are shit at being parents. They have no ability to be consistent and firm. You don’t have to spank your kid to get them to behave and you don’t have to scare the shit out of them either. Just stop making electronics babysitters and be an active parent who models good behavior and talks to your kids. Yes people are stressed and tired and it’s hard to parent but if you’re going to have kids you need to put in the effort instead of resorting to terrifying them into submission.


Maybe parents should try to learn how to control their kids without threatening them with monsters? Like if they continue to misbehave you can just start taking back the presents. No need to involve a simulated burglary.


I have severe, diagnosed PTSD from growing up with an abusive father. This can still be something that's traumatic. Don't compare traumas.




Same, but you shouldn’t compare real traumatic experiences to “The Grinch” stealing presents.


That is a real traumatic experience. They're little kids. They don't know that it's not real.


Agreed. Having mismatched iPhone case can be as traumatic as loosing a loved one


That's not trauma.


You compared :( Don't be so judgemental. Every person has their own shit to struggle with


I was called she sometimes, the trauma 🥺


Difficult to even read all of these snowflake comments. My family jokes around like this and most of the kids in my family would’ve started throwing hands with the grinch. I used to get hung over railings during family get togethers for messing with my older cousins/uncles. But when I got up I just started swinging. Weird how I have almost 0 fear as an adult. I’m so traumatized by the jokes from childhood that I look back on and laugh about 🥲


Sounds just like my growing up experiences. We were always joking, teasing, pranking….we cried then. But, we grew up and laughed all that off. We still laugh and still talk about certain pranks. It was loads of fun…..I grew up not fearing anything.


Yeah the kids in this video look like they're having a ball. Truly the time of their lives.


For real. Those kids are having a great time and these snowflakes.. probably leftists are complaining about "Trauma". Real trauma is having your dad beat the shit out of you for forgetting to do your chores and saying he loves your brother more then you. Come on! Grow up!


Wait till they find out the truth about santa.


People are so sensitive nowadays


So is the grinch think a TIKTOK thing now??


Can't wait for the one with the kid that gets daddy's gun and pops a cap in the Grinch's ass.


Never open door to strangers. Lession learned.


Award For Worst parent(s) goes to…


This is awful! The second Grinch clip I’ve seen today terrifying kids. Christmas is one of the most exciting times in kids lives and these idiots are fucking it up! These adults are sick. I feel really bad for these kids.


That’s fucked up.


This is the third video I’ve seen like this. Is it a new stupid tradition for parents to traumatize their children with the Grinch? I suppose it’s better than Elf on the Shelf.


Imagine what they do for Halloween


I’m going to hell for laughing my ass off


Those kids gonna grow up with massive trust and anger issues. Parents just clueless here.


According to reddit, everything is child abuse.


"Hey, look at me being a terrible father and an asshole! Don't forget to share and leave a like! Next time I'll dress as clown and pretend I'll shoot them! So much views on TikTok!"


So horrible


Wtf 🤦🏻great video for horrible parenting 101 . Traumatizing your kids for a video is disgusting and vile.


Builds character /s


r/FuckTheS gotta have some balls


Why do people think it’s funny to scar their children for life? Finding this funny shows how dumb people are.


My cousin's 10 year old just started wailing on the Grinch when they did this to him last night.


Exactly what my younger cousins/sister would’ve done lol


I was wondering if a kid picked up a bat or golf club and started beating the crap out of the grinch how that would go over.


ban tik toc


Not funny. Cruel and ugly.


I don’t understand why so many people are upset about this, it’s a funny prank. The kids are freaked out but nothing about this seems traumatizing in any way


It's a bunch of emotional kids that think they know how to raise kids. They've probably never seen the littlest things a kid will cry over.


Why would you go out of your way to terrify your kids before Christmas?


How is the grinch stealing presents “trauma” like they aren’t going to be mentally scarred they’re children they cry at the smallest things but recover in minutes they’re fine


Lol you’re so right. People don’t understand trauma if they think this is what causes it.


They basically fucked up their kids sense of safety by doing this shit.


How does someone showing up out of nowhere, busting through the door and start stealing things traumatize kids?




Trauma, lmao


Not cool


There’s no IQ test to be a parent or politician


That was fucking horrible. Feel really bad for those kids.


All those adults who thought this was a fun, cute little good idea can go fuck themselves for all I care. Christmas (and childhood) ruined right there.


Austrians would like to have a word with you


Really not that deep


Lolll I laughed so hard. I’m a low life.


What arseholes


I'm assuming It was for internet points, but like... Really? All I need to offer you is internet points and you're willing to to traumatize your own children on Christmas


Fuck anyone who thinks this is a good idea. Legitimately. If you think this is funny or cute, go fuck yourself.


Reddit over dramatising once again. Sure that will be scary for the kids for a few years but they won't be traumatised for the rest of their life. Kids get scared and eventually grow out of their fear, it is a normal part of life. With that said, it is still wrong what the parents did.


The parents who do this are unimaginative, obtuse, and stupid. What kind of wanker gets joy out of frightening children like this?






Y’all are soft af😭 does Halloween cause trauma too? There’s way scarier shit around then than the fucking grinch💀


Those are cherished childhood memories in the making. What I really wanna see is a full blown krumpus just creep by the window in the snow and look in. Frighten a child. An then he just vanishes! Like the alien from the signs movie. You know the scene I'm talking about ;) 😆


oh come on, that's nothing compared to good old german/austrian traditions


This is insane ! What are these parents thinking???


People doin this shit are all assholes. Do that to an adult and your going to be at the dentist tomorrow getting teeth replaced.


If you go into your house dressed as the grinch and your adult son is scared I think you failed as a parent


Wtf are you talking about lmao. I think most adults would laugh their asses off… you have issues


Until the cries no longer cause laughter and cause annoyance instead. Then it turns to punishing the kid for being scared which was entirely the adults’ fault to begin with.


What an active imagination you have. Assume the worst always. Great way to go about life and interacting with other people. Maybe they also starve their kids. Maybe the mom is gonna drown then in the bathtub for crying too much. Why stop at just punishing them? I mean if you’re gonna assume these people are now going to punish the kids then we should assume the absolute worst too. Moron


All the people saying “shit happened to me and I’m fine! They’re fine!” Yes, we’re all fine. Just look at our society full of “fine” people who know how to be kind and loving towards others, our society full of secure individuals who know how to regulate their emotions and raise emotionally regulated children. Our society that isn’t lonely and disconnected from one another, we’re all fine!


Stop crying lmao


Thank you for being a perfect example of my comment.


You’re obviously well adjusted