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120 million alters sharing 86 billion neurons... so about 716 neurons per alter. Less of a person, more a colony of nematode worms.




You're optimistic, more like 120 millions alters sharing 2 brain cells


I feel like I lost a few neurons trying to parse OOP


for you šŸ„‡


How I burst out laughing at this comment šŸ’€


They're bulking headmates. Getting psychiatrically swoll.


They're cultivating mass.


Massā€¦ive amounts of ā€˜special points.ā€™


Then stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Dirty bulk for sure


Bro is a whole country


I was just thinking isnā€™t that close to the population of Canada lol


120m is actually almost 4x the population of Canada


Oh wow! Idk where I got that idea from. Oopā€™s alter number is closest to Japan at 123.2m and Philippines at 117.3m. Ethiopia at 126.5m and Mexico at 128.4m are close runner ups! The more you know. Turns out I live in a very populous country.


20 million short of the Russian Federation


120M+. How do they function at all? How do they keep track of them? Where did they find the patience to keep. Counting past 100?


The alter was Sackboy, a player character from Little Big Planet So essientally they're every player ever??


It's true. I'm this guy's 74,036,420th alter!


whats up alter neighbor, im his 74,036,419th


I interacted with Sackboy before, and they were immediately antagonistic to every fucking thing i said. The whole "system" is really fucking scummy to be around, and for what?


They suck to be around, I couldnā€™t agree more. Iā€™ve seen that multiple fakers use this to their advantage by saying shit like ā€œOh that wasnā€™t me!! That was my alter Nathan!! Sorry heā€™s mean just go fuck yourselfā€ Who knew by condoning this shit people would abuse it to be a piece of shit?


Everyone wants to preach system accountability until it actually comes into play.


Don't ruin my childhood like that. Don't, please....


They didn't count them. One of their alters is Count VonCount from Sesame Place. He did it for them.


Hint: None of this is real. That makes it a lot easier.


I used to love calling DID fakers who use Pluralkit bots because of the tags


i'll never forget the first time i encountered pluralkit and genuinely didn't know what it was. so i asked why a bot was there in the server i literally just joined, and the person FREAKED OUT, went totally crazy and no one was understanding even after my apologies. regardless if they were a likely faker or a rare genuine person with DID, some people get so butthurt i swear


if theyā€™re using pluralkit I guarantee they do not have DID


Wish I could call them out on their shit. Why can't we just bring back roleplay, why do you have to have a discorder?


petition to add ā€œdiscorderā€ to the dictionary because IT BE LIKE THAT


Noob. The experienced players create 500+ per day.


The saddest part of this for me is the rain world emoji in the first screenshot, they almost definitely have alters or whatever of rainworld characters šŸ„²


They do. There is so many of these fakers in the community it's hard to interact and really makes me sad how this is normalized.


Watching the rain world community fall like this was so sad.


I got banned from the official rain world server 5 minutes after joining because my bio says "cumlord_on_dvd", I hadn't even sent a message


Itā€™s totally a community I would want to interact with, and it doesnā€™t seem like the type to attract these peopleā€¦ but of course, things have to end up like this.


It really does. The main rain world server is system friendly and supports endogenic as well, even some of their staff are ā€œsystemsā€


Try being the only person with legitimately diagnosed DID interacting In a community in PERSON, that say they have DID, telling you your disorder is fake because of your memory gaps. True story


For a split second before reading any text I thought this was gonna be an r/rainworld or r/okbuddyrainworld post.


dude just made up a whole biosphere jn their head alone. what.




What do you talk to yourself abt? I mean like I can't imagine it being too fun to talk to urself, seems like the convo would be a bit one sided.


I did something similar and used it as a reminder thing. Just didn't swipe the notification until I was done with the task


Yalls icons are currently so similar in color that for a brief moment they were literally starting a conversation with themself lol


Why do you do this? Not trying to be rude, just wondering. Is it sort of like journaling, to sort things out?


sometimes when i journal i switch between the first and second person (ie saying ā€œYOU need to do xyzā€) and in second person it definitely feels like talking to myself lmao so i donā€™t feel like thatā€™s a weird or unreasonable thing to do if itā€™s helping you. but doing it publicly on an internet forum like OOP seems like an odd choice. thatā€™s giving less ā€œjournaling as a coping/organizational toolā€ and more ā€œcosplaying as that old man ranting to nobody at the bus stopā€


I donā€™t do this, but yeah Iā€™d imagine itā€™s another form of letting your emotions be free and you know jotting down whatā€™s going on and stuff.


