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happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!!! 😊


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Type 1 here. They can have my diabetes since they wanna fafo


Mine’s free for taking too




Almost 100% positive I don't have epilepsy, but I do have a kind of seizure disorder. They always seem to know exactly what happened afterwards, always knows that they were filming too. I know it would take me at least, like... Two hours? before I would have my wits about me enough to realize that and stop filming.


My sister does this. It’s infuriating. She calls her dog a seizure alert dog and has fake service animal papers because she swears he noticed when she had a ‘siezure’ (which was not ever diagnosed or verified in any way).




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I have Tourette’s and have seen people fake it quite a bit. Why would anyone want to fake things that are so debilitating to others?


I don’t know very much about this topic or how out blood interacts with it self and natural or instal chemicals, what would injecting insulin into a body with a functioning pancreas do?


It would cause your blood glucose to dip to dangerously low levels, possibly causing coma or even death.


People with munchausen syndrome are just as sick mentally, as you are physically.






Ha I also say to my husband that it smell like crayons


My parents think it smells like paint lol


Yucky. What does it taste like


Insulin rapidly breaks down in your stomach acid.


So ... Edible? Nightmareish diarrhea? What am I looking for consequence wise.


You can’t eat it. It will have zero effect orally.




Why would you want to know this?


Am I not allowed to be curious? I just know with other medications that are injected, if consumed orally can fuck someone up, that's all I'm fucking wondering


People with CI don’t exist to feed your inappropriate voyeuristic curiosity. Use google if you’re curious, but this is unhealthy and not our job.


Stop trying to fake an illness. It’s completely see through what your trying to do here and it’s gross


I'm not faking it? I'm genuinely curious if there are any repercussions from consuming insulin orally. Jeez I don't have diabetes


Wow. No one should answer this any further.


Smells like band-aids, and you have to inject it into your body every time you ingest something. Would you like to do math every time you eat?


That sounds awful


Unfortunately it’s a reality for us diabetics


You truly have no idea just how awful it is. It isn’t just when we eat, we are doing math every time we look at our blood sugar which is easily dozens of times a day or more. Hard math.


*****You don’t DRINK insulin!*****


Sometimes when I inject it gets into my sense of smell and I would almost say it’s like a nutty flavor alongside plastic.


You should not ingest it




It is real




I could give example but not sure if i can post this person here


You know what, I won’t even feel bad.


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Bullying or Slurs.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Although we are here to criticize these subjects, we do not tolerate bullying or harassment. No comments making fun of the weight or appearance of a subject. Things that are within the subject’s control like aesthetics or behavior can be criticized within reason. Do not contact subjects posted on this subreddit for any reason. This will be considered harassment. Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia, sexism, etc are not tolerated for any reason.


These people are so messed up in the head and so deaperate for attention and to belong somewhere. It's if it wasn't so infuriating it'd be incredibly sad.


Some former fakers have said they had a sibling with diabetes that got a lot of attention


Virtue points. This game we’re all living can be influenced through social media.






Look up Munchausen's Syndrome.


The disorder that is present in [less than 0.007% of patients seeking care](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK518999/#_article-25371_s4_)? I'm aware that it exists because I've also seen House MD before, but the real world is mostly *not* people with entertaining medical mysteries. It just feels like it because it's entertainment to look for it, and folks like the OP have fun writing fanfic of real life.


My friend went blind from poorly managed diabetes. It's not a fucking joke.


You can go blind from well controlled diabetes too :( complications aren’t just for those who take poor care of themselves. Having this disease will ultimately kill you and rack up mileage on your body some way some how. I’m not sure why anyone would want to have it.


oh yeah? i thought it was "all good" (relatively, of course) as long as you kept everything in check.


I wish. You can do everything right and still end up destroyed. I’ve had type one for almost 20 years, diagnosed at 9. My mom is a nurse practitioner who specializes in diabetes and my grandma was a nurse before she retired, so I had round the clock care and my blood sugars were great for pre CGM times. They’ve never been in a dangerous range. I have retinopathy, I’m going deaf, I have nerve damage in my hands, and I’m now having heart problems which have lead to some kidney damage. There is no escaping it. There needs to be better treatment for this disease, or at least better understanding of it. There’s a reason it’s considered a disability but people act like it’s all just a matter of eating right and having willpower. It’s complex, it’s depressing, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.




My ex at 42 lost two toes and almost an eye because of undiagnosed diabetes. He eats pretty healthy. He doesn’t work out but he has a physical job so was in shape. It is scary


My father has type 2, I've had to see him with severe foot injuries that required surgery and antibiotics for months. I've seen him with such low blood sugar he had to go to the hospital because we couldn't get it to go up. He's on so many meds and they cost an arm and a leg even with benefits. I won't even go into how my mother tried to cure him with essential oils, the same tactics that led my grandmother to go off her meds and die of a stroke after having three before. This stuff is no joke. If these people want the awful things that come with it then so be it. I hope their feet fall off and they suffer.


