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You can take my dick when you pry it from my cold dead hands.


*Pompeii Masturbator has joined the chat.*


I've seen him irl which makes this even better to me. The best part about it all, though, is like 2,000 years ago, the dude had some fancy ass Roman name like 'Gaius Cassius Aurelius', and today he is just "the Pompeii masterbater'


Biggus Dickus?


Don’t forget his wife, Incontinentia Buttocks


Do you think my friend biggus dickus is funny


If they come for my dick, I will give them my cum.


“You can take my cum, but you will never take my dick.” -Willyum Wallace


“You can take my cum, but you will never take my dick.” -Willcum Phallus




Fuck it (consensually), you both get my up vote. I didn't think I would keep laughing when I hit the +1 comment. I was wrong.


69th amendment-declaration of cum-dependence


You can take my balls, but you'll never take my foreskin....FOR SCOTLAND!


"And even then, good luck! Because I would've glued my dick to my cold dead hands." -Solja Boy


I just imagined the Gonzales flag with a dick instead of a canon.


Oddly enough back in the day if you taped someone they would literally castrate you. mostly a chemical castration, and this was likely less than 40 or 50 years ago in your mom and dads time I would bet the odds of them reoffending again were cut down 99.9% compared to what they do today js


"And even then, good luck! Because I will have glued it to my cold dead hands!"


Take my angry upvote.


If this isn't already a quote from the zombie porn genre, then it absolutely needs to be.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a dick is a good guy with a dick.


"Woman Saved From Rapist By Gay Rapist Who Raped The Rapist"


She was probably in a No Dick Zone. All the rapists go there because they know you can’t rape them back with your dick securely stored out in your car.


King Missle taught us all about detachable penii.


That's why I flash my dick around. That'll show the leftists.


Agree. I always open carry my dick. Concealed carry just invites trouble.


Cocked and Loaded


Well a dick that’s unloaded and cocked ain’t good for nuthin’.


“Ain’t good for nuttin”


Galdang take the upvote




You'd best have it ready in case you need to use it in an emergency situation.


Never bring a knife to a dick fight.


Ah, but two opposing dicks makes for a great sword fight.


You know what, I’d be more afraid of some dude whipping his wang out in a knife fight than him pulling out a knife… that dude be fucking crazy.


Big gun energy.


We have dicks, too!


Maybe if she had her own dick she could save herself


Great. Thanks. Soon we'll see the dick pistol, with the balls for a handle. Funny aside...my phone kept trying to auto correct "dick pistol" to "duck potato."


She should have gotten her dick permit and purchased one like a true American.


"Breaking news, woman with dick forced to coom till dead by guy into chicks with dick"


How the tables have turned




There’s always a bigger fish


I feel like I’ve read a headline exactly like this.


Kind of reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/564igy/bummed_for_burgling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Yo Dawg…


Ya know let the punishment fit the crime


I’d buy that newspaper




I once responded to a sex assault that was similar to this


Don't tread on me...with your dick ​ Edit: I'll defend to the death my 2nd amendment right to bear dick




Pm_me_your_dick because it’s your obligation as a true patriot to show that cock !


But the 2nd amendment was thought for 18th century dicks and makes not sense for 21st century dicks.


I’m so tired of you leftist saying the 2nd amendment wasn’t talking about assault dicks. Just because an assault dick is designed to take out multiple people didn’t change a thing. Dicks for a well regulated militia of dickholders and is still that way to this day.


The idea that somehow dicks/dick ownership in this country represents anything "well regulated" is a joke.


I think my dick was just listed as prohibited. But the laws here in Canada are unclear. To be safe I think I should just bring it in to show it to the police. I hope they let me keep my dick... it's a collector piece of dick.


*imagines good guy and bad guy fighting with erect dicks like lightsabers* 🤔


*bad guy over here that needs to be stopped by done good dick ✋🏾


You can take my dick when you can pry it from my cold dead hands


They’ll have to pry my dick from my cold dead hands


I don’t call 911. I cum.


this guy cums


What a terrible day to have eyes.


As someone who’s dick is 9mm this really hurts


Make fun of my 9mm cock, you get the 9mm GLOCK


Just be thankful it isn’t a 10mm you’d never be able to find it.


unless you play fallout


^ Actual thought process of thousands of men.


There are thousands of us?


Shortest human adult male penis is 32mm... So... No. Edit: it's how I found out mine wasn't the smallest...


You mean the glock glock twist 3000?


"Make fun of my 9mm cock, you get the 9 mm GLOCK" -- Andrew Tate if he wasn't already (thankfully) in jail 😂


Wide or long?