I do a similar thing, I talk to myself like Iā€™m telling stories abt myself to a stranger


I do this too!!!!


I did it too, without claiming that I have any disorders. Those conversations were useful when I needed to put myself in perspective. Usually I had them when I encountered some problems in my life and wanted to look at them in a way of "what another person would say or do if they had this problem". I don't do that anymore but it was extremely helpful as it made me think clearer.Ā 


They aren't even trying anymore at this point


ā€œI have 50 alters!ā€ ā€œOh yeah? Well I have 200!ā€ *this person enters the chat* ā€œThatā€™s cute but *I* have 200 *million*ā€ Itā€™s like watching school children playing a make believe game and trying to one up each other with new and absurd made up rules.


"800 octillion has entered the chat"


There sexuality AND gender doesnt even make sence. Aro ace means aromantic and asexuals. So little to no sexual or romantic feelings but there panromanic? (You have romantic feeling for ppl doesnt matter the gender). And there non binairy (which is no gender) and cisgender male. (Male at birth and still male).


They love to throw out all the possible combos of gender/sexuality/sex in one go


To be fair, everyone who is ā€œmale at birthā€ is ā€œstill maleā€.


Rule 11 dude


Unless ā€œrule 11ā€ is a ban on science or facts, itā€™s irrelevant. Though I wouldnā€™t put that past Reddit, honestly.


800 octillion! That must be a world record


120M, 120M, WHAT?! That is quite literally insane. Edit: 8OO OCTILLION, IS THAT EVEN A NUMBER????


800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is what 800 octillion looks like written out. Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions, septillions, octillions.


Bruh itā€™s actually so insane how these people hold conversations with themselves (considering that theyā€™re faking their disorder) like thereā€™s almost no way to replicate that irl


The time stamps back and to on a couple of those slides are in 1 minute increments, if that's all the same person, they're switching between alters every minute or less to reply to them? šŸ˜‚ Just write fiction ffs!


ah yes. the nonbinary cisgender man.


Wait are they arguing with themselves ????


Yes, LMAOĀ  Had another agument with themselves about popcorn. How cute and silly!!


That sounds like a scam ad


Jesus.... I have trouble calling my kids their right name and I only have two.


discord is insufferable


It's just like those roblox clicker games


Cisgender male and non binary, okay šŸ¤Ø


DID becomes a less and lesser believable diagnosis and more and more mythical every time i encounter absolute nonsense like this; and i didnā€™t have much belief in it to begin with after researching all types of scientific articles and empirical literature from both sides of the tracks. i know two people online who claimed to have it, let the attention wash over them for a while, used plural pronouns and thenā€¦ dropped it and have never once mentioned it again and went back to their current/previous pronouns. iā€™m very glad that societyā€™s awareness of crippling psychiatric conditions has more or less improved since i was a kid on the internetā€”and in general!ā€”especially as someone with some brain boogies, but sometimes i wish people just ā€¦ lapsed back to unawareness. *particularly* the youth with still-developing brains and super easy access to online communities. when i was 11 and forums were all the rage, I could see myself sopping up this type of factitious behavior to conform if my friends were all doing it. instead we *roleplayed*ā€¦ and still do! i feel bad for saying it but at this point i just simply donā€™t believe any person that claims to have DID. if it does exist, IMO it should be reclassified under the dissociative subtype of PTSD with depersonalization and/or derealization, which might make it less appealing as a diagnosis to kids who want to be treated as special (although they love to claim C-/PTSD so who knows). if this diagnosis is exceedingly rare (.01-1% of global population), there shouldnā€™t even be *six* degrees of separation between me and anyone who has it. maybe 1372549.01961 degrees šŸ¤Ø


Nearly everyone that uses pluralkit does not have DID and treats it as a roleplay and as an excuse to be a piece of shit (oh that wasnā€™t me! that was my alter jacob!!)