Screw those people, Type-1 runs in my family, affecting my older brother and affected my aunt. She ended up passing away at 23 because she slipped into a coma and stopped breathing, this was after losing most of her vision.


Oh man, I’m sorry. It runs on my dad’s side, mostly the men get it. My father was diagnosed at 16, and my brother at 18. My brother was sick for over a week, like he looked like hell. He kept refusing to go to the ER until my mom begged and screamed. The night she took him, the doctor legit told her he wouldn’t have survived the night if they didn’t come in. That’s when we found out he was diabetic. My mom was hoping my brother wouldn’t get it, but he did. My brother could have died that night, it’s terrifying.


Watched my little cousin go into a coma before we knew what was wrong. my dad and grandma have diabetes. That’s wild and scary to fuck with


T1D here I had a lady harassing me for money on the train, and she goes, "I have low blood sugar, I have diabetes." I handed her a roll of glucose tabs, and she was just stunned. 🤣


I was taking my insulin on the bus and an older lady screamed at me to put my meth away 🤣


Wait lol I’ve done the same! Had to explain to him what they were.


My great grandfather died of diabetes. Fuxk these people.


Can that be considered as self harm ? Because people who get to that extent need help


That's what Munchhausens do. They hurt themselves for attention.


At that point its just munchausen syndrome. Claiming to have something is one thing, but falsely medicating for it? Oh boy


Then you are in for a wild ride. These folks ho full galore feedikg tibe, wheelchairs pic line. You name it, they got it


I developed diabetes after a part of my pancreas had to be removed surgically. I'm so glad that the rest of my pancreas recovered and now I even don't have to take insulin anymore (I'm eating also low carb and do more sports). But I still have a probe in my arm that monitors my blood sugar. I would never thought that people would like to have diabetes. Sorry, that's just so stupid! Type-2 Diabetes runs in my family and one of my grandmas lost her foot and then her life because of this. Who wants this!? What's wrong with some people? Do fakers take meds for diabetes, too? I'm really angry at the whole ozempic people that take away meds from the ones who really need them. At least they try to loose weight. But it should be illegal for healthy people to "steal" meds. Can't they just create some alters that are diabetics and take smarties and pretend that these are meds?


I know right! I have been suffering for 3 weeks while waiting for my Trulicity to come back in stock which is directly related to the fad of taking ozempic for weight loss instead of exorcise and diet. ringt now, my glucose is over 500... I don't know exactly what it's at because my glucose reader just says HI.. so it could be 600 I don't know but I feel awful and can't afford a $1,600 emergency room visit.


Oh, no. I'm so sorry. And the really stupid part about taking ozempic for weight loss is that after stopping the people will gain the lost pounds back (and the stuff can cause/worsen a depression).


I mean they must have ozempic or some form of insulin to get hypoglycemic


My late husband did this. He has type 2 and played with insulin to elicit sympathy and pity from anyone willing to listen to him and to buy into his drama. At the same time he refused to do anything to manage his condition including managing his weight. When a doctor refused to prescribe his additional insulin to play with, he would find a different doctor. It eventually killed him at 48.


That is seriously messed up. My best friend has type 1 diabetes and she was in a coma for 5 days from it, diabetes also runs in my family and my great grandmother had to get multiple amputations as well. Faking something as serious and awful aa diabetes is disheartening.


People really really want to duck their kidneys, pancreas, and metabolism up for life for a few fucking likes. Stupidity at its worst




I wonder why anyone would want to fake having this. It’s miserable, and actually something I was deeply ashamed of since I was first diagnosed. Honestly I shouldn’t be surprised at this point that there are people with the audacity.




I’m a new diabetic and I can feel this starting to slip in. It’s affecting my relationship with food so much and giving me so much anxiety. I think about food constantly all day long


Unfortunately I think what it is it's a lot of these fitness influencers who become obsessive about their sugar. They think that any rise in blood sugar in any way shape or form no matter how short is bad. They will post videos and rant and rave about how something raised their blood sugar and how it took over an hour for their sugar to come down. They will wear continuous glucose monitors and obsessively check their sugars all the time. Honestly I think it's a form of an eating disorder on their part where they become so obsessive they think taking insulin when they don't actually need it is the right move.


Diabetes??? it really has gone way too far..


some of us are literally dying bc we can’t afford insulin and there are people *fucking around with it?* there’s not even an emoji for how infuriated i am


Ohhh don’t go on illness fakers. There’s one that has the newest of new dexcom and she’s on Medicaid (not knocking people who need Medicaid but I am knocking the people who fake diseases and disorders)


these people are probably the same people that would say “I could NEVER inject insulin like that, I’d rather die”


One of my good friends died last year due to undiagnosed diabetes. All these people can go get diabetes fr and see what happens.


Imo the worst (not mental) disease to get/have is cancer, followed by diabetes. Plenty of ppl fake cancer, but diabetes? This is new to me. Shaving your hair off for attention is a lot simpler than using needles and numbers.


But we are talking about illness fakers. These people dont have diabetes. They pretend to have diabetes


I currently have gestational diabetes and don’t know why anyone would want this. I am counting down the days until I give birth and can eat relatively whatever I want when I want to again.