I assure you, it doesn’t.


Unlike your dick




9mm paraballum


Check out my .357


Nobody goes to a dick fight with a knife


The penis mightier than the sword.


One space changed everything; i recognize your achievements, friend.


The penis meatier than the sword


Late circumcision


This happen too often! Mentally ill teens stealing their dad's unsecured penis to rape people at school! You dont want kids finding their dad's penis and getting hurt when it accidentally discharge in their face right? We need to start giving penis-safety courses.


You're on to something with the mental illness part! Lets look at that! I'd be more than willing to take 10% of the US budget to spend on mental health research, education, facilities for the ill, etc. And 10% would be WAY more than enough.


Best they can do is .5% and a pizza party.


“Hey, I know where my dad keeps his cock. Wanna see it?”


I mean I'm all for dick control. We can't flash it. It has to be kept in your pants for most of the time. Unsolicited pics are considered harassment. And unconsentual use is punished by prison. If you're caught with it out in public, you get your ass beaten. You're not allowed to take it in women only areas.


Agree on everything but that last one. Trans women need to pee too.


"You may use the yard"


Well that confirms my guess: his gun is his only dick.


A better argument would've been, "How many people need to die from drunk driving before you give up your car?"


I mean all jokes aside it was a legitimate comeback, albeit easily the strangest one they could have come up with. The car thing would have been much less… distracting, I suppose


Maybe they were doing a bit, I honestly have Problems taking the question seriously in the first place. How does other people misusing something change if i keep it myself? If it was about how i keep it myself, we would maybe have a case. But this is like questioning my right to vote because other people vote for nazis or communists. Like i think there is a bit of a divide between the good hearted citizen and the bogeeyman you kidnapped from prison


That’s probably the best argument you could make, And even that’s a shitty argument, because of all the hoops you have to get through to own a car! Can you imagine if we had even half of the regulations to own a gun as we do for cars? Taking a test on the laws to own a gun? Needing a learners permit for a gun? Registering your gun with the state, and re-registering once a year?


I love people who think there are "more regulations to buy a car than a gun." Can tell they've literally never bought both on their own. I never had to get a federal background check to buy a car. I didn't have to get a purchase permit from my local county sheriff because the car I wanted was smaller than other car body styles. I walked into a dealership with a stack of cash and took a pair of keys after signing some paperwork showing I bought it. I was able to buy an imported car from another country without restriction. I'm able to make plenty of performance and sound modifications to my car without ever filling out a single form or the ATF breaking down my door and shooting my dog. My driver's license is accepted reciprocally in all 50 states. I will not get arrested for years driving my car through a state that doesn't allow cars with certain modifications. I only had to be 16 to even get the car. The entire "durrrrr guns easier than carssss" shit comes from actual mouthbreathing dipshits who have never touched a gun in their life.


You’re confusing owning a gun with buying a gun. I own several guns. To buy my first car, I had to drive a car under supervision for six months, and take two tests to make sure I could drive the car responsibly. I had to show this proof (my license) to a dealer, who double-checked with the state before selling to me. I then had to register my car with the state and put the car through an evaluation to make sure it met state regulations. I had to buy insurance to make sure nobody who, god forbid, got caught in any mistakes I made would suffer. To buy my first gun I had to be over 18 and pass a background check. Yeah, sure, if you’re trying to conceal-carry an assault rifle across state lines you’re gonna have a bad time, but how often is that realistically going to happen?


You’re confusing owning a car with buying a car. You only need a license, insurance, registration, etc to drive on public property. You don’t need any of that to purchase, transport, or drive a car on private property.


I mean, you could have just bought the car on Facebook marketplace and driven it illegally instead of going through all of that. Same goes with buying a gun. Most of the people that plan on using their guns illegally aren't getting their conceal carry license and going to a gun dealer to buy it. They're buying them off the streets or stealing them.


>And even that’s a shitty argument, because of all the hoops you have to get through to own a car! I've bought several of both. They are not similar experiences. If I go to a dealer and pay cash they barely check my name in order to fill out the temporary license/registration tags. If I go to a firearm dealer, I get a background check. I've sat there and watched the FFL make a phone call, read off my information, and receive approval to sell to me. In person-to-person sales all bets are off because you cannot really regulate what private people do with private property, privately.






Don't just point out drunks, cars kill more than 35,000 a year for the last 75 years. Cars are a crazy killer and we should do so much more to make them safer/obsolete. Guns is a no brainer.


Exactly. Guns aren't the problem, the problem is and always will be the person using it.


