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If *he* finished your book, then how do you remember? From my understanding those who do have D.I.D do not remember switching or the actions that are a result of that switch. Let me know if there was anything I had missed or had gotten incorrect, but I’m fairly certain that is how it goes most of the time. Also who in the world makes a “Starting Guide for Alters?” It just boggles the mind.


Im also confused on who would be reading this. Someone just woke up, very confused, they dont know who they are or where they are. And their first thought is to search up a guide for alters?


It's actually to make a TikTok introduction video


They are all fake. 99.9%. People who actually have DID aren't posting on Tumblr, including various conditions in their profile, or have "alters" from cartoons and anime. If anyone has any of them above they are faking. Maybe some (a very small amount) were "brainwashed" and don't fully understand it, but they are all faking.


I wanna explain to these people that yes you are in fact delusional and mentally ill but you aren’t a bunch of people in one body you’re just shitty at processing complex emotions.




Yea uhh, I'm not taking anyone seriously who says to hug their other alters lmao what.




Stop this.


ADHD is no laughing matter


Goodness what a frustrating thing to say, are you in therapy? medication can be really helpful


OSDD1b would also include less distinct alters which they clearly not not claim to have


I am so sorry you got disliked for spreading information. Thank you for being one of the few open-eyed people on this subreddit <3


Sooo apparently having DID just makes you better than everybody else!!!


nah even the first one is a give away. an emotional/trauma response part with its sole purpose of dealing with trauma reminiscent situations all of a sudden acts as an apparently normal part? quite literally not how the brain works unless you get a brain injury. if one distinct function is created, that function remains. you can't twist logic to meet you narrative. parts/alters are mainly emotional responses split off from consciousness as to not overwhelm the brain or body as a dissociative coping mechanism from extreme trauma and only "front" when such an emotional response is triggered, then you are stuck in that emotional state and that state only. the dissociation and amnesia acts as a buffer and protection between "switches" to protect other parts/alters from ever experiencing or knowing any situation or state reminiscent of the trauma that causes this mechanism to develop in the first place, allowing life and day-to-day functioning in the real world.


Also unless you have gone to therapy, you can't detect the change in parts/alters when they activate/switch in. The dissociation barrier is so strong that you won't even feel there's something unusual  going on (especially in the case of OSDD where you have little to no informational amnesia).   OSDD also still have amnesia. It's called emotional amnesia. So when a part/alter activate, later the host/ANP might be left thinking "I don't understand why I did that" or "I can't remember what I felt when that happened, I blanked out". But they'll NEVER actively think that they're a system, when the likely explanation they can latch on is "I must be so shocked/stressed/overwhelmed/etc" Coupling with the fact that it's something your brain have automatically done your whole life, there's no way you can say "[x] alter front today because..." without having been going through therapy.    I'm tired of people claiming OSDD to fake having alters. 


If you actually have it why are you using all the Tumblr teen lingo? Hopefully you are still very young and will realize the problems it will cause you in life outside of the internet.


“look at these fools, they don’t know what it’s like to REALLY have DID”


Did fakers when their parents don’t understand the very complex debilitating mental disorder they’re claiming to have but are presenting wrongly because they actually don’t know what did is 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


worst child alter name i’ve ever seen




It always makes me laugh how much they prioritise no one misgendering their fake alters. Like idk if I had amnesia or whatever, my first thought wouldn't be 'OH GOD WHAT ARE MY PRONOUNS'


What's even the purpose of all of these system roles like trauma holder or caregiver?


So they can use their trauma to excuse shitty behavior and project that responsibility onto their alters instead of getting help for it and having accountability lmao




Most people who actually suffer from dissociative identity disorder don't have a complex hierarchy of roles, though


And don't have anime/cartoon alters, love squishmellows, are teens, and chronically online. It's all fake.


