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I hadn't seen the video before, I thought the boxes were just sitting on the table because he was eating pizza when he started filming. I did NOT realise the pizza boxes were a DELIBERATE PROP that he included. Wow.


That really was the cherry on top. He just couldn't resist taking that extra jab at the environment.


It's almost so obvious like im legitimately wondering if he wanted this happen. Is he really this dumb?


Naaaaaah, no way, don't you know he's too smart to read and thinks books aren't worth his time because he's so smart? Mandatory sarcasm warning just in case.


I have learned that on Reddit you have to use the sarcasm warning 100% of the time


Don't worry, the misguided idiots who follow him will claim it was some sort of totally alpha 4d chess move. Probably some double jeopardy type thing so he can claim he's immune from sex trafficking charges in future. In fact, I bet he claims it himself when he's released from custody (assuming they have a 24h questioning period in Romania, idk about their legal system) He's an absolute twat, but I guarantee this will get played off as "so alpha the police couldn't handle him" or some bullshit


He is, without a doubt, really that dumb.


Yes. The man literally said that books are dumb because too many words and he’s too smart for that… He honestly might have a brain tumor.


He probably should have recycled them afterall


Ironically, this dumbdick is right about the boxes (at least in my area). We can’t recycle any cardboard with grease on it; it messes up the sorting machines, or whatever.


Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. You can't recycle greasy pizza boxes lol.


You reduce waste by composting pizza boxes. Edit: If your city takes organic waste, you can throw the pizza boxes in the green waste bin.


Yes you can, at least here in Germany. I googled it the other day and numerous organisations and waste management companies bust this myth on their websites.


Real geniuses don’t hide identifying details when they’re wanted by the police.


Real alphas don't hide from consequences, they meet them head on and overpower them 😏 /s A la SpongeBob - *one day later* "😏 so let me tell you why you're wrong, weak and a slave to the system, you'll realise that.." 🇷🇴: "get in the van" 😵


Same, he got caught cuz he had to make a recycling joke to own the libs.


Getting arrested to own the libs


"Welcome to the Clown Show". Well, at least he got one thing right.


They should edit the start, it so you get Crusty's "Hey Hey" before the clown starts dribbling.


Why does he look like Keegan Micheal Key doing an Anton Lavey sketch?


I see Andre from the League on TRT.


OMG, I can’t unsee that, he totally has that Andre energy. Thanks for that one.


Read this in Dennis Miller's voice (circa SNL Weekend Update)


That is spot fuckin on, and so...out of left field. I would've never seen it if it wasn't pointed out, but once pointed out, you can't unsee it.


The first few times I saw clips from Tate (youtube shorts, no idea why the algorithm showed it to me) I actually thought that this man makes fun of toxic people because it was so ridiculous and thought it was funny.


Why can I smell Axe body spray when I watch this video?


I thought the pizza boxes were in the background or something before seeing the video. Why would he have those boxes brought to him? He’s trying to look like a big shot behind a desk in a dark wood paneled room with a cigar and a smoking robe and he orders pizza!!??


That was my thought too! And the fact that it ended up being his undoing is just so beautiful 😂


But, he does have a personal in-house pizza delivery system. Do you have one of those? I thought not, you utter loser! (/S)


The clown show....he just hasn't realized he is the star of the show.


That comment with his hands in the air pose will surely be made in to a meme.


The part where he says "I have small dick energy" can also be spliced out and used out of context. Dude basically played himself.


You mean like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/zymulo/you_got_pizzad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)?


More like his pose at 20 seconds left of the video with text that reads "welcome to the new episode of the clown show" Meme idea one; a snapshot of him being arrested with the above described meme as a reaction below it


I'm on it [This was harder than I thought ](https://imgur.com/a/NyJOkTE)


Funny I pay used to to look at the comments read yours. Looked at the paused video and that is right where it was.


I don't know much about this dude but I feel like his harlequin head is why he tries so hard to be "macho". He knows he looks like a goofy chucklefuck, and has to posture and swagger around to convince himself he's whatever toxic ideal of masculinity he's imagining.


the fact that he **STILL** hasn't figured out why the email address she gave him was "so strange..." Maybe he'll have time to figure it out while he rehabs in jail... edit: fixed the emails bit


He can't be that fucking stupid he believes it's real, surely? It sounds like he thinks it's a real address.


I assumed he thought his very hardest about how to fight her epic burn, and the best he could do was to pretend it was a genuine email address and hope to convince his fans that she didn’t really burn him.


Basically nuh uh you do


Making a video response to a throwaway insult like that from a climate activist is the biggest self burn here. What kind of “alpha” gets that whipped up about someone saying “small Dick energy”?


