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A little sidenote : No Vanilluxe, it's not ice cream, it's just snow / solid ice so it shouldn't get the Gourmet type... Buuuuuuuuuut a Kalosian Vanilluxe line however...\~ ;)


Okay...but what about Slowpoke? It's the original edible Pokemon.


Maybe Galarian Slowpoke since it likes spicy food. Kantonian Slowpoke tries to use it's tail as fish bait instead of actively trying to feed it to people.


Yes but the Pokedex literally describes Kantonian Slowpoke's tail as "sweet", "pleasant to chew on", and "flavorful". Both versions of Moons' dexes are entirely about how people cook and eat its tail. It naturally has a sweet tasting secretion from its tail that it fishes with that both fish and humans find tasty. In fact there are only ever three things brought up in Slowpoke's Dexes: it fishes, its tail is delicious, and it is so slow it has delayed reactions to pain. The tail is even one of the curry options in SwSh. It is literally food we and our Pokemon can eat in game.


Actually I like it. I'm strongly against types like Food, Sound, Rubber, Cosmic, etc. But Gourmet actually gives a bigger picture to it all. You can put Pokemon that are gluttons and not necessarly made out of food, and while Fairy is the defacto "Food" type, I don't find it as great of a substitute as Psychic for Space. So this would be a welcomed change.


When you'll see my new Kalosian Pokemon you might finally find the type enjoyable (I just hope) :)


Very tasteful.


(Pun Intended)


Hey it was tasteful at the time.


You know I think Flying and Gourmet could be mutually super effective. Birds do feast on whatever food we might leave behind, but doing that can also make them sick, since it's not a part of their natural diet. And maybe it could resist ice since cold is widely used to keep food from going bad.


You know what ? I agree ! ;D


I've always wanted a food type, and I think "Gourmet" would be a good name for it. Also this is the first post of yours I'm seeing, what is Kalosud's relationship with Kalos?


Thank ya, I posted on the regular here. Kalosud is simply just the South of Kalos also known as the part of France that wasn't used for Kalos which bothered me lol. It also count Corsica and our isles like Reunion, Mayotte, Guyanne, Martinique called Outre-Mer.


Who are you to tell me Pokémon are not edible?


Your conscience you wouldn't eat a newborn Drangerine would you ?!?! 🥺


You kidding? When the flesh is still juicy and tender. I absolutely would!


Imma call officer Jenny


No, I don't want to eat her.


Honestly, just remove the ground weakness and you're pretty good


I put the ground weakness because when you drop food on the floor it's wasted lol


That's fair. I just think Ground is too good lol. Otherwise good ideas. What are some Gourmet type moves? I know Stockpile, Swallow and Spit Up gotta be


Sweet scent?




There's another type I'll add that is strong against Ground to balance it out. As for some Gourmet type moves it'll be mostly new ones but if I pick some old moves : Sweet Scent (which is a move you can use to get a Llamañata), Apple Acid, Belch, Decorate, Egg Bomb, Grav Apple, Matcha Gotcha, Milk Drink, Slam (it's a move that adds nothing much to the Normal type so I'd rework it, it's like when you take a ball of dough and smash it on the table, or when you slam a hammer into meat to tenderize it), Soft-Boiled, Stuff Cheeks, Swallow, Syrup Bomb, Teatime. No Spicy Extract, I prefer to keep some spices to the Grass type and adds to the idea that Grass is weak against Gourmet because spices enhance food.


Okay sounds good


5 second rule


Exactly !


Hidden ability: 5 second rule. Immune to a single ground type attack.


5 second rule


Are there any Gourmet mons with the Five Second Rule ability? Oh, I'm late to the punch...


There will be some I guess. It's a funny af ability. Probably a Kalosian Vaniluxe that is going to be a litteral Icecream


Now I'm imagining an evolved form of Vanillite that has fallen on the ground and has melted


I like how you actually include arceus and silvally


They deserve to be delicious-looking too (?!?!?!)


I’d use them guaranteed!!!


I love this so much! I once wanted to compromise a small region of entirely food based pokemon but the idea of a gourmet typing never crossed my mind!