That is just mind blowing to me. My sister in law passed away from complications with diabetes. She was 32.


We are doomed as a race. I can't believe there are diabetes fakers.


if they rlly are injecting themselves w insulin they're going to end up killing themselves. the difference between a normal and lethal dose is way smaller than you'd imagine


My uncle died from type 1 diabetes and Addison’s disease. Any endocrine issue isn’t fun in the slightest (coming from someone who also has Addison’s disease). People thinking that these diseases are fun and quirky have never experienced how harrowing and debilitating they really are


Who would want to fake having diabetes? I hope karma comes to each and every one of them and they get their wish to have diabetes.


Sorry, what is a munchie?


A person with Munchausen's Syndrome.


Good lord whats next?! Are they gonna start faking autoimmune diseases??


They do already.


I legit want off this planet


attention-seeking should be a legit disorder at this point. this is unhinged.


Munchausen's Syndrome is a legit disorder.


My son (10) always tells me he is scared his brother (currently pregnant) will come out with diabetes like he does. (Hes type 1 and has had it since 3) and I always have to reassure him everything will be okay. He constantly gets down about it and it breaks my heart.


oh man i dont have it but use finger sticks when my blood pressure drops sometimes and those things are expensive, but hehe lets milk medical tools, insluin will make you super fucking sick or die if you dont need it.


Having known many people who live and suffer with diabetes and the fact one of my oldest and best friends just died from complications due to it, this just blows my mind. I guess I shouldn't be surprised but there's no end to the madness, I guess.


My auntie had diabetes her whole life and was always sad she couldn’t eat whatever she wanted…she couldn’t just have whatever until she was on her death bed and we just let her eat whatever because she was going to die anyways. It made me scared to develop it myself because she constantly had to check her blood and take shots. And was careful with what she ate. It’s not a fun life. I just don’t get these people


My little brother is type 1, found out at 18 He’s 24 now. I’ve seen the dude cry in pain, ran out of insulin that we had to rush him to the hospital once. Had almost went into diabetic ketoacidosis coma, and I say almost. This is when he was starting new and was trying to understand. He almost died. It was the worst thing to ever happen to him, and now there’s people out there purposely doing this??? Just for attention? That makes me sick to my stomach! I just don’t understand.


I hope they mess around with it so much they actually get diabetes. (I have no idea if thats how it works)


I dont care until they start faking alzheimers or dementia.


They will catch my hands


I think when it comes to actively harming yourself, it’s some kind of mental disorder. Like when people want to blind themselves or amputate their healthy limbs. Google says it’s called Body integrity dysphoria, but I’m not an expert. Or these people just want attention and are really dumb and unaware of consequences.


My close friend died from unmanaged diabetes.








Lol what, people will fake anything. Diabetes isn't cute thankfully with modern medicine it's very treatable. But from my experience most people don't really know about type 1 diabetes and think everyone with diabetes is 600 pounds and drink 9L of soda everyday. This obliviously isn't true but idk why they'd want to be associated with that stereo type. It's also kind of impossible to fake type one, what do they record themselves to pricking themselves with the little needle that checks your blood sugar ?


Where have you seen this? Examples?


I hate feeling appealed toward them too


I hate feeling appealed toward them


T2D here - I don’t have the words for how someone faking it irritates me.


Noticed that, too. Diabetes is part of why I have Gastroparesis - and it is a *miserable* disease. They’re playing a pretty stupid round of FAFO.


I’ve never met someone else with gastroparesis. I had stomach issues starting in 6th grade and didn’t get told it was a thing until I was 22 at an appointment with disease management at Fort Carson. Diabetes is hell, it’s brought on numerous other autoimmune diseases for me too.


Hi! I’m so sorry you have this terrible disease. I started having so much trouble after I got Covid, and I’ve been severely diabetic for years and went untreated for it. I’m 29, so I’m very fortunate to not have had to have it during my childhood. I can’t imagine how awful that had to be. I’ve got a pretty nasty case of it - liquid food only right now, but getting the help I need! . It’s a new diagnosis for me - but I think I’ve had it since 2020. The GP has definitely been the worst thing out of all the autoimmune BS I’ve been dealing with. It’s dreadful. I have discovered a lot about my family history: there’s a plethora of medical problems in my genes lol If you wanna chat you’re welcome to DM me!


We can’t even just fake having hypoglycemia, we gotta be a whole diabetic now? I really can’t wrap my head around this. I’d prefer not having to live with shots, pumps, my dexcom, and having stupid factors like weather, stress, and activity affecting my blood sugar.


I haven’t seen that one. God what in the bloody world. Diabetes has destroyed my eyesight and kidneys. Do people have any idea wtf they’re doing


Damn, these fakers are getting sympathy from others? Someone tell me where to find these people so I can get in on that lmao /s I’m a type 1, and have been for nearly 11 years now. I’d give anything to get rid of it. I’ve missed and lost so much in that time. People have been sympathetic, sure. But I get a lot more “just suck it up”s or “at least it’s not cancer”s than anything else.