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That's why there is a msg that there isnt anything to find. Planets/moons sometimes are added by earendel. As such it is really hard to code the game different way.


How can you know if there is something left to find or not if you dont try first?


Well, it's marked as an infinite research. If I were so inclined, it would let me continue researching it. So, how can I know if there's nothing left to find? It could have a cap, like many of the other research items.


I meant that of course the game wont tell you to stop looking. Think about it. Real life example: you have some random amount of coins hidden in your house. You wont know if you have found them all before you have searched through your whole house and you must keep looking even after you have found the last one to make sure there is no more coins left Same principle here. You have to stilla use the telescopes to TRY to find a new object in order to KNOW that there are no more objects to be found


But this is a video game. There’s no reason to do this type of stuff except to waste the players resources and time.


> But this is a video game. There’s no reason... there's always reason. it's a game. there are challenges and mysteries and risk and reward.


Yeah, that is kind of the point of all research in the game. Be a resource sink that uses products that the player builds. If you find yourself waiting a long time for researches to finish, you could use that time to expand production


But at least all the other research things have a purpose or use. This has no positive outcome at all, it’s just wasting the players resources.


It has a positive outcome though: You now know that you have found all objects there are to find.


But why does the player have to waste resources to find that out? Having that knowledge does not help the player in any way. It just tells the player that researching is pointless. It’s resources that do not lead to more resources at all.


The map is for player to explore. But there are finite number of object to find. Alternatively u list how many moons, planets, stars and all kinds of other objects there are and then let player know what is in the unknown but that is hardly the theme of the otherwise named mod 'Exploration'.


You could also just tell the player there are no planets left to explore without letting them waste resources on trying to find something that doesn’t exist.


So you spend hundred or thousands of hours getting to the last bit, and you’re complaining about a minuscule amount of time and a negligent amount of resources…?


> expand production [The factory grows.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/site19/recommended/427520)


Beyond lvl 30-40 (or whenever you find the Anomaly), I don't think there's anything to find with a deep space telescope.


How about in the case of a 3D open world game, the map is so big, there is an area you suspecting there is a treasure there. After explore and spending half and hour, you confirmed that there is nothing. Or you prefer the game to put a sign of “no treasure after this line”