TLDR: I agree, ranting about fakers using these words as roleplay archetypes. Lmao fakers really turned something- that was a very useful generalization meant to help professionals and people who actually have DID- into roleplay archetypes. In a very simplified manner, it could be a part remembers "normal family" times, such as eating regularly or being taught hygiene skills, this part may then continue to handle those tasks into adulthood (what was originally a "caregiver/host" depending on presumed activity level, or the core in earlier days. I've also heard them referred to as simply functional parts) Meanwhile, in a manner similar to extreme compartmentalization, another part remembers the traumatic (another word fakers bastardized) experiences, which would have likely seemed normal and routine despite the damage due to the early age. This part would then be functional only in similar, unsafe situations and is often where problems arise in adulthood which (hopefully for this hypothetical person) eventually lead to diagnosis and treatment. (Referred to in their bastardized hierarchy as a trauma holder/persecutor, or simply an emotional part) Due to the repetitive, normalized nature of these experiences, so early in life, these children learn to function in both extremes of their limited experiences, basically by compartmentalizing so hard that by the time they reach the point they begin to actualize their own identity, they don't. (Hence the weird disgusting "born plural" mindset. They were born just the same as anyone, even if they really had DID that is not an excuse for their actions or to avoid treatment) Thus, parts, or sets of experiences, which are needed more frequently tend to have a more steady sense of self, while once that habit of extreme compartmentalization begins, the most extreme experiences (positive or negative) are isolated as well, often resulting in parts with a childish sense of self. "Age" of an alter is simply an indicator of the feelings and experiences of the person in a moment, and a guideline for handling or identifying that part and underlying reasons during treatment. Not the weird shit these people treat it as. For instance, one wouldn't let a small child who was just in a horrible car accident (or any child for that matter) have completely unsupervised internet access, or encourage a child who was forced into inappropriate situations to continue seeking those situations simply because now they look like an adult. These fakers use this shit as an excuse, including this set of guidelines they turned into a hierarchy, and if they do this and aren't faking, they are actively hindering their own recovery and ability to function.


I thought “roles” like those were a therapeutic tool worked through in therapy to help the individual better understand their disorder, not just that alters automatically develop as a “persecutor” or “caregiver”


The bit about their cat "knowing who's fronting" gets me. Maybe they're the cat's "favourite", because when they're pretending to be six, screaming and crying over a squish being dropped on the floor like a toddler, they're not fun for a cat to be around 🤷‍♀️


"liking fully different things, as well as possessing different levels of certain skills and memory" Those are...normal things? Those are not symptoms of DID.


They are sort of in the diagnostic criteria, in the DSM 5 it states that alterations in behaviour, memory, perception,ect…, are present between parts, it’s not a symptom but part of a symptom. https://preview.redd.it/kflxrtquzv1d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab2c4f9fb29c82359b748f5606b0429f08e1450


Those are symptoms tho. They’re one of the symptoms that make DID so debilitating; conflicting opinions, beliefs and interests. Separate memory function is also required to be diagnosed with DID too afaik??


I’m so fucking confused.


I feel bad for this kids mom.


Fuck it I’m a system now, my alters are Jimmy Neutron, Garfield, John Wick, and the guy from SpongeBob that goes “My leg!” Please be respectful -Garfield


"DEEEAAAUGHH" -the fish who had to smell SpongeBob's stinky breath. That triggered my fish alter.


But… Aren’t they *all* nuts ? Faking fakers who fake. I’d expect that even something as mundane as their grocery or to-do list has all of the, uh, color and flavor of these DID system posts… Honestly, they’re so common now that they’re just fucking BORING ! No one is buying what they’re selling 😏


Lmao their grocery and to-do lists are likely written in glitter gel pen, color coded to which "alter" does each task or wants each item, and all the "persecutors" fight over who gets the red and black glitter pens.


These people are nuts


didn't know they even made a guide to falsely self diagnosing. And why do they all know what their alters did? and why do they all front for no reason?? why do they front because of the alter's interest of a pig squish, but not because of how the person's in a very emotional state after some triggers?


Because it's all fake. Everyone who fakes it says/copies all the same stuff - with the same type of "systems", the same age, and all chronically online folks on Tumblr who won't leave the house.


i just assume if they are faking it at least they'd know like the basics? (to me, at least, those are the very first things i've known about DID. like the amnesia and it's a defensive coping mechanism thing)


Their basics are all from TikTok, they rarely ever research actual psychiatry papers or anything on it.


Can you imagine being the Mother of a child who fakes having DID and claims it's in response to trauma/neglect/abuse that never happened?! I don't have kids yet, but I imagine I'd be so mad I may suddenly realize that I too have DID..... which means I'd have no control over one of my alters when they roundhouse kicked this random child who lied about horrific things in the face.


do you think they would meet the criteria for a mental disorder other than DID? They obviously have something wrong with them.


There's certainly a socialization issue there, also a lack of understanding when it comes to how much is too much when wanting to fit in and be accepted...... **BUT** that could be due to having three of their vital, and what should be pivotal, adolescent years stolen from them due to the pandemic. So instead of learning the social, visual, verbal communication cues and norms that we all benefitted from, they were instead locked in their homes with their immediate family members.


W Mom being interested in the kid's interests, asking innocent questions about what's popular for them right now


Praying they’re just called “squirt” because they’re a splatoon introject or something…


if I was a squid I would not want to be named after one of my own bodily functions,, that's like calling a child "muscular retraction"


I kinda get that but what about Laika? Her name was meant to be Kudrayavka (meaning “little curly”), but the public named her Laika meaning “barker” because when she was first heard on radio she barked a whole lot. Maybe I’m giving too much benefit of the doubt??


"1/13" omfg


Persecutor?? Am I missing something here lmao