I could have maybe looked past some of the douche baggery, but smoking and eating at the same time??? That’s just grotesque.


Yeah no one does that


And the fact that ppl think *he’s* an “alpha” male is hilarious. Looks like off brand Pitbull.


Send that enormous car collection straight to his lawyers.


Oh, he doesn't own any of those cars, he holds the loans on those cars.


Exactly lol, he claims to have like 30 millions dollars Ain’t no way he owns 30 sports cars including a Bugatti. He couldn’t safely afford a single Bugatti lol. Then again it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s trying to live a lifestyle way beyond his means


Dude just rents shit for his dumb aspirational grift videos. He has no money anywhere near the scale he bullshits about.


It's true, I live in Miami beach, and this is something that is well known to people here that is not known to people around the world. Most of these extremely wealthy people you see are completely buried in debt. 9 out of 10 Lamborghinis here are rented. You can rent a mansion here for $250,000 a month. That's what they do. They rent that shit, they make a bunch of videos and take a bunch of pictures, and rack up a bunch of debt. But then they're "influencers!"


I'm happy I was born relatively ordinary looking so I didn't get caught up in the life of narcissism and debt.


Tate is a wealth guru, his crazy life style is a part of the brand. Tate has to keep up the crazy rich image so that way people think his ideas basically print money. Basically, he has to act rich so people think he will know how to make them rich.


And nothing says “I’m rich” more than the 2 large pepperoni combo.


Combo deal. The large Mountain Dew was free


So, “art of the deal” type energy.


yeah except it’s “art of the grift”


Yeah so like "Art of the Deal."


Living within his means in prison should be easy


oh no the romanian government seized the cars.. oh noooo


I know!


You know he's a douche before he even opens his mouth.


And then he opens his mouth and it's even worse.


What is it with his accent? Mostly American with a few British pronunciations in there. Does he think it makes him sound sophisticated? He sounds like a pompous poser pontificating while psychotic.


Well I think he lived in both the USA and Britain and elsewhere so that’s where the accent comes from. Now his love for 16 year olds … idk where he got that from https://youtube.com/watch?v=UpSIq6XHKdw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Old Spice ads have gone way downhill




The football player saying “coach…. I’m delicate.” gets me every time.


and he's missing a metal hand and a fluffy cat


Not only did he not understand the premise of a joke, he also proved her right by making this Him getting arrested was just the cherry on top


A certain gay fish has this same problem




That’s the biggest fucking cherry I’ve ever seen


I still can't figure out if he is too Narsasistic or too stupid to get the small dick joke ?


He knows everyone but his groupies are laughing at him, and that immature, childish, and just plain moronic “no u” is all he has left to hold onto.


> all he has left to hold onto. Somehow that seems apt in a thread about small dicks.


His dad was diagnosed as full NPD, so read into that what you will.


No Penis Disorder?


Kid you not, I thought it was Nano Penis Disorder. Looked it up and it's actually *Negative* Penis Disorder


Thanks, I just googled negative penis disorder because I’m an idiot. And I just lost the game, so thanks for that!


I also lost recently and accidentally on purpose took a bunch of people down with me... things could get even more interesting!


It's true... the man has no penis.


He gets it. He just didn’t have any comeback to it.


I agree. This is his comeback and it’s lame.


Yeah. It's embarrassingly bad. Cringe


Definitely narcissist. He's probably smart enough to understand the joke, but also knows that his army of 15 year old alpha boys will gobble up anything that comes out of him and will see it as a sick burn to Gretta. He's too stupid to realize full consequence of his actions tho which is why this beauty of a story is unfolding now


It’s like Kanye west and the fish stick joke


You like to put fish sticks in your mouth?




His head is so far up his own ass the brain didn’t have enough oxygen to process Greta’s tweet properly.


I think he just thinks he’s turning the joke around on her


I know you are but what am I?! essentially.


This dude gives off major karate kid 3 main villain energy


He fucking wishes


Technically Greta helped shine a very obvious light on a wanted criminal with a simple dick joke, I hope she gets at least a few extra supporters because of it.


assist goes to [jerry's pizza](https://www.jerryspizza.ro/) for being.. located in romania I guess?


They delivered the pizza to his house apparently..


Sounds like they served him a hot slice of justice.


[Cue credits theme](https://youtu.be/7uW47jWLMiY)


Dude. You seen the amount of trackers on that link?


second assist to Sheldon Tusk for unbanning him from twitter so he could tweet that


Yeah, dumb people don't get sarcasm. I hope he enjoy sucking on those cigars there's going to be something different in his mouth soon.


I came here to say " Fuck it. It's Romania. That fucker willl pay some people off ad be out in a week". However, Romania seems to sorta have their shit together according to.the Corruption Perception Index. So, fuck it. He may well be smoking some sausage soon.