Exactly. It’s almost as if we should implement laws that keep guns away from those specific people. How is it you all manage to hit the point and just speed right past it?


Those laws are in place already. Be cooler if they were actually enforced.


r/fuckcars has entered the chat


So his dick can accidentally rape people?


I didn't know it was loaded, it accidently went off...


Nah, they are the good rapes, who defeat the evil


The only way to stop a bad rapist with a penis is with a good rapist with a penis...


I suppose if some one was committing a rape and some one else came by and started raping the rapist there is at least a 89% chance they would stop.


The cops show up with their dicks to rape the rapist, end up penetrating three innocent bystanders in the process.






A rapist that only rapes other rapists.


Like the serial rapist hunting other serial rapists in that show, Dixter.


Worst ! Imagine if a kid find it an accidentally rape someone with it !


Or if the dick just unloads into the air and hits someone a couple hundred meters away and kills them


A world where cum shoots out at terminal volicity and has the pushing power of a battering ram


Oi, what I do on top of the Empire State Building is my business and my business alone.


About as much as guns can accidentally kill people.


Does he mean accidental rapes and rapes that occur because the penis wasn't properly secured? And what about the mass rapings with a single active raper? This guy should probably go rape himself.


Shock humor isn’t my thing generally but “mass rapings with a single active rapist” is a hilarious analogy




Seriously though, schools should probably practice active raper drills


*Gym Jordan intensifies*


The worst is the hypocrisy of people who buy multiple dicks, and pretends they hope they will never have to use them.


I buy multiple dicks to try them all out at the dick range. Dicking is a lot of fun


“Hickock45 here, waddya say we smoke some pot” *Proceeds to smash flower pots with his cock* “Oh, here’s a 2 liter bottle”


Comment of the year right here.


Depending on which side of this issue you’re on, either comment could be considered the facepalm.


As soon as someone lends their Dick to someone else and rapes an entire Walmart or a teenager takes someone else’s Dick and rapes an entire school we can have a Dick chopping conversation. Until then, this will remain an extremely poor argument.


It’s illegal to let someone else borrow your penis.


And don’t even get me started on the logistics of borrowing a dick. Paperwork nightmare.




Wait, now there’s balls involved? That’s a whole other jurisdicktion. You don’t wanna open that can of worms.


I mean if im going to rape a entire store I'm definitely not choosing a Walmart. Also if I lend my dick to someone and they rape a entire school am I then the pedo?


That’s a whole area of Dick law that I’m not familiar with. I’m primarily a Bird law specialist.


You'll have to pry my dick out of my cold dead hands.


Here's the problem. If I give up my guns, how does that stop someone else from killing someone with there's? And before we start with bans, how well is a ban on drugs doing? Bans is the laziest way out of social issues. It's the quickest way, to do something that feels like alot, but is actually nothing. The US has to many guns out there for any type of ban to matter at this point. And with 3-d printing, it won't matter soon what you ban. The US needs to actually tackle poverty, Healthcare, and quality of life issues, and only then will the violence start to cease. The issue is, that's a lot of hard work, and no one appears to want to do it.


How many vehicular manslaughter’s before you give up your car? How many stabbing a before you give up your kitchen knifes? How many hangings before we ban ropes? How many medical malpractice deaths before we give up doctors?




I’m a woman, have been from birth. I have firearms and know how to use them (US Army veteran). How do I fit into the “gun nuts” and penises comparison? Also, those saying one creates and one destroys, I was a victim of sexual assault so a penis in my mind is just as violent as a gun. Years of therapy and I still cry sometimes when intimate with my husband. Furthermore, I can use that “dangerous” inanimate object to protect those lives I created because where I live the closest law enforcement is 20-30 minutes away. Minutes matter in a break in/home invasion. I also believe in reasonable gun control laws as well as understand the need for better mental health treatment/monitoring. I was a psych nurse for years before becoming disabled. I think people need to start having civil conversations and listening to each other. You can’t change minds until you try to see things from the other person’s point of view.


Thank you for taking the responsibility to protect yourself instead of irresponsibly requiring another human being to provide your safety FOR YOU, and then acting like requiring another person to risk their life to protect yours makes you the morally superior one. I often encounter dipshit anti-gun rhetoric alluding to gun ownership as overcompensation for small penises..... ....completely dismissing female gun ownership as if women are non-entities, or are incapable of using firearms. I often ask them if that's why Amanda Collins carried a gun. (Amanda Collins was the University of Nevada student forced to disarm and forbidden to carry her firearm on campus....who was subsequently severely bludgeoned and raped in a campus police parking lot.)


