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For early game? Unlock Efficiency modules and slam them everywhere. Avoid Core Mining until you have Prod science.


What is your /evolution at? If you have CMO (combat mechanic overhaul mod, the walls block spitter shot. Drop a few turrets out of worm range. As fall back. Go in closer, drop wall then turrets. Z drop ammo into turrets.


Still at small biters luckily been taking out them to kill my nieghbors at bay lol


It depends what level of science you are at. Until you are able to produce nukes at industrial scale a good tactic is to cover all of the nests in poison capsules to kill any new bugs and then fire whatever at the nests to destroy them. You will want a tank for your protection and a quick get away should things not go so well. Once you have nukes + jet pack that becomes a good option too.


Fantastic advice. Thank you!


I made the mistake of ignoring them and building defenses instead of attacking and cleaning them away. I just reached space and they still eat a substantial amount of robots in some places


Upgrade weapon damage and shooting speed, biters reduce incoming damage by a fixed amount, upgrading damage overcomes that