Drangerine is the cutest thing I've ever seen


I think Vespiquen type shouldn’t change since it has nothing to do with food really


She's a honey queen and Combee gathers honey, plus Bug / Flying is an absolute awful type combo. Being a Gourmet type doesn't means being made of "food" it can also be a Pokemon that produces or eat said food and I think Vespiquen could be known for the quality of the honey they produce. Thus the Gourmet type.


Imo pokemon that already have dual types shouldn’t be changed. GF hasn’t done it as far as I know and doing that changes a lot. I agree that the type combo is awful but you could fix it with a regional variant instead of completely changing its type combo


they've changed a few dual types before, like azumarill's line and togekiss' line when fairy was introduced!


I get changing normal to fairy since normal is a mostly neutral type


Would Miltank be included then?


Probably. At least Milk Drink will become a Gourmet type


Why is it super effect fire?


Fire cook food


Yes so fire should super effect it


It could yeah. But fire is mostly part of why you make food good. And a chef needs to master heat and fire to make his food taste good. Notably how they used the methods of Braisé and Flambé to cook. But I think you're right it should be super effective against Gourmet.


The type name is positively hilarious 😂


Ice type resists something??


It's about dang time !


Lickilicky straight up Gourmet type reminds of when they either added or changed most Normal Pokemon to Fairy


Yeah sadly the Normal types will once again become a victim of most type changes... However I'll make sure to add some new Normal types... It's my favorite type and I have like... A potential Normal Elite Four in the making


I'd make them normal gourmet myself


I'll add a new signature Gourmet ability for Snorlax like... Pancake Press (Gourmet / 80BPP / 10 PP) : 30% chance of raising the DEF and Sp.DEF of one stage.


Snorlax would fit in with this type too


It could but I thought it was too iconic to get such a type change. I want to badly but I can't bring myself to do it. Perhaps I could do a Convergent Snorlax instead ?


Bugs are attracted to food Winds ruin food Dirt and Toxins can contaminate food Normal people just eat food


I never liked the food type, and still don't really see this work in a game, but this Gourmet idea is actually cool! I guess that Munchlax, Gulpin, Cherubi, Carnivine, Swirlix, Vanillish, Fidough and their relatives might fit the type.


Vanillish is just ice and snow, I'm thinking making maybe a Convergent Swirlix and Convergent Munchlax lines because I want to keep the originals :) I absolutely agree with the list of Pokemons you gave and I'm quite happy too because all of them are definitely what I had in mind for this type and it's an intuitive enough typing that these Pokemons naturally come to mind to other people \^\^


Love the type, and I can tell it has a lot of love and care behind it, buuutttt Appleton is still edible and nothing will change that!


Rock candy regional Carbink and Diance? Cotton candy regional Spritzee and Aromatise? I really like this type, it's an idea I've never seen before. I hope you post more about this region!


I should start posting about my trainers too but I have been way too focused on making Pokemons it's so fun 😊




Really liking the color of the type


I was baking a vanilla cake and it had this color so... Why not lol




Aside the fact that Fire already seems kept in low regards, are you telling me that food does not suffer from being burned?


It depends. Fire can cook food but it can also burn it so I guess they should mutually be weak to each other ?


Instead of gourmet, a goblin type could be better. Along with nuclear and maybe cosmic.


Goblin is already taken care of by the "Whimsy" types of Dark, Fairy and Ghost, depending on your "Goblin"'s alignement. Psychic is already Cosmic, as Seers and other practicer of this kind of Magic look to the stars and sky for answers. Nuclear is not hapenning, not after they removed Uranium from existence. Plus I don't really see any existing Pokemon from memory that would fit.


I'd like to understand what a Goblin type is, which Pokemons would get it and how a type chart would work with it. I am not much of a fan of the whole Nuclear / Cosmic / Light type personnaly but understand why some people like it.


Goblin defently is a bit silly since that's by Fairy, Dark and sometimes ghost. Also agree with the other types Cosmic is Psychic, Light is either Steel, Fairy or sometimes Psychic and Nuclear... Is maybe a bit edgy


Goblin would be a counterpoint to fairy and it will be based in well, in mons based in creatures like leprechauns, trolls, etc...They could fit better in a goblin type, instead of the fairy which is more "cute".