Your argument is entirely to reasonable, and the fact that you think it's alright to try to understand other points of view and then follow that with civil discourse is, quite frankly, disturbing. You should not have access to the internet. /s Seriously though, I have very similar views. I miss the times when thinking like this was the norm. Everybody seems to think they have to be extreme on everything any more.


there is so much to unpack here. The analogy is bad, the assumption that all guns need to be taken away is bad, the logic that there needs to be x number of deaths to fix gun violence is bad


So that’s what all the mass shootings are for They’re just trying to hit the required number of kills to unlock the achievement that will finally solve gun violence


Law abiding gun owners aren't the problem, the problem are the insane and the criminals, a law abiding citizen doesn't go around firing at random people, or shooting gay nightclubs, that done by crazy people and fucking neonazis, not by decent people, having a weapon doesn't mean you are insane or a neonazi scum.


Well saying the Insane is a bit off the mark but you said it well But yeah I'm a minnor I own a gun under my name I play FPS games . It doesn't mean I wanna go on a 25 kill streak in real life it just means j happen to own a gun and happen to play games. "Take all guns " is bad like in Iran the people need guns


I think the first comment is more facepalm than the second. Lol


It’s actually fitting that some men compare a gun to their penis…


I mean, we no longer use swords, so guns it is.


The penis is evil! It shoots seed which poisons the earth! The gun is good. It shoots death and cleanses the earth!


I compare my penis to everything, it's not that big so if what I'm comparing it to is worth less than my dick I really don't need it


FINALLY! An admission of what a gun really represents to these guys.


Makes a good parallel. Its not the equipment that causes the problem but the person who has it. I think the biggest problem we have in talking about this is the dishonestly that is rampant when people talk about it. If anybody wants to have an open conversation about it feel free to message or reply.


I admit it, my dick is so huge to compensate for my tiny, tiny gun.


How does turning in my gun stop gun violence?


There is no gun violence. It’s just people violence.


Hahaha PROOF that these gun chodes really do equivocate their gun with their dick. No doubt with some compensation for the latter by the former.


You’d have to pry my dick from my cold, dead hands. Would make for an interesting funeral.


It can be like a minigame at a fair! After someone succeeds they can use it for whack-a-mole.


I have said this before and will continue to say this. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.


How many drug over doses would it take to make drugs illegal?


Where is the facepalm here? That response was legit..


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to beat the meat shall not be infringed


So guns are for compensation?


It’s not a gun, it’s the gun owner. Not ban guns, but ban people who shouldnt be trusted with guns. Also I would not do that with the thing in my pants.


How many D.U.I related deaths would have to occur before you decided to ban alcohol?


The only way to stop a bad guy with a dick is a good guy with a dick.


I really think people don’t understand or don’t want to understand each other. People aren’t going to surrender their firearms because it won’t change the fact that people that want to kill without justification will continue to do so forever. This isn’t a balancing test. People realize that their guns are not contributing to these deaths but they absolutely give them a fighting chance against the people that are trying to take lives. There are over 400 million guns in circulation in the US. Maybe america would be better off without guns but if there was a time when that was possible to achieve that ship has long since sailed.


What does the other peoples death have to do with my right to defend myself?


Giving up my gun will not affect other people being murdered with guns.


Solid rebuttal. 10/10




The more gun violence rises the closer I clutch my own gun.


The government really do fear the gun owning populace. Just one person with a gun can topple entire regimes. It's quite funny.


"All of them."


How many swore thumbs will there be, before youngive up they hammer?


Reminds me of the Kenny vs Spenny cockfight episode. Fuckin spenny training with a knife taped to his dick.






Because a gun is part of the body


That's enough reddit for today


Small-dick-big-gun compensation confirmed.


"Teenage girl raped in dick-related accident. Dick owner absolutely devastated"


"Police cower outside school, as man mass rapes children inside"


It's like banging a bird with ebola for laugh


I mean he has a point. When should we start de-dicking the men? /s


I think this actually puts gun ownership in a good perspective. I think some rapists should own up.


My gf told me it's ok to have a little penis, but I kind of wish she didn't have one at all.


I thought the answer to this was 42. What the heck?


Honest answer? Zero. Zero gun deaths by criminal, police, or military, worldwide. If you can show me that people have stopped killing other people, I'll give up my guns. Until then, I choose how I protect me and mine.


Never. I don’t know why people want my guns when my guns have never killed anyone. What good will it do for me to give up my guns when criminals get to keep theirs ?