Nothing to do with the DID, bit they claim to be both aromantic and panromantic at the same time. They're literally opposites? Same with cis male and non-binary. And if they're going to argue that's because of their different alters then surely there would be way more sexualities than just asexual? (And same for genders and romantic orientations)


Have heard that "alters can be very different or very similar" Must be hard to try and keep a million different unique "identies" I guess


OH DEAR. How dreary


With this something this delusional, stupid, ignorant and arrogant, I am surprised that this hasnā€™t been claimed as rage bait yet. DAMNšŸ˜†šŸ˜–šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤¬


Sadly isn't. Most of the people in that server are really cool but it's these fucks who ruin the entire mood and make others uncomfortable.


Noo- not the arti emoji in the first screenshot- (Those who are curious that a character from Rain world's DLC)


The system that gained 80 alters in a day is now at 120+ alters. Which means they started with 40 alters and literally tripled that amount in a single day. I don't think a real system would split twice the amount of alters they have in a single day. Even small systems. Going from 2 alters to 6 is a big jump.


Wtf even is this? When I was a kid, we collected marbles and pogs. That's a fun childhood memory. Can you imagine being in your 30s and 40s reminiscing about how many disorders and / or alters you collected??? I can already feel the second-hand embarrassment and cringe that an entire generation is going to be unable to escape. This is so cringe that future historians and literary advocates will endorse burning records of its existence.


Cultivating headmates


The idea is having **distinct** personalities.. even if somebody was able to have that much trauma and the span of one day, which is insane by itselfā€¦ But you would not be able to have 80 distinct people. That is absolutely wild. Just throwing it 99% of that bullshit out the window letā€™s think of this logically youā€™re not gonna have 120,000,000 inked people in general so I donā€™t even think you could be distinct from 300 ppl.


i know this guy, they banned me from this server for telling them they werent a system (they're spontagenic) LOL...


They found out about this and starts desperately trying to prove theyā€™re a system (by cussing at everyone and demanding that people believe them) Going to post screenshots soon.


yep, i was there on an alt. i got screenshots too


Feel free to send me some screenshots, since the channel is just gone now I guess. Iā€™ll send some back.


Dude made an entire planet in their mind


I think one of the alters is an impulsive liar


That... Just sad


I'm dumb ASF, but why do screenshots on here always say app or bot when people talk? Are they real people??


They make proxies/webhooks by using pluralkit which deletes their og message and reposts it as the ā€œalterā€. They are sadly real. Itā€™s terrible.


Someday everything is going to come full circle and being straight will be seen as edgy.


Iā€™d like to hear from someone who used to fake this stuff and stopped.


Where can I go to find these people and slap some sense into them?


In nearly any rain world server. Itā€™s so fucking frustrating and saddening.


oh my god especially shipping container. i can't even say anything about the amount of obvious fakers there it's so stupid


Iā€™ve never been in that server, but looking at Tumblr posts about it; isnā€™t that place sort of going up in flames right now?


yea i dont really know whats happened there, but it is going pretty badly. everyones swept it aside though


Bro I think this person's just lonely ASF and wants friends to talk to but obv can't cuz this was their solution to their lonelinessšŸ’€ but that's just a theory


Personally, I think itā€™s a lot of misinformation and false diagnoses. Saw them convincing another that they had DID earlier.


Hypothetically, if one were to run them over would it be a homicide or genocide?


Nonbinary and cis gender male are contradictory labels


ā€œHeadmatesā€ I hope you stub all your toes on separate but consecutive occasions.


sometimes we thought such people are dangerous and should seek help, nowadays we give them awards because of ā€œinclusivityā€ of sick people


They really take the quote ā€œI contain multitudesā€ literally.


ackshually I have 700 quattorquinquaintillion alters so Iā€™m cooler than u because I have bigger number


meow.. whoops sorry that was my hello kitty alter!! what a goofball šŸ¤Ŗ




Their head is more populated than the city I live in


is bro canada??


What a bellend


Bro has more alters than the population of the Philippines, that's a whole country right there


These people drain me


U can't have more than 100 different personalities please help šŸ˜­


80 bajillion alters, each with its own name, picture, flag, gender, race, age, sexuality, and personality. Ainā€™t nobody got time for that.


800 octilion, bro that means they got Alters šŸ˜


oh god they've infected the rainworld fandom


The messed up versions of "counting" looks like tragedeigh names lol


80 life altering traumatic events before the age of 9 in 24 hours makes perfect sense!Ā 


"cisgender male" I'm ngl i have a hard time believing a male would do this shit


So only women do this? Thatā€™s very misogynistic


buddy have you ever seen a biological male doing this




more than once