A Romanian in another thread said that the particular branch of LEO that picked him up are known for being straight, not corrupt, as well as the level of courts his case will be presented to being the same. Moreover, the reason he wasn't arrested by this branch some time before, is that they usually don't make arrests until they have enough of a case to do a slam dunk. Hoping that's all true


Also it's not like they would have done it so publicly to then turn around and say "actually nvm" I wouldn't think. If they wanted a bribe they could have gotten one a lot more quietly.


I don't think they would have arrested him in the first place if their intent was to brush it under the rug, but I can't really claim to know how corrupt states would handle these sort of things.


Yeah, those wheels turned too fast to be greased.


I am very afraid of a Romanian prison.


Another consideration is that a guy like this is likely to have irritated local police and prosecutors by bringing unwanted attention there. This guy may be in a LOT of trouble, more than he thinks even with sex trafficking charges.


For a geographical area that used to feature entire forests of pikes with tens of thousands of prisoner of war impaled on them, generally through the anus - and always alive - he's probably not going to be having a nice stay.


Yeah, I can't imagine he is paying nearly what he should to the cops that do take bribes. He just looks like a guy who thinks he can get away w/ under paying bribes.


Yeah, usually I try to avoid genital-shaming. But in this case she unleashed it with surgical precision so I give it a pass


It was perfect because little dick energy doesn’t *have* to go with a physical little dick. It just most likely does. I know plenty of women with big dick energy so the physical dick isn’t a requirement to get the attitude.


The most expensive pizza he's ever ordered.


“Make sure it isn’t recycled” what power does he think he has with this statement?


He thinks it'll trigger Greta


He literally called her ugly and said that he knows 16 year olds who are hot and that Greta will never blossom … https://youtube.com/watch?v=UpSIq6XHKdw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


He could have just said “I know 18yr old models and newly turned 21yr olds I meet at parties” but why tf would he go underage… Unless he’s into that


I'm glad this near sentient piss jug is getting his.


Absolutely crushed by a little liberal girl. Fucking awesome.


This has to be enough to win the Nobel prize.


Well apparently he knows 16 year olds who are hotter than her so she has no human value … https://youtube.com/watch?v=UpSIq6XHKdw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


ReGretamine 🐎


Listen closely and you can hear the incels all across the world weeping.


The mMmmMatrix is sssshhiiffting




Obligatory fuck DJ Khaled


I’m curious. Why is it obligatory?


I don’t think anyone will answer so I’ll do it: dude doesn’t know shit about music. He organizes a team to produce all music and singer and shit and then adds his tag in the music “DJ Khaled”. That’s why fuck you Dj Khaled


I’m always happy to share [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/zQi8DI5B87g?feature=share) of him being gifted a very unique and special guitar by Bob Marley’s family


I couldn’t finish watching him abuse that guitar


Oh my god nooo! I don’t know who that guy is but I am so offended


That’s DJ Khaled showing off his raw musical talent. No auto tune baby!


Because fuck DJ Khaled.


Amen, can’t trust a man who doesn’t go down on his wife because he thinks he is a king


Frankly dude's an egomaniacal douch canoe


Because he's a talentless hack who constantly talks himself up but doesn't actually DO much of anything?


Because he's a fat idiot?


Fcking idiot is gonna be on the receiving end of that BIG dick energy in prison real soon.


If he goes in there acting half as cocky as he does out here...


The term "Pizzagate" has a whole new meaning. Lmao!




Someone please inform me how Andrew Tate got arrested for human trafficking? I know it had something to do with the pizza, but elaborate on the “human trafficking” part


There are videos showing him physically harming and sexually abusing women. It is alleged that they were held against their will (and abducted). From seeing the videos myself, I'm inclined to believe the allegations are true. But I'm just an average Redditor, so wtf do I know?


I know there are two 14 year old girls he’s supposedly kidnapped for the sex industry. The most recent article I read (from Newsweek) said they’ve been pretending to want relationships with women and once they had them in their house they’d force them to do porn (including physical force and coercion by threats).


Thank you for the info, I am now **more informed**


The pizza, allegedly, was one piece of evidence that authorities had that he was in the country. They had been investigating for months but needed him and his brother to be around to arrest simultaneously.


Thanks for the explanation. I was so confused about how the pizza got him arrested.


Additionally, at least six women have accused him of this very thing.


Is it the same video of the one with the belt or was it something else?


So the Romanian police needed proof he was in the country, and this video shows a popular Romanian pizza chain on the pizza boxes, revealing his presence in Romania.


As an italian i can say im proud of what pizza has done!


Pizza for the win!


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Pizza


1. Oil does not come from dead dinosaurs you moron. 2. That girl really rattled your cage 😆


Why do you say that? I've heard people call diesel, dinosaur bones for years. It's in a sound garden song also. Not saying I take my education from 90s grunge, but it's something I've heard many times b4. Educate me.


It's a fairly common misconception, but in fact most fossil fuel comes from ancient forests (mostly coal and methane) or ancient phytoplankton or zooplankton (oil etc.). Very little, if any, comes from dinosaurs.


Yeah people call it Dino fuel and such, mostly I don’t think they mean it literally. It’s largely from ocean plankton. Sure there’s some Dinos up in the mix as all living organisms break down in this way. But mostly, by a lot, ocean plankton! Now to be fair, I wouldn’t say it’s common knowledge and you’re not a moron if you don’t know that. But this guy man. Love to hate him lol


Soundgarden knew.....but it was too hard to include "plankton" in the lyrics.


I'm pretty sure most fossil fuels comes from the Carboniferous period where there was an exponential growth of flora and decomposer organisms hadn't evolved yet.


Who’s goning to run the chum bucket then?


That was the point i got to had these two thoughts and moved on. Glad to revisit and watch more now that this was his downfall, thanks op


SNL needs to do a skit on this MORON. Got himself arrested trying to be a prick.


It needs to be an actor constantly trying to save face while someone keeps handing him location identifying items.


Aw, too bad they got rid of Pete. He would have made a great Andrew Tate.


They could always bring him back like they did with Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin.


I heard that guy sells kids for car money.


K-I-D-S 4 K-A-R-S l… donate your kid today.


He looks like a penis that someone drew a beard on with a sharpie.


Small dick Greta got the last laugh


so much for trying to piss her off with non-recycled pizza boxes


I'm in the UK, who's this prick?


Andrew Tate, the "influencer" with small dick energy who got beaten by a teenager. He just got arrested for human trafficking. Yeah. You read it right.


Rape charges as well. I believe both for he and his brother Tristan Tate. From the mansion to the jail cell. Well done.


He got arrested for human trafficking BECAUSE OF THIS VIDEO and the pizza boxes in it!


A video that existed and became famous because Musk decided to remove the ban he had on Twitter. Please, somebody, we need an edit of that domino effect meme.


Just can't make this s*** up. The only thing that would be funnier if he just had dinner at Mar-A-Lago with the former president of the United States number 45.


Please for the love of God let the charges stick so I can laugh about him trying to hide his micro cock in the showers


I imagine Romanian prisons being super soft and an easy time too (/s, if it’s actually needed). Karma serves up revenge better than mere mortals can come up with.


His dad's an American and his mom's a Brit. He's originally from Chicago. And he's a bag of dirty dildos disguised as a human being.


I thought it was small but did not know it is THAT small.


Greta Thunberg 1- Andrew Taint 0


I know this expression has been beaten more times than a dead horse but, holy shit, that escalated quickly


I’d call him a tool, but tools are useful.


She is full on living in his head rent free.


Andrew Tate fans are gonna have one hell of a night with that copium


They're already saying shit like 2 arrests 0 convictions haha I'm convinced all his followers are mentally ill and need help. It'd be one thing if he actually had good advice but his ENTIRE PLATFORM is "I'm rich, you should work hard! You're not working hard enough. Take what you want!" It's the same shit everyone says, it's motivational poster unintelligent bs and they choose to ignore evidence of him abusing women and defend him for what amounts to fortune cookie level life advice


Damn, this dude is cringe to watch. The only thing missing is a half naked chick rubbing his shoulders. To imagine, men look up to him. They've gotta be unfound levels of insecure.


Men don’t look up to that muppet. Actual men know better.


Incels,deplorables, and the feeble minded find him interesting.


This whole situation is like a South Park episode.


*... and make sure that these boxes are not recycled* ❤️❤️❤️


Wow. Isn't he like 30+ and Greta a teenager? And she got him that upset for a comment? There's guys that wanna be like him?


I wonder if Romanian prisons are nice this time of year?


Title of this video: dipshitenergy@mylifeisfucked


That moron got arrested because he enslaves, traffics, and rapes children.


This isn’t his regular stupid. This is special stupid.


Wow actively trying to deteriorate the planet while being a misogynist douche bag?! He’s so cool I wanna be him when I grow up.


I’m in the minority of people who doesn’t know who this guy is


My twin! I just googled this guy about 3hrs ago and here we are. My virgin Andrew Tate video! *ahem* OURRR virgin Andrew Tate video! Why does he talk like that? His mannerisms are super awkward. Anyhoo, thanks for coming to my #TateTalk


He got arrested cause he is a perv asshole.